Installing the 1c platform enterprise. Proper installation "1C: Enterprise. Adding information base

Installation of the 1C Platform: Enterprise 8

What is the platform and configuration? How to install a 1c company platform 8 to your computer yourself. From simple to complex. Injure knowledge and consider all actions to perform this task.

Basic concepts 1C - platform and configuration

1C account automation program: Enterprise 8 can be divided into 2 closely interconnected blocks that interact with each other - configuration and platform. The platform manages the work of the configuration, and the configuration in turn represents the description of the objects with which the user will work.

Let us explain in more detail - to start any configuration 1C (1C: Accounting 8, 1C: Trade Management 8, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8, 1C: Comprehensive Automation, 1C: Managing Production Enterprise 8) Always required Installation of the 1c enterprise technological platform. The platform is a configuration environment for configurations, and also provides capabilities and tools to make changes inside the configuration.

The configuration in turn consists of objects (reference books: nomenclature, organizations, warehouses; documents: parish invoice, buyer's order, sale of goods and services; reports: sales, gross profit), which are programmatically connected and properly structured to automate the activities of a certain Applications (trade, accounting, production).

That is why the installation of the program 1C: Enterprise 8 also consists of 2 parts: setting the platform and set configuration. Since the topic is volume, in this article Consider the 1st part - the installation of the platform.

Actions before installing the 1C platform: Enterprise 8

Before installing the platform, you must familiarize yourself with system requirements. Namely on your computer must be installed operating system Not lower than Windows XP with SP3 update package, and if Windows 7/8/10 is used, the update packs of these systems are also required. Such requirements imply that your computer is up to date and steadily works.

Where does the 1c platform download?

Installation set of 1C platform: Enterprise 8 can only be obtained if you acquire a company from 1C partners any application solution (for example, 1C Trade Management 8 or 1C: Accounting 8), officially separately version for full installation platform Download and buy will not work. And even on the site support site, for those who have an agreement of information and technological support (ITS), you can only download the platform update versions (the so-called reduced installation option).

Training version of the 1C platform: Enterprise 8

For those who are unfamiliar with the 1c platform, the company 1C gives a unique opportunity - download the training version on the site Kits - 1C: Accounting 8 and 1C: Enterprise 8.3 Version for learning programming. Programming version can be downloaded completely free by reference -, you only need to fill the fields and link to download will come to your electronic drawer. Of course, this version has its own limitations - it will not be possible to keep records of a real enterprise and to pass reports, but the use of this product will give you a real chance to estimate the possibilities of the software product before its commercial acquisition. The process of installing a real 1c platform 1c is practically no different, in the end you only need to install 1C protection keys that can be hardware (USB) or software (keys are distributed in envelopes and entered as PIN code). Next, consider installing the 1c training version on your computer.

Platform installation process 1C: Enterprise 8

So, I think that you have already managed to fill all the fields by the above link to download, a letter came to email, and the distribution platform distribution was successfully downloaded! Well, then start the process of installing the 1C platform: Enterprise 8. By steps, we will execute the installation process:

  1. First of all, you need to unzip the downloaded file educfull83.rar;
  2. Next, open the EDUCFULL83 folder and the autorun.exe file. Click the link - select the components installed;
  3. Next, select - Platform 1C: Enterprise 8.3;
  4. You welcome the installation program 1c enterprise 8.3;
  5. Next, during the installation, there is a possibility of a sample installation, in this window the parameters do not change, leave everything as it is (here also on the tab - "Interfaces in various languages" it is possible to install additional languages);

  6. The next window has the ability to change the path of installing the platform (such an opportunity can be in demand if system disk With little space);
  7. Next, the window is broken, where the default interface language is set. As a rule, the value " System Installations", Which can be manually changed;
  8. So, everyone needs parameters. We have chosen the platform.

  9. Next from the menu windows programs (or from the desktop) we find a program and launch 1C: Enterprise ( training version) And the information base startup window opens. Congratulations, you have successfully installed the 1C platform: Enterprise 8 on your computer!

These steps must be done to install the 1C platform: Enterprise 8. Perhaps all the acts done will seem very complex. Therefore, we offer qualified assistance in installing the program. To do this, contact us by electronic address This adress email Protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. and order a service - "Installation of the 1C platform: Enterprise 8".

In the language of 1C, many programs for accounting, calculations and reports are written for various fields of activity. Before you set a specific dumplings, you need to put the 1C enterprise platform on the computer.

