Editing the text in the PDF file. How to edit text in PDF - proven programs and online services How to edit a pdf file

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today we will talk about ways to edit a PDF file, which is used everywhere and always today. But not everyone knows how to work with such a file in different programs. Let's figure it out together.

Many users encounter PDF documents. Usually these are advertising brochures, books and other literature available in electronic form. Initially, such objects cannot be changed, but only studied and printed in the form in which they are. Do you often need to change some read-only information urgently, and then don't have time to ask someone else to do the job for you? What if you still need it urgently? This article will tell you how to edit a PDF file using special resources on your computer or through online services on the Internet.

How to edit a pdf file

Editing via FineReader

Today, FineReader can be called one of the most popular utilities for working with information in PDF format. The service is paid, but there is also trial version, having everything necessary functions. Instructions for correcting documents in FineReader are as follows:

  • When opening the application it immediately pops up start page with a list of available actions. You need to select "Scan PDF or Image to Microsoft Word;

  • The next step is to find the required object in a special pop-up window of the program. After this, FineReader recognizes it and launches it in regular Microsoft Word;

  • Now information can be edited both in MW itself and using the FineReader utility. As you can see in the figure, it recognizes text well and allows you to work with it.

Using Microsoft Word to Edit PDF

Not many people know that Microsoft Word 2013 and 2016 reads documents in PDF format and allows you to perform various manipulations with them.

  • First of all, launch the program and click on the “File” button.

  • Next, in the drop-down menu, find the “Open” button and click on it. By activating the folder icon labeled “Browse”, download the desired item.

  • Now on the screen MW notifies the user that the recognized document may differ slightly from the original. There is no need to correct anything here and just click on “OK”. After this, the object will be recognized and ready for changes.

Working in LibreOffice

Another convenient utility for work PDF format- This is LibreOffice. In order to edit a file in this application, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • After launching LibreOffice, find the "Open file" option in the upper left corner and click on it.

  • In the window that appears, find the object you require and select it. After that, click on the “Open” button.

  • After downloading the PDF file, you can manipulate it different ways, available in the utility. For example, you can delete or insert text, images, links.

  • If you want to save the changes in the same resolution, then click on “File” and select “Export to PDF”. The modified document will be saved in the folder you specify.

Editing a file online

Many people wonder how to edit a PDF file online via the Internet, since not everyone has the opportunity to find and install special applications to your computer. There are a large number of sites on the Internet that are ready to provide an online file editor of this format. You can verify this by looking at the screenshot below:

How to choose among the variety of sites the most suitable resource for high-quality conversion and modification of a PDF file? We studied reviews from ordinary users and came to the conclusion that one of best resources to solve this problem is the service pdf2doc.com.

Directly on home page pdf2doc.com you can see the “Download” button, clicking on which opens the download menu for the desired object.

Selecting a document is very simple - just find the folder where it is located, select it and click on “Open”.

Within a matter of minutes or even seconds, the document is converted to another format and can be edited. In order to download a file that can be modified to your device, you must click on the “Download” button that appears after the conversion procedure.

We hope our article helped you understand how to edit a PDF file using programs on your device, as well as through special online services.

Use the knowledge you have gained and don’t forget to repost and subscribe to the blog’s newsletter.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

PDF is the most popular format for storing documents, which allows you to work with files containing both text and pictures without losing formatting settings. Today on the Internet there is a large number PDF editor programs, we will highlight four of the most effective ones today.

If you suddenly need to edit a PDF file, for example, copy text from it, change the content or make other adjustments, then in this task without a specially designed software not enough.


In my opinion, this tool is the ideal choice for viewing and comprehensive PDF editing. LibreOffice is a complete office suite, works with many file formats, allowing you to create and edit text documents, spreadsheets and graphics files.

This program will provide full-fledged work with PDF, allowing you to make all the necessary adjustments. Advantages of this package- it is distributed completely free of charge, but the drawback (depending on which way you look at it) is that a separate component for working with PDF will not work - only the entire office package, which is wonderful alternative to Microsoft Office.

