What computers are there, types and types of computers. Computer device. What does computer consist of? Pocket types of computers and smartphones

Computers can vary in many ways, both in their size and in their inherent capabilities. Integrating computers into other devices is no longer new; they can be built into cars, household appliances and much more, but in turn such computing mechanisms perform only tasks specified by the developer.

There are very, very many types of devices that can rightfully be called computers, and every year there are only more such computer devices presented to the world by developers, and the devices themselves can be logically divided into certain types of computer groups.

Types of computer and types of computer

What is a computer type - a group of computers that have similar functionality or method of use, and a certain type of computer is considered Computer Engineering and usually similar in appearance Computing devices, just like the type of computer, have their own distinctive capabilities. For example, a personal computer is a type, and types of PCs are computers that are used by a person for personal purposes: all-in-one computer, tablet, nettop, etc.

If in the last century computers could be both analog and digital, today only digital computers remain relevant. We will talk about this type of technology, such as digital computer, these are the ones that are used today.

In addition, it is wrong to divide computers according to the classification of the last century; the line between microcomputers and minicomputers is no longer noticeable, and other devices are already called such, and mainframe is only roughly equated to today’s servers.

Personal computers

If you are inclined to believe that the world is ruled personal computers, then to a greater extent this is true, the only thing is that they do not rule in the literal sense, they are simply the largest in number. Personal computer, also referred to as PC for short, is used to work directly with a person, that is, a computer makes it possible to obtain understandable information for a person. PCs can be represented as types of desktop computer systems- Desktop, and portable computer devices, some of which can not only be taken with you, say, on the road, but also put in your pocket. In turn, personal computers can be divided into portable and stationary devices.

Types of desktop personal computers

The type of stationary PC means a computer that has a permanent place, which is what, say, a computer desk actually serves and does not imply frequent changes of place. Such computers can also be called workstations, because the computing power is enough to perform certain work, that is, intensive calculations.

There are three main types of such devices:

1. Desktop computers or desktops

The most powerful representatives of personal computers are desktop computers. A desktop computer is called this because the location is a desk, and later, after some changes, a computer desk.

The main component here is considered system unit, usually a rectangular box, most often located either at the top of the table or at the bottom. A monitor, keyboard and mouse are connected to the system unit, all these components interact with each other.

The system unit is a modular device, which means it is possible to replace each component - module, independently, thereby changing the configuration to suit you.

2. Nettops

3. Monoblocks

An all-in-one computer is also a desktop computer, but without a visible system unit. The frame for this type of computer, such as a monoblock, is one common case with a monitor. All components are located in the rear, behind the display, which creates a certain aesthetics for working at a computer. What is an all-in-one computer and an all-in-one computer can be clarified in the article of the same name.

Types of portable personal computers

What is a portable device? Portable means portable, and in our case, the mobility of computers is ensured by their smaller size and smaller size compared to a desktop computer. capacious battery. In most cases, this type of computer limits its performance in order to increase battery life, but these capabilities are enough to perform certain, in fact, like any computer, computing operations.

1. Laptops and their closest relatives, netbooks

Laptops are computers that can be easily transported and have the ability to operate autonomously, which is possible thanks to the battery, like other types of portable computers. Besides distinctive feature What makes desktop computers different is the presence of combined components and a keyboard display in one housing. And the ability to fold makes them even more compact.

Netbooks are still the same laptops, which are not only smaller in size and have more operating time. battery, but also less high performance, which makes it impossible to use resource-intensive applications with them.

These knee-mounted types of computers, based on the book principle of closing and opening, provide, although not high, but sufficient performance to fulfill the user's needs. What is a laptop - this article will be able to create a general idea about a laptop, netbook and other folding computers.

2. Tablets and tablet laptops

Tablets are portable computers that share the needs of users in PDAs with smartphones, in one case the computing potential for viewing Internet pages, videos and listening to music, the basis here is an input device such as a touch screen - Touchscreen, are real assistants, and in some situations it is more convenient than a laptop due to its smaller size.

In addition to a touchscreen, tablet laptops, just like a laptop, have a keyboard and, depending on the model, can either fold or extend.

