Open the MAC archive download the program. The best archivers for Mac OS X. Working with RAR. Whether embedded MAC archiving tools are suitable for work

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Write on file archiving and archivers for Mac OS Suggested by one of the readers, who asked me the question: Is there archivers and dimerchivators for poppies? I will try to describe what is in Mac OS "from the box" and what else can be delivered to work comfortably with archives.

Archiving Utility - Zip Archives

One of the amenities that I found in my time after switching from Win to Mac was built in Mac OS X support for ZIP archives - one of the most common formats, which is supported in many operating systems. To create a zip archive, it is enough to highlight the file (s) in Finder, click right mouse button (or Ctrl + click) and choose in context menu "Squeeze." After that, a zip file with a copy of files and with the name "", if the archived files are greater than one, or if the file is one, then the name of the archive will match the name of the original file.

Unpacking zip files is similar to simply as archiving. By default, the "archiving utility" is started by automatic double-click By a zip archive, which leads to unpacking the content of the archive into the same folder if the files are greater than one. In addition, the original zip file remains not touching, that is, when unpacking, a copy of the contents of the archive is created.

Injectionable ZIP support manifests itself when downloading files from the network in Safari. After zip-download, it will automatically be unpacked by the same "utility of archiving". In most cases, such a default behavior is "what you need", but sometimes it turns out.

Work with archives from the Mac OS X Terminal

More experienced users can create archives from the terminal. To do this, Mac OS X has several utilities, such as GZIP, BZIP2, TAR. Moreover, if the first two are archivers, then the TAR is a "packer" of files - archives a group of files to one without compression. TAR is used just in the bundle with GZIP and BZIP2, which, by "Unix traditions", can clamp only one file: perform one function, but well. Therefore, usually first pack files or folders with files to the TAR archive, and then the file has already received, clamping GZIP or BZIP2.

You can read more detail about these archivers in Wikipedia: ,. Of course, many of course will not hunt bother with a terminal to archive files. But it is worth noting that BZIP2, for example, clamps better than a standard ZIP or Gzip, although slower. In addition, GZIP is used by Mac OS to archive logs, for example.

I often make manual file backups using the TAR utility, which correctly saves information about files and folders (rights, creation time, etc.). In addition, TAR can be "asked" to hold the TAR archive in BZIP2. As a result, a single command, with the corresponding keys, we obtain the file.tbz in which the files are properly packed (tar) and shrilled well (BZ2).

Non-standard SPS - .dmg

Among the standard set of Mac OS programs has a disk utility (Disk Utility), which is not intended to archive files, but in principle, it can be achieved from it. The idea is simple - creating compressed DMG images. For this you need to Disc utility "Commit" at the address "File-\u003e New-\u003e Disk image from the folder ..." (Command + Shift + N clockt) and in the dialog that appears to select a folder with files. Further, in the next DMG image dialog, select the name and format of the image - "compressed". If I understand everything correctly, then the content will be clamped all the same Zip.

I even somehow tested the compression ratio in DMG and Zip. It turns out about the same - compressed DMG images are obtained by a little (10% -15%) more zip-archive.

I took a different types of files with a total of 100 MB:

Third-party archives

The main reason why your hands pull some program to work with archives is the need to combine RAR files. So historically it happened that Rar received a wide distribution on the "one sixth of the sushi". This is, in my opinion, with the ability to break the RAR archive on the volume (parts), a higher degree of compression than that of ZIP, and a set of all samples by setting passwords to the archive and the like. The compression level was important for another 5 years ago, when the price for a gigabyte places on the hard disk was high, the record for DVD is also expensive, and you will not put a lot in Email.

As a result, many under Windows continue to use RAR, as the main archiver, and in the network still lies a bunch of files stored in RAR.

Stuffit Expander

The program is called "Must Have". The main advantages are free and ability to unpack a bunch of formats, among which there are RAR. Archive Stuffit Expander can not at all, for this there is his eldest (and paid) Brother Stuffit Deluxe.

I will not be mistaken if I say that in 99.9% of cases for a happy mac-life with a head, the archiving utility + Stuffit Expander.

