View documents pdf. How do I uninstall PDFMaster? Portable PDF Editors

PDF format is used to store electronic documents... Initially, only a program from Adobe itself was used to open PDF files. But over time, many third-party solutions have emerged. These applications differ in their availability (free and paid) and availability additional functions... Agree, it is convenient when, in addition to reading, there is an opportunity to edit the original content of a PDF file or recognize text from a picture.

Therefore, there are a large number of different programs for reading PDFs. For some, a simple viewing function is enough. Others need to change the original text of the document, add a comment to this text, convert Word file to PDF and more.

In terms of viewing PDFs, most programs are very similar. But even here there are exceptions. For example, some have an auto-scrolling function available, while others do not. Below is a list of the most popular free PDF viewers.

The most famous program for viewing PDF files is Adobe Reader. And this is no coincidence, since Adobe is the developer of the format itself.

This product has a pleasant appearance, the presence standard functions to view PDF. Adobe Reader is free application, but a number of features, such as editing and text recognition, become available only after purchasing a paid subscription.

This is undoubtedly a disadvantage for those who need these functions, but do not want to spend their money.

STDU Viewer

STDU Weaver positions itself as a versatile harvester for viewing many different formats of electronic documents. The program is able to "digest" Djvu, TIFF, XPS and much more. A number of supported formats include PDF. Convenient when viewing the most different files one program is enough.

You can also note the presence of a portable version of STDU Viewer, which does not need to be installed. Otherwise, this product does not stand out from other PDF viewers.

Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader Is almost analogous Adobe reader except for some differences. For example, the program has the ability to enable automatic scrolling of document pages, which allows you to read PDF without touching the mouse or keyboard.

Also, the program is able to open not only PDF, but also Word, Excel, TIFF and other file formats. Open files can then be saved as PDF.

At the same time, a minus of this application is the inability to edit the original PDF text.

PDF XChange Viewer

PDF XChange Viewer is probably the best program presented in this article. It is completely free and allows you to edit the original PDF content. Also PDF XChange Viewer is capable of recognizing text in an image. With this feature, you can digitize books and other text on paper.

The rest of the application meets all standards software solutions for PDF reading-files.

Sumatra PDF

Sumatra PDF is the most simple program from the list. But this does not mean that it is bad. In terms of viewing PDF files, it is not inferior to the others, and its simple appearance perfect for those users who have just started to get acquainted with working at a computer.

Solid Converter PDF

Solid Converter PDF is a program for converting PDF files to Word, Excel and other electronic document formats. The application allows you to preview the document before converting. The downside to Solid Converter PDF is a shareware license: you can use it for free only during the trial period. Then you need to either buy it or reinstall it.

For convenience, we distinguish four types of programs: viewers (for reading and annotating), editors (for editing text and other content), managers (for splitting, compressing and other file manipulations) and converters (for converting PDF to other formats).

Most applications can be classified into several types at once.

  • Type of: viewer, editor, converter, manager.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux.

A very intuitive and user-friendly program with an impressive number of functions. When you launch Sejda PDF, you will immediately see all the tools grouped by category. Choose the one you want, drag it to the program window required file and start manipulating. Most of this application can be done in a few seconds, even if this is your first time using it.

What you can do in Sejda PDF:

  • edit text, add images and shapes;
  • convert PDF to Excel, JPG (and vice versa), Word (and vice versa);
  • combine and split files by pages, compress their size;
  • protect documents with a password;
  • add watermarks;
  • discolor documents;
  • crop the page area;
  • sign documents.

There are restrictions in the free version of the program. For example, files should not exceed 200 pages and exceed 50 MB. In addition, you cannot perform more than three operations with documents during the day. Price full version Sejda PDF is $ 5.25 per month.

  • Type of: manager, converter, editor.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS,.