The main task of this type of portable device is to access and use the Internet, although basic multimedia capabilities are present. For such mini computers, battery life is more important than performance when compared with the same Desktop.

3. Pocket types of computers and smartphones

If previously the differences between smartphones and PDAs (pocket personal computers) were really noticeable, now the average smartphone performs the same functions, and the popularity of PDAs is not what it used to be, but still has its users this type has a computer.

Just like other types of computers that are representatives portable devices, depend on the battery life. Possess, quite small in size, which has a beneficial effect on the ability to always have them at hand, which is the opposite of productivity. Thanks to the lower resolution, it is possible to use such devices to view videos and photos, even if they are not best players, but they are not without such an opportunity, and the photo and video shooting functions are a good plus.

These devices are battery-powered, and their size makes it easy to have them with you at all times. The main difference between today's models of smartphones and PDAs is that the former performs, in addition to the computing function, the function of a telephone. Modern models are required to have an input device such as a touch screen.

Compute servers

This type of computer as a computing server underlies the work local networks and the Internet in general. The entire operation of networks is built on the server work of computers, each of the Internet resources, its files, and any type of information on the network is located on a storage device of one of the types of servers.

Without a doubt, the high performance of server versions of computers is very important, but not so much as their reliability. Computers performing the server task must first of all have very high reliability and work without exception for the entire service life, because the information stored on the server must be constantly accessible, and in no case can it be lost. Usage backup copies becomes mandatory for these types of computer solutions.

Servers can process large amounts of information, and the calculations are based on parallel processing information. Therefore, server versions of computers are aimed at developing multiprocessing and multi-core capabilities.

In general, a server can be almost any computer; it does not have to be cumbersome as many people imagine, because its function is to serve other computers on the network, it is their information source. For example, a nettop can become a good home server, and using the functionality of the system unit, you can easily use it as hosting for your blog. In terms of functionality and size, the servers are comparable to the type of computer of the outdated classification - mainfree.


Supercomputers are computers with the highest performance. Such computing facilities are ultra-fast types of computers. It is a multi-computer and multi-processor complex, occupying large premises, with shared memory and other devices that are also shared.

Such computers are characterized by multiprocessor processing of many operations simultaneously - trillions of operations per second. They use the capabilities of such computers for very important tasks, at the state and global level. In modeling complex natural phenomena, various effects of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, such a supercomputer makes it possible to predict, for example, a cataclysm as closely as possible. Such computers can occupy entire buildings, government agencies, scientific computing and research centers.

The structuring of elements, as well as the parallel and vector organization of the computing process, determines the ability of each system element to deal with its part of the task, and in fact this is how the concept of a cluster appeared.

What other types of computers are there?

There are a large number of types of computers available to humanity and are not limited to the usual clone computers. Computer clones are, simply put, a model range.
Sometimes the presence of such a computer nearby is not clear to everyone, for example, a payment terminal or ATM is one of the types of computers, and it is stationary and personal.

Modern game consoles are also computers; they carry a computer component, and in addition to the main function of gaming, they also cope with other entertainment tasks. Household devices have microprocessors, which are essentially also one of the components of a computer.

Perhaps very soon, in our home, and not in a science-fiction film, a type of computer like a robot will appear, which will also perform certain functions. Every year new representatives of computers appear, their capabilities are only expanding, and if you introduce a little fantasy into the material, then the main thing here is to prevent the evolution from robotics into the emergence of a race of robots that will become a worthy competitor to humanity.

Hello to all my blog readers! Today there are many devices that proudly bear the name “computer”. Every year the types of computers become more diverse and interesting, manufacturers are doing more, and also adding new functions for the convenience of the user. This article will help you understand this diversity, thereby you will learn what types of computers there are.

Desktop computers . In order to be called a desktop computer, it must have a system unit, a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse - this is the minimum set. Often you can find a printer, scanner, speakers or peripheral equipment nearby.

Also, a novice user may be confused by the different shape and size of the system unit, with the same composition of the minimum components mentioned above.

So, system units are:

  • Classic, vertical (tower). They can be of regular medium size (midi-tower) or high (full-tower). Full-towers are rare today; a common system unit is a midi-tower.

