Registration instructions. How to register with the customer to register in EIS: Step-by-step instructions can not be registered in procurement

Registration of a new certificate on the portal of state procurement.

Enter B. personal Area Under the old certificate or login and password.

If you forgot the password, see Explanations at the end of the document.

In the "Registration Data" window in the upper right corner, click the link "Register the EDS certificate"

In the window that opens under the string "Specify a file with new certificates" Click the link "Overview ..."

In the "File Selecting File" window, select the file to the new certificate file.

When the path to the new certificate file is selected, click the Download link.

In the "User Registration Data" window, if you entered the certificate, then click the Register button if you entered the password, then enter the password, enter the password and in the "Password Confirm" string repeat the password again and click the Register button.

If a certificate is successful, a message is issued.

Restore password on the portal of state procurement.

If you forgot your password, then you need to click on the "Personal Account" menu "Forgot your password"

In the window that opens, you must enter the user login and answer the controlback "Enter the result of the operation .." and click the "Send Password" button.

If the picture is not visible or due to failure, the result control question Not recognized, To update the window, press the "F5" key on the keyboard.

After completing the operation, you will be sent to an email specified when registering a user on the site, a letter with a temporary password and a link to enter the site will be sent.

Recently began to work with state order? How to register on the site What is an electronic digital signature and how to get it? What requirements are presented to a computer and software? What is the functionality of the site Answers to these questions you will find in step-by-step instructions for working with

Registration on the site
Only after registering on, you can use all the resource features and get tolerance to the closed part of the system, to perform operations.

To create an account on the site, a certificate is required to work on it and special software. Please note that the presence of an electronic signature.

To get a certificate for state procurement, you need to come to the Federal Treasury, to file information about the organization, after which to pick up the certificate for registration. It is under this certificate that you will go to the site.

Concerning software: First you need to make sure your computer meets all the requirements.

Computer and software requirements

  • Processor frequency - at least 1.3 GHz;
  • RAM - no less gigabyte;
  • Internet speed - more than 256 kbps;
  • Versions of browsers: Internet Explorer. (versions 10.0 and above), Opera (version 26 and higher), Mozilla Firefox. (version 40 and higher), Google Chrome. (version 44 and above) and Apple Safari (version 8 and above);
  • Installed by - CRYPTOPRO CSP.

How to do electronic signature.
Electronic digital signature is encrypted information on which a physical or legal person identifies. To fake this signature is impossible. To get it, assemble a package of documents:

  • extract from the register;
  • a copy of the statement from the EGRIP;
  • passport and his copy
  • SNILS.

With documents you need to contact any MFC of your region. Or can this be done in the "Obtaining an electronic certificate digital signature»On the public service website. After passing the procedure, you will receive a public key: a certificate and a secret key for signing documents.

Installation software.

  • Turn on in the browser tLS protocol ("Tools" - "Internet Options) Properties -" Advanced "- press the button with independent fixation opposite the TLS 1.0 item (USE TLS 1.0);
  • Install the necessary certificates. You can download them in the training materials on the website of the State Transportation;
  • We add the site of the State to the list of trusted nodes ("Service" - "Observer Properties" - "Security" - "Reliable nodes" - "nodes". Remove the checkbox "For all nodes it requires checking HTTPS servers" and in the column "Add to zone Node "We introduce: and;
  • Install by Cryptopro CSP (download from the official site);
  • Install the signature formation component - (it is on the EIS website in "files to customize the workplace");
  • Customize readers;
  • Install CRYPTOPRO certificate.

After you have prepared a computer, register on the portal. To do this, go to the personal account, choose the FZ you are interested in, for example, 44, click "Log in" in the upper window and then "register". It will be necessary to enter all the data in the organization's card and select one of the proposed logins. To enter the system you will be under the selected login and your password.

Features of the site
On the portal is various registries, regulatory acts, training materials, useful links, news procurement news, interesting statistics, forecasts, etc.

Users can perform the following operations:

  • Make data on a signed contract, about the participants of the order, deadline of applications, competitive documentation, changes, etc.;
  • Form and place orders in various ways;
  • Form protocols, attach documentation for the order card, enter into concomitant contracts in online mode;
  • Form and place plans and schedules;
  • Receive comprehensive information about counterparties, which will allow adequate to assess their capabilities;
  • In the "Complaints" section, see the information oh unscrupulous companies;
  • Monitor procurement;
  • Select orders using the search. You can search for the subject of the contract, its price, by the organization, at the place of delivery and even at attached files. I have an opportunity simple and extended search;
  • Configure notifications about orders or other information, significantly saving your time to search.

