What does the memory ends in the phone drive. Internal phone memory, how to increase phone memory. Clean the device from outdated and unnecessary data.

Modern smartphones and tablets are increasingly equipped with a built-in storage device at 16, 32 or even 64 GB. However, budget models are found with a more modest storage stock - 8 GB and less. The place quickly ends and the question arises - how to clean the internal memory of the phone on android?

Using the built-in device functions

The first method will not require the user to download third-party applications from Play Market., after all android system It has everything you need to analyze and optimize the site used. Thin setting It will not work out, however, in 70% of cases, such a cleaning helps to identify and remove the main "eaters" of memory.

First of all, it is worth cleaning the cache - this action will not affect personal information And will free a couple of hundred megabytes in memory. But before you delete the data - remember:
If you erase the application data, it will be completed from your accounts, and the photos and video stored in the phone memory will disappear. This is especially true for messengers - Viber, WhatsApp and Telegram.
The application itself will not disappear anywhere, so if many unnecessary photos have accumulated in the folders social networks - The data can be boldly to wash.

The procedure can be carried out for several applications, resulting from free from 200 to 600 MB of space.

Full memory cleaning and deleting all files

If the task is not to clear the smartphone from the "garbage", and completely delete data, including photos, music, video and applications - will help another way.

These ways are suitable for freeing memory on LG, LENOVO and devices of most manufacturers.

How to Clean the internal memory Samsung?

For tablets and smartphones Korean giant working under android management 6.0 and newer, the instruction is slightly different. The reason for this is the built-in resource used optimizer created in collaboration with Clean Master.

If you are a happy gadget owner from Samsung, follow these steps:

Clearing memory using third-party programs

Play Market available 2-3 dozen applications designed to optimize the site used. Let's wonder the top three:

Using a memory card for data storage

If the memory card is installed on your device, you can transfer photos, videos and music. To do this, go to the memory section in the smartphone settings (how to do it - shown above), and select Transfer data to the SD card.
You can also move some applications to the memory card. To check whether the application supports such a function - go to the smartphone settings, open the application tab and select the desired one. If the transfer button on the SD card is highlighted and highlighted, the selected program can be removed from the internal storage to the external one.

Tip! Do not forget to do backups Your device data. To make a phone or tablet backup, it is enough to choose a suitable program and.

Other Memory Clearing Methods

If root rights are received on the phone, you can remove unnecessary applications installed at the production stage, and free part of the internal storage. Below is a table comparing three proven utilities for such purposes.

Program Root uninstaller Root app Deleter. Root Cleaner | System Eraser
Price Is free Is free 240 rubles.
Delete system software Yes Yes Yes
Restoring applications Supported Absent Supported
"Freezing" bulky Yes Not Not
Backup.apk on an SD card there is there is there is
Filtering list list Yes Only sorting Yes

Another simple way to optimize the internal storage is to stop keeping it photos and downloaded files from the Internet. The automatic conservation function on the SD card is in most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox., Google Chrome. And Opera.

If you need to clear the phone's memory in a couple of minutes - this article is for you, especially as much as memory would not be in a mobile device - sooner or later it will end and have to get rid of old, unnecessary and simply trash files. Today we will tell you how to clear the phone on Android from the garbage and release as much memory as possible.


Types of memory on Android devices

In modern smartphones and tablets, there are several types of memory, each of which performs its functions:

  1. RAM memory or RAM. RAM is a memory type that ensures that running or already running processes. it buffer memoryenjoyed by any applications as installed and systemic. The data is quickly recorded and deleted. RAM memory is active when constantly connected to a power source. System information about RAM is available in the Task Managers manager - here you can see the amount of dedicated and free memory.
  2. ROM or ROM memory - View of memory that performs your functions constantly. ROM does not assume the presence of a permanent source of energy - the memory is not erased, even if the source is disabled. ROM is in most cases required to store the Android operating platform. Data listed in this memory is difficult to subjected to any changes, in normal conditions, they are read only.
  3. Internal memory - Internal Phone Storage. This type of memory is provided to the owner of the smartphone so that it can store his data. This list includes files, programs, applications, media content, text information and other. Information about the status, extensive and free memory available in the settings menu in the corresponding section.
  4. Foreign memory Micro SD. On flash memory you can record any information, edit or delete separate files. The memory card makes it possible to transfer part of applications from the internal repository to it, released the place for system files. Manufacturers offer large volumes external memory, Up to 128 gigabytes.

