How to log into the Joomla 3 control panel. Joomla admin panel - a complete manual on all the settings of the Joomla admin panel in details and pictures. Users and access level management

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Joomla sites

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Logging into the admin panel, or Joomla control panel, is one of the very first actions you will take after installing the engine on your hosting. With the help of the admin panel, you will solve many problems and create opportunities for your web resource.

It is through the control panel that you will add material, regulate user registration, change appearance Joomla site and much more.

To get started with all this, you have to go to the admin panel.

This article will consider not only standard way How to get to the Joomla site control panel. In addition, you will learn about possible problems when the admin login is literally blocked. They will also tell you ways to solve these problems.

How to log into the admin panel using the standard method

To log into the Joomla administration panel, you need to use a special address. This address is individual for each site, but generally the same. Enter Domain name your site, then put a slash and write administrator. Press Enter and the address will take you to the admin panel. Next, to log into the Joomla administration panel, enter your username and password. You specified them during installation of the engine on the hosting.

So the first problem you may encounter is forgotten password. You won't be able to log in without your password, so either remember it or you'll have to reset it. First, rummage through your records, where you usually enter various PIN codes, emails, and the like. If you probably remember the mailbox that you indicated during Joomla installations, then you can log in to the admin area! You need to enter a special address in the browser line, which will take you to the Joomla password recovery section. Enter the domain name of the resource followed by a slash /index.php?option=com_registration&task=lostPassword.

After going to the password recovery page, you will have to specify the email associated with the admin account. Next, go to your mailbox and find a letter. It will indicate New Password. Now it’s easy to log into the admin panel - enter your username and new password.

But things are not always so simple. Sometimes webmasters don’t even remember the address mailbox. But don’t despair - this problem can be solved! To log into the admin area without knowing your password or email, you need to edit some configuration files on the server. To do this, go to your hosting. If you have forgotten your login parameters, then use account recovery using your phone number (usually there is such a function).

You will need to submit a special request using the server control panel. Login to phpMyAdmin and submit an SQL query. With this request Old Password to enter the Joomla panel will be forgotten and a new one will be installed. The request will consist of three lines:

  1. On the first line indicate

    UPDATE `jos_users`

  2. The second line will contain the tag

    Its meaning depends on what password you want to set. If you want to set the default password value (admin), then after the equal sign indicate


    If you want to indicate your own, then write


    where new_password is your new password to log into Joomla.

  3. In the third paragraph, indicate the tag

In addition, due to the fact that many beginners cannot log into their Joomla admin account, many password recovery scripts have already appeared. You can browse the forums and find similar scripts. They will either reset your password to the standard admin password or allow you to register a new one. To activate such a script and log in with a new password, you will need to add a function file to a specific directory on the hosting.

How to log into the admin area if it gives an error

Sometimes not everything is so simple, and it is almost impossible to log into the administration panel. Sometimes, after trying to log into the admin area, a 404 error appears. Or, after entering your login and password, the login page simply reloads. These are complex problems for which you must prepare in advance.

Sometimes unpleasant situations with the inability to log in to the control panel arise due to some innovations on the site. It is highly advisable to periodically backup all server data. This data should be stored on your computer, as well as on some file hosting service, so that you can restore it. If you can’t log into the administrator account and the profiles of other users, then find the Administrator directory on the server and replace it with the previously saved one. Usually this measure helps.

Very often, login problems are related to your site being hacked. Try to compare the backup data with what you have on your hosting. If they are changed, then someone tried! And sometimes the reason for reloading the login page is a simple failure to follow the rules during the installation of the engine on the hosting. After completing the installation, you should delete the directory with the installer files, otherwise after going to the admin panel you will be taken to the installation menu.

It is quite possible that you cannot log in not because of your mistake, but because of the situation in the Joomla engine. Sometimes hackers launch attacks on some servers. They use programs to select logins and passwords to hack admin panels. If the administration records this, then access to the admin panels is temporarily blocked for everyone, which is why you are redirected to the error page 403 or 404. To find out if this is true, write to technical support hosting - they should definitely help you, because you pay money for it!

In addition, sometimes problems lie in the proxy server settings. In any case, you should contact your provider's technical support to find out the cause of the problem.

How to get to the control panel of the Joomla website! v. 3.x

Usually this elementary question appears among users who are just starting their acquaintance with cms Joomla! Or: after a long break in working with the site, it is quite possible to “forget” the path to the Joomla admin panel.

