How to get a drive from a laptop. What if you do not open a drive? Shoot your pants and run. With a plastic card and screwdriver

Many of us had to face such a problem, when it is impossible to pull the disk from the computer. Today we decided to tell you how to pull the stuck disk.
First, let's talk about how you can pull the disk from the laptop. The disc is stuck in the drive for various reasons. In any case, it is necessary to get it from there. It is done in the following way: If when you press the button on the drive, you cannot remove the disk, then it means that there is a possibility that the problem lies in the "Open - Close" button. In order to exclude or on the contrary, confirm this option, take advantage software method Extract. Namely, open the My Computer window, click right-click Mice on the drive icon, and in the window that before you will appear, select Remove.

If nothing has happened, most likely, some kind of disk file is busy system process. To find out this, use the "Unlocker" program. After you install it on the PC, an item called "Unlocker" will appear in the drive menu, which you want to click. The window will open after that, where all information will be specified about exactly what the process uses the file on the disk. To unlock the file, click on the Unlock button, which will be located at the bottom of the dialog box. Now you can once again try to get the stuck drive. If you did not help this option, then we turn to another. To do this, take the clip and straighten it, then insert into a small opening of the drive, which is located on the front panel of the system side, the tip of the clips. Next, press the clips to inside this hole, after which the latch should relax. Pull the disk and remove it.
How to pull out hDD?

Most users prefer to repair the office equipment with their own hands. To repair it, in some cases you need to pull the hard disk. And make it very simple and easy. Before you begin to work, that is, start shooting a hard drive, you must not forget about the safety technique and turn off personal Computer from power supply. In this question, this moment is key. Now you can proceed to disassembly of the PC housing. First, S. system Block Side covers are removed, so you will see six bolts on the back of the body. Unscrew them, and you have free access to hard disk.

Before proceeding with the promotion of fastening bolts, turn off all the wires and the loops that lead to the device. Do everything neatly and carefully, for the reason that there is a high probability that the wiring may be damaged. After everything is disabled, you can switch to unscrewing fastening bolts. Fold the bolts as unscrewed separately from the rest so that the confusion does not occur. After you unscrew all the bolts that hold the hard drive, you can easily remove the hard drive itself.


Make sure that the stuck disk is not used in this moment. Programs or data from this disk are not open. Otherwise, complete all programs on the disk.

If the disk cannot be removed, try pressing the Media EJECT key, while while holding the Fn button (for laptop computers).

If all of the above does not help, try simply drag the disk icon to the basket.

If it does not help, restart the computer. For computers Mac, simultaneously press the mouse button or Trekpad and use the Restart in the Apple menu in the upper left corner of the desktop.

For the next discovery attempt attempts, you will need to restart the computer while simultaneously pressing the four keys at once: Command + Option + O + F. After opening the Welcome to Open Firmware window, release the keys and enter the EJECT CD command and press RETURN. It is assumed that after that the disk will be available to extract, and the OK system will appear on the entered command. To continue normal download, enter mac Boot and press the RETURN key (for computers with operating mAC system.

With absence desired result, Find on the front side of the drive a small round hole with a diameter of 1.0-1.5 mm. Insert a needle at him at right angles and push. When you get to the CD-ROM, the disk will open.


After the mechanical removal of the disk to restore the performance of the drive is required to restart the computer.

Helpful advice

The mechanical method of extracting the stuck disk is universal and applied to the overwhelming majority of computers, regardless of operating system.


  • Apple official website

Remove the hard drive can only after full shutdown Its from the system of supplying power and data.

You will need

  • Cross screwdriver for computer equipment


Take a sewing needle or a very thin knitting needle. Find the hole of a very small diameter on the front panel of the CD. We enter the needle into the hole perpendicular to the plane of the panel and push the tray on the retainer. After that, the tray must be advanced.

If the drive has not opened, take a flat sharp object, for example, a scalpel or a stationery knife. Needle or needle click on the retainer tray, and try to make the door and pull it onto yourself.
After you thus opened the drive and removed the disk, restart the computer.

If you need to remove a hard drive from a laptop, you probably puzzled the lack of fastening screws on the computer. Maybe you even thought that you could not do it yourself? But actually remove the lid from the laptop to get to the hard drive is completely simple. You will also need a screwdriver only to disconnect the hard disk from the case. Consider the extraction process on HP Mini netbook.


Finish all the work running on the programs and turn off the computer. If your HP mini does not work, it is better to make sure that it is turned off, and not in the hibernation mode. To do this, slide the switch and run Windows, and then completely turn off the laptop through the operating system toolkit.

Disconnect all connected devices and cables from the computer, including the power cord if it has been connected. Close up screen and turn the laptop upside down.

