How to enable secure computer start mode. How to turn on the PC through a secure mode. How to restart the computer in secure mode: detailed instructions. Windows installation disk

Safe mode is a special mode windows startupused to eliminate the troubleshooting operating system. In safe mode, most drivers and programs are not loaded, the autoload is turned off, only what is necessary for windows work. This mode is useful for eliminating problems caused by installing or updating programs and drivers that can lead to incorrect computer operation (freezes, slows down), as well as normal Windows startup.

Many of the users in Windows fails at work immediately begin to reinstall the system or search for a specialist who could do it. But it is easy to solve the problem, and it is enough to restart the computer in safe mode and see the last software installed and drivers that could fail, remove the latter.

Determine the download in secure mode is very easy - on the display of the laptop or PC in the corners of the screen, the "Safe Mode" inscription is displayed.

You can download the computer in secure mode in several ways and in all Windows operating systems, we will tell you how to do in versions 7, 8/8.1 and 10.

Loading a secure mode from the operating system

The easiest way to download a secure mode is to use the System Configuration program being downloaded in the Windows 7 operating system, Windows 8 / 8.1 or Windows 10.

To do this, click the Start button and select Menu Run or use the Win + R keys. In the window that appears, enter the command: msconfig and press ENTER

The "System Configuration" program opens. Select a tab and in the download options. Check the box. Safe modeClick OK.

Now confirm the reboot by pressing the appropriate button

After that, your system will be rebooted in safe mode.

Do not forget after troubleshooting, re-run the program and remove the checkbox in the download parameters. Otherwise you will always be loaded into Safe mode

In the Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10 operating system, there is another way to download a secure mode. To use them, click on the On / Off button. Power on the login screen or in Windows 8 / 8.1 Mouse over to the right upper desktop angle and select the Parameters button, and then the power button icon, in Windows 10 - Start and

Computer reboot and appear service screen, where you need to choose the diagnostic option

In the window that appears Extra options, choose Download options

We are asked to reboot for further choice, click to restart

After rebooting, a window appears in front of us with the choice of download parameters.
In windows 8 choose Safe mode And click Enter.

In Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, to boot in safe mode Press the keyboard with a key with a number 4 or F4

Computer with Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 will boot in safe mode.

Loading a safe mode using keys

It happens that the laptop or PC can not boot in normal mode at all and to get into safe windows mode It is necessary before the start of the operating system as soon as the image appears on the screen and hold the F8 key, sometimes you need to use the SHIFT + F8 keys

In the Windows 7 launch menu, select

In Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, go through the procedure that.

Now you know how to download a computer and a laptop in safe Windows mode.

Many things we connected to Windows slowly disappear over the years, as technology develops, and we form new habits to adapt. For example, I remember the days when to download to the safe mode it was necessary to simply press F8 repeatedly.

It was such a little secret - something like Lifehak, which you could teach a friend at the right moment on the phone. Those times have long passed, however, even if the input to the safe mode has become more confusing, it is also a distinctive sign of progress in the Windows system load sequence.

Secure Windows 10 Mode

In safe mode, Windows automatically eliminates some programs and drivers that are not necessary for downloading and normal operation of Windows. And only takes the most necessary in the minimum quantity. Thus, the download process will be rapid and secure.

In Windows 10, the computer load in safe mode is slightly different from previous versions Windows. Starting with Verce 8 and 8.1, Microsoft has changed the usual way to get into a safe mode.

If earlier we simply used the F8 keys or a combination of SHIFT + F8 to go to a secure mode, then in Windows 10 these old methods are rarely triggered. But this does not mean that you do not have another way to go to the safe mode in Windows 10. In this post, I will show you 4 ways to download the computer on Windows 10 in safe mode. Let's take a look.

# 1 F8 or F8 + SHIFT

In this case, the most old method Not the best. Multiple pressing F8 or F8 + SHIFT during boot can return memories of your first Windows 95 or XP. But the truth is that the key combination of keys will rarely work in Windows 10.

Starting with Windows 8, Microsoft managed to significantly reduce the download time and therefore a large percentage of modern computers is too fast to register the press on these keys. Even if the method is still technically supported by the operating system, the system simply cannot react quickly.

