There is no sound on the computer what to do. No sound on your computer - what to do? Incorrect connection or installation of the device

The most frequent cause of the lack of sound is to turn it off or setting the minimum volume. If an audio is not played on the computer, hover over the speaker icon to the tray (right corner of the taskbar). The current volume will be specified on the pop-up tip. In the case when the sound is not played in a separate application, check its settings. If in the settings it is enabled, the audio playback in a specific program may be limited in a mixer. To check, click the speaker icon right-click And select "Open Volume Mixer". There you can turn on the sound and adjust the volume level for each program running on the computer.

Check the volume on the playback devices themselves: headphones or speakers. When using columns, also make sure that they are connected to the power supply, and the power button is in active position. Check speakers or headphones are quite easy. To do this, it is enough to connect to the audio output any other device instead of a computer: smartphone, player.

Important! Also check the speaker settings. To do this, go to the "Playback Devices" and in context menu Columns or headphones click "Properties".

Incorrect operation of audio drivers

Another common reason why the computer may not be sound, is the absence or damage to audio drivers. To reveal this problem, make the cursor on the audio icon in the tray. If the inscription "output audio device is not installed" appears, the problems are caused by the sound drivers.

To eliminate these difficulties, click on the same icon with the right mouse button and in the context menu, select "Detect problems with sound".

As a result, the search and troubleshooting window opens. Wait until the audio diagnosis is performed on your computer. Depending on the speed of the device, the process can take from a few seconds to a pair of minutes. If the definition of the cause of the fault is stopped in one place, click "Cancel".

When the diagnosis of sound will be executed, the system will offer you a choice on which of the devices you want to eliminate problems. In this case, it is necessary to note the device used on the basis of not from its type, but from the arrangement of the audio input. For example, if your speakers are connected via audio input on the front panel of the computer, check the second item, despite the fact that headphones are indicated.

When hardware fault, the result of the diagnostics will be the following window. It may indicate damage to the columns or headphones, but most often the cause of the work of the sound devices is the gap or damage to the connecting cables.

In the last step of the diagnostic of the audio, the result of its execution will be displayed. If problems are eliminated, close the troubleshooting tool. In the event that the diagnostics did not help, click "View additional features" You can also familiarize yourself with reference information About the causes of faults by clicking on the "View Additional Information" link.

Incorrect connection or installation of the device

Sound may not work due to improper connection or installation of audio devices. To troubleshoot this problem, check if the input is correct to connect the device with a computer. Columns or headphones can be connected to the microphone input, which is why they will not work.

Go to "Control Panel -\u003e Device Manager" and check the status in the "Sound, Gaming and Video Defense" menu. If the title is displayed on the name, the yellow mark with an exclamation mark is displayed, the cause of the problems is the wrong installation or failure of the device

Note! If the sound equipment is not displayed at all in the Manager, update the configuration in the Actions menu.

Click on the sound hardware right-click and select "Properties", then go to the Driver tab in the window that opens. To update the configuration, click the "Update" button. Here you can delete the driver for its subsequent reinstall.

In the next step, select where you want to search for sound drivers. Two options are offered: automatic searchwhich includes a search on a computer and on the Internet, as well as a simple search for drivers. It is recommended to choose the first option for detecting drivers.

Important! If the sound card is outdated and its driver is on separate diskPrerequish it to your computer.

Scanning will take about 20-30 seconds, after which a message appears in the search window. A message about the successful installation of new audio drivers. If the device has already installed the driver of the latest from available versions, the configuration will not be updated.

In the case when the driver update did not bring desired result And the device still does not work, it is recommended to remove it from the system. To do this, click on the name right-click and select "Delete". Confirm the deletion in the dialog box by clicking OK.

After that, in the "Action" menu, you need to update the list of equipment. A selection of devices connected to the computer will be performed. If a the desired device Not displayed after search, restart the dispatcher.

When the speakers are found, the installation will automatically begin. This process may take a few minutes. At the end, a message appears that the speakers are successfully connected and ready to work.

Damage to connecting cables

Standard 3.5 mm connectors may fail as a result mechanical damage. Typically, the breakdown occurs at the base of the connector - in a connection site with an audio cable. The gap can also be on the cord itself. The cause of damage is most often the relocation of furniture (feet of the table, wheelchair). Also, the cable can blame pets. Diagnose the breakdown can be visually either by connecting another cable to the speakers.

