How to open the program 1C laptop. Proper installation "1C: Enterprise. Adding a new information base

You have become a happy owner of one of the "yellow" boxes with the program of the company 1C. We have already told how to independently install the 1C: Enterprise platform, and now let's go directly to the configuration setting with which you have to work. The process will illustrate the screenshots of the establishment of the most popular solution in Russia - "1C: Accounting 8".

Install the accounting configuration is not more difficult than the 1c platform, but there is one nuance: you will need an installation distribution, but download it from the 1C support site, as in the case of the platform, it is not always possible, since The principle for which the developer is laying the installation distributions of configurations, is known only to it. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the distribution site will be far from the support site for each configuration. The easiest to take the distribution installation diskYou will find in a box with a purchased accounting program, or request a representative of the serving company if you have a contract with it.

Installation "1C: Accounting"

When installing the configuration from the disk, it is best to use autorun. When installing 1C: Accounting discovery of the automotive disk will result in entering the main menu ::

We will need a "selective installation" item. When you click on it, you fall into the next menu in which we are interested in the "Configuration of the Company's Accounting".

After that, the installation of the accounting configuration template begins, from which we will create a new base.

When you start a distribution received from a representative of a serving company or downloaded from the support site (for some configurations, the developer lays out setting distributions), you see the archive that must be unpacked to open the view folder:

We are interested in the setup file. We launch it double by pressing that it will start setting the conference template to the hard disk. You will see the window:

The program will ask where to install the configuration template? You can leave the standard path, you can specify your own.

The installation process takes up, as a rule, a few seconds. After that you will see the window:

The configuration template in which we have to work is created.

We see a window with a list of information bases.

If you create the database for the first time, the Bases list will be empty and the program itself will offer you to create a new base. If, as in our case, the list of database is not empty, you can create a new database by clicking the "Add" button on the right side of the window.

We are interested in the clause "Creating a new information base." Accordingly, click "Next".

Here you have to choose "Creating from the template", as well as the version of the candy that we have installed earlier.

If the window with a list of configuration templates is empty, then we return to the list of the databases and click the "Settings" button. It is located there, where the "Add" button is slightly lower.

Check that the path you installed the configuration template is registered in the directories window, as shown in the screenshot. Next, we return to the previous window. We choose the configuration that we want to create and click "Next".

The program will propose to come up with a configuration name. This name will be displayed in the database list. Click "Next".

Specify the path to the folder in which our new base will lie.

It follows the window designed to adjust the start parameters. But we will not do this, leaving everything as default. If you have already installed the 1C platform on your computer, then in the last window, the "version of 1C of the enterprise" is to specify the version of the platform. If you write 8.2 or 8.3 in the window, the program will be launched on the last found version of the corresponding platform. You can also specify the version of the platform completely. In this case, the configuration will be launched only under this version, despite the presence of other versions.

We press "ready" and stupid. Creating a base takes about 3-7 minutes depending on the parameters of your computer.

After creating the database, the program redirects you to the initial window with a database list, where you will see your new configuration.

After that, you can only start the Mode "1C: Enterprise" or "Configurator" and get started. Ready, we completed the installation of 1C accounting!

Hello dear blog readers. In this article I would like to consider in detail the question of independent installations on computer software 1C On the example of the configuration 1C ZUP. Most regional representatives of 1C, selling software products, promise free installationwhich will be included in the price of the purchased program. However B. lately Begins to get the distribution of the purchase of 1C programs via the Internet with delivery to your region. At the same time, the savings are obtained significant. For example, one famous Internet The store offers to purchase basic versions 1C ZUP only 2,550 rubles. (against 4,600 rubles. at regional representatives 1C - savings 45%) and 1C of Jul in just 2,599 rubles. (against 3 300 rubles. - savings greater than 20%). The only thing that in this regard may cause difficulty is to install the program. However, I assure you, and you will soon make sure that in installing the program 1c there is nothing supernatural and everyone can implement it.

