What to do if RealTek is not installed. How to fix the error "Realtek HD Audio driver installation failure? Removing the old driver and installing new Realtek

Drivers from the company Realtek. Always famous for the largest number of conflicts with the operating system Windowseven since Windows XP.. Error goes by hand with error code 0x000000CF. And it will not allow you to install the driver you need for your sound card.

This problem occurs in various conditions, so that the reasons for its occurrence is much more than one or two. It also needs to be understood that the error may also take itself in the event that your audio card, so to speak, has left life.

If it happened, then nothing to fix anything with some methods. You will need to be simply replaced by an audio card to a new one. After replacing, you will not have to see any errors.

Correct the error "RealTek HD Audio driver installation failure"

Method number 1 Check the drivers for breakdowns and update them manually

If a Windows does not allow you to install drivers, then try to update them through "Device Manager".

  • Press the key combination Win + R. and enter in an empty string devmgmt.msc.
  • Inside the window "Device Manager", open menu with title "Sound, game and video devices."
  • Look, if there is no yellow icons or exclamation signs at this point.
  • Click right-click on your audio player if you found on it indicating a problem sign, and select "Update Driver". Follow the instructions on the screen. After the update, restart the system.

Method number 2 Use the "Install the Old Device" option in the Device Manager

This method should be applied only if disappeared from "Device Manager".

  • Press the key combination Win + R. and enter in an empty string devmgmt.msc.
  • Next click on "Act" in the top panel and select "Install an old device."
  • Follow the installation wizard instructions.
  • As soon as you finish, you will need to see Realtek Audio Device. in "Device Manager". Follow the third step from the first method and update the drivers for the device.

Method number 3 Delete drivers and give Windows to install them yourself

  • Press the key combination again. Win + R. and enter in an empty string devmgmt.msc.
  • Find Realtek Audio Device. in "Sound, game and video devices". Press it right-click and select "Delete". Follow the instructions on the screen.
  • After that restart the system and open again "Task Manager".
  • Press "Act" in the top panel and select "Update hardware configuration."
  • After that, the list of devices should appear Realtek Audio Device.. So you can update it.

Method number 4 Disable Microsoft UAA BUS Drivers for High Definition Audio

Only audioxer OT. Realtek. go along with built-in UAA drivers, unlike drivers from Conexant. or SoundMax.. So you can disable these built-in drivers and reinstall them. If we take into account that the error arises due to the conflict with UAA, then their removal will allow Realtek. calmly installed.

  • For the fourth time, click the key combination Win + R. and enter in an empty string devmgmt.msc..
  • Expand « System devices» And find Microsoft UAA BUS drivers there for High Definition Audio. Right-click on them and select "Disable".
  • After turning off, try again to install Realtek. Drivers. This time everything should pass as oil.

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The well-known company Realtek has long managed to take its huge niche in the computer equipment market, specializing in the production of drivers for sound cards of the computer. It is they who allow you to configure the sound and make the sound volume. The most famous of them is a program. realtek Manager HD.

Realtek HD Audio Driver are standard drivers for HD Audio Codec audio recorders and some other Realtek plates. The dispatcher is a package that combines all audio drivers, and at the same time suits Windows 7 and a new Windows 8 system.

The Realtek HD program will have to be like the way for people who do not think of themselves without listening to music. In addition, sound recorded professionals can use it with the same success. This program is able to further expand the boundaries of the sound equipment, and it can be like a professional acoustic systemAnd the usual subwoofer with speakers.

Equalizer settings are easily adjustable in their own way - in addition to the user mode, the dispatcher offers several types of sound to choose from: "Rock", "Pop", "Club" and others. And modes these potential are much higher than standard. In addition, you can only choose the situation around you at your own desire (bathroom, Colosseum, Fireplace).

Before you start using the Realtek HD program, you must update the drivers of your audio devices, visiting the official page of the company on the Internet (http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/). This procedure is necessary because the dispatcher is sensitive to the drivers that have already been installed.

