Antenna for a radio station 27 MHz. Rapid deployment antenna on Si-bi (27.200). What is the prepayment

Good day! I want to tell about the installation of a set of repeaters in the mirror at Lada Priora 2. After buying, the priors stood ordinary black mirrors, not noticeable, without repeaters. I wanted to remake on SE, but I did not want to change the mirrors yourself, since there are already heating and the electroreglining and the price of new mirrors bite. Remembering the online store site on which he constantly order parts, immediately climbed to search and found what is needed, namely the set for alterations at a rather reasonable price. After reading the reviews, I decided to take. I ordered immediately into color and with plugs on the wing, the wiring is also included.

Shipping was a transport company, the quality of the linings themselves are excellent, the packaging, too, came to best of sight As a gift was a sticker. I took and rushed!

Installing a set of repeaters in Lada Lada Mirrors 2:

  1. we remove the standard lining on the mirrors, pushing them with a screwdriver or something sharp;
  2. how not to twist, you have to remove the door lining and the plugs of the mirrors;
  3. we first put the repeaters themselves with diodes so that the white cable from the repeater will look up the mirror, and then the lining, applied to the mirror simply snap the hands with force;
  4. putting on standard places next to the heating wires everything goes well;
  5. i remember plus and minus so as not to confuse: plus a brown color, a mass of naturally black (not confused), then the wiring through the corrugation in the door is stretched into the cabin under the legs. From two sides, the wire is quite enough.
  6. it's not so easy to drag the wires through the gum between the door and the body, but if you try everything;
  7. it is still necessary to remove the inner plastic threshold. I repeat: since the plugs of repeaters are included in the kit, I removed the standard repeaters, but here you can already leave them and just crash into wiring, I decided not to leave them (and then a lot of things flashing - like a Christmas tree), and installed on their places plug;
  8. scotch great grabs quickly and tightly holds, although he worked on the street;
  9. previously heated the place of installation by the construction hairdryer, so that the metal on the wing was warm: after all, winter on the street, well, and in the summer there will be no problems;
  10. do not forget to degrease the surface;
  11. the wiring on the repeaters was submitted from the standard one that went into the wing, simply stretching it back to the salon and putting a twist in the shoe shrink (or on the isolent - to someone how to like);
  12. we collect, check and enjoy mirrors with repeaters.

Installing, connecting and configuring the GSM repeater is performed using the "native" instruction attached to the product. This article presents general principles and recommendations for all products this typethat will help you save on the installation of the repeater.

Examples of signal amplifiers settings cellular communication See.

Please note that it is impossible to include the repeater before it. full installation, Remember that external and internal antennas should be separated by an obstacle shielding signal. Failure to comply with the installation order can lead to equipment breakdown.

1. The first and most important action - setting the communication standard in which your phone works at the site of the planned installation of the cellular signal amplifier. To do this, you can make a call (from your phone, from the place where you are going to install a repeater), and fix the call time. Next, you need to write a letter to your operator's service, with the number of your phone number, the number of the caller and the call time, asking for the GSM communication standard.

The method is simple, but has several minuses. Not all cellular operators respond to such requests. Request and response will take a lot of time. Well, the most important thing is in the same place, in the same operator several base stations can work, with the equipment of a different standard. You need to choose the most preferred.

The most common standard is GSM-900. He has undeniable advantages - the coverage area can reach 30-40 km from the operator's base station, which means that a standard 900 is used in the area distant from the urban trail.

DCS-1800 has a large capacity, which means the number of subscribers of the circumscribed by one base station are higher than that of GSM-900. However, with the coverage area up to 15-20 km from the operator's antenna.

Standard 3G is easily calculated by the appearance of the corresponding icon on the phone screen, in this standard works not only telephone communicationsBut also provides high-grade access to the Internet (in theory, speed can be up to 14 Mbps).