Physical breakdown of sound equipment

The sound on the computer may be absent and in case of failure of columns or headphones that you use. It is not difficult to determine this - enough to connect another sound device In addition, audio entrance. If it works, the reason is in broken speakers, and not in the settings of the computer.

Disabled Windows Audio

Another common cause of the lack of sound is to disable Windows Audio. This background process Responsible for the processing of audio data and is always run on the computer always running. But when making changes in the parameters of the system, incorrect windows settings Audio. Also, the service can be disabled with malicious programs.

Good hour!

Folk wisdom: We often begin to appreciate the most banal things when they lose them ...

That's how it is with the sound while he is on the computer - he does not give proper meaning, but when there is no sound - then it is a tragedy, for no longer see a movie, nor listen to music! In general, this may occur for a variety of reasons: for example, after reinstalling Windows, speakers change, driver updates, etc.

Actually, in this article I want to bring all the most common causes of the lack of sound, to each of them I will give a decision, screenshots (what to do and where to press ✔). In the overwhelming majority of cases, the sound can be restored on its own without resorting to the help of the master (Thanks to which, save a penny!).

And so, we will turn right away ...


If you have a PC too quiet sound (i.e. he is, just weak!) - I recommend first to get acquainted with this article:

All causes of the lack of sound are shown in the author's order, depending on their "popularity".


There is a special master in Windows that can eliminate many reasons that are out of order. Therefore, before dealing with yourself with a problem - I recommend to start it at least once.

To do this, simply right-click on sound icon in tray - And select "". Next, start the wizard - just follow his instructions.

A few words about audio connectors ...

Start searching for the absence of sound on a computer I would recommend with checking audio connectors (especially if you just bought a new PC, changed the columns, disassembled system unit Or something else did something with the device).

In general, usually, there are three audio connector on classic system units:

  1. log in (in) - It is marked with blue. Used to connect a device that can transmit sound to a computer: TV tuner, player, etc.;
  2. exit (Out) - usually green. Serves to output sound, speakers, headphones, etc are connected to it;
  3. microphone (pink or red). I think there is nothing to comment here ...

Also also add that the connectors may be 6 (four-channel sound operation)! In this case, the subwoofer is connected to the orange port.

So, often many users in a rush connect columns to that connector. Of course, if it is so there will be no sound! In addition, I led photos (see above), on which the connectors are well allocated, but this is not all PC (Well, if there is a bare engraving).

As for laptops (and indeed, more new equipment): Please note that the headset connectors have now become increasingly. They are distinguished by the fact that the columns (headphones) and the microphone are connected to one input.

Net members are marked. Icon (headphones with a microphone, see the photo below).

I note that if you connect ordinary headphones (or columns) to the headset - the sound is played, most likely will not be *!

If you have a similar connector, then the exits here are two:

  • either use specials. Headphones (supporting a headlock connector);
  • or purchase specials. Adapter (sold in all computer stores).

To help!

What if you have only one headphone and microphone entrance -

Incorrect sound settings in Windows

I can say from my experience that it is one of the most frequent reasons (Along with the previous one)which disappears the sound in Windows. As it were trite and there was no, but start restoring the computer's performance - I recommend with checking the volume settings.

1) First, pay attention to the tray: next to the clock is shown sound icon (example -). If you click on it, you can find out the volume level (and whether the sound is turned off at all!). Check this moment.

By the way, the good indicator will be that when the volume is added above ~ 50% - you will hear the characteristic hissing in columns or headphones. (Example below in the screenshot).

2) Second, check the settings in mixer Volume In Windows. This is a special such thing that allows you to adjust the sound in different applications: For example, you can donate completely sound in the browser, and the sound in the audio player raise at full volume! In some cases - without him nowhere ...

To open it - use the volume icon in the tray: just click on it right mouse button, and then select in the menu that opens.

3) Incorrectly selected sound device default. This is a very frequent cause of the lack of sound, it occurs, usually, after reinstalling Windows (after its recovery), after changing or connecting additional speakers, headphones. The fact is that Windows sends the sound to certain devicewhich is specified in the settings.

If not the device is specified - That sound you will not hear, because His simply will not be submitted to him (explained Svabrabo, but I think it is clear).