Stuffit Deluxe.

This archiver is worth $ 79, but can already be much more than Stuffit Expander. First, it is able to clamp in more than 20 formats of archives, including RAR, SITX, CAB and all the formats mentioned above. I honestly confess, I do not use it, but if you need to make it often pumped into something exotic under Mac, or it is necessary to break the archives on the volume to lad out into file storage (Hi Varez :), then Stuffit Deluxe will come in handy of course.

A good alternative to Stuffit Expander, and the built-in archival in Mac OS, may be The Unarchiver. It is already clear from the name that the software is sharpened to unpack the files. The UNARCHIVER supports many archiving formats (including SITX from Stuffit developers), integrates with Finder, not confused with not English file names, etc. The Unarchiver is a free and open-source program.

Something like WinRar for Mac is not yet. From the developers of the RAR format, they waited until the Command-Line utilities. It is distributed free as a 40-day version (hereinafter, you need to pay, although I do not know how they control it), and if sometimes you need to roll in RAR and the terminal is friends, then nothing more is not necessary for normal operation and carefree.


Not very expensive ($ 19.95) and a fairly popular archiver (thanks for the tip in the comments). Supports a lot of formats: IP, Sit, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, Rar, 7-Zip, Cpio, Arj, LZH / LHA, JAR, WAR, CAB, ISO, CHM, RPM, DEB, NSIS, BIN, HQX, DD. In addition, there is support for a quick preview of the archive via Quick Look. To do this, download a special plugin.

You should also pay attention to this archiver ($ 26). Like Betterzip, IARCHIVER is written in the best traditions of "Mac-USABILITY". It does not support not so many formats: clamps - zip, dmg, 7-zip, tar, gzip, bzip2, z and cpio; Unpacks: Zip, Rar, 7-Zip, Stuffit, Gzip, Bzip2, Arj, Z, LHA, DMG, HQX, RPM, and so on. In addition, it is able to convert RAR archives in Zip. Overall - simple and understandable.

Archives - File Compression Software. The section presents the Free Analogues of WinRar.

Below you will find free programslicensed


Windows, Linux, Mac OS X Official website 06 February 2016 GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Archivers 17

7-Zip - one of the best free archivers. The program has a high compression and extraction speed, supports the password task for the archive and works with the following formats: 7Z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP, WIM, can unpack Arj, Cab, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, HFS, ISO , LZH, LZMA, MSI, NSIS, RAR, RPM, UDF, WIM, XAR and Z.

B1 Free Archiver

Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android Official website 06 February 2016 Free by - License for personal and commercial use Archivers

B1 Free Archiver Free multiplatform file archiver. In addition, the program can act as file Manager. The archiver is translated into more than 30 languages \u200b\u200band works under such operating systems Like Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Android. B1 Free Archiver supports features such as compression, unzipping and encryption (password setting) for ZIP and B1's own format.

The standard Mac OS X already has an embedded Archive Utility application, but it has limited features. And supports only a limited circle zip formats, Gzip (.gz). Therefore, it is worth paying attention to third-party program manufacturers of archivers. RAR D MAC OS X format is not supported. Most of the archivers for Mac OS X, there is a problem associated with files archived in Windows. More precisely, not with the files themselves, but with their names written by Cyrillic. The most correct here is RAR EXTRACTOR FREE.

Free archivers.

The Unarchiver.

Free apppresented in Mac App Store..

Formats supported for unpacking: ZIP, Zipx, Rar, 7z, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, Lzma, Xz, Cab, MSI, NSIS, EXE, ISO, BIN, MDF, Stufflt, Arj, Arc, Zoo, LZH and more rarely used formats.

The utility is embedded in return for the staffing archiver and perfectly copes with its functions.

Of the disadvantages: it does not always work steadily with RAR archives, sometimes it gives an archive error message despite the fact that the archive is working. This error It is observed on files with passwords and archives consisting of several parts, in this case I use Stuffit Exponder. At the same time, he remains with me the main unarchivator.