Now let's talk about how to distinguish the GSM-900 standard from DCS-1800. To do this, use the phone or a special application for mobile devicesallowing scanning a signal cellular network On the subject of the communication standard. In this review, scan the communication standard will be using the iPhone.

Conditions: It is required to determine what kind of repeater in the country in the Leningrad region. The 3G icon appears in places, but the Internet is not needed, and the phones are planned to be used without 3G, so the data transfer and the 3G standard itself is disabled in the phone menu (settings-main cell data). Next include built-in iPhone service menu. To do this in the number set mode, we enter *3001#12345#*

and click the challenge.
Opens the service menu Field Test.

In the window that opens, we obtain data about the cell, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich the phone is located. In the upper left corner - the signal power. Where -62 dB is a strong signal, and -105 is very weak. That is, the smaller the numeric value (minus dropped), the stronger the signal.

ARFCN (Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number - This is the conditional number of frequency radio channel in the UMTS system, which determines the value of the carrier frequency of the radio channel).

Rooms from 1 to 124 are GSM-900 frequencies. Rooms from 975 to 1023 Neighboring frequencies used by add-ons over GSM-900 (in MHz is a range from 925 to 935), it is important to know that not all repeaters capture these frequencies.

Finally, the numbers from 512 to 885 are the frequencies of GSM-1800.

2. Installation outdoor antenna Repeiter GSM. As a rule, the antenna is installed on the roof bracket, the facade of the house. It is possible to use mast or existing buildings. The direction of the antenna - towards the intended source of the signal (with the ability to adjust the direction during the testing process).

Note. Internal and external repeater antennas ideally should be separated by an obstacle that does not pass the communication signal (reinforced concrete wall, flooding of floors, etc.), it is also important to separate the horizontal planes of the antennas (outer on the roof, internal - inside the house, in its lower part of it ). Otherwise, an undesirable "echo or self-excitation effect" is possible when the repeater will enhance its own signal (a similar effect when the microphone is raised to the dynamics).

3. Installing the internal antenna. Install in the part of your building where you will most often use a mobile phone, and the repeater itself cellular signalAs close as possible to this zone. Do not forget that repeater GSM. Provides the most strong reception on the same floor where the GSM repeater is installed. Attenuation by 50 dB (and this is almost complete attenuation in the 900 MHz range occurs at a distance of 10 meters from the inner antenna, i.e. when using a circular oriental antenna or an omnidirectional antenna, maximum coating and a confident signal you get a circle coating zone with a radius 10 meters and an area of \u200b\u200babout 300 square meters (neglecting the characteristics of the building and radio interference).

5. Finally, turn on the power supply of the amplifier to the corresponding jack on the rear panel of the unit, and then to the source of the electric current.

6. The repeater is set. We have to check the level of the room in the room, try to change the direction external antenna (Step 15-30 degrees), the location of the internal antenna. The speed of updating data is 15-30 seconds, so turning the antenna - wait for all data updates.

Helpful information:

1. The external antenna automatically selects a stronger signal, while the repeater configures its work in such a way that weaker signals are processed, but it remains not in priority, the repeater does not work on full power. You may have to change the position and direction of the external antenna several times, in search of the operator and standard you need. If it does not help, try to test the operation of the repeater with the SIM card or the phone of another operator.

2. Due to the fact that both antennas (external and internal) are receiving-transmitters are very important when installing them on the recommended distance, divide them by shielding obstacle (reinforced concrete floors and walls, metal lid and so on; wood and glass - are not a serious obstacle to the spread of the radio signal). If self-excitation effect occurs, a greater separation of antennas is required, the removal of the external antenna on the mast, change the position of the internal antenna.

3. Modern cell Phones It works in such a way that when the 3G network signal appears (2100 MHz) of your operator, the phone automatically switches to them, leaving the signal amplification area that the repeater provides. In this case, the quality of the communication signal can be significantly worse. To avoid such unwanted switches, disconnect the 3G networks in your phone when they are not required.

4. Internet operation in the frequency range of 900 MHz is determined technical capabilities Operator, specify this information from your operator.

