Windows Sticker Windows 7. Stickers and Notes on your desktop

Using similar applications, you can create notes and place them on the desktop. This is a fairly convenient service, especially for owners. big Monitors. Small images will not litter a desktop, but at the same time will be able to remind something important. You can create a list of tasks for the day, notes to other computer users or store important information, For example, passwords or addresses of the desired sites. This article discusses the software that allows you to create stickers and attach them to your desktop Windows.

Standard program "Notepad"

If you do not want to search on the Internet and establish doubtful software, there is more or less convenient way Save notes on your desktop. In Windows, there is a small embedded text editor - notepad, with which you can work with TXT files.

In this manual, it is indicated how to create a document using a notepad utility and place similar notes on the system desk:

Now you can open the saved file if necessary. This is not the most convenient and aesthetic method, but it does not require the installation of any additional applications.

Program "Notes"

This small program allows you to create minor notes and fix them on your desktop. It is pre-installed in Windows and is easy enough to control. To start the utility, open the Start menu using the appropriate icon on the left side of the panel quick access or by pressing the Windows button.

Go to the "All Programs" section and find the "Standard" directory there. In this folder and the program you need. You can create a label to open it even faster.

With it, you create a small window into which you can enter necessary information. You can move notes to any place on the desktop that you are convenient. It is also possible to change their size, stretching or squeezing the mouse cursor as ordinary windows.

Multicolored desktop stickers

This program refers to the category of Windows gadgets. Its convenience is that it will not occupy space on the taskbar or in the system tray. You can download the gadget by passing this link

01.10.2009 11:04

Sticky Notes. or Notes - New windows feature 7, allowing you to create short text notes.

general information

Like paper stickers, Windows 7 notes can be used as task lists per day or as a notepad for fast, short records. Windows 7 notes support both text input from a regular keyboard and handwritten input (pen or touch input). Notes are supported only in Windows 7 "home extended" versions, "Professional" and "Maximum".

To start the scrap program, open Start -\u003e All Programs -\u003e Standard -\u003e Notes.

Another way to start the note program - open a start, enter into the search string and press the input (in the Russified version of Windows 7, you can enter the Start Word Menu notes instead).

Notes Management in Windows 7

To change the color notes, right-click on it and select one of the available colors in the menu that appears.

To create a new note in addition to the already existing, click " + »In the left side of the note or the CTRL + N key combination.

Save a separate note in separate file. It is impossible. The contents of all the notes you create are automatically saved in the file. Stickynotes.snt.Located in the folder C: \\ Users \\% UserName% \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ Sticky Notes. This allows you to close the scrapbook and open them again.

If you left open notes before rebooting the computer, they will automatically open after the next windows startup 7.

To close all the notes (but not delete them), press the combination keys alt. + F4. All closed notes will open again if you run the scrap program.

To minimize notes, double-click the program icon on the taskbar.

To permissively delete a note, press the Ctrl + D key combination or simply click " h."In the right corner of the note. After removing the note, its contents is erased from the stickynotes.snt file.

If several notes are open immediately, you can switch between them using the Ctrl + Tab keyboard.

In Windows 7's notes, standard shortcuts for working with text are supported:

  • Select all the text: Ctrl + A
  • Copy: Ctrl + C
  • Insert: Ctrl + V
  • Cut: Ctrl + x
  • Cancel: Ctrl + Z

Formatting text notes

It is possible to format text texts using keyboard shortcuts.

Select a part of the text you want to format, and click the desired key combination:

1. Fat: Ctrl + B
2. Inclined: Ctrl + I
3. Stressed: Ctrl + U
4. Crushed: Ctrl + T
5. List: Ctrl + SHIFT + L (if you press this shortcut of the keys several times in a row, then will be offered in turn different types lists - marked, numbered, etc.)
6. Enlarge font size: Ctrl + Shift +\u003e
7. Reduce font size: Ctrl + SHIFT +<
8. Make all selected letters in capital: Ctrl + Shift + A
9. Alignment on the right edge: Ctrl + R
10. Alignment in the center: Ctrl + E
11. Alignment on the left edge: Ctrl + L
12. Normal line interval: Ctrl + 1
13. Double line interval: Ctrl + 2
14. Overhead interval: Ctrl + 5

In Windows 7's notes, the SEGOE Print font is used and it is impossible to change it, apparently. However, if you insert a text from any text editor to a note (for example, from Microsoft Word.), then the font, and text formatting will be preserved.

Windows 7 notes automatically recognize Internet addresses after administration http: // or www.. Links in the notes are traditionally displayed in blue and underlined.

