Send a message via the command line. How to send a message to all computers on the local network? Net Send Command Notes

Check if the system supports the MSG command. The functionality of this command is largely similar to the unused functionality. net commands Send. But this team works only in professional and corporate versions Windows. If you work in Windows homemade, update the system to a professional or corporate version to get the opportunity to enjoy command msg..

  • To find out the version of Windows, click ⊞ Win + Pause or click right-click Mice on "Computer" and select "Properties". Windows version will be displayed in the "Windows Edition" section.

Open command line. Like I. net Send. The MSG command runs from the command line. The command line starts different ways (depending on the version of Windows), or just click ⊞ WIN. And enter CMD.

  • Windows Vista / 7: Open the command prompt from the Start menu.
  • Windows 8.1 / 10: Right-click on the Start button and select "Command Line".
  • Windows 8: Press ⊞ Win + X and select "Command Line".
  • Enter the command. Enter MSG and press the space. Next, you need to enter information that contains the text and the message direction.

  • Determine the recipient of the message. Compared to Net Send, the MSG command has additional options.

    • mSG Username - Enter the name of a particular user.
    • mSG Session - Enter the name of a specific session.
    • mSG Session ID - Enter a specific session identifier.
    • mSG @ FileName - Enter the name of the file that contains a list of user names, sessions and / or session identifiers. Useful for sending messages to departments.
    • mSG * - the message will be sent to all users that are connected to the server.
  • Specify the server whose users need to send a message (if you want). If you need to send a message to the user who is connected to another server, after the recipient information, enter the server information. If the server is not specified, the message will be sent to the current server.

    • mSG * / Server: Server Name
  • Set time limit (if you want). You can set a time limit to specify the confirmation confirmation interval from the recipient. The temporary modifier is entered after the server information (if it is).

    • mSG * / Time: Seconds (for example, 300 seconds for a five-minute interval)
  • Enter the message text. After entering various parameters, enter the message text. Or click ↵ Enter.And the system will propose to enter the message text in a separate line.

    • For example: MSG @SaleSeam / Server: Eastbranch / Time: 600 Congratulations on the increase in sales in this block!
  • Send a message. To do this click ↵ Enter.. The addressee will receive it immediately.

    • The MSG command is designed to send messages to users of terminals, and not just to different computers connected to one network.
  • Remove problems. When working with MSG, you can encounter the following errors:

    • "MSG" IS NOT RECOGNIZED AS AN INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL COMMAND, OPERABLE PROGRAM OR BATCH FILE. (MSG is not recognized as an internal or external command, executable program or batch file.). In this case, Windows version does not support MSG. Update Windows to professional version.
    • Error 5 Getting Session Names (Error 5 Getting Session Names) or Error 1825 Getting Session Names (Error 1825 Obtaining session names). Error communicating with the recipient. You can try to eliminate such a problem if you open the registry editor on the recipient's computer (for this, run the REGEDIT command), go to HKEY_LOCALSET_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONLSET \\ CONTROL \\ CURRENTCONLSET \\ Control \\ Terminal Server and change the value of the "ALLOWREMOTERPC" C 0 to 1.
  • faced the problem of informing users, the most common reason is the update of 1C, in which it is necessary that all my users (and more than 160) come out of 1C and some time did not come. It would seem that difficult, you can send a message by e-mailAs I used to do, when I had an office 365, but I have a limit on Yandex mail: no more than 50 users in the mailing list. If you send more users, then the letter until some will simply come. Send separately by 50 users - not convenient. The second problem with Yandex Mail is the need to enter Capcha in some cases the system perceives the mass newsletter as spam, and the letters are needed, if you do not prevent the user, it will not be preserved on time and may be problems ...

    In general, it became terribly uncomfortable to send messages to all users. Began to think about solutions.

    The first thing that occurred to:, but several inconveniences revealed:

    • Messages come about 30 minutes to 160 jobs, it is very long.
    • The message goes only to the taskbar if the user works through the remote desktop - the message it will not see immediately.
    • It is necessary to maintain the performance of Kaspersky agents on the working machines of the user, otherwise the report will not reach at all.

    The second option: to establish some messenger, but there also arises a few inconvenience.

    • There are so many messengers, they are not universal, you can not send messages to each other between messengers.
    • Good messengers are paid.
    • Messages do not jump over all windows, and if you need to inform something urgent and important, then this is a useful message property.
    • Installation and configuration of these messengers are required, as well as - training users with new software.

