The program for creating a list of files on the disk. Distinctive features of the service. R.Viewer program to create a list of files

This may be, for example, a list of purchases or things before vacation taxes. We will tell you how it is more convenient to draw up such lists, as well as manage planned tasks.

Creating a list of cases and tasks is a very useful habit. In the era of computers, smartphones and tablets, this is no longer mint paper with records written by hypers that are easy to lose. Lists of business lists in electronic format It is convenient to sort, distribute by category and assign them tags, as well as adjust reminders. Business lists or TODO-sheets - a comfortable thing that simplifies daily life.

In this article, we will consider the most popular applications for managing lists of cases - for computers, mobile devices And their online analogues. Interestingly, there are not so many applications for creating and storing lists for PCs. Most of these programs are either mobile applications, or web services.

This is explained very easily: a modern active person should be able to manage his affairs and tasks anywhere and at any time, and not only when he is behind his computer. It is quite logical as the company's director, and the housewife will want to have their own list of tasks "in his pocket" to look into it, being in traffic, in a children's clinic or in a break between meetings or meetings.

In addition, a very important feature of some services and applications is the alerting of other users involved in the task of the intended event.

1. Business organizer


Cost:from 1990 to 2225 rubles.

Platform:Windows, Android, iOS

Among applications for planning Leadertask are most popular, first of all because it is a multiplatform solution. LEADERTASK users are available versions for PCs and mobile platforms - Android, iOS with the ability to synchronize data between devices.

After starting the Windows client, the LEADERTASK program icon is placed in the system tray, thus providing simple and convenient access to the application. Users can add notes and tasks to the LEADERTASK database. The program is convenient because on one screen, the lists of tasks and notes are represented here, as well as the list of meetings located directly on the calendar grid.

The tasks in Leadertask can immediately assign projects that further simplifies their streamlining and search. The desktop version of the program supports Drag & Drop -Customs You can assign projects with simple drawling them on the project list. In the same way, you can assign tasks to specific dates - just a task just drag to the desired date or in the calendar grid on opening time.

For each task you can assign whole line additional parameters, including the color to which the task be highlighted in the overall list. Tasks may be accompanied by a text comment, you can also attach the file to them. For complex tasks, LEADERTASK allows you to add subtasks. It is possible to set priorities, set up a reminder.

The use of filters in Leadertask will allow conveniently manage tasks, to search for the necessary. Filters can be built based on several selection criteria. Including the program allows you to build a calendar-based filters, thus swinging tasks that are scheduled for a certain period of time. In the program window, you can switch between calendar modes, projects, categories, contacts.

By the way, the contact list is one of the unusual features of the task management. The program makes it possible to create (import from a smartphone) a list of contacts and tie tasks to them. Thanks to this, you can see what tasks were entrusted to this or another person - an employee or friend. In general, Leadertask is a program for convenient optimization and systematization of tasks that occur before the user. You can try the program for free for 45 days.

Pros:Fully localized, there are applications for mobile OS, the presence of filters, project support

Minuses:High license cost

2. Convenient list of cases

Convenient list of cases -


Cost: is free

Platform:Android, iOS, Google Chrome.

This application It has versions not only for iOS and Android, but also as an application for the Google Chrome browser. Any.Do has a simple and convenient interface. In mobile versions, sorting lists can be ordinary dragging their elements. One of the advantages of the program - tasks can be pronounced out loud, and the mobile version will be said to be said and retain it as a text notes. There is support and Russian language.

When you add an Any.Do job, it will move the tasks to the folder, mark their importance, configure the repetition of the task, add an extended description to it. You can attach the contact list item, for example, if the task is added is a meeting with someone from acquaintances or friends. At the same time, you can configure the sending of the added task to this person. Thanks to this feature, the Any.Do application can be used as task planning tool for small company staff.

The program has the ability to install geolocation marks for tasks and setting up reminders in accordance with the location of the user. For example, the program will be able to remind the user to buy certain products if it was in mall Or tell him to buy tickets for the premiere, if the user turned out to be near Ticket Cass.

Obviously, the list of products and reminders need to be configured in advance. In the Any.Do application, tasks are automatically generated based on missed or rejected phone calls, the contents of the task are to call back at the specified number. The program is equipped with data synchronization capabilities between devices, as well as with Google Tasks tasks. It is also possible to store backup Created lists.

Minuses:the menu items are not always correctly locked.

3. Scrupulous planner

Scrupulous Planner - TODO LIST | Task List.

Name: 2DO: TODO LIST | Task List.

Cost: from 245 rubles.

Platform: Mac, iOS, Android

2DO: TODO LIST | Task List is a convenient task scheduler for the Android device. Users are available to add tasks, the use of tags for them and the geolocation label to them, allowing you to determine the implementation of this task (at home, in the office, in the mall).

