What the Windows RAM 10 is clogged. Cleaning the computer's RAM in manual mode. What is responsible for the RAM

This time we offer you the topic of how to clear the operational memory of the computer with Windows 10. This will consider several ways to secure RAM liberation and increase system speed.

Methods for freeing RAM on Windows 10

When there is little on the computer random access memory, it starts to slow down and running applications slowly react to user actions. In this case, it becomes extremely uncomfortable for the PC. Of course, you can buy another RAM bar (if there is a free slot on the motherboard) and speed up the system work slightly. However, what to do in the event if there is no such possibility? How to free up computer memory with Windows 10?

Method number 1. Using a special script

To make the release of RAM on a computer with Windows 10 it is worth using the following script:

  • Press right-click Mice on the desktop and choose "Create".
  • Next, select "Text Document" and ask him any name. Open the document through notepad and insert the following rows: Freemem \u003d space (3200000), where 3200000 is 32 MB (safely without harm to the system can remove 32 MBs).
  • Next, we save the document and choose to rename. Change the expansion of S.TXT NBS.

  • Start the file on your PC and expect the result. Check the speed of the system. This file can be used repeatedly as soon as the system began to slow down.

Method number 2. Closing unnecessary programs

Computer memory is consumed various applications. Some of them are added when installing the system and operate without a user's knowledge. If you do not use any programs, you should turn them off in advance. To do this, do the following:

  • Right-click on the Start icon and select "Task Manager".

  • A new window will open. Go to the Processes tab and complete all that concern unused programs (use the right mouse button).

We check whether the results have given the "cleaning".

IMPORTANT! If you have unused programs are displayed in the section " Background processes", I remove them there.

Method number 3. Cleaning autoload

Another way to make the RAM is a removal of programs that you use rarely from the startup. To do this, you can go to the C: \\ ProgramData \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ StartMenu \\ Programs \\ Startup and delete shortcuts of unused applications. Or press "Win + R" and enter "msconfig".

After excluding programs from autoloading, Windows 10 will start faster.

Method number 4. Restarting Windows Explorer

So that the system work faster, you can try to restart Windows Explorer.. To do this, carry out the following:

  • We launch the "Task Manager" and go to the "Details" tab. Here we find "Explorer".

  • After the task is completed, you need to go again to the "Task Manager" and click "File", "Run a new task".

  • The "Run" command window appears. We enter "exe".

  • After rebooting the conductor, the amount of RAM will increase. However, you should not expect a "space" growth.

Restart the conductor can be even one way. Create on the desktop text DocumentOpening it through Notepad and enter "Taskkill / F / Im Explorer.exe, Start Explorer.exe". After, saving the file with the extension.Bat, you can restart Explorer.

Method number 5. Setting graphic theme Aero.

This topic has several display modes. You can turn off best performance or disable any effects at all. To do this, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the topic how to improve the performance of the desktop for Windows Aero. Only disabling the effects that you consume RAM, you can speed up PC.

Method number 6. Software

A program for cleaning RAM can also help solve the problem. Among the set of software, we recommend using Wise Memory Optimizer.

The program needs to mention objects for cleaning, set the size of RAM and click "Optimize".

It is important to note that you need to clean the cache of programs and run the cleaning of the system from the garbage. A sufficient amount of memory on the hard disk, as well as the optimal RAM volume ensure the maximum speed of the system.

Your memory on a computer under windows control 10 completely filled? This is not the end of the world! You do not need to buy a new one hDD Or delete photos and games.

In fact, Windows 10 allows you to free up memory much easier and faster than any other operating system. Today we share a few simple advice, how to quickly release memory windows Computer 10.

Check than the memory is filled

Windows 10 offers a great way to manage memory. Just open the Start menu and type " Storage"(Or go to the section Settings\u003e System\u003e Storage).

Click on the main hard drive at the top of the window, after which you will see the breakdown of files on this disk and how much free memory They occupy.

You will notice that some files occupy more memory than others. It is possible that the old HD film was lying on your computer, about which you forgot.

Note the section " System and reserved"It is better to ignore because it contains important files to work. operating system. Nevertheless, it is recommended to click on it, and check, it is possible that on your computer installed old version Windows. When updating on Windows 10, it can remain on the computer old copy Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. It takes about 15 GB of free space. Why not delete it? Forward, do it!