Probably, the situation is all familiar when the apartment does not manage to connect to the far corner home network - so much weak signal. Or when several people are sitting in the home network, because of what the download speed drops significantly. The wifi signal repeater is a wonderful way to cope with similar small neural. What it is and how it works, you will learn from this article.

What is the repeater?

Repeater Wi-Fi, also known as an amplifier, repeater or repeater, is a device that helps to a significant increase in the coating area of \u200b\u200bthe network signal. It takes a signal from the router and provides its further transmission. You just need to allocate an excess socket under it and understand the network settings. Please note that the Wi-Fi repeater is needed in the place where the main signal is still enough. At least make initial installation And the setting in the active coating zone, and then you can move from the outlet to the outlet to try all the options for relaying and find the best for your room.

The principle of work repeater

Why do you need a repeater Wi-Fi? The fact is that if you decide to go withdraw and just increase the power of the router signal, so that "caught everywhere," then there will be no good for anything good. The consumption of electricity will increase, the device will overheat, and as a result, everything will end the breakdown.

Another single remark: As we noticed above, the repeater is often called an amplifier, but it is not quite true. WiFi-REPEATER does not enhance the available signal. He only spreads it to a large area. Purchase of the repeater will not strengthen anything and will not make your Internet super-fast, but rather, on the contrary, slightly reduce the speed due to the creation of another point of distribution of the signal. But this should not be alarming - we will consider the effect of the repeater to the speed below and explain in what cases it will be insignificant.

Do you need a repeater?

Before you go on the purchase of a repeater, think: and maybe there is another solution to the problem. It is not even about mentioned above increasing the signal power, and it is rapally about what the apartment is located in the apartment. The closer to the geometric center of the space will be your device, the even the signal is broadcast in all directions. Also check which direction the router antenna is directed. For horizontal signal distribution, it must be directed upwards.

What does the repeater Wi-Fi look like?

There are different models of amplifiers. Some dimensions and shape are like something charger for mobile phone, only without wire. For example, the model in the figure below looks like a compact curved plate with a fork for a socket, lED indicators, port for an Ethernet cable and a reboot button.

There are models that differ little from the router in their form.

Typically, the delivery also includes instructions, an Ethernet cable and drive drivers.

Easier simple: WPS button

On most modern devices there is a magic WPS button (or QSS on some models), which ideally is designed to significantly simplify life, but in real life, on the contrary, sometimes it creates interference in the use of the network.

If on the router, and on the repeater there is this button, then everything you need to do is first press it on one device, and then on the other. A few minutes of waiting until the Wi-Fi repeater and the router will find each other, and voila - you can work. But there are recommendations where they advise you to configure the repeater manually by selecting a specific WiFi-network to, first, reduce the number of failures in relaying, and secondly, to protect yourself. WPS technology is easily leaving. Therefore, it is often advised to disable this mode in general if you do not have to connect new devices often.

Already pay attention to that sometimes the WPS button is aligned with the reload function (Reset). It all depends on the duration of the press: if you hold your finger on the button longer, then instead of turning on the WPS, restart the repeater, and all the settings you set are reset.

How to configure wi-fi repeater manually

For a more stable signal, it is better not to rely on WPS, but to register the entire configuration manually. Connecting Wi-Fi-Repiiter is actually even easier than setting up the router. First of all, turn on the Wi-Fi repeater into the socket and connect to it through the computer using the cable or wi-fi. Then open the browser and enter the IP address in the address bar, you will find it on back side Repeater. The screen will be updated, and the form of authorization will appear. There you enter a login and password: if you have not changed anything in the router settings, then the default is admin / admin. A page with settings will open.

Here you can somehow call your repeater Wi-Fi or leave it with the factory name. Final stage - We enter a password from your Wi-Faya in the required field.

What happens with the speed of the Internet?

