It is not released on the disk with. Clean the C disk from unnecessary files and release the place. Deleting temporary files in the browser

Almost every adult man uses the Windows system, and it is not rarely faced with the fact that there is little space on the disk with or there is no place at all. In the article, I will tell you the main reasons and options how to clear the place on the S. disc

Temporary files, basket and other system trash

First of all, we use the built-in WINDOVS function cleaning garbage. For this click right-click Mouse on the C drive, select Properties.

Select Disk Cleaning

In the window you will have the ability to choose categories to remove garbage. You can put the ticks for everything. Your personal files are affected will not. Click OK.

You can also take advantage additional feature Clear system files. The program scans the computer will reveal the system trash and offer to remove.

User files on disk with

The user most often does not suspect that personal files occupy a lot of space. This is not necessarily family photos, video and documents. These may be files downloaded from the Internet or other irrelevant data: movies, pictures, music and other files.

Most often, the user trash is located in the Desktop folder, "Downloads", "My Documents" in Windows 7, 8, 10 is located in the following paths:

  • C: \\ Users \\ user_name \\ downloads or C: \\ Users \\ user_name \\ Download
  • C: \\ Users \\ User_Name \\ Desktop or C: \\ Users \\ user_name \\ desktop
  • C: \\ Users \\ user_name \\ Documents or C: \\ Users \\ user_name \\ Documents

Instead of user_name and username you will have your user name. Come on each of these folders and remove not files.

Unnecessary software on the system disk

Over the years of programs on the computer is becoming more and more, and the user doesn't even notice this until once shows the message "not enough space on windows disk" The following question pops up in the message in the user's head: "How to make a disk space with Windows?"

Now I will show how to make a place in Windows 7, 8, 10, deleting unnecessary programs. Open, click on Programs and components or Removing the program. Select an unnecessary program and click Delete, waiting for the end of the process. And so with each program.

Windows backups

If you have a disk space disk, make sure that the Windows backup process is not launched in the operating system. It can be like a built-in program and third-party, for example, from a laptop or computer manufacturer. The built-in program only works in manual modeand you would know what we created backup file. For backup.

But third-party backup Programs, as a rule, work on the created schedule. That is, if the settings set to create a backup copy once a week, then less than for the year C drive can overflow. Disconnect the automatically configured backup, find and remove the backup image.

Control point of recovery

Perhaps you have a feature of creating tests for recovery on your computer. The thing is undoubtedly useful, but it is better to see how much memory is allocated to this procedure. To do this, open the conductor, in the left column with the right mouse button on the left This computer (), choose Properties.

Choose System protection.

We look, is it included on the function. If yes, click configure

In this window you see how much space is used now and how much is allocated to maximum use. If a used now Many space, click the Delete button to delete all points of restoring this disk. To reduce the maximum memory usage, pull out the left slider, 5 GB will be enough to create checkpoints. Click OK.

There is another program that I wrote a separate article -, she knows how to clean the place on the disk with, I recommend reading. Using it, you can delete the entire system trash and the program, but delete user files will have to be manually as described above.

Now you know how to free the place if the disk is crowded and clean your computer from unnecessary garbage.

The best "thank you" - your repost

In our age - the age of tremendous hard disks The volume of 1-1,5-2 terabytes, despite the huge disk spaces, some problems remain the same. The space on the system disk as before it ended, and now little has changed.

There is a huge variety of specialized programs designed to help the user in this difficult, it would seem task, however, most of them are paid. We in this article will consider the methods of freeing disk space manually and with free software and utilities.

Then I will tell you how especially freeing the place on the system (and not only) disk as soon as possibleBut first you need to get acquainted with the basic methods of disc cleaning FROM: (What is a C :? drive).

Where is the free space on the disk C :?

In addition to the fact that the disk space ends through the efforts of the user itself, actively using its data warehouse and the efforts of various programs and the operating system itself.

In the first case, these are numerous films and music stored on the desktop (after all we are talking About system disk C:And not about others, and by default, all the contents of the desktop are stored on the system disk). If you have several disks, no matter physical or logical, then you can copy all the contents of the desktop to one of these discs, depending on which space is more. If you only have a disk C:This is, unfortunately, it is unavailable.