    As a result, I on the Windows command prompt, there are Net Send and MSG commands to send messages to all computers on the local network. Everything works very simple, open the command line, write the command, to the computer whose name you pointed to the Team text, the message comes. Moreover, the message pops up over all windows, no registration is required, and everything is completely free.

    The command looks like to send messages to one computer on the local network so:

    mSG * / Server: Complete name "Test message, click OK"

    Compiled a list of computers, further a little tedious work on creating the same type of commands in one TXT file, but it is done quickly through copy-insert. The main thing is to make a list of computers. In the domain it is done enough simply through the "Users and Computers" snap, right key under the list of computers, then "export a list" immediately in the TCT file. Since I have about 160 computers in the domain, I approached the question a little more creatively, did not "copy-insert,", and did in the already existing list of computers by the first letter in the computer name mSG * / Server: +the first letter in the name of the computers, at my good luck it had the same one. Similarly, for the second part, but only with the last letter of the computer name (the last letter in the name of the computer + "Test message, click OK") In the end, I received the TCT file with the list of commands. Changed the file extension with TXT to BAT and launched on execution. As a result, all computers in the domain received a "test message, click OK".

    Unfortunately, outside the domain such a team does not work, and since I fulfilled the task, it was simply not rational further experiment. Send messages to computers in working Group I did not succeed, but I have such computers one. They can send a message and by mail, or in the same Kaspersky, or through some messenger. Let it be a topic for one of the following records.

    As a result, I received: 1 file in which you can quickly change the text of the message and with which I can send for free any message to everyone in the domain. It seems super, but there is still a couple of minuses:

    1. It is necessary to support the file up to date, add new, delete non-existent computers.
    2. There is no operational feedback.
    3. The file turned out ugly, I think it is possible to load the computer name from the file to this command, but there was no time to figure out to the end.

    However, the advantages overlap all the minutes:

    • Quickly implement, practically does not require preparation for the next shipment.
    • It works reliably, the user will accurately see this message.
    • Is free.
    • Very and very simple, you just need to know one command and the names of the computers.

    I will be glad to any comments, suggestions, comments)


    If the firewall is not turned off, then the program Nassi. must be included in its exceptions.

    Text messaging command NET SEND

    Text messages on the local network can be sent not only in special programs (RADMIN, NASSI), but also from the command line Windows XP. Team Net Send. Used to send text messages to another computer available on the network. However, in order to team He worked, initially need to enable the service delivery service. To do this go to Control Panel. Open the folder Administration, service. Find the messages in the list (Fig. 20.9).

    Fig. 20.9.

    Open its properties. Choose value Auto from the list Type of launch, If you want the service to automatically start when loading Windows. Then click on the button Start and OK (Fig. 20.10 and Fig. 20.11).

    Fig. 20.10.

    Fig. 20.11.

    Let's consider examples of using the team net Send. When sending messages to a working group (domain) 110. To send a message to all users in Workgroup 110, enter: nET SEND / DOMAIN: 110 Communication check. Another version of this command: To send a message to all users in your domain, enter: nET SEND * Communication Check (Fig. 20.12 and 13)

    Fig. 20.12.

    Fig. 20.13.

    To send a message to a specific user, for example, 110-1, enter: net Send 110-1 Hi! (Fig. 20.14).

    Fig. 20.14.

    IN Windows XP There is another opportunity to send messages over the network. Command Control Panel Computer Management. Further: Action - all tasks-send console message. Next, choose a PC and send it the text (Fig. 20.15).

    Team MSG. Net Send.

    Command line format:

    user - Username.
    session name - Session name.
    Session ID - session identifier.
    @File name
    / Server: Server
    / Time: Seconds
    / V.
    / W.



    Parameter Allowremoterpc. Type REG_DWORD. and equal 1

    Allowremoterpc. 0

    msg.exe. 445

    Examples of using MSG.:




    To fulfill the team mSG. Psexec. From the package PSTOOLS. or full-time tool runas.exe.


    MSG command - Send message to user.

    Team MSG. There was still in Windows 2000 / XP and was intended to exchange messages between users logo in locally and users of terminal sessions (connected to the remote desktop). In Windows Vista and later operating systems windows family MSG team has become the main standard means messaging because the team Net Send. The data is no longer supported.

