How to register at public services to a physical face: step-by-step instructions. Regulations on the portal of state and municipal services

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Many citizens indignantly about long queues in all organizations. Therefore, the state went to meet people, and organized a state site that performs some functions for the provision of public services. Thus, unloading the work of some organizations and simplifying public services.

State services are a reference and information portal. It allows individuals and legal entities to access some information about government services, as well as to receive some of these services in electronic form.

Thus, the portal allows you to get a service without leaving the house and without losing time in the queues. But in order to be able to use the portal services, it is necessary to register. About how the registration procedure is on the portal, and specifically about the services that the site provides, see this article.

The registration process on the portal is somewhat different from other sites. The fact is that on the site you can activate three types account:

  • Simplified;
  • Standard;
  • Confirmed.

Each of the accounts allows you to use only a certain list of public services, each subsequent expands the user's capabilities on the site.

For full access to all site services, you need to activate a confirmed account.

Documents for registration on the site

To register on the site you will need certain documents, namely:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS (insurance pension certificate).

You will also need a mobile phone number to confirm the registration or email address.

Registration of a simplified profile

So, to register you need:

Now the registration is completed and there is a simplified account.


To use the full functional simplified account, fill in the fields: FULL NAME, date and place of birth, passport data and click "Save".

Having this species An account, you can also make other information about myself the driver's license number, address of the residence, number and series of a passport passport, passport TS, the number of the CHA and Military Ticket.

Standard Account

Even great opportunities in obtaining public services online provides standard profile. In order to get it, you need to enter your personal account, in the "User Information" section enter passport data, SNILS and wait for the verification of the data entered.

The system will automatically check your data and will translate your account to a new status within 15-30 minutes. About what happened to change the status of an account on the site, you will receive an SMS alert.

Confirmed Account

After you have registered a standard account you have a sufficiently large functionality of the site. But to obtain some information or services, still a confirmed profile is required. Make it a bit more complicated than other types of accounts, as it takes a certain time And it is necessary to visit the registering organization personally.

There are three ways to confirm:

By mail

In order to avoid queue, you can order a letter confirmation to accommodation. To do this, you need to go to the personal account of the site and go to the settings section, select "Account confirmation" and click "Send a letter". The letter will be delivered by Russian Post within two weeks at the place of registration of a citizen.

But when confirming the account in this way, you will not be able to use other public sites, authorization to which is carried out through state services, for example If it is necessary to have access to these sites, we advise you to use other ways to confirm the person.

Through an electronic signature

In order to confirm the account via an electronic signature, you need to do it. It is done in MFC, this service Paid. You will be given an electronic medium on which will be stored signature - electronic keyconnected to the computer.

MFC, Rostelecom and Post Office


The fastest I. free way Confirmation is confirmation through MFC or special separations of Rostelecom, mail.

Companies in which you can confirm the enhanced account, you can find on the map that is on the public service website. Here you can not only choose a convenient compartment, but also see the hours and days of the organization. To do this, click the "Find Service Centers" button and select the appropriate.

In order to confirm the account, you must bring a passport with you and SNILS.

Helpful advice!

Attention! If suddenly you have a question, the site issues an error or data cannot be entered, we advise you to use the ability to contact the site support by phone: 115 or 8-800-100-70-10, as well as email - [Email Protected]

Opportunities of the Site Services

You can get acquainted with all the services provided by the site, you can on this portal. We will list only the main possibilities for payment:

  • fines,
  • tax debts,
  • requirements for the executive list of FSSP of Russia,
  • utilities services,
  • state duties;
  • utilities;

Also on the site you can:

  • Apply for receipt and replacement of the passport and passport;
  • Check debts and penalties;
  • Submit various statements;
  • Request various documents and references ();
  • Receive statements from state registers;
  • Receive information from state library funds;
  • And much more.

Thus, the portal of public services is very useful, it saves time and provides discounts for state duties.

Helpful advice!

We advise all citizens to register on the website of the State Service in advance so that, if necessary, it was possible to get it in 5-10 minutes, instead of a crowded campaign to the state institution for the same document.