As for the evaluation of the Realtek HD dispatcher, he has many positive sides:

  • He is able to maintain absolutely everything newest formats sound;
  • Has a deep throughput frequency;
  • Allows you to connect and provides support for audio devices using Plug and Play technology;
  • Exactly and professionally recognizes speech, and also exercises its entry;
  • Provides software support 3D sound based on Sensaura Algorithms.

However, except for the advantages, the dispatcher has one minus:

  • The thoughtful control panel of the program leaves much to be desired.

What to do if there is no Realtek HD dispatcher?

If you have an Realtek HD dispatcher on your computer, then you can download it completely free of charge, but about it later. First, let's check if this program is really missing on your computer. Where to find Realtek HD Manager? Everything is very simple.

We go to the following address: "Start - control panel - equipment and sound."

We look if it is not here, then you need to download and install the dispatcher from the official site.

Where can I download?

You can download the Realtek HD Manager program on the official website by clicking on the link: www.realtek.com.tw.

We agree with the conditions by installing the check mark opposite the I Accept to the Above. And click the "Next" button.

We get to the download page of the program you can download from any of the six servers. Download Realtek HD.

How to install Realtek HD?

Run the file downloaded earlier. Fixed the process of installing the program.

Where you need to press the "Next" button.

At the end of the REALTEK HD installation, the master will ask to restart the computer. Press the "FINISH" button.

After the computer rebooted, we see if we have Realtek HD. To do this, go to the address: "Start - Control Panel - Equipment and Sound," below must be "Realtek HD Manager".

How to open (run) Realtek HD Dispatcher?

To open or run the Realtek HD Manager, you need to go to the above address and double-click Mouse click on the appropriate inscription. Run the dispatcher.

The appearance of the dispatcher may differ (the photo above is the dispatcher on my laptop, and at the beginning of the article - on the computer), but in general the program menu is the same.

How to setup?

Configure Realtek HD Dispatcher is quite simple. Let's run on the main menu items.

When you start the program, at the top we have two main sections - "speakers" and "microphone" (1). In the "Main Volume" subsection (2), you can configure the speaker volume, as well as add or drop the volume in the left or right dynamics.

In the Sound Effects tab, you can configure the surrounding environment by selecting the right room for your conditions, such as living room, living room, concert hall, hangar, etc.

Set up an equalizer or choose a preset option, for example, pop, live, club, rock.

If something fails by clicking on the "Reset" button, all settings can be returned to the standard one.

In the "Standard Format" tab, you can select sound quality (frequency and discharge).

The "Microphone" section configures the microphone sound. You can set the microphone sound, turn on the microphone amplification, noise suppression and echo, select the sound quality format.

Still in the manager, you can find out which version of the sound driver is installed on the computer, the version of the DIRECRX, which audio controller is used and the audio codec. To do this, it is enough to click on the "I" icon in the upper right corner.


Realtek HD.

It will not be difficult for REALTEK High Definition Audio Driver Audio Driver download to the computer for installation or reinstall. Freely distributed by Realtek HD has all the desired functional for the correct and fast work audio video players when playing music, video clips, movie movies, TV series, online TV, computer games, as well as programs for working with microphones, synthesizers, musical instruments. Positive in estimates, reviews and comments in social networks, on forums and other Internet resources, as well as tips, how to download Realtek HD sound drivers for Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP on the site http://programmywindows.com are welcome . Link: http://programmywindows.com/ru/drivers/realtekhd.

Briefly about Realtek HD

Realtek audio accounts are installed in a variety of computers, laptops, netbooks. Drivers High Definition Audio from Realtek firm and with PCI audiolates, and with peripheral audio devices, and with built-in audio processors. Successful free download Realtek High Definition Audio Driver for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, as well as Vista, or XP SP 3 (32-bit and 64-bit) and installed on PC each, without applying effort and without spending a lot of time . These drivers will use all users who have just set or decided to reinstall Windows. If there are difficulties with sound, or it is not played at all, the update Realtek High Definition Audio Driver will have to be.