Time since the creation of the first versions of Joomla! a lot has passed. But the entrance to the admin panel has remained virtually unchanged. It’s all simple: in the address bar of your browser, add the word administrator to the address of your site using a slash to get:

By clicking on the “Go to next page” button in the browser (or Enter on the keyboard), we will move to the authorization page of the administrative control panel with the form:

It is clear that in text fields you need to enter your Login, Password, Language (if the default language choice is not obvious, usually you do not need to select a language) and then click the “Login” button.

It is assumed that you have a Login and Password (assigned during CMS installation) or were provided to you by your webmaster (who made your site). If the password is lost: try to recover it (usually it helps).

Important: It is strictly undesirable to enter your password/login from the keyboard! Worth keeping them text document(dash *.txt - Windows Notepad) and enter them into the text fields of the form using simple keyboard commands: Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V (copy-paste).

If a password stealing Trojan has taken up residence on your computer (not every antivirus will detect it), then the consequences can be unpleasant.

It is useful to periodically change the password to a new one (random password generation) with a length of 15 characters (even if this length is paranoid, it is more reliable).

Actually, you are in the site’s Control Panel. Depending on the User Group assigned to your account by the webmaster and the rights corresponding to the group, the Admin Panel page will have different kind. Super Administrator has maximum capabilities.

If the Control Panel is inactive for a long time (i.e., opened and went away to smoke), then after a while you will have to log in again. The time of “inactive” presence in the site’s admin panel is determined by the Administrator.

The only fundamental feature of logging into the Control Panel is the function:

General settings -> Session settings -> General sessions

When this function is enabled, the User session is simultaneously used in the Control Panel and in the web interface of the site. It's convenient in earlier versions Joomla! I had to log in twice: in the Control Panel and on the Website.

There is a need to customize the appearance and functionality of joomla. Often there is a need to change the display template of a particular website page or adjust the display of a module to the desired position; all this can be done in the admin panel. It was decided to consider working in the admin panel of Joomla 1.7, since version 1.5 is a bit old. Version 1.7 has differences, although they are not big, but they are there. For those who are starting their acquaintance with the CMS joomla, it is advisable to start with the current branch 1.7. or even 2.5., although I would not recommend rushing, there are more components for established versions, and besides, you can upgrade from version 1.7 to 2.5 simply from the admin panel, as is done, for example, in wordpress.

To begin with, I would like to highlight the current state of affairs. The traffic to my blog still leaves much to be desired; search engines have not yet become familiar with my blog. At this stage, I am completely immersed in writing new articles, fortunately there are still a lot of ideas, it’s too early to think about promotion, because the core has not been formed, we need a certain backbone of articles that is in demand by the public and deserves the attention of search engines. To date, for promotion, an attempt has been made to register the site in various ratings and on some forums in order to receive back, open links from my profiles on these forums.

Briefly what was discussed in previous issues:

Difference between joomla 1.7 and joomla 1.5

The Joomla 1.5 branch has existed for a long time, it has a number of serious shortcomings that I personally encountered, these shortcomings in functionality and internal device joomla 1.5. partially covered by third-party extensions and hacks, which is generally not correct. Joomla 1.5 has two serious drawbacks, in my opinion: 1) Problem with access rights, there is no way to create groups and assign rights to a group. Joomla 1.5 has a set of standard rights: super administrator, administrator, manager, editor, registered user. The administrator can assign certain rights to each user, for example, if the user only needs to edit articles, then he needs to be assigned editor rights. What if you need some users to be able to edit articles only from a certain category? Joomla 1.5 does not allow you to do this, it’s either all or nothing. 2) Lack of nested categories. The problem is acute on a site where you need to sort articles into many categories, and the categories need to be nested. In joomla 1.5 you can create a section/category/article structure, but it is not possible to add another category.

Main innovations of joomla 1.7

  • Joomla 1.7 introduces the ability to update the system directly from the admin panel, you no longer need to manually copy files of the new version and change tables in the database, everything happens automatically.
  • Expanded capabilities for mass mailing of letters to users. Now letters can be sent to groups. You can exclude non-activated users from the mailing list, etc.
  • Group change of properties of materials and menu items. Group movement and group assignment of access rights.
  • The LoadModule plugin has been improved, now you can display in the material not only the position (user1, user2....) to which the module is attached, but also the module itself directly without reference to the position.

Comment: Loads modules published at a specific position into the text of the material ( syntax: (loadposition user1)) or a separate module by name (syntax: (loadmodule mod_login)). Additionally, you can set the display style and a custom module title (if loadmodule is used).

How to log into the joomla admin panel

Well, let's get started. To get to the joomla admin panel, you need to type _ in the browser line, then enter the login and password for the joomla admin panel.

In the form that opens, enter your username and password and go to the admin area. This is what it looks like joomla menu 1.7.

