Install the wireless connection to Windows XP. How to connect to the router directly. How to configure Wi-Fi with your own hands in Windows XP in different ways? Connecting and configuring WiFi in Windows XP: video. How to configure wifi on a laptop and how to turn on automatic

WiFi or Wireless Fidelity (Wireless Accuracy) is a technology wireless transmission Data on the Special Wireless LAN channel. WiFi Network It is half duplex, this is due to the technology itself.

This feature means that only one device operating as an access point can work at one frequency. Access point can be like a computer, with a Wi-Fi transmitter and specialized devices, - routers that support WiFi wireless protocol.

There are two ways to build a network using Wi-Fi wireless protocol.

Setting up Wi-Fi network computer computer in Windows 7

In this article we will look at how to combine several laptops working under windows control 7 In the Wi-Fi wireless LAN in the AD-HOC mode.

To make it easier for you to navigate Wi-Fi network I will explain the following definitions:

Main computer network - Computer or laptop connected to the Internet and protruding as an online gateway. This computer will create a Wi-Fi connection.

Other network computers - Computers or laptops connected to a Wi-Fi network created on the main computer and having access to the Internet through this computer.

Setting up the main network computer

In the Description field: Specify the description of the computer, such as Stepan's computer.

Click the Edit button.

In the Computer Name field: Set the computer name. The computer name must be unique. You can specify the computer name that is already used on the network.

Note: By default in all windows versions 7, Vista and in all versions of Windows XP with the exception of Windows XP Home Edition Name working Group - Workgroup.

Click the Wired Network Connection icon.

Click the Add button.

Click Create Computer-Computer Network

In the Network Name field: Set an arbitrary network name.

In the Security Type field: Select WPA2-Personal.

If other network computers operate under Windows XP, select WEP.

In the Security Key field: Enter the password.

The password must consist of 8 to 63 characters. If WEP encryption is selected, the password must consist of 5 or 13 characters. The longer the password is better. To create a password, it is better to use password generator.

In this window, click Enable general access To connecting to the Internet.

Click the Close button.

Setting up other network computers

Choose the properties menu item. Click the Advanced System Settings link.

Click the Computer Name tab.

In the Description field: Specify the description of the computer, such as computer Anatoly. Click the Edit button.

In the Computer Name field: Set the computer name. The name of the computer must be unique. You can not specify the name of the computer that is already used on the network.

In the Working Group field: Specify the name of the working group. The name of the working group should be the same on all network computers.

If the computer name and the working group name does not need to be changed simply click the Cancel button.

Note: By default, in all versions of Windows 7, Vista and in all versions of Windows XP, with the exception of Windows XP Home Edition, the name of the Working Group is Workgroup.

Click on the network icon.

Click right-click Mice on the wireless network adapter icon and and select Properties.

Click Two times the internet protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4).

Mark the item Use the following IP address:

In the IP address field: Assign the IP address of the wireless adapter. The IP address must be unique and from the same subnet that the IP address of the main computer's wireless adapter. The network should not have devices with the same IP.

Since on the main computer, the Wi-Fi wireless adapter is assigned to the IP address, then on other computers network IP addresses should be:,, etc.

Important: If a main computer The network is running the Windows XP operating system, the IP address is assigned to its wireless adapter, it means that you need to specify IP addresses on other network computers:,, etc.

In the Subnet Mask field: specify the value

In the Main Gateway field: Specify the IP address of the main computer -

IMPORTANT: If the main computer network is running Windows XP, the IP address of the main gateway must be specified

In the Preferred DNS server field: specify the IP address of the preferred DNS Server provider.

In the Alternative DNS server field: specify the IP address of the alternate DNS provider server.

DNS servers addresses can be found from the provider.

Click OK.

Click on the network connection icon.

Speak twice on your network.

Enter password. Click OK.

Everything. We set up a wireless network Wi-Fi computer computer In Windows 7.

Setting up WiFi at home and connecting a laptop through it

Consider the WiFi Wireless Network Option using a router when you already have a computer connected to the network (Internet) wired network and you need to connect a laptop via WiFi.

This option is relevant, let's say if you have the Internet from the Internet provider (say, Akado) for one computer, which goes on the wire. And you intend to connect a laptop to the same available network, but through WiFi to get off it on the Internet and be able to move it around the apartment without wires.

