Overview Android Nougat - all secrets, chips and new features. Android Nougat Review - All Secrets, Chips and New Functions What smartphones will be updated before Android 7.1 1

August 27 google Company released a new version of its mobile operating system. And now, on October 12, the Corporation submitted to developers Android 7.1. It is from this OS that recently announced Google smartphones will be issued.

According to developer statements, operating system Developers will be able to download already at the end of October. She will be able to deliver owners of nonxus from Huawei - and. Also, it will be able to obtain the owners of the Pixel C tablet.

What's new in Android 7.1

As of mid-October, the update of the new android is known to be relatively few. However, as follows from the information provided by Google, the update will not bring serious innovations. Most of the changes in the code are compensative: fixes buggia and improve performance.

Changes and innovations

It is known that in Android 7.1, the changes will touch the keyboard. Reported about some additional features and improvement of interaction. Now the operating system will now provide metadata of the desktop wallpaper and the circles will appear.

But the largest innovation will be a built-in program Storage Manager Intent. SMI is an application whose functionality will be to delete unnecessary files. IN currently Android users use third-party programs for these purposes.

But the most unexpected function that is added to 7.1 is the ability to create shortcuts for specific application actions. That is, it will be possible to create an icon on the tap on which it will be opened, for example, a section with messages in a social network or a camera in the Instagram application. Most likely, when creating this feature, the developers were inspired by 3D TOUCH, which can use the owners of iPhone 6S and older models. It is not clear how much such a decision is taken.

When Android 7.1 will come out

Android 7.1 for developers will be released at the end of October, and the final release will be held in December. Updates will receive users of the last nexus, as well as the owners of those telephones whose manufacturers will be wished to update the OS to them to the current version.

Starting with the sixth version, the developers changed Android numbering principle, now the first digit changes once a year and there are no cardinal differences between major versions. First android firmware N For developers were issued in the spring of 2016, and later in August, Android 7.0 Nougat was officially represented. Funny, but two main for the company of the smartphone who came to replace Nexus'am, Pixel and Pixel XL from the box worked on more than android 7.1. New in the seventh version of the operating system from Google is not so much, the truth is even the few changes that there are seriously changing user experience and usability.

Attention: The review is mainly dealing with features user Interface Version OS for Smartphone. Review is written on the firmware with Android 7.1.1 installed on.

Lock screen

The device can be woken by pressing the power button, double tap on the screen or simply taking it into hand, for the last two ways you need support at the hardware level. Unlocking the smartphone is made by the movement of the finger from the bottom-up in any part of the screen, which is easy to do on the go and without looking. From unauthorized access to the device you can protect yourself in several ways: set unlocking Graphic key; Install a password or PIN; or by the Smart Lock function, which allows you to unlock the device when connecting to the clock, Bluetooth headset In the car, by the NFC label or on the recognition of the face or the voice of the owner. Starting with the previous version in Android, there is a native support for the fingerprint scanner. If unlocking on the print is enabled, the device does not even need to be pre-awaited, it is enough to bring the registered finger to the scanner and the system bypassing the lock screen will show the desktop. You can also unlock the device by changing the account on the guest, if such is started in the system (guest account is default).

On the lock screen, the status string is displayed - in it the name of the operator, the signal indicators cellular network, Wi-Fi and battery charge level (unfortunately, without the possibility of making a charge in percent); User information; Watch, day of the week and date. In the center of the screen, under the clock, a list of missed events ranked by importance on the basis of which they came from and from which application, notifications are grouped by applications. If a password is installed in the smartphone, you will need to select one of the three options for displaying information on a locked screen: Show notifications completely, hide personal information or not to show notifications.

From the lock screen, you can run the camera or voice search by spending your finger from the corresponding icons to the side, or omit the notification curtain by the movement from the top of the screen. Interaction with a list of notifications occurs in the following way: Double touch by notification will send the user to the appropriate application; Lighting to the left or right will delete the notification; A small shift to the left or right will show the notification settings button for this particular application; The slip down from the notification opens the preview window of an event that can contain quick interaction buttons with this event, for example: "Reply" - After clicking on this button, you can not leaving the list to dial the answer on the keyboard and send. In the preview window, under the list there is a button to delete all notifications, only now it is presented not to the icon, and the inscription "Clear everything".