Installation of anyone software Product 1C can be divided into three stages:

  • Installation of the 1C platform - The platform is the foundation that builds various programs 1C, whether it is a salary, accounting, trade and others;
  • Installing the configuration 1C. - Actually, the installation of the program or configuration itself, as it is called in the documentation for 1C (ZUP, Buch, trade and other);
  • Database creation - If you run 1C, the first thing the database selection window opens. This list can be more than one base if you use 1C ZUP and Broke, or keep taking into account several organizations in different information bases, and if you are a programmer or 1C consultant, then in this list, as a rule, complete mess and chaos.

1C comes in the form of a box, therefore 1c and called a boxed product. This box contains an installation disk, an ITS disk (information and technological support), 1C books (usually 1 book about the configuration itself and several to administer 1C). To install the platform, you must place the installation disk in the computer's drive, the window will open where you want to select the installation of the platform. If the disc itself was not promoted and the window did not appear, then we open the "My Computer" to find a disk label and go to it. On the disk, you need to find either filetostart.exe- to start the disk or setup.exe- to start the installation. A welcome window will open, where you need to click "Next".

Click "Install". After that, the installation process will begin, at the end of which will be asked to install the Protection Driver.

After the installation of the platform is complete, 1C label should appear on the desktop, running which we will see an empty list of information bases.

Installing the configuration 1C.

Seminar "Lifehaki 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 lifehams according to 1C ZUP 3.1:

Check-list for checking salary calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Video - Monthly independent accounting check:

Accrual of salary in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instruction for beginners:

The configuration is configured to install 1C configuration templates, of which it will then be possible to create information bases for accounting. So, in order to make it necessary to activate the initial window, which opens when the installation disk is promoting. In this window, select the configuration setting. A welcoming window will open, where we click "Next".

Press the Add button. In the window that opens, select "Creating a new information base" and click "Next".

In the next window we enter the name created by base. For example, Alpha ZUP LLC. Click "Next".

The next window is final. It has a lot of settings, but it's better to leave everything by default. We click "Finish."

Now you can run the information base. However, if you have software protection 1C (currently in overwhelming majority), then when you first start the program, you have to get a license. To do this, it is necessary that the computer has a connection to the Internet. Of course, there are ways to activate the program and without the Internet, but it is not very fast and convenient. Choose "Obtain a license".

It is necessary to introduce the "set number" and "pins". These data are in one of the envelopes that can be found in the box.

Actually, after entering this data, you can open the created information base and start keeping accounting.

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To install the 1C 8.2 platform for Windows on the user's computer, you will need a platform distribution. To update the platform, you need to do absolutely the same as when installing the platform.

Installation on the server 1C company is different from the installation of the following below. We will look at the installation for file bases 1C Enterprise. This is the most common use of 1C programs. Consider the installation on the example of the 1C platform.

Installing the version of the 1C 8.3 platform is no different from 8.2 therefore this instruction Suitable for it.

Distribution installation files look like this:

If you do not have a distribution, but there is a subscription to ITS (information and technological support) for 1C partners, you can download these files from the ITS disk, or from the site

Installation instructions 1C 8.3 and 8.2

** How to find a platform 1c on disk ITS? **

We start the ITS disk, click Start:

The program offers to install the driver needed to work the ITS disk. Click Yes, we wait until the driver is installed:

The main program window appears. Select the section "Technological Support":

Here you choose "Reporting forms, Releases of Programs and Configurations" for 1C: Enterprise 8:

Select Section 1C: Enterprise 8.2:

Select the menu item 1C: Enterprise 8. Version

Here you choose "start installing a platform for Windows (32-bit version)". Regardless of which discharge, your operating system, you choose this item.

The fact is that the discharge plays a role only when installing the platform for a client-server version of the work of 1C enterprise, and not for file, and even if you have 64-bit windows versionYou choose the item for Windows (32-bit version).