In the second case, these are temporary program files that create these most temporary files to store some data required throughout the program operation time before it is closed. In the process of closing the program, these very files should be removed, but it does not always happen, and they have the usual to accumulate indefinitely. Internet temporary files if you use internet Browser Explorer, also tend to collect. Of course, to release disk space, you can delete unused programs and games, but today we will consider how to do without sacrifices, namely ...

How to release a place on a disk C: without deleting the programs available there?

First, we will conduct a small preparation that will be required to us for a more successful and effective disposal of temporary files. For the purity of the experiment, we will spit out how much the place was on the author's hard disk of this article and will monitor these values \u200b\u200bafter each disc cleanliness stage.

1. Go to the folder My computer and select the menu there Service\u003e Folder Properties.

2. Go to the tab View And in the window Extra options Choose Show hidden files and folders. It will be necessary for us to clear temporary files From our profile. By default, these things from users are hidden, but we will not suit us. Press OK To save the settings. For windows users Vista / 7 - you to get into this window, you need to go to Start\u003e Control Panelchoose in column View Small badges and double-click on the icon Folders settings.

3. Now click Start, I find the command there (in Windows Vista / 7 are not displayed by default - see) and type (or copy it from here) command% UserProfile% and press the button OK.. In the window that opens, go to the folder Local Settings\u003e Temp (Owners of Windows Vista / 7/8 - you need to go to APPDATA\u003e LOCAL\u003e TEMP).

4. Click Ctrl + A. And then the key combination SHIFT + DELETE. (delete files, bypassing the basket) and click Yes.

All these files can be safely removed, because Since they fell into this folder, they cannot represent any value. However, in the removal process, such a situation will necessarily arise:

Here is responsible Yes for all

And then such:

Here click OK, then press the key Ctrl And click the left mouse button on the file with the name specified on the message to remove the selection from it. After that, again SHIFT + DELETE. And let's go further until everything is removed that it is possible to remove.

Why did such a situation arise? The fact is that we delete files from the current profile, so there are files that are used by the operating system and programs in this moment. Naturally, Windows will not let you delete them so as not to cause the collapse of the system. Nevertheless, the rest must be removed.

Like this folder look like Temp. After global cleaning:

That's how much space was released on the disk FROM:

This computer is being subjected to such a cleaning regularly, so in your case the result may be much more tangible. The author once freed thus 20 (!) Gigabyte disk space and this is only deleting the contents of the TEMP folder. True, it was someone else's computer.

Go to the next stage. Go to the folder My computerdisk FROM:, Folder Windows and in it folder Temp.. If a message will occur during this long path:

Boldly choose Display the contents of this folder And go on.

In fact, this folder Temp. It is left as part of the operating system only for compatibility with old programs, so it will most likely be almost empty. But the chicken in the grain is peeling, so we will clean everything that is only possible, and as a result it turns out well. We do with this folder exactly all, too, as with the previous same name. Namely Ctrl + A. and SHIFT + DELETE..

In this case, about three megabytes were freed, so it was possible to look at how the disk space of the test disk changed until there was no point in.

Clear internet temporary files. This method works if you use Internet Explorer.. Although, in other browsers everything is removed about the same. Go to B. Start\u003e (Setup\u003e) Control Panel and twice click on the icon Properties of the Observer.

Press the button Delete.

I put the flags in this way and click Delete. And then OK After completing the removal. We look at how the indicators of free disk space changed:

On this computer, Internet Explorer is almost not used, so in your case the effect may be much tangible.

Now click right-click Basket and choose Empty trash. This is done just in case, never something flew into the basket. You do not keep in Basket The most necessary files, though? Just as do not store products in the garbage bucket.

Further we will use the program Dupkiller. - This program will help us get rid of duplicate. The program is absolutely free. You can download it either from our site (download dupkiller) or last version From the manufacturer of Dupkiller. There is a suspicion that in the near future it will become a full-fledged paid commercial product, but until it happened (the program is in stage beta.) - We use!