Desktop, Multitasking and Notification Organization

The main Android workspace was and remains the desktop that can have one or more pages, page scattered horizontally. The system has a separate application menus, in which you can get from any desktop to slip your finger from the lower dock or pressing the arrow above the lower dock. The lower dock can contain up to five labels of applications or folders with labels. The application menu contains a search string, a string of favorite applications and the icons of all pre-installed and third-party applications, while the desktop contains only those shortcuts that the user added.

One desktop can contain up to 25 labels of applications on grid 5 * 5, except for shortcuts on the desktop, widgets and folders with labels can be located. The folder may contain an unlimited number of shortcuts, but only 16 pieces are displayed at the same time, other folders or widgets cannot be placed in the folder. In the operating system, it was possible to change not only the font size, but also the scale of the graphical interface as a whole, with different scales, the number of shortcuts and other elements placed on one desktop page may vary.

Hooking a long touch of your finger with a shortcut, folder or widget, you can move it on the desktop or delete dragging to the "Remove" button. To add a shortcut on the desktop, you need to go to the application menu and hooking the application with the same long-touch, move it to your desktop. If you move the application to the "Delete" icon appeared on top, then the system will offer the user to remove this application. Now with a duty of touching the shortcut application appears context menuIf the application supports the corresponding API. The desktop parameters management menu is caused by a long touch of any free screen area. The menu contains three items: wallpapers - allows you to change the picture of the desktop; Widgets are needed to add widgets; And settings - the label lead in the desktop settings.

Multitasking menu is called by pressing the corresponding button. The list of running applications is scrolled vertically, and applications are displayed as cards located after each other, some applications can be represented by several cards. The application can be closed by clicking on the appropriate button or shutting to the side, a dedicated memory cleaning button appeared in the current version of the OS, however, it is not necessary. The user interface of multitasking in Android looks very nice, the menu call is made in one touch, first, return to the previous application, for example, when the user left the Facebook application, clicking on the link, it is not necessary to call the multitasking menu; Secondly calling the multitasking menu is made in one tap. To the previous application, you can return twice by touching the multitasking button.

One of the main innovations of Android 7 has become native support for multi-decrees, such as being accurate two-componity. A long touch of a multitasking button divides the screen into two equal parts (optionally it can be divided into one to two), and the current application has a current application in the upper half and is fixed there, and the list of running applications from which you can select the desired for Lower half of the screen.

The principles of work with notifications were seriously reworked in Android 5: a list of interactive notifications appeared on the lock screen; Classic full-screen interface incoming challenge Displays only if the device is blocked, in all other cases, when incoming callThe top view appears a small card with information about who calls and two buttons: "reject" and "reply". The interface added the ability to change the volume separately for alarm clock and multimedia.

Controls, keyboard

The smartphone in Android 7 implies the presence of the power button, the volume buttons of the volume and three onscreen buttons: back, home and multitasking menu - it is permissible that the onscreen buttons are made on the housing in the form of touch or mechanical buttons; In addition, the sliding gestures are actively used and long touch. Frequently used voice management, the user has the ability to "Google" Okay "from any screen, including with a blocked (hardware support required), initiate voice control And then dictate a command or search query.

An important role in interaction with the device plays a notification curtain combined with the switch panel. It is called by a slide gesture from the top edge of the screen or double-touch via the status bar, if you make another slide from top to bottom, but already in any part of the screen, the switch panel will open; To immediately open the switch panel, you need to make the slide gesture with two fingers. The switch panel is now multi-page, it contains 10 switches and the screen brightness adjustment slider, but now it can be configured: change the location of the switches, add or delete them. When you click on some switches open fast settings, with a duty to touch the switch, send the user to the appropriate settings section. The scene of the system keyboard in Pixel is occupied by GBOr, but there is no possibility of installing keyboards from third-party developers. The dialer remained the same.

Search and google app

Traditionally, the system has deep integration with google search, And if you are accurate with a personalized assistant, which issues information in the form of context-based cards: current location, information from the calendar, search query history, travel history, history of visited pages, etc. The assistant is started to leaf to the left of the main desktop, and at the top of all desktops there is a notifiable search string. In addition, the search can be initiated from any screen dictating the query after the phrase "Google Okay".