Sometimes there are doubts about the feasibility of buying a repeater. The main argument is the signal propagation range increases, but the total speed of the Internet falls. The practice of using repeaters shows that speed fluctuations occur: any additional link in the "distribution" chain of the Internet will reduce the flow. However, the decrease is usually not so much so much to reflect on the signal power, and is largely determined by the technical characteristics of the devices in the chain. In other words, the "bug" and "brake" the Internet will not be if your devices initially catch the signal.

Router as an alternative to the reference

There is a commodity opinion that if at your home there is an unnecessary, but working router, then it is not necessary to acquire a wifi signal repeater. Many models are created so that they can perform the repeater functions, the main thing is to configure them correctly. This is a longer process than setting up a conventional repeater, but quite fulfilled on its own. Note that it is easiest to establish a connection between two devices of one manufacturer - more chances that routers will notice each other and will work smoothly. The brand also depends on the process of configuration.

First, the router you are going to use as a repeater Wi-Fi will need to be connected to a computer using a wire. Then it will be necessary to check the adapter parameters (through the "Network Management Center and common access", In which you can get from the" Control Panel "). The device must be set to the device from the subnet mask

Then, as when setting up the repeater, you will need to drive the IP address from the bottom of the device to the address bar. Use Standard Login and Password again - Admin / Admin. On the page that opens you will need to find the tab " Wireless mode"And go to the settings. We are interested in the" Enable WDS "option - so we will create a network that will combine two router. You also need to change the IP address of the router, which will act as a repeater so that you have the opportunity to enter the setup mode You can simply change the last digit or add zero after it.

After that you need to open a list network available, Find you need, choose it and enter the password. By the way, do not forget to protect the network on the second router so that the connection to it is also carried out using the password. To do this, we go to the "Security Settings" and in the column "PSK encryption key" we enter our password and persist.

Now the router works as a wifi-repeater. You can disconnect from the computer and install in the right place.

Check the connection status

After you configured the repeater or router in the repeater mode, you need to check how Wi-Fi-repeater works and how well it captures the signal. It is advisable to check on all your devices - laptops, tablets, phones - whether they see the network that repeater distributes, or continue to connect to the main router (for this you can register different names in the settings). Also check whether you installed the Wi-Fi-Signal repeater for the router, if you achieve your goal to improve the quality of communication.

To do this, you can not just walk with a smartphone around the apartment and read the number of sticks in the connection, as everyone is usually done. Download yourself one of special applicationswhich is able to check the power of the signal.

Note that if you need to expand the coverage of the network to a sufficiently large area, and even in different directions (for example, the floor is lower and in the neighboring room), then, most likely, you will have to buy two repeators.

Parabolic antenna KNA27-1700 / 2700 Designed to organize a wireless data channel in the frequency range of 1700-2700 MHz and amplification mobile signal gSM standards 1800, 3G (UMTS 2100), 4G (LTE 1800, LTE 2600), Yota, Wi-Fi 2400 in the places of uncertain reception.

  • Provides confident long-range reception 3G, LTE and WiFi internet.
  • Suitable for working with all operators (MTS, MegaFon, Tele2, Rostelecom, Beeline, Yota, etc.).

Contents of delivery

  • Parabolic mesh reflector - 1 pc.
  • Lifter 1700-2700 MHz - 1 pc.
  • Fasteners Set - 1 set
  • Operating Instructions - 1 Ex.
  • Packaging - 1 pc.

The design of the antenna consists of:

  • Irradiator by;
  • Wire parabolic straight-focal reflector.
  • Fasteners of the irradiator and fastenings of the reflector.

The reflector is painted with powder polymer paint. All unpainted parts have a zinc galvanic coating. This guarantees long-term operational stability and trouble-free operation.

With this antenna, you can provide a confident connection with the base station at a distance of 25 km in direct visibility.

Due to the fact that the parabolic antenna - 2 x 27 DB has a small resistance to the wind. Made of welded steel wire with steel wire and does not have a solid surface like a mirror satellite antenna, such an antenna can not be afraid to install on a high mast, which is almost impossible to do with a satellite plates with a mirror.