PDFsam cannot boast of a polished to perfection, user-friendly interface. In addition, the program does not allow you to convert PDF and edit the contents of documents for free. But it has several useful managerial functions available to everyone without payment or any restrictions.

What you can do in PDFsam:

  • combine PDF in several modes (glue in parts or shuffle page by page);
  • split PDF by pages, bookmarks (in places with specified words) and size into separate documents;
  • rotate pages (if some of them were scanned upside down);
  • extract pages with specified numbers;
  • convert Excel, Word, PowerPoint formats to PDF;
  • Convert PDF to Excel, Word and PowerPoint ($ 10);
  • edit text and other content of files ($ 30).

  • Type of
  • Platforms: Windows.

Very functional program with classic style interface office applications Microsoft. PDF-XChange Editor is not very beginner friendly. To master all the features of the program, you need to spend some time. Fortunately, all internal descriptions and tips have been translated into Russian.

What you can do in PDF-XChange Editor:

  • add annotations and highlight text;
  • edit text and other content;
  • recognize text using OCR;
  • extract pages from documents;
  • encrypt documents (paid);
  • convert PDF to Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats and vice versa (paid);
  • compress files (paid);
  • sort pages in any order (paid).

These are just a few of the features you can find in PDF-XChange Editor. The program is available in several versions with a different number of possibilities. Paid versions start at $ 43.5.

  • Type of: viewer, manager, converter, editor.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS.

Popular universal program to work with PDF from the company. Free version is a very convenient document viewer, the rest of the functions are available by subscription at a price of 149 rubles per month.

What you can do in Adobe Acrobat Reader:

  • view documents, highlight and comment on text, search for words and phrases;
  • sign documents (paid);
  • edit text and other content (paid);
  • combine documents into one file (paid);
  • compress files (paid);
  • convert PDF to Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats (paid);
  • Convert JPG, JPEG, TIF and BMP images to PDF (paid).

All of these and other features are available in the desktop versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Mobile versions programs only allow you to view and annotate documents, as well as - after subscribing - to convert them into different formats.

  • Type of: viewer, converter.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS.

Fast and convenient PDF reader with different modes viewing. Ideal for users looking for a simple document reader without an abundance of advanced features. The program is available on all major platforms.

Hello teapots and teapots. Today we'll talk about programs with which you can open PDF files. Surely you have come across such, right? Basically, such files are encountered by people who use literature downloaded on the Internet.

So what exactly is PDF format? PDF format(eng. Portable Document Format) Is an electronic document format that uses the PostScript system. It is this format that makes it possible to provide printing products in in electronic format.

As in the case with, the site editors use different programs for opening PDF files and, accordingly, considers his program the best, but also appreciated others existing species programs. Let's consider them the same.

First and possibly best program in the list is Adobe reader... it paid program, but it can be found on the Internet already hacked. We're going to take a look at the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. In principle, it has all the most necessary functions. Opening files, recognizing them and converting them to Word and Excel format. It can be used both on computers and on mobile devices... The interface is pretty self-explanatory. Is a leader among computer users.

Interface - 5.
Functionality - 9.
Performance - 8.
System requirements - 6.
Quality - 9.

The second program that in our opinion is a good and functional tool for PDF files is Foxit Reader... An analogue of Adobe Reader, but it is free, which is, in fact, its advantage. Also, the plus is that this program is loaded much faster than the "paid" analogue. But, there is one significant drawback - the processed text and images are not always of high quality. And so, in terms of its functionality, it rightfully takes the second place in our rating.

Interface - 6.
Functionality - 8.
Performance - 9.
System requirements - 8.
Quality - 5.

In third place, a less functional program - STDU Viewer... In principle, it is only suitable for opening PDF files. But, unlike other programs, it opens most other formats - PDF, DjVu, TXT, TCR, TIFF, Comic Book Archive (CBR or CBZ), XPS, JBIG2. Therefore, we give her the "bronze".

Interface - 7.
Functionality - 6.
Performance -8.
System requirements - 7.
Quality - 6.