    Command line format:

    MSG (user | Session name | session ID | @ file name | *)

    Description of command line parameters:

    user - Username.
    session name - Session name.
    Session ID - session identifier.
    @File name - A file containing a list of user names, sessions or session identifiers to which the message is sent.
    * - Send a message to all sessions on the specified server.
    / Server: Server - Server (default - current).
    / Time: Seconds - The confirmation confirmation interval from the recipient.
    / V. - Displays information about the actions performed.
    / W. - Waiting for a response from the user, useful together with / v.
    message - Send message. Unless specified, a request is issued or input from STDIN.

    How to send a message to all computers on the local network?


    The current implementation of MSG.exe is perfect for messaging between sessions of local and terminal users within one system, however, in cases of exchange between different computers The local network will need to change some security settings received by default in Windows Vista operating systems, 7 and later.

    For standard settingssending messages to users remote computers Not executed and accompanied by a message:

    Error 1722 when receiving session names

    This means that on the computer where the sent message should be taken, it is impossible to obtain information about the users logged in. The reason may be that the firewall blocks incoming connections, insufficient user rights relative to the remote system, prohibiting the remote procedure call in the terminal server service parameters. At a minimum, to exchange messages using the command mSG. between computers, you need to have account User, valid with respect to the remote system and perform the following settings:

    On each computer to which messages will be sent, add to the Registry section HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTROL \\ TERMINAL SERVER parameter Allowremoterpc. Type REG_DWORD. and equal 1 You can use the following content to change the settings:

    Windows Registry. Editor Version 5.00

    "AllowRemoterPC" \u003d DWORD: 00000001

    In Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10 registry key Allowremoterpc. exists, but it matters equal 0 What needs to be corrected. To apply changes, a reboot is required.

    Since utility messaging msg.exe. Uses the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, on each computer to which the messages will be sent must be opened by TCP port 445

    Examples of using MSG.:

    mSG * / Server: Server "Test message" - Send test message to all computer users Server

    mSG * /Server: "Test message" - Send test message to all computer users with an IP address

    mSG RDP-TCP # 0 / Server: Tsserver "Test message" - Send test message to the user of the terminal session named RDP-TCP # 0 on the computer Tsserver.

    mSG CONSOLE / SERVER: Windows7 "Test message" - Send test message to the current local user Computer Windows7.

    mSG CONSOLE "Test message" - Sending a test message from the user user RDP to the local user. If this command is executed not by the user of the terminal session, the message will be sent by the local user to itself.

    To fulfill the team mSG. On behalf of another user, you can use the utility Psexec. From the package PSTOOLS. or regular anem runas.exe.

    pSEXEC -U OtherUser -P Otherpass MSG * / Server: Win10 Test Message

    runas / User: OtherUser "MSG * / Server: Win10 Test Message"

    Messages sent by the team mSG. Local user computer with operating windows system XP, which is missing (not yet in Windows) are displayed in the window with an invitation to register in the system and can be available to strangers.

    The entire list of Windows CMD commands

    MSG command - Send message to user.

    Team MSG. There was still in Windows 2000 / XP and was intended to exchange messages between users logo in locally and users of terminal sessions (connected to the remote desktop). In Windows Vista and later operating systems of the Windows family, the MSG command has become the main standard messaging tool, since the command Net Send. The data is no longer supported.

    Command line format:

    MSG (user | Session name | session ID | @ file name | *)

    Description of command line parameters:

    user - Username.
    session name - Session name.
    Session ID - session identifier.
    @File name - A file containing a list of user names, sessions or session identifiers to which the message is sent.
    * - Send a message to all sessions on the specified server.
    / Server: Server - Server (default - current).
    / Time: Seconds - The confirmation confirmation interval from the recipient.
    / V. - Displays information about the actions performed.
    / W. - Waiting for a response from the user, useful together with / v.
    message - Send message. Unless specified, a request is issued or input from STDIN.


    The current implementation of MSG.exe is perfect for messaging between local and terminal users within one system, however, in cases of exchange between different local network computers, you will need to change some security settings received by default in Windows Vista operating systems, 7 or more Late.

    With standard settings, sending messages to users of remote computers is not performed and accompanied by a message:

    Error 1722 when receiving session names

    This means that on the computer where the sent message should be taken, it is impossible to obtain information about the users logged in. The reason may be that the firewall blocks incoming connections, insufficient user rights relative to the remote system, prohibiting the remote procedure call in the terminal server service parameters.

    Sending a message via the command line to another computer

    At a minimum, to exchange messages using the command mSG. Between computers, you must have a user account, valid with respect to the remote system and execute the following settings:

    On each computer to which messages will be sent, add to the Registry section HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTROL \\ TERMINAL SERVER parameter Allowremoterpc. Type REG_DWORD. and equal 1 You can use the following content to change the settings:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    "AllowRemoterPC" \u003d DWORD: 00000001

    In Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10 registry key Allowremoterpc. exists, but it matters equal 0 What needs to be corrected. To apply changes, a reboot is required.