And also, if the independent accessibility of the Internet on each computer is important for you. (The computer can be turned off and go to work on a laptop with the Internet to another room or kitchen).

To make it possible, you need to figure out the scheme, read the article, following the instructions.

Scheme 1. Association WiFi Router, computer and laptop:

What needs to be done to turn on the router - by steps

If you are satisfied with the cable connection of the first computer (1) to the network and you do not plan to change it on WiFi, and WiFi is needed only for the second laptop computer (2), then you need to purchase a wireless router (Wireless Router).

In such wireless router I have an opportunity wired connection - UTP connector (LAN), WAN connector ("input") and antenna for wireless contacts.

Consider on the example of a running "ASUS WL-530GV2 Pocket Router (802.11g, 1xwan + 4xutp)" on this scheme. Which cost in Moscow in 2009 less than $ 100.

You can use, for example, a dlink router. The instruction is the same, with the difference that the WAN connector on it is indicated by "Internet".

Router Asus. WL-530GV2 (Pocket Router)

In addition to the router, you need more additional cable UTP-5 categories, 1 m long (normal cable for computer network with connectors).

How to connect router

The router must be connected to the gap between the modem, the "outstanding" Internet from the provider and the computer (1).

For this you need:

Disable computer power, modem. Router put unconnected next to the modem.

Cable (type UTP-5), coming from the modem, pull out from network card Computer (1) and connect to the "WAN" of the router input. This model of the router is located on the side.

Now the router is connected to the Internet. We must distribute it.

We connect the acquired optional UTP-5 Cable Computer (1) to the router:

One end - to the computer's network card, the other in the LAN1 connector of the router.

We connect the router to the power, through its own power supply (must be complete with it).

The router is connected.

Now you can turn on the power of the computer, modem, router.

Computer Setup (1) To access the Internet via the wire router

The computer setting is actually reduced to zero. If there is a DHCP (IP allocation service and connection parameters for connected machines) at the router, it suffices to connect the PC connector to it and the computer will automatically receive the IP address from it.

The only thing if a certain IP address was set in the properties of the network adapter on the PC, it must be reset to "get an IP address automatically".

IN Windows 7. This is done in:

« Control Panel \\ Network and Internet \\ Network Connections»

To come like this: Start, Control Panel, Network and Internet, Next:

View network status and tasks -\u003e Change the adapter parameters.

Choose your own network adapter (where they connected the router), right-click - Properties, TCP / IP (IPv 4) - General.

Mark "Get an IP address automatically" and "Receive the DNS server address automatically."

Press "OK", once again "OK".

In Windows XP.:

Start, Control Panel, Network Connections - Select your adapter ("Connection over Local Network") - Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) - Next, everything, as in Windows 7.

Note that the computer will "get" the Internet only if you correctly configure the router and reboot it.

Setting up a laptop (2) for Internet access

Come in the "Network Connections" of your laptop in such a way as you entered when setting up a computer (1), in accordance with the operating system already on the laptop.

Look for "Wireless network connection».

Choose your wireless network called as we denied in the router. Suppose MyNet.

Click "Connect". If the key was not set when setting up the router (which is not recommended) - then the Internet will connect immediately. Either the window will appear, asking you to enter the "network key".

Everything. If you correctly configure the router, the Internet must be already available in a laptop.

You can check his work on some sufficiently reliable site, such as,

These entered settings after the next shutdown / turn on the laptop cannot be specified again. It connects to the Internet itself.

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Hello to all the blog readers. The title is higher, this topic is today, since there are still many uses this system, and I think it will be useful to many users.
Wireless technologies firmly entered our lives with the acquisition of smartphones, tablets, laptops. Most modern devices already have included set Wi - Fi. Module, it concerns most laptops, netbooks, tablets and smartphones.
However, if you have an old computer, it can also be connected to Wi-Fi. There is a special device for it: Wi - Fi adapter. And of course on your PC
still should be at least one uSB slot. Each owner of the gadget is sooner or later faces the question of how to set up Wi - Fi in Windows XP.