Fourth place - Cool PDF Reader... Free, very multifunctional program. The advantages are its size (less than 1 mb) as well as converting PDF to TXT, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, WMF, EMF, EPS files. Has over 60 languages.

Interface - 7.
Functionality - 6.
Performance -7.
System requirements - 7.
Quality - 5.

Well, this can be the end of our rating, but after consulting, we decided to add such a program to this rating as Sumatra PDF... An elementary program to open PDF files. Its plus is that it is made in the style of "minimalism". The simplest design, high-speed, but, unlike the above, is less functional.

Interface - 8.
Functionality - 4.
Performance -6.
System requirements - 7.
Quality - 5.

Also, there are many other programs for opening PDF files, but they are all similar and have the same functions.

PDF is a special file format that is designed to represent electronic documents. Most books, magazines and brochures are distributed by The world wide web exactly in this format. However, many users have problems with opening PDF files. The point is that operating systems do not have standard tools to interact with this format. Therefore, when trying to open PDF using the same Notepad, instead of the information you need a chaotic set of characters is displayed. How to fix it? Will help special program for reading PDF.

Which program to open a PDF file? If you constantly work with PDF files, then the best solution will download a desktop program that supports this format... There are quite a few such utilities. Consider the popular programs that allow you to open PDF in Windows 10 and other versions of this operating system.

Acrobat Reader

Many PC users are convinced that the best PDF reader is Acrobat Reader from the infamous Adobe... And your fame this utility received for a reason. The fact is that the creators of PDF are Adobe. This format has been developed since 1993 and it was intended for the presentation of printed products. In 2007, PDF succumbed to ISO standardization. This led to the fact that this format became generally available and began to be used everywhere.

Acrobat Reader is the most powerful program for working with PDFs. Using this utility, you can not only read documents, but also interact with them. For example, it is possible to copy a file, modify it, etc. Among the main characteristics of Adobe Reader, it is worth highlighting:

  • Ability to play audio and video files;
  • Printing of documents;
  • The ability to read e-books;
  • Strat Meeting function for multi-user experience;
  • The ability to enlarge individual elements of the document.

Perhaps the main advantage of Acrobat Reader is its distribution system. You can download this utility from the developer's official website for free. Another difference between Acrobat Reader and most similar programs is optimization. The experts from Adobe did their best. The utility is not picky about hardware. Thanks to this, Acrobat Reader works quickly even on computers with weak technical characteristics.

It is impossible not to mention backward compatibility. PDF has been refined over 30 years. Over this huge period of time, more than 10 versions of this format have been released. Acrobat Reader is capable of working with any PDF file, regardless of its specification. Also cross-platform is good news. Adobe has released a program not only for the PC. There are versions of the utility for other platforms: Android, iPad, Linux, etc.

Opening a PDF file with Acrobat Reader is very easy. You need to click on the RMB document, after which a drop-down list will appear on the screen. In it, you must select the "Open with" option. In the window that appears, click on the Acrobat Reader option. The program will start and open the document.

Another program worth paying attention to is PDF-XChange Viewer. The main feature of this utility is the presence of special plugins that provide convenient work with browsers. Thanks to them, Change Viewer is able to interact with Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer etc. This utility, in addition to integration with popular browsers, has whole line merits. For example:

  • Support graphic formats(BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF);
  • Ability to edit a document;
  • Conveniently implemented copying of text.

In addition, the utility has an additional set of small functions that make the reading process more convenient. For example, Change Viewer, unlike Adobe Acrobat Reader, supports annotations. Another advantage of the program is optimization. Experts have been working on algorithms for a long time, due to which the program consumes a minimum amount system resources... Distributed by Change Viewer free license, and anyone can download the utility.

