The notorious "Russian hackers. Russian messengers for android is better. Rating of messengers in Russia. The notorious "Russian hackers Messenger of Russian Development

Employees of companies around the world use mobile devices for work: they are so convenient and faster to solve questions. For the same reason, the popularity of instant messaging programs is growing. But how to combine messenger and strict requirements for today information security in business?

The answer knows the director for the development of Ciberian Company Vladimir Pivovarov - one of the creators of the protected Russian Sibrus Messenger.

CNews: Today, employees of companies actively use various messengers, especially on mobile devices. About some developers say they ensure the secret of correspondence. Why do you need another protected messenger?

Vladimir Pivovarov:

At first glance, indeed, in most messengers there are mechanisms for protection using encryption. But this is only one of the data protection methods. Now there are many channel leakage channels, and each need specific protection.

For example, the data that is transmitted using our messenger is saved both on the server and on user devices, because the business should always have access to the history of correspondence with all the necessary documents. But if the device is lost or stolen, the information will fall into other people's hands, and it can threaten the company. Consequently, to protect the stored data, also need integrated tools that ensure the security of the system, user control, etc. simple encryption, as in public services, is not enough.

We were looking for among the existing messengers those who would be sufficiently protected, and did not find any full-fledged implementation. Therefore, we have created your secure combat platform - a tool for instant messaging, calls and collaboration.

CNews: Server is installed at the customer? Who has access to the correspondence data?

Vladimir Pivovarov:

The main difference between our messenger from public services is that the company itself fully controls the operation of the server, as well as all the data that is transmitted and stored with it.

Even if the "Sibrus" server is installed in the commercial data center, the data center administrators can only carry out common functions and ensure that the system worked. And the management of users and security is assigned to the company's specialist.

Take for example the task of preventing leaks. Suppose employees work in a virtual environment and use remote desktops on which a corporate messenger is installed. There is a threat that the employee will reinforce the file from a corporate cloud in the messenger, and then it downloads it from the phone. The administrator can prevent such actions by prohibiting downloading files from the cloud.

CNews: How did you come to the idea not just to create a messenger, but make it a commercial product?

Vladimir Pivovarov:

This thought arose a few years ago when we saw emptiness in the market. We then made solutions to protect data channels for state structures - the demand for it was quite high, and faced a problem for business: the messengers are needed, but they have not been protected among them. Then except, it seems, there was nothing significant at all. For Skype, you can theoretically use protected virtual networks VPN, but it required the creation of a complex and expensive solution, which is not all for the pocket. There were also free products, but they did not comply with other business requirements, such as fault tolerance. So it turned out that even large companies defended only part of their accounts, and the rest communicated through unprotected compounds.

Therefore, the idea arose to bring their own messenger to the market, devoid of all the flaws described. We are engaged in its development for three years, a strong programmer team works above it. First of all, we rolled the technology - it was necessary because we saw the problems of the predecessors. There were before us and other developers, I know examples when the company did a commercial messenger during the year, and then closed the project, because the decision architecture was initially chosen wrong.

To date, the situation on the market has not changed, the new competitors from Sibrus did not appear. The fact that many public services type came out or, we do not take into account, because users do not manage these services and their safety is not controlled. Perhaps today is enhanced as a business solution only Skype.

CNews: What kind functionality laid in "Sibrus"? What is it interesting?

Vladimir Pivovarov:

All functions in Sibrus are chosen so that the corporate user can quickly and easily solve its working tasks. In Sibrus, there are two main types of functions: communication and group work. For communication There are correspondence, video calls, calls to phone numbers, video conferencing, chats. It is possible to moderate group chats and conferences, that is, to do everything that users are used to.

Second part of functionality - group work. It includes funds for organizing work and management of tasks. You can transfer files of any type to colleagues. We set ourselves the task of implementing a real group work - it differs from what we see, for example, in the SED. There is a formalized process regarding the coordination of documents, but it constitutes about 5% of the work of an ordinary office employee, when everyone has already talked to everyone, created a document and sent it to approval.

The companies have a need for a solution that will discuss and quickly solve any tasks related to various projects. That is, they need to provide the work that underlies the appearance of documents.