Equipment for Wi - Fi

To connect the Internet with a subsequent Wi-Fi organization, you will need
router or router. It should be noted that Router and router - this is two
names of the same device. It is used only if already
There is a ready-made Internet connection via a modem.
Modem and router- two different devicesperforming various functions.
Modemdesigned to convert a signal that is transmitted via wired or
3G network, in the system available for understanding.
Routerdesigned to transmit a decrypted signal to other network participants
Without conversion. In this way, without modemnetwork signal operating system
Windows XP.the device will not be recognized.
Now the line between the modem and the router is gradually erased. Many manufacturers
Both devices are combined in one case. Such a device allows you to create
Wired local network for 4-5 computers (depending on the number of ports in the model) and in parallel to organize wireless connection.
When choosing a router model, first of all pay attention to methodconnections K.

There are three types of WAN - ports for connecting to the Internet:

1. ADSL Designed for connecting the Internet through telephone line

2. USB 3G. Used to connect USB - modem

3. Ethernetdesigned for connection network cable

If you are planning to connect third-party devices to the wireless network,
You need to select a device that supports data encryption. In this case in
Settings modem (router) All permitted are prescribed IP addressesto connect.

Setting up router

Setting the router and the view of the web interface of various models may be among themselves
differ. The principle of setting and the sequence of actions is preserved.
Pre-router must be connected to the Internet through the port
WAN I.lie USB 3G.and to the computer through the port LAN.

How to set up a network on Windows XP:

1. Go to B. Start → Control Panel → Network Connections →
LAN connection.

2. In the window that appears, select " Properties»,

Next, we allocate the right mouse button " Internet TCP / IP Protocol"And click" Properties».

3. In the window that appears, exhibit the checkboxes " Get IP address automatically"I.
"Get the DNS address - server automatically" And confirm OK.

How to configure TCP / IP configuration settings for Windows XP Read

If Wi-Fi does not work on Windows XP

Important! Windows C different Service Packs Support different protection protocols!
Windows XP SP2.does not support the Protection Protocol WPA2.! Only WPA1.
Thus, if the problem occurs when connected, you need to watch version
Windows XP, as well as protocol protectionthat uses the access point.

If you do not have on your computer " Wireless Network Connection " The reason maybe
To be as follows:
1. You Windows XP SP2, and the access point is configured to protocol WPA2.. Need or
Set SP3.or reconfigure access point WPA.
2. On your computer at all notWi - Fi. adapter. You can find it through Dispatcher
Devices. The list of devices should be wireless lAN card.
3. On your computer Wi - Fi.adapter there is but he disabled. For example, many
Laptops there are shutdown buttons Wi - Fi. adapter. It can separate button or
One of the buttons combination with the button Fn. If a Wi - Fi. The adapter is built into the maternal
fee, it can be Disabled in BIOS..
4. The adapter is, but not installed drivers on him, in this case it will be in the list
devices in quality unidentified device.
If a " Wireless network connection " there is, it shows list of networks,
but fails to connect To the right network, then the reason may be that:
but.Too weak signal Between your adapter and access point.
Large distance, thick walls, etc. And the signal level of the access point
can be decent but the signal of your adapter not "comes" to the point
Access. Because the adapter signal is generally weaker than the signal
Access points. Especially if the adapter is built-in, such as in a laptop.
b.You have entered wrongpassword. This is especially actual for WindWS XPbecause,
What is there It is impossiblesee password symbols.
in. If the connection to the access point is installed, but the Internet does not work, then
Causes can be:
- Wi - Fi.router(access point) not connected to the Internet. For example, a technical failure of
Provider, or lack of funds on your account with the provider.
- The technical error In the work of the servers DNS.provider.

5. If the Internet does not appear, addresses are prescribed manually, for this rearrange
tick on the string " Use the following address ".

Necessary addresses IP and DNS - Serversyou can clarify in the technical support service provider.
6 . To execute settings routher.necessary for included device in the browser
score IP - address of the router. IP address The router is indicated on the rear panel.
7. Next in the appearance window Enter login and password. If the device is purchased
directly from the provider, login and password are prescribed in contract.
If the router is purchased independently, login and password are indicated
manufacturer in documents, not all devices login and password are prescribed
on the sticker. Factorylogin and password recommended change, to avoid
Unauthorized access to network settings.
8 . The main menu opens: Web interfacemodels.

For the convenience of the user in some models there is a change of language in
upper right corner into Russian. Next you need to configure the parameters PPPoe,

they are configured once with the primary setup of the device

How to configure the router in Windows XP on the example
Models D - Link Dir - 320.