Hamster PDF Reader

Hamster PDF Reader is a versatile program that allows you not only to view documents, but also to print them. In addition to PDF, this utility supports DjVu formats and XPS. Among interesting features this program is worth noticing:

  • Convenient text scaling system;
  • The ability to customize the interface to suit your own needs;
  • Copying individual fragments of a PDF file to.

The advanced search system is good news. Thanks to her, you can find the desired piece of text by key phrases or words. It is impossible not to mention the abundance of additional modes: reading, printing, presentation and full screen display. You can download the program completely free of charge. Hamster PDF Reader works correctly on all OS Windows family from XP to 10.

Hamster PDF Reader has a number of advantages. But not without a fly in the ointment. If we talk about the shortcomings of the program, then the main disadvantage is performance. The utility opens some files rather slowly. Other than that, the lack of text labels is disappointing. The rest of the utility does not cause any complaints.

Also, one cannot fail to mention the STDU Viewer. This program distributed completely free of charge. And its main advantage is that it is able to work with a whole bunch of formats. In addition to PDF, STDU Viewer supports BMP, DjVu, PSD, EMF, JPEG, GIF, WWF, etc. Among the interesting features of this utility is also worth noting:

  • Working with several documents at the same time;
  • Printout of files that are protected from printing;
  • Setting up the screen for reading;
  • Separate operating mode for touchscreen devices.

The utility is cross platform. However, STDU Viewer only supports two operating systems: Windows and Android. The program practically does not take up space on the computer. STDU Viewer weighs only 7MB. For comparison, the volume of the same Adobe Acrobat Reader is 110 MB.

The only thing that gives rise to criticism is the printing. The program implements this procedure So slow. This is due to the fact that before printing the page is converted into a graphic file, which takes a certain amount of time. Another disadvantage is advertising. Starting with version 1.6, developers began to insert banners into their program, which cause annoyance.

Online services

If you need to open a PDF file, but you do not plan to use this format in the future, then you should not download the dextop program. Better to use special web services that allow you to open. We will talk about the most popular in this part of the article.

Google Docs

How to open PDF? The first thing that comes to mind is Google with its service called Docs. With its help, you can view various documents, including those in PDF format. However, in order to access the service, you must have a Google account.

How can you open a PDF file? First you need to upload a document. To do this, go to Google drive... Then we drag the file to the work area. You can also click on the inscription "My disk", in the drop-down list, click on "Upload files" and select the PDF that you want to read. The document will begin downloading to Google Drive. This will take a certain amount of time.

After downloading the file, it will be in the workspace. To open a PDF, right-click on it, then in the drop-down list select the option "Open with" and click on "Google Docs". The file will open and become available for reading, editing and other manipulations.

Google Docs, unlike most online PDF services, does not have a limit on the size of the uploaded document. This means that with the help of the site you can read magazines and even whole books. However, it should be borne in mind that what more file the longer it will take to boot to disk. For example, a book of 700-800 pages with good internet will be downloaded for about half an hour.


PDF-OnlineReader is a browser program designed to open PDF files. In terms of functionality, the service cannot be compared to Google Docs. For example, PDF-OnlineReader does not have tools for editing files. With this program, you can only read documents in PDF format. Nevertheless, PDF-OnlineReader provides its services completely free of charge and does not require registration.

The program interface is completely in English. But this is unlikely to be a problem. After all, navigation is very simple and intuitive. To open the file, just make a couple of clicks. You need to click on the "Download PDF" button and select a document from your PC. If you want to upload another file, then in this case you need to click on "Upload Another Document".

Basically, PDF-OnlineReader has all the functionality you need for comfortable reading. There are several viewing modes, the text can be enlarged, etc. The ability to leave annotations has been implemented. Also, using the site, you can convert a PDF file to Word or HTML. This will be useful if you want to continue reading on your computer.


Among the services for reading PDF, one cannot but pay attention to DocsPal. The web program has existed since 2010 and is very popular. One of the main advantages of the site is a modern and at the same time simple interface.