The easiest and fastest way to clean the phone's memory

  • First simple way - Go to Gallery -\u003e Albums -\u003e Video or Photo from the Camera (if possible - then sort the files in size / weight), after which - delete the most "heavy" files.
  • Second simple way - Go to Settings -\u003e Storage -\u003e Cleaning and delete all the garbage files that were found on your phone using this feature.

As we have already found out at the beginning of the article - the memory in the phone is different (internal constant, operational and external-connected).

Devices with an operating system android almost constantly use RAM and internal memory. Quickly and just clean it can be like standard meansand resort to the help of third-party software. Device will work much faster if there is enough random access memory And her as much as possible. If the internal memory is almost incomprehensible, then the smartphone will often produce system errors, randomly restart, hang and show low performance.

Users who still do not know how to clean the phone, you need to use the following means:

  1. Its own functionality of the device;
  2. Third-party software intended for a mobile device;
  3. Personal computer;
  4. Online services - cloud storage.

Any of the proposed methods can be considered fast enough, simple and efficient to clean the memory of the Android phone.

How to Clean Internal Memory on Android

To improve the performance of the device, it is necessary to clean not only internal memory, but also RAM.

To check the condition and clean RAM, you need:

  1. Activate system keylocated on the left or right.
  2. View a list of open applications in the window that opens.
  3. View the volume of the filled RAM.
  4. Press the cross on the display and clear RAM, occupied by applications.

The system memory that the operating system uses is cannot be cleaned in this way.

If you understand the wisdom third-party programs There is no desire and opportunity, you can conduct a procedure manually, after which the device will work much faster. To manual cleaning methods:

  1. clearing cache applications and browser;
  2. removing messages;
  3. removing applications that are not used for a long time;
  4. cleaning the phone from files stored on it.

Manual Clearing the Android phone memory takes longer than automatic, but provides comparable results.

Deleting messages is relevant if the device is used for several years, and the amount of text content is calculated by thousands of files. Cleaning the phone from messages is done like this:

  1. Go to the message "Message" from the desktop.
  2. Press your finger one of the messages.
  3. In the menu that opens, activate the "Select All" item.
  4. Activate the "Delete" action.

Deleting applications in Android

Unnecessary applications occupying, you can delete through the menu operating system Or on the desktop, if the device has branded firmware. For this, the application icon is clamped and eliminated from the desktop.

Tip: If the Android is a full-fledged menu, removing from the desktop, the icon will not lead to the liquidation of the application. To delete the program, you need to go to the menu and already clamp the icon and remove it into the basket.

Deleting files in Android

Internal drive can also be cleaned using the embedded file manager - standard programwhich is on any device android. The removal algorithm may differ on devices. different manufacturersBut in general the actions need to perform the same.

On most devices, the algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. Open desktop phone see application icons.
  2. Find the files "Files" and go to it.
  3. In the window that opens, the files will appear, information about the volume of occupied memory.
  4. Select a category.
  5. In the list of files opened, you note those that you want to delete or activate the "Select All" command.
  6. Delete files.

Transfer applications to a memory card, PC or cloud

  • To transfer files to the map you need to resort to the File Explorer application. Just run the application, find files in the phone's memory, mark them and indicate the place of the future location.
  • To transfer files to a PC - just connect the phone to the tools USB cable To the computer and copy the files as from the flash drive.
  • To transfer files to the cloud - set google app Disk, enter data from Google Account (log in), then click on the "Download" key and select those files you want to download to the cloud. After the download is completed in the cloud - you can delete them from a mobile phone.