In the main menu on the top panel, the buttons are selected Setup."And" Internet Setup ».
On the updated page click " MANUAL Connection Setup ».

In the new window to register necessary settings Networks:

1 .MY Internet Connection Is- Choose a protocol PPPoe (USERNAME / PASSWORD);
2. Dynamic PPPoe- choose from the list;
3 . User Name. loginfor Internet access specified in treaty provider;
4. Password.passwordfor Internet access specified in the provider's contract;
5 . Service Name. - title provider;
6. RETYPEPASSWORD.- Repeated passwordfor Internet access.

Settings need to be saved using the button " Save Settings », then reboot
Router using the button " Reboot"So that the entered parameters entered into force.
In some cases, the Protocol is used by the Provider DHCP. instead PPPoe, so
The type of protocol must be clarified by the provider.

For settings Wi - FI Nit is necessary in the menu to choose " SYSTEM » → « Wireless Setup »,
Next at the bottom of the window to choose "MANUAL WIRELESS CONNECTION SETUP».
In the window that appears, select or entertain the following parameters:

1. WI - FI PROTECTED SETUP (WCN2.0)disable
2 . Enable Wireless - Enable
3. Wireless Network Name (SSID) - invented wireless network name
eg Wi - Fi_Home.
4. Enable Auto Channel Selection - Enable
5. WMM Enable - Disable
6. Enable Hidden Wireless - Disable
7. Security Mode - Select WPA / WPA2, which will allow network encryption;
8. Cipher Type - TKIP
9. PSK / EAP - PSK
10. Network Key.- invented keyfor access to the wireless network (minimum 8
characters in English letters and numbers).
Settings Save using the button " Save Settings », then restart
router button "Reboot"So that the settings take effect.

Connecting devices by Wi - Fi

When connecting devices for a wireless network uncomfortable Enter each time
login and passwordIf the same gadgets are used to connect the same gadgets.
In order to connect devices to Windows XP. It was performed automatically,
But at the same time for third-party users Wi - Fi.access was closed, follows in the settings of the router limit access by Mac - addresses For these devices in this way:

1. Enter the settings router through browserAs described earlier.
2. Enter the menu " Advanced"Select item in it "Mac Filter.».
3. A table will open to which all available for connecting.
4. Data Save and restart the device.

How to determine Mac - addressesconnected devices?
For PC S. Windows XP. You must call the command line, register in the menu
Start - Run: team - CMD.

In the appeared command line Enter the command
ipconfigand press ENTER.

In line IP Address:- Isked Mac - address Devices.

How to distribute Wi-Fi using a computer to other devices?

Previously seen how to set up a router and connect to Wi - Fi on a PC with Windows XP. Can be organized Wi - Fi Network via PCBy making it a distribution device.
Most often this method Network organizations apply when it is necessary to limit Internet access to the second device. If specimen PC is turned off, Network transfer
Not produced. Such a transfer has a limited range, not available for
Transfer of network S. Windows XP.on the device C. Android OS.and does not work in the absence of
Built-in Wi - FI module.

To configure the network in this way it is necessary for the already connected network to enter the section
1. « Wireless network connection» → "Change additional parameters".
2. In the window that appears, allocate "Internet TCP / IP" protocol " and press
button " Properties ».
3. In the window that appears, check whether the necessary IP addresses if not,

The subnet mask is prescribed automatically. Press OK.
4. Then in the tab " Wireless networks» Mark " Use Windows
for settings", And below press the button" Add»

In a new window, register or note:

1. Network Name (SSID) - Wireless Network Name
2. Authentication - choose joint
3. data encryption - WEP
4. The key is provided automatically - tick \u200b\u200bremove
5 . Network keyconsisting of letters and numbers
6. Confirmation- repeat the key
7. Mark " This is a direct computer-computer connection, access points
Not used»
8. In the tab "Connection"mark "Connect if the network is in
Radius action.Press OK.
9. Then go to " Change additional parameters"And in the bookmark
« Additionally" Mark "Allow other users
Use connection ».

In the same way, configure the parameters Windows XP. on the taking PC.
Only in the column " Use the following IP address»Set the address to the host device: Replace only the latest address in the interval from 2 before 254.
In the column " Preferred DNS Server"Set parameters main PC:
Save changes by clicking OK.