Starting with the sixth version Android service I got a function "NOW ON TAP": with a debt on the home button, the system scans the content of the current screen and on the basis of its contents it gives interactive prompts. Tips are presented in the form of cards one for each keyword, cards contain buttons or links to sites, profiles social networks etc.


In the app Settings You can get: by clicking on the icon in the application menu (or on the desktop) or through the icon in the switch panel. The main screen of the application is divided into two tabs. All and support, you can detect two links in the latter: Help Center / Leave feedback and recommendations and useful advice. In some countries, in the Support tab, you can get help and ask a person to a living person in the chat. All smartphone settings are collected in 4 groups: Wireless networks, Device, personal data and system; And divided into 22 sections. A 5th group is fixed in the top of the prompts, interactive tips on setting up the system appear here. Another innovation is the availability of the Help / Feedback buttons in all sections / settings. In all the settings screens, in addition to the main one, there is a side menu for quick transition to other sections.

  1. Wi-Fi - the main screen partition contains the W-Fi switch, list network available With the manual network button, the calling button additional settings and calling additional features button:

  2. Bluetooth - The main screen of the section contains the Bluetooth switch, the list of available devices with the possibility of searching by name and the button calling additional functions:
  3. Data transmission - the main screen of the section contains: traffic consumption statistics; Subsection Saving traffic; Mobile data switch; subsection transfer of mobile data; subsection with the settings of the traffic limit; Wi-Fi use statistics; Subsection of traffic restrictions on selected Wi-Fi networks; and calling additional features button:

  4. More - additional settings for wireless networks.
  5. Screen:
  6. Notifications - In this section, you can configure notifications for each individual application, depending on the selected alert mode:

  7. Sound.
  8. Applications - on the main section of the section there is a list of all applications installed on the smartphone.
  9. Storage - The main screen of the section contains statistics for permanent memory and the Open button that sends to the simplest file manager.

  10. Battery - The main screen of the section contains: current charge level in percent; Estimated remaining time autonomous work; Basic Battery Charge Statistics various applications and devices; and calling additional features button:

  11. Memory - The main screen screen displays brief information About us random access memory. An additional screen displays more detailed statistics for different time intervals by applications and services.

  12. Users - The main screen of the section contains a list of users with the possibility of adding new:

  13. Contactless payment - in this section you can configure payment via NFC.

  14. Movements - gestures for telephone control: fast access notifications; quick access to the camera; Fast plot between frontal and main chambers; View time and notifications double touch screen; And awakening the phone with a rise from the table.

  15. Location;
  16. Safety:
  17. Accounts - contains a list of accounts installed in the device with the possibility of removing and adding new:

  18. Google - section in which all custom Google Account settings are collected:

  19. Language and input
  20. Recovery and Reset - This section exists to reset the device settings to factory with the ability to back up all data
  21. Date and time:
  22. Specialist. Opportunities - here are collected facilitating the functions of interaction with the device for people with disabilities:

  23. Print - Displays a list of print services and allows you to add new:

  24. About phone:

Basic applications

Telephone - On the main screen of the application are displayed: search string with buttons voice search and calling the application settings, bottom, dialer call button. The Quick Set tab contains cards of frequent contacts, the recent tab contains a list of the last calls, the contacts tab are all contacts, respectively. In the application settings, you can manage fast response templates and a list of locked subscribers.

Contacts - This is an application for working with user contacts. By functionality, it differs little from the contacts tab in the phone application.

Messages - Application for working with SMS by default. The main application screen contains a list of dialogs, search buttons, settings and create a new message. The application looks as simple as possible and has primitive functionality. From unusual, I will note how the application assigns your unique main color to each dialog.

Gmail. - This is an application for working with email By default, starting with fifth android version. You can add mailboxes not only from Google, but also from others. postal services. The main screen displays the list of letters and the search buttons and create a new message. Swipe from the left edge of the screen is called side panelwhich contains a list of folders and settings shortcut.