  • Horizontal system blocks. This type is almost never seen anymore; it was popular at the dawn of the computer era; usually such a system unit was placed directly under the monitor.

  • LCD PC slim-desk. This terrible English phrase is usually used to describe modern system units that are 2-4 times smaller than usual.

There is also a version of a desktop computer without a system unit at all, but they are not yet widespread and are rather the exception. In this case, all the “internals” are placed in the monitor. This is, of course, very aesthetically pleasing, convenient, takes up little space, but is very expensive compared to conventional desktop computers. I think over time the price will fall and the average user will no longer pay attention to the price of this computer and I would also like to note that these computers are made with touch screen.

Laptop. The name comes from the English “Notebook” (Russian notebook) since it is the notebook that resembles this type of computer in its “opened” form. Another, less common name in the post-Soviet space is laptop, from the English “LapTop” (lap = knees of a sitting person, top = top). The name comes from the “place” where the computer usually stands in the absence of a table: on the lap.

Until recently, laptops were far behind their desktop counterparts in terms of power and were often used only as an addition to a home computer. Today, many users have abandoned bulky desktop computers in favor of compact and mobile laptops. A modern laptop offers fairly high performance, a wide selection of sizes, colors and enough long time battery operation, which is especially useful for a mobile device.

Netbook. In essence, this is a laptop, but with some of its own features. Firstly, they usually smaller than a laptop. Secondly, their battery life is greatly increased, although this is done at the expense of performance (and there is no other way). Thirdly, they are cheaper. In general, performance is reduced not only to reduce power, but also to reduce cost. Initially, these computers were intended solely as a means of accessing the Internet and performing only minimal actions beyond that. This is where the name comes from: in Russian “Net” is a network.

Tablet computers or TabletPC. This category is now just gaining its popularity. Such a computer is simply a small touch screen. In TabletPC, due to the touch screen, a keyboard and mouse are not required (although they can be used if the user wishes); usually the tablet computer monitor is adapted for working with fingers. In some models you can also find sliding or folding keyboards. Tablets are not very powerful, but this is not required of them.

Their main task is to allow the user to access the Internet; in addition, you can watch a movie, listen to music, or anything else that does not require high power, which in principle is convenient to do on such a device. But the main task is to provide the owner with comfortable Internet access without burdening him with a large and heavy bag. The most important indicator for a tablet computer is battery life, since this is mainly mobile device, usually this indicator is at their best. The Apple iPad, so desired by many users, falls into this category.

Handheld computers or PDAs (PDAs). Such a computer is often called a “handheld”; it earned this name due to its size. This type of computer is small device with a touch screen, for use of which a stylus (small special pointer) is usually included. Using your fingers on this device is not convenient (due to the small size of the elements on the screen) or is completely impossible due to design features display.

The device can also be equipped with a folding push-button keyboard. Typically, PDAs do not have access to the Internet and are designed to solve some problems locally. It should be noted that smartphones, in fact, are a logical continuation of the evolution of pocket computers. Since they differ only in their ability to make calls, which means they can access the Internet.

The main feature of the game console is the lack of a screen. That’s why it’s a “set-top box”, because it’s “attached” to the TV. Previously, they could only provide an opportunity to play and hardly resembled a computer. Modern models give where more possibilities: play, watch a movie, listen to music, and even go online.

Inside they are the same computer: they have CPU, random access memory (RAM, RAM), HDD(ROM, ROM). On the outside they have a drive for laser discs(cd, dvd, blu-ray), as well as connectors for connection external devices(eg USB and Ethernet network connector). But do not forget that their main task remains games. Now there are models of consoles that can be played even without a TV, since it has its own small screen.

As you understand, there are a lot of types of computers. But I am sure that in the near future even more interesting and useful device for a person.

P.S. Today for dessert - a computer that is a little larger credit card. It's nice to see where a person goes.

Every PC user knows perfectly well that a computer consists of a monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers and a system unit. But it is clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg. This is, so to speak, just one side of the coin. If we look inside the system unit and other components of the computer, we will find a huge number of details thanks to which, in fact, it works.

The most basic, of course, is system unit.