Please note that you cannot sign the state contract on the public procurement website.

Registration Guide on the Web Portal of Public Procurement


About portal

Public Procurement Web Portal - State information systemproviding a single access point to electronic public procurement services.

Public procurement web portal provides the following functionality:

Registration of participants in the process of public procurement;

Planning public procurement;

Collection of information on public procurement;

Conducting electronic public procurement, including exchange of electronic documents between the customer and the potential supplier;

Providing information about the planned, conducted and implemented public procurement through the web portal of public procurement;

Formation of statistics and reporting on the conducted public procurement;

Publication of clarification and regulatory information in public procurement;

Presentation and publication of information included in the registries of public procurement.

Tasks solved by the system:

Reduce budget expenditures for the purchase of goods, works and services for state needs;

A single procedure for the formation and placement of a state order;

Reduce costs for government procurement procedures;

Creating equal terms of competition among product suppliers;

Quick access to the accumulated information;

Significant reduction in paper workflow;

Increase transparency and openness of the process of public procurement;

Reducing the number of offenses in the process of public procurement.

Obtaining authentication and electronic digital signature

Definitions used in the system

      • NUC - The National Certification Center for the Republic of Kazakhstan provides the provision of means of reliable authentication and electronic digital signature for legal entities and individuals of the Republic of Kazakhstan
      • Electronic Digital Signature (EDS) - A set of electronic digital characters created by electronic digital signature tools and confirming the accuracy of the electronic document, its belonging and invariance of the content.
      • Closed electronic digital signature key - The sequence of electronic digital characters, a well-known owner of the registration certificate and intended to create an electronic digital signature using electronic digital signatures.
      • Public Electronic Digital Signature Wrench - Sequence of electronic digital characters, available to any person and designed to confirm the authenticity of the electronic digital signature in the electronic document.
      • Registration certificate - paper on paper or electronic document issued by the Certification Center to confirm the compliance of the electronic digital signature to the requirements established by this Law. The context uses the synonym for the expression "open key certificate".
      • Owner of the registration certificate - A physical or legal person, in the name of which the registration certificate was issued, a legitimately owning a private key corresponding to the open key specified in the registration certificate.
      • Iin - An individual identification number consisting of 12 digits is indicated on identity card. (See the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 223 of January 12, 2007 "On National Registry of Identification Numbers")

* Iin is indicated in the identity card. The image is indicated at number 1.

      • Bin- in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On National Identification Registry" of January 12, 2007, a business identification number (bin) - is unique numberFood for a legal entity (branch and representative office) and an individual entrepreneur operating in the form of joint entrepreneurship.
      • Participant of the electronic public procurement systemaccount A physical and legal entity engaged in public procurement activities.
      • User system of electronic public procurement- The account of the representative of the participant in the electronic public procurement system, automatically created when registering an individual on the electronic procurement web portal.

The presentation by customers and organizers of public procurement information will be carried out in electronic form through the web portal without using paper procedures. This will require the use of authentication and electronic digital signature.

The issuance of authentication and electronic digital signatures is carried out in the centers of registration of the National Certification Center, placed in service centers in the cities of Astana, Almaty, and in all regional centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To obtain the EDS it is necessary:

The identification data of the legal entity and individual entrepreneurs should be checked on the basis of the following identification documents:

  • a notarized copy of a certificate of registration of a legal entity containing a business identification number (bin), in the case of individual entrepreneurs of the original and a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • documents certifying the personality of an authorized person (passport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, identity cards) and a copy with an indication of an individual identification number (IIN);
  • power of Attorney for Legal Action on behalf of a legal entity issued to the authorized person (Appendix 4). For individual entrepreneurs are not required, as they must be personally;
  • certificates from the place of work on the applicant - the owner of the registration certificate.

Based on the provided BIN, the registrar (security officer) of the CA carries out the authentication of this information on the state database of legal entities of the RK.

A detailed list of the necessary documents and the list of registration centers is available on the website of the National Certification Center

Registration of the user on the web portal of public procurement in the "Price proposals" module


This section describes the procedure for registering on the public procurement web portal in the price proposals module.

To pass on the web portal of public procurement in the price proposals module on the main page of the public procurement portal, you need to click on "Login to the Price Offer Module"

Editing user profile

Editing the user profile occurs in the section "User Profile" menu "My office":

By clicking the Icons on the RNN of the User, the request is sent to the Inis and user information is updated from Inis.

By clicking the icon opens the user editing page.