Move the virtual memory from the system disk C: to another disk

This method will suit those who have on the computer in addition to the system disk C: There are other logical disks, for example, D:, E: etc. Naturally, we are talking exclusively about hard disksboth physical and logical. Cardriders, DVD drives, flash drives and other benefits of civilization, naturally, do not fit. And the places on these disks should be at least 5-6GB.

To do this, in any version of Windows, go to the control panel and open the properties of the system. This is done as follows:

We go B. Start and choose Control Panel (Small refinement for the happy owners of computers working under windows control 8 - you to go to the control panel you need to put the mouse cursor in the right upper or lower corner of the screen, choose Settings and Control Panel).

In the window that opens, choose Small badges or Large icons (1), depending on the sharpness of your vision and twice we click on the icon System (2).

In the window that opens, click Additional system parameters.

In the window that appears, click the button Parameters.

Select the tab Additionally and press the button Change.

In the next window, you will need to do exactly the following things:

Remove check box Automatically select the size of the paging file (1), Choose disk C: (2)put the radio button Without paging file (3)be sure to press the button Set (4). At the same time, Windows will definitely go to our actions and say that it is not good. But we are not afraid of difficulties and continue our mournful work and transfer virtual memory to disk D: (or any other, what you have - at what space is more).

In principle, if you have 16 gigabytes random access memory or more, then you can skip the next item, click OK, I agree and restart the computer - this is also the increase in productivity. If less than 8 GB, it is better not to experiment and go to the next step.

Now we must place the paging file on the disk D: or any friend, you choose. I have only C: and D:, so consider in this example. Select disc D: (1), then choose Size by selecting system (2), Press Set (3) and button OK.

Now you press everywhere OKand to the question about rebooting the computer answer Yes. If Windows for some reason does not ask you to restart the computer, you still do this in order to make changes to the change.

Install the Dupkiller program

Select the installation language.

We accept Conditions License Agreement.

It should not be changed here, so click Further.

Installation progress window.

Press Ready.

Now we need to go to Start\u003e (All) Programs\u003e Dupkiller\u003e Dupkiller. When starting, the Council flies. If necessary, take a daw Show tips when starting. Press Close.

This is how the main program window looks like. You have enough to choose a disk C: - I have no duplicate on it, so for greater clarity I chose all the discs. There, my duplicates are definitely there, because Especially important information I duplicate on different disks (I have a physically 3 of them).

Menu Files and Folders - Select All files.

Menu Exceptions. You can leave as it is in order for you to be clear, according to which principle the selection program produces. After analyzing the results of the selection, it is possible to add exceptions and scan disc again.

Menu Search settings - We leave everything as it is.

Menu Other settings - We leave everything as it is.

Menu Removal - You can leave everything as it is, you can choose to immediately delete files, if you are not afraid to accidentally delete something important. For the first time it is better to leave the option with Basket.

Press the button Scan And wait ...

That's how much space is done by duplicates on all discs.

But now the routine begins - we put the flag on the files that we do not need exactly in the form of duplicates. Keep in mind that the daw should be affixed only on one copy of the duplicate, otherwise the likelihood is high, and the original file and its duplicate will be deleted. It is indisputable that in this case the places will be released even more (smile), but we agreed with you to do without the victims.

I want to draw your attention yet at what moment, which will greatly facilitate your life - if in the Dupkiller list you see duplicate folders, then this routine can be simplified - go through the conductor to the desired folder And delete it manually. It will be much faster than to lift thousands of check box.

WARNING FOR Windows VISTA / 7/8 users:

During the Dupkiller program, you can see such a picture:

Remember - the files for such paths are not duplicates. These are the so-called symbolic links. The file is physically on the disk located one, and the link to it can lead from different places. Remember it! For simplicity, it is possible to focus on what - if in one of the three tract the folder appears ProgramData. - This suggests that everything else is links.

Well, the last stage in our epic - disk defragmentation. The defragmentation program optimizes the location of the files on the disk (after our actions there is, on what to work, believe the word) and compresses files that have not been used for a long time, which also releases additional disk space.

