How to open EXFAT on Windows 7. What is the difference between FAT32, EXFAT and NTFS? EXFAT file system

Users of flash drives and memory cards are rarely interested in which file system their drive is formatted. It is no secret that the memory card is best formatted in that device in which they will be used, and flash drives - branded utility manufacturer. Problems may occur when trying to copy a file to an external drive, more than 4 GB. After receiving an entry error message, the user is in bewilderment, because the space on the carrier is abuse. And the case is most likely in an outdated file system. The easiest solution for users of modern Windows operating systems or Mac OS is to use EXFAT format. What will it give, tell further

FAT32 and its limitations

Until recently, the most popular file system for removable media was the old good FAT32. Files recorded on such a device were available from a computer or smartphone, whatever operating system is controlled. It was not necessary to connect the flash drive to the DVD player or TV, and use the memory card on the phone, the camera, the camcorder.

However, the simple and understandable FAT32 has a number of restrictions, first of all, on the maximum dimensions of the section and separate file.. The first restriction is not so hard: in FAT32 it is impossible to format the section more than 2 TB. So far, there are no such flash drives, even top hard drives recently recently reached this value. It does not imply the creation of a larger memory cards and a modern SDXC standard (with a loan, including this format, the EXFAT file system was developed). What is relevant today today, to say, as we see, prematurely, however, the system software developers have to look far ahead that their products do not become a "bottle neck", limiting the growth of the system performance as a whole.

But what really creates difficulties when using devices formatted in FAT32, this is a limit on the maximum file size of 4 GB. A full-length film in HD can have a large volume. Many need to transfer archives or larger database files. So the issue of changing the file system is very relevant.

Exfat: what is it and what is its advantages

The EXFAT file system developed in Microsoft is optimized for use in interchangeable drives by the development of the FAT family. Here is its main advantages over forerunners:

  • The maximum file size is increased to unimaginable 16 exabytes today (2,64 bytes).
  • increased to 32 MB.
  • Restricted on the number of files and folders.
  • There is the opportunity to save access rights to files and folders.

Another advantage of EXFAT is the more rational use of disk space: to a new file system, there will be a little more efficient volume than if you format it in FAT32, and even more so in NTFS or HFS +.

Why not ntfs.

The advantages of which we are talking about is long implemented by MicrSoft developers at that time you need any other EXFAT system? The fact is that NTFS is a journaling file system. About each reading or writing operation, the system makes small marks (the operation started - the operation is completed). This allows you to easily locate the problem in case of failure, avoid data loss or damage to the file system as a whole. But the execution of these records takes for a while. For fast hard drives, this is an imperceptible user Mizere, and for a much less damned flash drive - quite tangible brakes.

Moreover, the resource for the number of recording operations for flash drives is very limited, and it is a pity to use it a significant part of it on the logging of the file system log.

Thus, the use of a journal file system leads to a decrease in the speed and reduce the resource of the flash drives. That is why it does not use NTFS (Windows), nor HFS + (MacOS) nor EXT3 / EXT4 (Linux).

exFat on Winchesters

Above more than once said about EXFAT, that this is a file system for flash drives. And what prevents from using it on hard drives? The fact is that the disadvantages of journaling file systems that we talked above for magnetic hard Discs do not have a decisive value.

The resource of the recording cycles they have several orders of magnitude greater than that of flash drives, journaling practically does not occupy the time thanks to the impressive cache of the device, and the winnings in the volume of disk space is negligible. But reliability, with the most huge number of appeals to the drive, which constantly makes the system and program, goes to the fore. And for this indicator NTFS wins EXFAT perfect.

Compatibility issues

The main EXFAT problem is that this is a proprietary file system, that is, Maikrsoft takes a fee from everyone who wants to introduce it in their products. Therefore, you should pay attention, is supported by this format Your operating system and equipment.

To full and without any effort, the EXFAT user supports Windows 7 and higher. Vista, starting with Service Pack 1, can work with this file system, but with some limitations. For Windows XP (no below Service Pack 2) you will need to download the driver from the Micharmoft site.

Apple took care of its clients: on Macs with OS X not lower than 10.6.4 also provides for native support for EXFAT.

But for Linux there are only unstable working and dubious from the point of view of licensed purity utilities.