By clicking Links Password editing page opens:

Checking email address occurs by pressing the system icon issues a message:

An email address comes with an activation reference:

After activating the email address in the user profile next to the specified email address, a notification will appear:

Note. When editing in the user profile of a proven email address to a new address status " Email Verified "will be changed to" Email not verified ".

Registration of the participant on the public procurement web portal in the price proposals module

Entering information about the organization

In order to introduce information about the organization, after entering the public procurement portal, go through the link "Add Organization"

1-case. Registration of a participant in a user certificate, which indicates a bin organization

When registering the Participant, the request is automatically sent to an AISS on BIN to belong to the BINE to an organization registered in Inis.

ATTENTION! Request in Inis can take up to 4 minutes. If after the expiration date of the request in the Inis, the participant registration data will not be displayed, it is necessary to update the page or add the organization again.

ATTENTION! The name of the participant after registration on the public procurement web portal will be indicated on the state and in Russian according to Inis.

2-case. Registration of a participant in a user certificate, in which bin organization is not specified

During the registration of the participant, the request is automatically sent to Inis by Iin to the affiliation of Iin physical lick Registered in Inis. Also, the system is checked for the availability of IP and bank accounts in Inis.

ATTENTION! Registration of the participant who does not specify a bin in the certificate is allowed only the role of the "supplier", an individual.

When adding an organization after the request and receipt of data from the field of field "The name of the participant in the Kazakh language" and "the name of the participant in Russian" on the form of registration of the participant should be filled with the data obtained as follows:

      • In the presence of information about the registration of the taxpayer as an individual entrepreneur in Inis - the data obtained from the input two fields "Name of IP in the Kazakh language", "NAM in Russian", depending on the language, are recorded in the appropriate fields in AIIS EGZ;
      • If there are no data in the Inis, there are no data on one of the fields "name of SP in the Kazakh language" or the "NAM NAME in Russian" - then the field "Name of the participant in the Kazakh language" or "The name of the participant in Russian" on which there is no data is required to fill out available data second field in an inside regardless of the language;
      • If there are no data on both fields "Name of IP in the Kazakh language" and "IP name in Russian" - there is a connection to the line of data from the fields "Last Name", "Name", "Patronymic", the prefix is \u200b\u200badded to the resulting line for the resulting line Russian language or LCD for the Kazakh language. The resulting string is written as the name of the participant AIIS EGZ;

If the participant is not an IP - the name of the participant is formed by combining in one line of data from the "Last Name" fields, "Name", "Patronymic".

ATTENTION! If the participant who is registered in our system does not satisfy any registration data that were filled out on the basis of data from the INIS, the participant should be applied to the Tax Committee on the Registration Place. After updating the participant's registration data in the Tax Committee, the system of the system with the role of the head in the "Price proposals" module when entering the participant's profile can update this data using the "Update data from Ini" button.

Table 1. Rules for the formation of fields with the name of the participant in AIIS EGZ.

The name of the field in the profile of AIIS EGZ Data from Inis Rules for the formation of fields with the name of the participant in AIIS EGZ
Name of the field Data availability
1. Name of the participant in the Kazakh language Name of IP in Kazakh: Yes Name of IP in the Kazakh language
Not 1) "NAME IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE", in the presence of data in the field "NAME OF PI in Russian"
2) LCD FULL NAME, in the absence of data in the field "NAME IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE"
2. Participant name in Russian NAME IN RUSSIAN Yes NAME IN RUSSIAN
Not 1) "Name of IP in Kazakh", in the presence of data in the field "Name of IP in Kazakh"
2) IP FULL NAME, in the absence of data in the field "Name of IP in Kazakh"

Signing a member agreement

ATTENTION! After the registration of the participant needs sign an agreement on the use of public procurement web portal by participantwhich is displayed in the user profile.

The signing procedure in the price proposals module is described in the Signing of the Participant Agreement in the price proposals module

Editing the participant's profile

To edit data on the organization, you should go to the menu "Member's Profile" section "My office":

Attention! Edit information about the organization can only with the role of "Head".

When you go to the "Member's Profile" menu in the "My Account" section, the following menu items are located:

Menu items Functions
Identification data Contains the data on the organization made from the INIS system when registering the subject
Attributes Contains information about the attributes of the organization.

Details are selected from the drop-down list:

  • The dimension of the company
  • Economy sector code (corresponds to the second digit of the CBB)

The information that is selecting by the point of the item corresponding to the organization's attribute:

  • international company
  • State monopoly
  • Domestic manufacturer
  • Domestic supplier
  • Domestic entrepreneur
  • Subject of Small Entrepreneurship (SMP)
Staff Contains information about employees of the organization registered on the web portal.