Installation is possible in several ways:
  • from installation diskcoming in the kit when purchasing a software 1C;
  • from the disk ITS, if you issued a subscription;
  • from the technical support site, also if there is a subscription.
For access to the 1C technical support website, you must register your software product, or if you are a 1C partner, enter a partner code and password. The site contains the latest updates, so this method It is recommended especially to those who deal with the regulated shapes of reporting, which must be relevant at the time of delivery. After successful registration, you will be available updates that correspond to your subscription (exclusively on those software productsthat you purchased and registered). To install 1C, select "Technological Platform 8.2", then from the list of the list. Click on latest version. Click on the link "Technological Platform 1C: Enterprises for Windows", download the archive. Open the folder into which the archive of the 1C distribution archive and unpack this file, for example, using the WinRAR archiver. Next, the instruction is suitable for any of the three installation methods. In the 1c distribution folder, locate the setting file set up with 1C icon and run it. The installation wizard will propose to choose components for installation, language. If you want to locally install the program on your computer, leave standard settings. It is better not to change the path to the 1C folder, because when installing updates, it will be to accumulate and the program will automatically be able to select the desired configuration release. The system may require to complete the administrator rights setting, confirm the resolution.

When the 1C program is installed, automatically departs a proposal for installing the protection driver. Be sure to install it. Now you need the USB key that comes in the kit. Connect it to the computer.

Check how it works installed programTo do this, over the "Start" open "All Programs", then select 1C: Enterprise 8.2 and click on the 1c label or just on the desktop click twice in this shortcut. The launch window will open with the message "The Base List is empty, add a database?", Refuse and close the dialog box.

Now you can easily establish your configuration, for example, 1C: Accounting. Note, only a database template will be added after installation, i.e. When you start 1C, the list of databases will be still empty. To add a database, click on the right button "Add" and select the desired template, then several times in the proposed windows click "Next", and upon completion of the "Finish" installation. The list of databases will be replenished. Highlight a new database and click the "1C: Enterprise" button on the right. The database will open until empty, but finished to work.

Below will be described in detail the process of installing a typical configuration in the "1C: Enterprise" system 8.3, on the example of the company's accounting solution. Setting a typical configuration occurs in two stages, first sets the configuration template, and then a new database is created from the installed template.

Setting the template.

To add a new template you need special program Configuration settings (distribution). You can take the installation program on the ITS disk or on the website support for users of the "1C: Enterprise" system.

Open a directory with a typical configuration installation program and start the setup.exe file.

The configuration installation program will start. Click "Next" on the initial installation window.

Now select the directory where the template will be stored. By selecting the necessary directory, click "Next".

We wait for the end of the installation and click "Finish" to complete the wizard.

Creature new Base Data from template

Now create a new database from the installed template. But first, specify the launch program directory with the location of configuration templates. To do this, you will start the client "1C: Enterprise", in the information base selection window, click "Setup", in the startup configuration dialog settings window that will add our configuration template catalog (you can add multiple directories) and click "OK" Saving the entered values.

A wizard adding an information base / group will open. If you create a new information base, set the appropriate switch (already installed by default) and click "Next".

In the next window, see the list of templates installed in the specified early directory. For the installed template, there are 2 options for creating an information base - new (clean) database , I. Demo databases To demonstrate configuration capabilities. (If you plan to create an information database for subsequent loading of data from the unloading file (* .dt) or to develop a new configuration, you need to select "Creating an information base without configuration ...".) We choose the option you need and click "Next".

Enter the name of the database (as it will be displayed in the list) and select the type of information base location - file (on a computer computer or in local network) or client-server (On the server "1C: Enterprises"). IN this example Select the file version by setting the appropriate switch and click "Next".

Specify the path of the database files and click "Next" again.

On the last page Indicate the startup parameters for the database added. If the configuration version differs from version 1C (for example, a configuration for version 8.2, and you want to run from under the client version 8.3) You must change this parameter. After deciding with the parameters, click "Finish" to complete the wizard, after which the process of creating a new base, which may take some time.

"1C: Enterprise" is at today one of the best platforms for doing business, accounting, and as well as to automate the work of various organizations. Programs are applied in areas for which it was not intended before. If you want to increase the efficiency of your IP or practice before accounting practice, you should know how to install "1C: Enterprise" on a PC.

By itself, installing 1C and the simplest setting - the matter is not difficult. Questions from the user begin to occur after it: "What about doing with it?". In order not to tear the hair on yourself, trying to master tons of information with my mind, read some features of "one ES".

  • "Enterprise" is a platform. That is, to use the software, you must select any configuration. There are many, the most popular: Accounting, trade management, salary and personnel management. By the name it is not difficult to guess what they are intended for.
  • 1c must be able to use. For some it was difficult to master Excel or even Word. But all these flowers compared to domestic software. No, the program is really super and gives a bunch of opportunities. However, it will have to spend a lot of time for training or even money for video tutorials.
  • "We look into the book - you see Fig." The Russian saying perfectly describes the state of the person who opened the "enterprise" for the first time. There are no databases, and it is not clear what to do. At the end of the article, the Aza management of software will be given.


What version is better to put on the computer? Of course, the most recent. Today it is 8.3 or 8.2. Previous, even 8.0 - pretty old product, which will uncomfortable to use. Try to put the newest one, especially if you get the software for money.

And if for free? There are demonstrative versions of the bases that can be used for several days - about 30. If you are a novice accountant and want to practice at home, then this option will completely come for you. Especially since the price of a whole product is not small.