Gadget category Notes for Windows 7 and 8 includes gadgets-stickers for a computer desktop. Having installed one of these gadgets on the desktop, you always have a notebook in which you can make an important entry, create a reminder and make sketching something. Also among the gadgets of this category there are gadgets-stickers with calendar, gadgets, sets, Gadgets-telephone books.

Are you used to fix all your thoughts on paper? Your phone book is full, a massive diary swollen from records, and memorable dates of loved ones regularly fall out of your field of view? You saved in the "My Pictures" folder so much of the desired graphics that you yourself are not able to navigate in the files?

We offer the best way out: Download and install your desktop stationary computer, laptop or tablet Convenient gadget notes for Windows 7. It will allow you to make important entries and sketches at any time, without leaving the space has a space from the monitor screen, as well as at the right time to find the necessary information you have previously brought there.

The main advantage of such mini-applications is speed and comfort in use. In the process of work it is not always convenient to open a notebook, a new word file Or Excel in order to mark the idea that came to mind, record an intermediate result with multi-step counts on the calculator or fix the content of the phone call. By installing notes on the Windows 7 desktop, you will always have a sticker, notepad, a diary or phonebookin which all the information you need will continue. And if the data is outdated and have lost relevance - they are easily removed from the program.

On our site we collected and demonstrate the users an extensive directory in which in large numbers the most diverse, diverse and records and notes are presented. Different format and design, made in pleasant color decisions, they, besides, are endowed with a fairly wide functionality. At the same time, unlike full-fledged licensed programs From the category Windows Notes Manager, mini utilities can be downloaded completely free.

For example, if the process of streamlining its own closest plans for the user is a certain difficulty, it can take advantage special applicationIn which write all the necessary to fulfill the case, sort them into groups or paint into different colors, depending on the degree of importance. As recording executes, you can delete, controlling the number of remaining tasks. Such an approach disciplines and motivates, without being distracted by outsiders, it is harder to perform the planned and clean the page.
Some Gadgets Notes on the Windows 7 Desktop are equipped with a calculator or calendar, others have the option Attaching photos or pictures, the third - allow you to change the color of the sheets, size and font style, can remind you of important dates and events that independently send a letter on mailbox the user, and also provide the opportunity to use the search, quickly find among the large number of records that needed in this moment. With such utilities your work for electronic device It will become not only more organized, efficient and efficient, but also simply pleasant.

Virtual Notes on Windows 7 Desktop: What are they comfortable?

These compact and undemanding programs occupy a minimum of space that do not take away gigabytes needed to solve more important tasks are suitable for devices even with very modest system requirements, download and installed literally in a few clicks and are located on the desktop, always being at hand and before the user's eyes.

Most of the applications are suitable for the eighth desktop versions of WindowsTrue, in order for the operating system to recognize and accepted notes on the Windows 8 desktop, you will have to additionally install a small and non-plain program "8 GadgetPack". Do not be afraid - it just does not take much time, but now any widgets will be installed on Windows 8 without any problems.
Learn the positions of our directory, select the appropriate application for your work and style application to your desktop Windows 8, download, install and use programs without any restrictions. We draw your attention to that gadgets are not free demo versions, so you can use them indefinitely.

On our resource among the mass of applications under Windows, you can choose any number of mini-programs: in different sections of the catalog we collected for our guests for every taste: game and entertainment, informational and educational, funny and funny, festive and positive, lifting mood even in The most sad day. And continue to delight you pleasant surprises, regularly replenish the collection of interesting and necessary novelties. Optimize work and rest is reasonably and in modern format along with our useful gadgets!

For those who like to use in life stickers and other reminders there are good news - you can do it also on the Windows desktop. Now even if you include a computer for entertainment and games, then you will remind you of the desktop stickers. This is a type of reminder-stickers, which is characterized by a small size and bright color to attract human visual attention. But in comparison with paper, desktop stickers have several advantages such as:

This application from Windows creators and it is supplied with the operating system. The application is created for quick and simple creation Reminders without special knowledge of the system for the average user. They look like real stickers pasted on the table or computer monitor. Stickers are embedded with 7 versions of Windows.

The name of the reminders of Sticky Notes appears already in the 10 version. In Windows 10 stickers "overgrown with new functions, but the principle of use remained the same. IN previous versions The application was called simply "notes" and was available in the store from Microsoft.

How to use the Sticky Notes program

  • You can find it in Windows 10 by opening the "Start" menu and spray the list of installed applications.
  • A small knocker will open, resembling a sheet of paper attached to the monitor.
  • At the top of the sheet there are buttons for managing a note.
  • In this sheet, you can write the text to remind you of an important case or event.
  • To copy text written by you, click right button mouse and choose from context menu corresponding item. In the same way, you can insert text from another program or text.