To make sure and check if the device is chosen correctly - go to and open the tab " Sound" (Pre-open the "Equipment and Sound" section, see Screen below).

Next Please note: you have in the tab " Reproduction "There may be several audio devices. If you do not know what to choose - try it alternately each of them (It is advisable to turn on the playback of some melodies).

Wiring and plugs

This is a real beach of many headphones and columns (especially Chinese, where very thin wires are used, which are rushing from any "breeze" 😡).

In any case, make sure that you have everything in order with the speakers: the LED is lit, when the volume is added - they start slightly hissing (I observed this effect with almost all speakers / speakers).

By the way, for the recheck - speakers can also be connected to another computer (laptop, TV).

Problem with Audio Driver

Drivers - everything head ✌! Without a correct driver, no device will not work normally.

If you do not have an audio driver in the system (or he began to conflict, was removed or damaged) - then the computer will have a "dumb". To check the driver's operation - you need to go in Device Manager .

IN Just!

Please note that the audio driver settings can also turn off the sound! The example is presented in the screenshot below. To find your sound driver settings - go to panel windows management (in the "Equipment and Sound" section) or take advantage icon in tray .

Windows Audio service does not work

There are dozens of all kinds of services in Windows: among them there is one that is responsible for the sound - it is called Windows Audio. In general, usually, it is included (Disabled may turn out in cases of any failures, viral infection PC, if someone attended to joke on you, and when installing all sorts of Windows builds).

To check if it is enabled, click the button combination Win + R. and enter services.msc. , click ENTER (Example on the screen below).

  • the service should work ( condition: Perfect, see screen below);
  • the start type should stand on " automatically"If this is not the case - correct the settings, save them, and restart the computer (laptop).

Verification of Windows Audio / Clickable

Codecs are not installed

In certain cases, guilty of no sound - may be codecs. Especially, I recommend paying attention to it if you disappear an image or sound when playing multimedia files (music, movies, rollers, etc.).

It often happens that when watching a video: Either there is a sound, but no video (just a black screen), or there is a picture (video), but there is no sound (the second option, however, meets less often).

Sound is disabled in BIOS / UEFI

Note. BIOS - a set of firmware that allows Windows to interact with iron.

IN bIOS settings (or his newer uEFI versions) You can turn off the job sound card (Of course, then there will be no sound on the PC). In general, usually, in the default BIOS - it is turned on, and it can be turned off at extremely rare cases:

  • when you accidentally turned it off with an inactive BIOS configuration;
  • when specifying some default settings (In some versions of the BIOS there are specials. Modes that allow you to squeeze the maximum performance - when they are turned off, it is possible to disable additional devices);
  • system failure ...

To not repeat, I will give a couple of articles here:

  1. How to enter BIOS -. This is the first thing to be done before changing the BIOS settings.
  2. Keys to enter the BIOS (Big Table) -

BIOS you need to find additional settings : something like Advanced, Audio, Device, etc.. You can just go through all tabs alternately, looking into each, but without changing anything.

The ultimate goal is to find a string in which the audio (i.e. sound card) is turned on. It is called differently (depending on bIOS version), eg, HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO, HD Audio Controller, etc.

Important So that in front of the rows with the audio controller stood the mode:

  • Enabled. - i.e. Included, then the sound card works;
  • AUTO. - So the card will be run automatically, in auto mode.

If the sound card is in disabled mode - it is turned off and inactive.

The sound card is enabled in the BIOS (Enabled!)


After you change the parameter, do not forget before rebooting the PC - save the settings in the BIOS. Usually can be done using the button F10 (Save and Exit - save and exit).

The virus has changed the volume settings

"Viruses can all" - say novice users!

In fact, not everything, but much. Disable the sound (or spoil it) - they can exactly. For example, driving files can spoil, because of which the conflict will occur and the sound will stop working (also viruses can spoil the audio and video codecs, as a result, the video will stop playing in normal mode).


Windows restoration

In some cases - you can try to restore sound using the tool windows restoration (if you have control points). This will help if:

  • you had a sound a couple of days ago, and then you set some kind of program, and he disappeared;
  • updated the drivers, reboot the PC and the sound did not become;
  • subjected to infection of viruses;
  • by chance something deleted or changed some settings in Windows, etc.

