How to abandon the Beeline service. How to turn off the paid services and services: blocking mobile subscriptions. - Personal Cabinet User and SIM Menu

Want to get rid of paid services Beeline on the phone? Many subscribers have ever encountered an unpleasant phenomenon - paying services. Many operators activate them initially, when buying a SIM card by the subscriber. So that this does not happen in 2019, you need to immediately say a communications salon employee that you do not want to have a bunch of additional paid services in your room.

If the subscriber has found that the operator regularly writes off the money from the number, although there are no visible reasons for this - obviously, the phone is connected paid services, distribution or subscription. Most often, these tools are absolutely not needed by the user and it is looking for a way to disable them.

Disabling paid services Beeline: how to do it?

The "bee" operator offers users of their services a few possibilities of their activation / deactivation. We will analyze the main of them, placing all the methods depending on their simplicity and frequency of application:

  • Method first. Call the Beeline Customer Support for Standard Number 0611. Technical Support - best way Learn about your number everything. The specialist will tell you what services are connected on the phone, which of them are paid, and which are free. At the request of the client, the consultant of the "bee" operator will instantly turn off the boring paid services. Of course, this method has its own "flying spoon." This is a long operator waiting time. technical support. IN lately mobile companies Make a bet on the Internet support for customers, and the telephone client service allocate more and less resources. Disable a paid service Subscriber can without the help of a consultant, focusing on the voice menu. True, this method is difficult to name simple and convenient.
  • The second way. Turning off the ticket services "Beeline" is possible through the personal account on the web portal mobile operator In general, the Cabinet provides the user with many features, including account details and balance management. This method is inconvenient because the client must have a connected Internet. Again, surfing in virtual network Not everyone is still under power.
  • The third way. In Bilain, a special service management center has been created, with which you can deactivate unnecessary tools and enable relevant to the user. We type on the phone number * 111 #, click the call key. The system issues a notification of connected services to the display, about how to deactivate them.
  • Disabling all services is possible through the SIM card menu or through the My Beeline application.
  • If the aforementioned ways are not suitable for the subscriber, it is possible to independently deactivate all the paid services of the "bee" operator. We enter a combination on the screen: * 110 * 09 #, then click on the "call". The request enters the Beeline, processed from a few seconds to a minute. Upon completion of the processing process, the client receives an SMS containing a list of all services activated on this SIM card. By installing the connected options, the subscriber can disable them without any problems. All information about the services is available on the Bilain website: going to the portal, the user can conclude about the desire for one or another option.

Disabling paid services using special commands

Beeline has developed a whole list of commands to disable services. Complete teams are easy and convenient. Consider in more detail the main of them:

  • Deactivation of a paid service "Be up to date" is carried out using a combination * 110 * 400 #.
  • Turning off the option "Be aware +": We recruit on the phone * 110 * 1062 #.
  • From the paid service "Chameleon" can be disconnected by typing a combination on a mobile device * 110 * 20 #.
  • The * 110 * 010 # command will help the subscriber instantly get rid of voice mail.
  • Paid Internet notifications drove a lot of nerves to subscribers: you can turn it off by combination * 110 * 1470 #.
  • Deactivation of Antiaon Services - * 110 * 070 #.
  • To get rid of times and forever from the service "Hi" or "His beep", we gain a combination on the phone 067409770.
  • The "Balance on the screen" service regularly removes the means with unsuspecting users. We delete it with the * 110 * 900 # command.
  • If it is impossible to get through to the subscriber, a paid service "answering machine" is included. Turn off this tool using a combination * 110 * 010 #.

Of course, after entering each combination or number, you must click on the "Call" key on the phone. We told about the most popular benefit services Beeline, but it should be remembered that by now their over ninety. On the disconnection of other services of the "Bee" operator, you can find on the company's website.

Prohibition of connections of paid services

Mobile operator is not the only distributor of paid content. Mailings, various services, alerts come from content providers. To be the owner of a paid option - just send SMS to some short number. Such services will not see the subscriber. Very often, the user does not even know about connecting the paid service of the content provider, and write-offs occur, and very considerable.

Disabling paid subscriptions is carried out using the Technical Support Service. The operator deactivate the "worms" eating money from the phone, and will also establish a ban on the connection of paid subscriptions on the room. The ban is installed for free, and it will forever protect the user from extra spending.

Video instruction: how to turn off the paid services of biline and subscription

Good news today! You can independently disable all Beeline services on your phone. On the video instruction on the disconnection of all paid and unnecessary user services and BILYNE subscriptions in 2019.