Interface and functionality Realtek HD

Clear even for a new interface allows you to quickly deal with the settings and go to business. The fact that the Realtek driver control is correctly Russified, allows not to spend time transfer and learning the interface, menus, windows, settings and capabilities.

To begin with, you will need to download, install or update the sound card drivers, and when the corresponding sound driver is installed, after rebooting, proceed to work with multimedia data, whatever they are. Functionality Realtek High Definition Audio Driver allows you to browse video clips, movies or online TV, listen to music, play computer toys, use a microphone to record speech, singing and voice communication. The advantages of Realtek HD Audio Driver for Windows include:

Friendly interface I. comfortable settings- Work with all current sound formats - automatic configuration of the Plug and Play devices - support for DirectSound 3 D, a 3D and i3D L2, Soundman and SoundEffect, - a wide frequency bandwidth, - support for stereo records 24 bits / 192 kHz and multichannel 5.1 and 7.1 Dolby Digital, - equalizer of 10 bands for the ideal sound setup, - Emulation of the audio environment in computer Games- compatibility with various electronic musical instruments,

Unmistakable speech recognition when using the appropriate software.

As a result of regular updates, Realtek Audio Driver HD quality is constantly improving, and the ability to be improved. Recommended without leaving the site http://programmywindows.com/ now, Realtek High Definition Audio Driver free download to enjoy good sound, in films, TV shows, television programs, video clips, CD, DVD, FLAC, MP3 music, playing games using musical instruments and microphones, for example, to record the author's song and music or sing in karaoke.

As smart to download Realtek

It's not easy enough to download free Realtek HD audio drivers for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP SP 3 (x86 and x64) to a computer or laptop. To run Realtek HD sound Driver must be appropriate hardwarethat is, a compatible chip must be used in the computer. Clarify that the sound card or chip is installed in the computer, you can visually, examining the computer board, or without opening the case, in the Operating Control Panel Equipment section wINDOVS systemsor using specialized software, for example, DriverPack Solution. Markings are suitable: ALC260 - ALC275, ALC660 - ALC670, ALC882 - ALC889 and the like. Alc101 labeling, ALC201 - ALC203 (A), ALC250, ALC650 - ALC658, ALC850, VIA686, VIA8233, VIA8233A indicate that you need to download Realtek AC97 for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Vista, as well as XP SP 3 ( 32-bit and 64-bit), also from Realtek.

Select the driver below the driver according to the OS. Software for working with a sound card is installed in the same way as an ordinary program. For full-fledged work, you need a reboot of the computer. In the package go Realtech Soundman, Sound Effect and Media Player..

Download driver Realtek High Definition Audio RUSSIAN VERSION


Realtek HD Manager: Where to get and how to configure sound?

Almost all modern motherboards are equipped with integrated sound cards, the largest part of which is being developed by the Taiwanese corporation of Realtek Semiconductor. Due to the popularity of the product, the emergence of all sorts of operational issues often relating to the configuration of audio playback is inevitable. Realtek HD Manager will become a "hero" of our narration.

"Creative potential" of your PC

The level of efficient productivity of the built-in sound card depends primarily from the modification of the hardware codec. At the same time, the configuration of the computer and the potential of the functional implemented in it allow an integrated chip to use the power of its "power". Modern system fees Possess "musical abilities" 7.1 (multichannel spatial sound). However, the principle of converting an analog signal into digital and back remains unchanged and everything works through the same scheme: hardware codec - south Most - processor. Of course, the final quality of the audio signal depends on the coherence of actions and the rated power of each individual element in the "sounding chain". At the same time, the Realtek HD dispatcher is a peculiar DJ console by which the user can affect the feasibility of the sound of a multimedia material. However, let's in order.

Crack, noise and other interference

Not quite pleasant sound of computer columns can be associated with a number of reasons:

Stereo speakers, as well as components of the audio device details are low-quality, which is often confirmed by the cheap product. It is possible that the cord or plug-in configuration is damaged. Close-based electrical appliances located to columns can be causable sources of an unpleasant background. Wheems and cracks from speakers can be caused by an overestimated volume level.