CNews: There are such categories of customers who obey the special requirements of security regulators - these are state structures, financial sector ... Your messenger meets these requirements?

Vladimir Pivovarov:

Yes, in Russia there are several certification of IT solutions - this is the FSB, FSTEC, the Ministry of Defense, and we are now in the process of obtaining all the necessary certificates. This certification will give us the opportunity to install Sibrus in organizations falling under regulation.

In the market is a misconception, as as a result of certification, the "Authorities" receive access to corporate correspondence. It is absolutely wrong. When checking software products, they are studied for compliance with regulatory documents and according to the results of the work carried out, decide on the issuance of relevant certificates. For example, the FSTEC laboratory looks so that there are no undeclared capabilities in the program code, that is, the developer does not receive access to the client's data through any "black move".

The level of confidence in certified solutions is higher, so they prefer even commercial organizations without state participation. And the request for certification, as a rule, comes from security officers who understand how everything is arranged.

CNews: Speaking of the Gossector, it is impossible not to mention the inclusion of your messenger in the registry of domestic software. Why do you need, what kind of prospects opens?

Vladimir Pivovarov:

This gives us more confidence in tomorrow, because we see the course of the state to import substitution. For us, this word means preferences by Russian developments, including us. It turns out that we have priority to foreign developers to some extent.

How does this manifest? Already, when meeting with potential customers, we hear the question: "Are you in the registry?" If Sibrus did not present in it, some of the meetings would have ended with this. And so we are negotiating with state structures, companies with state participation, and they look at our decisions.

The second side of this issue is our attractiveness for customers as a reliable company precisely thanks to the presence in the registry of domestic software. If you see the requirements for suppliers, it can be seen that among them not only the registration of the company in Russia, but also the presence of GOST documentation software products and service service technical support. This shows customers that in six months-a year they will not throw one on one with the purchased system that the developer will be engaged in them.

CNews: What licensing forms are available to customers, will the limitations of functionality be, additional options for individual money?

Vladimir Pivovarov:

We do not use tricky licensing schemes because we - russian company, our market is not used to such. If we make a basic license for basic functionsAnd we will sell options for video calls to other features, all this will remind a car dealership: you came to choose a car, focusing on the price in advertising, but together with the necessary options it turns out this price to which you originally did not count.

Therefore, we made simple licensing, which includes only three tariff plan. First - "Office" - Designed for small organizations. Second - "Company" - Provides the installation of the system to the server cluster and is suitable for customers with increased fault tolerance requirements. And the third - "Corporation" - This is a proposal for large organizations, which includes the refinement of Sibrus under the Customer and the branding of the interface in the corporate style. Payment of user licenses is always due to the number of managed accounts: there is a person in the system - it can use the messenger at any number of devices.

CNews: "Sibrus" is more desktop application or mobile? How do you answer the requirements of mobile users?

Vladimir Pivovarov:

Initially, taking an eye on the business segment of the audience, we more focused on the desktop solution. As a rule, a person in the office sits at a computer, and mobile applications are particularly "shot" only in the last couple of years. Therefore, the richest functionally made the board version, but the mobile now catch up with her, and we attach great efforts to this. After all, it has now reached the point that the top managers do not even look at the desktop version, and immediately open the mobile client and ask what opportunities he will give them to business management.

CNews: For what platforms do you make mobile clients?

Vladimir Pivovarov:

We insert only two main platforms covering almost the entire market - Android and iOS. Client for Microsoft Windows. While we do not plan to release, because this OS has a very small mobile market. But someday make a solution for it.

Of much greater interest in our Samsung platform from Samsung and the Russian mobile OS based on Sailfish. They have a big chance to become the main mobile platforms for the public sector, so we will definitely make software clients for them.

CNews: How do you plan to develop a messenger?

Vladimir Pivovarov:

In addition to the usual work on improving the functionality, which every product developer is engaged in, we will enhance the possibilities of a messenger associated with group work and video. The second direction deserves special attention, because it is very large and promising: many customers are primarily interested in video conferencing. Here we will continue to improve the interface and image quality.