Clean the memory automatically using android and third-party applications. Deleting cache and garbage in the browser.

The cache in the mobile device is an intermediate buffer containing information to which the user may appeal in the near future. Cache saves time on computing processes, provides fast access and improves productivity. But, if the file cache accumulates, it begins to slow down the system, occupying a lot of space in memory.

Clear cache in the following way:

  1. Open the device settings menu.
  2. Find the "All Applications" section.
  3. Open application manager.
  4. Alternately open each of the programs in the list and activate the Clear Cache key.

Clearing the phone from the garbage accumulated in the browser is performed as follows:

  1. Go to the browser.
  2. Open menu located on the side.
  3. Activate the "Clear Story" command.
  4. Set necessary settings: What to delete and for what period of time.
  5. Activate the "Delete Data" command.

The outer memory also needs to be periodically cleaned. Cleaning can be soft (manual selective deletion of files) or radical (full formatting (deleting all files) from the memory card). Consider every way of more.

Manual deletion of files

The most productive B. manual cleaning It is a rule of deleting the most "heavy" files, as a rule, is video, audio files or high-resolution photos. To remove them, you need to go to the gallery and sort all files in size, after which you remove the most "heavy".

Tip: If in the gallery of your mobile device, you cannot sort files by their size - use the file manager. For example Total Commander.

Formatting the external memory of the device

Files from an external drive can be deleted by performing full formatting.

The formatting process consists of the following steps:

  1. Go to Android settings.
  2. Search and transition to the "Memory" section.
  3. Select the "Disable SD card" command.
  4. Exit the settings.
  5. Go back to the settings.
  6. Find and activate the "Clearing Memory Card" command.

We download applications and files immediately on the memory card from the Internet

Learning to download applications immediately on the memory card can be as follows:

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Open a memory section.
  3. Find a subsection with approximate names: "Basic Memory" or "Demand Memory".
  4. Mark the memory card.

If all actions are correct, all applications will be downloaded to the memory card automatically.

Countless annoying advertising banners, Slow operation of the device is all the signs of the presence of viral programs on the device. You need to remove viruses immediately, since malicious programs besides small delivering serious problems - steal personal information, read the correspondence of users. So that this does not happen, you need to install on your smartphone antivirus program. Any of the famous antiviruses presented on Play Market will suit.

All you need to do is:

  1. Install from Play Market any antivirus.
  2. Launch the application.
  3. Run the system check.
  4. Wait for scanning system.
  5. Delete malicious files if they were found by an antivirus program.

You can also remove viruses from the smartphone manually. Usually, users are resorted to this method when the antivirus scan does not give the desired results.

For sure to get rid of viruses, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the settings section.
  2. Find the Application Manager tab.
  3. Open the list of applications.
  4. Delete applications that have been installed shortly before the problems with the operation of the device began.
  5. Enter the application menu and activate the Delete command.

How to completely clean the phone on android, without the ability to restore personal files

The easiest way to fully clean the memory cannot restore files - reset to factory settings. The internal memory will be cleaned by 100 percent, and the user at the output will receive a pure android.
To reset to factory settings you need:

  • Go to the "Settings" section on the smartphone.
  • Open section "Restore and Reset".
  • Activate the "Restoring Factory Settings" command.

Applications for cleaning the phone memory

From the numerous list of applications for RAM cleaning and ROM, users speak good:

  1. . The application removes from memory unnecessary filesremaining from the work of trash programs, scans the device for malicious files. The program also helps speed up the phone by optimizing already running processes. The work of some applications is optimized to cool the overheat processor.
  2. Mobile Boost. This application is a find for the owners of smartphones, working for quite a while maintaining old version operating system. To start the cleaning process, you only need to enable the application and activate the "Clear" button.
  3. SD MAID. When starting, the program will immediately offer to scan, after which it will give a full memory status report separately for each section. The user can clear everything completely or make a selective deletion by partitions. The program also has a built-in file manager.

