Why I can't open contact. Not open "VKontakte": solving the problem. How to Open access to the VKontakte page

So, today we will discuss with you the topic: "I can not open my page in" Odnoklassniki "- what to do?" Consider, perhaps, all possible reasons The emergence of the problem, and then think about how you can cope with them. So let's quickly begin the study of our question.

Internet problems

Well, our conversation will begin with the most popular problem on which, as a rule, attention is not particularly often. We are talking About in "Odnoklassniki" it is impossible if any problems occur with the Internet connection.

Typically, many users suffer this "surprise". For example, in the evenings, when the load on the network is very high. Then, no matter how hard you try, you will not get logged out. In any case, not the first time, but when the server and the network are slightly unloaded.

If you do not open the page in "Odnoklassniki", then for starters check if everything is good with the Internet. If other sites are loaded pretty quickly, then you can think about another problem. Which one? Now we will find out.

Engineering works

Another fairly common topic, after which complaints appear: "I can not open my page in Odnoklassniki" - this is, of course, unplanned (or planned) technical work on the site.

The thing is that the administration usually notifies users to carry out various types of work on the server. True, not everyone always follows the news. Thus, the inability of the entrance becomes a huge surprise for users. To be honest, it is possible to open the page in Odnoklassniki in this situation. But far from the first second time. Sometimes this process May require 50-60 attempts by authorization.

Honestly, if you do not expect particularly important messages, it is best to simply wait for the end of the technical work. As a rule, they last up to several hours - no one will leave the modern user without a social network. Just type patience. True, everything is not always so good. Often the problem that sounds like "I can not open my page in" Odnoklassniki ", it covers more large-scale problems. Let's see what kind of.

Breaking into

So one more pretty interesting and common cause in which you will not be able to log in to the social network. It is about the fact that you simply hacked. Your account or "Social" in general.

Quite often: "I can not open my page in" Odnoklassniki "- what should I do?" - They ask those who have ever tried to take advantage of a variety of utilities for cheating something. Any hacker "thing" can leave you without an account.

There are several options in this situation. The first is simply forget about your profile and have a new one. Plus to everything, no longer use third-party or suspicious content. The second way is to write the administrations a complaint "I can not open my page in" Odnoklassniki ", while saying the possible causes of account loss. Come with the opposite, and you will be returned to the profile. Although not always, but this move works. But there is also a small number of reasons for which the entrance to the Social Box becomes impossible. Now we will try to figure out what can happen.

Wrong data

Well, here we got with you to more "landed" reasons that can only interfere with our work on social networks. As a rule, there can sometimes meet such cases in which the topic "I can not open my page in" Odnoklassniki "comes down to one rather interesting answer. To check the entered data.

Sometimes even the smallest typo can lead to a prohibition of access. If, let's say, you scored a password quickly, then there is a chance of a "superfluous" buttons on the keyboard. In this case, you will be informed that something is not true. It is better once again to carefully check the data. Maybe you recently changed the password, and now you just pick up the old one.

If you know exactly that everything is entered correctly, you can try to restore the data, as well as write the site administrations that you can't visit your page because of the wrong password or login. Prove that you are the real owner of the page, and you will restore access. Nothing difficult. So it is better to use real last name and real name. Maybe you will be asked to provide a scan of passport to confirm your rights to possession. With the "Lipov" name, all evidence can very quickly "cover up the copper pelvis."


Well, along with hacking, many users have problems with the entrance to social networks Due to the presence of viruses in the operating system. So, if you used some hackers, non-license programs, and also passed on suspicious advertising links, it is likely that your computer may be infected.

In this situation, the antivirus will not particularly help. Open your page in "Odnoklassniki" will be possible only after manually getting rid of computer contagion. How to do it? Now we will deal with this.

So, everything that we need is to clean or remove it at all from the computer and clear the basket. You can find it in the folder "Windows". From there, go to "System32", then open "DRIVERS". In it, find "etc", and then with the help of a notepad, read the file you need. Or erase all the contents and save the changes, or remove the "HOST" at all. Restart the computer and try logging again.


So we figured out with you with the most common causes of the impossibility of authorization in the social network "Odnoklassniki". As you can see, all problems are easy to fix. The main thing is not to start panicing.