As an option: when incorrect connection The columns make the background noise or a quiet fuzzy sound.

It goes without saying, the RealTek HD manager is unlikely to be useful in the case when the malfunction occurs only technical. Of course, the "troubles" sometimes happen. It is worth noting that often two causal bases of poor sound at the first stage of diagnostics remain erroneous. After a series of tedious experiments, the user can detect that the problem was in the sound driver. Therefore, the most universal output from the difficult situation is to reinstall the software. So let's move on to the main theme of our review.

Installing and Configuring Realtek HD Manager: Step-by-Step Guide

Probably known to you the fact that the installation of software requires compliance standard procedures Windows-use. In other words, it is necessary to close all active applications in the operating environment to the operating environment, and if you consider the fact that you will install the drivers, then the reboot process is simply not possible to avoid. By the way, when installing with official Server POST mode will have to go twice.

Step number 1: Find, download and "Register"

First of all, you need to install the driver itself. Of course, if your sound works, it means that the system has a necessary software solution. However, the standard Windows drivers are somewhat limited in the "sphere of their influence", and meanwhile full access The "REALTEK HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO DRIVER" drivers will help you with the functionality (recommended last version). After installation in the system tray, an additional dynamics icon will appear in dark colors.

Step No. 2: Customize Drivers

Make sure your speakers or headphones are connected to the audio output connector. Then:

Go to the control panel. Now go to the "Sound" tab. Disable all devices that are not part of the installed package (orient by name).

The same actions, pass by passing the "Record" tab.

Step number 3: Run Realtek HD Manager

windows 7 and 8 version of the OS from Microsoft Corporation to date most promising, so all actions are based on the example of these systems.

Click double by pressing the right mouse button on a dark icon in the form of a speaker (system tray). In the utility interface that opens, you must specify the corresponding speakers configuration. We will adhere to the example: desktop dynamics. So, in the upper left part, select: stereo. If there is a check mark in front of the "Virtual Volume Sound" item - remove it. In the upper left corner of the window, click on the gear icon. Check the box next to "divide all input".

The volume level and balance of the sound can be configured using the slider indicators placed in the bottom block of the interface.

Realtek HD Dispatcher always monitors active connectionsAnd when changing the configuration, warns the user with the corresponding window message. You can configure this option when you click on the "Wrench" icon.

Step No. 4: Playback Effects

IN this menuwhich is activated when you click on the "Sound Effects" tab, there are two base blocks: the surrounding environment and equalizer. Two main interconnected settings can be superimposed on each other, thereby creating the unique sound of the output signal. Templates represented by musical styles can be edited. In order to do this, you need to click on the Mixer icon and make preferred changes in the 10-band equalizer, you must click on the "Flopi" icon to save the project.

Step No. 5: Amendment to the room

With a filigree accuracy, referred to the corners, an acceptable distance, as well as the audio perception power, the same Realtek HD Manager will help the competent. How to set up sound 5.1? The question exhausted itself, because everything is schematically clear, and to activate the edit process you need to simply mark the item "Enable the Function Function ..." by the way, the default is a foot measurement of the distance, you can go to an acceptable metro station by pressing the appropriate button on the right side of the window.

Step number 6: Selection of acceptable quality

The required playback parameters of the audio streams can be specified by applying the workpiece: CD format or DVD. Using individual checkboxes located above each of the standards presented, select the most suitable parameters. In case you wish to return to standard settingsClick on the "Closed Castle" icon.

By the way, information about the software version can be viewed by using the "I" button, which is in the left corner under the already familiar to you the "gear" icon. After all, the update is an important part of a programming upgrade.


So, we discussed what the Realtek HD dispatcher. Now the essence of the configuration process is clear for you. However, within the framework of the article, only the standard functions of the program were considered. It is worth noting that the Taiwanese driver is indispensable when using various video and photo edits. For example, in Skype - well-known, "still free video monasserge," - it is not difficult to configure the microphone using standard windows drivers. If your system has "Realtech" software, no problems arise, and the decoding quality will always be left at height. If someone from your loved ones or acquaintances does not know how to configure the Realtek HD manager, be kind, support awareness in business.