In order not to get confused in the device interface, it is recommended to clean the device's memory by simply and understandable software, such as the ES mobile file manager.
The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. Go to Play Market.
  2. Find the application in the search bar.
  3. Download and install ES Explorer on your smartphone.
  4. Start the conductor. The program will analyze the amount of free space, provide a list of files that can be deleted.
  5. Go to the side menu of the program.
  6. Go to the "Local Storage" section.
  7. Activate the "Device" key.
  8. Open a window with folders that are located in the built-in storage. You can check the content of each of the folders and delete unnecessary files.

Similarly, libraries with media content are cleared. To go to the "Libraries" subsection, you need to choose it in side menu programs.
Often, android users cannot see files that occupy a place in internal memory. In this case, you need to activate the "Show hidden files" function in the program.

Most users of mobile devices running with the android operating system may encounter problems that are associated with memory overflow. In order to exit this position, the universal solution does not exist. But to some recommendations it is better to listen.

The article is devoted to the issue how to free the memory of the mobile apparatus android. First you need to get acquainted with its views. This will make it possible to deal with a problem in a global scale. It is worth noting the following types of RAM:

Ram, RandomaccessMemory or RAM;
ROM, readonlymemory or ROM;
Internal Internal Storage Drive;
MicroSD / Microsdhc or ExternalStorage.

Ram, RandomaccessMemory or RAM

This RAM is used to record the operating system and the software of all necessary data. Thanks to this, applications are started and functioning without failures. It is worth noting that when disabling or rebooting the device, it is cleared for a fairly short period, RAM needs constant nutrition. As you know, the more the volumes of RAM, RandomaccessMemory or RAM, the more applications are started simultaneously on the mobile device. In addition, it can be determined by its size, resources which capacity is able to run on your device without problems.

If the amount of RAM is filled with, an error occurs when the new application is started. The user will receive a notice that there is not enough space for playback. Thanks to the rapid development of technologies, today exist android version 2.2 and higher. In such devices, the operating system independently determines what it is necessary to remove, as well as which applications must be closed to be vacated in place.

Currently, most flagship devices are equipped with a memory with a volume of 1 gigabytes, and even 2 gigabytes. That is why the problem with its overflow occurs more and less. Concerning inexpensive phones, tablets and smartphones, they have a volume of 512-768 MB. In this case, the issue of liberation of RAM is still relevant.

Rom, ReadonlyMemory or ROM

RAM is used exclusively for reading. It stores the data that was recorded at the manufacturer's factory. They cannot be changed. The only option is to flash the device or reinstall the operating system. The ROM consists of several sections that are intended to perform all sorts of internal functions.

Interal Storage

Represents an internal drive. It stores all the information that is introduced by the owner of the device. The internal drive is an analogue of the hard drives used in the computer. When recording all kinds of applications and data, the free stage of RAM is reduced. To free it, it is enough to get rid of the excess material that is not used. The remaining volume to record data can be seen in the device settings. Therefore, frequently free of operational memory space is directly related to the cleaning of the internal drive.

MicroSD / Microsdhc or ExternalStorage Memory Card

It is a removable memory. Its volumes depend on the card used. True, it is worth considering the presence of the necessary spot in the device, as well as whether the device is supported. MicroSD / Microsdhc or ExternalStorage can be compared with external hard diskwhich is used by the computer. The phone settings will provide all the necessary information about the amount of free space. It is convenient to store the multimedia materials on such a map to which music, images, video relate. Versions Android 2.2 and above allow you to transfer all data to the card. As a result, the place is exempt on internal accumulator. When removing the map it is desirable to first unmount it.

Liberation of internal memory on android smartphones

Most users seek to establish more on their own device various applications, modify the programs. As a result, the gadget will definitely notify it that the system is filled. To clean it, you need to download an additional utility or use the settings of the mobile apparatus.