Adobe Acrobat DC

Speaking about tools for editing PDF, it would be ridiculous if the article did not mention, perhaps, the most popular tool for working with this file format - Adobe Acrobat.

The Pro version of this tool is paid, but at the same time it will provide full document editing, allowing you to make any required adjustments to the file. If you are in doubt whether it is worth buying such a program, first use the demo version, which will allow you to use all the capabilities of this combine absolutely free for 30 days.

PDF Editor

As the name of this program already suggests, it is a PDF editing tool. This program allows you to work on text: edit it, change size and fonts, highlight it with color, etc. To work with images in this program There is a built-in simple picture editor that will allow you to correct the picture inserted into the PDF.

The program will also allow you to remove protection, work on pages, change the layout, divide, merge and much more. This editor is one of the first full-fledged tools that allows you to make changes to PDF files, so today it is the most functional. The program is paid, but if you permanent basis If you need to make adjustments to PDF files, we can definitely recommend it for use.

Foxit Advanced PDF Editor

The ultimate PDF editing program that will be a great helper for creating new documents and editing existing ones. Using this tool, you can edit text, change style, font, color, spacing, etc.

In addition to text editing, the program provides a sufficient number of tools for detailed editing of images placed in a document, for example, there is a healing brush or the favorite magic wand.

The program will be able to work on the document itself: add sheets or remove unnecessary ones, combine several documents into one, add numbering, divide documents and much more. In my opinion, unlike the tool discussed above, this one has a much more user-friendly interface that you don’t have to spend hours understanding to start editing documents. A program like this is worth paying for.

If you know of much more effective tools for editing PDF documents on computers running Windows OS, tell us about them in the comments.

PDF is everywhere: books, magazines, textbooks, instructions - everything is done in this format, once invented by specialists from Adobe company. The format is really convenient, especially for large text files with a lot of images. But if you don’t know how to edit text in PDF, then its advantages fade into the background.

Although there is no need to be angry with PDF. You also edit ordinary text documents using special program– Word? And you work with tables in Excel, not in Notepad. In general, each format has its own program, sometimes more than one. PDF is no worse: if you have the appropriate software, you can edit it, or Word and perform other operations.

How to Edit Text in PDF

Online editing

If you need to slightly edit one small file, the easiest way to do this is using free online services. I offer two options:

I liked Pdfescape more because it doesn’t slow down when downloading files. Google applications opened for about three minutes, prompting me to select an account, wait a little longer, etc. With Pdfescape everything is easier and faster:

A two-page document loads in 2 seconds. Then you can edit it: add images, rotate or delete pages. As for working with text, you cannot delete it here. But you can cover up the unnecessary part and write something else on top.

If you don't trust third party services, use applications on Google Drive. First, upload the file to storage.

Click right click on the downloaded document and expand the “Open with” menu. Select DocHub or Lumin PDF.

These services work on the same principle as Pdfescape. What is unnecessary is glossed over, what is necessary is added. Unfortunately, online services provide minimal editing options: close extra text, write something else on top, add notes. If needed more tools, you will have to install special software on your computer to work with PDF.

Using programs

If you have already decided to install an application for editing PDF, then you will not find anything cooler than Adobe Acrobat 11 Pro. There is only one problem: the program is paid. But you can use it for free for 30 days. After the trial period ends, you will have to buy a license or move on to other tools.

Launch Adobe Acrobat and select the Edit task.

A document will appear with the elements already selected. Want to rewrite? Place the cursor, delete unnecessary parts and write what should be.

The necessary tools are pinned in the menu on the right. There you will find tools for editing content, manipulating pages, adding interactive objects (button, video, sound), and setting up security. Simply put, you cannot find more functional software.

Once your Acrobat 11 Pro trial is over, move on to Foxit Advanced PDF Editor. This is also a paid editor, but it will work for 30 days without money. The possibilities here are no less than in software from Adobe.