In general, it is directly a computer that performs hundreds of thousands of operations. If we replace the monitor, keyboard or mouse, it will simply become more convenient for us to watch movies, listen to music, type texts, etc., but the PC parameters will remain the same. Everything that is displayed on the monitor and heard in the speakers depends on what is inside. The internal details of the system unit determine the capabilities of the system as a whole.

The computer system unit consists of: a video card, hard drive, RAM modules, coolers, processor, motherboard and many other parts. Let's look at the important parts and their functions in more detail.

Motherboard - This is the basis of the entire system unit.

This is the board to which all the other parts of the mechanism are attached: video card, processor, hard drive, etc. Because of this, its name is appropriate. It ensures the vital functions of other parts. The main function of the motherboard is to connect the other parts so that they work as one. If you open the cover of the system unit, you will immediately notice it.

CPU - This is the so-called heart of the computer.

It is the processor that executes all the commands that the PC user sets. The speed and capabilities of a computer depend on how powerful processor. The processor is located on motherboard in a special connector, which is called the “Central Processor Connector” or “socket”.

Cooler. This part is located immediately above the processor.

A cooler is a small heatsink with a fan that dissipates heat and thus cools the processor. This is a very important detail, because if the processor overheats, the computer will shut down. And this will quickly lead to PC failure.

Winchester or hard drive is a device on which all the information on your PC is stored.

It goes without saying that the larger the hard drive, the more information the computer can hold. Location of the hard drive in modern computers a little different from the older ones. Now they are connected using an interface. Usually, hard disks also often overheat, and therefore, for a longer computer life, install another small cooler near the hard drive, which will be enough to avoid repairs.

Video card– part of the computer responsible for the speed of processing video information.

In modern computers, the video card is installed on the motherboard via a PCI-Express connector. There are also motherboards that have multiple PCI-Express slots, this naturally improves the picture and makes graphics subsystem overall more powerful. But basically, a regular video card is enough for the average user. Powerful video cards are necessary for those who directly work with graphics or simply who like to play games with a clearer picture in order to feel the whole atmosphere of the game. Also, each computer has sound and network cards. Their names themselves speak for their functions in the PC.

RAM modules– this is RAM in other words.

IN random access memory Data that is needed by the processor to perform an operation is temporarily stored. At the end of such processes, for example, after closing a particular operation, the data from the RAM is immediately deleted. The speed of RAM, or more precisely access to it, is much higher than the speed of access to the hard drive. This helps you get virtually instant access to necessary information. There are different models of RAM, and therefore the connectors for them on the motherboard are also different.

These, of course, are not all the parts that make up a computer. In order to expand the capabilities of your PC, various TV tuners, modems, etc. are also installed. It depends on the desires of the user.

And, of course, in order for all this to function, you need power unit, which will give life to all this “hardware”.

Every more or less experienced user knows that there is different types computers. In particular, they can be divided into desktop computers, nettops, monoblocks, laptops, netbooks, tablet computers and even PDAs, although these are gradually disappearing from the market and giving way to tablets and smartphones. Let's determine what types of computers exist and what are their main differences.

Personal Computer

This is a classic version of a modern PC, which consists of a system unit and a monitor. The mouse, keyboard, and speakers are connected to the unit itself. Conventionally, such systems are divided into office, home, and gaming. Of course, such a division is very inaccurate, so you need to try to understand this in more detail.

Office computers

Compose a document, edit a file, keep accounting records - approximately these types of work are performed by a computer in the office, so its components must be appropriate. For offices, the cheapest and weakest systems are selected, which are only suitable for working with office programs. However, if the company is engaged in drawing in programs such as Autocad, then more powerful systems can be used in offices.


When choosing a PC for home, users try to choose the most advanced systems and powerful components possible, good monitors. Most people do not want to buy processors with integrated video cards, but prefer discrete cards. Home computer should be able to not only play movies and open documents, but even games. Such a system must also be equipped large monitor- Spending time on such a computer at home is much more pleasant.


These are the most powerful systems with a huge amount of RAM, a very powerful central processor and an expensive video card. Such instances may have water cooling(and not ordinary air), since the components of such systems quickly heat up to high temperatures.