There are quite a lot of manufacturers of solutions for VKS. We do not plan to occupy a niche of expensive systems, to work with which employees are recorded in advance to take advantage of special equipment, huge TVs and video cameras. Our field - daily and convenient communications of employees in the format to which they are accustomed to everyday lifeUsing various public messengers and social networks. "Sibrus" and without additional devices Provides video link and allows you to adjust image quality.

The further development of Sibrus also affects the wishes of major customers who are of great interest in our solution and partly ask the vector of our development.

In the closed meeting of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the head of the FSB Alexandra Bratnikova The issue of creating a domestic messenger was discussed. Equally in parliament, and in the FSB, this direction of work is considered fundamentally important from the point of view of national security.

"I think that there will be a change in legislation to introduce our messengers and microcircuits in Russia. This is very important, "quotes Ren TV Words of the Deputy Championship of the Duma Committee on Safety and Countering Corruption Dmitry Savelyev.

Russian messenger

Alexander VlasovAn expert in the field of information security fully agrees with Russian legislators.

"The creation of Russian software and messenger is a superchatual task. This is one of the few not commodities that we can not only successfully develop, but also export abroad. An example of the Kaspersky Lab, "Center for Speech Technologies" and other companies shows that Russia can create quite competitive products in this area, "first of all, the expert in a conversation with a correspondent Federal Agency News.

With the task of creating an effective and safe Russian messenger, it considers Vlasov, not state structures, but private capital. The Russian private sector fully possesses the potential for creating a messenger, which will work as well as, perhaps, more efficiently than the same Viber, WhatsApp or Skype. "Yet the latter, as we know, was also also developed by Russian programmers," the expert emphasizes.

If such a messenger is safe and will be solved both the problems of users and the problems of the National security, it does not even have to promote its distribution and implementation. The change in Russian legislation here will play only a secondary role.

Russian "iron"

It is known along with computer systems And the software at a closed meeting of the Russian Parliament also discussed also "Iron". Bortnikov and deputies of the DGD noted the importance of creating and implementing computer devices in the government agencies created on the basis of Russian developments. According to Vlasov, from the point of view of information security, this task is, maybe even more important than the development of the messenger.

Now Russia is far behind in this respect. The overwhelming part of components for computer equipment comes to the country from abroad. Because the potential ill-wishers of the Russian Federation - for example, Western special services are able to penetrate Russian closed systems using not only software, but also the devices themselves on which it is installed.

"In the 90s, when only the development began cellular networksThe market was still attended by Russian switches, routers and other telecommunication equipment. Of course, it was collected from Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese components. Nevertheless, all this was subjected to thorough special tests and was collected into a finished product based on Russian algorithms. Unfortunately, in the 2000s, all this potential was lost, "explains Alexander Vlasov.

Of course, with one jerk to return the lost failure. Now russian manufacturers Simpar simplicity will not be able to compete with such foreign companies as IBM, Huawei and Cisco.

"Nevertheless, we can take the Western Iron and expose it to special tests to eliminate all the not declared opportunities for interference in its activities. We can. Moreover, it is necessary to close all the black moves, windows and air ducts that compromise our national security, "Alexander Vlasov sums up.

Opportunities for communication with friends will be slightly less, but it is practically painless to replace the loved messenger. We offer you 20 alternatives to the brain of Pavel Durov for exchanging instant messages.

Let's start with apparent competitors Telegram. Whatsapp is most popular in Russia, then the Viber and Facebook Messenger goes.


Hangouts. - Messenger, which combines the functionality of the previous two. At the same time, it is also a direct hear of the instant messaging system of Google Talk, chat and video collections from Google+. Works for mobile platforms Android and iOS and in the browser (on the Chromium engine). In addition, Hangouts allows you to conduct direct broadcasts on YouTube.



Probably the most ambiguous offer to replace Telegram on our list. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe disappearing messages itself is cool, but how to lead the channel then? In no way. There are no channels here. The application works on smartphones, allows you to send messages with a specific "life life". In general, self-destruction of messages after reading is the main one. There are stories here - which most familiar to Instagram. Also, there is a section of the Discover, where their "stories" publishes media such as Buzzfeed, National Geographics, MTV, CNN, etc. Among these rollers have already appeared serials.


