Speedfan is a powerful temperature monitoring utility. How to check the south bridge on the motherboard program to determine the temperature of the southern bridge

The task of monitoring the critical parameters of the hardware operation is particularly often facing overclocking lovers. It is clear that the ultimate goal of any overclocking is to achieve the greatest speed of the system by increasing the speed of the individual components.

Side effects of overclocking

Usually, the processor is accelerated, system Memory and video card. To obtain a higher clock frequency of the device, you must program the registers of internal and external clock generators; It is also often necessary to make changes to the mode of operation - add waiting and delay tacts, otherwise the device will not function at an increased frequency. All of these manipulations are performed by means of BIOS Setup - almost all boards have the appropriate settings. Either to resort to the help of various acceleration utilities, which today are produced not only by independent developers, but also by the manufacturers of motherboards and video cards.

IN lately The reception is actively used, which allows to improve the frequency characteristics of transistors included in the microcircuit, and thereby increase the potential of overclocking the device. From theory it is known that the transistor switching time will decrease if you increase the supply voltage. Therefore, manufacturers of motherboards have long included the possibilities of programming VRM stabilizers that are responsible for supplying the power to the components of the board, in the list of mandatory options bIOS settings. And if earlier the user could only adjust the power supply voltage of the core of the processor, today it has access to the stresses of almost all important components - memory, the northern and southern bridges of chipset, processor tires schemers, memory, internal tires between the chipset bridges, etc. Thanks to this acceleration, almost all system tires can be allowed, which significantly expands the field for experiments with acceleration.

And even if there are no such settings (for example, BIOS video cards usually do not allow such manipulations, although successful experiments in this area have already been), an experimental overclocker will always find an opportunity to achieve voltage to increase - for example, by recrepancing board (the so-called "voltmode") .

However, increasing frequencies never passes without a trace for system components. It is known that the power consumption of the chip directly depends on the frequency. It depends on the supply voltage. Therefore, overclocking the components, the overclocker obviously worsens the parameters of the components - increases their temperature and power consumption, often several times. High temperature negatively affects microcircuit parameters; Overheating may in some cases lead to the failure of the device. The use of effective cooling tools during overclocking is strictly necessary.

Another negative effect occurs due to a sharp increase in the power consumption of the system during acceleration. The computer power supply may not cope with the stabilization of currents and stresses, which is why many critical parameters start to "float". It is not only fraught with loss of stability, but also increased heating or failures in other devices - hard disk, optical drive, video card, etc.

Hardware monitoring

Being aware of the critical parameters of the system - temperatures and stresses - it is necessary not only when selecting overclocking parameters, but in the future, when monitoring the operation of the devices under stress conditions. Acquire for these purposes special measuring equipment would be too consistent. Moreover, maternal manufacturers have long realized the need to embed simple and effective stress and temperature tracking tools.

In addition to monitoring, these tools are well suited to protect the system from failures and damage in emergency situations. In particular, the monitoring system will warn you about overheating of the processor and system, stopping the fan, power supply fault, and will also cause a coordinating system or slowing down.

The monitoring tools at first were implemented using a special monitoring chip and external temperature sensors - thermistors, thermodiodes, etc. The monitoring chip contained a number of ADCs, the inputs of which were supplied voltage supply and signals from thermal sensors and fan tachometers. Software access The chip was carried out on the ISA / LPC or SMBUS bus, and its services could be used both the BIOS functions and software utilities. In the future, the monitoring functions were integrated into other components of the system, for example, in the southern chipset bridges or I / O bridges (Super I / O, the support chips of old ports - LPT, COM, PS / 2, FDD). Some maternal manufacturers apply their monitoring chips that are distinguished by the implementation of some specific functions.

Temperature measurement sensors appeared in all modern processors and graphic accelerators, which made it possible to measure their temperature more accurately. In addition, the processors received automatic tracking means for their temperature, so the need for their overheating protection today is not so relevant.

In addition to the tracking itself, today's monitoring schemes have temperature control tools. In particular, they are able to adjust the speed of rotation of the fans depending on the current temperature. This is done by modulating using the PWM voltage method supplied to the fan impeller Motor.

There are also coolers capable of perceiving control signals from the monitoring chip and manage their rotation on their own. Monitoring chips, however, so far only specialized, "know how to" adjust and frequency of operation of the processor, tracking its workload by temperature or consumed.