The Beeline operator provides subscribers a lot of paid services, including various information and entertainment subscriptions. The operator is usually not difficult. But to disable billing subscriptions in some cases is not so simple. First, it is difficult to find information about the disconnection of a particular subscription. Secondly, not always subscriptions are displayed in the "Personal Account", because of which the subscriber may not know about the available paid options.

Of course, according to the rules, any paid service should be connected only by agreement of the subscriber. That is, the user chooses the service, then receives an SMS with its description and cost information, and only after confirming its intention to connect the service, the subscription can be activated. In practice, a diametrically opposite situation often occurs when the subscription is connected without the subscriber's knowledge - during Internet surfing.

Often, the websites of dubious content often sin, where, under different pretexts, the subscriber lick his phone number ("Confirm that you are a real person") or the subscription connection occurs when the user is trying to move on any (with a completely innocent) link. And after a moment, the subscriber receives SMS that he activated a subscription. If the subscriber is not attentively attentive or simply decided to ignore such a message and did not take any actions to disable the subscription, then a certain amount will be written off from its personal account every day as a fee for the service provided.

How to check for paid subscriptions

  1. Of course, the first thing should search for information in the "Personal Account" -

    Information about subscriptions is displayed under the list of connected services. To find it, log in in the "Personal Account", scroll down the page down and click on the inscription "Show my subscriptions". Another way to go through the main menu to the section "Services" And choose item "Connected Services".

    Similarly, subscription information can be viewed in the mobile application "My Beeline" - that is, on the main screen, immediately under the list of services, or in the appropriate section of the menu. To make the application, you will need to enter your phone number and password from the "Personal Cabinet".

  2. Also find out the availability of active paid subscriptions in the number through free self-service voice services 0674 and 0611, USSD command ✶ 110 ✶ 09 # or service menu ✶ 111 # ( "My Beeline""My Data""My services").

Not always connected paid subscriptions can be seen in the "Personal Account" or to identify any other method specified above. But everything in the same "personal account" can be ordered free account details. This is the only method that with 100% accuracy will show the presence of connected paid services.

How to turn off paid bill subscriptions

You can give up unnecessary subscriptions in the "Personal Account" of Bilayna. It is enough just to move the "switch" opposite the service to the "Disable" position and confirm your choice. After a few seconds, a SMS message will be disabled on the phone that the selected subscription is disabled.

The subscriptions through the Mis Beeline mobile application are disabled in the same way.

Disable subscriptions provided by the short-numbered content providers, can be disabled via SMS.

For this you need send a message with the word Stop (you can Latin - Stop) to a short numberFrom which the SMS notification came about the subscription connection.

And if you send an SMS to the same number with a question mark (?), Then you can find out the cost of the subscription.

Sending messages with the text "Stop", "Stop" and "?" on the short numbers free.

In addition to these ways, it is possible to disable payable bill subscriptions on yourself with special commands.

Teams to disable popular Beeline subscriptions

The operator has more than a hundred different subscriptions: horoscopes, quiz, currency courses, dating, various video channels, games, music and much more. Detailed information About them, including commands to shut down, can be found on the official portal of Bilayne mobile subscriptions - And in this article, commands will be listed to disconnect only the most popular from the payable bilant services.

  • Unsubscribe from subscription "Chameleon" - ✶ 110 ✶ 20 #.
  • Delete subscription "Weather forecast" — 0684-21-185 .
  • Refuse to service "English lessons" - Free SMS with Stop or Stop text on short number 9884 or call to number 0684-215-044.
  • Deactivate subscription "Russian lessons" - Call by number 0684-210-205 or via SMS with text STOP (STOP) to a short number 6386.
  • Disable subscription "Surprise for Erudite" - Call to number 0684-21-004. If the subscription to the "surprise for erudite" was issued through the Hameleon service, then you need to call the number 0684-21-229.
  • Refuse the service "SMS reminders" - SMS with the text of the stop or STOP on free room 6391 or call by calling 0684-210-309.
  • Delete subscription Beeline.Knigi- SMS with STOP or STOP text to number 6277.
  • Refuse subscription "Beeline.Radioportal" - SMS with text STOP (STOP) to number 6442 or a call to the number 0684-210-952.
  • Disable subscription "Beeline.Music" - SMS with Stop or Stop text to number 6305.
  • Unsubscribe from subscription "Video and 18+" - Call to number 0684-22-087.
  • Delete service "Dating 1 + 1" - ✶ 111 ✶ 4 ✶ 4 ✶ 5 ✶ 2 #.
  • Refuse subscription "Currency Courses" - A call to one of the rooms: 087-953, 087-952 or 0684-22-324.