Even worse, the situation with the support of the equipment. It is clear that the players and the like devices do not know about the new file system. But far from all manufacturers of new gadgets want to pay for the use of this Microsoft development (or risk, introducing support for a new format without a license). Therefore, it is not yet possible to say about EXFAT that this is a universal replacement FAT32.

The exfat file system is predominantly for flash carriers, having come to the FAT32 predecessor change in 2006, solved the problem of the latter in part in the impossibility of writing files weighing more than 4 GB and increased this figure to 2 TB. However, it was not possible to replace the predecessor and today. Together with the solution of the problem of the predecessor, the heir, alas, brought their troubles. Not all devices will be able to work with SD-, MicroSD cards, USB flash drives formatted in EXFAT. In this article, we consider how to format the flash drive (or any other removable media), originally having the EXFAT file system, in the universal FAT32. But first, a few words about why this operation is regarded by a separate question, and not included in the generalized topic of the formatting procedures for disk devices windows tools.

How to format a flash drive from EXFAT in fat32

Who revealed problems?

Some devices are televisions, TV consoles, media players, car radio, cameras, camcorders - can simply not see the media formatted in EXFAT.

But they will be perfectly communicated with this media if it will have FAT32 file system. It is still better than any other file systems compatible with most of the equipment working with flash drives. And now it is not only about old models of devices. With EXFAT may not work and modern machinery, because this file system is proprietary. Thus, manufacturers of flash drives or devices with those on board formatted in EXFAT, if they do not want to violate the law, it is necessary to make a license fee for using the file system to make the creator of Microsoft. Well, this, respectively, will increase the final cost of the product, which is not necessary in the segment of budget devices produced in Asia countries.

Not only is Microsoft has a solution to this problem, but so far does not want to give it a decision in favor of custom masses. The company also prevents the formatting procedure removable carriers from EXFAT in FAT32, if this operation is carried out staffing Windows. Attempt to perform formatting in system conductor Usually fails with a notification that, they say, the disk size is too large for FAT32. At the same time, formatting to the initial file system EXFAT, naturally, is carried out without problems.

Solution of the problem

Microsoft does not allow to solve the problem with full-time means, but, good, does not prevent this with the help of third-party tools. Such as, for example, free utility Fat32Format.. It formats the flash drive from eXFAT in FAT32.. The utility is simple, portable, you can download it from here by clicking on the screenshot.

When you format internal drive, external hard drive, flash drive, or SD card, Windows will offer to select FAT32, EXFAT and NTFS file system. But in this window there is no description, which means this file system and which is the difference between them. Therefore, in today's article, we will try to decipher the name of the file systems names.

FAT32 is the oldest file system, it was entered in Windows 95 to replace FAT16.

The age of this file system has advantages and disadvantages. Almost all purchased flash drives you buy with FAT32 file system, for maximum compatibility not only with computers, but also with game consoles, and other devices that support flash drives.

Limitations of this age: the file size is greater than 4GB FAT32 is not supported, on this you can throw any number of files to the drive, but that each of them is not more than 4GB. The maximum partition size in FAT32 8TB, but in Windows operating systems the size of the generated partition in this file does not exceed 32GB. Although if you create a section more than 32GB in another system, Windows will work with the drive. But again, if you create a section in FAT32 more than 32GB, then according to Microsoft approvals. Performance of this disk Significantly falls.

While this file system is good for flash drives, and other external drives, this system is not very good for the internal disks. She lacks permits and other safety functions built into a more modern NTFS file system. To install the modern Windows operating system - you need to create a section only in NTFS.

Compatibility:Supported by all versions of Windows, Mac, Linux, game consoles and other devices with USB.

Restrictions:Maximum file size 4GB, 8TB maximum partition size. IN Windows section You can create no more than 32GB.

Perfect fit:on removable drives, for compatibility with most devices, if you use files up to 4GB.

NTFS is a modern file system with which Windows works. All Windows operating systems when installing format the section in NTFS. For the first time appeared with Windows XP.

This type of file system is packed with other modern features. It supports file permissions to ensure security, changes logging, which can help quickly restore errors if your computer suddenly rebooted. Also supported shadow copies for reserve copy, encryption, and other necessary functions.

To install the Windows system, your section must be NTFS, and secondary disks are better formatted in this file system for normal work All applications.

But this file system is not compatible with other operating systems. It will work with all versions of Windows, but Mac OS X can only read discs in this file system, it cannot write on them. Also, Linux only reads the NTFS sections, although some distributions included recording support. Most gaming consoles do not support NTFS, for example, Sony PlayStation does not support this file system, and the Xbox 360 does not support it.