A priority step when working with the portal is to log in and entering your account. Without this, the site functionality will be unavailable. All you can do a portal visitor is to view information about various services, but it will not be able to get any of them. At the same time, the registration of an individual in the Personal Cabinet of the Site Services takes quite a bit of time. The procedure for creating a new account has its own nuances, which will be told in this article.

How to register on the site?

If a person at least once registered on the Internet portals, it certainly has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to register an individual on the Public Services portal. Going to the official website on main page The user can see a block with two large buttons - Log in and register. If there is no account on, you need to click on the second button.

Important: Register on the site and access Esia ( unified system Identification and authentication) can anyone, the service is provided free of charge.

Further will be visible the standard for registration procedure on most sites the form in which you need to enter valid (real) name, surname and contact details (email address almost or telephone number) In the right format.

Attention: when registering, you need access to the specified phone number and email address.

After clicking on the blue button to register physical lick A letter will be sent to the specified electronic or SMS with a combination of numbers to confirm registration on the website of the State Service.

Important: if used mobile phone For registration, it is better to keep it at hand, since the code sent to the specified number will be valid only 300 seconds, after which it will not be possible to enter it in the account confirmation graph.

After activating the account with one of the ways (using an SMS code or a link in a letter sent to the electronic), you will need to create a password to enter the site.

Personal data will be indicated in the publication profile, in particular information from the passport and SNILS, so it is important to protect the account with a reliable password. For the password to have a high degree of security, it must be compiled with the following paragraphs:

  • the minimum password length is 8 characters;
  • it should have Latin capital letters;
  • the password must contain numbers;
  • the same signs should not be near;
  • in the password, punctuation signs, for example, should be used!?;;)
  • special mixes * and # should not be present in the password.

Under the Password Password field, a hint will be visible, indicating its degree of reliability. The password corresponding to all of the above criteria will have a very high degree of reliability, and therefore personal data will be protected from unauthorized persons.

User Account

After performing these simple actions, the user will see a message about a successful completion of the registration and will be automatically redirected to the site after 3 seconds.

Simplified recording

At this stage, a person is the owner of a simplified account. It provides the ability to view information about the services, contact the portal support service, pay the traffic police fines, recognize litigation and repay it online. But all other services will not be available, so you need to "raise" your account with simplified to standard.

Standard recording

As can be seen, it is not enough to register on the portal of the State Service. He is not enough if you want to use the entire functionality of the official site. Receive public services will be possible only after making personal data into the profile and confirmation of the person. To transfer the recording to the standard, it is enough to specify the passport data and.

Note: Foreign citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to create an account standard type. But the condition for this is to obtain SNILS in the Pension Fund at the Registration Place.

The owners of the standard account are available to a wider list of services, in particular, the possibility of registration of discharge from the Pension Fund, the registration of the vehicle appears. After entering passport data and instructions, the SNILS number will begin checking the information and their reconciliation with the base in the Pension Fund and FMS. This procedure may require about 15 minutes of waiting.

Confirmed recording

After receiving an account of a standard type, registration in public services can still be called completed 100%. For getting full access You need to have a confirmed account. After all the data in the personal account is entered, you need to confirm the identity of one of the method provided for this:

  • visiting the MFC personally (with me you need to have a passport);
  • using;
  • using the access code received by the registered mail.

Attention! Registration by single portal with a confirmed account allows you to use all the functionality of the site without restrictions. The ability to execute documents (passport, driver's license, etc.), record children in the garden, make registration at the place of residence, and much more.

By choosing an email confirmation option, you need to keep in mind that the services provided by the tax service will not be available. In addition, to obtain a letter, you will have to visit the post office, so this method is considered the most inconvenient.

Since only some users have an electronic signature, the most popular way to confirm the account becomes personal appeal to the Customer Service Center. During registration, the public services portal of public services will offer to find the nearest MFC branches on the map.

Before you register with the public services website, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions presented in this article, and then there will be no difficulty when passing this procedure. You need to make data in your personal account and get the status of a confirmed account. This will save much more time and effort on paperwork and obtaining various public services in the future.