Choose a utility

Well, when the hardware implementation of monitoring has such developed management capabilities. But often monitoring performs only a passive function, issuing information on request and without taking any active actions. In this case, hardware needs to be supplemented with software.

Today, almost every manufacturer of motherboards offers its set of utilities for monitoring and setting up the system. You can, of course, restrict ourselves to this option. However, it should be borne in mind that such utilities often have many flaws. This is the interface: often multicolored and tasteless, with a very peculiar arrangement of controls, minimum settings and uncomfortable means of displaying and logging. This is a functionality: support only for limited number of boards (your board may not be supported - and it happens), without the ability to configure and verify work. The stability of work and support of various operating systems can also be chrome, and the regular update of versions often and speeches does not go.

At the same time, for manual configuration monitoring utilities, it is extremely important for successful work. The fact is that the monitoring chip or the corresponding functions of the southern bridge of the chipset are just a set of contacts and access tools. The developer of the motherboard has complete freedom in choosing what and how to connect to these contacts. The procedure for connecting voltages, fans, the types of sensors - everything remains on its conscience. From three available contacts for temperature sensors, it can connect all or only one, there may be two sensors from the processor - built-in and external, and in any order. The utility can only assume that connected to the microcircuit. The user must check all the readings and choose the settings that give the most believable results. On the wiring of the monitoring system, the manufacturer of the board never reports. The only alternative to such manual configuration is the database for all charges. In "branded" utilities, such a base is most often available.

But according to other parameters, the utility of third-party developers is usually better than "branded". Their authors constantly monitor the emergence of new chipsets and monitoring chips and make the necessary changes to ensure support for all possible options. Expanding functionality, they take care of a compact size and high speed of their programs, otherwise users will quickly switch to competing programs. Often, developers support each other - develop plugins, integration and control tools, ensure compatibility of programs. At the same time, many truly successful monitoring programs are completely free and freely available for download.

Speedfan - Successful version of the monitoring utility

For a long time, the Motherboard Monitoring (MBM) program remained the most popular and widespread monitoring program. Despite some "heavyness" interface, it provided convenient tools for setting up access parameters to microcircuits, different ways to display results and logging. And the main "chip" of this utility was in the presence of an extensive database for fees. MBM still remains well-known and popular, its support is available in various system utilities of another destination.

However, soon a year, as the author of MBM, Alexander Van Kamam, stopped supporting his successful development, as officially notified users through its website (MBM.livewiredev.com). The program is still suitable for use, but the new motherboards can not support, as it is necessary to constantly update the list of chipsets (the SMBUS bus range varies from the chipset to the chipset) and microcircuits with monitoring support.

Among the free alternatives, MBM has several even more powerful monitoring programs, the most popular among which is Speedfan. This is the utility of the Italian developer Alfredo Milani compold, the official website is located at www.almico.com/speedfan.php. The program not only has extensive tracking options for the parameters of the system, but also allows the system overclocking the system (limits of the boards is limited), control fans, receive information about memory and perform a number of related functions.

Read more about Speedfan

We list the main features of this wonderful utility:

  • support for reading parameters with dozens of popular monitoring chips (National, Analog Devices, Philips, Fintek) and chips that have the appropriate features (WinBond, ITE, VIA, NVIDIA, SIS);
  • support for chipsets of various manufacturers - Intel, AMD, SIS, VIA, ULI, ATI, NVIDIA, and even ServerWorks;
  • support for reading the temperature of the Winchester through the Smart mechanism;
  • support for reading the temperature of the graphic chip (only for NVIDIA GeForce of the Senior Series);
  • automatic and manual (by control points) control of the rotation of the fans (not for all monitoring chips);
  • control of the control points of the processor tire frequency (for few motherboards equipped with ICS clock generators);
  • output attributes SMART hard disk;
  • display of temperatures and other parameters in the system tray, logging;
  • output of the parameter change graphics;
  • setting the reaction to events (change temperatures and other parameters) - beep, message, program launch;
  • support for 64-bit Windows family operating systems;
  • multilingual interface, support for Russian.

Unfortunately, Speedfan must be installed. At the same time, the system driver is added to the system, with which Speedfan gets access to I / O ports. It is known that this is the only way to work with ports, but many system utilities run the driver automatically, without requiring pre-installation.