Some options use several powerful video cards that work together thanks to Crossfire and SLI technologies. Also, in such systems, new types of disks (SSD) are necessarily installed, which provide higher data access speeds. Moreover, special types of screens are even used for them. Computers for gaming are equipped with cool monitors with a wide diagonal and minimal pixel response time. The most innovative to date is the Samsung CHG90 GLED model with a diagonal of 49 inches and a unique resolution of 3840x1080.

As for the amount of RAM, then in gaming systems 16 or even 32 GB of RAM can be used, but this is not the limit. Also, in a gaming personal computer, the types of memory must be the most modern. Today it's DDR4.

And all this applies only to personal computers. Different types of platforms can be used. They can be made on the basis of AMD, Intel, Nvidia, Radeon components, and sometimes they can be combined with each other.


This type of computer is distinguished by its compactness. Nettops are designed for work, but are poorly suited for home use and are completely unsuitable for gaming. In general, the term “Nettop” was introduced by Intel when demonstrating its new processors Intel Atom, which, as representatives of the company believed, should become the basis and basis for the creation of nettops.

To give an analogy, this type of computer is a stationary analogue of a laptop or netbook. These computers have traditional monitors, a mouse and a keyboard, but the system unit used is so small that it can easily be attached to back panel monitor. As a result, the huge box is eliminated, saving space.

Nettops are very weak computers, which are equipped with budget hardware. Due to the low performance of the components, they heat up very little, which makes it possible to place them in a small box without effective cooling. This box is carefully attached to the monitor. Due to the use of weak components, such systems are very cheap, so they are often purchased for use in offices. They enable users to work with office programs, browsers, etc. You definitely shouldn't expect high performance from them. Their main task is to ensure that staff can work while saving the company’s budget. They do a great job with it.

Good examples of the implementation of these types of computers are the following models: ASUS Eee Box, Acer AspireRevo AR1600. These systems are based on an Intel Atom chip and an Nvidia video card.

Note that although nettops are a convenient solution for offices, they have hardly caught on. Most often, even in small companies, cheap desktop computers with classic system units are purchased for staff needs.


This type of computer is very similar to a nettop, only in this case there is a screen, components, speakers, a webcam, and a microphone in a single case. Such a computer is ergonomic, takes up little space (at least there is no clumsy system unit), and looks aesthetically pleasing. It is also more portable than a regular desktop PC.

However, there are also disadvantages similar device. At a minimum, it is more difficult to repair and upgrade. And if something breaks inside, it will be very difficult to replace, much less repair, the component. If the monoblock is not under warranty, then you will have to pay for the repair service yourself, and it will cost more than repairing a classic desktop computer.

Considering the fact that similar computers most often bought for the home, in them in Lately TV tuners began to be built in, which allow you to watch TV. That is, such a device combines a computer and a TV, which is convenient. More advanced computers are equipped with touch screens, which eliminates the need for a keyboard and mouse altogether. The famous all-in-one PCs from Apple are popular, however, they are extremely expensive. By the way, the price is the main disadvantage of such systems. At high cost they use weak components, which, if they provide high performance, only when performing routine tasks. You can't play games on such computers.

Tablet computers

Tablets are very popular today and are actively sold in relevant stores. Initially it was thought that they would be used as a work tool, although in reality users buy them as multimedia devices. Tablets are comfortable to sit on in social networks, Internet, watch movies, read books. It may seem that a modern tablet is a smaller candy bar, but in fact this is not the case. The monoblock has the ability to implement air cooling by installing fans. There is no such option in a tablet, so weak hardware is a priori used here. And although modern mobile processors are powerful, they are still inferior in performance to full-fledged ones.


Most citizens have these portable personal computers. This is one of the most practical types of PC, which is very popular. There are many models on the market from different manufacturers.

A special feature of the laptop is its portable body, which is divided into two parts: one part contains the components (this can be either powerful hardware or budget hardware), the other contains the screen. Moreover, the type of computer screens can be any: with IPS, PVA, TN, MVA matrix, with large or narrow viewing angles, etc.

As for components, there is also room for choice. For work or study, you can choose a weak laptop with budget hardware, and for games, some manufacturers create quite expensive gaming platforms with efficient cooling and powerful components.

