Disable automatic installation of Windows 7 drivers. Search in the Windows Update Center - How to Disable? Search in the Windows Update Center. This may take some time…

Good day, dear readers.

In the seventh version of the operating system from Microsoft, a standard mechanism is provided that installs drivers in automatic modeAll components connected to the computer. On the one hand, such a mechanism is convenient, since users do not need to independently search for the appropriate software and engage in its placement in the OS. On the other hand, sometimes the Ourser puts inappropriate provision that does not fulfill its functions. Next, I will tell you how to disable the automatic installation of Windows 7 drivers in several ways.

The essence of the problem

As mentioned above, such a mechanism in most cases facilitates the use of the computer. The truth is sometimes the placement of an inappropriate program, as a result of which the necessary users of the device simply does not work. At the same time, the system does not want to establish a suitable software, considering it outdated.

Such interaction can be changed. Moreover, in several ways. How to use - to solve you.

Installation Parameters

To achieve the target, you must perform a few simple actions:

Group Policy

You can also turn off the inappropriate function using Group Policy. This method is suitable for professional, maximum and corporate windows assemblies 7. Thus, users will be able to cope with any elements, including USB, audio and others. To do this, we do the following:

In addition, there is a way to do all the above-described through the registry. But it requires a lot of time. So we will not consider it.

So, I. meem Computer and HP LJ 1018 printer. After unsuccessful attempt Reinstall or update printer drivers by a client in the menuDevices and printersat the printer icon Yellow exclamation mark. The device refused to work normally.

Usually in such cases I do not spend time on digging in the printer settings, and immediately completely, thus, reinstall the driver and the rest along the printer.

First of all, I deleted everything from a computer connected to the HP printer, then started installing the driver, the benefit in the CD-ROME client was carefully left installation disk. And here the problems began. Well, naturally, if everything was so simple, it would be unlikely to see a person for help.

Search in the Windows Update Center. This may take some time…

During the request of the installation program, connect the USB printer, the Windows driver installation wizard started, which started trying to automatically search suitable Driver in the Internet.

After 15 minutes of waiting, the feeling appeared that search for updates hung, given that this long search in principle was not required, because the driver was on the disk. Patience was bunting and I decided to cancel the operation in order to disable the usual function automatic search Drivers in Windows 7.

By the way, the situation often arises that windows Driver Update Center Sets incorrect drivers to equipment, and even at all, after a very long search, reports that " Failed to find a driver«.

So, my advice to you - disable this feature "Windows", and put the drivers downloaded from the official sites of manufacturers of your equipment, or, in this case, from the disk supplied with the printer .. Subscribe!

How to disable automatic driver search in Windows 7 update center?

So, let's begin. We go to the menu Start, Clique right-click Mice PA A computer,choose Properties (Or just click the combination of the WIN + PAUSE keys ).

In this menu you need to choose " Never install drivers from the center windows updates ". Do not forget to click Save.

Infinite update search at the Windows Update Center - [SOLVED].

So, after turning off the automatic driver search in the update center, when turned on USB cable The printer in the systemist, Windows missed this nickens and immediately moved to the search for the driver on the disk, where it, naturally, was successfully found and installed within 20 seconds.

Printing Test Page - hooray works!

By the way, perhaps the problem can also be solved simple trip Internet cable. Try, I will write about the results in the comments!

As you probably have already noticed, as soon as we connect some new device to the computer, Windows immediately starts to search for drivers on it and immediately install. Sometimes it can be useful, and sometimes no.

Here, let's say we plugged some device and want to put your driver specified version on him. Windows 10 do not give us it and begins to impose on themselves and install those that considers it necessary. This feature can be turned off in two ways.

Through the control panel

To do this, click right-click on the "Start" button and select the item from the dropped menu. "Control Panel":

Put "Look inside: large icons" and go to section "System"

In the window that opens, go to the "Equipment" tab and click on the button "Device installation options":

We offer a window in which we put the switch to the position "No, provide the choice of choice"and you can also put the switch to the position "Never install drivers from the update center"If you do not want to install them from there.

Keep the changes made

Through group politician editor

With the right mouse button on the Start button and select "Run" from the dropping menu:

In the window that opens, write the gpedit.msc command, and then OK.

Let's fall into the editor group Policy. We go along the way:

Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Installing the Device - Restriction on the installation of the device.

FROM right side Editor choose the parameter "Disable the installation of devices not described by other policy parameters" And click on it twice the left mouse button:

In the window that opens, we translate the switch to the "Enabled" position. We read a certificate for this parameter and click "OK".

See also video on the topic:

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Windows 7 has built-in tools automatic installation Drivers. When connecting to the Internet, the operating system itself sets all the necessary drivers independently!
But quite often with automatically updated in Windows 7 drivers, the equipment works incorrectly - it is required to install drivers from the manufacturer of the equipment.
Below will look at how to disable automatic loading And installing drivers from the Windows Update Center - To do this, you will change the settings for installing devices.
Open the System window.
Depending on the version of Windows 7, this can be done:
Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e System.
Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e System and Security -\u003e System.
In some cases, simply press the Ctrl + Pause-Break keys.