Stufflt Expander

The Full Stifflt package for the Smithmicro Mac is paid and costs $ 29.99 it works 30 formats, but does not allow the RAR file packaging. But the free version of StuffLT Expander for Mac perfectly unpacks RAR files and it has a second span.



Free Archiver for Mac OS X. Can compress data to the following formats: 7Z, ZIP, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, DMG, ISO. Unpacking from RAR, 7Z, LZMA, ZIP, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, ISO, EXE, CAB, PAX, ACE (PPC)



Allows you to unpack the archives in RAR, ZIP, BZIP, Gzip, Tar, 7-Zip formats. The program is in the AppStore. It works better with Cyrillic in the names of the files. Paid version adds the following formats: xz, ISO, LHA, CAB, CPIO.

Of the attention of free packages, perhaps everything.

Paid archivers for Mac

WinRar 5.0.

Supports RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZIP, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-ZIP formats.

In free download is the trial version for 40 days. The developer provides only a version running through the command line.


Archiver 2.0.

Allows you to create and unpack the RAR archives, but for this it uses an additional plugin that is automatically installed. The application is present Mac App Store, but to activate work with RAR in this case you need to enable this feature in the program settings.


Compress Files for Mac

A program with a convenient design allows you to pack and unpack various file formats, but there is no RAR format on this list. There are trial version


So, in front of you - the archive in RAR format. Previously, you never had a case with him, and unhappy files in it with one click you also did not work. What to do? Now let's tell!

What is RAR?

RAR format file is similar to a more familiar zip file. And the one, and the other - "archives", i.e. Contain several other files in the compressed form. Thanks to the archives, you, for example, can send to a friend IL colleague by e-mail No thousands of files individually, but one file with the entire archive.

RAR is a reduction from Roshal Archive, i.e. "Roshal Archive". His creator is the famous Russian programmer Evgeny Roshal. "The people" Yevgeny Lazarevich know mostly on another popular product - Far Manager.. He created RAR format to correct ZIP shortcomings. As a result, the RAR archives "weigh" less, make it possible to divide them into several parts and correct errors.

Now even more efficient solutions like a 7-zip format. But Rar is still very popular, and take lonted a lot of time before he goes to a well-deserved rest. So the ability to manage with him in the near future is very useful.

RAR - proprietary format, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that there are no programs to work with it by default in MacOS. But there is nothing "such" here - you can easily solve this problem by installing third-party application, for example, the free KEKA archiver for Mac.

The application makes exactly what the program of this kind should do - opens any archive in RAR format. All you need to do is download and install Keka, and then click on the RAR archive with the left mouse button on the RAR archive (or once right and choose Keka in the Open menu).

Keka has two minuses - first, you will not be able to see the contents of the archive before it unpacking, as you used to do it in Windows. 99% of users it will probably not stop, everyone is recommended to find another program for themselves. Secondly, Keka does not know how to create RAR archives, in this regard, the choice is limited Zip, 7-Zip, Tar, Gzip and BZIP2.

In today's article we will talk about the so-called archiver for Mac users. When working with a computer, it is very important to have the ability to use software for archiving. If you do not have an installed archiver, you will not be able to unpack such file formats like RAR, 7Z, GZIP and others. Many MAC users mistakenly believe that the built-in file compression system is able to cope with such a task. In fact, built-in tools will only be enough when working with ZIP archives. Therefore, so that there are no difficulty when working with all popular formats of archives, we recommend to read this article to the end.

What does the word archiver mean?

The archiver is a program for simultaneous packaging of any number of files for the purpose of copying, sending and storing them. Thanks to compression methods, archivers make it possible to reduce the size of the files added to them. One more useful feature Many archivers are the ability to install a password for the created archive, without entering which the user cannot open any of the files contained in the archive.

Overview of popular archive formats

The name of the most popular archive format in the world takes its starts with PKWare. Today, this archive format is found everywhere. Zip supports the broken down of the archive part, password protection, add comments. The main advantage of ZIP is its widespread and support even those programs that have an indirect attitude towards archives.