The difference between a laptop and a monoblock or nettop is not only its physical design, but also autonomous operation. Thanks to the use of a battery, the laptop can be used on the street, in a cafe, or at an institute. True, modern models can work for three to four hours without recharging, but this is already quite good. Some standalone laptops can last 15 hours at low brightness settings.

By the way, laptops in the West (and here too) are called laptops. They have certain advantages over desktop computers in the form of classic systems, monoblocks and even nettops:

  1. Light weight.
  2. Compact and transformable.
  3. Autonomy.

At the same time, laptops have the same capabilities as regular desktop models. They are initially equipped with adapters for receiving Wi-Fi signal, webcam, keyboard (built into the case). The touchpad serves as a mouse, although you can connect a full-fledged mouse via the USB interface.

On this moment Many manufacturers produce laptops. Products from the brands Samsung, Acer, Asus, and Lenovo are very popular. These companies offer enough big choice laptops in the mid-price range. Manufacturers such as MSI present laptops with high price category. They specialize in the implementation of gaming platforms with efficient cooling systems and the best hardware. Naturally, a computer with powerful components can process any type of information. And the fact that it was developed for games does not mean that it cannot be used.


Once laptops became very popular, some manufacturers made bold moves to make already compact devices smaller. As a result, netbooks appeared - smaller analogues of laptops that had 10-inch displays (most often this was the screen diagonal). It is difficult to say what types of work a computer of this type performs. Most likely, they were intended for accessing the Internet, working with office applications, although their hardware was so weak that it was not possible to launch a couple of extra processes. Typically used in netbooks Intel processors Atom, which Intel previously manufactured for nettops, has also found its way into netbooks.

And although such models were compact and very light, they very quickly disappeared from the market due to low demand. Today it is difficult to find a netbook in a store, since selling them is unprofitable. Everyone prefers to use classic laptops, despite the fact that they are larger and heavier.

Smartphones or PDAs

Previously, only a few people had PDAs (personal pocket computers). However, this gadget did not catch on, since soon after its appearance the usual Cell phones transformed into smartphones. They have improved and become affordable, so the need for a PDA has completely disappeared. In terms of their design, smartphones are very close to tablet computers and differ from them only in their smaller screen and the presence of SIM card slots, which allows you to make calls.


The personal computer and its types are constantly changing. It is possible that in the near future some new type of PC will appear that will revolutionize the field digital technologies. Sooner or later this will definitely happen, because every year components become more powerful and productive.

This article contains a brief computer review: talks about what computers are, how they differ and what they are needed for.

What is a personal computer

Computers are electronic computing machines that perform tasks or calculations in accordance with a set of instructions, or programs. The first all-electronic computers, created in the 1940s, were huge and required many people to operate them. Compared to those early machines, today's computers are this is just a miracle. They are not only thousands of times faster, but also incomparably more compact: Can fit on your desk, lap or even in your pocket.

Computers operate by interconnecting hardware and software. Equipment call the visible and material components of a computer, including the case and all its contents. Essential device in hardware, it's a small rectangular chip inside the computer called CPU or microprocessor. This is the “brain” of the computer—the part that interprets commands and performs calculations. Hardware components such as a monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, and others are often called devices.

Software are commands, or programs, that tell the hardware what to do. For example, one type of software is a text editor, which you can use to write letters on your computer. operating system- This software, which controls the computer and devices connected to it. Windows is a widely used operating system.


Developed in 1946, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was the first electronic computer general purpose. It was built for the United States Army to calculate the trajectories of artillery shells.

ENIAC was enormous in size, weighing over 27,000 kilograms and filling a large room. To process the data, ENIAC used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, each the size of a regular light bulb. The lamps burned out quickly and constantly needed to be replaced.

Computer types

Computers vary in size and capabilities. At one end of the scale are supercomputers, very large computers with thousands of interconnected microprocessors that can perform highly complex calculations.

On the other side are small computers built into cars, televisions, stereos, calculators and home appliances. These computers are designed to perform a limited number of tasks.

Personal Computer or PC, is a computer designed to be used by one person at a time. This section describes different kinds personal computers: desktop, laptop, pocket and tablet PCs.