Security Wi - Fi

Since when used Wi - Fi. All information is transmitted by radio
Wi - Fi.networks are much more vulnerable compared to wired networks. The fact is that radio signals sent by access point ( Wi - Fi. router) and devices that are connected to the access point are available for intercepting any similar device that is in the "hearing" radius from the access point or from the client of this access point. That is, the interception of network traffic becomes very simple, affordable and imperceptible. And the interception of network traffic allows you to collect the information necessary for the attack on Wi - As more access points are becoming Wi - Fi. Increases the number of people "Hack" Wi -

The most common motivation for hacking access points Wi - Fi, this isconnect K. Internet through Wi - Fi. is free. For example, you have in the apartment installed Wi - Fi. Router and not only your devices are connected to it, but also a computer of someone from your neighbors.
You pay for the Internet, and your neighbor gets the Internet for free.
But " free online not the only reason for which "slam" networks Wi - Fi.. The fact is that if the attacker gets access to your access point, it can access all devices that are connected to your Wi - Fi. Router. And this gives him the opportunity to theft of your personal data. For example passwords to mail, to Internet banks, your documents - in general, what you own.
So use Wi - is necessary with caution.

Here are a few rules that should be observed.

1. Do not connect to K. open public networksWi - Fi. through a laptop on which
You have valuable information. And if you need access to the Internet
through open networks Wi - Fi., then use on your laptop
firewall and antivirus.
2. If you are using RouterWi - home or in the office, you need
Completely configure Wi - Fi. Routher.
but. Use the protection type WPA2.
b. If on yours Wi - Fi. Router There is a function WPS.its necessary disable .
g.If yours Wi - Fi. Routersupports the administration function through the web interface,
need to disable accessto this interface through Wi - Fi..
Wi-Fi web interface The router must be available only through the network cable.
d. Turn offyour router Wi - Fi. At the time when you do not use the Internet - at night
Or when you leave home or office. If the access point works the clock
This facilitates the task of the cracker - he has a lot of time to hold attacks
On your access point

How to get around windows password Read

Modern technologies wireless communication Already quite tightly entered the life of people. They are constantly developing and improving, while such technologies have huge prospects. One of these technologies is WiFi wireless communication, which allows you to connect a laptop to the network without any wires and cables. It is worth noting that modern laptops, smartphones, tablets, printers, TVs and other techniques have a built-in WiFi adapter. But, despite the prevalence of technology, the question of how to connect WiFi on windows laptop XP. It is about it that will be discussed.

Setting up laptop

As you probably have already guessed before switching to how to enable WiFi on a laptop with Windows XP, it should be configured. What does this mean? Each component of the computer needs to install special software - the so-called drivers. Bluetooth wireless and Wi-Fi adapter is no exception. Without a driver, the system will not be able to enable them.

In some cases, when buying a laptop, you get a disc with the necessary software. In this case, the system setting will not cause difficulties. You just need to insert the disk in the CD-ROM or DWD-Recorder, after which the autorun program will start automatic installation. In this case, all drivers will be installed in the desired order. Moreover, various utilities will be installed for more convenient work with the laptop - additional programs. But what to do if there is no such disk?

Do not get upset. There are no difficulties here, since they can be downloaded for free. To do this, you need to know only the model of your PC. Next, go to the manufacturer's website, for example, if lenovo laptopYou need to go to the manufacturer's website and find your model there. It is worth noting that the site will offer drivers for various operating systems, as well as for different components. We are interested in software for a WiFi adapter and a network card for Windows XP. After downloading drivers, you can go to the installation.

If the driver is not installed on the laptop at all, then they should be installed in a specific order. It is not critical, but for proper work The systems first need to install drivers for chipset ( motherboard) And only then everything else.

After installing the driver, the system will detect new devices. And to work with WiFi adapter Together with the driver will be installed a program that allows you to turn on and off the module, as well as search network available. This system setup is complete, you can switch on and search for available access points.

Connecting and configuring WiFi in Windows XP: video

Enabling WiFi Module and Network Search

In order to enable WiFi on a laptop there is a special button on which it is drawn wiFi icon (available on each laptop).

At the same time, in some cases, the utility simply starts and you can independently turn on or off the adapter. In other cases, it turns on and off when you click on the button without launching any programs. It is worth noting that the operating system does not absolutely affect this process, whether Windows XP or seven, everything happens is absolutely the same.

