Batch trimming photos. Lesson: Batch processing of photos in Photoshop. Getting to work

Greetings, my dear blog readers. Today we will be, as always, learn some nuances of work in graphic programsAnd I will show how to automate the processing of multiple images at a time. Data knowledge will be useful to you in everyday work.

Reference editor raster graphics Photoshop, among other things, contains convenient tools for automation of the same type of actions for a plurality of objects. Suppose that before shipment by e-mail You need to quickly reduce the size of photos and improve their quality. Take, for example, 5 shots. For all of them it is necessary to set the width of 800 pixels, at the same time amplifying sharpness. Such a task in the program can be carried out in several ways, two of which are discussed below.

Batch processing of photos in Photoshop through action

Action (Action) Photoshop is called the sequence of automatically running commands applied to one of the images. After saving the action, it will be possible to spread to all others. Before directly proceeding to Action, you should create two directory on your computer to store source and processed images. Let's call them according to OLD and NEW, and put the original images in the first one.

Open in the editor (for example, versions Photoshop. CS6) Any of the processed photos, for example, a snapshot 4.jpg 1200 pixel width.

Then go to the "Window" menu and put a tick on the "Operation" string. In the above-described tab, click the icon "Creates a new operation."

In the top line of the New Operation tab, enter its name - (in our case, "size + sharpness") and click the "Record" button.

Attention! From now on, it is necessary to be particularly attentive because all subsequent user actions will be recorded in Action. Extra and, moreover, erroneous manipulations with the keyboard and the mouse must be excluded.

In the "Image" menu, go to the "Image Size" menu, enter the width value (800) and click OK. In the screenshot, it can be seen that the "weight" of the file will decrease more than twice.

In the "Filter" menu, select "Strengthening the sharpness", then "smart". The peculiarity of this team is that it does not act everywhere, but only in those fragments where it is required.

After saving the corrected picture by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl + S keys, the latter "Save" will appear in the action records. It remains to click the button "Stops play / write".

Now the created Action can be applied to all objects. To do this, in the "File" menu, go to "Automation" and click " Batch processing».

In the window that opens in the Operations list in the Operation list:

  • name of the recorded sequence;
  • name of the source object folder (D: \\ OLD);
  • the name of the output directory to record the adjusted photo (D: \\ NEW);
  • an option naming output objects. Since our initial images were simply numbered, then you need to choose the "sequence number" from the only figure and "expansion" that will repeat the original one.

After pressing OK, batch processing of photos in Photoshop will occur. The recorded sequence will be applied to all the pictures of the OLD directory. After a few seconds, all adjusted snapsters will appear in the New folder. As can be seen in the screenshot, their width has become equal to 800 pixels.

Obviously, in general, the recorded action may include a significantly larger number of commands than the two described. For example, it often happens to protect your copyright from copying. To do this, the editor's instruments are applied by the editor or watermark. But the essence of the case will not change. The difference will be that it will take more time to create actions, and it will be performed for tens of seconds instead of several.

Using droplet

Batch processing of photos in Photoshop Can be manufactured and via a droplet (Droplet). This is the name of a special executable file, automatically machining photos, dragged on its icon. Similar to the first way, Droplet uses pre-recorded action.

To create a droplet, you need to perform such a sequence of actions.

In the "File" menu, go to "Automation", then - "Create Thistle".

In the window that appears, specify the place where Droplet will be saved. A little later, it will be clear why it is convenient to write to the same directory in which there are corrected pictures, i.e. new. In the "Output folder" block, the default "Save and Close" value means overwriting the adjusted objects to the initial place. (Of course, if necessary, you can save them in another directory.)

In the "Operation" list, you must specify the pre-created action.

After pressing OK in the new folder, Droplet appears called Unnamed.exe.

After that, it is enough to highlight all the pictures, drag them to the Droplet icon and click "Open with the help".

For the same few seconds, a full processing of photos, dragged on the icon, will occur. All pictures will be exposed to "packed" in the droplet action. In the screenshot, the result is the same 800 pixels.