The main advantage of the public service site is the fact that you will not need to stand in queues and leave the house to implement a specific operation. If you first encountered this portal, then you need to register on it. In this article, we take aide step by step, consider all the regimens and you will easily repeat them.

All accounts are divided into standard and confirmed. Standard status You will receive immediately after registration and you will be available almost all the functions of the site. But there are those for which a confirmed status is required. This applies to. But let's not get ahead and consider everything in order.

Registration of an individual on the portal of the State Service

Before we proceed to the registration process, we want to remind you that this will require your passport and insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS).

1) Open the site and click on the "Register" button

2) Enter your real name, name, mobile phone and email address.

3) At the next stage, on your cellular telephone A SMS message will receive a confirmation code. It must be entered into the form below. Now click on the "Confirm.

4) After that, you need to come up with a password and enter it twice in the window that appears. This is required in order to exclude password input error. It is it that you will be introduced every time the State Service portal.

5) Now the system will ask you to enter your passport data and the number of insurance certificate. This should be done only once, and in the future these data will be automatically affixed when working in your account.

6) Take a tick "no patronymic" and enter your surname, name and patronymic. Select your gender and fill in the date and place of your birth. In addition, specify your citizenship.

7) As a document, which will make sure your personality, acts as a passport. Enter its series and number, as well as information about when and who he was issued to you. In the last line, it will be necessary to enter the slope number, which looks like this:

When you entered all this data, click the Save button.

8) Now you will get on your personal page on the State Service portal and the information on the verification of your data will be displayed on the right side.

It will take no more than 15 minutes, as the system will ask your data in the Pension Fund and the Federal Migration Service. Update the page after a while and you will be congratulated with the successful passage of this step.

As we have said earlier, the personality confirmation will be required for some operations. This can be done in person in the service center, ordering a letter or using an electronic signature.

9) If you want to confirm the identity in the service center, then click on the "Find Service Center" button and the system automatically displays the coming to you. Click one of the blue circles and the address of the separation and its operation mode will appear.

Do not forget to take a passport with you, whose data you were entered at the previous stages.

10) The second way to confirm the person is the order of the letter, which will be delivered to you within two weeks. The only disadvantage of such a method is the impossibility of accessing the site.

If you do not plan to use the above-mentioned site, then fill information about your mail address and enter the Postal Code of the Post Office.

11) The third way of confirming the personality implies the presence of your electronic signature key carrier. The system will request its connection to the computer.

As you can see, nothing complicated on the registration on the portal is no stateside. We tried to paint in detail every step that you can easily repeat. If you still have any questions, then ask them in the comments.

To enjoy abundance of opportunities, which provides a single state portal, you must first find out how to register for "state services". Simple confirmation through electronic drawerAlas, do not separate - the registration procedure on "state services" is quite long and consists of a variety of stages.

The site of the site is important to know: there are several levels of accounts - simplified, standard and confirmed. It is better to bring the registration procedure to the end, because the simplified account allows you to use the minimum set of services.

Preparing for registration

At hand, a citizen who is going to register on "state services" must be:

  • Passport of the Russian Federation - will have to rewrite details.
  • SNILS - a green laminated document, which is issued by the Pension Fund.
  • Phone - notifications will come to the number. In addition, the number will be useful if the user is forgetting the password.
  • Email address is also needed for notifications.

Step-by-step instructions, how to register on the "State Service" website will consist of 3 steps.

Step number 1. Simplified registration

We start the registration in this way.

Click on the "Register" button in the right block of the main page:

Fill out a simple questionnaire: indicate the name, name, cell number, email address.

Click "Sign Up" and wait when an SMS message with the code comes to the phone. When the code comes, enter it in the field and once again click "Continue".

Enter the same password twice and click Finish.

You can smooth! Simplified registration on the Public Services portal is completed. Now you have access to some of the services, for example, writing to the doctor online. For full use The portal needs to know how to register with the "state services" with the account increased (standard) level.