The Speedfan interface is simple and simple. The program has a single window in which the program start log is displayed (it was possible and hidden), data on fans, temperatures and voltages, the degree of processor load (or multiple processors), two buttons - to minimize (in tray) and call settings. Using bookmarks, you can switch to other modes (to them, however, you do not have to contact): Programming a clock generator (running for multiple boards), access to devices on the SMBUS bus (interesting only to developers), Smart, graphics (completely without settings).

The settings window is not organized intuitive, so it is possible to figure out what, you can only with the help file. Starting the setting follows from the "Advanced" tab, where you can configure the data interpretation parameters from the monitoring chip. Next, you should configure the outputs to control the speed of fan speed ("Speeds"), then give names and specify the thresholds (desired and limit) temperature measurement inputs ("Temperatures"), check the data on the fans ("Fans") and voltages ("Voltages") . Immediately you can configure event triggers ("events"), enable the log ("log") and change the few parameters of the interface ("Options").

Perhaps, an excessive complexity, an uninterrupted interface and the need to study the documentation for configuring - Serious Cons Speedfan, so this program cannot be recommended to inexperienced users. On the other hand, Speedfan supports many microcircuits and allows them to carefully configure, which makes this utility an indispensable tool in the hands of an overclocker. If you figure it out in the settings, you can provide flexible fans management and warning about the parameter output beyond the specified thresholds. But, perhaps, the most useful use of Speedfan is monitored by the critical parameters of the system during acceleration, the organization of the "quiet" PC or other experiments.

P.S. It should always be remembered that the hardware monitoring data is only reference, you can only focus when selecting overclocking parameters, but do not take them as accurate numbers. This is also due to measurement errors, and with flaws in the wiring of the board, and with losses on the way from the source to the monitoring chip. Yes, and the correct parameters for reading data are not always possible to guess, even having a powerful utility at hand as Speedfan.

Max Kormas
[Email Protected] ,
HW.BY. - Belarusian "iron" site

Sometimes there are situations when your computer stops working and have to carry it in service center. In some cases, you can hear that the southern bridge, and you need to change the entire motherboard. The diagnosis seems to be clear, that's just, the concepts of the south bridge and the north bridge knows not every user. These two computer devices, or rather the motherboard, are the main functional controllers responsible for the work of all other components of the maternal card. Together, these bridges form chipsets, but still each of them is responsible for their functions. Such an unusual name these chips of the square form were obtained thanks to their location on the maternal card: North - at the top of the processor, and the southern - in the bottom.

North Most

The North Bridge is a control device that is responsible for the interaction of the motherboard with the operational memory of your computer, a video card and a processor. In addition, this element of the chipset not only interacts, but also controls the speed of work above the components described. One of the parts of the northern bridge is the built-in video adapter present in some modern motherboards - the so-called integrated video card. Accordingly, this bridge additionally controls the device bus that is responsible for transmitting an image to the monitor and its speed. Additionally, the northern bridge combines all mentioned devices with a southern bridge. As a rule, this chip has its passive cooling, that is, a radiator is installed, it is less likely to find active cooling with a cooler. This is done, because the temperature of the northern bridge somewhere on 30 degrees exceeds the temperature of its southern comrade. This is due to the processing of teams the most active ingredients Systems and direct proximity to the processor, due to which heating from outside.

South Most

The southern bridge is a functional controller, the main function of which is the implementation of the so-called "slow" compounds, which include various tires, USB, SATA and LAN controllers, power supply system, BIOS, and even hours, in general, the list is quite large. That is why the yield of the southern bridge is due to the need to replace the entire motherboard. Considering that this controller interacts directly with external devicesThe cause of breakage can be ordinary overheating, provoked, for example, short circuit.

One of the frequent breakdowns modern computers Is a failure of a southern bridge. If the southern bridge is heated in standby mode, they refused one or all USB ports - These are the main symptoms of his failure. Today we will show fast wayhow to check the southern bridge on motherboard.

Check the F_ USB1 connector.

Check F_ USB2.


How to check whether the South Bridge Intel burned down?