To start it, you must right-click on the disk FROM:, go to the tab Service And click the button Perform defragmentation.

In the window that opens, click - Defragmentation And go smoking, eat, for bread, etc., as this process is quite long. It is recommended once every 3-6 months, depending on how actively the computer is used.

In principle, during defragmentation, even, you can try something to do something, however, the computer will work very well at the same time.

Emergency cleaning (space release) disk C:

As I promised at the beginning of the article - I bring the method of emergency release of disk space from the category "When completely close".

You can buy new hDD (You can external) and reset part of the information on it, but not always there is time, the opportunity, the money is finally.

In this case comes to help Disk compression. If you go to My computerRight-click on the disk FROM: (Yes, and in any other than a flash drive and a drive) and choose Propertiesyou will see the checkbox Compress the disk to save space. After its prostanna and click on the OK button or Apply The window will occur:

Here you need to choose To: \\ and to all subfolders and files and press OK. The procedure will take from 10 minutes to half an hour and frees a certain amount of disk space.

As a reverse side of the medal in this case, you will notice that the speed of the computer has decreased. This is because on a compressed disk, the operating system when opening a file should unpack it, after which there is already certain actions. Here this very "unpacking" goes processor performance and machine time. Therefore, if you even had to squeeze system Disk - Try as quickly as possible to find the ability to open it back to return to the computer for the previous speed.

Owners of computers with Windows Vista / 7/8.

Data location in computer user profiles folders, with installed Windows Vista / 7/8 operating systems differ from similar in Windows XP. Here we will briefly consider the main differences:

Folder Documents and settings Now called the folder Users (Users);
- Folder Local Settings Now is in the folder APPDATA and called Local - There you can find a thick folder Temp. and clean.

I also recommend to use a program that is called CCleaner. The program is good, the only thing that she does not know how to do is brush the profiles of other users on the computer. Those. All temporal files that have accumulated in the active profile folders it will remove, and all the others or manually or under each go and run CCleaner.

In this article we will look at various methods Cleaning the disk and exemptions on it places in any operating system Windows XP, 7, 8.1, 10.

1. Where there is a place on the disk

During the operation of the computer, system updates, installation of programs, visits to sites and other actions on the disk accumulates unnecessary fileswhich are often called garbage or trash. In addition, we often download some files, and then, when they are no longer needed, forget about them.

Unnecessary files not only occupy a disk space, but also reduce system performance. The disk longer searches for the necessary files, and some of them can occupy a place in RAM and use processor resources. In addition, viruses are often loved in temporary files.

For stable, fast and reliable operation of the computer, you must contain a disc into clean and order. Now the problem of lack of space is also relevant sSD diskswhose volume is very limited.

In this article we will try to comprehensively solve the problem of lack of disk space. To achieve high results, we recommend reading the article fully and fulfill all the tips in the order in which they are set out.

2. Removing unnecessary programs and games

First of all, delete all the programs and games already unnecessary to you. This not only free on the disk, but also will speed up the operation of the system.

Click the "Win + R" key, enter "appwiz.cpl" and press "ENTER" or use the "Delete Program" shortcut from the "" section.

In the window that opens, carefully browse the list of programs installed on you, games and delete all that you are unlikely to use in the near future.

To delete a given program, click on it right-click and select "Delete".

Do not delete that the purpose of which you do not understand or if you are not sure.

After that, manually find and delete folders with the save remote games, as they can take a lot of space. Where are the preservation of a particular game easy to find out with the search on the Internet.

Many online Games Also retain their distributions (installation packages) during updates that are no longer needed, but at the same time occupy a lot of space. For example, the Mail.Ru gaming center saves the distributions in the "Distrib" folder, and the World of Tanks game is in the UPDATES subfolder. Files in such folders can occupy tens of gigabytes and can be safely removed.

3. Search and delete unnecessary files

It often happens that some old unnecessary files occupy a lot of space on the disk, but we forgot about them and do not know where they are. In order to find them, we recommend using the Treesize Free utility, which you can download in the "" section.

