Where is the screen screen. Likbez: where screenshots are preserved? Take a screenshot of the page using special programs

- Igor (Administrator)

As part of this article, I will consider where to find screenshots on a computer for non-standard cases.

When you create a screenshot for a subsequent insertion into a document or any graphic editor, you usually do not occur such questions. After all, even if you are using special programs, then when saving, they usually ask you about where you need to create a file. But what to do in other non-standard cases?

For example, you have installed some kind of program or video game that allows you to create screenshots using one key or combination. This is actually frequent practice. However, if you make them easy, then then finding where and in which catalog these screenshots are usually noticeably harder. Therefore, I will try to tell a small storage location algorithm.

Note: It is worth understanding that each of the applications can on your own look at this mortar world and store snapshots in arbitrary catalogs, so the instruction in the style of the algorithm.

So, where to find screenshots on the computer:

1. First and. Perhaps the most obvious, it is worth checking all directories. windows libraries. Catalog "Images", "Downloads", "Documents" and Other.

2. It is worth clarifying in search request Name and version of your program. For example, so "where pictures are stored scanner Epson."However, I have a hurry to upset you. Unfortunately, it is not always on the Internet, you can find an exact indication of the path, therefore there exists this mini algorithm.

3. Check all the catalogs of the program itself. Often, in order not to complicate your life, the creators of software creations make that screenshots be saved inside some subdirectory. To a greater extent it applies to computer games.

4. Check all the settings and menu of the program. Periodically, in some of the highly related menu it is possible to set a directory where screenshots are preserved.

5. If you have already tried everything, and did not find anything, the oldest, top, but the effective method remains. Make a screenshot and search for pictures across the hard disk by any program or file manager, and then sort by the date of creation in reverse order. Usually, in the first dozen you can find the created file with a screenshot. Look at its properties location - this will be the place where the pictures are saved.

Note: In some cases it makes sense to clarify the expansion, since programs can retain the obtained images in their unique formats or rare, such as TIFF. Accordingly, the search to do for this format.

Now, you know what can be done in non-standard cases when it is necessary to determine where screenshots are stored on the hard disk of the computer.

Where screenshots are stored

Where screenshots are stored in windows 7?

When you press the PRINT SCREEN key, we create a screenshot and place it in the clipboard. Screenshots are stored in the clipboard temporarily.

Screenshots are stored here until they are placed as a team Insert To another selected place.

Why screenshots are stored in the clipboard temporarily?

Because it is a department random access memory Computer. It is cleared when the computer is turned off or when placing a new portion of information in it.

But not all Windows programs, including Windows 7, allow you to directly insert and save screenshots of the screen. More often, before saving a screenshot on a computer, it is inserted into a graphic editor, for example Paint.

So, after we pressed the PRTSCN key, the screen screenshot in Windows 7 is placed in the clipboard. Here it is stored temporarily. Next, to determine the location of the screenshot constant, open the Paint editor.

Insert the screenshot from the clipboard into the editor in any way: Team Insert or key combination Ctrl + V.(Fig.1).

Fig.1 Insert a screenshot into the editor from the clipboard

In the dialog that opens (Fig. 3), select a place where the screenshot is saved, its name and file format.

Fig. 3. Where to save the screenshot, choose in the paint editor

By default, the editor assigns the name of the file Unnamed and PNG format. But it is better to choose a JPEG or GIF format. They take less space.

In Windows 7, there is another possibility of preserving screenshots. This is a scissors program.

How to save screenshot in windows 7? In Windows7, in addition to the PRTSC key, screenshots can be made scissors program. In this case, the screenshot is saved in two places: in the clipboard and placed in window markup Scissors program.

It is faster and more convenient than via a graphic editor. By the way, in this window you can make inscriptions and explanations to the screenshot.

For more information about the scissors program and how to save screenshots in it - how to make a Windows7 screenshot.

Thus, when creating temporarily screenshots are stored in the clipboard or in the Windows 7 markup window.

Save the screenshot on your computer by inserting it into document Word. or in a graphic editor and choosing a storage area. If you have Windows 7, you can also save screenshots from the window Marking Scissors program.

PC screen snapshot is made by the PRINT SCREEN button (keyboard shortcut with Print Screen) or special programs. The question arises where the screenshot screenshot is saved in Windows 7, 8, 10. It all depends on the method you can take pictures of the contents of the display. Let's consider these situations in more detail. I advise you to learn where you will find additional information.

Saving a screenshot with standard means

1. When you press the PRINT SCREEN buttons (full screen), Alt + Print Screen (active window photo), the resulting image is entered into the OS exchange buffer. Exchange buffer is a reserved RAM area that stores temporary copied data. Often users using clipboard are carried out. The screenshot is also stored in the exchange buffer until another information is converted.

To save the screenshot on your computer, you need to insert it into a graphic editor or another program. For example, use Paint Built-in windows application. In search Write the word Paint, then run the application. Pressing the Ctrl + V combination, insert the screenshot into the application window.

Working with the image, click on the diskette or Ctrl + S icon. Specify the name, file type and folder where screenshots will be saved. windows screen 7, 8, 10 and click "Save". The resulting image files are looking for in the explorer in the specified folder.

2. The "Scissors" tool allows you to work with the display shots in Windows. In the search area, enter the name "Scissors", then run the application. When you click the "Create" button, the image is placed in the application editor window. Saving a screenshot is carried out as in the Paint program.

3. Windows 8, 10 entered the function with the ability to save the screenshot to the file at once. hDD. The image is created by pressing + PRINT SCREEN in PNG format. To find the screen snapshot, open windows Explorer. In the navigation on the left, select "Images", then go to the Screen Snapshots Catalog, where screenshots are saved.