Those. Take advantage of recovery makes sense if you have a software error!

Actions in order:

Breakdown sound card

Generally, the sound card is a fairly reliable device. (by and large). At the very least, they are out of order much less often than video cards (if you do not take unsuccessful models and Chinese low-quality instances in statistics).

The sound card comes into disrete most often due to:

  • lightning strike (although it is afraid of this, only the people of the older generation are afraid, but this is so. Especially if your network is not grounded);
  • welding: If your neighbor welder and often welds something, then you are not very lucky ... The fact is that there are sharp races of electricity during welding - it is very detrimental to the technique. Council Easy: Purchase normal quality UPS (+ network filterTo once and forever remove jumps on the net).
  • low quality power supply.

How to find out what the sound card burned out:

  • if it burned in you - you will most likely feel the smell of Gary, a small "smoke" is possible;
  • try to open the BIOS - if it is not defined there (and you do not see its name) - then it is a bad feature, and it indicates, usually, that the sound card is not connected, or faulty;
  • you can also use - if the dispatcher does not see the sound card completely, it means there is a high probability that the map is faulty. It is reliable to confirm / disprove it - can in the service center (or if you connect the card to another PC).

Simple and rapid decision

It should notice that now there is inexpensive external audio cards connected to the USB port. They look like a flash drive, and some of them are comparable (or very few more). Such a sound card without problems can be connected to any computer and laptop and get qualitative sound (Many of them give the sound better than the built-in sound card).

Additions in the comments - are welcome ...

The article will be complemented as you solve various problems with sound.

The reason for the loss of sound can be covered in both software and hardware. If the problem is in the hardware, it means that some component has failed.

If the reason for the loss of sound lies in software, respectively, something needs to be corrected either in the system or in separate programs.

If you have a bad thing about it with the software part, then whatever your components were not qualitative, there will be no sound. Many also ask questions on the type of type why the sound in the headphones on the computer does not work. Causes and solutions for both columns and headphones are almost the same.

First check

Before carrying a computer to repair, you need to check the cause of the breakdown. If it is software, it can, in principle, solve it yourself.

Volume control

Volume control can be both software and hardware. The program is located in the lower right corner of the screen. If you want the sound to be, then the image of the dynamics should not be crossed out, and the slider stand is not at the very bottom. How should not be you can see in the picture below.

The sound can be turned off not only in the system, but on the speakers. There is a lot of models that have a sound adjustment slider (both on the headphones for a computer). You can see such a slider in the picture below.

Solving problem trite simple. You just need to wind the sound both on the speakers and in Windows XP, or other operating systems.

Physical connection of audio output devices

The sound may be due to the fact that the columns, or headphones, are not connected to the network or computer. Check whether the plug is inserted into the audio output of the personal computer, and the plug from the speakers in the outlet.

If the listed tips not helped above, and in 90% of cases they help, we advise you to test the performance of speakers with other laptops or computers. If it is not possible to reproduce something that is not possible through them, it means that the columns are time or in the landfill or to repair. Here you already decide.

Setting up audiorameters

The Windows 7 user can get into the audio parameter settings in several ways, but the easiest we describe below.

  1. go to the "Start";
  2. select "Settings";
  3. go to the "Control Panel";
  4. select the "Sound" tab.

After you do the above, the window appears on the screen containing a list of audio devices. In the photo, only one device is displayed below, in your case there may be several.

If the device works correctly, then you will understand this on a green tick and the inscription "works" near her. Otherwise, you need to reinstall the device drivers

For Windows XP user, the procedure for action:

If everything is right in the above settings, everyone did according to the instructions, but the sound did not appear, it means that we read the article on.

Does Windows Audio launched

To find windows service Audio is quite difficult even for windows users 8.

Go through the sections in this order:

If you have everything as in the photo above, that is, the service "works" and be in the "Auto" mode, but the sound does not work anyway, it means that there is no problem. If something is wrong, it means you need to turn it on. To do this, click on Windows Audio right-click, and click "Properties".

There are sets such:

Setting in bios.

If you have tried all the above listed, but never found out because of what sound disappeared, it is likely the problem lies in the BIOS settings, that is somehow the soundboard operation was turned off directly in the motherboard settings. What to do next? It is all written below.