After starting, the program scan your disk will determine the size of the files, folders and sort them into size.

So it will be possible to easily define in which folder are the files that occupy the most space. Delete all the files you no longer need. If you think that some of them can need you, write them down on the disk. Selecting a disk for scanning (C, D, etc.) is made in the "SCAN" menu.

4. Transferring File and User Folders

If you have a second disk or section (for example, a Disk "D"), then first move all the files from the desktop and the user folders of the "My Documents" type, "My Music", "My Videos", etc. . Since all of them are physically located on the "C" disk.

Move files can be manually by creating a folder in advance on another disk or section. But it is more correct to change the location of the user folders tools by the operating system. Then all the new files that you or any programs will save on the desktop and in the user folders will automatically fall to another disk section, without causing overflow system partition.

4.1. Transferring user folders in Windows 7, 8.1, 10

Go to the "C: \\ Users \\ Name" folder.

Right-click on the My Documents folder and go to the Location tab.

Replace the drive letter to the one you want to move the folder (for example, "D") and click "OK".

Agree with the moves of files, and then repeat all the actions for the "Desktop" folder and other user folders.

4.2. Transferring user folders to Windows XP

In Windows XP, there is no automatic displacement function of the user folders and we will use the special utility "XP Tweaker", which you can download "".

Install the utility and run it. Then in the left pane, select the "Windows XP" section and go to the "System Folders" tab.

Choose the "My Documents" folder with the mouse, change the drive letter to the one where you want to move the folder (for example, "D") and click the Edit button.

Perform the same steps for folders "My Pictures", "My Music", "Desktop".

After that, go to the "C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Name" folder.

And manually move the folders "My Documents" and "Desktop" to the new Location "D: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Name".

5. Windows cleaning tools

In all windows versions There is a disk cleaning function. Using it, you can clear any section of the disk (C, D, etc.), but it is most effective for cleaning the system partition ("C" disk), since most of the time files are stored.

Click on the "C" disk with the right mouse button and select "Properties".

Click the "Disk Cleaning" button.

Click the "Clear System Files" button (in Windows 7, 8.1, 10).

Put all the checkboxes and you will see how much space will be released when deleting temporary files.

The volume of temporary files can reach 5-10 GB. Click the "OK" button and all temporary files are deleted.

6. Delete Hibernation File

Hibernation file (Hiberfil.sys), the size of which can be close to the volume of RAM, is on the "C" disk and is used for sleep mode. If you do not use this mode, and each time you turn on and turn off the computer in conventional methodThis file can be painlessly removed, as it takes a lot of space.

Delete manually This file system will not give, but even if you do this using a special utility to delete files, the system will create it again. Therefore, to correctly delete the hibernation file, you need to disable sleep mode.

Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator and run the following command:

PowerCfg -h off.

After that, the system itself will delete this file and will no longer create it.

If you do not know how to work with the command line or do not want to bother, you can download the command file "Deleting the Hibernation File" in the "" section.

You will only need to click on it with the right mouse button and run on behalf of the administrator (except Windows XP).

7. Disable or resizing a paging file

Podchock file (PageFile.sys), the size of which can be one and a half times the volume of RAM is located on the "C" disk and is used by many programs to compensate for the lack of RAM.

With a sufficiently large amount of RAM and a small disk "C" (for example, SSD), many enthusiasts advise to disconnect the paging file.

In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab and in the "Speed" section, click the "Parameters" button.

In the speed parameters, go to the "Advanced" tab and click the Edit button.

Remove the checkbox "Automatically choose the volume of the paging file", set the checkbox "without paging file" and click OK.

After rebooting the computer, the paging file will be removed and a lot of space will be released on the "C" disk.

But keep in mind that the operation of the system is tightly tied to the paging file, and some programs may not have enough 8 GB of RAM. Therefore, the errors of memory lack may begin to appear.

You can try to completely disable the paging file, if you have 16 GB and more RAM, but still I would not recommend that.