Documents, Music, Images, Video - Click on Each section, and make sure that it does not contain unnecessary or outdated files.

Function Storage It is one of the most useful in Windows 10. Thanks to it, you can free a few dozen gigabytes of memory.

Delete programs through "Applications and Features"

After checking the repository it is recommended to visit "applications and opportunities". This section contains a list of all programs installed on the computer. Go to Settings\u003e System\u003e Applications and Features, or just write " Applications and opportunities»In the search bar.

Check out full listAnd delete the programs that you no longer use. You can also sort the software in size and find out what the most is occupied by free space.

Clean the basket

Make sure that after all the actions performed above, you cleared the basket. As you know all the files that you delete Windows 10 on the computer are placed in the basket. It is possible that you deleted unnecessary programs and files, but they are still in the basket, and occupy memory on the computer.

In order to clear the basket, right-click on the desktop icon and select " Empty trash».

Change ONEDRIVE Synchronization Settings

Many users are annoying cloud service ONEDRIVE on Windows 10, but I personally use it in my favor. More than 120 GB of personal files and photos are stored on the ONEDRIVE cloud.

Since I usually always have access to the Internet, I do not need to store all files on the local hard disk. Moreover, Windows 10 allows you to automatically synchronize most files on a computer with oneDrive.

You can change the synchronization settings by right-clicking on the ONEDRIVE icon in the Windows system tray (in the lower right corner of the screen). Go to section Settings\u003e Account\u003e Select foldersAnd then check the boxes next to the folders you want to synchronize with the cloud.

Using these tips, you can quickly and easily release hundreds of gigabytes of memory on your computer. To delete smaller files, temporary files and other unnecessary data, use special software, eg, Total Care Systemor CCleaner.

Users who have installed on their computers new version Windows operating system, going to the task manager noticed that the Windows 10 system and compressed memory process appeared in it. It uses a large amount of RAM. This article will be written in which this process represents and why is needed.

Why do you need?

IN early versions OS from Microsoft This process was also present, but was called "System". It uses a large amount of RAM, sometimes loads the processor and disk. But this is not a bug, but an improvement in the memory management mechanism in the form of a "Compression Store" function ("Compression Store") operating within the "System and Compressed Memory" process. When using it, the performance increases (find out how to increase the PC performance in the article "") applications and programs that are running on the PC increases the responsiveness of Windows 10.

Why loads RAM?

This feature is designed for storage in RAM of compressed pages and data. With a lack of RAM, the programs about programs are not recorded immediately to the hard disk in, and fall into a compressed form in RAM. This increases the responsiveness of the OS, so the process "system and compressed memory" uses a large amount of "RAM" (sometimes 4 GB).

The fact is that the rate of data exchange in RAM and Winchester is characterized (in the first case it is much higher). Therefore, recording information about applications to the disk will cause slowdown windows work 10. Before using the paging file, the new OS compresses all data and places them in the "RAM". This allows you to maintain a lot more information about running applications. The speed of work is reduced, compared to the usual storage of data in RAM, but it is still higher than when writing data on HDD.

How to turn off?

Important! If the computer works fine and the sufficient amount of RAM is installed on it, do not disconnect the "Compression Store" function.


The "Compression Store" function, which enters the "System and Compressed Memory" process, increases the performance and responsiveness of Windows 10. But it uses a large amount of RAM. If you decide to disable it, you can do it in the service window.

How fast and productive will be a computer depends on the three main components - the computing power of the processor, the volume of RAM and type hard disk. But if the type of physical media is carried at a largely secondary character, then the RAM is equally important than the processor. If you have a cool CPU, but little RAM, the computer will not cope with many tasks if there is plenty of RAM, but a weak processor, the essence will not change and the computer will also work slowly.

To ensure high speed, it is necessary that the RAM module is installed on the PC, however, there are means to optimize the use of memory. Runs can be cleaned by unloading secondary processes from it and thereby freeing resources for their needs.

Optimization of RAM to the means of the system

So, how to free up the RAM on your computer with Windows 7/10, and whether some kind of special means? If you are an experienced user, you can perform such cleaning manually by completing non-critical processes in the task manager and disabling unnecessary services and components. It is important, however, to understand what task is this or that service is performing, because otherwise there is a risk to cut the functionality of the operating system or cause mistakes in its work.