Step number 2. Standard registration

After successful simplified registration, the system translates the user to the page with the form of personal data filling.

At this stage, SNILS and passport details will be useful.

Tip: Complete Personal data by the Inn Room, Competitis Polis Polis, Driving Performance, Birth Certificate, Military Ticket. In case you lose one of the listed documents, the data can be easily recognized in the Public Services Personal Account.

After filling out all the fields, click "Continue". The system will start checking the data entered - according to the information presented on the site, the test duration ranges from 5 minutes to 5 days. Expect when checking will be completed, there is no need for a computer screen. Close the site and deal with other things - the successful verification of "public services" will be reported by SMS.

After receiving the cherished message, you become the owner standard Account.

Step 3. Personal confirmation

To enjoy all the privileges on the "State Service" website, you need to get a personal code. Log in to your personal account and click on the button "Go to confirmation of personality".

You will see that the system offers three ways to identify:

Personal appeal to the service center: The Multifunction Center of your city or the Russian Post Office - you need to contact, capturing a passport with you. Where the nearest service centers are located, you can look at Yandex.Maps on the website of the State Service.

Enter the address in the search engine, select the service you want and the preferred operating time and click "Find". The results are displayed not only on the map, but also in the form of a list of addresses.

The list also will also display an approximate distance from the place of accommodation to the service center.

In this way of identification, as a rule, the citizens who need to get the service urgently are used. The service center employees are checked by passport data, transfer the envelope to the conversion to the conversion, inside the confirmation code, and tell how to register with the public services to the end.

Custom letter by mail. This method is the most convenient, because to order a letter with the code through the Russian Post, it is not even necessary to get up from the sofa. Wait for about 2 weeks. Previously, to visit the post office was not necessary (the postman brought a letter directly to the apartment), but now it will have to come, and the site focuses the attention of the user on it. The letter is issued when the customer places a passport.

After receiving the letter, act:

  • Find the code in the letter and log in to the Personal Cabinet at the "State Service".
  • Go through the path "My Data" nĂ  "General data" and click "Go to Editing".

  • Enter the code from the letter and click "Check".

A day after the order of the letter becomes an affordable tracking service, with its help, you can find out at what stage of delivery is the letter. The link to the following appears in the confirmation block code.

Note: If you used the code from the letter, access to the personal account of the taxpayer on the official website of the FTS you will not receive. Therefore, the site of "state services" recommends contacting identification personally.

Confirmation using electronic signature or UEC. At least this method is confirmed by the fastest, it does not use popularity. You can get an electronic signature in one of the accredited centers, the actual list of which is published on the portal of the Ministry of Communications.

The IEC card is discontinued from January 1, 2017, but if the card is not expired, it can still be used to authorize and confirm the account. Additionally, the reader is required and a special web browser plugin.

To this method, more often resorted legal entitiesthat electronic signature is used regularly.

Upon completion of registration, the system will send you a congratulatory message. After that, re-log in to your personal account - you will find that all services on the portal have become available for you.

For use per 100% of all the possibilities of public servants. It is necessary to go through all regimen. It will have to do this just once, and in the future all your data will be recorded and it will not be confirmed. To register in public services and create a personal account is needed in two stages. You must first create your own account, come up with a login and password, enter the phone number. The second stage - confirmation of the account, after the successful passage of the second stage, the personal account will allow online servicesavailable on the site. Without confirmation of the account, the account owner is limited in opportunities.

Accounts are classified by type: simplified, standard and confirmed. Before the owners of a confirmed record, there are a lot of opportunities provided by the portal, up to the registration of the passport via the Internet. Below you will find information on how to get a confirmed account in public services after the primary registration.

How to create a full-fledged personal account on the official website of the portal State Service.Ru?

After you have passed a simplified registration in public services, you need to create a personal account. The simplified account allows a citizen to use a limited number of public services that do not require confirmation of the personality of the account owner, as well as reference information. To access all services, follow the instructions below.

Filling information fields with personal data

The first step towards a full-fledged registration personal Cabinet On the official website of the State will enter the personal data of the citizen. Access to the menu for data entry The face will receive immediately after the initial registration is completed.