The head in the "Employees" section assigns roles (jobs) - by pressing the active reference to the FIO of the employee opens the role of the choice of roles.

Applicant Contains information about the employee who registered the organization
Founders Contains information about the founders of a legal entity
Contact Information Information about the location of the organization, contact details
Bank details Contains information about bank details of the organization
Participants Contains brief information On the organization, reflects the settings of the active organization
Activity Contains information about the activities of the organization

ATTENTION! When filling out the following fields from Inis:

CAPF (organizational and legal forms classifier)

KFS (classifier forms of ownership)

The dimension of the company

these fields are not editable.

By pressing the icon, the data editing page opens:

On the editing pages of the organization's data next elements Management:

Creating an account on the website of the state procurement with a further transition to participation in electronic trading is possible only if there is a certificate to work on this service and pre-installed software on the work computer. Given the relevance of the topic, we will describe further how to register on public procurement.

Registration on the website of the State Transportation is possible when performing the following two actions:

  1. Obtaining a certificate for carrying out activities at
  2. Installing and configuring software on a PC, which will be done on the site.

With respect to the first requirement, everything is relatively simple: we appeal to the Federal Treasury with information about the company being created and we receive a certificate for registering a new user in public procurement. With the fulfillment of the second point, things are a little more difficult.

PC preparation

Besides the fact that the computer used should have direct connection To the Internet, the following provision must be installed on it:

  • Windows XP SP3 / 7.
  • Internet Explorer 7 / and above.
  • NET Framework 2.0.
  • CRYPTOPRO CSP 3.0 / and higher.
  • Component for signature formation (SIGN).

Procedure for setup by:

  • We update the version installed utilitiesIf they do not comply with the above requirements, and reboot PCs.
  • In IE, activate the TLS 1.0 protocol. To do this, in the browser menu, pass along the "Tools" path - "Observer Properties" - the "Advanced" tab. In the window that appears, we mark the check box "TLS 1.0".
  • Install Cryptopro.
  • Install the necessary certificates. To do this, download server certificates from the official website of the state procurement (four of them four) and select "Install the Certificate" for each of them. Click "Next", mark the "Place certificates in the selected repository" checkbox, click on the "review", note "trusted root centers Certificate "and click" Finish ".
  • We add the website of the state procurement in IE to the list of trusted nodes. At the same time, we pass along the path "Service" - "Observer Properties" - "Security" - "Reliable nodes" - "nodes". Remove the checkbox near "For all nodes it requires checking HTTPS servers" and in the column "add to the zone of the node" enter: and
  • Install the component and reboot the browser.
  • Customize readers. From the "Toolbar" launch a cryptopro, open the "Equipment" tab and click on "configure readers".

Insert B. uSB port Flash drive. Click "Add" and "Next". In the graph "Manufacturers" choose "Kripto-Pro company", in the column "Available readers" - drive X (X - the letter of the drive on the PC). Click "Next", indicate the name of the reader, click "Finish" and restart the computer.

  • Install your own certificate. To do this, insert the Flash drive, load Cryptopro in the "Toolbar" panel, run " Cryptopro CSP."And go through the path" Service "-" Install a personal certificate "-" Review ".

Choose a document in * .cer format and click "Next". In the window that opens, set the "Computer" checkbox and go to automatic search Container. The system will search for the latter, taking into account the characteristics of the selected certificate and give an input for entering the password. Indicate the password that was received in the Treasury with the certificate. In the window that appears, select "Install the Certificate in the Container" and "Ready".

It should be noted that actions from paragraph 8 may need to make another time after logging in to your personal account. The latter is found quite often, since it is not always possible to install the wrench of the state procurement (certificate).

The reason for this is the failures in the service of the service, which is why quite often in front of the users of the site floats any error when publishing in public procurement.

On this preparation of the PC ends.

registration on the site

The next step should be registration first on the State Service portal, and then on the website of the State Transportation. In both cases, the creation of a legal entity account must be made through a crypto provider, which is the Flash drive created by you.

Note that if the PC could not be properly configured, the "Register" button will not appear on the website. In this case, you will have to perform the above-described PC preparation actions reused.

During registration on the site you will need to specify registration data and attach constituent documents. At the end of registration, you will receive an email to confirm the account creation procedure on the resource.

Registration on the portal of state procurement: video

The state in order to systematize and prevent corruption created single portalwhere all government purchases are located and where all potential performers are invited to participate in tenders.