After a short expectation, the Installation Program Welcome window appears. Click "Next"

Here we can choose the components of the platform and the folder for installation. The composition of the components does not need to be changed, it is recommended to install 1C to the default folder. Click "Next":

Now you need to select the installation language if you have Windows in Russian, leave unchanged if not, choose Russian, or leave a value System InstallationsIn this case, 1C will be installed in your language operating system. Click "Next":

Now everything is ready to start installation. Click "Set":

We are waiting for the installation end:

Next we offer to install the protection driver. It is only needed if you use hardware protection, i.e. USB key. If you have software license without USB Hasp Key Protection, clean the tick.

Also, if you use a USB protection key and you update the platform, and not install for the first time, the installation driver installation is not required, as it is already installed along with the older release platform. Click "Next":

The installation program is completed. Remove a tick with "Open Readme file" if we do not want to read additional information And click "Finish":

Installing the 1C 8.3 platform from site

If for some reason you have no disk ITS and you need to install, or update the platform, you can download it from the site So, you connect to the Internet, launch any of your browser you have and go to the website

The support page of users of the 1C enterprise system will appear. Here you need to enter your login and password to enter the site.

If you have not yet received a login and password, then you need to get them by clicking "Self Registering Users Pancode." We enter and click "Log in":

We fall into the section "Summary Information":

Leafing below, we find the section "Technological Platform 8.2" and click on it:

Here we see the latest released releases. We are interested in SAMIA latest version platforms. It is at the very top of the list:

In this case, click "":

Here you choose the "Technological Platform 1C: Enterprises for Windows":

Click "Download Distribution":

After downloading, we have an archived file with a platform distribution (* .rar):

Unpack it by anyone you have in the archiver:

After unpacking the archive, go to the folder and start setup.exe:

The installation window appears. The installation process is similar to the installation process from the ITS disk described above.

See also three-minute 1C installation video:

This configuration applies to 1C in in electronic format Absolutely free of charge in the composition. Educational version of the configuration 1C Accounting 8.2 is intended only for familiarization with functionality The configuration itself and platform as a whole.

1c accountinguniversal program Mass destination for automation of accounting and tax accounting, which is based on a flexible technological platform of the system 1C: Enterprise 8.2. The platform provides high customizability, scalability, performance and ergonomics of applied solutions. 1C Accounting includes the most advanced automation mechanisms accounting in the enterprise.

IMPORTANT: Configuration 1C Accounting 8.2 ( training version) cannot be used at the enterprise to conduct real accounting.

p style \u003d "Text-Align: Justify;"\u003e Current release: 1C.Accounting company (training), revision 3.0 (

If you already have an installed 1c platform: Enterprise 8.2, then you can only install the configuration of 1C Accounting 8.2.

To install 1C: Accounting 8.2 (training version) You need:

1. Make sure that you have installed a 1c platform Enterprise 8.2. If you do not have 1C 8.2 platform, then you can download it from us.

3. Run installer1C: Accounting 8.2.


    22 bytes are downloaded. Then comes the message. Download completed. Archive of 22 bytes, when opening, the unexpected end of the archive.

    Thanks to Dmitry for the signal. Archive reloaded. Now, as it should be, 121 MB is pumped.

    Thank you. And maybe still lay out the Elektron Book of 1C: Accounting - the curriculum that goes along with the configuration. It seems to be on the disk in electronic form it should be.

    there are training versions on other configurations? for example ut? or ZUP?

    Dmitry is not. There are demonstration configurations (with completed reference books, etc.) for bodies of visibility, but they are included with the purchased configurations. The curriculum contains only a demo base 1C accounting.

    I will try in the near future to prepare introductory materials on the main configurations and start with 1C accounting :)

    Good day! I downloaded the training Werevia 1C Accounting, unzipped, but the computer does not recognize the files, and I do not know how to install. Just do what to do?

    For Stasodash. You downloaded the self-deduction base of accounting without the installer. (directory namedemoaccountingeduc1). For her fence, just add this configuration on the list of information bases. I will try to make an explanation for this material Online. If something is incomprehensible, ask, but on 1 and subsequent lessons of our course, we started with adding configurations to the list of information bases.