Of course, first of all you should try to use this very easy way. If everything went successfully, you will be sent to the optional download options menu, where you can select and run a secure mode.

Note: You must quickly press the key until the boot logo appears. The boot logo will look like a picture that, each user can be different, depending on the manufacturer of the equipment.

# 2 special download options

The menu with special download options was presented in Windows 8.1 and it provides a wide range of options for users who have problems with a computer. It also gave tolerance to additional download options that we need. Below are several ways to go to the menu with special download options:

  • One of the most simple ways Loading in the menu with special download options is the SHIFT combination and the reboot button. To do this, clamp the button Shift. and press restart button. This can be done in Start menu, in login menu and other placeswhere there is a reboot button.
  • Another way is to connect recovery disk. Immediately after connecting the disk, start the system. You will be prompted to select the keyboard layout, after which you will be transferred to the menu with special download options. Create recovery disk is very easy. Just enter the "recovery disk" in the search field, connect the USB flash drive and follow the instructions on the screen.
  • Finally, you can boot in the menu with special download options, through Parameters\u003e Update and Security\u003e Restore. There, click the "Restart Now" button under the head of special download options, and your computer will be rebooted.

All these three methods will lead you to one menu. There, select Diagnostics\u003e Advanced Settings\u003e Download Options. Then press the reboot button, after which various download options will appear on the screen. Pressing F4, F5 or F6 to upload one of available options Safe mode.

# 3 system configuration

The "System Configuration" menu provides the most fast methodAt least when you are already in Windows. Open the search field, register msconfig.exe. And press ENTER. Then, in the tab, check the box in the "Safe Mode" window. If you want to go to secure mode with advanced parameters, select the option. Other shell, not minimal. Click OK and you will be offered to restart the system immediately.

If you need to do something before rebooting, simply select the "Exit without reboot" option and you can restart your PC after.

# 4 launch interrupt

The last method is a bit tough, but necessary in some cases. For example, if you cannot boot into the desktop, then from all options that I described above, only one guaranteed to work on Windows 10 is a recovery disk. Pressing F8 or F8 + SHIFT simply will not work on most modern computers, and if you do not have a recovery disk, it seems there are no ways to get into a secure mode.

If you have this situation, then I want to delight you, you can still get into a safe mode. Do you remember that your computer has repeatedly failed and then a message is displayed notifying that Windows operation has been completed incorrectly, or the launch was interrupted (like a screenshot below)?

You can do with your computer the same. Just run the computer and interrupt the launch before or during the appearance of the Windows logo. Do it three times and then allow your PC to start normally. Instead of downloading to the desktop, your PC will ask you how to start the system, there will be safe mode among the available options.

This article for those who ever in the computer sphere have heard the concept of "secure Windows mode", but not aware that it means at all, for what you need and how to enter this very mode. A thing, actually, is very sometimes useful and can help in case of troubleshooting in your computer. He, in general, is made as a diagnostic mode and, moreover, it is not entirely difficult to run this mode. Consider in detail that this is for the mode of such a thing for what is needed and how to run it!

What is a safe mode and what it may need

Safe mode is available in each Windows operating system and during normal operation of the system, without any failures, you will not see this mode and anywhere. Just so, accidentally go to it will not work. This mode is one of the diagnostic modes of Windows, which has several.

Running Windows in safe mode, you will see the usual operating system, but with a simplified graphic shell, i.e., all sorts of decoration themes, desktop background and other complex graphics will work. But the most important thing is that in this mode only the most basic, vital for Windows serviceand will also be turned off all auto-passable when start Windows programs. Here is an example of Windows 7, running in safe mode:

In others windows versions There will be no fundamental differences.

What will the system start to launch in this mode with a strong functionality restriction? After all, most of the services will not work, and therefore, and even many programs will not be launched. And everything you need in the event that in normal Windows mode you do not start. The reasons for not Windows startup in standard mode can be completely different, from the usual errors in the operation of the system, up to any viral infection and glitches / failures Computer components. If Windows does not start due to a malfunction or failure of a device inside the computer, then the safe mode is unlikely to help you, because it also does not likely start it. However, it's still worth trying, especially since it is immediately not to determine what is a problem: an iron of a computer or its software part!