Chrome. - is the default system browser, its advantages include integration with google services and ample capabilities of synchronization of tabs, forms, passwords, etc., to minuses - imperfectual user interface And excessive load on the processor and battery.

Clock - includes the following functions: alarm clock, world time, timer and stopwatch;

Camera. The main screen is the viewfinder and buttons: shutter shutter, switching to frontal chamber, gallery, timer inclusion, flash activation, HDR + mode switching, mesh turn on, White balance preset selection and additionally. Switching between photography and video shooting modes is made to the side. In addition to the main shooting mode, there are four more: slow motion - allows you to shoot with a four-time or eight-round slowdown; Panorama - allows you to create panoramic photos with an angle of view up to 360 °; Photo Sphere - creating a photosphere; Blur - allows you to create photos with artificial bokeh effect.

Photo - This application serves as a system gallery and at the same time with this is the client of the service of the same name from Google.

The calendar - The main presentation of the application is the schedule, where all events go in one list, which is interesting: the beginning of each month in this list is entitled with a pretty picture reflecting the basic essence of this month. To look at a month, you need to tap on the name of the current month in the title. Presentation can be changed on day, 3 days, week and month. The advancement button is displayed in the lower right corner.

Calculator - It has standard and extended functionality. In portrait orientation panel with additional features (SIN, COS, TAN, LN, etc.) is called swipe from the right edge of the screen, in the album orientation, this panel is always visible.

Cards - This is an application-client for Google Maps. The main screen contains a search string and buttons: a side menu call button, voice search button, orientation button north, button defining the current location and a route creation button. In the side menu, you can save the selected map section to the phone's memory for further use by the application to Offline mode. The "Chronology" section hosts the user movement log. The "Your Impressions" section contains reviews about public places: restaurants, shopping centers, beauty salons, etc.

Downloads - the simplest download manager.

Branded applications

Play Market - This is the application store client and the main proprietary application from Google. Through it, the purchase, installation and update of third-party applications is made. The "Games and Applications" section is a virtual showcase where various selections of goods are displayed, such as new products or most popular games, in the form of miniatures of applications heading the appropriate selection and links to the entire list. Section "Films, Music, Books" This is also a virtual showcase, but it presents the appropriate content and press also in the form of a selection and bankers. The "My Application and Games" section for the convenience of the user consists of two lists: installed and all. The "Wishlist List" section shows all the products ever marked by the user as desired.

Play games - This is the application client of the same name service. The "Home" section displays the basic user data: name, level, how many experience points you need to dial to switch to the next level. The following games are displayed below: Recommended games, games in which the user plays and what friends play. The "My Games" section contains three tabs: the last, all and installed. The "Notifications" section in three tabs displays a list of invitations, a list of gifts and queries, and a list of quests. The "Players" section in two tabs displays a list of added players and a list of recommended - friends of friends. The "Find Games" section also contains three tabs: Recommended, popular and network games.

Play music - This is a music player and, at the same time, the client of the eponymous cloud musical service. The "Home" section displays the list of recent User Action: Listened or purchased tracks. The "Forecard" section displays all the tracks of the user, purchased or downloaded from them from the computer, sorting in tabs on the playlist, the performer, album or genre. Present interesting function "AUTOMICS", it greatly simplifies the creation of playlists from a large number of tracks, it is enough to specify the name of the artist, album or genre to create a car, and the application will create a new playlist. In the side menu there is also a link to Play Market, because Purchase tracks is made only from it. Now there is an equalizer in the settings.

Play movies - This is a customer service for buying / renting movies and viewing on mobile device. The "Home" section displays movies, TV series and cartoons assembled in playlists in genres and popularity. The "Library" section displays a list of films purchased or taken into account. The lateral menu includes a link to Play Market.

YouTube. - This is the client of the service of the same name. The main screen is divided into four tabs: Home, trend, subscriptions and account. Last tab contains sections: viewed, my videos, alerts, purchases and see later; As well as a list of playlists. The roller viewing window is convenient and functional, but has one unpleasant feature: when opening the roller it begins it automatic downloadEven if the internet access device uses mobile network. Therefore, if you have discovered the video not to view it, but, for example, to view a description or comments, get ready to part with a few dozens (hundreds?) Megabyte traffic.