  • Go to the official website of the State Service.
  • In the upper right corner, find the "Personal Account" link and go through it.

  • In the menu that opens, enter your data, you will open the field to pass a full-fledged registration.

In the menu that opens, you will be asked to introduce personal data, including: surname, name Patronymic, Paul, Passport details, Citizenship and date of birth. Also enter the SNILS number.

After all fields are filled, click on the "Save" button, which is located in the lower right corner of the menu.

If you change your mind and do not want to enter personal data, click "Cancel". After performing these actions, your personal account on the official website of the portal will receive the status "Standard".

If a citizen misses personal data entry step and proceeds to the main page, the account will be assigned the status "Simplified Account". You can return to filling the fields with personal information at any time, for this, follow the link "Fill a Profile".


After entering data, you will have to wait from 5 to 15 minutes. At this time, the questionnaire will be directed to Pension Fund Russian Federation and FMS. There she will pass automatic check For compliance with reality. In the process of checking, you can monitor its results in the appropriate menu.

After a few minutes, the account owner will receive the test results. The result is sent to a mobile phone or email citizen. In case of successful passage, you will receive a letter with congratulations, then the abstract features will open. Standard registration of a personal office on the official website of the State Service.Ru will allow the use of such services as "Recording to a doctor for a doctor over the Internet" or "Vehicle registration". But the online service list will remain limited until you complete the registration by confirming the identity of the account holder.

Account owner personality confirmation

In order to access all civil service services, you need to complete registration by confirming the personality of the account owner. Full registration involves sending screenshots or photographs of the passport via the Internet. This is an anonymous operation.

To confirm the identity of the account owner, the citizen introduces secret code In a special field on the site. Personal confirmation code can be obtained in several ways, they are all free, but require some time costs.

To go through the final registration stage, go to the official website of the public services portal, enter your username and password.

  • Personally at the service center.
  • By registered mail, Russian Post.
  • Electronic signature or UEC.

Choose the most convenient confirmation method for you. Below you can familiarize yourself with each way in more detail.

Personal appeal

With personal contact for the creation of a personal account and registration in public services, a citizen must appear in one of the specialized service centers. Affordable service centers: Russian Post Office, Rostelecom Offices, etc. Read more about Service Centers on the official website of the State Service. During the confirmation of the account, you need to have a certification person with you, the one that is specified by you in the registration process, as well as SNILS.

To find available confirmation centers in your area, follow the link "Find Service Center". You will open a map on which suitable offices are marked. Here you can familiarize yourself with the work hours of each center and choose the most convenient option.

Confirmation through Russian Post

If you select "confirmation via Russia's mail", then an email will receive a letter containing confirmation code. In the menu, specify the exact address of your accommodation to which you would like to receive a letter, click the button "Order a letter".

The code comes with a registered letter, which can be obtained by presenting a passport in the post office at the place of residence. You will pre-give an SMS or postal notification corresponding to the content. This is the longest way to pass registration, since the letter with the code will go at least two weeks (in some cases more than a month). It is also likely that it will be lost. The day after confirming sending the code by mail, the option tracking the letter tracking will open.

Having received the code, go to the public service website, enter your username and password. In the confirmation menu, enter the secret password. Click "Check".

After that, if the password is entered correctly, the account will be confirmed and you will be able to use all the capabilities that the portal of public services provides citizens.

Please note: This method is not full, since it does not give the user access to the account on the site A citizen who confirmed his account through the Russian Post will not be able to use the personal account of the taxpayer.

Use of electronic signature and universal electronic card

Confirm your personal account on the official website of the portal State Service. It is possible using an electronic signature. To do this, go to your account, select "Personal confirmation" and click on the menu item "Electronic Signature or UEC".

Then attach the electronic signature key media to the computer. After successfully entering the identity confirmation code, the citizen will access all the services of the portal of public services. The Account page displays a confirmed account symbol. The phone number will receive an SMS with a message about the successful passage of registration.

What to do in case of problems with registration?