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8. Disable system recovery

Recovery service makes backups system files And keeps them in a special hidden folder that can take a lot of space on the disk. In this case, the built-in recovery tool is not always correct, and in the folder with backups like to hide viruses.

Click the "Win + R" key, enter "sysdm.cpl" and press "ENTER" or use the "System Properties" shortcut from the "" section.

In the window that opens, go to the "System Protection" tab, select the "C" disk and click the "Configure" button.

Install the Chekbox "Disable System Protection" and click OK.

After that, all backup copies of system files are deleted and an additional place will be released on the disk. In this way, 5-10 GB of valuable space can be released on the "C" disk.

9. Turning off the basket

You can turn off the basket on the "C" disk so that it does not occupy the place on it. To do this, right-click on the basket icon and select "Properties".

Set the "C" option "Destroy the files immediately after deleting" and click OK.

After that, if you delete large files from folders with distributions of games or any other, they will not fall into the basket and will not take place on the "C" disk.

10. Clearing backup repository

To clean the storage backups system files in Windows 8, 8.1, 10 recommend command line On behalf of the administrator, execute the following command.

Dism.exe / Online / CleanUp-Image / StartComponentCleanup

To this end, you can also download the command file "Clearing Storage Storage" in the "" section and execute it on behalf of the administrator.

11. Deleting temporary folders

You can painlessly delete temporary folders left after installing some drivers and programs:

C: \\ AMD C: \\ ATI C: \\ CONFIG.MSI C: \\ Intel C: \\ Msocache C: \\ NVIDIA C: \\ SWSetup

12. Automatic cleaning and acceleration of disk operation

To automatically clean the disk from temporary files exist special utilities. One of the best I recommend is.

It can be configured to clean temporary files with each computer loading, which will allow you to maintain a free space on the "C" disk, and will also give some additional protection, since temporary folders are a favorite place of viruses.

But it is necessary to make it a competent setting, otherwise this utility will cleanse you not what you need, but what you need to remove. Since the settings of the utility are quite extensive and it has many additional useful featuresI decided to tell about it separately in the next article.

13. Links

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HDD Western Digital. Caviar Blue WD10EZex 1 TB

Almost every PC user is sooner or later encountered with such a situation when on a C disk (namely it is commonly used for physical location The operating system) ends the place and the system writes "not enough space on disk with" in the window on the taskbar. Here there are several questions at once: why ended the place and what to do?

If we talk about the first question, the answer is simple: most often disk space is filled with temporary files. For this reason, I always recommend highlighting more space for a disk where the operating system will be. For example, 100 GB will be abused even if various programs will be located on the same disk. But if you are a lover powerful gamesThe places should be at least several times more, as today games can take 15-20 GB of free space, and this oh as a lot. To the extreme case, install the games to another hard drive.

The answer to the second question is also simple - you need to clean the place. I will show you how it can be done by deleting unnecessary files.

Cleaning cache browsers

Yes, it is browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox., Opera and Internet Explorer) usually save such a number of files that are surprised, and why are they, actually needed? Whatever it was, they need to get rid of once and for all.

Clear browser cache is very easy. Here, for example, instructions for or. In the extreme case, use the program called CCleaner - about how to use it, I wrote in one of.

Windows temporary files

Yes, there are also temporary files in the Windows operating system, which are automatically deleted, but this operation is done not as often as we wanted it. Therefore, we can independently help Windows get rid of unnecessary files.

If you use Windows 7 or Vista, then you need to clear the contents of the folders located at the following addresses:

  • \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ TEMP
  • \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Temporary Internet Files
  • \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ History

In case you use Windows XP, the folder location will be somewhat different:

  • \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Local Settings \\ temp
  • \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Local Settings \\ Temporary Internet Files
  • \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Local Settings \\ History

Also do not forget that folders can be hidden from prying eyeSo they need to be made visible.

Files can be deleted as in the usual way (allocate files and delete) and using the file manager. The last to use is much more convenient, besides, he knows how to delete files that can not be removed in the usual way.