If you want to protect your own data, it is best to avoid suspicious programs, as well as advertising sites (spam). You should not use the "pirate" games, as well as all sorts of hackers.

Have you been registered in the popular social network "VKontakte" or recently registered? In fact, it does not matter, because to face the problem when "Vkontakte" may absolutely any user. And decide this problem It is quite difficult because the reason why it is impossible to get to your page may become not only a forgotten password.

Who is guilty?

The main reasons for which "VKontakte" are not opened, are the actions of intruders. In the Windows operating system there are special software scammers create various viruses and the so-called that, attacking your computer, change the component of the said file, prescribing other commanders.

As a result, nothing suspecting user is trying, as usual, go to his page and sees the "VKontakte" screensaver with a proposal to repeat the login and password. The fact is that the site you find with a modified program file is not real. It's just very similar to the original, but if you carefully look at, then you can see the difference.

However, there is little social network, facing such a problem, immediately thinks about the "criminal" substitution. The most unpleasant that all the actions of attackers lead to what you are invited to send supposedly free SMS on short numberIn order to make sure that you are still a person, and not some bot. And then it turns out the following: SMS You send, money for sending with you is removed, and you can not enter the site. Yes, plus to all, fraudsters get more login and password from your page. Situation...

Naturally, the user is perplexed why the "Vkontakte" page does not open even after sending SMS. Do not wait, she will not open anyway. You fell to the fishing fraudsters. Now let's consider in detail what to do to avoid such unpleasant situations.

How to fix errors

The very first thing you need to remember is that the social network is absolutely free, the site administration does not require any money during registration and the more not to require paid confirmation in order to restore the password. But if you already encountered a situation when you do not open "VKontakte", what to do, we will tell you.

You should find HOST. It is usually located in the program file folder. For its search, you can try to go on the next way: WindowsHosts (for Windows 95/98 / Me), WinNTSystem32DRIVERSETCHOSTS (for Windows NT / 2000), WindowsSystem32DRIVERSETSTIS (Windows XP / 2003 / Vista).

The next step will be the removal of absolutely all lines, which contain the following words: vkontakte.ru/, and the beginning of the recording can be any, from the number of your IP to conventional numbers. After you have cleaned the file, be sure to save the changes made in it and restart the computer.

Use of antivirus

You can go to another way when "VKontakte" does not open. If the antivirus program is not installed on your computer, be sure to correct this error. Download Antiviruscan can also with the help of the Internet (for example, Dr.Web). You can download it both in the free and paid version. To quickly cure your computer from malicious utilities, it is better to use the free method and download the attendant program to quickly.

Downloaded? Excellent! Run scanning to viruses. The program will determine the malicious viral security and send it to quarantine. After completing the operation of the antivirus, the computer must also be restarted. Now you can try again to go to the site "Vkontakte".

What if cleaning is Host and Antivirus did not help?

It happens that neither cleaning software Filenor the use of antivirus does not dispose of the problem under consideration. In this case, you will have to try the following options.

It is possible that your computer picked up the svcnost.exe virus. To get rid of it, you will have to look for the file in the folders "Documents and try to use the search for malicious software. Be sure to check for

But if the computer does not find it, try to find manually. Viruses are sometimes distinguished by very good conspiracy, along with keyboard keylokers (spyware).

Most importantly, remember that you need to search in the Windows folder. When you find - remove immediately, only then be sure to check whether you managed to get rid of it completely. IN command line There should be no autorun command for this file.

After final removal, reboot the computer again and try to enter your favorite social network. What doesn't anyway open "VKontakte"? Go ahead.

Another virus?

If you did not find a desired virus or, on the contrary, they discovered, rebooted the computer, but still does not open "VKontakte", do not panic. So, you need to look for another virus called "vkontakte.exe" or "vk.exe". We will identify it through the "Task Manager".

To begin with, open the menu "Manager" and see all performed in this moment processes. We are looking for those who need the name we need. Found? So, there is a virus on the computer, which does not allow you to enter the social network.

What if the PC is infected with vkontakte.exe or vk.exe?

Destroy! First you have to find files with this expansion. Open the "Start", then "Search", enter the search extensions in the search bar, not forgetting how much it is necessary to search for all and folders.

When the files are found, again, we remove them and reboot the computer again. And again try to enter your page.