In cases of failures in the software part of the computer, the safe mode can very often help. Suppose you installed some incompatible driver for some device and after the reboot, you stopped running Windows in standard mode, for example, issues blue screen death (so usually refer to the blue window with incomprehensible inscriptions when trying to download Windows) or something else. In this case, first of all, you can try to download the computer in safe mode, because, as above already wrote, it will only be launched everything the most basic and necessary for the system and as a result of Windows can start in this mode. Well, then it remains only through this safe mode to find the reason why in standard Windows mode refuses to start. For example, remove a failed driver or some kind of program, viruses clean and so on.

In safe mode, you can run your anti-virus scannerIn order to clear the computer from the viruses, you can run the program built into Windows to restore the system to one of the earliest states (for example, a few days before the failure has happened), as well as use other programs and built-in Windows tools.

How to enter the safe mode of Windows

Now that you understand in general, for which you need a safe mode, it's time to go to the process at the entrance to this mode. Here, in principle, nothing is complicated, but the entry process in this mode may differ depending on the version of Windows that you use.

Usually safe modes have 3 types:

    Safe mode. This is a standard version of the secure mode in which the most necessary Windows services and the program are launched and even the network drivers are not loaded, i.e. in this mode you will not be able to enter the Internet;

    Safe Mode with Network Driver Download. Differs from the standard secure mode by the fact that the network drivers are additionally downloaded, which will provide you with Internet access through this mode;

    Safe mode with support command line . From the standard secure mode, it differs only in that immediately after its launch will also be launched command line Windows (i.e. console).

I recommend using in case of problems in the case of a problem, first of all, the standard safe mode (in the window and will be called "Safe Mode"), since the network support mode may again cause a failure, because you do not know exactly the case, it can be just in network Drivers. Well, the launch of the command line can help, it will be able to use it, perhaps, only administrators who know most of the service teams.

Log in to secure mode on old versions of Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

In order to enter safe mode on Windows XP, Vista or 7 systems, you need to restart the computer first. If off, just turn it on.

In this window, the mouse will not work for you and you can only move through the window only with the arrow on the keyboard. Thus, with the "Up" and "Down" keyboard arrows, select "Safe Mode" and press the Enter key to start.

After a few seconds, the safe mode will be launched!

Log in to secure mode in Windows 8 and 10 systems

On Windows 8 and 10, the input to the safe mode is implemented a bit differently. If something happened to your computer and it does not load in normal mode, then the system data will automatically offer one of the solutions, among which will be just running in safe mode. Those., For example, the system of your suddenly started in the standard mode. In this case, the computer will reboot and start a special service windows programWhere to start a secure mode you need to select "Download Options":

In this window you have to work the mouse, so you can choose the menu items to it.

In the next window, press the reboot button:

The computer will reboot and the window will appear where you need to select the desired start mode using the F1-F9 keys.

Safe mode is under the number 4, so for its start, respectively, press F4.

Here is the whole process of running a safe mode if your windows system 8 or Windows 10 something is wrong and it does not boot in standard mode.

But you can also need to start secure mode for some purposes even when your system is successfully loaded and in standard mode. For example, you want to check the computer for viruses from a secure mode, which is a more reliable method of checking or want to delete something that cannot be deleted through the standard mode. In this case, you need to activate the launch of special options. windows downloads right from its interface.

Activating special download options in Windows 8

Click the Win + I key combination. The settings panel will appear on the right, where at the bottom click "Changing Computer Parameters".

In the next window, select "Update and Recovery".

In the next window, we select "Restore" (1) and on the right click "Reboot Now" (2) under the heading "Special download options".


Now you have learned that it is a secure mode in Windows and how to run it on different versions This operating system. This mode can sometimes be very helpring, because in it you can try to correct anything if the system is not loaded in normal mode.

Have a nice day and excellent mood! Until;)

Safe mode Windows is alternative way System access for elimination of the problem or removing malicious program from a computer.

What is a safe mode?

Safe mode is windows featurewhich allows you to access the computer interface without loading unnecessary discs and software. In other words, this is the diagnostic mode of the device.