Compatibility:works with all versions of Windows, just read in Mac, also Linux only reads, and not every distribution writes. Other devices are not supported by most.


Perfect fit:for system Disc, and other internal disks that will be used only in Windows.

ExFat was introduced Microsoft in 2006, and otherwise this file system calls FAT64. Support for this file system with updates has been added to Windows XP.

This file system is optimized for flash drives. One of the innovations of EXFAT is to reduce the number of overwriting of the same sector, which reduces the wear of the drive.

Like NTFS, EXFAT is not limited in the sizes of the file and section. In other words, if your drive is formatted in EXFAT, you can record more than 4GB files on it. This file system the best choice For drives where you want a light file system without limit file size.

EXFAT is also more compatible than NTFS if Mac has supported NTFS reading, then EXFAT it fully supports both reading and record. ExFat can also be available in Linux if you install additional software.

While EXFAT operating systems are more friendly, it is often not compatible with digital cameras, and not in all game consoles support this file system. Yes, and other old devices, can only be limited to FAT32 support.

Compatibility:Works in all windows versions, and in modern versions of Mac OS X, but requires additional software on Linux. Most of the old devices do not support this file system.

Restrictions:there are no restrictions in the sizes of the file, and in the size of the section.

Perfect fit:for USB flash drives, external drives, etc., if you work with more than 4GB files, and if you want to reduce drive wear.

NTFS is ideal for internal disks, and ExFat is more suitable for flash drives. FAT32 is mainly used for old devices that do not support other file systems.

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Today on external media, such as flash drives, memory cards, or external hard drives, a different file system can be used:

  • eXFAT;
  • FAT32;
  • NTFS.

What exactly to choose among these systems, users most often do not know, so it is originally better to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.


This file system was created by Microsoft in order to replace the FAT16 system, which at that time was no longer relevant and could not satisfy user requirements. On the this moment FAT32 is the most common, despite the fact that the EXFAT file system is more modern and often exceeds according to the characteristics.

It is worth noting that today the preferential majority of flash drives and various memory cards are supplied in this standard. In addition, in the process of formatting the media in household devices, such as, for example, a camera, it begins to function in this system. This is exactly the main advantage of FAT32, thanks to which it has not yet overtook it in popularity, the EXFAT file system is compatibility. You can use this drive in any household player, printer or other devices and at the same time have confidence that you will have access to files and they will read normally. But on this advantage ends and deficiencies begin.

The main reason why it stands in some situations to use FAT32 not only on flash drives, but also on stationary computers - The fact that you can run practically any operating systems on your computer, such as Windows 95 and others. To create such a configuration, it just will simply install previous version OS on a section that is formatted for this file system, after which make it the main one. Other sections, access to which is carried out from other versions of the OS, should also be mandatory formatted under FAT32. Other operating systems can apply exclusively to network sections or volumes in NTFS format, while sections on local computer Will remain inaccessible.

What are minuses?

The most important disadvantage that is distinguished by FAT32, but not the EXFAT file system, is that there is a limit on the size of a file that is 4 GB. It is for this reason that the recording of large files, such as, for example, backup copy The system disk or some long video disk, in this case it will be impossible, since the system simply simply appears to write a mistake in the form of "not enough disk space", even if there is still enough space.

In addition, you should not forget that in the Windows operating system itself there is a limit on the size of the section, which is 32 GB. Of course, you can try to get around it, using additional utilities, but with the current drives to do it is often meaningless.

If you have no need to transfer or record such voluminous files, as well as if you have a small carrier, then in this case you can not reveal for a long time and calmly format it in FAT32, since the file system support ExFat You do not need.


More modern file system compared to the previous one, which was able to completely replace it in modern personal computers, as well as laptops. If you have files and file system FAT32 to date, then it is strongly recommended to change it as soon as possible on NTFS. This will significantly expand the capabilities of your computer.

How to do it?

In Windows EXFAT or NTFS, it is easy enough to make the main file system. IN command line It will be necessary to enter "Convert E: / FS: NTFS", where instead of: the disc is installed that you will format. Thus, you can replace the file system without any loss of data contained on the drive.

How does it work on flash drives?