When the question is why "VKontakte" is not opening, resolved, be sure to change the password from your page, and even better - and from mailbox. And hereinafter, to avoid problems like: "I want to go to the site" Vkontakte ", my page does not open!" - Be sure to use antivirus programs.

All malicious software and trojans, as a rule, attack a computer that has no anti-virus support. Therefore, update the installed antivirus programs in time and do not attend suspicious sites that you will definitely warn the same antivirus. Always check unknown files and programs for viruses contained in them before installing on your laptop.

For hours try to download your VKontakte page, but nothing can be? On the screen flashes advertising banners and messages with the requirement of sending SMS? Do not even help recover the password on the network via email? If at least one of the items has a relationship to you, you got to the address! Let's figure it out why contact does not work.

The algorithm of action is simple:

  1. Find out the reason;

  2. We are trying to try out everything possible paths solutions to the problem;

  3. We constitute the conclusion that you need and what does not need to be done in re-occurring such a situation.

Why does not work contact (reasons)

One of the most common causes of problems with access to the social network VKontakte is a viral attack. Her main goal is theft money And passwords, which can also be sold, is noticeably enriched.

So, if you find a file with the name vkontakte.exe on your computer or just vkontakt, know it malicious code. Its main task is to modify the C: WindowsSystem32DRIVERSETCHOSTS file, which allows you to replace the real pages of social networks on their exact copies. You open the browser, come on main page Vkontakte, enter your username and password and easily give all your personal data and codes with computer fraudsters.

There is no mini-copy? Are you asked to send SMS to a four-digit number? Do not rush to grab mobile phone! This is another trick of fraudsters.

No, and that? Do you just do not load the web page of the network? Do not be surprised, and this can also be a virus.

And one more reason is the banal reconstruction of the site, carried out by managers and masters of the social network. In this case, all you have, just wait for it.

Does not work VKontakte. What to do?! Ways to solve the problem

So, first need to answer the question about what was done before there were problems with the network. It may well help eliminate the problem.

The easiest way to combat Internet fraudsters is the installation of an antivirus program. In the first minutes of work, it will detect and delete all the malicious files contained on the computer.

For enthusiastic users, the instruction is somewhat different.

In order to provide safe input In the social network Vkontakte and the most of the maintenance of a personal computer from malicious programs, it is necessary:

  1. Open C: WindowsSystem32DRIVERSETCHOSTS using a notepad.

  2. Go to "My Computer", click on the "Local C drive" icon, select the "Windows" folder, then "System32", then "Drivers" and, finally, the "ETC" folder, in which the HOSTS malicious file contains to which you want to click right-click Mouse and open with a notepad.

  3. Another way to "get to" to the HOSTS file is a computer conductor.

  4. Carefully familiarize yourself with the records contained in the file. Discovered lines containing addresses of social networks vkontakte.ru, mail.ru or other sites? Delete immediately!

  5. In no case do not delete the uncommitted string Localhost, all other rows starting with the icon # should be cleaned.

  6. Enter the vkontakte.exe conductor in the search bar and immediately delete the filed file.

  7. Clear local disks and desktop from all dubious and incomprehensible additions. They could also cause a computer infection.

  8. Set the correct data and time data depending on your location.

  9. Reinstall the computer, after which you can again share information on social networks and messages in email.

  10. Just in case you need to reinstall antivirus program. It can be both Kaspersky, Avast or Avira and NOD 32 and others.

  11. Another helpful advice - Install the Comodo firewall on your computer, if any is not available in the basic set of an existing antivirus.

  12. It will not be superfluous and complete software update, as well as applications and web browsers. This will significantly reduce the risk of repeated attack of fraudsters.

Browser earned, and VKontakte's social network is active again? Congratulations, you did everything right.

Do not want to repeat? In this case, you should consider a number of tips and rules:

  • First, heal yourself and their loved ones from visiting suspicious sites. Avoid pages with a huge number of shimmering pictures and advertising banners. As a rule, it is from such sites on computers and "flying" the threat.

  • Secondly, do not rush to click on the links specified in the messages email. In order for your PC to become infected, just one click.

  • Thirdly, do not take unknown files from strangers ICQ, Skype or other similar services.