When you start a computer, only certain components required to start the operating system are loaded in safe mode. Because of this, some functions, such as Internet access and video playback, are disabled or limited.

Why do you need a secure mode?

Some malicious programs cannot be removed because they are already running. In safe mode, only loaded required filesAnd malicious can be removed.

Safe mode using system configuration utility

N.B.Do not use this method if the computer is infected.

Press keys Windows+ R.. A dialog box appears Perform. Enter msconfig and click OK..

Then it will be prompted to restart the computer. Press, and the computer will boot in safe mode.

After that, search and troubleshoot the fault. When malicious files are removed in safe mode, repeat steps 1-5, but in step 4, uncheck the check box. Close all programs and restart the computer again.

Safe mode when loading

Start by rebooting the computer. As soon as the execution indicator is almost loaded, press the key F8.on keyboard. (If F8 does not work, try clicking F5). If the welcome window appears, then the moment is missed. Restart the computer again and click F8.until the menu appears Additional download options.

Using the arrow keys, select Safe mode In the menu and click ENTER.

N.B. On some keyboards, the F1-F12 keys are disabled by default. In this case, clamp a special key (usually fn) and press F8.

Safe Mode with USB Keyboard

Access to a secure loading mode is usually performed using the F8 key. However, with USB keyboards it happens that the key does not react. This requires you to enable support for this device in the BIOS.

Find such options like USB Legacy Support or All Devices USBand install the option Enabled.. This parameter is usually in the menu. Integrated Peripherals..

Secure network support mode

Enabling network support in secure mode can solve the network problems. To do this, you can use the first method with the F8 key, as well as the second - through service program System configurations.

In the second case in addition to SafeBoot, Check the box Network. slightly lower.

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Load your computer in safe mode to troubleshoot the device. The safe Windows start mode is performed using a limited set of files and drivers, which reduces the likelihood of failures when loading and allows you to correct errors in the operating system.

To download a computer in a secure mode, you need to know the user password with the administrator rights.

How to upload a computer with Windows 10 in safe mode

  1. In the lower left corner, click Start → Parameters.

  1. Click Update and security.

  1. Go to section Restoration and press Reload now.

  1. Click Troubleshooting.

  1. Click Extra options.

  1. Click Download options.

  • If block Download options None, click View other recovery options → Download options.
  1. Click Reboot.

  1. Wait for the window appearance with download options and press F4 on the keyboard to download the computer in safe mode.

The computer will be loaded in safe mode. Restart the computer after completing the work.

How to upload a computer with Windows Vista, 7 in safe mode

  1. In the lower left corner, click Start.
  2. Enter the msconfig command in the search bar and press ENTER on the keyboard.

And check the box Safe mode. Choose Mining and press Apply → OK.


  1. After completing the work in safe mode, uncheck the checkbox Safe mode And restart the computer.

How to choose a hard disk when booting a computer and run safe mode

  1. When booting a computer, press the key that calls the download selection menu physical devicewhere the operating system is located. The selection of the key depends on the manufacturer of the computer, for example, for HP - the F9 key.
  2. Choose hDDFrom which the computer should start loading, and press ENTER on the keyboard.
  3. Press and hold the F8 on the keyboard.

The F8 key must be clicked until the operating system is started when the Windows logo appears. The F8 key calls the additional Windows boot menu.

  1. Choose Safe mode And press ENTER on the keyboard.

The computer will be loaded in safe mode from the selected hard disk.

What to do if safe mode does not load

If an error occurred when loading a secure mode, a registry branch is permanently responsible for loading a safe mode is damaged. You can restore the SAFEBOOT registry branch using a pre-exported reg file. For this:

  1. Download the archive.
  2. Unpack the contents of the archive.
  3. Run the REG file:
    • For Windows XP - SAFEBOOTWINXP.REG file
    • For OS Windows Vista. - file safebootwinvista.reg.
    • For Windows 7 - SAFEBOOTWIN7.REG file
    • For Windows 8, 8.1, 10 - file safebootwin8.reg
  4. Click YesTo allow the program to make changes on the computer.
  1. Click Yes.

  1. Load your computer in safe mode.

If the error is repeated, contact technical support Microsoft.