This is a cross-platform messenger from BitTorrent. According to developers, it uses a peer decentralized P2P network to transfer messages, without using servers. That is, encryption occurs directly between two users, and the history of correspondence is not stored anywhere else, except for the memory of the smartphone himself. Text messages are supported, photo transmission and voice calls. No stickers, no channels. And all chat rooms, based on the principles of work, "default" secret.


This messenger is available only on smartphones under iOS and Android. Its main advantage is the ability to work without the Internet using wireless wiFi networks Bluetooth. Each device C. established by the client It becomes a repeater for other devices that are detected within a radius of 60 meters. The network created by this principle should be well to manifest themselves when they occur with the connection - the developer positions the application for communication in nature or football matches. By the way, if one or more devices in the network have access to the Internet, the possibility of online messaging will receive all users of the messenger nearby.


Another protected messenger from Switzerland - here during registration it does not even need to specify the phone number or your mail. Each user is assigned a unique ID, based on the encryption and decryption keys. Features "Classic" - sharing test messages, group chats, photo and video shipment. Works on smartphones (iOS, Android and Windows) and in the browser.

Signal Messenger

From Edward Snowden. Encryption protocols from Signal, developed by Open Whisper Systems have long been recognized as reliable and are adopted by other messengers, including those mentioned earlier WhatsApp and Allo. Functional standard - messages and file transfer.


This messenger is suitable for companies used by Telegram for working communication. Slack has its own hosting, allows you to integrate almost 100 third-party services Like Dropbox, Google Docs, Twitter or Mailchimp. Communication occurs in open channels, private groups and personal messages. Free version It is available for an unlimited number of participants, but it is possible to integrate only 10 services that small and medium businesses should be enough. It is worth considering that there is no separate application from the messenger - it works as a web service.

If all of the above is not suitable for you, you can always return to ICQ - apparently. In ICQ there are videosals, group chat rooms, stickers and calls - while all this is encrypted and works on various platforms. Do not forget about the cross-platform [email protected] - from the same Mail.Ru Group. In addition, at our disposal on different platforms there is a pioneer of IP telephony - with group chats, group video calls and conference courage. And there is always the opportunity to send SMS or call, in the end - there is also such an archaic as a living communication at the meeting.

Messengers today are perceived by an ordinary user as an integral constituent daily life. Meet a person who would not use for operational communication With friends and close at least one special application For a smartphone, almost impossible. Unfortunately, no Russian Messenger is able to compete with recognized online communications giants, such as Whatsapp and Skype..

And it is not only in the specifics of the functionality of the services. An important role is played by competent promotion of applications, which requires colossal investment of material resources. To evaluate the scale of costs, it is enough to remember that whatsapp was bought by Facebook for a record amount at that time - 19 billion dollars. How much money at the start of the launch of the application was spent on the promotion - it is unknown, but it can be safely argued that this number was at least six zeros.

The possibilities of Russian developers do not allow to appeal with similar amounts, so promising domestic services are not yet able to penetrate the world market. In any case, the prospects for development in front of the teams of specialists interested in the development of unique applications for communication are considerable. A well-known example is a young Messenger Telegram, the founder of which Pavel Durov threw his strength to conquering hearts of users from around the world, but more about it later.

Top 4 best Russian messengers

In Russia, development mobile applications To exchange text messages, media files and communication is in full swing.
Currently, 4 services received wide fame:

  • Cube-Au;
  • Avirton;
  • Firechat.

This list does not include Telegram, since the application has already passed outside the Russian online space and is positioned as a collective development of qualified specialists not only from Russia, but also from other countries. Find the answer to the question of which messenger is the most popular, one can only consider each service individually and allocating its functional features.

Rugram.As you can see from the name, it is based on the open part of the Telegram program. This young messenger is characterized by a patriotic orientation, the participants of the Kremlin youth movement are actively promoted. The service is possible to exchange stickers, in the development of which the ideas of patriotism had considerable importance.

Cucca-Au. Positioned by the authors as a convenient platform for communication of Russian entrepreneurs with special services. The target audience Applications - participants of various business processes. It was too early to talk about the deafening success of the service in among businessmen yet, but the service has already achieved certain achievements.

