Review of the free version of Word. Solving the problem with installing MS Office Windows 10 does not allow you to install office

Process Windows installations 10 is quite simple, but if problems arise, the question arises - what to do if the operating system is not installed. We will answer you.

Back in 2016, Microsoft gave some of its customers a kind of gift - it allowed users of the seventh and eighth versions to upgrade to the new tenth for free. This exceptional opportunity was received with a bang by the majority. But with the so-called “clean” installation, owners of old Windows keys 10 is not installed. As a result, a certain percentage of the corporation's clients chose to remain on older operating systems. But besides this, there are other reasons why the user cannot work with the “ten”.

Let's immediately highlight a few main reasons, and then talk a little about them in more detail:

  • The computer configuration does not meet the minimum requirements;
  • The system distribution was downloaded from third party resource and has some shortcomings;
  • Incorrect (incorrect) UEFI setup;
  • Problems with hard drive on a PC or with RAM.

It turns out that when problems arise on at least one of these points, the system installation may not proceed correctly or it will simply not start.

Minimum Requirements

As a rule, even old PCs comply with the requirements and this reason is rarely the real one. If your PC has 2 GB random access memory, and you have a dual-core processor with a core frequency greater than 1 GHz, then the problem is 99% not in performance.

However, if the minimum requirements are not met, the computer cannot physically cope with the normal functioning of the new OS. However, those indicated in official sources minimum requirements will allow you to work normally only with some dozens of applications. This is, for example, a calculator, calendar, etc.

Distribution problem

As for installing “dozens” from unofficial distributions, they may contain certain errors or be missing necessary files. It is possible to solve this problem if you acquire an image downloaded for free from the Microsoft website. During installation, the user will be able to postpone the activation period.

Of course, it is better to use only the official build. In this case, you will at least reduce the risk that the problem lies precisely in the fact that you have a broken assembly. To install the official one, use either or other means available to you. You can also if you have a disk drive. The main thing is to use a clean and official build.

Problems with BIOS settings

If you do not install Windows 10 on a new computer, but the image itself was downloaded from official source, then the problems here can only be in the equipment. Sometimes questions arise about BIOS settings. Here you need to set the loading option correctly, and also take care of the availability of installation disk or flash drives.

In general, before switching to an updated operating system, try to diagnose the equipment and eliminate all possible malfunctions.

What to do if the installation has stopped at 99%

All the tips given above will help you even if you are not updating, but trying to install from scratch. The problems here are the same. For example, it reaches 99% and stops. In this case, you just need to wait.

We know from our own experience and the experience of hundreds of our readers that sometimes the OS takes several hours to install and can freeze at 99% for more than 2 hours. Therefore, calmly leave your computer or laptop overnight and if the problem is not solved in the morning, then try changing installation media or the source from which you formed it.

We hope that now you know what to do if the installation has stopped at 99% and what to do if Windows 10 does not install. However, we have only covered the most common problems. If you haven’t found a solution, be sure to write a description, preferably with pictures, in the comments and we will try to help you as a community.

The software package from Microsoft, succinctly called Office, seems to be one of the most popular tools among users for creating documents, tables, presentations, databases and other files that can be used in the process of working in the office. In this regard, it makes sense to figure out how to install Office on Windows 10 for free and discuss the nuances associated with this.

Selecting a package version

The functionality of the programs and the presence of vulnerabilities and errors in them largely depend on the version of the package that you plan to install. It would seem that if you choose the most new package, you can avoid all sorts of problems inherent outdated versions! But it's not that simple. Microsoft is focused primarily on commercial activities, and therefore does not provide the opportunity to use the program completely free of charge.

All the loyalty to users that it was capable of was limited to providing a free trial period, after which you would have to shell out a fairly large amount. At the same time, various other versions have become widespread on the Internet. of this package programs that have been hacked by pirates and are completely free. Of course, the stability of such programs, as well as their reliability, are often questionable, however, this is perhaps the only possible variant

free use of this software. But you shouldn’t do this, because... it is illegal!

Depending on the version of the program, the installation process may vary.