However, on flash drives, as well as others external devicesah NTFS can not work as on computers. When trying to copy to such a device operating system automatically turns on the caching procedure when any file is initially copied to special memoryAnd only then moves to the final carrier. In stationary drives, this makes it possible to achieve a significant gain in the speed of copying data, as well as smooth the delays.

IN mobile devices It looks like this: Initially, the data processing speed will be high enough and periodically will even reach 100 MB / s, but after the cache memory is over, the speed will simply be incredibly falling, reaching critically small values. At the same time, before starting to copy the next file, the system will have to initially add an existing cache file. In this regard, such situations occur quite often when copying simply freezes by 99%, although the indicator hard disk Still burns as active.

If you compare the speed of copying with cache and without it, it will actually turn out that it is almost the same. That is, if NTFS is the main one, then we are almost nothing we lose, except for the limit copy speed, as well as providing us with information about what time data will be copied. Although for many people, such "information" may eventually turn into only the spent precious nerves.

Are there any advantages?

On the other hand, choosing between what better file system is EXFAT or NTFS, it should be noted that the latter is good reliability, which allows you to withstand not one sudden reboot without any damage. Such reliability is ensured by using journaling technology. Thus, the system is more frequently referred to various areas of the drive, and for flash drives or various memory cards, this approach is critical. In other words, they simply begin to wear more quickly.


Microsoft has recently released a new file system - EXFAT format. This system is intended initially for flash drives, and in fact it can be said that it is a traditional FAT32, but without any restrictions. The sizes of sections and files in this case can achieve maximum values, and the amount of data in one folder is almost unlimited. It is for this reason that the most common system is used by EXFAT - Android and others that are used in modern gadgets.

Are there any minuses?

Of course, the EXFAT file system also has its own minuses. Android is practically in any cases support this systemBut, on the other hand, it is not supported by many household devices, and at the same time will not be able to see these devices also media on which the Windows XP operating system is used. The only solution to this situation is the download of the KB955704 patch, which was recently released by Microsoft and which allows you to use the system in Windows XP. More modern Operations of any difficulty perceive this file system and actively cooperate with it without any additional procedures.

However, if you often use a flash drive on different computerswhich is installed by the HP OS, then in this case you better find some additional flash drive on which the driver will be present. But this option It is unlikely for someone will be acceptable, because in this case the most important feature of such devices is lost - these are their compactness and ease of transportation.

If you have computers exclusively with Windows 7 or the flash drive will not be used on such a large number of PCs, then in this case the EXFAT file system will be perfect for you.

In conclusion, you can select several general tips on how to choose the most relevant file system.

If you use a flash drive, on which there is not such a large volume, then in this case you can format it in FAT32 without oscillating. If, on the contrary, we are talking About the flash drive, the volume of which is large enough, then, in this case, it can be formatted in EXFAT, since the "speed jumps" on such devices will be particularly visible. External drives in the predominant majority of cases differ quite large volumes and are quite high performance (especially this applies to those devices that use uSB interface 3.0), in connection with which it is best to format them exclusively in NTFS.


Whatever the data carrier - be it hDD, SSD Drive Or a flash drive (MicroSD, MicroSDXC, USB-Flash Drive, etc.) they all need a file system, in order to write and read the data from them.

File systems There are some quantity, but in this article we will look at the most popular and accordingly applied.

The presented information is very useful in situations when it is necessary to format the hard disk (SSD drive) or one of its sections, a flash drive, etc.

FAT16 file system, FAT32 - history and features

Let's start the story system FAT16. (it is also called simply Fat.) - It was created mainly for the MS DOS operating system, and its support was in Windows 95 and Windows 98. The limit on the maximum size of one file was 2 gigabytes. Exactly the same amount could be the maximum section size.

The FAT16 dominance lasted for a short time, soon it came to shift the FAT32 file system - it was regular for Windows 95 and Windows 98, although for compatibility purposes, as mentioned above, these operating systems were supported and FAT16.

In FAT32, the maximum file size was already 4 gigabytes. Those. The number of files can be any, but the size of any of them cannot exceed 4 gigabytes. And the maximum section size could be theoretical 8 terabytes, but in Windows it is artificially limited. For example, in Windows 98, the size of the section could not be more than 137 gigabytes.

You may have a natural question, why, after since since so many years, the flash drives can be formatted in this file system. hard drives Small volume. The answer to this question is lower.