Another option is a pirate version. Despite the diligent work of Roskomnadzor, find the unlicensed version of 1c is quite simple. Most organizations have exactly those. And, most likely, if you read this article, I also found a source with "pirates". It is worth warming in advance. The installed software will work almost without flaws. However, if you plan as a programmer to provide services for the operation of illegal "1C: Enterprise", then the risk of incurred for this criminal liability. And if you are simple clientthen, again, none good programmer Will not serve you when you find a pirated version.

Installation and Setup

Installation of the 1C platform, as already mentioned above, nothing hard is.

  • We go to the folder with the program and select the "setup" file there or click on the disk icon, after which the installation window opens.

Select the file "Setup"

  • Click "Next", skipping all the standard stages, stop only on the window where you need to select the components of the program. We mark the first first at mandatory. They must be installed on a hard disk.
  • In the final window, install the protection key driver. He also need us, so agree.

We successfully set the platform. Now in the same way, but without additional settings you need to install the required configuration. We start the setup file and do everything in the same way, it will be installed for a few minutes.

Configure to start work

So, how to install 1C, we figured out. Now you need to create a database. It is essentially initial setting. Creating a base will be considered by the example "1C: Accounting" - the most popular configuration.

  • Run the program.
  • As a rule, we immediately appear a message in which the system proposes to create a new info-database.
  • We choose "Creating a new ...", click "Next".

  • The list needs to make a choice of configuration. We do it. After thinking up with the name and go on.
  • Select the location on the hard disk.
  • Click ready.

Now we have a database with which you can already start working.

Practice shows that the installation "1C: Enterprise" is not a problem for anyone. And hereby the following actions already cause difficulties. See the information on the sections you are interested in, get new knowledge on this topic and soon you can proudly talk familiar what you understand in the softe from "One ES".

Often, 1C users have a question - where to take the 1C platform and install on a computer, for example, after replacing the computer or when must be reinstalled at the request of 1C configuration? The answer is obvious - you can download the 1c enterprise platform 8 from the official site. I propose in this publication to make out this question and update the 1C platform yourself.

Very often it happens that it would seem for elementary things to be unknown how to perform. In my opinion, the installation of the 1c platform company is the question of exactly from this area. With all its elementality, this operation very often puts in User's deadlock: there is a box, licenses with PIN codes, discs, books, but where new platform? On disk, usually distribution outdated version Platforms 1C, and where to take a new one, unknown ... Output one - call 1C partners, they will decide everything, but, however, not free.

This is how it will think and will make the usual user 1c, but what to hide, - I myself would do it. No wonder they say that knowledge is power. In our case, knowledge will help a little to save on the services of Franchisees 1C and independently install the 1C platform.

Consideration of this issue we divide into two stages:

How to download 1c platform enterprise 8 from the official site

1C Updates can be downloaded by 1C portal, at We find the service "1C: update programs" and click on the link "Learn more".

On the page that opens, you can find out the description of the service, the conditions of receipt and the other useful information. We find in the menu on the left item "download updates of programs".

If you have not been logged in to the service up to this point, the login / password input form will appear. These data should be issued to you by 1C partners when installing 1C configurations. I know that often this requirement is ignored as 1C partners (to avoid unnecessary questions Both explanations) and users themselves (who do not understand where this data is applied and why? - Everything works if it stops, then partners 1C will decide).

After entering the registration data, a list of 1C configurations available to update is available, from where you can download the 1c enterprise platform 8.3. We find the current version of the 1C enterprise platform.

At the time of writing the article, the current platform has a release, the platform 8.4 exists only in test mode. Accordingly, in the list of platforms we find the "technological platform 8.3" and click on the last of the available versions of the platforms "".

In the list opened different types Platforms, choose the necessary for us to work. Most popular installation option - installation of the 1c platform in Windows system. If this is your option, then choose in the list "Technological platform 1C: enterprises for Windows".

By this action, you download the archive of the installation distribution 1c enterprise 8.3 - windows.rar.. Remove the archive.

Installation of the 1C Platform Enterprise 8

After extracting the application archive, we enter the created directory with program files and in the list we find and click on installation file setup.exe. (file titled setup. and type "Appendix").

Master of installation 1C: Enterprise 8 will welcome you and warn you that the program is protected by copyright. Click "Next".

In the next step, the wizard will offer to the selection of components for installation:

We will tell you about the components offered to install another time, and now we are only interested in the 1C platform: the enterprise. We check that it is not labeled with a cross and click "Next."

In the next step, select the installation language and click "Set the Platform", after which the Master will start the installation procedure.

After installation, a form with alert will be displayed that the installation program is completed. Press "ready."

Platform 1C Enterprise 8.3 installed.

After installing on your desktop, a shortcut will appear for launching 1C enterprise 8.3.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult to independently download the 1c enterprise platform 8 from the official site and install on the computer. Do not forget after installing the platform.

Enjoy your work with 1C Enterprise!

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to the publication or on.

Download 1c enterprise platform 8 from the official site and install