As follows from the above description, created by a specialist Droplet can be easily used by users who do not speak the program. Upon receipt (for example, on a flash drive or by mail), the droplet, they will sufficiently drag the photo to it without opening photoshop. The prerequisite here is only the presence of this program on the computer.

Also advise you to read and get acquainted with free program by photo processing in large quantities in a couple of minutes. Subscribe to the blog newsletter and do not forget to put likes. Total good and fast meeting in the following posts.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

04/07/16 4.9K.

In this article you will learn how it happens batch photo processing And how to apply it for a variety of images.

What we will create

We will create Photoshop operation, which changes the length of our images to 1000 pixels, and then apply this operation simultaneously to several images. Photoshop automation functions such as operations and batch processing, have become available for a long time, so you can perform a lesson in Photoshop CS3 and newer versions:


Images for processing " Distressed Paint Overlays for Your Graphics»

Step 1

First create new document The size of 2000 per 1500 pixels. This will give us a working space to create an operation for batch processing photos in Photoshop:

Step 2.

Go to the Window\u003e Operations menu (Window\u003e Actions) to open the operation panel. Click the icon as a folder " Create a new set"(CREATE NEW SET) at the bottom of the operation panel and name the set" Resizing Actions" You can move the sets and operations on the panel by clicking and dragging them:

Step 3.

Click on the created set to highlight it. We will create our operation within this set to save it for subsequent use. You can not save operation outside Photoshop and open them on another computer if they are not in the set.

Click on the "button" Create a new operation» ( Create New Action.) and name the 1000PX WIDE operation (" Width 1000 pixels»):

Step 4.

Click "Record" ( Record.) to start writing your operation in this program for batch processing photos. All you do now will be written to the next use in batch processing. Go to the menu Image\u003e Image Size And set the width of 1000 pixels. Make sure the checkboxes opposite the fields " Scaled styles» ( Scale Styles.), « Save proportions» ( Constrain Proportion.), Interpolation ( Resample Image.).

Install the value in the drop-down menu. Biobubic automatic» ( Bicubic Automatic.). Click OK. Do not worry about setting up the size of the document, since the operation writes values \u200b\u200bonly for label fields, the width value that we changed, and the resampling settings in the drop-down menu:

Step 5.

Now we need to keep our image into the operation we write. In another case, we would not start writing the "Save As" command ( Save As.) In the operation, but batch processing requires it to export the correct type of file. Go to the menu File\u003e Save as And save the empty document as JPEG. Check the box " Built color profile» ( Embed Color Profile). Click "Save" ( Save.).

No matter where you save the image while recording an operation, because we will define the destination folder where the image package will be saved later, but you must click the "Save" button to determine the file type in the operation for batch processing photos Photoshop:

Step 6.

Return back to the operation panel and click on the "Stop" icon ( Stop.). Our operation is ready! See the sequence of actions to change the size of the image and the preservation that we did? Everything is simple:

Step 7.

Go to File\u003e Automation\u003e Batch ProcessingTo open the batch processing window. Select " Resizing Actions»From the drop-down menu" Set "( SET.) and " 1000PX WIDE»From the" Operation "menu ( Actions):

Step 8.

Click "Select" ( Choose) Under the "Source: Folder" item ( Source: Folder.) And select the Distressed Paint Overlays folder where you saved it. We will change the size of these images:

Step 9.

Leave the field " Ignore the "Open» ( Override Action "Open" Commands) Unmarkable, since we did not open any files in the process of writing our operation. Field Enable all subfolders» ( Include All Subfolders.) Also leave unmarked, as in the spring of the package that we use does not have subfolders.

Fields " Suppress dialogs of file opening parameters» ( Suppress File Open Options Dialogs) and " Disable Color Management System» ( Suppress Color Profile Warnings) Must be noted in order not to confirm changes in parameters for each image in the package.