Slide the locking clip of the battery - if the battery is directed to you, the locking clip is on the right - the icon in the form of a red lock should be opened under the clamp. The second clamp also move and hold the hand. Pull the battery on yourself with a free hand and pull it out of the housing

Slide the orange latch located inside the laptop housing. Keep it with one hand, and the second push to the edge back cover Laptop bottom up. Efforts attach evenly to break anything. Completely remove the lid from the laptop housing.

Spread the black film under which the hard disk is located. Clash behind the protrusion located on the cable plug of the hard drive. Pull it up so that the cable completely disconnected from the connector. Unscrew the fastening screws. Clamp on the protrusion on the hard disk case and pull the hard drive up to remove it entirely from the housing.

Install the new hard drive in the laptop, acting in reverse order: Grasp the protrusion on the hard disk case and gently insert it into the slot, screw the fastening screws. Hard disk cable place in the device intended for this. Insert the cable plug into the connector - when it is completely included, a click.

Return a laptop cover to place. Carefully push it to her so that it is fully snapped. Make sure that there are no cracks in the computer case. Insert the battery. Secure it with a locking clip. Connect to laptop if required, external devices and power cord. Turn on the computer.

Imagine the situation that you inserted the drive into your drive, and it is not what is not read, it also slows down the work of the entire computer. In conventional ways Remove it from the drive fails. We will have to use other methods.


Check the drive button to remove the disc from the computer. The probability of malfunction of the button is very small, but still there. In this case, only the button, the rest of its systems must be in perfect order. To make sure this or discard this version, double click on the "My Computer" icon on the desktop.

Right click on the drive icon. In the context menu that appears, select "Extract". If the tray drove, you can remove the disk and start to understand the faulty button. If the miracle did not happen, keep looking for options.

Install on your computer Unlocker. It will be needed for you to check whether any of the files on the disk with the system process or viral program. Perhaps that is why the drive and. After the program is established, go to My Computer.

Call again context menu Drive icons. Now it has an item Unlocker. Click on it with the left mouse button. The program will start. Its window will reflect information about which file from the disk what an application or process is busy. If the path is specified, then this file blocked.

A frequent fault that PC users encounter are driven problems. If the problem occurs, it is not necessary to carry a computer right there in service center. There are several ways to correct the problem alone. That's what you need to do if the drive does not open.

How to Open Drive: Staff

So, the problem is obvious, and you need to extract urgently to start use the most simple algorithm: "Start" - "Computer" - "Extract Disk".

Do not open a drive: mechanical method

If the command combination did not help correct the problem, try removing the disk mechanically. To do this, take a needle (the needle, broken clip) and insert it into the hole on the front panel of the drive until it stops. When exposed to the CD-ROM lever, one must open. Then we step up the tray with your fingers, put forward and take the disk.

As auxiliary May appear knife with a blunt end. Pressing the button, we seem to the tray with a knife and try to pull it out. Here the main thing is to act very carefully, so as not to damage the drive.

Alternatively, you can disable-connect the wires of the interface, and then do one of the above procedures.

If nothing helped, you should remove the drive itself and examine it for damage. In the PC, we unscrew the side / rear wall, disconnect the loop and remove the drive. In a laptop, such an operation will require greater caution and skill. In most models to remove the drive, you must remove the keyboard. But in ASUS, the convenient location of the drive does not complicate access to it. To do this, it is enough to flip the laptop and turn out several cogs.

All of the above events need to be carried out when the computer is turned off.

More about why the drive does not open

Even if you managed to remove the disk from the tray, it is necessary to determine the cause of the problem. The drive can swap due to a malfunction that is responsible for reliable finding a disk in the drive.

The weakening of the rubber passion, which puts forward the tray, also provokes the problem. At first, it can be treated with rosin, in the future weakened the passion should be replaced.

The reason why the drive does not open can be covered in cutting one of the teeth with which the gear comes into contact. She makes moving a disk tray. Due to this problem, the drive makes creaking sounds when opening / closing or encourages at all. The only way out is the restoration of the teeth. You can make it from hot plastics at home. If you are not sure to handle yourself, it is better to attribute the drive to the workshop. This procedure will take quite a bit of time.

Damage can wear a purely mechanical character: dust got into the drive, small extraneous objects. "General cleaning" will provide normal work Devices. If the problem lies in the motor malfunction, the drive will have to be replaced with a new one.

Spontaneous opening / closing of the drive

If the drive is open and closes, then the reason for such a problem can be the result of the impact of a malicious program, a mechanical fault of the loop, the closing sensor or the drive itself. Most often, spontaneous tray extension provoke factory defects or damage caused during the operation of the device.

First of all, you need to thoroughly clean the drive and examine possible damage. If cleaning did not bring the result, the drive should be attributed to the workshop. Most likely, it will be necessary to replace specific details. Although in most cases it is easier to buy a new drive. Now you know what to do if the drive does not open.