So, after inclusion WIFI An adapter on a laptop in the Windows XP system in the lower right corner (a little left of the hour) an operating module icon appears. When you double click on it, a window appears in which you want to click the "Wireless Network" button. Next, you will see a list of available access points from which you need to select necessary network By title.

If a this option It did not work, then there is an alternative path that allows you to connect WiFi network on Windows XP laptop. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the "Start" menu, then in the control panel;
  2. In the control panel you need to find "Network Connections";
  3. After that, you need to find the "Wireless Network Connection" item and turn it on;
  4. Next, you should connect the laptop to the network. To do this, click right-click on the connection and select "View available wireless networks" item;
  5. Here we choose "Change the order of preferences of networks";
  6. After that, the window will open in which you want to select "Network at the Access Point" and put a mark in the section " Automatic connection To the network, "after that, close the window.
  7. Next, in the wireless network connection, you must click "update the network list".

After that, you need to select the desired network and click "Connect". It is worth remembering that in the overwhelming majority cases on the network put a password to prevent intrucleus penetration, so after selecting the desired connection you need to enter a password, and only after that you can join the group.

How to find out the password from your WiFi in Windows XP: video

On this setting WiFi connections On a laptop with Windows XP is finished. Now to connect the device to the network, enter the "View Available Networks" menu, select the desired name and click the "Connect" button.

If everything is done, then after the connection will appear "connected", and in the lower right corner on the taskbar you will see a corresponding message, which indicates that your laptop is connected to the network.

If you cannot find the enable adapter button on a laptop or it is broken or missing, that is, it is possible to enable it using the device manager via Windows XP. To do this, you must click right-click on the "My Computer" label and enter the "Properties". Next, select the Device Manager item and we are looking for your adapter to be turned on in the list of devices.

Connection setup

To begin with, let's go through the theory. This will make it clear what Wi-Fi is and how to connect to one or another situation to it and how to configure the system. This is one of the most modern wireless communication technologies that allows you to create home networks without cable laying. The main advantage of this technology is that the transfer rate is not inferior to the cable connection. At the same time, the radius of the action of one access point reaches 100 meters in direct visibility and about 10 meters in buildings.

Access point is the base station to which all devices are connected equipped with a WiFi adapter. As a rule, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a router is used as such a station.

And before creating your network, it should be configured. It is to it and the laptops and other devices are connected. You can connect up to 200 users to one router, but in this case the data exchange rate will decrease greatly, as it is distributed equally between all users.

For example, if the router supports the maximum speed of about 100 Mbit / s and at the same time connect 10 users, then the speed on each of them will be 10 Mbps. It is not difficult to imagine what will happen if you connect 100 and more users.

In some cases, you need to additionally configure the connection on a laptop in the Windows XP system. If you are all executed according to the instructions, but there is no way out of the network, then you should check the IP address. To do this, in the network environment, press the wireless connection with the right mouse button and select the item "Properties".

Next, in the window that appears, you need to select the TCPIP Internet Protocol and click "Properties". After that, a window appears in which you want to set the label to the "Use the following IP address" section and enter the following values:

  • IP address: Please note that the numbers 192.168.0 are always the same, but the last digit "5" can be any in the range from 1 to 150, depending on the settings and the capabilities of the router;
  • Subnet mask:;
  • Main gateway:

Now you know how to configure WiFi on a laptop with Windows XP. However, there are non-standard situations that can cause additional difficulties. In this case, the approach to solving the problem must be individual, since standard setting It will not help here.

As you can see from all over the above, connect the Wi-Fi network on a laptop with Windows XP is simply simple and can be used for regular users who do not have any special knowledge. In this case, the connection setting does not take much time and strength. However, it is worth noting that the operating windows system XP has already been outdated, today new versions are Windows 7 and 8. At the same time, the latter is much easier to configure.

I have experience in the IT of the sphere for more than 10 years. I am engaged in designing and setting up commissioning work. There is also a lot of experience in building networks, system administration and working with SUD and video surveillance systems.
I work as a specialist in the Techno-Master company.

Wi-Fi is one of the most popular ways to access the network. Wi-Fi has many different advantages, but most importantly - the user disappears the need to deal with wires. Distinctive advantage is also the fact that at the same time several devices can be connected immediately. To do this, you need to create an access point.