Thus, the user will necessarily find out that the memory on its device is overflowing. When downloading the next application, the system will give the appropriate message to the screen. To make the opportunity to save the material, you can remove unnecessary objects. As a result, the place is released for the desired application. As a rule, large volumes occupy various updates coming by GooglePlay. A certain part of the programs can be moved to the map when using Link2SD.

You can access InternalStorage if you have root rights. It also contributes to effective cleansing. It is also necessary to get rid of temporary files having an extension.rm. They are saved in the DatalocalMP folder and have a property to constantly accumulate and clog the system.

Selection of events

All of the above actions provide temporary cleaning of the gadget memory. Is there a solid method to free the internal drive on the phone? In the process of installing programs on a tablet or smartphone, working with the Android operating system, a file has an extension .Dex in the Datadalvik-Cache directory.

Sometimes it happens that some system applications They do not have. At first glance, a rather strange phenomenon when the program exists, but does not take place at all. However, this is quite explained. The fact is, simultaneously with these files, the device memory contains files with the same name, but having an extension .odex. They can be saved, only then do not need to leave files .Dex. It is recommended to download an additional application. An example of him can serve Luckypatcher.

After that, it is worth starting certain actions that will help find an answer to the question of how to unload the internal memory on the versions of Android 2.3.6 and above:

1. To begin with, check which amount is occupied by the application. To do this, use the "Properties" menu.
2. LuckyPatcher starts, after which the desired application is selected from the list.
3. It is necessary to click on his icon and clamp, withstanding the pause. As a result, the context menu will pop up on the screen.
4. It is required to choose the first two points. The program will independently create the necessary ODEX files.
5. Dex deleted from the Datadalvik-Cache folder.

After fulfilling all these actions, the application will work perfectly and not create problems by occupying 0 MB. In the same way, you can free up memory for other system applications.

To clear the memory from user applications, you must use a little different method. You need to select the application, go to his folder on the memory card. As a result, you can see free space. For example, an unoccupied space remains 1.56 MB, and the Dex file covers 1.68 MB. Thus, you can transfer the desired application to the system directory. Then the actions described above are performed.

You can also simply select a different application, and it is left alone. When the object moves to user memory and an ODEX file is created, and after the dex file is deleted, it is observed good quality The functioning of the device. It will be perfectly cope with the assigned tasks, open the necessary applications and use them without failures. If you transfer the object to the flash media, the ODEX file is deleted, and the program itself stops working. As a result, it will be necessary to install it again or fulfill full sweeping Dalvik-Cache.

It is necessary to consider that not every utility is capable of working without dex files. It is typical for games or DEX applications to 1.5 megabytes. This method Relevant solely for those applications that dex files weigh less than there is a place in memory. Thus, actions that allow to get answered the question of how to free the internal memory on the device Android, do not represent difficulties, fulfill them easy.

We use smartphones every day and over time the internal memory ends, burn new files becomes impossible. In such situations, as well as prophylaxis, it is necessary to clean the internal and RAM. You can make it possible to the OS of the smartphone itself, using special programsOr connecting the mobile device to the computer. Consider the main ways to free up the memory on android.

With the active operation of the mobile phone, it is necessary to clean the internal memory from time to time. Even without recording new data on the smartphone, the place in the domestic drive is clogged with caches of applications, browsers and other garbage. This leads to the fact that the phone cannot be installed a new game from the playmarket or download your favorite movie to view. In addition, the scored memory can cause brackets and glitches of the system. So how to clean the internal memory? Consider the main ways using PC and without it.

Saving Files to MicroSD Map

Before cleaning the free place of the internal drive on a tablet or smartphone, it is necessary to prevent its further loading. To do this will be needed in the settings. next applications Set saving created files On the memory card:

  • Camera.
  • Dictaphone.
  • Internet browsers.
  • Various applications in which are created, edited and saved data.
  • Mobile messengers in which Multimedia files are exchanged (Skype, Viber, etc.).
  • Loaders of music, pictures, films, torrents.
  • GPS cards, navigators.