  • Compatibility: FAT32 to this day is universally supported by the main operating systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux, various stand-alone devices (consoles, MP3 players, phones, smartphones, etc.) and embedded systems.
  • Restrictions: If you try to record a file, the size of which is more than 4 gigabytes, then you will not be able to make it and populate an error. There are solutions to this problem.

    Also, there are also limitations on the size of the partition - although FAT32 theoretically supports data carriers up to 8 terabytes, in Windows XP (and newer) you will not be able to format in FAT32 disk or partition, the size of which is more than 32 gigabytes. This limitation was introduced by Microsoft in order to save optimal performance when working with this file system.

  • To date, this file system is successfully used on flash drives and drives, in order to ensure maximum compatibility with the widest class of devices.

    Another advantage is the lack of redundant entry / reading "Technical Data" in the process of interaction with this file system. For flash drives that have a resource reading \\ records of memory cells is limited, this is undoubtedly good.

NTFS File System - Description, Application and Key Properties

File system NTFS Today it is relevant and widespread. First debuting in Windows XP, it continues to be used in all modern versions of the OS from Microsoft, including the most last Windows 10.

Its developers tried to fame, having endowed this file system with many features that were dictated by modern realities. For example, by recording technical information All file operations carried out, it was essential to raise the reliability of the data security in the event of a sharp de-energization of the media.

Also, NTFS has been added to install rights to files and folders, which significantly raises overall security when working in Windows. Do not forget about the possibility of creating shadow copies of files and data during the system of the system, which is actively used by Windows, in order to ensure high performance when reserving data, encryption and simply normal operation of the operating system.

Naturally, this is not a complete list of what the modern NTFS file system offers.

As mentioned above, this file system is standard for Windows XP and subsequent OS released from Microsoft. In the process of installing the operating system, you can not even select the file system - hard disk or SSD will be formatted strictly in NTFS.

Due to the substantial complication of the principles of the NTFS file system and some licensed moments, it has very limited support from other operating systems and devices.

For example, the MacOS operating system is capable only to read data from media on which NTFS is used, but cannot write data to media with this file system can no longer.

In Linux the situation is better. Although standard Linux can only read data from NTFS media, but some finite distributions Linux Supports recording on NTFS discs.

As for autonomous devices, game consoles (Sony PlayStation, Xbox 360), etc., in most cases NTFS is not supported by them.

  • Compatibility: Fully supported in all modern versions of the OS from Microsoft. In MacOS (MacOS), only reading is supported, and in Linux reading and in some finite distributions also recording. As for other devices - in most cases is not supported at all.
  • Restrictions: There are no restrictions on the number and size of files and folders.
  • Optimal scope of application: The file system was created with an eye to use for hard disks (And subsequently SSD), mainly in Windows.

EXFAT file system - what is the case for which it was created

ExFat. (also called it FAT64.) - The file system debuting in 2006, created for flash drives. When it is developed, all the best of FAT32 was taken and their inherent restrictions were eliminated. In ExFat there are no restrictions on the maximum file size that can be recorded on the media with this file system.

The situation was also further improved with the elimination of an overhaul of technical reading / write operations, in order to ensure the maximum speed of the main file operations with a minimum of the impact on the memory cells, in order to prevent and to delay their wear.

If you talk about compatibility, then the situation is much better with it, if you compare with the same NTFS. MacOS has full support for reading operations / write, and support from Linux is available, provided that several packages from the repository are installed.

As for external devices, the EXFAT support situation is improving, but it is definitely impossible to guarantee support on all devices.

  • Compatibility: It has full support in Windows, starting with Windows XP, MacOS and Linux OS (perhaps, you will need to install a support package from the repository).

    On old standalone devices (MP3 players, cameras, etc.) may not be supported.

  • Restrictions: This file system does not have any restrictions on the maximum file size and quantity.
  • Optimal scope of application: Any flash drives and drives (MicroSD, MicroSDXC, USB flash drive, etc.), the size of which is more than 4 gigabytes. Flash Drive with this file system will demonstrate high speed indicators and will work longer than if it is used NTFS.

Short outcome

If you summarize the above, it turns out that the NTFS file system should be used for hard (HDD) and SSD discsWhat is installed inside the computer, and EXFAT for external flash drives.
And FAT32 is optimal to use for flash drives of small size (up to 4 gigabytes), as well as flash drives that are used in old devices and do not understand EXFAT.

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