A little lower, some main menu items are duplicated graphically

Joomla user profile

You can log into your profile through the admin panel ( website->my profile)

Here you can change your Username, Login, Password, E-mail.

You can also choose individual settings administrative panel: 1) Control panel template. 2) Control panel language. 3) Site language. 4) Material editor.

After the new profile settings are specified, save them using one of the buttons. “Save” - saves the changes, “Save and close” - save and go to the admin panel, “Close” - just close the profile editor without saving.

General settings of Joomla 1.7

You can enter the page with general joomla settings by selecting the menu item in the admin panel

website->general settings. On the "site" tab, you can set the name of the site and the default material editor. Here you can also define the basic CNC parameters (human-readable URLs) and page metadata settings.

In the upper left group of settings you can: 1) set the name of the site. 2) turn off the site - after this the site will be unavailable, a message will be displayed, which can also be defined. 3) default material editor. 4) Default access level - access level for created menu items and materials.

Below are the CNC settings (human readable links), these settings are of great importance to the user and search engines. If you are working with a site locally, then you don’t need to use CNC (disable SEF and URL redirection), and if the site is hosted on hosting, then it is better to enable SEF and URL redirection..php?.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1&Itemid= 102.

After enabling SEF, the links look like this: _http://site/index.php/component/users/?.php/test. Agree, the links already look nicer and you can even understand what’s what, and search engines love short links, in addition, CNC links contain meaningful information that can be used to promote the resource. The links look nicer, but they contain an extra element (index.php), which can be removed if you enable URL redirection. In addition, you need to find the htaccess.txt file in the root of the site and rename it to

These are the basic joomla CNC settings and they relate to standard means joomla (materials, contacts, etc.), if third-party extensions require CNC, you should use SEO components like sh404sef or artioSEF.

The group of settings located below allows you to set description and keywords meta tags for the site; these meta tags are used to promote the resource

for example, in the settings of the description field I entered the following: “Site about Joomla 1.7”, and in the keywords: “Joomla, joomla”, as a result in the HTML code of the page you can see the following

On the "system" tab you can see a number of settings related to the security system, setting the path to the folder with joomla logs and the help server. If you installed Joomla, then the path to the logs directory is correct, but if, then you need to specify the path to the logs folder on the new hosting.

In this group of settings you can enable system debugging. When debugging is enabled, debugging information will appear at the end of the site page: errors, how much memory the scripts take up, how many queries to the database, how long the page takes to execute, etc., very helpful information for developers. Caching is also a useful thing; it should be turned on when work on the site has reached its final stage, otherwise you will have to clear the cache after each change to the template or resource content. The caching time should be selected based on how often articles are updated. Caching time should significantly increase the site loading speed on Joomla, since pages are taken from the cache and are not generated from scratch. Set the session lifetime to be longer, the default is 15 minutes and it’s very annoying, I got distracted for 15 minutes and the password to the admin panel needs to be entered again, I set it to 1200 minutes just to be sure).
go to the next tab with settings, the tab is called “server”. Here you can specify the path to the directory of temporary files in the “server settings” group, just as in the case of the paths to the log folder, if you transferred the site, you will need to change the path to the folder with temporary files to the one that corresponds to the new hosting. Gzip page compression is another way to increase the performance of your joomla site. If your server supports Gzip compression, enable it in the settings and you will be happy with the increase in page loading speed.

Database settings are listed here. If you see a page with these settings, then access to the database is specified correctly), otherwise you need to find the configuration.php file in the root of the site and configure access to the database through this file.

DB access settings are located in configuration.php on line 12-17

The next group of settings relates to sending mail to joomla. the simplest one and does not require additional gestures, you just need to indicate the e-mail and name of the sender. The other two methods: SMTP and sendmail, are more complicated to configure. I will look at joomla in more detail in a separate article. Often, when sending mail to joomla, problems arise on some hosting sites; how these problems are solved can be found here ()
The next tab contains access rights settings. Information on how to work with rights, as well as working with materials, menus, components and everything else that is not covered in this article, will be given in subsequent posts. With this I want to say goodbye, thank you for your attention, see you again on the pages of my blog. And finally, by tradition, I suggest you watch a video on the topic automatic update joomla 1.7 using special. component.

Friends came out a new version joomla 2.5. The next review is about what's new in Joomla 2.5.

High-quality video course on creating websites on joomla

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. What is remarkable and remarkable is that after initial setup Joomla will no longer require any administration, with the exception of regularly adding content (writing articles, adding photos and videos, etc.).

Let's continue to look through the admin menu in order to get an idea of ​​the purpose of certain of its items. Since we started with the “Site” item, let’s look at all its other sub-items. So, “Media Manager” - uploading, deleting and managing images, video materials and other types of media information.