Disk - This is an application for working with the service cloud storage google data Disk. The main screen displays the root directory of the user repository and the list recently. open files. The "Available Me" section displays a list of files of other users to which access is open. In addition, there are sections: Google photo, Recent, marked, offline access and downloaded. In the side panel, the bottom is shown what amount of disk space is busy and how much is available to the user.

The last few years, Apple and Google move their operating systems consistently, to be accurate, try to go to each other in the flank. Apple with each version of iOS. Expands functionality and tries to make the system more flexible for user and applications. Google is trying to fix the traditional weak android places: finally put in order work with notifications, make graphic interface Uniform and more verified and overcome the battery charge leak. And they, I must say, move in the right direction, it is a pity that sometimes too slowly.

Android 7.1 personally bribes me: more friendly in comparison with iOS mechanical multitasking and working with multiple applications; flexibility in choosing tools to solve certain tasks; Deep integration with Google services that I actively use; A more slender and logical user interface. It is impossible not to notice how Google cleaned the list preset applications Having saved the user from the rubble. Does not suit me: preserved battery charge drainage; Missing in the UI of the overwhelming number of applications and less effective use Screen surfaces. The system, despite the permanent improvements, still cannot be called completely safe, the overall optimization in iOS is still better. Summing up, you can unambiguously assert that Android to the fifth version and now it is almost two different systems, pleases that Google felt the right direction and slowly and rightly move along it.

Updating the operating system Android is not only recommended, but also the necessary process for stable operation of the smartphone. For the owner of the phone - it is primarily an increase in the productivity of the device, the emergence of new features, and not just correcting errors by the manufacturer. Therefore, every user should know how to update the Android on the phone.

The process of changing the current version of Android on the device requires the user of attention and execute several conditions.

Before moving to changing the operating system, you need to make sure that:

  • that the phone is charged (the recommended battery level should be at least 50%);
  • what wi-Fi network reliable and stable (important only when a computer is not used when loading software);
  • that the USB cable, with which the phone is connected to the computer, is correct.

During the update to 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0 or more early version Android is forbidden to remove the battery or turn off the smartphone.

The interruption of the update process for one of these reasons can lead to irreparable consequences (without the help of specialists service Center not enough).

There are two main ways to change android yourself:

  1. Running the update on the smartphone itself.
  2. Change the software modification using a computer.

How to install a new android without connecting to a computer

The easiest option to change the version of the OS is to start the process on the smartphone itself.

Usually the system notifies the availability of the new version (the notification appears at the top of the gadget screen):

Note: update algorithm to a new versionAndroid always the same: an update of the operating system is not important to 5.0, 7.0 or 9.0.

Depending on the phone model and the current modification of the firmware, the text and registration of the notification on the screen may differ.

After receipt of the notification, click "Download", and wait until the software is loaded to the device.

When Android will be downloaded, the appropriate message will appear in the notification panel, and the user will be asked to install or postpone the process.

Important: Before you press "Set now", it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the information provided above, where the developers warn about the possible loss of personal data, and the need to make backups.

Not always the system notifies the user about the availability of the new version of Android. The reason can be the absence of an Internet connection or a refusal to receive notifications (you can specify in the "Update" section).

In this case, download the new Android can be manually. For this you need to perform the following steps:

How to update OS android using a computer

You can change the operating system android using the application from the manufacturer.

The main purpose of such programs is to create a backup of data, transfer photos and video to a computer and vice versa.

Among such applications you can highlight Samsung Kies or Smart Switch for Samsung and Xperia Companion smartphones for Sony phones.

Before changing Android 4.4.2, you need to activate special settingDesigned for developers - "USB debugging". In later versions, this setting is hidden, and to activate it, you need to do the following:

How to upload a new Android using Xperia Companion

To download the firmware on your smartphone using the Xperia Companion program you must:

ATTENTION: It is impossible to return to the previous version of the OS, which the user will receive a notification before installation.

How to make an update using Smart Switch

For installation new Android SAMSUNG tablets and smartphones are used smart applications Switch and samsung kies.