  • Reduce to a minimum visiting "sites for adults". It is at them that users most often come across, passionate about seductive banners or mounted advertising. How stupidly did not sound, love their halves.

  • Try to update the databases and anti-virus software signatures as often as possible. This will significantly increase the level of security of the personal computer from the predatory actions of fraudsters.

  • On your laptop or home computer Is IE web browser installed? Rather get rid of him! Download Google Chrome., Opera or Internet Explorer. in case of emergency.

  • Do not download third-party applications and additions of unknown sites. Is free? So what? Remember free cheese - Only in a mousetrap!

  • Fully replace the antivirus program and install the firewall. Thus, your computer will be achieved even more protection.

As is known, operating windows system It is one of our planet among the most early and common population. Only one conclusion can be made of this - hackers and computer scammers work with her for a long time! Their main task is to find all sorts of ways to her hacking and invasion of the privacy of users. Daily talented programmers are written more than hundreds of programs, allowing you to steal personal data of Internet users and earn a huge state on this.

Almost none of the modern sites or antivirus programs can provide 100% control and protection against the invasion of malware into life of civilians. All this suggests that most active Internet users will have to simply refuse the Windows system and go to a less popular - UNIX, for example. However, the "power" of fraudsters every day is gaining momentum, and the guarantee is that the operating uNIX system There will be much more developed by Bila Gates, it is almost impossible to give. Inexperienced users should start with installation on your Mandriva Linux, Kubuntu Linux or SuSe Linux. They are less criminal for viruses, stable and in no way inferior Windows for design. If you are an experienced user, do not be afraid of difficulties and ready to tinker with a console, you are ideal for Arch Linux, affordable and at the same time improved operating system.

In case you have tried all the above methods, and VKontakte access is still closed, we advise you reinstall the operating system. Make it is also very simple.

How to reinstall the operating systemWindows:

Before starting the installation, it should be noted that when updating the version of the operating system, all programs and drivers will need to be reinstalled. So, the first thing you need to copy files on the external carrier. Then - download drivers from the Internet or use the DRIVERMAX program that copies all the programs available on the computer.

So, proceed to the immediate installation!

  1. Go to the BIOS and choose DVD-ROM first boot device. To get into the BIOS, you must press the F2 key when the start screen and select the "BOOT" submenu. We put the priority on the CD / DVD and save by pressing the F10 key.

  2. During download, a message will be displayed on the screen: "Press Any Key to Boot from CD", to respond to which is enough by pressing any key.

  3. Then fit hard drives And choose the one to install the operating system to install. As a rule, discs are divided into 2 sections: the first - for storing the system itself and programs, the second - to accommodate personal files (movies, music and other things).

  4. We delete all the previously created partitions, and create a new 100000MB size with the key.

  5. Repeatedly select an unbalanced area and create new sectionequal to the volume of the remaining place.

  6. Select the disk "C" and click "format the section in the NTFS system".

  7. After some time, copying files will end and the system will require the introduction of the key, as well as refinement of time, dates and locations. This data each user is able to enter independently.

  8. Upon completion of the operating system installation, enter the account name.

  9. The system is practically ready for work. It remains only to install everything required programs and drivers.

Fulfilled all actions respectively represented step by step instructions? Operating system Updated and ready to work? Do not hurry to open a web browser and start boostering spaces world Wide Web! First of all, download the antivirus program. Note! Do it is necessary exclusively on official sites. softwareotherwise you risk "earn" new virus And repeat the entire procedure again, and she probably took away a lot of time. installed? Check the software updates and signatures! Does your protective program meet all the latest requirements? Congratulations! You can safely click on the web browser icon and dial the address of your favorite social network in the search bar - vk.com. Everything is working? How not?! Did not any of the submitted tips help you restore the stable operation of VKontakte? Stand, are you sitting on a social network from your personal or still work computer? The answer to this question is no less important.

The fact is that many businessmen or private entrepreneurs have long established a ban on the use of social networks VKontakte, FaSebook, Twitter and others in their offices. Perhaps the goal of innovation is obvious - saving staff time and increase their working capacity, which is definitely important to every boss. If the reason for the lack of access to social networks is due to this, it will help you only the higher management and only in the case of its advantage of the influence of employees. Other ways to confront this, unfortunately, no. Apparently, you will have to come to terms with proud loneliness and abundance of work in working hours. However, there is still a mobile phone! And indeed, if the ability to correspond with friends and exchange with them useful information through a personal computer no, you can use almost any portable devicehaving the ability to enter the Internet. Of course, this is not a computer to you: significantly inferior in quality and sizes, and the Internet is in speed, but this is the only option to always be in touch.