Media manager in Joomla admin panel

It provides you with the ability to manage files located in the IMAGES folder on your hosting server. It is located in the root directory (most often it will be called either PUBLIC_HTML or HTDOCS).

IMAGES is defined in Joomla as the default folder for downloading and storing all images, videos, flash and other media files used in your project.

Using the media manager, you can create, delete and edit existing folders (but only inside IMAGES, which is like the root folder for them), as well as delete and load media data (images, videos, etc.) into these directories. ) from your computer. There you can create your own hierarchy of directories within IMAGES for organization, making it easier to navigate through them further.

In fact, the media manager replaces FTP access to the IMAGES folder, allowing novice webmasters to upload and delete files in a convenient and visual way, without using a connection to the hosting server via an unknown FTP protocol.

I think that some people will find this option convenient, although I personally prefer to use the described FileZilla for this purpose. This will be much faster, and after gaining some work experience, it will be more convenient than in the administrative panel. But, as they say, there are no comrades according to taste and color.

Global Joomla settings in the admin panel

We continue to navigate through the menu items of the administrative panel and go to the global Joomla settings (items “Site” - “General settings”). In the window that opens, three tabs contain the most important checkboxes that directly affect the performance of the site. That is why only Super Administrators and no one else have access to them.

Let's take a little walk through the features, which are centered on three tabs. In previous articles from the section I have already touched on most of them, so as I go through the description I will provide links to those materials where they are discussed in detail.

Let's go to the first tab "Site". In the "Settings" area, you will be able to change the name of your project in the "Name" field, select in the " Visual editor default" is the most convenient editor in your opinion among those installed on this moment. material.

The top two fields in the “Site Settings” area allow you to temporarily deny visitors access to your resource (for example, during an upgrade) and set the text of the message that they will see when doing so.

The “List length” column allows you to set the length in lines for all lists that you will use both on a public site (for example, when displaying a list of categories using the corresponding menu item or , and in the admin panel itself.

In the "Length" field RSS feeds"You can set the amount of materials that will be sent to it, for example, from a blog built on the basis of this engine. articles.

Setting up meta data (DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS, TITLE and ROBOTS)

In the “Metadata Settings” area you can set the DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS meta tags:

Read more about the purpose and significance of the article. The checkbox in the “Use the title of the material in the meta tag” field must be checked, unless, of course, you set the TITLE content manually for each Joomla article. When the checkbox is checked, the title of the article will be automatically added to the Title.

I’ll torment you a little more with the TITLE meta tag, because its importance is very difficult to overestimate. The fact is that in Joomla it is not formed quite correctly and this can and should be dealt with. You can read about how to do this.

But when writing material in the admin panel, you will always have the opportunity to set unique texts for these meta tags specifically for the article you are currently working with. To do this, when you write it or open it for editing, you will need to select the “Meta Data” tab from the right column and fill in the appropriate fields:

It is recommended to create individual DESCRIPTION for each publication (because some search engines can form a DESCRIPTION based on it, which is essentially free advertising for your resource), but KEYWORD is not taken into account at the moment and if you fill it out incorrectly, it can only cause harm search engine promotion of your project.

Let's now move on to the "Cache Settings" area, where you can activate caching using the engine's built-in tools. It can also be done using third-party extensions, but in most cases the built-in capabilities will be sufficient. You can read more about what caching is and why it should be used here:

At the site setup stage, caching can be temporarily disabled in order to avoid problems viewing changes that you cannot notice without reset cache(from the top menu of the admin panel, select “Tools” - “Clear cache”).

Now let's go to the "Server" tab general settings and see what might interest us here. Perhaps this is only the “Mail Settings” area, where if your hosting does not support sending Email via a PHP script, you will need to select and configure another method - .

Working with menus and articles in the Joomla admin panel

Let's move on to the next section. Menus are not only and not so much a means to facilitate navigation, they also completely determine what exactly will be displayed on the page after opening its item ().

I have already written a fairly detailed article about the essence and (and how to create a new menu and place it in the module in the desired position of the template).

In the “All Menu” drop-down list of the admin panel, you will see the items “Menu”, “Cart” and a list of navigation elements already available in your project. By selecting the first item, you will be taken to the manager, where a table with existing menus will be shown:

Let's move on to the next section of the admin panel called “Materials”. Here are the tools that allow you to organize materials (articles) in Joomla. “Material Manager” allows you to view all articles already created in your project and, if desired, you can add a new one (write it) by clicking on the “Create” button located at the top of the window.