    I thought, I thought, and laid out full version Training 1C Accounting 8.2 (together with the installer). True weighs such a version of 346 megabytes instead of 110. I hope it will be easier for visitors.

    Good day. I downloaded 1C accounting (training version), the one, weighing 347 MB, unzipped, pressed SETUP (everything as in the instructions), I can't find a label for it. those. I do not run a program. What did I do wrong, and how to do it right?

    For Lucka. You did everything like that. To start 1C accounting 8.2, the 1C 8.2 platform is needed. If you already have it already installed, then you will see 1C Accounting in the list of information databases. Look at the "Start" menu whether you have 1C platform installed. If your 1C 8.2 platform itself is not installed, then download it from our site and after installation, run (reinstall) 1C accounting. PS: Developed a description of the procedure for installing 1C accounting.

"1C: Enterprise" is at today one of the best platforms for doing business, accounting, and as well as to automate the work of various organizations. Programs are applied in areas for which it was not intended before. If you want to increase the efficiency of your IP or practice before accounting practice, you should know how to install "1C: Enterprise" on a PC.

By itself, installing 1C and simplest setting - It is not difficult. Questions from the user begin to occur after it: "What about doing with it?". In order not to tear the hair on yourself, trying to master tons of information with my mind, read some features of "one ES".

  • "Enterprise" is a platform. That is, to use the software, you must select any configuration. There are many, the most popular: Accounting, trade management, salary and personnel management. By the name it is not difficult to guess what they are intended for.
  • 1c must be able to use. For some it was difficult to master Excel or even Word. But all these flowers compared to domestic software. No, the program is really super and gives a bunch of opportunities. However, it will have to spend a lot of time for training or even money for video tutorials.
  • "We look into the book - you see Fig." The Russian saying perfectly describes the state of the person who opened the "enterprise" for the first time. There are no databases, and it is not clear what to do. At the end of the article, the Aza management of software will be given.


What version is better to put on the computer? Of course, the most recent. Today it is 8.3 or 8.2. Previous, even 8.0 - pretty old product, which will uncomfortable to use. Try to put the newest one, especially if you get the software for money.

And if for free? There are demonstrative versions of the bases that can be used for several days - about 30. If you are a novice accountant and want to practice at home, then this option will completely come for you. Especially since the price of a whole product is not small.

Another option is a pirate version. Despite the diligent work of Roskomnadzor, find the unlicensed version of 1c is quite simple. Most organizations have exactly those. And, most likely, if you read this article, I also found a source with "pirates". It is worth warming in advance. The installed software will work almost without flaws. However, if you plan as a programmer to provide services for the operation of illegal "1C: Enterprise", then the risk of incurred for this criminal liability. And if you are simple clientthen, again, none good programmer Will not serve you when you find a pirated version.

Installation and Setup

Installation of the 1C platform, as already mentioned above, nothing hard is.

  • We go to the folder with the program and select the "setup" file there or click on the disk icon, after which the installation window opens.

Select the file "Setup"

  • Click "Next", skipping all the standard stages, stop only on the window where you need to select the components of the program. We mark the first first at mandatory. They must be installed on a hard disk.
  • In the final window, install the protection key driver. He also need us, so agree.

We successfully set the platform. Now in the same way, but already without additional settings You must install the desired configuration. We start the setup file and do everything in the same way, it will be installed for a few minutes.

Configure to start work

So, how to install 1C, we figured out. Now you need to create a database. It is essentially initial setup. Creating a base will be considered by the example "1C: Accounting" - the most popular configuration.

  • Run the program.
  • As a rule, we immediately appear a message in which the system proposes to create a new info-database.
  • We choose "Creating a new ...", click "Next".

  • The list needs to make a choice of configuration. We do it. After thinking up with the name and go on.
  • Select the location on the hard disk.
  • Click ready.

Now we have a database with which you can already start working.

Practice shows that the installation "1C: Enterprise" is not a problem for anyone. And hereby the following actions already cause difficulties. See the information on the sections you are interested in, get new knowledge on this topic and soon you can proudly talk familiar what you understand in the softe from "One ES".