Video: Sound on the computer

To begin with this BIOS you need to go. This is done like this:

Problem in the speakers

If all of the above did not help, then the problem is 100% not software, that is, or the speakers or the sound fee broken. Check whether they are included. In most cases, an indicator showing that the columns are on.

As mentioned above, try connecting columns to another computer. If the sound playback is happening, then the column broke.

Sound Driver

Absence sound Driver Also a frequent reason for the loss of sound on the computer.

In order to check the relevance of the drivers and the ability to update them, you need:

If the audio device driver is installed correctly, then nothing special you will notice there.

If the exclamation mark is standing opposite the audio device, then the drivers are either no at all, or they do not work correctly. Or look for your driver on the Internet, or right-click on it, and update.

Hardware Sound Card Failure

If, after reinstalling the drivers, the sound never appeared, it means the problem in the sound card itself. Most likely, she just failed. In order not to spend money on a new board once again, we advise you to consult with a specialist. He will examine your computer and says you need to buy a new one, or old still suitable for use.

The sound card replacement should also be engaged in the same specialist, since, most likely, you do not have the equipment you need.

As you can see, problems with sound are most often software, rather than hardware. If you can return the sound yourself, refer to the specialists.

Do not attempt to change the sound card yourself, you can damage the maternal, which is ten times more expensive than audio fees. But still in 90% of cases breakdown program, the above-listed tips should help.

If you once turned on your computer, the Windows system boot, all applications work, and there is no sound, reprove it, it could be worse. It is better if the sound does not work in the computer, which does not turn on at all.

What could happen? One of the two or troubles softwareor failed iron.

Procedure for finding the cause of the absence of sound on a computer

First, look at the right bottom of the screen - the speaker icon should not be crossed. If they crossed out - most likely, sound was accidentally disabled. Click the speaker icon and turn it on again. At the same time check the settings. Sound will not be if zero indicators are installed at output power.

Now look at the speakers themselves. On one of them the power indicator should be lit. If it does not shine - the connecting wires have fallen out or the switches are turned off on the speakers. Check and enable if everything is turned off.

If there are volume controls on the speakers, check whether they are swollen to zero. Turn on the maximum. To finally verify the correctness of the speakers, connect them to another source. Or, on the contrary, turn off the speakers from the computer and connect the headphones.

If on proven devices, the sound after all appeared - a malfunction in the speakers themselves. You can do little on your own. At most - replace the torn wires. If the wires are safe and preserved - it remains to give the speaker to repair or buy new ones that at today's prices costs about the same. By purchasing new dynamics, you have the opportunity to improve the quality of the sound. And besides, saving time and save nerves.

Sound does not work in the computer - system problems

Often, the newly connected equipment enters the conflict with the previously installed. According to this PC, it can "silence." Did not connect anything in the last days? Or set new programs from dubious sources? Computer viruses There are often the reason for the disappearance of sound.

  • Turn on the antivirus and spend the full system scanning.
  • Run the cleaning utility and delete trash and unnecessary files.
  • Open the system restore interface and find a suitable kickback point. Check the system to return to one of previous states. In the process of restoring lost or damaged files will be restored. And unnecessary - removed. After recovery, the sound may appear.
  • If the sound has not appeared after the system is restored - check if the computer detects connected. To do this, open the Control Panel and find the Device Manager. If the dynamics in the list of connected equipment are available, the driver may be corrupted. If instead of the name of the speaker manufacturer in the device manager list you will find exclamation marks in yellow triangle - It is likely that the computer stopped finding the connected columns.
  • Turn off the computer. Disconnect and connect the speakers again. Perhaps there was bad contact in the connections. Turn on the computer. The system itself must detect the newly connected device. After that, the new hardware connection wizard will automatically be launched.

Anyway there is no sound? Try to re-install the drivers. To do this, log in to the Device Manager, find the tab of your audio equipment. Now find and click the Delete Driver button.

Where to get new sound card drivers? Here are three options here:

  1. Drivers are already on your computer. Then you just need to click the Install Driver button.
  2. Download drivers on the site manufacturer's site or motherboard if the sound is built-in.
  3. if you have installation disk Windows, you can download drivers from there.

Again nothing? A radical tool remains - fully reinstalling Windows. Most often, if the order with the equipment, after updating the system, everything starts to function normally.