All materials on your site will be summarized in one table, but thanks to the extensive filter system, finding what you need will not be difficult. By clicking on the column headings you can sort articles by this parameter.

The “Section Manager” and “Category Manager” items allow you to view tables with all the sections and categories you have, and, if necessary, create new ones..html">structure for organizing materials in Joomla, then see (on blogs on Joomla, about the link “ More details” and creating menu items).

"Manager home page» allows you to control the display order of materials marked for display on the main page (in the list of articles, these have a checkmark in the “On the main page” column). The "Trash" is used to store deleted articles. From here, if necessary, they can be restored.

Working with extensions through the Joomla admin panel

Let's move on to the next section of the administrative panel - “Components”. This is the name of the largest and most complex extensions for this engine. It is for this reason that the components are presented in a separate section. For this engine, there are also extensions such as modules and plugins, which are managed from the adjacent admin section. Read more detailed article.

If you have not installed any components yet, then in the “Components” drop-down list you will see only those included in standard package and are installed together with the engine. After installing any third-party components, new items related to them will appear in the drop-down list.

By moving the mouse cursor to an item with the name of a component (included or installed additionally), a list of sub-items with its settings and tools will open. As a rule, there are quite a few of them, due to the great complexity of this type of extension for Joomla.

The components display information in the central area of ​​the public site (the content area). Setting up and working with them is often similar to working with materials, described a little earlier. And this is not without reason, because adding and managing materials in the engine itself is also carried out using content component, which is included with Joomla by default.

To control others installed extensions You will need to go to the section called "Extensions". Each extension has its own manager - plugins, templates, modules and languages. The latter allows you to select the language you need for the public and administrative sections of the site, as well as for the installation wizard and help system.

But let’s start with the “Install/Uninstall” item, which is intended for manipulating extensions. Behind this item is a manager that has many tabs, the first of which “Install” is intended for the designated action.

This engine allows you to install extensions automatically directly from ZIP archives, inside which there must necessarily be XML file(with instructions for unpacking and installing it).

All other tabs are intended to be deleted already installed plugins, components, modules, templates and languages. You will need to open a tab with the right type, check the box next to the one you want to delete, and click on the corresponding button located at the top of the window on the right. Read more about working with the extension manager at the link given just above.

“Module Manager” allows you to click on the name of a module to get to its settings page. , are similar in essence to components, but their content is displayed not in the central part of the public site, but around this area, in special places in the template called positions.

The same applies to the “Plugin Manager”, which serves to display all installed plugins. They are also extensions (in version 1.0 they were called mambots), which are designed to add additional functionality to the site. Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that you can read more about them in the article repeatedly cited above.

Let's go ahead and look at the "Template Manager". Here you will see a window with a list of templates installed in your Joomla. They allow you to completely change the appearance of the project, leaving the materials and structure unchanged. This is a kind of skin (by analogy, for example, with skins for some program in Windows), which is stretched onto an unchanged frame, radically changing its appearance.

By checking the box next to another template and clicking on the “Default” button (located at the top of the window), you will thereby change the default theme. By clicking on the name of the template, you will be taken to its settings page, where you can see all the places intended for modules (positions) in it and edit its files if necessary. article.

Mass mailing, resetting blocking and clearing cache

The last important section left is “Tools”. It is not available to users from the “Manager” group, because it contains quite important settings and capabilities. There are items here that allow you to write and view personal messages, as well as make mass mailing messages to all registered users. True, it is better to do this with the help of third-party extensions, because you may be considered a spammer.

The menu item “Reset locks” in the Joomla admin allows you to reset locks that are set automatically when users edit materials. In this engine, many users can work with project materials at once, but only one of them can edit any specific article at a given time. This article is locked while it is being edited, preventing others from accessing or editing it.

But often, users who edit forget to close the browser window or click the “Back” button in it. With such a sad set of circumstances, a number of articles in Joomla may be blocked for editing. It is to resolve this situation that the “Reset locks” menu item is needed. After selecting it, a window will open containing a list of unlocked materials. If someone is editing the content at this moment, then all his actions will not be saved.

"Clear cache" in Joomla admin will allow you to selectively clear the cache. This may be necessary if the changes you made are not reflected on the site. It will be enough to reset the cache and refresh the page in the browser:

You can only check the boxes next to certain components, modules or pages shown in the list and click on the “Delete” button located at the top of the window. Or you can check the topmost box and then all cached materials in Joomla will be highlighted, after which you can click on the “Delete” button.

I also recommend watching a couple of collections of video tutorials. They will be played one after another automatically, and if you want, you can switch to the next lesson using the corresponding button on the player panel or select the desired lesson from the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the player window:

Enjoy watching!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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