Fig.1 Conclusions USB Data

On the overwhelming majority of the boards from Gigabyte when serving duty nutrition, the southern bridge starts to crack in 5-30 seconds. If there is a cold bridge in standby mode, but immediately after turning on, it begins to warm much, this indicates a malfunction of the power generator of the bridge 1.5V. For platas ASUS This is a cascade stabilizer, made on two field transistors (3.3 ---\u003e 2.4 ---\u003e 1.5), and on Gigabyte boards, one or two parallelly included transistors (in simple circuit boards 3.3--\u003e 1.5, in a more trumped-free 2.5 ---\u003e 1.5, with the 2.5 V is formed by the PWM converter). The bridge itself in most cases remains alive.

In the simplest case, with a faulty South Bridge, the post-indicator shows the code 25 for Award BIOS and D0-D4 or DD for AMI BIOS.

In 99% of cases, one and more USB DATA conclusions short on the "Earth", which can be easily checking them. On the photo red circled all conclusions USB DATA for gigabyte boards 8ipe1000 Rev.3.1 you want to call.

The most difficult things are, this is when the USB DATA does not close the ground, the duty voltages are not settled and the bridge is not late even after launching the board. But there were only two such cases for my practice and it is rather an exception, and came to the conclusion about the fault of the bridge (the replacement confirmed this) after replacing the cartoon, socket socket and BIOS firmware.

According to our statistics in 60% of cases, the Chinese Data cable is to blame cell phones. Another 30% falls on USB Flash. Drive and 10% for the rest USB devices. However, there were cases when USB devices were not used on the board, but the bridge burned, in itself! For prophylaxis, with the active use of cell data cables, it is recommended to install an additional PCI-USB controller.


How to check the south bridge?

One of the frequent breakdowns of modern computers is the failure of the southern bridge. If the southern bridge is heated in the standby mode, one or all USB ports were denied - these are the main symptoms of its failure. Today we will show a quick way to check the south bridge on the motherboard.

In most cases, it is enough to check for preliminary diagnostics, whether USB DATA does not shorten the conclusions for the mass of the motherboard. For clarity, we will show on the motherboard Gigabyte G31M-ES2C, how to produce such a non-voice check. We need only an ordinary multimeter.

To do this, you need a multimeter to put into the call mode and alternately check the DATA conclusions of each USB port.

Check need not only ports that go to rear panelBut the connectors to which the USB are connected from the front panel, and start. For convenience, below is indicated. collecting USB. On the motherboard (in such a connector there are two USB ports).

One multimeter probe is installed on the mass of the motherboard, the second probe alternately touch the Data + and Data contacts - each port. The indications of the multimeter on different ports should not be very different.

Check the F_ USB1 connector.

As we see, F_ USB1 has normal readings.

Check F_ USB2.

Everything is obvious here, both USB ports on F_ USB2 are short for mass.

The conclusion is obvious to the South Bridge failed. Replacing the Southern Bridge The thing is notabled, at home does not produce it, in this case the repair of such a motherboard is not appropriate.

Why burns the south bridge?

There may be a mass, ranging from banal overheating due to an uncomplicated or incorrectly assembled cooling system, ending with low-quality Chinese phones or flash drive cables. Also, the culprit can be a power supply that failed.

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South and North Bridge on the motherboard

Computer motherboard Technically complex device that deserves close attention. It provides the relationship of all the most important components of any computer, such as the central processor, rAM, video subsystem. Constructive any of the motherboards is based on the chipset, which is formed from the Northern and South Bridges. About what is responsible for the North Bridge on the motherboard, for which the southern bridge is responsible and where they are - hereinafter.

What is responsible for the North Bridge

To begin with, you will understand - what is the northern bridge on the motherboard? The North Bridge is a controller coordinating the work of the most active and energy-intensive components, such as a processor, RAM and embedded graphics. It is not difficult to guess that the duties assigned to him entail increased heating, as a result of which this controller has its own cooling system. Most often it happens a passive type, but there are instances and with an active cooling system.

Where is the North Bridge on the motherboard

If you look at the motherboard, the North Bridge is located in the upper half, closer to the central processor. This location is not chosen in vain. First, there are all the devices that are entrusted to this controller. Secondly, the active cooling system central processor Partially participates in its cooling. This technique can be seen with the naked eye, where there is a passive system for cooling the controller. If you look closely, it will be seen that this controller is located so that its radiator is in the area of \u200b\u200bcooled air injected with a central processor cooler.