Sometimes there are conflicts between software. To check this option in the process windows downloads, Try first to install the drivers for the card.

When drivers are installed for other devices, follow the sound. Once the problem will begin with sound accompaniment - it means that the device for which the drivers have just been downloaded, and is the cause of the conflict.

Fault sound card

If you have checked all successively, everything turned out well - the problem remains in the sound card itself or disorders in its connection.

To start, check whether the card is turned on correctly.
Inspect the connectors - there is no physical damage.
Remove the card and carefully clean the contacts from dust and oxides. Insert and check again.

If nothing happened - it would be nice to check the map on another computer or insert a working sound card to this system unit. If, after installing a new map, the sound will appear - the old failed and is subject to replacement.

Problems with applications

Sometimes there is no sound only in some programs. For example, the audio player suddenly stopped playing. Then the situation is not very terrible. Usually helps update or reinstall the problem program. If you tried everything possible optionsBut still nothing helps - it remains only to attribute a computer into a workshop or call a specialist at home.

Pretty frequent situation - the loss of sound on personal Computer or on a laptop. The article below will be described as you can try to identify the problem yourself and solve it without attracting any computer masters.

To begin with, it is worth determining why there is no sound on the computer. In most cases, problems are the following:

  • Problems with speakers or headphones - from poorly connected wire, and before their breakdowns;
  • Problems with the program part - starting from the wrong settings and ending with the sound card drivers;
  • A sound card malfunction - in most cases, only repairs on warranty or repair for their money in specialized service centers will help here.

Problems with columns or headphones

The first thing to exclude is a malfunction of the device to output. To begin with, it will not be superfluous to check the wires - whether they are connected correctly and to the end of the connectors you need. Sound card connector in which you need to stick columns or headphones, usually green.

If everything is fixed correctly, but there is no sound anyway, it would be nice to check the sound through any other columns or headphones, thereby finally eliminating the probability of breakdown of the audio order device. If there is no sound anyway, then the problem is in the computer.

Problems with the software part

It is possible that there are some problems with the program part - incorrect settings or "flying" drivers.

Under " incorrect settings"Measures the loudness settings in the system.

In order to make sure that the sound settings do not stand at a minimum, you must click on the sound icon in the tray (in the form of a speaker) and look at the position of the slider with the volume.

If the volume is set 0, then this is equivalent to disconnect the sound in the system. In this case, you need to set the volume higher.

For various reasons, there may be problems with drivers on the computer - for example, due to the actions of viruses, or some system failure. Check the status of the audio driver can be as follows:

Reinstall Driver

The first thing you need to find necessary driver. Most often simple way Will find it on a disk who walked along with the computer.

As an example, the photo shows a disk that went complete to the motherboard.

You can also download the desired driver and from the Internet, for this you need to know the model of your sound card. In most cases, it is built into motherboardTherefore, on the Internet, you can easily find the necessary information on the built-in sound card.

Installing Realtek Sound Card Driver

In most modern computers The sound card manufacturer is REALTEK. You can download their sound card driver. To start the download, you must first check the box at the "i Accept to the Above" item, and then click the "Next" button. Then, it will be necessary to select the desired driver for the battery of the operating system (you can find out this by opening the "system properties").

  • For 32-bit (86-bit) Windows Vista operating systems, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 you need to download drivers with the title " 32Bits Vista, Windows7, Windows8, Windows8.1, Windows10 Driver ONLY (Executable File)"
  • For 64-bit (64-bit) Windows Vista operating systems, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, you need to download drivers with the title " 64bits Vista, Windows7, Windows8, Windows8.1, Windows10 Driver ONLY (Executable File)"
  • For operating room windows systems XP need to download drivers with the title " Windows 2000, Windows XP / 2003 (32/64 Bits) DRIVER ONLY (Executable File)"

To download the selected driver, you must click on the "Global" button in the same row.

The downloaded file must be launched, and follow the simplest instructions in Russian - if you briefly, it's just enough to press the "Next" button. At the end of the driver installation process, you will need to restart the computer, and then check whether problems have been solved with sound or not.

If nothing helped

If checking audio output devices (columns / headphones), check the volume settings and reinstalling the driver did not help, it is possible that the problem is already at the hardware level. In any case, it will not be superfluous to contact service centerin which diagnoses and identify the problem.