To make an update to 7.0, 8.0 or 9.0 using Smart Switch, you need:

Note: If the screen does not appear about the option of downloading a new versionAndroid - This means that the device has the latest updates..

How to make an Android update with samsung kies

For updating, for example, Android 4.2.2, with using samsung Kies need to do the following:

The new firmware may not justify the user's waiting (the appearance of the menu changes, new applications appear and removed, etc.). Therefore, it is important during the installation to read what changes will occur, and is it worth updating.

At the I / O 2016 conference, Google announced that now users can register their device on Android 7.0 N Beta Quality Release Candidate. You must have one of the latest Google Nexus or Smartphone for this. Sony Xperia. Z3 to use this beta version.
It didn't even have passed since the current version of Android OS 6.0 and many Android owners are still waiting for it to become available for their devices. It did not stop Google from working on his successor - Android 7.0.

But, despite the fact that it is too early to talk about a full-fledged launch Android 7.0 Nougat, you can download and install it right now, although with some reservations.

First, it is a preview of developers, which means that it is not intended for ordinary owners of smartphones, but rather for application developers who want to make sure their products work with Android 7.0 Nougat. So, if you are waiting for new advanced android 7.0 capabilities, you must be prepared to some errors and bugs.

The second important thing - Android 7.0 currently works only with defined devices - such as Pixel C tablet from Google, Nexus 5x, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, Nexus 9 or Xperia Z3.

What needs to be done before downloading and installing android 7.0 nougat

First of all, you must make sure that you have retail the device. Android 7.0 Nougat Developer Preview has errors, so if it does not work, or if Android 7.0 Nougat is simply not for you, the availability of a backup will allow you to return to the previous version of Android quickly and easily.

Make sure that your device includes a built-in backup function - To do this, go to "Settings\u003e Backup and Reset" section and make sure that opposite "backup of my data" and " Automatic recovery»Talk.

You can also create backups Your photos by connecting your Android devices To PC S. using USB..

Now from your Android device you can download Android 7.0 N. First, visit the Android Nougat Developer Preview webpage to view all information. This page contains an overview of the various stages of the preview, which gives you a good idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of functions wait and when.

To download, go to the Beta Test Program website and log in using Google Account. After you entered the system, you will see your suitable devices in the list. To register a device in beta testing, click the "Register Device" button. After your device is registered, you will get android updates 7.0 Nougat by air.

In addition, you can install Android 7.0 Nuga update manually by booting and installing the image. android systems 7.0. This is a more risky and complex method of updating. In this case, you will not receive updates automatically. If you still decide to go on this path, you need to read the Google instruction how to flash the Nexus device.

Return to the earlier version of Android

If you want to return to the earlier version of Android, then on the website of the beta test program, deselect the device registration. The update will delete Android 7.0 and install the latest stable version of Android.

Installing Android 7.0 Nougat on Sony Xperia Z3

After you confirmed that you have a compatible sony version Xperia Z3, the next step will back up your data and files, as we described on the previous page. After that, set the latest version of the Xperia Companion program. You probably noticed that when you connect the Sony Xperia device to the PC in the pop-up window appears, whether you want to install Xperia Companion software.

You can download the latest version of XPERIA Companion software from the Sony website. Then plug the Xperia Z3 to the USB port of the computer or Mac. Software Sony Xperia must start automatically when your computer recognizes the smartphone. Hold down the alt key On the keyboard, click on the "Software Repair" button. Manual Step by step will now guide you through the download and installation of Android 7.0 Nougat.

At some point you will be prompted to disable your Xperia Z3 from your computer, and then turn off the device. After the Xperia Z3 turned off while holding down the volume key on the smartphone, connect it back to the computer and installing Android 7.0 Nougat will continue ..

If you want to return to an earlier version of Android, connect the Xperia Z3 to the computer and run the Xperia Companion program. Click on "Software Repair" and follow the instructions to reset the device settings - but remember that it will also destroy all your data, so make sure you first spend backup.

If neither twist, so far one of the main problems of almost all Android smartphones is speed and autonomy. Therefore, in the new version of the OS, the emphasis was made precisely for these indicators, although without other noticeable innovations did not cost.