Desktop computers

Desktop computers designed for desk work. They are usually larger and more powerful than other types of personal computers. Desktop computers are made up of individual components. The main component is called the system unit - usually a rectangular case that is located on or under the table. Other components, such as a monitor, mouse and keyboard, are connected to the system unit.

Laptops and netbooks

Laptop computers- These are lightweight mobile PCs with a thin screen. Laptop computers can run on batteries, so you can take them with you anywhere. Unlike desktop PCs, laptops combine the central processor, screen and keyboard in one case. When not in use, the screen folds down onto the keyboard.

Netbooks(often called mini-laptops) are small, affordable portable PCs designed to perform a limited number of tasks. They are usually less powerful than laptops, so they are used primarily for browsing the Internet and checking email.


Smartphones- These are mobile phones that have capabilities similar to a computer.

Using a smartphone, you can make phone calls, access the Internet, store contact information, send messages Email and text messages, play games and take photos. Smartphones usually have a keyboard and a wide screen.

Pocket computers

Some PDAs have advanced capabilities, such as making phone calls or the Internet. Instead of a keyboard, Pocket PCs are equipped with a touch screen that recognizes the touch of a finger or stylus.

Tablet computers

Tablet PCs- This mobile computers, which combine the capabilities of laptops and pocket computers. Like laptops, they are powerful and have a built-in screen. Like pocket PCs, they allow you to write notes or draw on the screen.

Typically, this is done not with a stylus, but with a tablet PC pen. They can also turn handwritten text into printed text. Some tablet computers have a universal solution - a screen that rotates and reveals a keyboard hidden underneath.

What can you use a computer for?

At work, many people use computers to store records, analyze data, conduct research, and manage projects. At home, computers can be used to search for information, store music and pictures, keep track of finances, play games and communicate - the list goes on.

You can also use your computer to connect to the Internet, a network that connects computers all over the world. Internet access is usually available for monthly fee in most cities, and is now spreading to less populated areas. By connecting to the Internet, you can communicate with people from all over the world and find large amounts of information.

Here are some popular ways to use computers:

Surfing the Internet

Web (also called the World Wide Web or the Internet) is a giant repository of information. The web is the most popular part of the Internet, partly because it displays information in a visually appealing format.

On one page, headlines, texts, images (like on a magazine page) can be combined with voiceovers and animation. A website is a collection of interconnected web pages. The web contains millions of sites and billions of web pages.

Internet navigation means browsing various web pages. On the Internet you can find information on almost any topic imaginable. For example, you can read news and movie reviews, check flight schedules, view a city map, get a weather forecast, or learn about health conditions. Most companies, institutions, museums and libraries have websites with information about their products, services or collections. Reference sources such as dictionaries and encyclopedias are also widely available.

The Internet is also a joy for the buyer. On the websites of large retail establishments you can view and buy goods: books, music, toys, clothes, electronics and much more. You can also buy and sell used items through websites that offer them through auctions.


Electronic mail (abbreviated as email) is a fast and convenient way to communicate. An email message appears almost instantly in the recipient's email inbox.

You can send email messages to multiple recipients at once, and you can save, print, and forward them to others. You can send almost any type of file in an email message: documents, pictures, and music. Plus, you don't need stamps for email!

Instant messages

Instant messaging resembles a conversation with another person or group of people in real time. After you type and send an instant message, it immediately appears to everyone in the conversation.

Unlike email, instant messaging requires all participants to be online (connected to the Internet) and in front of their computer screens. Communication through instant messages called chat.

Picture, music and films

If you have a digital camera, you can transfer images from the camera to your computer. These images can then be printed, created into slide shows, or shared with general access by posting on the website or sending by email.

In addition, you can listen to music on your computer: music recordings need to be imported from CDs or purchased from a music website. You can also set up your computer to receive any of the thousands of radio stations that broadcast their programs on the Internet. If your computer is equipped with a DVD player, you can also watch movies.


Do you like games? There are thousands computer games all possible categories. Test yourself behind the wheel of a sports car, in battle with terrible underground creatures, or rule civilizations and empires!

Many games allow you to compete with players from all over the world via the Internet. Windows includes a variety of card games, strategy games, and puzzles. For more information, see