Choosing antenna installation site

  1. It is advisable to establish an antenna in the direct visibility zone of the 2G / 3G / 4G / Wi-Fi operators of 2G / 3G / 4G / Wi-Fi.
  2. On the way from the antenna to the base station there should be no close-standing high obstacles (buildings, mountains, hills, forests, etc.), interfering with the spread of the signal. Therefore, install the antenna as above.
  3. Large objects (high trees, roofs of houses), located closer than 1.5 meters from the antenna, can cause reflection of radio waves and worsen the quality of communication. If you have surplus cable, use it to raise an antenna up above the ground. Antenna installation options are shown in Figure 1, where Options 1 and 2 - proper installation. Option 3 and 4 with an incorrect installation (a tree and wall of the house interfere with the spread of the signal).
  4. The distance from the location of the antenna to the location of the modem should be as short as possible, since the use of a long connecting cable will lead to partial attenuation of the signal and deterioration of the quality of communication.
  1. Install the bracket (5) on the base of the reflector (4) and secure it with three short bolts. Install on the bracket (5) of the brackets (6) with clamps (7).
  2. Turn over the parabolic reflector (4), set two paws on the base (3) and secure them with short bolts.
  3. Cables from the irradiator (1) through the irradiator rack (2), and insert the emulsion (1) in the irradiator rack (2) until it stops.
  4. Then, traveled cables through the paws (3) and the central hole at the base of the reflector (4), set the irradiator rack (2) assembled with the irradiator (1) in the foot (3) according to the scheme 1.
  5. Depending on the range of the base station frequencies, your antenna is configured to work with an antenna rack (2) of antenna according to the schemes below.
  6. Secure the rack of the irradiator (2) in the legs (3) with a long bolt. Make the tightening of all the antenna compounds according to the circuits 2, 3 or 4.

Attention! Antenna that supports MIMO technology should be connected to the equipment (modem, router, etc.) with two antenna inputs.

Attention! The directional parabolic antennas have a very narrow orientation diagram (2-4 degrees) and require accurate guidance on basic station Operator.

  1. Before installing an antenna, specify the polarization in which the signal of the base station of your operator is emitted. As a rule, this is vertical polarization. To change polarization, rearrange the bracket (5) on the basis of the reflector (4) 90 ° (Scheme 1). The antennas with the MIMO technology cable with vertical polarization is marked with a color mark. This feature Allows, without moving the antenna to change polarization, when the antenna is operating with 3G / 4G modems.
  2. Install the antenna assembly on a grounded mast (8), as shown in Scheme 1, slightly fixing it with clamps and ensuring the ability to change the position of the antenna.
  3. Move the antenna to the base station. Exceiving an antenna position, in which the data transfer rate or signal level is maximal, fix the antenna on the mast, tightening the nuts of the clamp.
  4. Route cable assemblies from the antenna to your equipment (3G / 4G modem, router, repeater, etc.), not allowing sharp beggars.

The warranty period is 24 months from the date of purchase.

Due to the constant improvement of the design and technical characteristicsThe manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the design and completeness of this product.

* This product is shipped only after 100% of payment or (if the order you do not take in the Russian Post Office, the return is not subject to return).

What is the prepayment?

Prepayment is a forced measure, since the size of the antenna in the package is 95x95x30 cm, the weight of 6 kg (depends on the components selected in the options on the site), the delivery is not a small value. In case you do not take the order, it returns back and we pay the shipping cost twice (from us to you and backwards), as a result, it turns out quite considerably. What would not take into account possible returns and not to increase the value of the antenna, it was decided to prepay the order in the amount of 800 rubles. As a result, you get the minimum cost of antenna, and we are confidence that the order will be received.

Prepayment can be made by clicking on the link - after payment you email A check comes on payment with the name of payment and the organization of the recipient. If you decide to cancel the order, before it is shipped, the prepayment amount returns to you completely.