Sound does not work on Realtek High Definition Audio - preregue.ActivePeople.su


The audio driver is not installed, the message of the following content is given: "Realtek HD Audio driver installation failure.

Description of solving problems:

Universal Driver audio devices (Universal Audio Architecture, UAA) High Definition Audio class version 1.0a for windows Server 2003, Windows XP and Windows 2000


see also for x64 discharge versions


Download and install update

kb888111.exe (see applications at the bottom of the page)

Supplement (for XP SP3 x32):

  • 1. Delete the update KB888111 (if any). For deletion Go to the Control Panel → Install and delete programs. If "Patch for HD Audio" is also present in the list of programs (or something with a similar name), they also delete it. If there are no KB888111 in the list of programs, then delete it manually: "\\ Windows \\ $ NtunInstallkb888111 $ \\ spuninst \\ spuninst.exe "If you do not have this way, it means that the update is not installed, go to the next step.
  • 2. Full removal of the REALTEK driver (if it was installed before). For deletions, go to the control panel → Install and delete programs.

    In the Device Manager, we also find and delete (if any) "Realtek Audio Device" (or something with a similar name).

    Do not know how to open "Device Manager"? Start → Run (WinKey + R): "% WINDIR% \\ System32 \\ Devmgmt.msc"

  • 3. Cleaning the registry. Be careful when working with the registry! We remove the following branches (if any):
    1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Updates \\ Windows XP \\ SP3 \\ KB888111
    2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Uninstall \\ kb888111wxpsp2
    3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ NT \\ Currentversion \\ HotFix \\ KB888111WXP22
    4. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENT CONTROL SET \\ ENUM \\ HDAUDIO is possible before removing this branch, it will be necessary to enable the Enum section.
    Do not know how to open the registry editor? Start → Perform (WinKey + R): "regedit.exe"
  • 4. Reboot. After a reboot, a new device must be detected, when the "Wizard of the New Equipment" appears, you need to click the "Cancel" button!
  • 5. Installing the Upgrade KB888111 (Tire Drivers "Audio Device On High Definition Audio Bus"). Usually on the driver disk to the audio map This update is:

    X: \\ Drivers \\ Audio \\ MSHDQFE \\ WIN2K_XP \\ US

    The file with the update kit KB888111 is not on the disk? Download it on the following links (version for Windows XP SP2 only): page with Description of KB888111XPSP2 (Russian version) (705.7 KB) Update KB888111xpsp2 (English version) (703.2 Kb) Problems with installing the update KB888111?

    Description of possible problems. Decorating the sq.888111, I put firewood. After the reboot is a device for a new one, offering to search for driver. Car search does not find anything. After installing the KB888111XPSP2, the button for setting from the specified location is not available. In these cases, you need to try to do the following: unpack the kb888111.exe file to the folder by pressing the right mouse button on the file and select "Extract to" (7zip or WinRAR archiver) must be installed). Then in the device manager, refresh the driver of an unknown device to manual from the newly created folder with the contents of the self-extracting archive of the update KB888111.exe. After the actions described above, unknown device It will become a normal installed and will be called approximately as follows: "Microsoft UAA BUS Driver for High Definition Audio".

  • 6. Delete the update of the KB888111 (Tire Drivers "Audio Device On High Definition Audio Bus"). Do not delete this update using the control panel → Install and delete programs! To delete, go to: Device Manager → System Device Branch.