How to work with the service? You need to upload the file to the site. To do this, you need to drag the document into the workspace or click on the “Browse file” button and select PDF. Next, you need to click on "View file". The PDF will open in Reading View. It should be noted that the program supports not only this format. With DocsPal, you can read Word documents, JPEG, PNG, DjVu, etc.

DocsPal has standard functionality for reading PDF documents. You can turn pages, zoom in or out the text. If we talk about interesting features of the Internet resource, then DocsPal allows you to transfer a document in the form of a hyperlink. This is great if you are constantly sharing files with your work colleagues.

Phone Apps

How to open a PDF file on Android phone? For this in the open spaces Play Market there are many applications. We'll talk about the most popular ones right now.

PocketBook Reader

PocketBook Reader is a utility for reading books on a phone running on the Android operating system. This program supports almost all existing book formats. Of course, this also includes the PDF.

Perhaps the main advantage of PocketBook Reader is its easy navigation. When launched, the program will scan internal memory phone and external drives... After that, the application will present the found documents in the form of a list or thumbnails. The file library is very easy to manage. Navigation is carried out using the volume buttons or touching the screen.

If we talk about functionality, then in this regard PocketBook Reader can compete with desktop programs. Among the interesting features of the utility, it is worth highlighting:

  • Various reading modes;
  • Ability to change the font and background of the PDF file;
  • You can document using the sensor.

The program supports search by PDF file... Thanks to this function, you can find the required piece of text using keywords... PocketBook Reader also supports pagination and file navigation. Instead of flipping through the book, you can simply enter the number of the desired page and the program will immediately display it.

The system of notes, which is implemented at a very decent level in PocketBook Reader, cannot but rejoice. In PDF documents, you can highlight lines with colored markers, add text comments, etc. In addition, the program allows you to jump to the note you made at any time.

Universal Book Reader is another book reader for Android devices. The program is distributed under a free license. Any Play Market user can download it. The app doesn't take up much space on your phone. The APK file of the program weighs only 20 MB.

UBR can open EPUB and PDF files. The program has several modes. Some are suitable for smartphones, while others are convenient for reading from a tablet. UBR allows you to leave text notes on pages. In addition, in the application, you can select and copy certain fragments of text to the clipboard.

One of the main features of this program is the ability to open protected files. Few people know, but you can put a password on a PDF document. Using UBR, a protected file can be opened even without a codeword.

In contact with

On our site you can download PDF program Master immediately and without any registration. Text format PDF is one of the most famous, so it should come as no surprise that there are many utilities that can help you open such documents.

PDFMaster has an excellent interface and will allow you to easily read the entire text or find the desired part in a large document. PDFMaster includes a free PDF Printer module.

How to download a free PDF program

  • Select the file that suits you (exe or zip).
  • Click to download with the left mouse button.
  • Run the file.
  • Follow the prompts to install the program.
Downloading PDFMaster is really easy, no one will have any additional difficulties with downloading.

In addition, by downloading the program from our official website, you can be sure that you will not harm your computer. All files are scanned for viruses, and nothing threatens the security of your system.

PDF Master does not take up much space in your computer's memory, but with this simple and convenient program you can easily view any documents in PDF format.

Our PDF reader download can be much faster than the classic product provided by Adobe, because PDF Master weighs much less.

Using the elementary instructions, you can really install on your computer useful utility with a nice interface.

PDF Master will delight you with an intuitive menu, where there are many useful functions that no other PDF reader provides.

How do I uninstall PDFMaster?

At any time you can delete Software PDFMaster from your computer. All elements of the operating system on which the PDFMaster Software was installed revert to their previous appearance. The executable files of PDFMaster are also removed from the operating system.

Uninstall PDFMaster Software in operating system families Microsoft Windows it is possible through the "Programs and Features" menu by selecting "PDFMaster" from the menu, or from the installed Programs menu select "Uninstall PDFMaster".