    Since utility messaging msg.exe. Uses the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, on each computer to which the messages will be sent must be opened by TCP port 445

    Examples of using MSG.:

    mSG * / Server: Server "Test message" - Send test message to all computer users Server

    mSG * /Server: "Test message" - Send test message to all computer users with an IP address

    mSG RDP-TCP # 0 / Server: Tsserver "Test message" - Send test message to the user of the terminal session named RDP-TCP # 0 on the computer Tsserver.

    mSG CONSOLE / SERVER: Windows7 "Test message" - Send test message to the current local computer user Windows7.

    mSG CONSOLE "Test message" - Sending a test message from the user user RDP to the local user. If this command is executed not by the user of the terminal session, the message will be sent by the local user to itself.

    To fulfill the team mSG. On behalf of another user, you can use the utility Psexec. From the package PSTOOLS. or regular anem runas.exe.

    pSEXEC -U OtherUser -P Otherpass MSG * / Server: Win10 Test Message

    runas / User: OtherUser "MSG * / Server: Win10 Test Message"

    Messages sent by the team mSG. Local computer user with operating system Windows XP, which is missing (not yet in Windows) are displayed in the window with an invitation to registration in the system and can be available to strangers.

    The entire list of Windows CMD commands

    Net Send Team Background

    1. General About Net Send Team
    2. Using the Net Send command
    3. NET SEND command syntax
    4. Comments on the use of the Net Send command
    5. Examples of using the Net Send command
    6. Enable and disable messages and NET Send
    7. How to send Net Send messages in Windows 7

    Net Send Command General Information

    Net Send is a console application that is part of some versions of Windows and is intended for sending messages to a local network to another user, computer or pseudonym. The command is available only in Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and is not available in Windows 7, Vista, Me, 98, 95 and older. In Windows XP, starting with Service Pack 2, the Net Send command is disabled by default.

    Using Net Send Team

    For work net. SEND must be launched service windows messages. In fact, the Net Send command is only a command line interface to the messages service, which is directly related to sending and receiving messages. To be able to receive messages on the computer to which the message is sent, the message service or other program must also be launched, using the same protocol for messaging. The message can only be sent to an active object on the network. If the message is sent to the user, it must log in under his name.

    To send schitches to the Net Send command, run the command interpreter (command line). To start the command interpreter, select Run from the Start menu, type CMD and click OK. Use the NET command with the Send parameter and other parameters in accordance with the command syntax. Message Service Displays the received messages in the standard Windows Message dialog box.

    Net Send Team Syntax

    The NET Send command has the following syntax:

    net Send (UserName | * | / Domain | / Users) Message

    userName. - username, computer name or alias that you want to send a message;

    * - sending messages to all members of the domain or working group;

    / Domain. - sending messages to all names in the computer domain or in DomainName domain;

    / Users. - sending messages to all users connected to the server;

    message - Message text.

    Net Send Command Notes

    If the arguments of the command parameters contain spaces, they should be concluded in quotes.

    Difficulties are possible when using the long names of recipients of messages. The names used by the messages service have a length of up to 15 characters.

    The maximum length of broadcast messages is 128 characters. Limit length of personal messages - 1600 characters.

    Examples of using Net Send Team

    To send a message. "Send a local network. You can use the Net Send command" Ivanov to type:

    nET SEND IVANOV Send message on the local network You can NET SEND command

    To send a message to all users connected to the computer from which the message is sent, enter:

    net Send / Users Immediately get out of 1C!

    To send a message to all users in the UKMZ domain, enter:

    net Send / Domain: UKMZ Electricity in the building will be disconnected after 5 minutes

    To send a message to all users in the computer domain from which the message departs, enter:

    net Send * Lord, meeting under the CEO will be held at 13:00

    Enabling and disable messages and NET Send

    The inclusion and disable message service is possible by both the MMC console (service snap) and using the command line.

    To perform these operations, you must have administrator rights.

    To enable messages using the MMC console, run the following sequence of actions: Go to the Control Panel. Open the Administration, service folder. Find a message in the list "Messenger). Open the service properties window. Select the 'Auto' value from the Launch Type list if you want the service automatically started when download windows. Then click the Start button. Click OK.