After you turn off all paid bill subscriptions, maybe you want to protect yourself from the random connection of content services in the future?

Some inexperienced users of mobile devices often think about why it is not a decent amount of anything from the mobile account - it was not enough of the calls, I didn't download anything, and the money was drunk by the river. This problem, first of all, may arise due to connected paid services - sometimes in ignorance, and sometimes just by chance the user agrees with the fact that it is absolutely no need to, thereby activating paid services on the room.

Like other representatives mobile business, Beeline is interested in obtaining the greatest profits, offering services in addition to the standard included in the tariff plan, also paid. And the way out of this situation is only one - to disable many or all the services for which the operator from the Customer's mobile account charges at least considerable money.

We receive information about the service connected to the account

If you do not know, for which specific services the operator charges money from the account, you can get the information you can get enough by sending a command from the device keyboard * 110 * 09 #, and activate the request by the dial button.

A message in which the operator service connected to the device will be spelled out by a small period of time. cellular communication Beeline. In brackets will be presented information on the cost of a specific option and write-off subscription fee per day.

Detailed description of methods for disconnecting paid services Beeline

After viewing the information message about all the services connected to the account, you must select those of them that you do not need, or turn off everything. The easiest and most affordable way is deactivation using USSD commands from the device keyboard:

  • Turning off the option "Hi". At one time it was one of the most sought-after operator options - many are bored with many standard melodies Calls embedded in the phone model, and users replaced them with the melodies offered by Beeline. Cost - 60 rubles monthly, and not everyone will like it, so that for unusual beeps charged this fee. There are several ways to disable: 1) Take advantage of the assistant by making a call at 0770 - to fulfill all voice recommendations; 2) Request deactivation by operator number 0674090770.
  • "Be up to date +". To know who called you when the phone was not nearby, or you were outside the network zone, the operator sends a message to the number of your phone if the conversation was not activated. Disable available: 1) through sending a request for free single number Operator 067409400 - Follow the voice instructions; 2) Through deactivation by the team * 110 * 400 # - Dial.
  • Disable account replenishment by means of the company - Autoplating. It is good when when zeroing the balance always remains the possibility of calls - the account is replenished, and the connection becomes accessible. But this service is paid, for each replenishment, the operator charges 50 rubles fees. For deactivation refer to the request Team * 141 * 10 # - Dial.
  • Turning off the chameleon option. For the activation of a subscription to incoming proposals, an additional fee is charged, the client can sometimes simply not know, and write-off will automatically occur. To turn off, use the command From the device keyboard * 110 * 20 # - Dial.
  • "Antiaon". To deactivate You need to send a command from your device * 110 * 070 # - Dial. After a certain time, "Antiaon" will be disconnected.
  • "Balance on the screen". Turning off this paid service It goes on the * 110 * 900 # command, after sending a request, it will be deactivated on your subscriber number.

Disabling all without exception of paid services - 3 ways

You can use different ways Deactivation of paid content cellular operator Beeline on mobile device:

  1. Customer Support Services 0622 - Follow the voice instructions. But the dial itself is sometimes carried out for a very long time, so you can use in other ways.
  2. Through the assistant number * 111 # - Dial button. From voice aid, choose those options that fit you most.
  3. With your personal account of the Cabinet Cabinet Beeline: Log in by entering password and login. The login is the number mobile device, and you can get a temporary password for the entrance by number * 110 * 9 #-call. A one-time password will be sent in the response message, but the system will request it to change it to a personal code, so immediately moves to the input page of the new password. After successfully log in, find "service management", remove the checkboxes from all paid services, activate the query by clicking on the position "I agree".

That's all manipulations. If we did not tell about the disconnection of some other paid options, it can always be done from the personal page of the Cabinet of the Beeline subscriber.

Beeline regularly develops new options to improve the level of service and creation. additional features Savings, but not always updates are combined with the wishes of users. In addition to adequate proposals, people automatically subscribe to unnecessary entertainment promotions for them, and cash is written off daily. There are several rules that allow you to save finances and establish a ban on the connection of paid services "Beeline".

How to find out which additional services are connected

Sometimes users sign on paid services, but for this they independently do not make any action, the state of the account may unpleasantly disappoint. If you do not check the balance every day, it may be that the monthly amount of the replenishment was enough for 2 weeks.