Very often you have to face a problem when you cannot pull the disk from the computer or car radio. How to cope with this task? How to pull the disk? It is worth considering the solutions to this problem.

How to pull the disk from the laptop

The disc can be stuck in the drive for various reasons. In any case, it must be extracted. This should be done as follows: If using a simple pressing on the drive to the "Open / Close" button, it is not possible to remove the disk, there is a chance that the problem is lighted in the button itself. To exclude or vice versa, confirm this option, you must use the software method of extraction. To do this, open the My Computer window, then right-click on the drive icon and in the menu that appears, select the Record command.

If no reactions happened, most likely some of the files on the disk are engaged by the system process. In order to find out if it is necessary to use the "Unlocker" program. Having installed it on the computer, an item appears in the drive menu to the same name called Unlocker, you need to click on it. You will then see the program window where information will be specified about exactly what the process uses the file on the disk. In order to unlock files, you must click on the "Unlock All" button located at the bottom of the dialog box. Now you can again try to remove the disk drive. If a this method It did not help to cope with the problem, you need to go to the next method, which describes how to pull the disk from the drive. To do this, you need to take a clip, straighten it, after which insert the end of the clips into a small opening of the drive, which is located on the front panel of the system unit. Then it should be neatly pressing the clinch inside this hole, so the tray retainer will weaken and pulling the disk on itself, it will be possible to remove it.

How to pull the hard drive

Some users prefer to repair the office equipment with their own hands. Sometimes it is necessary to pull the hard drive for its repair. It's easy enough to do it. Before you start shooting a hard disk, you need to turn off the personal computer from the power supply. This moment is key in the question of how to extract a hard disk. Now you need to start disassembling the computer case. First, you need to remove lateral covers from the system unit, you can see six bolts on the back of the case. By revealing them, free access will appear to remove the hard disk.

Before you start unscrewed the hard disk fastening bolts, you need to turn off all the power wires and the loops leading to the device. It should be done very carefully because there is a high probability of damage to any of the wiring. After the loops are disabled from the device, you can move to the direct unscrewing of the fastening bolts. As unscrewed, it is best to add bolts separately from the rest so that in the subsequent assembly process does not confuse them. After all the screws that hold the hard disk are unscrewed, you can easily remove the hard drive itself.

How to pull the disc from the radio

Very often, car owners are faced with the fact that they cannot remove the disc from the radio, it simply does not pull it out. What only the tricks do not have to go to get the disk. An unambiguous answer, how to pull out a disc from the car, no, because it all depends on its assembly. However, first of all, you can try to cope with this problem as follows. First, you need to turn off the radio, then click on the "Edge" button. Hold down the button, you should turn on the radio. Most likely, after these manipulations of the radio "will give" a disk. If this method does not help, you can try to extract the disk, picing it with tweezers or thin tweezers. If none of the above options coped with the solution to the problem, you should seek help from specialists. They will be able to disassemble the radio tape recorder and extract the disk outside.

Almost all car owners whose cars are equipped with CD players, faced with the same problem - stuck discs. Because they are installed inside the car itself, it is possible to get them only on the one hand, if, of course, you are not ready to remove and disassemble the player itself. The disc stuck in the player is a fairly unpleasant problem. Fortunately, there are several options, how to cope with such a headache. However, notice, What if you do something wrong, you can damage the player (or the disk will remain inside). In any case, the advice in this article will not replace the authoritative opinion of the automotive expert.


Using the power and extraction buttons

    Mock the car. Some players have a "Forced Extraction" function, designed specifically in order to reach the disk when other ways are not triggered. Since in this method there is no need to penetrate into the player itself, we recommend starting from it - in any case, you do not lose anything. First of all, drag the car if you have not done this yet.

    As soon as the engine is drunk, simultaneously press the button "Power" and the "Extract Disk" button and hold them seconds. If your player supports the "Forced Extraction" function, then at the same time the disk will jump out.

    If it does not work, get the car again. Some CD players may not work until the machine is turned off. When the engine is headed, try also to press and hold the same buttons: "Nutrition" and "Forced Extraction".

    Look at the player's instructions. In general, simultaneous pressing of the above buttons is a single forced extraction command for all players, however, in some CD players other buttons can be used to withdraw the jammed disk. Browse the instruction that went bundled with the player - there must be information about the functions that will remove the disk.

Using an extra disk

    Take a clean or just unnecessary disk. For this method you need to insert the second disk into the player. To do not spoil the disc, get an empty blank or any other disc that you are no longer needed.

