File with svg extension than to open. Technical information about SVG files. How to work with SVG. What you need to know in theory

Very few users come across files that have the .svg extension, and in most cases, not only some, but almost all users delete such files, as they say, indiscriminately, without thinking at all about which program the SVG file was originally associated with. Now we will talk about exactly how you can open a file for editing and in general, whether it is worth doing it.

.svg extension: how to open it?

First, let's look at the simplest concepts. For an uninitiated user, the question of how to open an SVG file may remain incomprehensible. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that initially files of this type are intended for processing graphics with a change in raster or vector mode. If the end user is, as they say, a layman in this matter, then there is nothing to explain to him.

For the rest of the audience, we note that the problem itself, than opening the SVG format, in most cases, is only related to choosing the appropriate application, installed by default or similar to it.


As is known, the most in a simple way opening a file of any type is a double click in the usual "Explorer". Wherein operating system(in this case, Windows) itself determines which tool from its set will be used to open a file of a given type. At the same time, the SVG file is, in fact, universal.

Essentially, any program that supports the Scalable Vector Graphics standard, where the abbreviation actually came from, can work with it without problems. Basically the same Adobe Illustrator or package latest version or similar software packages capable of handling this type of file. At installed apps there shouldn't be any problems.

But if you use some simple utility like the usual "Microsoft" Paint, Paint .NET or editors that are part of the main Microsoft package Office of any version and year of release, there is nothing special to count on here. Although they can work with such data, they are not always the best editing utilities. The SVG file may not be recognized by them.

At best, you can simply view the image, change its position on the sheet, “edit” colors or saturation a little, but otherwise everything will remain as it was (or even worse). Let's try to look at how to open an SVG file in terms of editing using related programs and applications.

SVG Data Processing Tools

Surprising as it may sound, the .svg extension itself is considered to have no associated program ownership, although it is considered a scalable graphics format. How to open the SVG file doesn't really matter. Basically, with enough installed programs and applications, the operating system itself will offer to choose the most suitable application (any Adobe package, variations of Paint, Corel, etc.).

Here, by the way, we should not forget that the same problem related to how and with what to open an SVG file has reverse side medals. The fact is that files of this type can contain HTML or XML markup. So you will have to edit such data with the help of specialized utilities.


In general, if we evaluate this issue, so to speak, on a global level, it can be noted that the discovery of SVG does not go beyond generally accepted concepts.

And this is understandable, because the format itself and its accompanying extension refer to graphics, which means that both the opening for viewing and the possibility of editing are provided initially, and regardless of the presence of special editors, and even more so, operating systems.

In general, we can only advise the installation of universal clients such as ACDSee or something similar, which are able not only to recognize the SVG file at the initial level (initialization, association with applications, viewers, etc.), but also work with it in full mode editing, the use of which can even change the very structure of the desired file. In this sense, it can support any internal external changes, even regarding paraphernalia.

Not all users have dealt with files that have the .svg extension. In many cases, almost all of them delete such files indiscriminately, without thinking about what program the SVG file was associated with in the first place.

The article will discuss exactly what tools allow you to open a file in order to edit it, and in general, whether it is necessary to do this.

How to open a file with the extension .svg?

First we need the simplest notation. An inexperienced user may not understand the question of how to open an SVG file. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that initially files of this type are necessary for processing graphics with a change in raster or vector mode. In the case when the end user is a complete layman in such a matter, he has nothing to explain. As for the rest of the audience, it should be noted that the problem itself, than opening the SVG format, is largely related solely to the choice of the required application, which is installed by default or another similar to it.

How to open SVG files by default?

It is worth noting that the most simple method opening a file various types is to double-click in the usual "Explorer". It is worth noting that in this case the operating system independently determines which tool from its set is used to open a file of a given type. SVG file, in fact, is universal. In fact, every program that supports the Scalable Vector Graphics standard, from which the acronym comes from, is able to function with it without any problems. It is worth noting that the same Adobe Illustrator or the latest version of the Corel Draw package or similar software packages can process files of this type.

If the appropriate applications are installed, problems usually do not occur. In the case when a simpler program is used, for example, the usual "Microsoft" Paint, Paint .NET or editor, which are part of the main package Microsoft Office of any version and year of release, you should not count on something supernatural. Of course, they are able to work with such data, but they do not always act as the best utilities for editing. The SVG file may not be recognized by them.

One way or another, you can simply view the picture, change its location on the sheet, slightly “edit” the colors or saturation. As for the rest, it will remain as it was, and sometimes even worse. Thus, you need to look at how you can open an SVG file in the edit area using related programs and applications.

SVG Data Processing Tools

It may seem surprising, but the .svg extension is considered to have no ownership in the associated program's plan. However, it is a scalable graphics format. It's worth noting that it doesn't really matter how you open the SVG file. If there are a sufficient number of installed programs and applications, the operating system itself offers to select the appropriate application. You should also not forget that a similar problem, which is related to how and with what to open an SVG file, can be considered from the other side. After all, files of this type are capable of containing HTML or XML markup. Thus, it is necessary to edit such data with the help of specialized programs.