Loading files

Through absolutely any browser you can download any other file to the computer. By default, the place where it will be stored is on the C drive. As a rule, most users do not even think about it and as a result, a huge number of downloaded files accumulate on the disk.

What to do? To do this, change the place to store downloaded files. I'll show you on the example of Mozilla Firefox: Ideas in the settings and changing the path to save the files on your own, roughly as shown in the screenshot:

Do not forget to do the same, if you use it.

Unnecessary programs

Users that use the PC is not the first and not even for the second year, know that it is originally a great desire to install something on a computer, for example, a program for the operational shift of wallpaper on the desktop. However, most often the use of the program remains unclaimed, and it takes place, and sometimes quite considerable. Therefore, we go to the control panel, select programs that we do not use and remove them. True, it is necessary to delete programs carefully, since another utility is stopped due to the remote component, which is connected with it. Be extremely attentive!


Surprisingly, but the fact! Several extra gigabytes (!) Can "eat" transition to sleep mode! Unfortunately, the system in this case is imperfect, so you can help her become a little better. To do this, go to the power settings through the control panel and disconnect the PC translation into sleep mode.

Clean the basket

Most often, I delete files by pressing the Shift + Delete buttons, however, the main majority of the old-fashioned users prefers to use the basket. And correctly does because in this case restore remote files You can only only one click. But do not forget that the files are in the basket occupy a considerable place on the disk, so you need to get rid of them.

Unusually large files

Some programs have a property in the directory where they are located, save a huge number of files and not delete them at all. Such work is "famous", for example, some antiviruses, as a result of which the size of the folder can reach several gigabytes. Detect such folders the easiest way through file managerwhich shows their size.

Change the size of the paging file

In system properties you can also change the size of the paging file used to operate the system. It should be noted that the decrease in the size of this file can negatively affect the operation of the operating system as a whole. However, this will allow you to save a few extra gigabytes.

Windows update files

For older operating systems Windows is relevant for unused folders left after updating the system. As a rule, their name begins with the letter "$", so such folders can be safely removed. Just be careful that you would not delete anything important.

Finally, I can not help but notice that almost no one removes temporary files now. And this makes sense because third-party programs Can do it for you. For example, it is not necessary to go far - take the same CCleaner. However, taste and color, as they say ...

There will be questions on the topic of the article, contact.

Ugly picture? It came to the point that the free meta on the disk (c) he left 2 GB of 58 GB. Removed everything that can, the rest was transferred to the disk (D). It helped for a short time, the next day again such a picture. Steel to deal with him. By old memory, I immediately installed on its computer "Free Disk Analyzer". The program is simple in the settings, the interface in Russian, free. FREE DISK Analyzer quickly made an analysis of all disks on the computer. And issued such a picture.

Now you need to click on the driver you need and FREE DISK Analyzer will already show how much and what folder takes place.

It turned out that the "System Volume Information" folder occupied half of the disk space. It is clear that the increase in the volume of the folder, led to the decrease in the volume of the disk (C). In general, where did this System Volume Information folder come from and what is contained in it?

We all want to take care of protecting your OS, except for the installation of antiviruses set up and restore the system. Details about recovery (rollback) Systems read in my article. When installing some programs and delete them, when installing Microsoft updates, we create system recovery points.

How much can they be created? And here it all depends on user settings. Default when you put new systemYou have a 3% disk space for recovery. 3% is a bit, therefore, the recovery points are not allowed. It's a shame, and suddenly some kind of problem, so I want the recovery points to be preserved longer. So I gave my core-friendly to restore the system of as much as 55%.

Each recovery point fixes the state of the system at a certain point. All this data remains on a hard disk, thereby filling out a considerable place and all this information is stored in the System Volume Information folder. Somehow I had to read other people's very increasing tips how to clear this folder. But with a computer friend, I did easier - entered the system recovery and deleted all the created recovery points.

To do this, we just had to click the "Delete" button. Then moved the slider, exhibiting a value of 5%.

In an empty string that opened the window, you can enter any word in Russian or lynica, or a number. I clicked here "create".

After completing the recovery point manually. Opened a computer.