Most JPEG images will have an embedded SRGB color profile, which is the default RGB workshop, so in any case there should be no color management system warnings. If the image does not have a built-in profile, Photoshop can set the SRGB working profile for it. It is important that there are no pop-ups during batch processing dialog boxesOtherwise, all the goals of automation will be failed:

Step 10.

Create new folder On the desktop. Name her Batch Process Images resized. Return back and in the batch processing window in Photoshop, set it as a destination folder. Make sure the field " Ignore teams "Save as» ( Override Action Save As Commands) Noted.

Image trimming feature is present in many programs for viewing. But mainly the processing of one file is maintained. And if there are many images, it is necessary to take turns with each. In order to save time, you can use a batch program (i.e., mass trimming images. In this article will understand where to download the necessary program And how to work with it ...

So the program is called Faststone photo resizer.. On the official developer website you can download the English-language version of the program.

Please note that the program is designed not only for cropping images. You can also resize, rotate the image, set the color depth, make various adjustments, add text and watermarks, create a frame for the image.

We download, install and run the program. To begin with add a folder with images. To do this, click on the button " A source"And we find the folder on the computer.

When images are ready, throw a look below. Select the extension (parameter " Output format"), In which the future image will continue. You can select the original format, or specify any other. The setting of the output parameters (the button to the right of the format list) for best quality Images:

  • jpg. : We establish the quality of 100%, the testicular size is not.
  • bMP. : Do not change the standard parameters.
  • gIF.: If there is transparency on the image, turn on the corresponding parameter.
  • pNG. : Disconnect compression.
  • jP2.: Install the maximum quality - 1000.
  • tIF.: Do not change the standard parameters.
  • pDF. : Install the maximum quality - without loss.

Make changes not necessarily, here as you wish!

Next, select the folder into which the processed images will fall. You can remove a checkbox from the parameter to save the image to the source folder. You can also disable file replacement confirmation. True, it is necessary if you save to the source folder, with the original name and with the source format. Include additional processing parameters and click on the " Setting«.

In the window additional features Go to the tab " Frame"And install a tick on the activation parameter. Below we enter a new size (width and height) of the image.

So that you understand how the program performs trimming, I will give a simple example. Suppose the size of the source image is 604 (width) at 378 (height). I introduce a new size - 400 per 300. If you calculate, 204 pixels will be cut across the width, and 78 pixels.

Initially the main point is in the center, trimming is performed on the edges. In this case, from each edge in width, 102 pixels (204 are divided by 2) will be trimmed, from each edge in height, 39 pixels (78 divided by 2) will be cropped. You also have the right to set the coordinates of the point of the upper left corner. Only trimming will be performed a little differently. And click on the button " OK"To close the window of additional features.

Now run (button " Transform") Treatment of added images.

After some time (depends on the number of images), the processing will be completed. Click on the button " Ready«.

All images are cropped! I only have to lay out an example of the source and processed image:

Be sure to consider other functions of the program, maybe they will use you too!

After another holiday or another event there are sets good photos. And very often these photos want to be treated somehow. For example, someone wants to rename all the photos, and someone wants to add some inscription or brightening photos. For manual processing of all photos, great preferabity and tremendous patience are needed, or needed special program For batch processing of photographs, which will minimize manual work of the user.

Batch processing of photos is the processing of a large number of photos at the same time. To do this, you just need to download all photos in the program and set up. necessary actions. After starting processing, the program will apply the selected actions to each image. Thus, at the output, you will receive the same images with the same changes.

Naturally, the possibilities of batch processing programs are much lower than that of the same photoshop`a. But here it is worth noting the moment that when batching photos, usually, only the basic image parameters are changed. That is why the functionality of such programs consists of renaming tools, resizing, brightness, sharpness, contrast, adding water and conventional inscriptions, color correction. In addition to these photos, some effects can be applied, as well as convert them to other formats.