One way or another, when evaluating the issue that is considered in this article, in the so-called global plan, it is worth noting that opening SVG files does not go beyond the concepts generally accepted among users. And this is not surprising, since the format itself, as well as the extension accompanying it, are related to graphics. This means that the opening for viewing, and the possibility of editing are provided from the very beginning. Moreover, it does not depend on the availability of special editors, as well as operating systems.

The only thing that can be advised is to install universal clients such as ACDSee or something similar, which can both recognize an SVG file at an initial level, and work with it in full editing mode. Its use can even change the structure of the desired file. In this regard, the SVG-format file can support any internal external changes, even those that relate to attributes.

In the presented article, the question of what SVG files are. The main aspects of such a problem are considered and ways to solve it are proposed. This information can help many users who are interested in this issue.

SVG file opens special programs. To open given format, download one of the suggested programs.

How to open SVG file

SVG is graphic format, which displays vector images two-dimensional type. The format is also an extension of the XML markup language and is actively used to create the visual part of websites and applications.

Where SVG Meets

SVG supports the option of interactivity and object animation. Using the extension together with , you can create interactive maps for users of sites and applications. SVG is often an integral part of electronic infographics. The user can interact with the elements of the image, perceiving information faster.
SVG is open format, which can be edited by third parties. Editing a file is possible through the use of basic markup techniques. Format features:

  • Ability to compress data;
  • Scaling an SVG does not affect how it displays in any way;
  • CSS compatible;
  • Use of complex graphic structures.

How to open SVG

Graphic editors are the main and most common type of software for working with the SVG extension. Also, format display is supported by most browsers, so to view it, it is enough to open the file in any installed browser or text editor.

To change the contents of a document, use one of the following programs:

  • Inkscape (works with all desktop OSes)

Format conversion

The SVG extension can be converted to PNG, JPEG, GIF, PDF and other formats. Thus, the file can be opened in conventional image viewers without using vector graphics software. You can convert a document using the resource.

A 2D vector graphics form created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C); Developed as a standard format for displaying vector graphics on the web. Describes images with text format based on .

The SVG format is an open standard developed under the leadership of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and has been led by Adobe. SVG images can be created and exported from Adobe Creative Suite programs such as Illustrator and GoLive.

This article will focus on the SVG graphic format. We will find out what kind of technology it is, find out what are the advantages and disadvantages. This format is considered relatively old, however, its popularity is still great to this day. What are the reasons for such popularity? How is SVG different from other graphics technologies? Let's try to answer these questions.

What is SVG?

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a vector graphics format. This technology will allow you to create images that can later be scaled without losing the quality of graphics. Looking ahead, it can be noted that SVG files do not require much storage space, and the possibilities of this format are impressive.

In most cases, this graphic format is used when creating adaptive sites and some kind of animations. Let's look at a few examples of using the SVG format:

  • logos;
  • background for the site;
  • buttons;
  • maps, diagrams.

Pros of using SVG

So let's take a look at some great reasons to use the SVG graphic format in your web projects.

1. As already mentioned, SVG is a vector graphics format, it is good to use it when creating responsive sites. Graphical elements of such sites should be displayed without distortion at any screen resolution.

2. This format has a small "weight" due to the ability to good compression. This is very important, as any site should ideally load quickly.

3. Ease of use - the format allows you to set necessary settings colors, shadows, blurs and other design effects.

4. The SVG format is supported by all modern browsers. This is very important, because any modern site should display equally well on any browsers.

5. To work with SVG files, it is enough to use any accessible editor text, which allows you to achieve some degree of freedom in action. You can work as you like, depending on the specific tasks, as well as on the degree of competence in this area.

Cons of using SVG

Are there any downsides to SVG? They are practically non-existent, but they are still there. So, this format is not supported by outdated browsers such as Internet Explorer 8. In addition, it should be noted that SVG cannot be used in photographs, it is used exclusively for making all kinds of lines and shapes.

Instead of a conclusion

As can be seen from all of the above, the SVG vector graphics format has many advantages, it has practically no disadvantages. So why not use SVG on your sites? This graphics format is very popular, its popularity is growing every day, it is increasingly used in creating web projects.


SVG Vector Image File Format

SVG files are XML-based 2D vector images. SVG format specifications are open to third party access. They were developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The SVG format supports interactivity and animation, and allows users to search, index, and compress images. Though text editors can open, create and edit SVG files due to the fact that they are XML files, most popular programs to create such files are graphic editor. Most web browsers support displaying SVG files to some extent. Moreover, SVG files allow lossless data compression. They can contain raster, vector images, as well as text. In 2001, with the advent of version 1.1, the SVG Mobile format was released, which allowed users to mobile devices open and view SVG files.

Technical information about SVG files

The SVG format defines the use of vector graphics for online use using the XML format. Scaling and resizing does not affect the image quality. All parts and sections of SVG files can be animated. W3C standards (including DOM and XSL) are included in the SVG format as recommended by the W3C. Unlike bitmaps vector drawings (particularly SVG files) are composed of fixed shape sets, allowing them to be enlarged and scaled without loss of quality. SVG files allow complex graphic elements; they are also compatible with css styles, which provides more high level post editing.

More information about the SVG format

File extension .svg
File category
Sample File (858.15 KiB)
Related programs Adobe Photoshop
apple preview
Corel Paint Shop Pro
Corel SVG Viewer