The "+" button in the left corner of the Sticky Notes application allows you to create a note. On the right, choosing "...", you can set the background color of the future note by selecting the desired from the list. Install the sticker can be in any part of the monitor by simply dragging it with the mouse. You can also consolidate the reminder in the taskbar if it seems more convenient for you.

Stickies - Program for creating notes

This program is one of its best and remains such for a long time. It is a small window that can be changed in size, as well as configure your needs. Stickies can change the color of the sticker background on the desktop, configure the fonts of the notes, install the transparency of the background, attach the stickers on the monitor in the right place. It also has notes management manager and search for them.

The program has several more convenient features, such as: supporting multiple screens, user styles, use in network notes and sending them by mail. One of necessary functions Is the ability to attach a note to a specific window. The next time you open this window, the note opens with it. Thus, you can attach a note to Internet pages, and other similar text editors. But always check that the stickers are not under the programs, i.e. Were on top of windows with a web page or vord files.

When creating a new sticker, it is possible to attach the thematic image to it or draw it manually. But it is not possible to draw or add graphics to the text part of the note. First you add graphics, and only then write the body's notes. You can download the application-sticker by reference - - Comfortable and understandable stickers manager

The PNOTES application is similar to functions with the previous one and has almost the same guidelines. This program is distributed in two versions - in a portable and installer. When adding graphics in the sticker, you should not download large high-resolution images, may depend on the time and slow down until the image load stops.

The application also has special functionsOne of them is adding a plug-in program that allows you to use notes in your social networks. Or, on the contrary, to upload your posts to the Windows desktop.

How to use

  1. To download the application to create stickers, click on the link -.
  2. Install it and run.
  3. In the management and setting of stickers you will not have difficulties.
  4. In the window that opens, you will see the bottom panel below. standard set buttons for text formatting that many familiar from other text editors, such as Microsoft Word, etc.

You probably know what stickers - these are such small colorful square leaflets of paper that have a sticky strip on one side, and with the help of this strip you can attach them to smooth surface Cabinet, computer, refrigerator. And on the other side, you can write a note - a reminder that you need to do, or a message to another person. The sticker is placed on the prominent place so that he gets to the eye on the right moment.

IN operating system Windows7. There is a built-in program that allows you to make virtual stickers - notes on your computer desktop. This program is called - Notes . You can find it through the menu Start - All Programs - Standard - Notes . If you wish, you can put the shortcut of this program to the desktop so as not to look for it every time through the menu. Start . The label is done very fast: capture the icon of the program pressed left mouse button, and drag on the desktop. Then press the button Alt. , and holding this button, let go of the mouse key. So, however, there is a label of any program.

Running the program Notes You will see the finished sticker on the desktop, in which you write your record. If you need to change the size of the sticker, then look at any of its corners, or on any side, and when the mouse cursor takes the kind of double arrow, you can move the boundaries.

No one bothers also add a few notes to the desktop. And not necessarily for this go to the menu Start , or click on the label. Enough on the already created sticker click on the plus icon, which is in the upper left corner.

Well, it is possible to close the sticker on the desktop traditionally by pressing the cross in the upper right corner.

You can also change the color of the sticker. To change the color, right-click on the sticker, and select any color from the proposed options.

By the way, not necessarily the note will be visible only on the desktop. With an open note, you will see her icon in Task panels down below. Pressing this icon, you can open a note on top of any open program window.

The shortcomings of this program can be attributed to the impossibility of changing the font by simple ways.

Now let's deal with the question - and how to be if in standard programs such a program like Notes not? You may not have such windows version 7, or in general Windows XP. How to be in this case?

Very simple, you need to download a program that you can find a great set on the Internet. Let's look at some of them you can find.

Ordinary desktop notes:

  • Notex - the usual note on the desktop, it is possible to add a drawing on sticker.
  • Minimal NotePad is also a simple note on the desktop, you can change the background color, size and type of font.
  • Color Notes - similar to stickers above, only the background colors others.
  • Parchment Notes - Looks like its capabilities to previous notes, the sheet is stylized for parchment.

Notes on the desktop with scheduler functions:

  • Task Noter - you can draw up a list of cases, as well as mark the case done;
  • TODO NOTES - You can also create a list of cases, made things can be deleted.

Sticker on the desktop for drawing:

  • Ink Notes - differs from other stickers for the desktop in the way they can be drawn.

Diary on the desktop:

  • A mini-diary - a calendar in which you can record plans for the next days, a list of tasks is available for the current day, and on the next week. You can also specify repetitive events.

You choose any program from the proposed, load, and you can use it.

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