Check and restore Windows 10. SFC and DISM: Check and restore system files in Windows. Identify problems with the network and the Internet

If you encountered errors in applications or operation of the operating system (especially in tasks related to the record or reading information on the disk), then there is a high probability that there are various disk annoying mistakes. They can occur due to improper completion of the system (system failure or sudden turning off electricity), physical damage Disc (blows, drops, vibrations, and so on), improper operation or too long use period. In this case, it is recommended to check the disk on errors. Perhaps the problem itself will not eliminate checks, but it will help you to navigate the diagnosis of malfunction and move in the right direction in trying to return your computer into the working condition

Note: All actions in this instruction are executed on behalf of the administrator. If yours account Does not have the relevant rights, you will need a password from the admin profile.

How to check the disk on errors in windows 10 via the command line

In need to run the utility chkdsk.. It can check the disk for errors and correct them if necessary. The same procedure starts automatically along with Windows if the system itself determines the partition problems. You can initiate a check manually if there is a need.

note: team chkdsk. Supports work only with drives formatted in NTFS or FAT32 format. Refs does not need to be verified at all, since this file system has its own integrity check mechanisms.

Pay attention again: If the system now uses a disc that is checked, correct errors will not work. In this case, Windows will offer you to schedule automatic fix after the next reboot.

If Windows detected errors, but can not fix them, try using the disk check command in the offline mode. In this case, the system disables other programs access to the disk and trying to fix it. After completing the procedure, the disk is activated again and the applications will be able to read and record information on it. For offline checks in command line You need to use the team chkdsk. X.: / F. / Offlinescanandfix.. In this case X.: - This is a disc to check.

To display additional arguments for chkdsk. (Additional actions), enter chkdsk. /? . The command line displays a list of available commands.

How to make disk diagnostics in windows 10

Another option is to use the storage diagnostic utility. In the command prompt, running on the name of the administrator, you need to enter the following command:

stordiag.exe -Collectww -CheckfSconsistency -OUut x: \\ xxxx.

Instead X.: \\ Xxxx Enter the location in which the system will save the test results. Note that after this Windows command will check all connected drives, so the process can delay a little. Just be patient and wait for the successful completion of the diagnosis of drives.

It must be said that this method only collects information about the status and is unlikely to help the usual user to correct the malfunctions in the disc. Nevertheless, for a specialist, the collected information can provide a lot of useful information. The diagnostic utility collects information about the results of checking chkdsk. And all the errors detected, the registry files associated with the drives, as well as the Windows event view log.

How to check hard disk errors via PowerShell

In a more modern utility, PowerShell uses a separate command to start checking the disks on errors.

When checking the disk on errors, you may be useful to command, which will disable the communication of the drive with applications ("Offline" mode), because of which the programs will not be able to record information on it. The team is responsible for this procedure. REPAIR-Volume -Drivetter. C. -Offlinescanandfix. Again, instead FROM You must put the letter you need drives.

Checking disk on errors in Windows 10 through the conductor

If the command line and PowerShell are not suitable for you, you can use the easiest way to check the disk to errors. In conductor Windows already All necessary mechanisms with a friendly user interface are embedded.

How to check the disk on errors through the control panel

In a classic panel windows management For a long time, the parameters and tools that are not in a more advanced application parameters will be located. Checking the status of the disk is one of those.

If, after checking and correcting errors, you continue to observe problems in your computer, then it makes sense to think about finding faults elsewhere, or try to replace the carrier to another.

Unfortunately from problems with hard drive NOT insured old computernor new. Errors when reading and writing may appear on any of them with equal probability. IN operating system Windows 10 has a pair of built-in tools that allow you to check the disk on errors and successfully correct them in most cases.

Method 1. Open the list of local disks of the computer and click right-click on which the read or recording errors appear. IN context menu You need to select the item "Properties".

In the window that appears, you need to select the "Service" tab and click the "Check" button. The Windows 10 operating system can issue this warning here:

I ignore it and press the "Check Disc" button. Run the scanning of the hard disk partitions, troubleshoot errors.

If errors or problem or damaged sectors are detected during the check, then upon completion of the process you will receive additional information about them.

Method 2.The second option is to use the console utility chkdsk.which is still with Windows 2000 is standard ProgramChecking hDD HDD, or removable drive (flash drive or memory card) on file system errors. To take advantage of its functionality, it is necessary. After that we enter the command:


Here X: - this is the letter of the disk, and the keys / F. and / R. They say the application that you need to look for errors damaged sectors and when you are detected, it is mandatory. For the logical partition C: \\, on which the system is installed, the command will look like this:

In case you want to scan on the error, the section on which Windows 10 is installed, then when you start the process, you will see this message:

It is not necessary to scare this - simply press "Y". Run check hard Disk for errors:

It can take from 10 minutes to a couple of hours - everything depends on the volume. At the end you will receive a detailed report on the problems found on HDD.