Office installation

  • Installation of this package, despite the impressive size of the copied files, is quite simple and usually takes no more than ten minutes. It is as standardized as possible. The installation process traditionally has several stages:
  • Welcome window, where you should click “Next”;
  • Selecting the file installation path, which can be left standard, or you can register it yourself, and then click “Next”;
  • A window displaying the installation progress (you must wait for it to finish);

Window that completes installation.

It is important to note that the installation process may take different times on computers with different configurations and computing capabilities. In addition, the media used for installation also matters. Working with discs (both CDs and DVDs) takes a little more time than installing ones downloaded to your hard drive. Moreover, if we're talking about oh so called free version

Office (this can only be pirated), you should read the installation instructions included with the program itself. After all, installation may involve copying a special file called a tablet, which allows you to use a paid program for free.

Possible alternatives Despite the fact that there are alternatives to the Microsoft package, they are not popular. Perhaps this is due to poor awareness or an unusual interface. However, they can be quite good in case there is no desire or opportunity to use pirated programs. The highest quality analogues include the Libre Office software packages, as well as Open and WPS Office, which are supplied completely free of charge and do not require a subscription or any other form of payment.

Problems with Microsoft Office when upgrading to Windows 10

Microsoft tries to quickly support all of its products, this also applies to operating system Windows 10. But when Windows update 7 on Windows 10 may experience problems. Let's look at the reasons and solutions in more detail.

After updating the operating system, users often cannot find Microsoft Office on their device, as if the package is not installed. This happens because Windows 10 doesn't have initial setup to pin an Office application to the taskbar and Start menu. To correct such a misunderstanding, you need to search for the package on your device and pin the icon to the taskbar.

There is one more nuance. For a new device, before upgrading to Windows 10, it is recommended that you install Office and only then proceed with the system update process.

After updating the system, you may experience difficulties printing documents from Microsoft Office 2003 . This is due to the fact that after updating the system, it is necessary to partially update the drivers, and, if necessary, install new ones. This is why the system does not see a previously connected printer.

As a result of the update, you may receive a message that Office package is an unlicensed product. To get rid of such a nuisance, you need to carry out a number of manipulations. Check the date and time on your computer with the actual values ​​of the current day; they may be incorrect. Run the program as administrator. Login to your account Microsoft Office for activation. And the last point in this sequence of actions is updating the package.

When activating the product, it is recommended to disable the firewall, antivirus, and proxy server. There are times when Microsoft files Office becomes damaged, then you can restore the program over the network. if you have license key, but there is no installation package, then you can download Office 2003 from the official website and activate it using the key. You must first remove the installed package and be sure to restart the computer.

Sometimes icons Microsoft package Office and the program windows themselves appear too small or large, or blurry. This is due to the lack of support for external monitors on other devices. Microsoft is working to resolve such errors. Improvements for Power Point and Skype are now being released. But the work is not finished yet and troubleshooting continues.

Of course, the problems described above do not always arise after upgrading the operating system to Windows 10, these are only special cases. I hope many users of the Microsoft Office package do not encounter such cases and enjoy working with this software package.

Office- a suite of office applications that has long and firmly gained popularity throughout the world. Its most famous version from Microsoft includes the popular text Word editor , Excel spreadsheet processor, mail program Outlook, a creation tool PowerPoint presentations and other programs. Undoubtedly office software package - The best decision similar kind on the market. And the point is, first of all, that most companies and individuals around the world use it - and this ensures the compatibility of files created, for example, in text editor by different people.

The most significant drawback, in my opinion, office applications from Microsoft - this is that they are paid. I'm not ready to pay more than 5,000 rubles for the last one Office version. And I don’t want to pay less for these programs either! I don't really want to pay nothing for the software giant, it is enough that my computer has a paid Windows 10 OS. Here, of course, we can mention the possibility of using a hacked version of the Office software package, but personally, I have already spoken on this site more than once about my attitude towards piracy. I’m not a saint and I don’t like hacked programs, not only because they are essentially stolen, but also because I can’t be sure of their safety (what hackers stuffed there is known only to them, and I suspect that any antivirus on them swears not because of copyright infringement). In addition, pirated programs, often beautifully advertised as, for example, completely free office and word for windows 10, may turn out to be inoperative at any time, due to the fact that some new update for the same Windows 10 will be able to detect their illegal nature.