    To disable the messaging service, perform the following sequence of actions: Go to the Control Panel. Open the Administration, service folder. Find a message in the list "Messenger). Open the service properties window. Select the 'manually' value from the Launch Type list. Then click Stop. Click OK.

    To enable messages from the command line, enter the following commands in the command interpreter:

    sC Config Messenger Start \u003d Auto
    net Start Messenger

    To disable messages from the command line, enter the following commands in the command interpreter:

    net Stop Messenger
    sC Config Messenger Start \u003d Disabled

    How to send Net Send messages in Windows 7

    To send Net Send messages in those windows versions Where this command is missing (Windows 7, Vista, Me, 95, 98) can be used. software.

    Sending messages using msg.exe

    We offer you to use two programs: WinSent Messenger and Sent utility. WinSent Messenger is a messenger for a local network compatible with Net Send. Sent utility is designed to send messages from the command line. More detailed information Available on the pages of these software products:

    WinSent Messenger - Messenger for Local Network

    Sent - utility for sending Net Send messages from the command line in Windows 7 / Vista.

    Does your company experience difficulties with communication within the team? Tired of calling each colleague for the meeting? Tired of walking all over the office to address the simplest question? If you answered "yes" at least one of these questions, then the time of the introduction of a corporate local messenger has come.

    Softros Lan Messenger is a simple and convenient office messenger - a messaging program in a local network of any size. The messenger for the company does not require and does not use the Internet connection and thus ensures that the information transmitted will not go beyond the local network. The application is easy to install and use, has a pleasant, intuitive interface and works correctly for users with limited rights. For your convenience, the file sharing feature is also provided between users of a network messenger. Thin tuning Allows the administrator to prohibit the use of certain functions of the application and change its settings, which can be useful in a large company with disparate infrastructure. The serial messaging system and files saves on hardware. 14 years of permanent improvement guarantee the quality and stability of our messenger for your local network.

    brief information

    Latest version: 9.2

    Supported OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 2012, Windows 2016

    Supported Types of Networks: Lan, Wan.

    Key features of the corporate messenger:

    • Messaging with the possibility of chat
      Create virtual chats within your network with any number of users.
    • Safe network communication
      Messages do not go beyond the local network.
    • Group messages on the local network
      Use mass mailing messages to inform workers about upcoming events.
    • Fast messages
      Set up to 10 preset template messages with the ability to instantly send hot keyFor rapid responses with typical phrases or suggestions.
    • Huge set of email emoji
      Remove your message using the embedded set of emoji emoticons (about 830 smiles)
    • Transfer of files within the network, including mass distribution files
      Share documents with colleagues has become much easier.

      Net Send in Windows 7

    • Grouping users
      Distribute your colleagues in departments or posts for ease of communication.
    • Sharing remote desktop
      Request remote help from your colleague or network administrator directly from the messenger, providing him with access to your desktop remotely. Ask the administrator to help you with configuring any programs or Windows on your computer, ask your colleague to solve the working questions.
    • Remote Administration of Desktops
      Administrators authorized in the domain as domain administrators, or on a remote computer as local administrators, can be connected to the user desktop directly, bypassing the permission to connect from the user.
    • Managing user rights
      The administrator may prohibit the use of any function if necessary.
    • History of messages
      You will never lose any message as they all are saved in history files.
    • Surrious architecture of messenger
      LAN CHAT does not need to install a selected server.
    • No need for Internet connection
      The messenger for the local network works only inside your network of your company and eliminates your subordinates from empty spending time in ICQ, keeping your traffic and minimizing the capabilities of attacks.
    • Support Server Terminal
      Lan Messenger works successfully on a terminal server from Microsoft or Citrix, and also supports the simultaneous use of multiple user sessions. (After installing Softros TS Engine.)
    • Easy installation
      You do not need administration skills to start using our program. Just install the internal messenger on each computer on your local network, and it is ready to work.
    • Simplicity of distribution
      Configuring network settings, as well as settings for users of users on one computer, you can export them to a file to then use on all hoosters within the company's network. It simplifies the program setting in complex networks.

    Top 10: Chat for LAN

    Client-server messenger for the local network. Integrates with Active Directory, multi-level contact list, bulletin board, mass alerts system, conference, SSL traffic encryption, transmission of offline messages and files, flexible user rights management system, file transfer and folders. Built-in Kanban projects for projects

    Client-server program to communicate in a corporate network that runs on the Windows OS platform. CommFort includes modules for chat, image exchanging, file transfer, VoIP and video link. Supports video conferences up to 32 users

    Softros Lan Messenger

    Simple and reliable messenger for the local network. Does not require an Internet connection. In addition to sending instant messages and file transfer, allows you to create virtual rooms, make bulk mailing, save message history, group contacts on departments or positions.