So let's summarize small results.

Can't go to the social network VKontakte? The solution of your problem has long been found! All you need is to carefully examine all the information presented on our website, and try it on your personal Computer. You can be sure of, at least one of the described troubleshooting methods will help you with 100%! Find out, learn, act - this is the secret of success! Functioning of your computer, and in particular social networks, now only depends on you;)

If you still have any questions about why "contact" does not work, then you can ask your question in the comments to this article, or ask for help from our specialists who will help you understand any computer issues that can only You have.

We all are already somewhat dependent on social networks especially from VKontakte. And when the user has a problem with the opening of sites, the features of the favorite social network, the panic begins. It is impossible not to notice that in the last time is very often not opened by VKontakte. And of course, users arise logic question « Why site does not open VKontakte?»
There are several problems due to which the site does not want to open.

What to do if the VKontakte page does not open?

Hosts file

The most common problem is vulnerability system File HOSTS, which is responsible for converting domain names to IP addresses. His vulnerability is associated with the fact that it is constantly being attacked by viruses. As a result, such attacks in the file are formed additional entries (Extra), "prescribed" non-existent addresses for domains.

To solve the problem follows:

Lock site.

Blocking the site for malicious programs is the second reason on which the VKontakte site does not open. To solve the problem, find the vkontakte.exe files or svc.exe and remove them.

Before starting the search, do not forget in the search parameters to put ticks everywhere (in hidden files and system folders etc.).

Domain vk.com.

Sometimes go to your favorite social network Such a glitch prevents, so try simply go to the site via domain vk.com. Sometimes this method Helps solve the problem.


  • Which is not desirable, but you can even say contraindicated, download special programs For Vkontakte, for example, to view personal messages, closed pages and other things. Often they contain a virus that can lead to a computer failure and the impossibility of visiting sites including.
  • Also remember that after each method for opening access, you should restart the computer!

Summing up the foregoing, I want to mention that sometimes the site conducts technical work due to which it is impossible to visit the site. In this case, you need to wait for a while. If you can not go to the site, it is most likely a problem in viruses.

If you helped or like this article, do not forget put your likeThis will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most to prepare and write more interesting and useful articles! Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Hello, dear visitors! Do you have VKontakte? Do you want to know why not opens contact? So you hit the desired page! In this note, we will tell you why contact does not open and what can be done with this problem.

In fact, the reasons are most likely in the virus, so we will try to tell how to deal with viruses that do so that the page in contact does not open. What if you do not open VKontakte? Learn right now why it does not open VKontakte, and what to do in such a situation!

Why contact no

The main reason why Viruses are not opened by VKontakte. It is because of their practitioning sites stop working. Basically, social networks and sites of antivirus manufacturers suffer. However, the problem is most likely in one small file that we are now and squeeze. Perhaps it is he will help to answer the question why no contact opens.

So, you need to go to the Windows system directory on the next path (Windows directory is usually on the "C" disk):

Switched? If so, the next picture opens before us:

As you can see, the file is called hosts. Its will need to check it. To do this, we need to open a notepad that you want to run on behalf of the administrator. We hope this will not have difficulties, just look at the next picture.

After starting the notepad on behalf of the administrator, you need to find the HOSTS file, by the way we gave above. The following screenshot is clearly demonstrated:

But if the contact does not open, then similar lines are most likely added to the file:

Moreover, if you do not see anything like that, and the page does not open in contact, then the virus may recorded its data below, as shown in the following picture:

As you understand, if the VKontakte site does not open, then you need to check the entire file. Next, we turn to countermeasures in the fight against the virus. Even if you fix hosts file, It is necessary to remove the virus itself. To do this, use antivirus workers, links to which can be found on our page.

We hope that the instruction was useful and helped find out why the VKontakte site does not open. That's all. If my VKontakte page does not open describe the steps that you have done, and describe the problem in the comments.