First of all, you need to make sure that the device on which the access point will be created is a built-in Wi-Fi adapter. Today, such adapters are available in all modern, but not all tablets or phones. Depending on this, you must ensure in advance to connect the devices to the Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi Access Point can be done without having a router, but necessarily the presence of a device with a Wi-Fi adapter.

Start creating Wi-Fi access point

The first step of creating a point access Wi-Fi It is as follows - you need to go to the "Network Connections" folder ("Network Connections" are in the "Control Panel") and then double-click the "Wireless Network Connection" icon. Then you can enable Wi-Fi on your computer. After that, you need to call the context menu by pressing the right mouse button on the Wireless Network Connection icon. In the context menu, properties are selected and in the window that appears, you need to go to the "Wireless Networks" tab. On this tab, you need to find the "Use Windows to set up networks" field and put a tick, then click "Add".

The next step is to enter data into the appropriate fields. The first thing is that the network name is recorded, authentication must be open, and where data encryption is specified, it is necessary to specify that it is carried out using WEP. The network key (must be from 5 to 13 characters) is also entered independently. The key index is necessarily equal to 1. Then you need to find the "Connect if broadcasting does not behave" and check the box. In the "The key is provided automatically" the check mark is cleaned.

Last steps

As a result, it is available open window "Wireless network connections»And Tab" Properties ". You need to find the "General" tab, where the Internet (TCP / IP) protocol is available. At this point, you need to go to the properties and find the field "Use the following IP address". Near this item be sure to put a daw. After it is delivered, you need to register:

IP address -;
Subnet mask -;
Preferred DNS server -

After everything is done and if the entered data is correct, the Wi-Fi access point on Windows XP can be used.

How to connect to hidden Wi-Fi networks in Windows XP? That is what will be the topic of another useful article on our. From you, even ever, had to deal with hidden networks?

For example, you know that you have at work, which from day to day successfully distributes the Internet. Moreover, you even know how this network It is also called even a password from her, but as soon as you turn on the smartphone or laptop. There are nothing in the plug-in networks.

Do not be surprised, but it happens that in addition to, some organizations fully remove their network from the broadcast environment. Therefore, if you encountered such a network and you have all passwords, then let me, as usual, in the smallest details, show and tell you about the principles of connecting to hidden Wi-Fi networks.

Connect to the hidden Wi-Fi network on Windows XP

Although Microsoft has finished maintaining Windows XP, still not a small amount of the world's population and continues to use this system on its PC. It is such a user who pushed me to writing this article, who asked me to explain to him how to connect to the hidden network on Windows XP.

Since, on the updated Windows 10 or the same seven to make it much easier, I first show the principle of connection on Windows XP, and then, of course, I will pay attention to more modern operating systems. This is done in order for you in the future, you have exactly more than any questions about connecting to a hidden Wi-Fi network on XP or on any more modern OS, from the Windows family.

Before describing the desired steps, I want to remind you that on some Wi-Fi laptops, the adapter must be enabled physically using the button on the laptop housing or using a specific key combination ( eg: " Fn + F2.", Usually on the second key you need to click there are images of Wi-Fi Signal in the form of antennas), otherwise you will see a similar picture in front of them.

Some simple steps on connecting to hidden Wi-Fi windows networks Xp. :

Connect to the invisible network on Windows 10

Regarding all not beloved Windows 10 or Windows 8.1, then everything is easier.

Windows 7 Connecting Invisible Wi-Fi Network

And of course, Windows 7, where without him. What to say, in principle, here, as in the top ten, everything is just as simple:

  1. We go to the connection icon to the access point;
  2. Choose other networks and click on " Connect»;
  3. We enter the name of the hidden network ( let me remind you that you have already had to know);
  4. Next, naturally, the password is input;
  5. After clicking on "OK" and second expectation, you can open the icon again. Wi-Fi connections And see that there will be a network with your name, and the status "connected" will appear in front of it.

Surely you were noticed that in new systems with connecting to hidden Wi-Fi networks, there are no problems and it takes it 1-2 minutes. Although, in XP, in principle, all the same truth takes it a little longer, give not all about it and knew, but I hope my instruction will fix it.

How to connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network on Windows XP and 10