SEO in simple words. How to select the right requests for promotion? Yandex shows the real frequency of search queries

But does the promotion of high-frequency queries seem problematic? Try it differently. Use promotion on low-frequency queries, and low-frequency traffic will greatly surprise you: it will come faster, it will be higher from it, and the competition is lower. But "how is this so?" and "what's the catch?" - I'll tell you in more detail now.

High-frequency and low-frequency queries

Imagine a huge apple tree, on top of which are growing overgrown apples (HF requests), and at the foot, everything is strewn with fallen smaller apples (LF requests). At the top, the apples are big, beautiful, not always tasty, but they are in great demand. Many people climb to the top of the tree for the biggest apple, fight for it. At the same time, not the largest, but ripe and tasty apples grow at the foot in huge quantities, and no one fights for them. Your goal: to get as much apple mass (whole SEO traffic) as possible.

What will you choose?

  1. Collect a full bag of smaller apples.
  2. Join the battle for the biggest apple.

The most curious thing is that the choice of the first item does not mean at all that you have given up, and are not going to fight for the top of the tree and the largest apples. You just take the time to prepare for the battle with the competition, and the more low-frequency queries you collect, the easier it will be for you to get a place in the TOP.

What queries are considered low-frequency

Low-frequency queries most often describe a specific need. Here examples of low-frequency requests:

  1. buy car toyota rav4 2011 in moscow
  2. children's center moscow vdnkh wool felting
  3. kate upton carls junior commercial

Therefore, unlike high-frequency queries, low-frequency ones can convert better, since a page "sharpened" for a low-frequency query is more likely to give a visitor an applicable result.

Promotion of low-frequency queries

Low-frequency queries are unpretentious: they do not need to be fertilized with external links, you need to simply and informatively give an answer to the exact search LF query. If the answer is useful, the page of the site dedicated to this low-frequency query will quickly find itself in other search engines, receive it, and it can be passed on to other pages of the site that are more difficult to promote, for example, by medium-frequency queries.

There are practically no problems with how to promote low-frequency queries. LF queries promote themselves and help promote the entire site as a whole, forming a basis as a solid foundation and the basis of the semantics of the site. Low-frequency queries allow you to reach wide and thereby attract more traffic by more. Large coverage keywords - an important one that can affect the promotion of all pages of the site in search by saturating the topic with keywords.

Selection of low-frequency queries

How to find low-frequency queries? Fully! All low-frequency requests you can find, up to 1 impression per month. Why? Because the Internet is actively developing, and if now they search for a low-frequency request 10 times a month, then in six months they can start searching 100 times a month. Although it's not even about impressions for low-frequency keywords, but about semantics, as I already wrote above. And also the fact that each key request is a question and if YOU do not answer the question, YOUR COMPETITOR will answer.

How many low-frequency queries are? The more requests you collect, the better. The more requests are reflected on the site, the more low-frequency traffic will be and the faster the promotion of mid-frequency and high-frequency requests will go.

Advantages of website promotion for low frequency requests

Since the coverage of LF key requests is gradual, it is possible to clearly assess and plan costs and results. Moreover, the result of promotion for low-frequency requests is the most stable among all promotion methods. These sites are the hardest to compete with.

In order to promote a site for low-frequency queries, it is enough to regularly and methodically describe low-frequency queries on the site. How? Create, answer audience questions. In parallel with content creation, plan. Even a beginner can engage in website promotion with low-frequency queries, this is the easiest way in "combat conditions" to understand how search engines work, while not going broke and not losing what has already been developed.

Promotion of low-frequency queries is also the biggest plus of such promotion - the absence of regression. YES! Content is not purchased links, it won't dissolve after you stop paying. He will stay with you and continue to drive traffic. In fact, LF promotion is a win-win if the specifics of your work and subject matter allow you to work with LF requests.

What is the bottom line

  1. Low competition for targeted queries.
  2. High conversion in.
  3. Ease of promotion even for a beginner.
  4. Large coverage of key queries and target audience.
  5. Stable growth of positions and traffic.
  6. Exact planning of promotion costs.
  7. High frequency of site indexing due to development.

Are you promoting your site for low frequency queries?

So what words will a resident of Samara enter in a search engine in order to find the information he is interested in about buying windows? What "keywords" will we use to promote our site?

I think these will be phrases like:

"plastic windows", "plastic windows prices", "buy plastic windows in Samara", "plastic windows cost" ..