    • Before you start, turn on the player. If you need to start a car for this, do it.
    • Note: In this method, as in several others mentioned in this article, there is a risk of damageing both the stuck drive and the player itself. Be careful by inserting any foreign objects in the player. If you doubt your abilities, then better contact the masters.
  1. Insert the second disk in the opening by 2-3 cm. This disk should be on top of the stuck. You will be able to feel the stuck drive, slipping over it in your hands.

    Carefully shaking disk, click the "Earn" button. So you contribute to the fact that the stuck disc will actively influence the player mechanism that is responsible for removing the disks. Feeling that the stuck disc began to go out, check that it was not squeezed between another disk and the edge of the disk opening.

    • If it did not work, try slipping the blank under the stuck disk, gently lifting it. Players may have different extraction mechanisms, so sometimes the pressure on the bottom disk can be more efficient than the opposite.
  2. Slightly push the disk. Sometimes easy pressing allows you to ensure that the disc starts to gain momentum. If the player is located closer to the upper surface of the dashboard, repeat all the steps of this method, clicking or tapping in the dashboard area carefully, but firmly.

    • Note: Despite the potentially successful result, when tapping, you need to be extremely careful because you can damage the sensitive parts in the central part of the panel. This method is not recommended if there is between the player and top The panel is installed GPS-navigator or something like that.

Repeated power supply

  1. Write down all radio and audio settings. This method is applicable if the disk fails due to the fact that the CD player does not turn on. The method is to disconnect and connect the power of the player. At the same time, most players have all the radio and audio settings and return to the default settings. If you like to listen to music in the car, make sure that you recorded your personal settings in order to restore them later.

    Wave the car and open the hood. Working with the electric car system, keep all the precautions so that you do not hit the current. Loading the car, get the keys from the ignition lock, open the hood to access the battery.

    Disconnect the negative battery terminal. Negative black battery terminal, positive - red. In some cases, you may need a small wrench or pliers to loosen the nut and disconnect the wire.

    Wait 10 seconds, then re-connect the terminal. After that, get the car and try to get the disk as usual. Turning off and connecting the power CD player can lead to a reboot of its factory settings, which can lead to the restoration of the function responsible for removing the disks.

    If the player is still not turned on, replace the fuse. Refer to the user manual. Often the fuse block is behind dashboard On the driver side. Disconnect the battery. Remove the protective shell from the fuse block, replace any player fuse that could overdo it.

Using a knife or chips and scotch tape

    Be careful not to hit you. Insert a long flat knife or some similar object directly to the player. Metal knives carry electricity, so if you have a suitable object from a tree or plastic (for example, a stick from a popsicle), use it. If not, make sure the player is disconnected from the power sources, fuel the machine, turn off the player and disconnect the negative terminal from the car battery.

    • Note: as well as other methods described in this article, this method Conjugate with the risk to spoil the stuck disk or the CD player itself. If you do not want to risk your property, take the car to repair the professional.
  1. Wrap a scotch tape (sticky side outside) Edge of a spatula (or similar subject). The adhesive tape should be durable, the gorilla scotch is suitable for a good result. Spatulas, as a rule, have a cone-shaped shape, so tape should not slip. If you use the subject of another form, for example, a stick from the popsicle, first glue the tape to the object, and then wrap it around several times, remove the tape and make a few more revolutions so that it firmly glued to the subject.

    To one side of the knife, glue a piece of thin paper. The knife, wrapped with a sticky ribbon, will be difficult to shove into the player. The paper will make one side of the knife with a smooth. Stick to the knife for the printer or colored paper and cut it with scissors in the shape of a knife.

    Insert the knife in the player sticking down. Rent a knife until you feel that the knife touched the edge of the disk. Slightly push on the knife so that it sticks to the disk. When you feel that the knife was glued, try to gently lift and remove the disk.

With a plastic card and screwdriver

    Observe the precautions of working with electricity. As mentioned earlier, disconnect the CD player from all sources of current and make sure there is no electric charge. Mustle the car, turn off the player, disconnect the negative battery terminal.

    • Note: If the method is misused, you can scratch or otherwise spoil the disk or player. As always, be careful, and if you doubt, better consult a professional.
  1. Take a hard plastic card, such as driver's license or credit card. In this case, you need a subtle, but solid card. It is advisable to use an inactive card, the one that is not sorry to lose or break. Stick a piece of double-sided tape to the narrow edge of the card.

    • You can use one-sided tape by sticking it to the map, afterverting and wrapped around the map several times.
  2. Take a thin flat screwdriver. This method is similar to the above-described method with a spatula, but the difference is to screw the card to stick to the disk. It will take a rather short, thin flat screwdriver. The thinner, the better, since it must be partially turned into a disk opening.

    Cover the card in the opening over the stuck disk (sticky side down). The screwdriver may need to direct the card so that it goes right above the disk and glued only when it goes into the opening by 1.5-2 cm.