In Russia, not all state procurements are obliged to play on the site of the same name, the secret procurement of the armed forces can be carried out in the format of the only supplier and are not required to be published. The basic law for state procurement is 44 FZ "On the Contract System".

There are several options for tenders in public procurement let's understand them.


Open Competition

To date, the most common way of tender in public procurement is an open competition. Based on the title, it is immediately clear to its essence, so this competition can be almost any documents and information about this competition enters different channels primarily on the public procurement site.

Despite the much popularity of this tender, it is highly bureaucratic, the minimum time for this tender is rarely becoming less than 1 month. An open competition can be carried out not only directly by the customer, but also another person on his instructions.

In this competition, the subject, the selection criteria, the competition procedure sets out in detail in this documentation. Also, this competition has a feature if only one application has been submitted, then they will be invalid, as the tender implies the participation of at least two persons competing for the right to fulfill this competition.

The procedure for conducting the trading themselves in an open competition Despite all its bureaucratic and stretching is extremely simple, the participants submit their proposals and prices in the envelopes, at open auction The competition commission reveals these envelopes and chooses the most profitable proposition. Next, the contract is formed, and the contract is concluded.

In the event of a refusal to organize from the execution of a tender or inability to agree between the parties, it is possible to conclude a contract with the person who took the second place in the open competition.

Closed contest

Procedural moments of a closed contest are similar to the open. But the whole closed competition has a significant difference, it is that only those persons of which Customer himself invited to participate in the contest in a closed competition. Since the competition is closed, the results of it are also not published


Open auction

This auction is carried out through the Internet and, accordingly, published on the portal of state procurement, in the media, as well as on the official Internet portal of the Customer conducting an open auction.

Notice of this auction in listed sources should be published in 20 days before the auction itself.

In some cases, the law makes it possible to carry out this open auction with the publication of information about it 7 days before it.

The open auction reminds trade at the auction, only if the price is usually going on, in this case, the winner is announced that the person who ultimately suggested the smallest price for completing the order.

During the open auction, participants make bets, first the first bet is made, after, each round participants can do one bet, but for a certain percentage less than the previous one (as a rule, this percent is 0.5, that is, each subsequent wishing to lower the bet is obliged Reduce the price of at least one two hundred).

The auction is considered complete when the round no one has made a bet. To participate in the open auction, it is necessary to ensure its application for this purpose, as a rule, each participant contributes 3 percent from the initial order price.

Closed auction

Auctions as well as contests are open and closed. Only the difference between them is colossal, the only similarity is perhaps the name open and closed. The essence of open auctions is that each bidder sees the rates made of their opponents, and in closed auctions the essence, on the contrary, is that the participants do not see the bets made.

Applications for participation are filed with the envelope, which sets out the price for which the participant is ready to fulfill the order, after opening all the envelopes, the smallest price is determined who suggested this price automatically and becomes the winner of the closed auction.

Notifications on this auction are also published in the media, on the official website of the Customer for twenty days before the auction itself. It should also be noted that this form Order is especially popular in conducting orders related to the state secret, wearing a formally closed option.

The customer also checks the admission to the state secrets of organizations that have declared the tender. Since this auction is carried out in a closed form, as you mean the possibility of an excessive reduction in prices to a lesser extent possible than with the open auction, this is an opportunity to conduct this state tender.

Electronic auction

An open auction is the most modern of modern auctions, the order of it regulates 94 ФЗ. It is held on electronic sites Accredited government russian Federation or Ministry of Economic Development.

All notices of this competition are published on the website of the state procurement, as well as directly on the site itself on which an electronic auction is carried out.

To date, all open auctions are required to be carried out in electronic format, that is, they are documented to be carried out, but the form is not defined, and later the legislator has determined that open auctions can only be carried out in electronic form.

Before the completion of the trading is known, who participates in their draw only directly moderator of the site, which reduces corruption risks.

How to register on the site

Step-by-step registration instructions:

  1. Before registering, get a certified electronic signature, upon receipt, ask whether to make this signature on public procurement. Before registering in public procurements, you need to register at the public services. Registering in public procurement first insert electronic key to the computer, then go to the site, on main page Start your personal account. Next, the new window will open and click.
  2. To start working with the site, in the window that opens, click " Legal entities", Select" Through Cryptoprovider ", then click" Log in ", fill in all organization registration data, attach the necessary constituent documents, then click the Register button and click Continue.
  3. Congratulations you are registered. Now every time participation in the auction in in electronic format You will need to use an electronic signature, and it will be necessary for you when registering on the electronic platforms yourself, on which platform you can learn in the notice of the state procurement.
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