Now the most interesting thing .. having approximately decided on a set of keywords / phrases, we look at the statistics of keywords of search engines

  • Yandex keywords statistics
  • selection of keywords in Google.

Well, let's say this is what comes out on Yandex when you request: "plastic windows"

KeywordImpressions per month
plastic windows451982
plastic windows447648
windows plastic prices58535
installation of plastic windows23791
installation of plastic windows23766
blinds + on plastic windows23550
nets + for plastic windows11496
reviews plastic windows11244
production of plastic windows10543
mosquito nets + for plastic windows9048
plastic window profile7265
plastic windows + do it yourself6864
installation of plastic windows6809
firms of plastic windows6742
buy plastic windows6506

Looking ahead, I will say that all search queries, depending on their popularity, are usually divided into:

  • HF - High-frequency queries(example: "windows", "plastic windows") more than 5000 impressions per month.
  • Midrange - Mid-frequency queries(example: "plastic windows in samara") 1000 - 5000 impressions per month.
  • LF - Low frequency queries(example: "plastic windows in samara with triple glazing") 1 - 1000 impressions per month.

    P.S. It is rather difficult to talk about the exact boundaries between HF, MF and LF, since in different cases they can be different .. so the numbers given above are very arbitrary.

    What is all this information for? Let's look at things objectively .. in the TOP of search engines for a high-frequency query: "plastic windows" we will not get there! and if you get there, then only for large investments - painfully high competition for given request... And is it really necessary? - after all, we are only interested in inquiries made by residents of the city of Samara, and not the whole world.

    This means that we will focus on low-frequency medium-frequency queries .. Let's use the Yandex keyword selection service, taking into account the correction for Samara ..

    We make several requests ..

    Request: "plastic windows in samara"
    plastic windows samara3314
    plastic windows g samara49
    firm plastic windows + in samara47
    buy plastic windows + in samara43
    installation of plastic windows + in samara43
    production of plastic windows + in samara27
    plastic windows + juice in samara25
    production of plastic windows + in samara24
    cost of plastic windows + in samara23
    cheap plastic windows + in samara21
    manufacturers of plastic windows + in samara21
    blinds + on plastic windows samara16
    calculator plastic windows samara14
    Request: "windows samara"
    windows + in samara4075
    plastic windows samara3314
    single window samara1310
    windows + price in samara1060
    plastic windows + prices in samara937
    windows samara reviews438
    windows light samara365
    single window samara turn322
    white windows samara226
    wooden windows + in samara220
    single window kindergarten samara212
    plastic windows + reviews in samara163
    single window r + o samara158
    ais single window samara145
    pvc + windows in samara136

    The tables above show the first results for only two queries, but of course it is better to try all sorts of options.

    Now, based on our research, it remains only to choose two three key phrases for each page of the site.

    These will be the most popular mid-frequency queries: "plastic windows samara" and "windows samara" - for home page site, "windows in samara price", "plastic windows in samara prices" "price of plastic windows in samara" - for a page with a price list and low-frequency queries such as: "white windows in samara" "installation of plastic windows in samara" for internal pages with a description of windows, related products, installation.

    By the way, pay attention to how interesting things are sometimes .. here, for example, the query: "the price of plastic windows in Samara" - is shown 937 times a month, and almost the same: "the cost of plastic windows in Samara" - has only 23 impressions a month .. although the meaning is the same here and there ..

    What does it mean? This means that it would be nice to find all the words "cost" on the site and replace them with the words "price" and then not 23 people per month will come to your site (excluding competitors), but 937! - there is a difference? This is what we will do in the next chapter ..

  • In the previous lesson, we examined the process of selecting keywords using the Wordstat service from Yandex. This is not difficult, but it is worth remembering that not all queries are capable of selling your products or services. How to distinguish “tasty” queries from absolutely ineffective ones, we will try to figure it out in this lesson.

    Types of search queries

    All search queries are conventionally divided into two groups: commercial and informational.
    Commercial queries are queries that people enter into a search form to buy, order, or, in extreme cases, find out the preliminary cost.

    Information requests include requests that people want to read or watch by entering. Information requests, unlike commercial ones, are sold extremely rarely, and accordingly, in most cases, it does not make much sense to use them.

    The query "laptop repair Maryino" is a commercial query.
    By entering into Google or Yandex this combination words a person wants to find service center in your area and have your laptop repaired.

    Inquiry " DIY repair laptop ”is informational.

    By entering it, a person wants to find information on how to repair a laptop on his own and, most likely, does not want to pay money to anyone.