    Disable (disable) "Microsoft UAA BUS Driver for High Definition Audio"

    check out the pattern (at this moment you can hear from the speakers sound signal, signaling the disconnection of the device, i.e. the sound will work). After disabling, delete (Uninstall) "Microsoft UAA BUS Driver for High Definition Audio" Schedule

  • 7. Installing the audio device driver from Realtek. After removing the bus driver, "Audio Device On High Definition Audio Bus", do not restart the system, click on the Device Manager on the Update Equipment Configuration button ("Scan for Hardware Changes"). A pop-up message appears "A new device was detected", after a few seconds, the message should appear: "The equipment is installed and ready to use.".. Install the audio device driver:

    X: \\ Audio \\ Realtek \\ Setup.exe,

    where X is the letter CD / DVD drive in system.

    You have a path to the installation file may be different.

  • To date, a large number of users use the sound cards from the manufacturer "REALTEK". Some of them are aware of what for proper setting It is recommended to install the "REALTEK HD" dispatcher. It is necessary to figure out what kind of software, what are the main rules for its setting and whether it is necessary at all. A lot of problems arise with this dispatcher, the most common situation is the one when the program cannot be detected in the control panel.

    In the prescription "HD" lies the explanation high Quality. It was created exclusively for "Realtek" sound cards so that the sound quality is on high level. On this knowledge of this software, many users ends. However, this is not only a program to improve sound with some pleasant effects.

    Note! This software includes a whole package of drivers that are responsible for the right work. sound system PC user.

    What are the advantages

    There is another reason why many users prefer concretely by this software. With it, support is supported hidden opportunities Sound cards. If installed standard set Drivers, they will be impossible to use.

    There is still a whole list of benefits of use:

    • the user disappears problems with setting up various sound formats. Now he disappears the need for the installation of various additional programs and search for playback errors;
    • the sound becomes more "clean", its quality is noticeably improved;
    • if the user resorts to voice search or messages, and also often records their voice, then it will sound more clear, recognition will improve;
    • this is a real find for gamers who play games with surround sound. The use of this software gives full immersion into the atmosphere;
    • all devices that have the Plug & Play standard are no longer a problem for the user.

    The use of this dispatcher is universally. Software suitable for devices from the manufacturer "Realtek" and from other creators. In this case, there will be no problem.

    Where to find it on your computer

    The dispatcher is a system element, therefore, is in the control panel to which you can go through the "Start" button. In some cases (usually it happens immediately after installation) this applet is placed in the system tray, it is always active and works in the background.

    The situation is very common when the Realtek HD Manager is not in the control panel. The problem is far from always lies in outdated version operating system. It is likely that the user either installed the wrong distribution, or I downloaded it incorrectly, as a result, there were problems.

    If the dispatcher failed to find

    It is likely that this software was not established in the system. This is a frequent practice, since this dispatcher does not apply to the set of standard drivers.

    To solve this problem, you need to visit the official verified developer website, find "hot downloads" and click the High Definition Audio Codecs item. The next step is manual installation This software on your computer.

    How to install "Realtek HD" to your PC

    To perform these actions, no additional knowledge is required, the system will do everything herself.

    Specialists recommend immediately after installation to restart their computer so that the program began to work correctly. If after the actions done, nothing has changed, you need to return to the developer's website and find additional packagesBy doing the same installation steps.

    When downloading, it is important to pay attention to the prescription "Drivers ONLY". She says that only the drivers themselves is downloading, while the dispatcher will not be installed.

    At the above screenshot at the bottom, you can find the desired Realtek Soundback.

    Note! If after installation software is never visible, then it is likely that the case is in turning off its display.

    Now the user needs to restart the computer again. The dispatcher should appear in the control panel.

    Dispatcher sound settings

    As soon as the dispatcher is found, you must enter the correct settings for proper work. All key parameters relate to various effects, as well as the place where the user is located.

    Note! In the choice of sampling frequency, it is best to choose 48000 Hz. But the depth of sound is most often advised to set 24 bits.

    Although these indicators are generally accepted, the user can change the parameters at its discretion.

    Setting codecs

    Codecs are set to get deeper and nice sound. In this case, you do not have to download anything, as the dispatcher will provide a good sound of any audio or video format.

    If you wish, you can still download the program "K-Lite", which contains a large variety of codecs. Experts recommend to stay on the version of MEGA Codec PAsk.