Now the created files will be automatically saved on the microSD map, thereby scoring the internal memory of your phone.

Move to MicroSD card without PC

To move files without a computer, you will need the installed conductor - File Manager. In some models of smartphones and Android tablets, it is installed as standard software, but in most cases it needs to be downloaded separately. One of the most functional and convenient file managers, which can be downloaded for free from the playmarket, is the ES Explore Utility. Its important advantage is to choose and set an action immediately for several folders or files.

To move files in the conductor, it is necessary to highlight them with a long press. Note that to select multiple documents it is required to put ticks opposite their name. After selecting files, you must click on the "More" tab, and select "Move B" in it. Next, you need to select the path to the SD card, create or use a predetermined directory on it.

Move from android using computer

In order to transfer files from the internal memory of the mobile phone on the SD card or on any other external storageTake advantage of the computer. This will require:

  • Smartphone or android tablet itself.
  • Computer with Windows or Mac OC.
  • USB cable.
  • Drivers of your mobile device and other softwareinstalled on PC.

By connecting the mobile phone to the computer, you need to select the data transmission mode. After that, the internal memory and SD card files will be displayed as a separate partition on the PC. They can be moved, delete or copy the same way as any other files on the computer, freeing the place on the internal drive of the mobile phone.

If you are uncomfortable all the time connect the phone to the PC when uSB help cable can be used free service Airdroid. It allows you to connect Android to the computer as remotely and being in the same wireless network Wi-Fi. At the same time, the user also gets access to files stored in the internal memory of the mobile phone. It will take only the free access of both devices to the Internet and any browser through which the telephone files will be implemented with PC.
You can get acquainted with the configuration of the AirDroid service and its main opportunities can be via the video presented below.

Transferring applications to microSD card

Many probably noticed that applications and games for Android are mostly installed in the internal memory. To put them on the MircOSD card may be needed. rOOT rights Access. Once they are received, you need to put the link2SD utility. With it, you can transfer to the memory card also preset applications and games. But it is worth noting that this can affect their work, as well as the stability of the operating system as a whole.

Some applications and games can be transferred to microSd map And without administrator rights. To do this, download the Android Assistant utility from the playmarket. It includes 18 tools to manage Android OS. After it starts, you need to go to the "Toolbox" tab, and select the item "App2SD" in it. In the application list that opens, you can select several to move them at once. Thus, you can clear the internal memory of the Android without deleting the files.

Deleting files and cleaning from garbage

You can delete applications from the phone drive directly from the settings menu. This requires you to select the appropriate item, and after switching to the properties of the selected program. To delete other files, you will need a file manager. In it, you can open any directory of the internal memory of the mobile phone and delete the documents manually.

Cleaning the phone from the garbage: the cache of Internet browsers, applications, registry files is the disposal of unnecessary data. For this, special utilities are used, for example, Clean Master. The advantage of this program is the maximum simplicity and ease of use. To clean, just click on the appropriate button in the menu. At the same time, the utility scan all memory for garbage and will provide cleaning results on the screen.

Using cloud storage

AND last methodwhich will free the place in the domestic drive of your mobile phone is to use cloud storage. With a stable connection to the Internet, you can safely store files to: Yandex Disc, Google Drive, [email protected], etc. The advantages of this method include the possibility of accessing information from different devices and the reliability of file storage.

We free the operational memory

The RAM plays a crucial role in the multitasking of a smartphone or tablet, the ability to open several browser Internet pages at once, etc. Background processes, installation of programs, as well as additional widgets load RAM. As a result, even the most advanced models of smartphones face a lack of RAM and reboot. Consider several ways to clean RAM, which will help the phone to work more efficiently.

Using OS.