    In addition to explicitly commercial and explicitly informational requests, there are also requests, the ability to sell of which is rather difficult to determine (let's call them combined requests).

    The request "laptop power repair" does not give an exact answer what exactly a person is looking for, a service center where you can repair a laptop or information on repairing batteries on a laptop with your own hands.

    Using combined queries, it is impossible to predict in advance whether they will "shoot" or not, but you can at least roughly determine the appropriateness of their use. To do this, you need to select the desired query, then open the search google systems and Yandex, set the region in them and score this request.

    Search results for a query can tell how effective it is. If there are only pages with information in the search results, then the probability that the request will work is very low.

    If in the issue of a page with an offer of services or goods, then the likelihood of the request being able to work is higher.

    Google changes the region by changing the domain.

    For Russia, this is
    For Ukraine, this is
    For Moldova it is
    For Belarus, this is

    Based on the search results, we can assume that the request "laptop power repair" is highly likely a commercial one.

    Frequency of requests

    Frequency search queries calculated by the number of people who searched for these queries in a search engine per month.

    Requests can be high-frequency, mid-frequency and low-frequency.

    It is customary to refer to high-frequency queries as words and phrases that are searched for by users through search engines more than 10,000 times a month. As a rule, these are general queries used to find various information.

    High-frequency queries include such queries as: "laptop repair", "buy a book", "interior design", "car sales", etc.

    High-frequency queries are used without clarification, and accordingly they are very vague and cannot be used to promote certain goods or services in most cases.

    Medium-frequency queries are those that are also frequently requested, but have specifics of a region, specificity, or other parameter.

    Interior Design is a high-frequency request.
    "Interior design of a one-room apartment" is already a mid-frequency request.

    Low-frequency queries are words and phrases that are rarely searched for.

    As a rule, a low-frequency query consists of 3-4 words and is used for searching specific information, service or product.

    The following queries can be referred to low-frequency ones: “ motherboard acer aspire 5520 "," to buy a puncher makita hr2450 "," repair of laptops in odintsovo ".

    Query efficiency

    The efficiency of requests is calculated using a simple formula: the number of people who clicked on the site for a specific request is divided by the number of people who performed the desired action (purchase of a product or service).

    Low-frequency queries are considered the most effective. Less effective mid-range and ineffective high-frequency.

    Accordingly, when selecting requests for the site, you need to give preference to those that are most accurate.

    The query "laptop repair" will be ineffective, since your offer will not work for most people who are looking for laptop repair.

    The request "laptop repair in Moscow" will be much more effective, but 70% of people who come to the site for this request will immediately leave, because the region does not suit them or the service they need will not be available.

    The request "laptop repair Maryino" - will be effective, as people will look for a service center in your area.

    It should be noted that in some cases high-frequency queries are more than effective, and it is recommended to use them the other way around. This applies to a greater extent to various goods, especially expensive ones.

    The fact is that high-frequency queries are usually used by inexperienced computer users who are less picky and more willing to shop online.

    Determining whether a high-frequency query is effective in most cases is very difficult, so you need to act mostly intuitively, or constantly experiment.

    Competitiveness of requests

    What is Query Concurrency? This is a parameter indicating how difficult it will be to promote a page with a given request to the top of the search results.

    As a rule, concurrency depends on the frequency of the request, but this rule does not always apply.
    The following rule always applies: the more sites that are promoted for a specific request, the more difficult it will be to promote your site on it. That is, competitiveness depends on the number of competitors. It's simple.

    How to determine the concurrency of a request? There are several ways, the simplest one is to analyze search results on request in Yandex and Google. By determining the number of sites, their quality and the number of links linking to these sites, you can understand how competitive the request is.

    Determining the competitiveness and cost of promoting a query is laborious and time-consuming. To spend it in most cases is an unjustified waste of time and energy.

    However, you can still calculate the approximate budget required to promote a site for a specific request, how this is done, we will consider in a separate lesson a little later.

    Nesting requests

    When selecting search queries through Yandex.Wordstat, one extremely important point must be taken into account. By entering a high-frequency query, we get the number of impressions for this query per month, as well as the number of impressions for medium and low-frequency queries containing our high-frequency search engine.

    To make it easier to understand what is at stake, consider an example.

    We enter the "laptop" key into Wordstat and get 5,004,200 impressions per month.