If there will be a lot of damaged sectors, then it is worth thinking about the urgent replacement of the hard for a new one. Otherwise, you risk losing all available information in case it turns.

Despite the fact that there are many programs to determine errors in the Windows operating system, check the top ten for the presence of faults can be sufficiently simple ways without using software.

Widgets for checking Windows 10 for errors

In the Windows 10 operating system there are several regular utilities, thanks to which you can not only determine the error, but also correct it. Consider each of them.

The first is chkdsk. It is designed to scan the disk and its sectors for errors. The utility only works with hard drives, which are formatted in FAT32 and NTFS format. New file Systems So far, for this embedded program is not available. To start Chkdsk, do the following:

  • Click "Start", "Command Line (Administrator)".
  • We enter the command "CHKDSK C: / F / R", where C is the letter system Disc. However, if you start checking the disc, which is currently used by the system, the utility will give a failure. Therefore, this command can be checked Disc D.

  • But if you need to check the system, click "Y". After rebooting the system, the PC check will start.
  • To view the scan results, click "Win + R" and enter "MSC".

  • The event window opens. Go to the "Appendix" section and enter "CHKDSK".

  • We look at the scan results.

Also check the disk in Windows 10 using the conductor. To do this, carry out the following:

  • Open the conductor. Select the disc and click on it right mouse button. Select "Properties". A new window will open.
  • Go to the "Service" tab and click "Check".

For check system files The SFC / SCANNOW command is intended for errors in Windows 10. It checks and corrects system files that were damaged under different circumstances.

To start the utility, you must open the command line with the administrator rights, enter "SFC / SCANNOW" and wait for scanning results.

If this command cannot be executed, you can run it in safe mode or with installation disk. To do this, carry out the following:

  • Reboot your computer in safe mode;
  • Select the section "Diagnostics".

  • In the next click on the "Advanced Parameters" section.

  • In "Advanced Parameters", select the "Command Line".

  • The console will open. Through the following commands, enter the following commands: "Diskpart" and "List Volume".

  • Here you need to choose and remember system section and reserved by the system.
  • Enter Exit.
  • We specify the command to scan: "SFC / SCANNOW / OFFBOOTDIR \u003d C: \\ / offWindir \u003d E: \\ Windows", where C is a system partition, and E is the address to the folder with Windows 10.

If you failed to correct the errors in Windows 10 using the "SFC / SCANNOW" command, it is not possible to use the "dism.exe" utility.

  • We run the command line with administrator rights and enter "DISM / Online / CleanUp-image / checkhealth" to check the disk on errors.

  • To check the integrity of the storage files, specify the "DISM / Online / CleanUp-Image / Scanhealth" command.

  • If errors have been detected, enter "DISM / Online / CleanUp-image / RestoreHealth".

  • You can find a report log at "Windows", "Logs", "DISM", "LOG".

The same commands can be used to edit the registry. Errors will be correctly corrected.

). In this case, some begin to worry and look for all sorts of causes and ways to eliminate hangs.
I will not repeat and write why it happens, because The article is not about this and I have already given a link to solving problems.
I better show you one interesting way to help check the system for errors.

Few people know, but in Windows OS there is one useful "thing" that can herself search and fix Errors in the system itself. Moreover, it will not touch the third-party program, but only check its system files. It is useful and interesting to the fact that many do not think about the fact that the reason may be hidden in the system itself, and feverishly begin, and so on. Generally . Yes, it is useful and can lead to a good result, but with all these actions it is good to remember about what I will write below.

I have already written a bit about this feature in the article, which may also arise due to a failure in system files, which is often forgotten. But still within the framework of this article I will repeat ...

So, launch:

and introduce into it sFC / SCANNOW.:

System check will begin:

You can only wait.

Who is interested, here is a description of the team and keys.

/ ScanNow - Immediate scanning of all protected system files is performed.
/ ScanONCE - one-time scanning of all protected system files when next download Systems.
/ ScanBoot - check all protected system files for each download
/ REVERT - Sets the default source parameters.
/ Enable - Enable Normal Windows File Protection
/ Purgecache - Clearing File Cash and Immediate File Check
/ Cachesize \u003d x - Sets the file cache size

On the command prompt (Start -\u003e Run -\u003e CMD) We write the SFC / and the desired key.

After the verification is completed, the system will report the results and asks to reboot.

I have everything on this. Thank you all for your attention.

One of the undoubtedly indispensable tools windows systems 10 - Diagnostics and troubleshooting computer. Consisting of several child instruments, this application facilitates solving problems arising in the system - from sound failure before fixing errors in the work network adapter. But how to use this useful utility "at full power"?

Windows 10 diagnostic tools

A tool for diagnosing a computer in Windows 10 consists of 20 tools that determine the problems available in the system and correct them.

Running computer troubleshooting

In the search bar, we enter "troubleshooting" and open the found element.

We need a dedicated point in the results

How does the error correction

Diagnostics occurs in the following way: The started component checks the system status on this moment And compares it with the initial state of default. If differences are detected, the tool reports this to the user and offers to "roll back" the system to the initial settings.