Most manufacturers provide their phones with a special utility that allows you to clear RAM. It can be called differently, but most often: Clean or cleaning. It is enough to click on it and the utility will automatically unload unnecessary programs and widgets from the RAM.

Via application manager

Busy RAM

To do this, you will need to enter the menu system settings Mobile phone Next, go to "Appendix" and select "Working". This tab displays information about which programs and processes are open and operate in this momentAnd also how much RAM they consume. Before close everything, you need to see what you can delete from the list background processesso that the system fails does not occur. In most cases, desktop services, various launchers, etc. Do not touch.

Use of special utilities

The easiest and most reliable method of cleaning RAM is the use of special utilities. One of these we have already considered higher, this application is Clean Master. After running it, you can choose not only cleaning internal memory, but also operational. To do this, click on the corresponding icon on the main screen, and after clicking on the item "Accelerate". This will reflect information on the number of freed RAM.

One of the weak points of the Android OS is considered to be systemic memory, especially if specifications Devices exclude the possibility of adding it. The situation is also complicated by the fact that all sorts of installation modules and files accumulate over time, which significantly affects the speed of the gadget. Therefore, many users begin to wonder - how to release system Memory On android?

Know several effective wayswhich will be discussed in this guide.

Modern phones (tablets) have systemic (built-in) memory and additional maps Memory. And, if (if there is nothing valuable on it), then everything is more complicated with system memory.

Cleaning through the built-in conductor

Memory is overflowing? You can use a special conductor, which is in the device itself (in different devices the name may vary):

Open utility, choose a category in need of cleaning. These can be applications or documents, archives or images, videos or music. Upstairs to find a pencil image (editing) and click on it:

The contents of the selected category folder appears in the window that opens, we mark unnecessary files. Remove them by clicking on the icon with a basket:

Cleaning with Clean Master

The following method is to use the "Clean Master" utility, which is considered one of the most sought-after, significantly accelerating work mobile devices. Applications running on the device not only the memory of "eat", but also the battery charge. The new Task Killer implemented in the program will be able to complete the work of unwanted applications, which will free up the essential amount of memory and increase the speed of the device. The rights of the "superuser" will not be needed, but if they are, Task Killer will function better.

The algorithm of work is quite simple:

Run Clean Master - the window with two circles is broken, where the larger characterizes the system memory, and the smaller - operational:

Select "Memory" (maybe "device" or somehow different) - the scanning process starts. As a result of the check, it becomes clear what exactly will help free the memory.

A table opens where you need to select those files that you can delete or squeeze, confirm their deletion by clicking on "Save":

The cleaning process can take some time, after which the message "Library released" will pop up.

Cleaning using the task manager

You can clear the memory using the built-in task manager:

  • Go to the "Settings" menu.
  • Select the submenu "Applications".
  • Clear memory by selecting a utility (one or more applications) and clicking "Delete".

Transferring applications on an SD card

There are situations when the memory disappeared somewhere, although the user did not have time to install anything. This can be explained:

  • the presence of viruses - you will have to run extraordinary (thorough) check with one of the many antiviruses;
  • updating previously installed programs that occupy more and more free space.

If the problem with viruses disappears, then you need to configure the storage (android memory). Simply put, any application can be transferred to the memory card. The main thing is to perform the following steps:

  • Log in to the Settings menu.
  • Click on the program (icon), which should be moved.
  • To transfer it to the memory card by selecting the appropriate button.

Unfortunately, this method is suitable only for those programs that are not systemic.

Saving data on external carrier

Among installed applications Surely there are those that save the data obtained from the network in the device. The easiest example is the readers and online players. To prevent the internal memory of the phone (tablet), you must configure them in such a way that all data is written to an external card.

Using cloud services

The modern user has no reason to keep on Android informationwhich may never be useful. Need to be left in memory only what is important in currently. All other data can be safely unloaded into the cloudy repository, where they will wait for their own hours.

As can be seen from our material, it is completely advisable to optimize his "Andryukh". Well, for clarity of the procedure - video