    However, this does not mean that Yandex users typed the word laptop into their search so many times. Yandex just showed us the total number of impressions given key, including as part of other keys, such as "buy a laptop", "repair a laptop", " Sony laptop"," How to fix a laptop ", etc.

    To find out how many times the word laptop was actually searched, you need to put it in quotes and repeat the search.

    Now we got the real meaning, that is, the word laptop was searched only 70561 times in Yandex search in a month.

    When choosing keywords for the site, be sure to consider this moment otherwise, you can be very disappointed in the efficiency of the query. For example, you are promoting the home page of your site for the query "front doors". You have checked the given request and found out that it has been requested 306107 times. Accordingly, you thought that the first place in the search results would give you about 300 thousand potential clients per month.

    However, in reality, the request is less frequent and it is requested only 22,563 times a month, and taking into account the region at all 9942. That is, even being in the top of the search results for this request in your region, at best, you will receive approximately 5-6 thousand visitors in month, not the planned 300 thousand.

    Quotes allow us to find out the number of hits for a key and its word forms. For example, by entering "front doors" we get the total number of hits for the following keywords: front doors, front doors, front doors, front doors, and so on.

    To determine the number of impressions for the exact occurrence of the keyword, you must use an exclamation mark in addition to the quotes.

    As we can see, the number of impressions has decreased even though not significantly. When searching for queries, be sure to use both quotation marks and an exclamation mark, this will allow you to get the most accurate statistics possible.

    It is worth noting that a certain part of optimizers do not check the keys in the aforementioned way and promote sites according to requests, the number of real impressions of which is minimal.

    Because of this, many woofers are quite competitive and it is not only pointless to promote them, but also very expensive.

    Such requests are often called dummies, that is, they are there and the competition for them is high, but there is no sense in them. You should exclude such keywords and not promote your site for them so as not to waste money.

    How to determine if the key is a dummy? One of the ways is to check it through Wordstat, you need to enter a query with operators (quotes and exclamation mark) and without them. If the difference in the number of views is significant, then the request is most likely a dummy.

    The simplest example of a dummy request:

    Now we look at the real indicators.

    Obviously, the request is useless and it makes no sense to promote it. There are a lot of such requests, so be careful!

    Good day! One of the important questions that worries many minds of mankind, what are articles for search queries? Or how else they ask: "How to write correctly?" I will not reinvent the wheel, copy Wikipedia and other scientific treatises, where "you will break your head" until you figure it out, but I will tell you in simple folk words. We are simple people, not proud!

    All these questions boil down to one thing - the correct location of keywords in the text. This is what the article will be about. External links to the article, its announcements in the social. networks and blogs, anchors and other sweets - all this concerns general SEO optimization, our goal is keywords in the text!

    Selection of keywords for SEO text

    First of all, when you start writing SEO text, you need to choose the right keywords so that they are relevant to the article itself (correspond to the topic and meaning of the text) and people typed them in the search engines Yandex and Google. The first one is clear, but to check their popularity in search engines, we go to Wordstat Yandex (a service from Yandex for the selection of words).

    I will tell you with my examples, which are quite effective and developed by my long experiments. In the role of "experimental" will be an article from my blog - the database of trust sites in 2014, which already flaunts in the top 10 Yandex and Google, thanks to competent SEO optimization.

    In Wordstat, you can use various operators when searching for words (", +,! And others), but the most the best way Is to enclose the phrase in quotation marks with exclamation marks before each word and preposition. This will show that it is such a word or phrase in unchanged form and without additional words that users are typing in search engines (see screenshot).

    1. This is how we put down the operators. As you can see, such a request is gaining 77 users per month, a good low frequency (low-frequency request). Let me remind you, in my understanding: LF - up to 1000 impressions, MF - 1000-5000, HF - over 5000. If the site goes to the top 10 on it, then divide 77 by 30 (number of days in a month), about 2-3 people will come to your site on it per day, looked at your Yandex.Metrica statistics - there have been more than 7 people. Search engines have their own concepts of life, which are classified as "secret" and we will never understand them!

    2. 524 impressions are indicated, here it is not exactly the typed phrase that is taken into account - the base of trust sites, but in various word forms, diluted with words, etc., when you click on ( 2 ) we see ( 3 ). It also has a positive impact on SEO optimization and promotion for this modified query, which can bring even more visitors. The main thing is that in the first version ( 1 ) there were already at least 50 impressions, and better than 100 impressions, which will definitely ensure the arrival of visitors when a request hits the top 10.