Free web processing programs

  1. Light Image Resizer. Platform - Windows. Interface language - Russian.
  2. Xnconverter.. Platform - Windows, Mac OS, * NIX. Interface language - Russian.
  3. Imbatch. Platform - Windows. Russian interface language.
  4. Faststone photo resizer.. A program with good functionality, which is higher than that of other presented programs. Platform - Windows. Interface language - English.
  5. Image Tools.. Relatively weak functionality. Pros - multi-threaded treatment Images and as a result, the most productive version of the presented. Platform - Windows. Russian interface language.
  6. Image Tuner. Platform - Windows. Interface language - Russian.

Those programs that do not have descriptions have an average functionality and average performance. All presented photos for batch processing photos are distributed free of charge. You can download them on their official sites.

When the novice photographer faces the need to process a large number of photos, the question of how to reduce the costs of processing time, how to automate routine operations?

For this in arsenal adobe Programs Photoshop There are several tools: operations or action, scripts or scripts, and droplets.

Operationsotherwise called also action, macros or macros are recorded and saved actions on the image that can be applied to another image, as well as used in batch processing. Action are also the basis for creating droplet.

Droplet. - This is a small application, a kind of program that automatically processes all the images dragging on it. The droplet icon can be placed, for example, on the desktop and drag folders to it with images for processing.

Scripts Or scripts are also programs, but written on one of the scripted programming languages. Using scripts allows you to automate operations for which it is impossible to write action, that is, the capabilities of the scripts are much wider. The only minus is to write scripts to master certain programming languages, such as Java Script.

In this article we will write a simple action and consider how to use it in batch processing using the command Image handler

As an example, we take a method of toning photos using the color fill in the overlay mode Hard light. Here is the original photo

First, create a set in which we will place the recorded operation. To create a set, you need to click on the folder icon in the operation palette. In the dialog box that opens, enter the name of the set.

Now, with an active set, click on the icon for creating a new operation.

In the dialog that opens, enter the name of the operation. If necessary, assign a color and keyboard reduction so that you can quickly start the operation. Click Record To start the recording process. Now in the palette Operations The recording icon will be active, it will become red.

Before starting the recording, it is advisable to plan all the steps and write them on paper. Competently planned action works without errors and the stability of its work does not depend on which version of the program is used, Russian or English. Properly recorded action will work in any. If this is not the case - it means that methodological errors were allowed when planning and recorded, for example, the names of the layers or channels were recorded.

Now create a correction layer Color. For this, click on the icon of the correction layer in the palette Layers, then choose a layer from the list Color.

In the dialog box that opens, select the desired color. It is necessary in advance, even when preparing for recording, record the values \u200b\u200bof this color via RGB channels to then enter it and immediately get the desired color.

Change the layer overlay mode Hard light

We get about such an image

Now you need to weaken the effect of the correction layer on the skin. The skin, as is known, the most bright in the red channel image. We make an active mask of the correction layer. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl + \\. Active layer mask will be circled by frame

Now download the red channel image on the mask. To do this, go to the image menu - external channel. In the dialog that opens, we will put the following settings. Layer - BackgroundSince it is from the background layer we will use a red canal. Channel - red, right to put a tick Invertsince for the mask we need just an inverted red channel, Overlay - ordinary, opacity - 100%. After performing the settings, click OK. Now the impact of the correction layer turns out through a mask based on an inverted red channel, which looks like this

We got a lightweight toning effect in the image

Now the action record can be stopped. Then, returning the initial state Images using palette HistoryIt is necessary to check the operation of the action. Now it can be used for batch processing.

Batch processing is best done with the script Image handler. It can be found in the menu File - Scripts - Image handler.

Either, which is much more convenient, you can run the image handler from the module BridgeAfter after selecting photos for processing. In Bridge Image handler Located in the menu Instruments -Photoshop - Image handler.

Configure batch processing parameters in the dialog box Image handler It does not represent difficulties. You need to select the location of the files, format and the quality of the save, as well as a set of action and actually an action that needs to be applied to the selected images.