You can rewrite the text, change the size and font, and specify a different alignment. Pictures can be deleted, cropped, or replaced with other images. Unfortunately, the interface has not been translated into Russian, but everything is clear anyway - the icons are the same everywhere.

If you don't want to buy a license or install hacked applications from Adobe or Foxit, then edit the text using Inkscape.

Actually this is the editor vector graphics like Illustrator or CorelDraw, but it also works with PDF.

You can also change and copy text in Microsoft Word. In versions 2013 and 2016, the ability to open PDF files was added. True, they open only after automatic conversion, so you see not the original document, but its Word copy.

- not the best solution at all. You will be changing the Word version of the file, and when converting back to PDF, problems with layout may arise. Therefore, it is better to do without changing formats. In addition, there are a lot of tools for changing PDF documents. Another issue is that online services are extremely limited in functionality, and the software is mostly paid. But a solution can always be found even without purchasing a license.

Hi all! Dmitry Kostin is with you as usual. You know, there are often situations when you need to change something in the text of a PDF file, but for many users this simply seems like something impossible, because this type of document essentially cannot be edited. Ahhhh! Guard! What to do then? Don't panic. Today I will tell you how to edit text in a PDF document, in several ways at once.

The only thing you need to consider is the origin of this file. It can be formed both from text (then there are exactly zero problems) and from pictures. And if it suddenly turns out that the file itself contains scanned images with text, then there are only 2 options:

  • Or recognize the entire document, and then with the same pages, but in text format.
  • Or upload the file to graphics editor Photoshop, and already there show miracles of skill in working with graphics, selecting fonts from pictures, etc.

But both of these methods are terribly hemorrhoids, so we will start from the fact that PDF is originally of textual origin.

This is the most official way for direct editing. Therefore, we will consider it first. There is really one problem. If the reader ( Adobe Reader) is absolutely free, then the editor itself already costs money. On this moment- this is a little less than 1000 rubles per month. But of course, most people download this program for free from torrents...shhhh...I didn't tell you that).

Editing from Word

There is another interesting method that will suit your needs. True, it takes a little longer, but it is no less effective and free. Our favorite text message will help us with this Microsoft editor Word. And, by the way, even here there are two options for how this can be implemented.


Word itself has had the ability to open documents in PDF format for quite some time. Moreover, they are loaded not in the form of pictures, but, as expected, in the form of text. All you have to do is simply open Microsoft Word and open the document you want.

The only problem is that it may not look exactly like the original file. By the way, we are warned about this even when opening the file. Due to different indents and fonts, each page may contain a different number of words and paragraphs. In addition, if the file contains drawings, they may also move out.

But in general, you can edit the text as you wish. After all, you already work in regular Word, which is essentially created for writing and editing documents. All that remains for you is to save the file in the same PDF, because latest versions offices allow this.

Small PDF

Let's now look at another method. For example I will use my favorite online PDF converter, namely SmallPDF. I have already described how to work with it, so I won’t go on for long.

Just go to the website and select an item from PDF to WORD, and then follow the instructions. Once the document is ready, download it and see if there are any flaws.

I would like to say in defense of this method that shortcomings can be found here, but they are almost invisible compared to direct opening in Word. Here, even the drawings do not fit on the text but stand exactly where they should be. So if u work through text editor, then it’s better through SmallPDF.

But remember that only 2 operations per hour are available for free. If you want to perform a third operation, you will see a countdown timer when this option becomes available to you. But if this is a priority for you, then I recommend purchasing paid access. Still, it is quite inexpensive.


I've noticed that many people like to list a huge list of applications and online services for editing text in PDF documents, but in reality this turns out to be not exactly what end users expect. As a rule, you can insert new images and write new text there, but it is not possible to edit existing content there.

In general, according to my observations, the methods that I described above are the best for our needs, so I suggest you use them. Although my search does not end there, and if I find something new, I will definitely share this information with you.

Well, that's all for me. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.