    Corporate mobile messenger in source codes. Includes corporate mobile messenger in source codes

    Multimedia corporate messenger. Supports control of online status, chat, voice and video communications, conference, video package, screen-sharing.

    Command msg.

    Works on PC, Mac and mobile platforms - iPhone, iPad, Nokia, Android and BlackBerry. Uses open Protocol Jabber (XMPP)

    Corporate client-server platform for interaction and communicate in real time. Integration with Active Directory, access to the archive of all transmitted messages and files, Delivery Offline and Document assignment to employees with reliable encryption.

    Simple and fast multiplayer chat with activity control on a local network. Designed for medium and small local networks (up to 300 computers). Does not require a dedicated server and can be quickly deployed even on the network without a professional administrator.

    A simple and powerful cross-platform client-server chat for the local network and the Internet, open source.

    Free Open-Source cross-platform messenger for the local network. Does not require server. Logging messages. File transfer.

    Free crossplatform chat for corporate networks. File transfer. Offline message.

    Free Software for Sharing instant messages In networks Microsoft Windows.. High speed delivery of messages to a large number of recipients (1000+)

    Team MSG. There was still in Windows 2000 / XP and was intended to exchange messages between users logo in locally and users of terminal sessions (connected to the remote desktop). In Windows Vista and later operating systems of the Windows family, the MSG command has become the main standard messaging tool, since the command Net Send. The data is no longer supported.

    Command line format:

    MSG (user | Session name | session ID | @ file name | *) [message]

    Description of command line parameters:

    user - Username.
    session name - Session name.
    Session ID - session identifier.
    @File name - A file containing a list of user names, sessions or session identifiers to which the message is sent.
    * - Send a message to all sessions on the specified server.
    / Server: Server - Server (default - current).
    / Time: Seconds - The confirmation confirmation interval from the recipient.
    / V. - Displays information about the actions performed.
    / W. - Waiting for a response from the user, useful together with / v.
    message - Send message. Unless specified, a request is issued or input from STDIN.


    The current implementation of MSG.exe is perfect for messaging between local and terminal users within one system, however, in cases of exchange between different local network computers, you will need to change some security settings received by default in Windows Vista operating systems, 7 or more Late.

    With standard settings, sending messages to users of remote computers is not performed and accompanied by a message:

    Error 1722 when receiving session names

    This means that on the computer where the sent message should be taken, it is impossible to obtain information about the users logged in. The reason may be that the firewall blocks incoming connections, insufficient user rights relative to the remote system, prohibiting the remote procedure call in the terminal server service parameters. At a minimum, to exchange messages using the command mSG. Between computers, you must have a user account, valid with respect to the remote system and execute the following settings:

  • On each computer to which messages will be sent, add to the Registry section HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTROL \\ TERMINAL SERVER parameter Allowremoterpc. Type REG_DWORD. and equal 1 You can use the following content to change the settings:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "AllowRemoterPC" \u003d DWORD: 00000001

    In Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10 registry key Allowremoterpc. exists, but it matters equal 0 What needs to be corrected. To apply changes, a reboot is required.

  • Since utility messaging msg.exe. Uses the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, on each computer to which the messages will be sent must be opened by TCP port 445

    Examples of using MSG.:

    mSG * / Server: Server "Test message" - Send test message to all computer users Server

    mSG * /Server: "Test message" - Send test message to all computer users with an IP address

    mSG RDP-TCP # 0 / Server: Tsserver "Test message" - Send test message to the user of the terminal session named RDP-TCP # 0 on the computer Tsserver.

    mSG CONSOLE / SERVER: Windows7 "Test message" - Send test message to the current local computer user Windows7.

    mSG CONSOLE "Test message" - Sending a test message from the user user RDP to the local user. If this command is executed not by the user of the terminal session, the message will be sent by the local user to itself.

    To fulfill the team mSG. On behalf of another user, you can use the utility Psexec. From the package PSTOOLS. or regular anem runas.exe.

    pSEXEC -U OtherUser -P Otherpass MSG * / Server: Win10 Test Message

    runas / User: OtherUser "MSG * / Server: Win10 Test Message"

    Messages sent by the team mSG. The local user of the computer with the Windows XP operating system, which is missing (has not yet entered Windows) are displayed in the window with an invitation to register in the system and may be available to outsider.