Checking startup

Start optimizing RAM is best with the autoload analysis. There are quite a lot of programs that are automatically written in and start in the background each time the system starts. Removing them from there, you are thereby free the place occupied by them. Open the task manager, switch to the "Auto-loading" tab and turn off the autostart of all those programs that do not consider important.

Fast unloading of RAM

This method of cleaning RAM in Windows 7/10 is the enforcement of processes in the task manager. Opening the dispatcher, switch to the "Details" tab, sort the CPU header the processes and complete through context menu Those of them that consume most of the resources.

Close only those processes whose assignment you know however, even if you are wrong, nothing terrible will happen, Windows or will not allow this to do, or give a message about the possible completion of the system. In Windows 7, the fall in BSOD is not excluded, but this is if the critical process is completed using third-party utilities with appropriate privileges.

Disable services and components

Clear RAM on Windows 7/10 computer by disconnecting secondary services. For this command msconfig In the "Run" window, run the "System Configuration" utility, switch to the "Services" tab and carefully examine the contents of the list, scissors to start the Microsoft service. As in the case of the processes, you must understand what you are doing, that is, you need to know, for which one or another service is responsible. If you, for example, disconnect the Windows Audio service, sound will stop working on the computer.

The same applies to the components. Open the team tool uptionalFeatures And look to turn off. If you do not use, say, print, why not turn off the service managers. Service activation of Windows, services and means of viewing XPS, prints and documents, customer folder clients, Telnet and TFTP, SMB and SNMP protocols, provider of Windows location, NTVDM, Hyper-V, implemented by IIS services web core, Telnet server and message queue server Microsoft, Tiff Ifilter, RAS Connection Manager, RIP Listep, Simple TCPIP Services - All of these components are rarely used, so they can be painlessly disable, so as not to occupy in memory.

The best program for cleaning RAM

Users who doubt their strengths to clean RAM can resort to third-party utilities. Their use is rapid and safe way Optimization of RAM, at least, you can be sure that they will not turn off anything really important and necessary for the system.

Mem Reduct.

Little utility for monitoring the cost of RAM and its quick cleaning. The use of Mem Reduct is extremely simple - by calling the PCM to its menu from the system tray and select the "Clear Memory" option. The utility immediately unloads non-critical processes from the memory.

Additionally, the program is supported by automatic removal of RAM when it reaches a certain level of its loading or by timer, cleaning specific regionThe settings are available external view and behavior. After unloading the memory, the utility shows the result in megabytes. Frequent, effective and in Russian.

Similar to Mem Reduct utility, but even more simple. You can clean the RAM in it with one click - by pressing the "Optimization" button from the system traine or the main window. Settings I. additional features Little, there is only adding Windows to autoload, cleaning the buffer, folding in the tray, launch when simple.

Automatic memory cleaning is supported when the value specified by the user is reached. Wise Memory Optimizer is free, has a small weight and multilingual interface. The Russian language is chosen by default.

MZ RAM Booster.

Popular in certain circles "Accelerator" and a memory optimizer. From previous tools, the flexibility of setting optimization parameters is flexible to delve into which novice, in general, the main thing is to know the purpose of the three main modules - Start Optimize, Recover RAM and CPU Boost. The first starts the procedure for cleaning the memory used by EXE files, the second unloads the memory occupied by DLL libraries and different services, the third, in theory, should speed up the processor, but for some reason this function does not always work correctly, leading to the mz ram booster.

Additionally, you can install the checkboxes on the System Speedup tab as shown in the screenshot - the use of these functions will give an increase in RAM by disconnecting non-critical services and the record functions of service logs. The program is free, minus - no support for the Russian language.

The most advanced of all the tools offered here for monitoring and optimization of RAM. The program includes a resource consumption monitor, a quick optimizer, a benchmark, a specialized processes manager and an information panel that outlines system data. The main methods for optimizing RAM in RAM Saver Pro are its defragmentation, unloading to the paging file and prevent leakage in applications.

How to clean the computer's operational memory with Windows 7/10 with its help without going into all the subtleties? Quite simple. You need to go to the Optimizer tab and click "Optimize", and everything else will make it myself. You can also work with individual processes by switching to the tab of the same name. The optimizer on a paid basis is distributed, the interface language is English.