To find out if any paid options that you did not have ordered, use one of the available methods:

  1. In most cases, the automatic design of new services detects itself fast enough. The phone regularly come notifications, which provide news, entertainment information or advertising. Pay attention to such messages, sometimes they are not free.
  2. If you have noticed that the money goes from the account faster than before, ordering the details of the latest operations. To do this, it is enough to dial the * 110 * 091 # command and click the call button.
  3. If you have a card operator "Beeline", then it means to use personal Area. To do this, go to the official website, register or go to your profile, click on the Control tab. You will find a list of all connected paid functions. Also in the Personal Account there is an opportunity to learn updates tariff plan, last changesrelating to the user. To use the Personal Cabinet option, it is enough to have access to the Internet.
  4. You can quickly learn about the appearance of new features using your mobile application "My Beeline". Download and open the program, go to the "Services" tab and check if it is extra.
  5. Contact service support for "0611". The call is free, you can get through around the clock.

More complex ways

Another simple and free way to learn about the availability of paid options is to use the SIM menu of the phone. If you have Android, find it easy. Enough to enter the main menu and find the required section. For using iPhone You must first go to the phone settings, then click on the appropriate section. Among the main positions will be SMS subscriptions with relevant data.

Go to Beeline's service office, ask an employee to check yourself and, if necessary, disable the options unnecessary to you. Most detailed information You can get if you dial * 110 * 09 # to bring the menu of self-controlling pay options.

How to turn off the chargeable services "Beeline" on your mobile phone

To avoid further spending moneyIt is necessary to urgently disable paid subscriptions when they are detected. There are several ways to quickly deactivate unnecessary options:

  1. Call "0684006". If you scored it correctly, the answering machine will say that all paid subscriptions are disabled.
  2. In most cases, when a new option is connected, the user receives the appropriate notification, which indicates the name and price, as well as the main commands, with which you can control it, for example, how to turn off the paid service on the "bail". Sometimes it is enough to send SMS with a short word "stop" on the number specified in the message to forget about the unnecessary service.
  3. Go to your personal account. Find the "Service Management" tab, look at all the specified options you connected, if necessary, turn off those that are not going to use.
  4. Use mobile application Bilayna. Click the "Your Tariff and Options" tab, deactivate extra services if available.
  5. You can choose in the SIM menu, then disable subscriptions that activated automatically.
  6. Entering * 110 * 09 #, you will get full list Paid subscriptions and the ability to disable any of them.

On the official operator's website there is a mark, how to disable paid services on the "bail" with special teams. If the "Chameleon" service activated, dial * 110 * 20 #. To disable the "Be Add to +" option, use the * 110 * 1062 # command. If you have done all the steps correctly, a notification will be notified with the disconnection of the selected services.

How to establish a ban on the connection of paid services "Beeline"

Beeline allows you to establish a ban on the connection of paid services (any additional features) Without user knowledge. To do this, you need to use one of the following methods.

Black and White Lists

You can take this opportunity absolutely free. The option is designed to protect children from adult content and activation unnecessary services. To connect the service, you need to call the number "0858", then perform actions dictated by the answering machine. If you all step by the instructions provided, sending and accepting messages to short numbers will be impossible, which will automatically establish a ban on the connection of paid services "Beeline".

Separate personal account

Beeline provides the ability to create a separate account from which additional options are paid. If you do not replenish it, no service will be able to activate. To find out the status of the account on this moment, you need to dial * 622 #. To activate a separate personal account, dial * 110 * 5062 # and press the call button. To transfer money to an additional account, just enter the following combination: * 220 * Amount of replenishment #. To take this opportunity to activate the ban on the connection of paid services "Beeline" can be absolutely free.

Using the listed methods, you can check the availability of unnecessary options. Now you know how to independently disable paid services on the "bail" from the phone. Remember that additional options can connect not only at the initiative of the operator, but also due to the activities of fraudsters. To avoid additional payments, follow the security rules when using the Internet, do not go on suspicious links from SMS messages and regularly check the bill in order to take measures described in this article.

Cell Provider Beeline For many years is a leader among cellular companies. During the work, the company gained a large customer database. Great demand for operator services is based on high quality Providing, low cost, a large range of various services.

In addition to additional options, tariffs, clients are available different free and paid services. Particularly large problems for subscribers arise due to paid subscriptions. How to turn off paid services on Beeline - the question is not the easiest. Many benefit, and payment for their work is quite justified.

But it often happens that a whole list of paid options is connected to the account number, which are absolutely not needed and increase the cost of using the phone. Customer can not know for a long time about the presence of subscriptions. Not all people in a timely manner find time to check where the money from the billing account is not performed. necessary control over financial expenses.

If paid services are too expensive, then a significant amount is chosen from the balance, and it is simply impossible to notice this cost payment. But if the sums go from the account minor, they do not pay attention to this.

Time comes, and we notice - money from constant frequency goes from the account, in the absence of calls to other rooms. It says that paid services are somehow connected to the account.