The basic principles of the application are built using the well-known GETTING THINGS DONE planning system. Separate entries in 2DO: TODO LIST | Task List can be protected by a password. The program has no own data warehouse, but it can be configured to synchronize with your account in Dropbox. So, you will access data from any mobile device.

Pros: Synchronization of lists of cases with different devices, including with iOS smartphones and tablets

Cons: No. free version

4. Problems for pros

Problems for pros -


Cost:free (Pro version - $ 20 per year)

Platform:Windows, Mac, IOS, Android

This online service is a universal solution for various platforms. You can work in the scheduler through programs for Windows and Mac or using mobile applications for Android and iOS. The free version for PC is implemented as a web service or plugin for firefox browsers, Safari, Chrome. The paid Pro version service has client applications for Windows and Mac OS.

In the case of using a paid PRO version, the service provides synchronization of lists between all devices on which the service is installed and connected. The program is built on the principles of using the well-known ideology of Get Things Done (GTD), so here you will find contexts, goals and other elements of this timenzing system. users can complement the lists in full and brief.

In the second case, only the name of the task is entered, and in full mode, the date, location, folder, priority and tags are specified. The program provides convenient sorting of tasks on various criteria, including end time, place, project or priorities. There are selection by tags. Depending on the date and priority, the tasks will be automatically accommodated on the relevant folders. For example, "Tomorrow" is a folder with the tasks you want to complete the next day. The program provides geotegi - indication of the task execution places.

For specific tasks, you can perform when performing a specific condition, in there is a special list called "Laundation List". Another feature is the availability of a special section of goals and contexts.

Contexts are a certain degree of geolocation marks, however, more universal. The context may be "work" - tasks that can be executed when the user is in the workplace, the "house" - tasks associated with household chores, "Computer" - tasks that are worth performing on a PC, etc.

Pros:Multiplatform, synchronization between devices

Minuses:Confusing interface, difficult to master those who are not familiar with Get Things Done

5. Simple business lists manager

Simple Business List Manager - Wunderlist

Name: WunderList.

Cost: is free

Platform:Windows, Mac, IOS, Android

WunderList is implemented as mobile applicationAnd also has a web version. Tasks in WunderList are stored in lists. Unfortunately, this is the only tool to categorize records available to users of the service. Tags or categories in web version are not supported. The definite compensation of this disadvantage is convenient addition and editing tasks in WunderList. P

edit task is the ability to add start and reminder dates, set the repetition interval for repetitive tasks, add subtasks and text notes. Separate tasks can be labeled as dedicated - probably, in this way, the authors of the service offer to allocate the most important tasks from the general list. In addition, WunderList users are available to simply organize the task list - you can change them with places with simple mouse over.

On the left side of the screen, lists are represented - both by the user and standard: INBOX (current), Starred (marked), Today (scheduled for today), Week (scheduled for a week). If the user needs a simple list of tasks, without special categories settings - Wunderlist can be recommended. Those who won't do without categories, Wunderlist is hardly suitable.

Pros: Easy use, multiplatform

Minuses:No usual categories and tags

6. Online manager

Online Managing - TODOIST



Cost: is free

Platform:online service

Online has a minimal set of features to manage tasks. At the same time, it can be used as a powerful tool for increasing personal productivity. The only drawback is many settings and service functions are available using the built-in service commands. For example, adding to the title of the date task, in front of which the "@" symbol is recorded, allows you to automatically assign a date for the task.

Tags in TODOIST should also begin with the "@" symbol. In addition, the service supports a variety of hotkeys that simplify control of tasks. For grouping tasks in TODOIST there are projects. To sort tasks in TODOIST, specifically formulated queries are used, enter which can be in the query field.

In this way, you can select the tasks scheduled for the next day. To do this, it is enough to enter the query "Tomorrow" or the task for the next 5 days - in this case the request will look like "5 days". An additional advantage of TODOIST is the use of plugins for google browsers Chrome I. Mozilla Firefox.. Using these plugins, you can display a panel with a list of tasks as a sidebar of the browser, and you can add new tasks through the button located on the TODOIST toolbar.

In addition, there is a commercial version of the TODOIST worth about 70 rubles. per month or 1100 rubles. in year. Users of paid versions can add comments to their tasks, receive reminders in the form of SMS, carry out the export tasks in Google Calendar Or in Outlook.

Pros: Simple interface, the ability to use plugins for browsers

Minuses: It is difficult to use hot keys and a special system syntax.

Programming - the process is creative and interesting. In order to create programs do not always need to know the languages. What tool is needed to create programs? You need programming environment. With its help your teams are translated into a computer binary code. Here are just a lot of languages, and the programming environments are even more. We will consider a list of programs for creating programs. is a simple free development environment for Pascal. It is precisely it is most often used in schools and universities for training. This program in Russian will allow you to create projects of any complexity. Code editor will suggest and help you, and the compiler is to point out errors. It has a high speed of program execution.