What is responsible for the south bridge of the motherboard

The South Bridge coordinates the so-called "slow operations", which is impressive. In particular, under its control there is an energy saving system, system clock, BIOS, IDE, SATA, USB, LAN interfaces, Embeded Audio, and the like. There is a southern controller at the bottom of the motherboard and is not equipped with a cooling system. it constructive feature Often it becomes the cause of its overheating and, ultimately, failure of the entire motherboard.

In a normally functioning computer, the temperature of the southern bridge is below 30 ° C than its northern fellow. Therefore, there are usually no reasons for excitement. The reasons for its overheating leading to the fatal outcome can be different - bad contact chip with motherboardshort circuit in USB connector or static discharge transmitted by uSB interface.


How to check bridges on the motherboard?

I am urgently rescue!)) One person, I told me that on the motherboard burned (or on the way to the world of other) bridges. How can I check it, having only straight hands), desire and multimeter? From iron only 2 power supplies, this most motherboard, 3 video cards (one of them is 100% working, on it once this system started) and the processor and the operative to it.

By the way, the card is old, there are all sorts of LPT and COM connectors, in addition to USB, so, on them (maybe it can be observed on them some diagnostic signals

  • The question is asked more than a year ago.
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  • hmm .. Well, the north bridge is slots under DDR. Memory does not see - the North Bridge in the pit. Also the northern bridge rolls the video card slot. South Bridge taxis all others - PCI Slots, Motherboard Connectors Type of all sorts of IDE, SATA, USB, LAN, Audio Like 2 2 comments
  • What kind of mother? Disconnect all the peripherals, video and memory for excluding the processor, connect the speaker. Check: resistance between reset and common, USB D +, D- and general. Try to put the motherboard from the bottom to the bridge under the bridge and press the hand gently without distinguishing the radiator to the board and try to enable. Does the sounds of the speaker? What voltages on the procedure, memory sod? Like 1 comment
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We all know that overheating of the main components of the computer is very dangerous and can ultimately lead to their failure. But how to find out how much is your processor or a video card? Those who have now thought about measuring the temperature of the computer using a thermometer, we advise not to rush, since there are much more reliable methods for measuring the temperature of the components of your PC. Today we will talk about a wonderful utility called Aida64, which allows not only to find out the temperature of the computer, but also to carry out its full diagnosis. We also learn what to do if it suddenly it turned out that our computer is very hot.

Signs of computer overheating

Overheating of the computer is accompanied by some disturbing symptoms, which attentive user must definitely pay attention. It is worth diagnosing a computer for overheating if:

  • Application resource applications often complete their work without any alerts or messages.
  • Feels significant deterioration in performance
  • The computer spontaneously reboots or even turns off
  • Artifacts are observed on the display
  • The operating system is not loaded, and the BIOS starts instead
  • Measure the temperature

    To begin with, we need itself, the AIDA64 program itself. It is a conditional, free, trial period is valid for 30 days, it is enough for us. We install the program, launch and see this window:

    Open a branch A computer and go to the section Sensors.

    Here we can see the temperature of our motherboard ( motherboard), processor (CPU), southern bridge chipset (MCP), graphic processor Video card (diode GP), and in full version Programs - also temperature hard disk.

    In general, AIDA64 can be useful not only for temperature diagnosis. This program may be very useful if you want to buy, for example, new processorBut at the same time they forgotten the model of his motherboard.

    Well, okay, the temperature of the components of our system we learned, but how to determine how the temperature is within the normal range, and what is a serious reason for anxiety? After all, different parts of the computer are heated in different ways, and their acceptable temperature is also different. Below are approximate figures for individual components of the PC, which you can navigate.

    Processor temperature

    Average indicators normal temperature The processor, if simple, it is considered to be 30-45 degrees, with a good load - 45-55 degrees. At the processor temperature, more than 60 degrees, as a rule, begins problems. The main problem of the processor associated with moderate overheating is the so-called trottling, in which the processor in order to reduce its temperature begins to work several times weaker, passing the tact. With very strong overheating The processor can completely fail, which is however, for any component of the computer.

    Motherboard temperature

    Normal motherboard temperature ranges from 25-45 degrees. In general, the cases of overheating of the motherboard are quite rare, it is more worried about the processor and a video card.