Avirton. The main specialization notes Financial Management: money transfers, operations with securities, shares, etc. Tasks. The developer of the application Dmitry Karayev is a successful entrepreneur, behind which dozens of successfully implemented projects.

Fire Chat. It is a curious development of young talent Stanislav Shalunova - a graduate of Moscow State University. A distinctive feature of this application is to communicate even in absence cellular communication in the Internet. True, the use of the service is allowed exclusively between devices with installed AnnexAt a distance of a maximum of 70 meters from each other. Of course, this indicator is small, but who knows, perhaps this technology In the future, it will make it possible to do without cellular on a more impressive distance.

Top 3 Applications for Communication With Worldwide

If less than a decade began their history, Skype is known to users since 2003. During this time, the functionality of the program has undergone colossal changes, thanks to which the service really has become more convenient than the original version, however, in relation to Skype today, it sounds a constructive critic.

Consultations of the mass consumer are justified: the quality of sound and video communications even in conditions of a stable Internet connection leaves much to be desired, which is why the lion's share in the past of active users Skype turned their attention to Viber. Exactly at this application The quality of communication is currently presented at the highest level.

As for the applications known worldwide, which is primarily attributed to, each of the listed services has its own characteristics. You can download any messenger from the listed free for devices on the IOS, Android and MN platforms. Dr. It is recommended to download exclusively from official sourcesFor example, from AppStore. and PlayMarket..

Contrary to emerging opinion, there are also developments of messengers for smartphones. Of course, they do not have such distribution worldwide, like the giants of the WhatsApp industry or, for example, Line, but some of them are not bad at all and even won fans outside of Russia.

Here is just a small list of national messengers:

  • Telegram is perhaps the most common now russian manager for smartphones from the author social network VKontakte Pavel Durov. Has 62 million active users worldwide;
  • Cook-Au - Messenger with a funny name, nevertheless, intended for serious purposes. The authors are positioned as an application for communication between Russian businessmen and relevant services;
  • Rugram is a messenger with a patriotic "taste" from the Kremlin youth movement. The code is based on the open part of the Telegram program, there are specific patriotic focus stickers;
  • Avirton - Messenger, specializing exclusively on Financial Management. For example, money transfers, purchase-sale of shares. Developer Dmitry Karaev;
  • Firechat is a curious development from a graduate of Moscow State University Stanislav Shalunov. This messenger allows communication even with a completely absent cellular and the Internet. Reception and transfer of messages are made within a radius of up to 70 meters directly between the devices on which the application is installed.


Russian manager for smartphonesdeserving separate attention.

On August 14, 2013, the first version of this most popular on today is a domestic messenger today. As you know, Telegram developers are the Durov brothers, and Paul (founder of the VKontakte social network) is responsible for the functionality and the program code as a whole, and Nikolai is for the security of message encryption.

Today Telegram has 62 million users all over the globe.

Like many direct competitors, Telegram can exchange instant messages, transmit files and supports the change of the design. The default design almost completely copies VKontakte. In short, nothing outstanding, but everything is performed on high level. Simple, tasteful and high quality. It is gratifying that the messenger is absolutely free.

The most attractive feature for some subscribers can be called security and security to communicate from unauthorized persons. According to the memories of Pavel Durov himself, Telegram thought as a means of safe communication with his brother. Later, the project grew up in international. Specially designed protocol encrypts the message at the stage of departure, directly on the user's device. In the future, it passes through several servers, so if you wish, you can hide the place of shipment. Also in Telegram realized the function of self-destructing a timer message. Information is deleted directly from the server, which is additional plus to safety.

At one time, Pavel Durov announced the competition for "Best Hacker."

The one who can hack correspondence in Telegram was promised 200 thousand dollars. Nobody received the main prize, but one of the users who did not, by the way, even a specialist in encryption and security protocols, found a vulnerability. He received deserved 100 thousand dollars, after which Telegram became even safer. The service also does not limit the sizes of investments and is built on an open source code. This made it possible to appear the RUGRAM patriotic messenger already mentioned above.