Saving a screen shot by programs

Programs that create screenshots and implementing usually use the same PRINT SCREEN key or own combination of buttons. At the same time, the location of the file storage is set in advance in the settings, or you yourself indicate each time you save pictures.

For example, let's consider the process of saving the screenshot in the Magic Screenshot program. Download the archive, unpack it, then set, run the program. In the tray, click on the butterfly icon to exit the main menu.

Click the "Settings" item, set the parameters for yourself and click "Save". Select "Screen" or "Fragment" and highlight the screenshot area with the mouse. Here you can draw on the image, apply text, cancel changes. Click the Save button, set the name and specify the location where to save the screenshot.

Now you understand where the screen screenshot is saved in Windows 7, 8, 10, depending on the selected method. In most cases, you yourself indicate the storage location of the image file.

In the beginning we will understand with the concepts. What do you understand under the word "screenshot"? Personally, I will give this word such a definition: Screenshot (or Print Screen) is a snapshot of what is now displayed on the monitor screen.

How to get it?

There are two options. Classical, using the old good key on the keyboard (the method will satisfy the needs of 90% of users) and fuckingWhen a special software is applied.

We make a screenshot using a keyboard

On your keyboard there is a PRINT SCREEN SYSRQ button. So, her pressing will allow you to take a screen shot. Total screen completely.

And if you press Print Screen together with key Alt., then only active on this moment window. Remember, it is really convenient.

Using program

Soft, which makes the screenshots are very common among gamers or people who need to take a picture of some specific region Screen. For example, the upper right angle, the size of 500x650 px.

What programs are suitable for these purposes? I will answer: their mass. This is Lightshot, SuperScreen, JSHOT, etc. The latter, the word is free, simple and perfectly answers the requirements voiced above.

Where does the screenshot preserve?

Depends on the method to which it was obtained.

If the screen was made by some software, then by default the picture goes to the folder with installed program. However, the end address can be changed. As well as the extension of the final file: whether it is preserved in JPG, PNG or something even more exotic.

If the screen snapshot was obtained after pressing the Print Screen key, it will be saved to the clipboard. What leads us to two conclusions: first: After turning off the computer, it will be deleted. Second: To use the image, you need to insert somewhere. For example, you can open the Paint and the Ctrl + V banal combination admire the fruit of their works. If the subject remained questions, then ask them in the comments below. Until!

The computer gives us a lot of opportunities. We do not use many features, but do not even know about some. Our today's article will be devoted to a very simple and uncomfortable operation, which, however, knows not many. We will take over to make the so-called "screenshot", that is, to save the image on the screen in its full form, and also learn where the screenshots are saved.

Preservation of screenshotov

Let's start with the basics. When the user presses the PRINT screen button on its keyboard, the computer saves the image that the user is currently watching. But where to look for this image to see it? In this case, the clipboard applies where temporary copied information is stored. Here, where screenshots are saved. The exchange buffer is to allocate memory for storing time data. Upon admission to it new information, old is lost and replaced. Therefore, if you made a screenshot and forgot to save it, it will almost certainly be lost. A spoon is good to dinner, as some say. In this case, they are absolutely right. Did the screenshot? Immediately save it.

Save screenshots: Windows OS

How to do it? Everything is very simple. Making a screenshot, you can open paint programwhich is the mandatory attribute of all operating windows systems. The program is usually located in the Start menu. Her icon - palette of paints and brush. Open Paint and in the Edit tab, select the insert function ... and import images to the work area Paint occurs from the clipboard. After that, you need to save the picture in any format convenient for you. To do this, select the "File" tab and use the "Save As ..." item Save the file at any convenient place on your computer. Now the screenshot is ready. Here, where Print Screen screenshots are saved.

Especially similar actions need to do if you are a fan of more complex graphic Editor from aDOBE.. We are talking About Photoshop. Press on Print Screen. Open Photoshop and insert the file from the buffer. Save the image in the desired format and enjoy a new picture. Many ask a question about the new Skyrim game or about the old good COP. Where do Skyrim or COP screenshots save? The answer is simple - they persist in root folder games.

Save screenshots: Linux

As you probably noticed, dear reader, the process of creating a screenshot does not take much time and brain resources. However, not all users work with Microsoft operating system. Let's separately touch those who prefer to work with the Linux operating system. Nothing new here. Boldly click on the Print Screen key, and about the miracle, the dialog box immediately appears, which offers the user to come up with the name of the screen's shot and save it at any convenient place. The advantage of such a system is that you will not forget immediately save the snapshot, and ultimately he will not lose anywhere, and you will know for sure where the screenshot of the screen is saved. Operational linux system It has a mass of such comfortable rows, which are designed to help the user most effectively organize their work at the computer. But we will talk about the benefits and disadvantages of operating systems in another article.

Where screenshots are saved: Mac OS X

Well, finally, let's talk about how to perform a screenshot on computers from Apple, whose legendary leader left this world not so long ago. "Maki" are famous for their harmoniousness and convenience. In order to make a screenshot in the Mac OS X operating system, you need to know the key combinations. And here they are:

  • COMMAND-SHIFT-3 - Save the entire desktop area to the file;
  • Command-SHIFT-4 - only the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop is saved;
  • COMMAND-SHIFT-4-SPACE - Save the program window to a separate file.

An even easier way to create a screenshot on Mac is the use of the Screenshot Plus widget. He knows how to make all kinds of screenshots and is easily convenient for any user.

What operating system Prefer depends on you, dear reader. Different developers offer different solutions for everyday, and sometimes very household tasks of the modern user. You can prove long with foam to prove that one system is better than another, however, only you can do right choicethat matches your goals and tasks of working for a personal computer.