    The ideal option for keyword promotion is its request 100-2000 per month. So it will be faster to promote it in search engines, while, at the same time, it is also advisable to take into account its competitiveness, that is, which sites for this search query are in the top 10, steeper than your site or not, can they be left behind, you need to analyze and evaluate your possibilities.

    Competent SEO text optimization

    Now let's start distributing keywords in the SEO text. In the heading of the article (H1), the key must be required, preferably in the exact occurrence, but the case can be changed, and it is undesirable to dilute with words and punctuation marks. It's better to make the headline attractive to people.

    Usually they write on the Internet that the keywords in the article should be 3-7%. Who cares, who will count it? Almost nobody! Well, if you really count and compare with standard quantity their application by webmasters, the number converges - this is about 3-5 keys per 2000 characters of text, excluding titles and meta tags. In this case, 2 exact occurrences are desirable, the rest in morphological and diluted form.

    Where exactly to use keywords for SEO article optimization? I advise you to insert the keys as I did, since after publication, some of my articles immediately burst into the top 30-50, and after a few days they reached the top 10:

    • In headings H1, H2, it is also possible in H3, if the article is long enough.
    • In the first and last paragraph. You can start SEO text with a key, but it should not be at the beginning of the first sentence, but rather in the middle or at the end, I also often insert it into the 2nd or 3rd sentence (it doesn't matter where to insert it). You cannot put the key in the very last sentence of the article, it is better somewhere at the beginning of the last paragraph.
    • Strictly observe the uniformity of the distribution of keywords in the text. Let them be at a distance from each other in several sentences (1-3), but not in a row.
    • At the beginning of the article or in another place, you can highlight the keyword once in bold, the main thing is that it has a strong accent, it has the main meaning of the sentence. It will look natural in the eyes of the ubiquitous search engines. More than 2 times I do not advise you to highlight in bold, this is not very favored by search engines, but recent times webmasters have already stopped allocating keys altogether.

    Use structured lists in your article, they love it search robots and not bad for SEO optimization. They can also use the keyword with success.

    Check out the screenshots of my article, which I wrote about above. Keys are underlined in red.

    As you can see: 4 keys in the 2007 article are characters without spaces, excluding the title and meta tags. The main thing is not to overdo it with keywords, otherwise you can get filters for spam from our beloved search engines. SEO text should be natural and easy to read, that is, for humans, not robots.

    Filling in meta tags for SEO article optimization

    This is a mandatory process for effective SEO optimization, which helps search engines find your website pages faster and rank them higher in search results, in fact, meta tags are created specifically for robots. Keywords play a very important role here, after filling in the meta tags, search engines will see them, so it is also necessary to correctly insert.

    Many webmasters have the All in One plugin SEO Pack or similar, which creates fields for filling meta tags: title, description, keywords:

    • Title is the title of the article, it will be seen by people in search when they type the corresponding search query and, of course, crawled by robots. It is imperative to include the key in it, I advise - in the exact entry and especially without extra water, only specifics.
    • Description - short description about what the article says. Here it is better to use the keyword in the first sentence or at the beginning of the second.
    • Keywords - it is better not to include many keys, 1-3 is enough, master key and the corresponding ones from the article.
    • Alt - this meta tag is filled in images (pictures). The key word needs to be spelled out, I do this, only in Latin, but if it is of several words, then put a choice of 2 characters between them: dash (-), lower division (_), brackets are not needed, of course. The title can be written in any way or leave it empty altogether; this does not matter for SEO optimization.

    Pay attention to the screenshots - the keyword is underlined in red.

    This is how keywords are placed in the SEO text. Do not forget that the keys must necessarily be relevant to the article, which can be checked in various services, for example - MegaIndex. SEO optimization text is the most important component of website promotion, if the keys are incorrectly located, all your efforts will be doomed to failure! I hope this article will help you in your fight for the top gold. Good luck!

    P.S. A case from my practice copywriter ... Once a customer gave me a technical assignment (technical task) for writing an article for the main page of the site (web studio for the creation and promotion of sites). It was necessary to use 25 keywords for 4000 characters of text and, at the same time, the keys consisted of almost the same words, spam which the world had never seen!

    It took a long time to tinker with the text, and soon the article was ready. I worked at the stock exchange then. The customer accepted the article, but as I found out later, he gave a low mark, explained that there was a lot of spam. I apologize, duck, why the hell did you specify so many almost identical keys in the technical assignment, because of which it will be clear to the last asshole that spam is provided! So understand the logic of such, sorry, asshole!