    It is worth noting that this dispatcher, as well as drivers, is very useful to the users who prefer to listen to music and watch the video with perfect sound. The program interface is intuitively understood, the settings do not cause difficulties.

    Some users of the Windows operating system 10 argue that all these parameters can be configured without a dispatcher, and in the system itself. The modern version really provides such an opportunity, but at the same time in all useful functions Collected together, which is very convenient for use.

    If when correct work suddenly sounded sound, then you should not hurry to update the system. It is possible that the columns or headphones were not entirely correct, because of which the sound disappears from time to time. It is important to correctly define the socket on the panel. Manufacturers often make plugs and socket of the same color so that users it is easier to navigate.

    With the problems with the installation and launch, the above-mentioned advice will help to cope. But if the user did not achieve desired result, It is the likelihood that the installed sound card is not supported on its computer. In this case, all actions with re-installing or edited registry will not lead to the expected result.

    Video - RealTek HD Manager for Windows 10 No in the "Control Panel"

    (Is there a separate article) on the system unit? I had all this and worked before reinstalling the system. A few days ago, Windows 7 had to reinstall and now there is no sound, the Realtek dispatcher disappeared and the front sound panel does not work. CD with drivers can not find. Of course, you can call the masters, but the prices are expensive, and I study at school, and I want to figure it out in everything yourself, because I managed to install the operating system yourself. Edik.

    Letter No. 2. I have a problem: reinstalled the operating system and immediately got a question how to install a driver for soundAll other devices The Windows 7 operating system found and the driver installed automatically, it can be seen in the device manager, and instead of my audio device it was written an audio device on the High Definition Audio bus and that's it. According to your article, Identified - the device instance code (hardware ID) has entered www.devid.info, inserted in the search field

    HDAUDIO \\ FUNC_01 & VEN_10ECC & DEV_0883 & SUBSYS_1043829F & REV_1000 and pressed to search, after a few seconds this result was obtained:

    Manufacturer: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

    Operating system: Windows XP, Vista

    Still decided to call the masters and he just installed me the driver on the sound from his disk, but I did not appear with the Realtek manager and I could not turn it on, although it worked before reinstalling the system and I connected to it headphones. Tell me how I do everything right, you are also a master. Ilya.

    How to install a driver for sound

    Note: Friends generally there is a rule, immediately after installing the operating system, go to the site of your motherboard and download all the drivers (sound, network, and so on) from there, we even have a detailed article on this topic. If for any reason you did not work, you can download the driver on the sound directly from the manufacturer's website built into your motherboard, in most cases it will be a REALTEK sound card, that is, we read everything written below.

    We take a computer with the same integrated (built-in) in the motherboard in the form of a microcircuit by the RealTek sound card, like our reader and just installed by the operating system and Windows 7 without drivers on the sound (I specifically did not install the driver to the audio device, install together with you).
    In the device manager I have an item Sound, video and gaming devices and under it is a device with support for High Definition Audio, denoting that the new generation sound device is containing a high-definitive HD Audio sound standard, but there is no sound in the system, because there is no sound in the system this device Not installed driver.

    Note: on old motherboard instead of High Definition Audio, there may be AC'97 -Atended standard audio codecs developed by Intel in 1997. But the audio subsystem, built into our motherboard, works on a newer High Definition Audio or HD AUDIO standard. Intel High Definition Audio- is a relatively new Specification for audio codecs developed by Intel in 2004, characterized by improved quality. digital sound, increasing number of channels, a higher pass frequency compared to AC "97.

    • We define the exact name of our sound card and which respectively we need a driver.
    • We find the driver on the official website of our sound card, download it and install if it is the driver of the Realtek sound card, together with the official driver. realtek dispatcher will be installed (I don't need to download it separately).
    • In order for the front sound panel to work, we will have configure Realtek ManagerThis is not difficult and in most cases enough so that the front sound panel function normally. If there is a failure, you will have to enter the BIOS and set the Front Panel Type parameter - with HD Audio on AC-97 (all the details below).