Picture 1

In the figure 1, it is done along the way: Start -\u003e Computer -\u003e Property -\u003e System.
The system parameters window opens.

Figure 2.

In the left side of the window that opened Systems Click on the link Additional system parameters.

Figure 3.

In the system properties that opens, select the tab Equipment, Press the button.

Figure 4.

In the window that opens Installation settings Devices Turn on options No, provide the ability to choose and Never install drivers from Windows Update (Install drivers from the Windows Update Center, if not found on the computer - at your discretion).
Next Press the button Save. For the entry into force, reboot the computer.
It is also useful for setting the driver you need to disable the Windows Update Center. Sometimes these actions have to be carried out in safe windows mode with administrator rights.
You should also understand that the above-mentioned actions only disable automatic download and installation of drivers from the Windows Update Center. If you are not satisfied previously installed, on any driver device, then they must be completely removed - sometimes with full removal The device itself together with the drivers and after rebooting, install it again with the manufacturer of the drivers.

Drivers of all "iron" and some virtual devicesavailable in configuration any computer systemAs you know, play a key role in ensuring their performance.

Without presence necessary drivers No such component will not function correctly. Here are just surgery windows systems Often, installed drivers from our own database, and only those that have a digital signature of Microsoft. Also possible installation software Taking into account those manufacturers of equipment for which support from the corporation is stated.

But this approach is not always logical, and in some cases it is necessary to abandon such installation in favor of another source or software developer. But how to turn off the automatic installation of Windows 7 drivers? It is about this and some other concomitant questions further and is invited to talk. But first, let's briefly focus on why you should refuse to automate the installation processes and the update of the control software.

Why may need to fail to automatically install drivers?

The most important problem is absolutely all known versions of Windows It is that the system even in the absence of a fully appropriate driver device does not report this to this, and installs its own components that, as it seems to be suitable for this equipment the best thing.

But this is not always the case. The device itself, even when integrating constantly overcoming updates for the system itself, sometimes containing drivers, can work incorrectly (this is at best) or not work at all. At the same time, Windows "Joyful" reports that necessary driver Installed successfully.

Even more complaints causes the fact that Microsoft's policy is such that the default system is prohibited or not recommended to install control software without a special digital signature. Firewall, filter SmartScreen. and even " Windows Defender"Often include such drivers for undesirable or even potentially dangerous software.

In this regard, there are many questions about how to disable the automatic installation of Windows 7 drivers. By and large, in the system itself all prohibitions can be quite simple. The following are four basic methods.

How to disable drivers from "update center" Windows 7 or other OS?

So, the first decision is to enter the properties of the system through the PCM on the computer icon, go to the hardware tab and press the device installation parameters button. You can also access these settings through the selection of the selection of devices and printers in the control panel.

In the Parameters window, you must mark the resolution item to the selection user, and if required, simultaneously activate the control point for the installation of drivers from the update center. Thus, the system will not refer to its database during the primary search for the driver or updates. The user will be able to install the desired software.

How to disable the automatic installation of Windows 7 drivers and higher in politics?

However, only the above-mentioned actions are not limited. The default system can be banned for installing unsigned drivers. How to disable automatic update Drivers in Windows 7 so that the user can choose what exactly does he need to install in each case?

To do this, you need to use the group policy settings (gpedit.msc). In the configuration of the computer via the administrative template section to get to the system partition, go to the installation of devices and select a subfolder of restrictions.

On the right will be presented by several parameters, among which there is a ban on the installation of indexed policy policies. Entering it in its editing through a double click parameter, you just need to translate into the ones, save the options and restart the system.

As an additional measure, a similar procedure can be done in the user configuration. Only there in the appropriate activated parameter for the situation of the non-signed driver system should be ignored. You can also establish a ban for updates.

Deactivation of installation of control software through the registry

Now let's see how to disable the automatic installation of Windows 7 drivers using parameters system registry. In the editor (REGEDIT) you need to use the HKLM branch and on the path indicated in the image above to find the DriverSearching folder.

In the right window, there is a searchODERCONFIG key. He needs to assign a value zero instead of a default unit, then fully restart the computer.

Use Microsoft utilities

How else can you disable the auto-update drivers? In Windows 7, as in any other system for which the permanent output of all sorts of updates is provided, you can use the "native" utility from Microsoft called Show or Hide Updates. After it starts, you must select the hiding updates and mark updates containing unwanted drivers.

Additional measures

As one of the most effective solutions to disconnect the checks of digital signatures, you can advise using the appropriate item in the start menu, called when loading the F8 key. You can also use the dispatcher configuration by calling it from command line (Verifier), be sure to run on behalf of the administrator, with the removal of existing parameters.

It is the second decision that is the most effective as possible if for some reason to remove all prohibitions to install unsigned digital signatures Fully fails.