GZ (Gzip, GNU Zip) uses the same file compression algorithm as the usual Zip. This format is widespread in the world. uNIX systemsAnd it is not allocated to anything special except, in fact, compression. From the point of view of the quality of compression GZIP, it cannot compete on an equal one with more modern formats, although it does not need it, because in the world of UNIX this format is very popular (just like Zip outside the UNIX systems).

If GZIP cannot pack multiple files to one archive, this does not mean that UNIX users do not have the need to create archives from several files. In this case, TAR format comes to the rescue, which does not support data compression, but allows you to combine several different files into one.

This format was developed by Eugene Rosham. The quality of this format is superior to ZIP, and when working with some types of files, the difference is tangible. The main advantage of RAR is a highly efficient compression provided by both the efficiency of the algorithm and the ability to compress files in the archive as a single data stream. Another advantage is RAR stability to various damage, especially if special information has been added during archiving for its recovery.

7z is positioned as an archive format with high compression efficiency. It really compresses well, but at the same time loads greatly rAM. This disadvantage is also manifested when unpacking. From the point of view of the quality of compression, 7z can sometimes even exceed RAR, but it is rather an exception than the rule.

5 reasons for compression of files on Mac

Cataloging. During archiving, the structure of files and folders, including nested, shrinks into one file. By connecting the archive, you will get exactly the same structure. And now let's imagine that you need to transmit on the network all the contents of the disk D (E, G, F - the letter does not matter) where hundreds or thousands of folders are contained ...

The transfer of a large number of files will take long given the fact that online storages allow you to upload only a few files at the same time. Using the MAC archiver, you simply create a disk archive D, i.e. Transfer all data to one file. After unpacking, you will have an exact copy of your disk D on a remote computer.

Compression. With the help of special algorithms, you can squeeze almost all files on the computer, thereby reducing their size. It is sometimes possible to reduce the archive size compared to the source data several times. Of course, you can not use the data until you unpack them. However, if you store rarely used information on your hard disk, then archiving - the best way Save a place on the disk. Below in this article you will find the answer to the question "How to easily compress files on Mac?".

Data security. Archival programs provide the ability to add information to the archive to restore, so that you can "cure" the archive even in case of damage to the hard disk or external carrier. The availability of information for recovery slightly increases the archive size, but in most cases you will not notice the difference.

If you want to hide files from someone's eye, then archiving with the addition of a password is exactly what you need. Most of the archivers have this important feature to protect these. By the way, you seriously feel about choosing a password. He should not be too simple and obvious, but it is important to remember him, because there will be no way to restore with secret questions. And remember that this method is not ideal. The network appears more and more programs that may even pick up sophisticated passwords And hack the archives.

Saving space. Suppose you need to free a bit of space, because the volume hard disk Necklik. Try to store insignificant files and backups Files in archives. Squeeze the files on Mac and feel free to delete them after archiving. You can unpack them at any time.

It is important to remember that not all files are compressed with significant savings, for example, the size of photos is reduced from every 50 MB of only several MB. At the same time, documents Microsoft Word. or files in graphic editor Adobe. Photoshop can be significantly compressed: from fifty to three megabytes. Musical and video files are slightly compressed, but if they accumulated a large amount, you can use archiving.

File transfer. When transferring files on the Internet, for example, by e-mail or in Skype, we cannot attach the entire folder to the message, but only individual photos or documents. Therefore, it is extremely convenient to make one file from the set, and subsequently send it. In this case, the archiver comes to the rescue. For example, you can send the whole folder "Festive Photos" immediately by creating one archive. In addition, the archive is faster in the network (due to, though insignificant, photo compression).

Are the built-in MAC archiving tools work for work?

As you already know, the archiving of files has long been the usual practice. However, if we are talking about Mac devices, their users are faced with difficulties when working with archived data. Since the built-in MAC archiving utility supports only such formats as GZIP and ZIP, you will not be able to create an archive or open an archive of any other popular format. In addition to the foregoing, the user does not have the ability to change the degree of compression.

Taking into account all these factors, Mac users should think about installing additional software For archiving to be able to work with various formats of archives and even more.