Rational approach to RAM cleaning

So, we figured out how to clear the RAM on Windows 7/10, but is it worth resorting to such receptions and if so, in what cases. Purification of the RAM can really improve the performance of the computer, but it should be done correctly, avoiding the possibility of using third-party programs working on the principle "pressed and ready". The fact is that almost all accelerator programs in their work use the EmptyWorkingSet function, unloading the unused data from RAM to the paging file.

According to the indicators of the memory task manager, it becomes more that, however, has a very minor effect on performance. The reason is more than banal - the data that should be stored in RAM and which system or software can be requested at any time, stored in a hard disk swore, whose read / write speed is much lower than RAM. Using accelerators also use other methods, just as dubious, for example, require a large amount of resources for their work, deceiving the system and forcing it to free cache.

The method is ineffective, because Windows very quickly detects catch and directs the released memory to their needs and the needs of working programs. If you really want your computer to work faster, deal with installed programs, especially those hanging in autoload, as well as with unused services and components of the system itself.

RAM is an interesting thing, then it is, then it is not. Well, if seriously, it is worth saying that many users often use many programs that work in the background, and how much they consume RAM Nobody is even thinking.

In this article we will tell you how to clear the RAM on Windows 10 built-in tools of the operating system. And also collected for you the best programs for cleaning the Windows 10 RAM.

Cleaning RAM Reboot Computer

As I think many are known, the most simple way Runifying RAM 10 is a simple computer reboot. Since after rebooting the computer, the RAM is automatically cleaned.

Release of RAM closing programs

Clear RAM can also be closed open programsthat use the most RAM. To do this, use the dispatcher windows tasks 10, which has a fairly wide functionality.

In more detail about the running processes, you can see the details tab, as well as similarly from there to close demanding processes.

Cleaning RAM with a simple script

This is another way to clean RAM with a script without using third-party programs. We just need to create a small script for cleaning RAM, after starting which the operational memory cleaning will occur truly quickly and efficiently.

Plus this method there is something that you do not need to look and download third-party programs. Once created a script for cleaning RAM and can use it anywhere. So, to clean RAM using a simple script, you need to follow the following steps:

And there is also another team that also allows you to clear the RAM. But here you also need to create a script as written above. And insert the command to the script itself:

myString \u003d (40000000)

Programs for cleaning Windows RAM 10

Now there is a large selection of programs that allow you to automatically clean RAM. Some of them even have the ability to automatically clean RAM in the background. Therefore, it is worth choosing a program for cleaning RAM based on the convenience of the interface and the capabilities of the most programs. All programs of our list are really worthy and easily cope with the tasks set.

Ram Rush.

Ram Rush has a simpler user interface Compared to the following programs of our list. The utility works in a quiet mode and allows the user to observe the CPU schedule and RAM in real time. And it is also possible to configure it so that Windows 10's operational memory optimization is automatically launched when its volume is less than 8% of the total RAM volume or manually start cleaning the RAM using hot keys.

KCleaner is powerful utility To clean RAM. It has several modes of operation, both manual and automatic. It is possible to download a portable version of the program, which makes it even more convenient to use.

MZ RAM Booster

An excellent free system utility created specifically to improve the performance of your computer by automatically cleaning RAM. MZ RAM Booster uses minimum resources, not an additionally loading system.

Feature free utility Wise Memory Optimizer is the automatic release of RAM. To do this, you just need to download and run Wise Memory Optimizer. She frees physical memorywho consume useless applications.

CleanMem is probably the smallest utility among our list to clean RAM on Windows 10. It has an interface that usual users of the WindWS 7 operating system, since it looks like a desktop widget. To clean RAM, you need to right-click on the widget and select Clean Memory Now. This makes it a convenient remedy for beginners.

Advanced Systemcare.

ADVANCED SYSTEMCARE is a really powerful cleaning program that has a very wide functionality. Namely this is a set of utilities to optimize the computer. Thanks to a good intuitive interface, it is suitable for both newcomers and more experienced users. Has Russian interface language and free version programs.


In this article, we looked at how to clear the RAM on Windows 10, as this is a really interesting topic. We recommend paying attention to the list best programs To clean the Windows 10 RAM.

Write to us in the comments how to free the RAM you, and what programs do you use for this?