    During the existence of the site, question how to install a driver for sound, I was asked an incredible number of times, in addition, before you write an article, I specifically watched how the driver search on the Internet at a simple user and came to the conclusion. People want to find drivers anywhere, but not on the official website of the device manufacturer. Why is this happening?

    If this is the case for example with drivers on the video card, it is relatively simple, everyone knows about the existence of a Russian-speaking site, where everything is very simple and understandable and even there is a program, running you can easily find out the exact name of your video card and pick up there necessary driver. Naturally, on such a site, the simple user is not difficult to download the desired driver, it is undoubtedly a big plus creators of this website.

    Otherwise, the case is with the drivers to sound, although here there are only some major manufacturers and the most important in my Realtek, I personally have to face the search and installation of the drivers of this particular manufacturer. Indeed, the website www.realtek.com periodically freezes, does not have the support of the Russian language, but you can still download drivers from it, I personally have always worked.

    Of course, first of all you need to know the name of your sound card. To accurately determine the name of virtually any device connected to the motherboard, including built-in and discrete sound cards, you can apply simple, but nevertheless an indispensable (for example in my work) a program called AIDA64 or you can use exactly the same Everest utility .

    More exotic methods for determining the names of devices and search for drivers on the ID-equipment code, using the PCidatabase.com site and www.devid.info, are given in our article. How to find a device code driver (Link to the article above) will not repeat if everything written below does not help, you can read it.

    So we go to the official website of the AIDA64 program, being in the nearby past of free, she recently became paid, but it is not necessary to buy it right away. The first 30 days developer gives us the opportunity to use the program without any restrictions. It seems to me that time is more than enough for what we have identified the name of the device we need. If you like the program, then of course you can buy it.
    On the official website of our program http://www.aida64.com/ click on the download button,

    You can download the program in the installer or in the archive, let's download in the archive, click on Aida64. Extreme Edition Trial Version., Zip Package, Download.

    Downloaded, now unzip our program in some folder,

    go to this folder, then run the file aida64.exe and our program starts

    In the main program, click the computer,

    then total information

    and we see everything that we have installed inside system Block: The name of the motherboard and its chipset, as well as see the name of the processor, video adapter, BIOS type and so on.

    Sound card as we see - REALTEK ALC883 HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO.

    Half the case is done, we go to the official website Realtek - www.realtek.com. Many users complain that the site Realtek has no support for the Russian language, you can exit the position by using a browser Google Chrome., he will easily translate you all.

    Click downloads


    We put a tick at the point I Accept to the Above And click Next (next)

    Why I chose High Definition Audio Codecs (Software) drivers. Because the data sound drivers Realtek are universal in their own way. They support all new sound formats and are suitable practically to all sound cards Realtek High Definition Audio and to our too (highlighted red). Drivers are designed for operating systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7/8 32-64BIT.

    • 1. Support for Vista / Windows 7 WHQL: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC670, ALC680 ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, Alc270, alc272, alc273, alc275
    • 2. Support for Windows 2000 / XP WHQL: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC670, ALC680 ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, Alc268, alc269, alc270, alc272, alc273, alc275
    In this window, we need to choose the version of the Sound Driver Installer to download if you have installed one of the listed 32-bit operating systems: Vista, Windows7, Windows 8, then click on the first description of the table
    If we have installed one of the 64-bit systems - Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, then click on the second Description of the table.
    Accordingly, if you have installed 32-bit Windows 2000, Windows XP / 2003 (32/64 BITS), then select the seventh item.

    We chose your version of the operating system, for example, we have 7-64-bit Windows installed, now we select the Site from which we will download, you can choose any, for example, located in China and click on it with the left mouse once.

    Download the driver and launch it.

    The driver is installed in the operating system,

    and along with the drivers, the RealTek dispatcher is installed. After rebooting the computer, we will have sound in Windows.

    In the device manager, we see the version of our driver, it is the last.

    Read the following our article -. Very convenient, I recommend!