There are no significant visual changes. It is still the usual Material Design, but with minor modifications.

Real multitasking

With the output of "Nougy", a real multitasking appeared in Android, the manner that has long appeared in Samsung devices. Let the idea are not new, but now each shell developer under its device has access to it and can realize multi-decrees.

So, next to almost any application, you can run the second program, and both will work simultaneously. There are three ways to activate this function: when holding a multitasking button, from the window recently open programs and a hidden method that is activated in a separate item "Settings". After activation, you can choose the second swipe application up the multitasking button.

Otherwise, the principle of operation does not differ from that on iOS and Windows.

After both applications are on the screen, you can move the separator and thereby change, in what proportions the screen will be divided. After turning on this mode, the multitasking button is transformed, and after pressing it, the two-poy mode will turn off.

Shutter notifications

The biggest changes external view happened with notifications. Now the alerts look not as a separate tile, but occupy the entire width of the screen and are connected to other alerts. Several notifications from one program are now combined into one thing that makes the alert panel less lit.

At the same time, they received a new API, which will allow developers to make notifications interactive. Now you can answer the message in the messenger without opening it, but through the notification.

The quick settings menu has become more convenient and is located there in the curtain of notifications.

As soon as the user opens the notification curtain, the rapid settings that it can change places are immediately available. To disclose the extended version of this window, it is necessary, as before, make another swipe down this area.

Doze 2.0

In order to increase the operation time of the devices, updated its DOZE charge savings technology. It was represented in Android 6.0, but did not cope with his task. Its essence is that the OS analyzes, at what time the smartphone is used, and at what time it simply lies without a case, for example during sleep. At the time when OS realizes that the smartphone is not used for a long time, it translates it into standby mode and thereby saves charge.

Those who have already managed to try the release version of Nigi, note that the lifetime of devices increases by 15-20% thanks to the new technology.

In Android 7.0, the accuracy of the Doze work was increased, and now the OS more accurately defines the time when the smartphone lies without a case, and optimizes the operation of the system depending on the use scenario.

API Vulkan.

Vulkan is a kind of Metal analogue on iOS, designed to improve graphics and performance in games. This API allows developers to work directly with a graphic chip and opens access to more effects such as blur, improved fire effects and others.

Thanks to the VULKAN API, the load on the smartphone graphics chip will increase and productivity will increase.

Until now, the VULKAN API was available only to the owners of Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 EDGE, however, due to the low prevalence, the developers were not solved to optimize their games for two smartphones. Now, when Vulkan is available for all Android devices, users will receive games with improved graphics.

Updates in background

During the Announcement of Android 7.0, Google presented the ability to update applications and systems in the background. Now application update files and systems will be loaded in the background and set after restarting. If we are talking about applications, then a new version It will be started after restarting this program.

The system is also updated in the background and after restarting the device will be unnoticed. Many "Application Optimization" window will disappear.

However, this function will be available far from all, and in particular the Nexus devices will not receive it. The fact is that an additional storage section is required to work in the background of the update, which will be installed. The current devices, respectively, are not created to work with this feature, and it will only be in new devices.

Other innovations

Total in Android 7.0 more than 250 changes and improvements of different significance. Some of them are listed below:

- more than 1.5 thousand Emodi (new 72 pieces);
- Double tap on multitasking;
- improved face recognition;
- Separate font size and interface size;
- System Support virtual reality on compatible smartphones;
- protection against hacked applications;
- Ability to change the size of the image and the application grid.

How to install

As usual, the new version of the system first becomes available to the Nexus ruler devices. The list of updates included Nexus 6, 5x, 6p, 9, Nexus Player, as well as the tablet Google Pixel C. Nexus 5 and 7 updates, unfortunately will not receive.

Holders of devices from the list in the coming weeks will receive an update "by air", as it applies to "waves".

As for the owners of smartphones from other manufacturers, Samsung, Sony and others, they will receive Android 7.0 only when the manufacturer makes the appropriate update. This period can reach until six months, although every year this gap is becoming less and less. Usually, one of the first updates receive Motorola, Sony and Samsung devices. The first smartphone that will receive Android 7.0 out of the box will become the non-announced flagship LG V20. He will be introduced in early September.