Another important reason why I don’t want to use a paid office package Office programs- this is because I am convinced: the future is free software , so-called open source programs source code. I'm sure any paid program has almost completely identical free analogue(and neither Office, nor included in its composition Word not an exception). And only the real victim of advertising or other people’s opinions will buy a paid (and note that it’s not cheap) program when there is an absolutely free substitute for both Office and Word. Besides, it's great compatible with "ten".

So, in fact, I explained to you in some detail my reasoning for why I started looking for free Office (first of all, I needed an analogue of Word) for my Windows 10.

Say that free Office options for Windows 10 I won’t have a great many. Essentially you have to choose from two: OpenOffice and born from it in 2010 Libre Office. In my opinion, best free office suite is Open Office - free package office programs, which is quite a serious competitor to Microsoft Office.

Free Office (Open Office) is perfect for both earlier versions Windows OS and for the “ten”. The license implies that it can be absolutely freely installed both on home computers and on machines in budget and even commercial organizations. And this means that absolutely free Word for Windows 10 still exists. Just one fact speaks volumes: for 8 years now, Open Office, by decision of the Russian Government, has been used in all schools in the country.

The completely free OpenOffice suite of office programs includes applications similar to those from Microsoft Office: Writer is essentially free Word for Windows 10, Calc is almost Excel, Impress is PowerPoint, and so on.

You can read more about the free Apache OpenOffice office suite at Wikipedia. There you will also find a link to the developers’ website, where it is better and download the latest version of free Office for Windows 10 .

P.S.: It turned out that many people have a question about how exactly to download the OpenOffice software package on the official website. It's really not all that simple. I add step by step instructions in the form of a picture.

If in the third step the jump suddenly does not start automatically after 5 seconds for some reason, then press link " direct link" (or " mirror») at the top in the line " Problems with the download? Please use this direct link, or try another mirror" I deliberately do not give those working here these direct links to download OpenOffice, since I have long been convincing all my acquaintances not to trust anyone on the Internet in this matter. You should always download programs only from their official websites. First of all, there will always be latest version, and secondly, under the guise of a direct link, dishonest people can give their own, and add a lot of “interesting” things inside the package with the program.

P.S.2: I'll add one more thing. To ensure maximum compatibility with Microsoft Office, I recommend changing the file type from the default when saving. ODF text document (.odt)" on " Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP (.doc)" or " Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml)" Personally, I find it very annoying to do this manually every time. You can simply forget, and then you won’t know how to open this file in Office from Microsoft. Luckily, this small problem can be solved with just a few clicks. If you change the default file type in the settings, you won’t have to change it every time you save a document.

The algorithm of actions here is as follows:

  1. Select menu " Service».
  2. Then the item “ Options».
  3. In the window that opens, click on the plus sign next to the “”.
  4. Choose " Are common».
  5. Change item " Always save as» to the format you need.
  6. Click " OK».

The default saving format in other Open Office programs changes similarly.

Word 2013- one of Microsoft programs Office designed for creating, viewing and editing text documents. WITH new version programs, new frontiers have opened. This update includes many innovations related to the appearance of the editor, text input, reading, and others. When creating a new document, you can use a template. Microsoft has made it possible to open and edit files PDF format, for which previously it was necessary to install a separate program. Now you can insert various images and video files from the Internet. Download free microsoft Anyone can use Office Word for Windows 10.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Word

Cloud service;
+ insertion of objects;
+ ability to edit PDF files;
+ good design appearance programs;
+ use of templates;
- long program launch.

Key Features

  • resume viewing;
  • inserting images and videos from the Internet;
  • the ability to collapse and expand an inserted object;
  • saving and sharing documents in the cloud;
  • opening and editing PDF files;
  • chat between employees;
  • multiple backups;
  • full integration into Windows;
  • use of templates.
  • automatic update;

*Attention! When downloading the standard installer, you will need a pre-installed archiver, you can