How to work with diagnostic tools in Windows 10

After switching to the "Troubleshooting" tool, we see a window in which we have 4 partitions.

Sections and settings available to the user

Now more about how to work with tools. Consider on the example of correcting problems with sound.

  1. Select the "Play Sound" item in the troubleshooting window.

    Diagnostics of sound problems

  2. Be sure to check the checkbox at the "Automatically apply fix" item. Click "Next".
  3. After the system detects problems - you need to apply the proposed settings, unless, of course, you want to solve the problem.

    All that is required from us - apply correction

    Sometimes the administrator rights are needed to use the settings (select the "Run on behalf of the Administrator" item).

    Administrator rights setting

How to remove memory diagnostic icon from the notification area

Some users do not like the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bnotifications (zone with small icons in the right corner) is often overflowing. Among the other, this zone may occupy a diagnostic program. How to remove an annoying icon?

Computer diagnostics when starting

Surely most of you are familiar with the picture of the blue screen when starting. The text on it begins with the words "The problem arose on your PC ...".

Familiar to most pictures

Why begins

One of the most common causes of such a failure is incorrect installation of system updates. Perhaps you did not have enough patience, and you turned off the computer when you inscribe "Do not turn off. Installed updates "or this happened due to voltage drop. In any case, this inscription is not accidental, and at the moment the system requires update adjustment. For those users that they are afraid to independently enter the operation of the system - we advise you to attribute the computer to the service center. But if you want to try to make it with reservoirs, we work according to the following instructions.

How to disable

For subsequent actions, we will need to download via safe mode.

  1. Click on the notification area (the right lower angle) and select "All Parameters" tiles.

    We need a tile "All Parameters"

  2. In the window that opens, we need an item "Update and Security".

    Item "Update and Security"

    Now choose the "Restore" item and in "Special Download Options" click on "Reload Now". We wait.

    Select "Special download options" and reboot

    When booting a computer, we fall into a safe mode. Select "Advanced Parameters" and here Tile "Download Settings". As it is clear from the screen written on the screen, we need to press F4 downloads in safe mode. Press.

    Everything is described in detail on the screen.

    Now - the moment of truth. If the download passed normally, the problem causing blue screen, arose in the program part. Then here, in safe mode, check the computer devices drivers (whether there are outdated) and view the list of programs - we are interested in suspicious programs, the installation date of which coincides with the date of the problems in the system.
    If the blue screen has prevented and downloaded in safe mode - the system warns us of a serious hardware problem, which is necessary in the service center or by rearranging Windows.

How to start checking RAM (RAM)

For this there are several ways:

In both cases, we fall into the "Check windows's memory" Here you choose the option you need.

Before us two options for launching diagnostics

RAM check will begin after rebooting the system. It will be necessary to wait a while during which the current check statuses will be displayed on the screen. At the end of the verification, the system will again be restarted. The result of the diagnostics can be viewed by clicking on the "Memory Checking Tool" icon in the notification area in the lower right corner of the screen.

Identify problems with the network and the Internet

Before you start solving problems with the network through system instruments, make sure there are no failures in the network from the Internet service provider. Try to restart the modem and / or router. If the problem remains, then you should contact himself simple way Solutions of network problems.

In the lower right corner, we are looking for the icon of your connection, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Diagnostics" from the context menu.

Select your type of problem

After selecting your type of problem, just follow the instructions on the screen.

One of the most common causes of network problems - an outdated driver network device. In this case, you need to update it.

  1. Right-click on the Start icon. Select "Device Manager".

    Select "Device Manager"

  2. In this window, disclose the "Network Adapters" item.

    It is necessary to select the network adapter

    In the list of available adapters, we are looking for an Internet connection (in the picture this is the second Realtek).

  3. In the context menu, select "Update Driver", and in the window that opens, we agree to automatic search updated drivers.

    Choose the first menu item

    Now follow the instructions on the screen and at the end closing the setup wizard.

  4. Sometimes after installing the update for the driver, the system may ask for a restart. Reboot or immediately, or when it will be convenient for you.

The problem is solved.

Problems with the diagnostic master - does not start or hangs

And what if there are problems with the master problem solving? It sounds strange, but it happens more often than you think.

We need to restart one of the components of the system. Before proceeding with the following actions, check that you are working on behalf of the system administrator.

  1. Right Button on the Start menu, turn on the control panel.

    We are looking for .NET Framework 3 versions

  2. After loading the system, we go along the same path, but now we install a tick into an active state. Click OK, reboot again.

Ready. You can start the troubleshooting tool again.

To solve regular situations and troubleshooting when operating the system, troubleshooting means is the most suitable option. There are many third-party programs And utilities, but, as a rule, Windows 10 copes with the failures on their own. All that you can not fix at home, becomes careful service Center. We remind you: if you are not sure that you master work with system files and settings - better attribute the computer to the master. Stable work!