The advantage of using the Pascal language - it is an object-oriented programming. OOP is much more convenient for procedural programming, although the volume.

Unfortunately, is a bit grateful to computer resources and on older machines can be hungry.


Free Pascal is a cross-platform compiler, not programming environment. With it, you can check the program on the correctness of writing, as well as run it. But you will not be able to compile her V. Each. Free Pascal has a high execution speed, as well as a simple and understandable interface.

Just as in many of these programs, the code editor in Free Pascal can help the programmer completing the team writing for it.

His minus is that the compiler can only determine: there are errors or not. It does not highlight a string in which an error is made, so the user has to look for it.

Turbo Pascal

Almost the first tool for creating programs on a computer - Turbo Pascal. This programming environment is created for the DOS operating system and to start it on Windows you need to install additional software. The Russian language is supported, has a high performance and compilation.

Turbo Pascal has such an interesting featurelike tracing. In trace mode, you can watch the work of the program step by step and follow the change in the data. This will help to detect errors, which are most difficult - logical errors.

Although Turbo Pascal is simple and reliable in use, nevertheless he is slightly outdated: Created in 1996, Turbo Pascal is relevant only for one OS - DOS.

This is a visual programming environment in Pascal. Its convenient, intuitive interface allows you to easily create programs with minimal knowledge knowledge. Lazarus is almost fully compatible with the Delphi programming language.

Unlike the algorithm and Hiasm, Lazarus also implies knowledge of the language, in our case - Pascal. Here you not only collect the program with the mouse in pieces, but also prescribe code for each element. This allows you to more understand the processes occurring in the program.

Lazarus allows you to use a graphic module with which you can work with images, as well as create games.

Unfortunately, if you have any questions, then the answers to look for you will be on the Internet, as Lazarus has no documentation.


Hiasm is free designerwhich is available in Russian. You do not need to know the language to create programs - here you are just on a piece, like a designer, collect it. A lot of components are available here, but you can expand their assortment by setting the additions.

In contrast to the algorithm, this is a graphic programming environment. All you will create will be displayed on the screen in the form of a pattern and scheme, and not code. It is quite comfortable, although some text record like more.

Hiasm is quite powerful and it has a high speed of program execution. This is especially important when creating games, when a graphic module is used, which slows down significantly. But for HiaSm it is not a problem.

The algorithm is a medium to create programs in Russian, one of the few. Its feature is that it uses text visual programming. This means that you can create a program without knowing the language. The algorithm is a designer who has large set Components. Information about each component you can find in the program documentation.

Also, the algorithm allows you to work with a graphic module, but applications using graphics will be performed for quite a long time.

In the free version, you can compile the project from.alg V.EXE only on the developer's website and only 3 times a day. This is one of the main minuses. You can purchase a licensed version and compile projects directly in the program.

Intellij IDEA is one of the most popular cross-platform IDE. This medium has a free, slightly limited version and paid. For most programmers, it is enough and free. She has powerful editor Code that will correct errors and end the code for you. If you make an error, the environment informs you about it and offers possible options solutions. This is an intellectual development environment that predicts your actions.

Another convenient feature in Inteliij IDEA is automatic memory management. The so-called "garbage collector" constantly monitors the memory that stands out for the program, and, in the case when the memory is no longer needed, the collector frees it.

But only have cons. A bit confusing interface is one of the problems that beginner programmers face. And it is also obvious that such a powerful environment has pretty high system requirements For correct work.

Most often, Eclipse is used to work with the Java programming language, but it also supports work with other languages. This is one of the main competitors intellij idea. The difference between Eclipse from such programs to him is that various additions can be installed on it and it can be completely customized.

Eclipse also has a high compilation and execution speed. Each program created in this environment, you can run on any operating system, since Java is a cross-platform language.

The difference between Eclipse from Intellij IDEA - interface. In Eclipse, it is much easier and clearer, which makes it more convenient for beginners.

But also, like all IDE for Java, Eclipse still has its own system requirements, so it will not work on each computer. Although not such these requirements and high.

It is impossible to say with confidence which program for creating programs is the best. You need to select a language and then try each Wednesday for it. After all, each IDE is different and has its own characteristics. Who knows which one you will have more likely.

Active life modern man Ensures quick rhythm, a large number of planned affairs and goals set. Without a diary, it's just not to do. Fortunately, the 21st century has its advantages: the electronic market offers a huge selection applications with lists of cases, Organizers and to-do-sheets. Today I will tell about two applications a list of cases.

In fact, there are so many of them that eyes are running out, and the newcomer is completely confused in these unusual things for it. In this article, we denote the basic options for conducting electronic organizers and will last detail on two of them: TODOIST and WUNDERLIST.