    Temperature of video card

    Modern video cards are pretty pretty well, and if for old models, the temperature of 50-60 degrees could become fatal, then in some modern video cards such a temperature is a normal indicator (with load, naturally). But if your video card is heated to 75-85 degrees, then it is clearly not all good.

    Temperature of the chipset of the southern bridge

    The southern bridge, marked in the program as MCP, heats up the strongest: even during computer downtime, its temperature is 50-60 degrees. With the load on the computer, an acceptable temperature for the southern bridge is 60-80 degrees.

    Hard disk temperature

    Normal temperature for hard disks Located within 30-40 degrees.

    How to deal with overheating

    If you suddenly found that some of the components of your computer (or even a few) are strongly overheated, do not hurry to panic. Overheating does not always mean that the detail failed. One of the main reasons for overheating is dust - the dust scored fans are not well cooled well and ventilated the system unit, as a result of which the temperature inside the latter rises sharply.

    Therefore, the first thing to do with the overheating of the computer is to clean it from dust, it should be paid to fans and and radiators, including the power supply fan. During the cleaning of the processor radiator, it would be nice to change the thermal chaser on the processor (remove the dried old and apply a new one with a very thin layer).

    If the total stripper system Block From dust did not give desired result, you can try to install more powerful cooling, for example, change the cooler on the processor and add a couple of additional fans to the housing. When it does not help, it means it is time to carry your computer to the master, because at home to carry out the full diagnosis of system components and eliminate the problem you can hardly succeed.

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    In this article, I propose an overview of such programs, I will tell about their capabilities, what kind of temperatures of your PC or laptop can be viewed with them (how much, this set also depends on the presence of components temperature sensors) and additional features These programs. The main criteria for which the review programs were selected: shows the necessary information, free, does not require installation (Portable). Therefore, I ask not to ask why there are no AIDA64 in the list.

    About the Speccy program (from CCleaner and Recuva creators) To view the characteristics of the computer, including the temperature of its components, I have repeatedly wrote - it is quite popular. Speccy is available as an installer or portable versionthat does not need to be installed.

    In addition to information about the components themselves, the program shows them the temperature, on my computer were displayed: processor temperature, motherboard, video card, hard disk and SSD. As I already wrote above, the temperature mapping depends, including, from the presence of the corresponding sensors.

    Despite the fact that the temperature information is less than in the previously described program, it will be quite enough to track the temperature of the computer. The data in Speccy is updated in real time. One of the benefits for users is the presence of the Russian interface language.

    You can download the program from the official site http://www.piriform.com/speccy


    One more simple programrepresenting comprehensive information about the temperatures of the components of your computer - HWMONITOR. In many ways it is similar to Open Hardware Monitor, available in the form of installer and ZIP archive.

    List of computer temperatures:

    • Motherboard temperatures (southern and north bridges, etc., in accordance with the sensors)
    • CPU temperature and individual nuclei
    • Temperature of video card
    • Temperature tough hDD disks and solid-state drives SSD.

    In addition to specified parametersYou can see the voltages on the various components of the PC, as well as the speed of rotation of the cooling system fans.

    Download CPUID HWMONITOR You can from the official page http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html


    The OCCT free program is designed for system stability tests, supports the Russian language and allows you to see only the temperature of the processor and its nuclei (if we talk only about temperatures, otherwise the list of available information is wider).

    In addition to the minimum and maximum temperature values, you can see its display on the chart, which can be convenient for many tasks. Also with the OCCT, you can perform test test tests, video cards, power supply.

    The program is available for download on the official website http://www.ocbase.com/index.php/download


    Well, if one of you turned out to be not enough all the listed utilities, I propose another one - Hwinfo (available in two separate versions of 32 and 64 bits). First of all, the program is designed to view computer characteristics, component information, BIOS, Windows, and drivers. But if you press the Sensors button in the main window of the program, then a list of all sensors on your system will open, and you can see all available computer temperatures.

    In addition, voltages are displayed, S.R.R.T. Self-diagnostics information. For hard drives and SSD and a huge list of additional parameters, maximum and minimum values. It is possible to write changes in the magazine indicators if necessary.


    I think described in this program review will be enough for most tasks requiring information on computer temperatures that you may arise. You can also view information from the temperature sensors in the BIOS, however, this method is not always suitable, as the processor, video card and hDD Slip and displayed values \u200b\u200bare significantly lower than the actual temperature when working on a computer.