But before proceeding to electronic options, I want to draw your attention to other, more classic. First of all, that translated from English means "bringing affairs to completion" or "how to bring things to order." GTD - not just organizer, And a whole huge, structured planning system up to the prospect of life. Such a piece is worth starting when you are no longer a beginner under the management of this kind of organizagasers.

In addition, pay attention - it pursues about the same goals, but it is much easier to use. In principle, the systems complement each other, but it is logical to choose one one that it will be the most convenient and efficient specifically for you.

What are the good electronic applications?

But Getting Things Done and Bullet Journal - paper systems, and we are so accustomed to using mobile phones. Online shops are and in iPhone (App Store.) , and for the platform android (Play Market.) . All applications for maintaining a list of cases, organizers and diaries can be downloaded there.

Here the bestWhat are offered shops:

  1. WunderList;
  3. Anydo;
  4. Tick-Tick;
  6. Trello;
  7. Myliforganized;
  8. Gtasks;
  9. DO IT;

And it is only the most famous, actually such applications dozens, hundreds! But today we will focus on the first two, we will analyze their advantages and disadvantages, find out what they differ and what of them is most convenient and functional?

TODOIST and WUNDERLIST: What's the common?

First of all, it should be noted the main features of both applications:

  • they are equally comfortable for use on a mobile phone (both on iPhone and on android), tablet, laptop or personal computer, if available personal Cabinet All changes are automatically saved in cloud storage, synchronized and displayed immediately on all devices, so that between them you can safely switch;
  • they are quite simple, an intuitive interface, not overloaded with extra functions and features;
  • available everywhere and at any time, mobile, tablet, PC. You create one account that works everywhere;
  • meanwhile, the main functionality is quite diverse, practical and convenient.

For which the application data can be used:

  • to keep a list of cases on the day (meetings, events, workers and household moments);
  • to compile a list of purchases (no matter, in a product or construction store);
  • to compile the listings "View", "Read", "Listen";
  • for checklists, for example, "what to take on the journey";
  • to install sound reminders that will say, when it is time to take a tablet, turn off the plate on the stove or start going to meet.

WunderList: how to use?

WunderList. - One of the most convenient electronic organizers? A simple, convenient, with a simple design and an intuitive interface, WunderList usually does not cause problems even in an inexperienced newbie user.

What nice chips opens this application for your fans?

  • the presence of a personal user e-mail, which can be sent any lists, tasks, etc.;
  • the possibility of registration in the general system of large number of people and, in fact, communication with them, sending their lists to other people, delegation of tasks, which is very convenient, for example, for the staff of the staff;
  • creating projects, folders, thematic lists;
  • tags for which you can find your records;
  • you can write descriptions for tasks, create subtitles and subtasks;
  • you can also attach files - text documents, photos, etc.

TODOIST. - Analogue of the previous application, meanwhile, has its own characteristics:

  • modern, fashionable design;
  • there is a so-called "migration function": moving to this application, you can import information from others to not drive all lists again;
  • on the basic version Countless are superimposed additional functionsthat open in an extended paid version, plus it or minus - each decides itself;
  • visualization of productivity, that is, the application as it would estimate your productivity and efficiency, thus encouraging activity.

As you can see, both applications are quite functional and extensive in their capabilities. Which one is better - to say difficult. Someone will prefer a proven, reliable WunderList, and someone is a new, fashionable TODOIST with its numerous paid chips, especially since the fee is not so great - about 2,000 rubles a year.

What are these chips? Owners paid Account can add comments to their tasks, view completed tasks, send tasks for e-mail, get reminders to mail or via SMS, export tasks in google Calendar, Outlook or ICAL, use the search and view the statistics of its productivity by day and projects.

Which to choose?

Check both, test, compare - and select the one that will be convenient for you. I chose WunderList for a long time and did not decide to go to a new one.

For me, Wunderlist has only one minus - this is the lack of gamefice that I liked it in Todoist. Gymification is an excellent tool for motivation, so in my opinion, it is necessary to use in the tasks managers.

The second minus Wunderlist, which is noted by other users in the reviews - the absence of a calendar. And in the toll version of the TODOIST, you can use a calendar that automatically makes marked and scheduled events: Synchronization works with ICAL, Outlook and Google Calendar. That is, in a convenient graphic formatYou can follow important events within your project along with customers, colleagues, members of your family.

Even the most careless people sometimes have to draw up lists of priority tasks, mandatory for implementation. Here, for example, there may be some kind of list of purchases and necessary things before departing on vacation, or another visit to the doctor, as well as other events that require a clear schedule and visualization.

In general, the organization of such lists is a fairly useful habit. New technologies to the abundance of available gadgets allowed us to abandon crumpled stickers or notebooks in favor of electronic media. The first are lost, impenetrate and deteriorate, while the second have convenient and customizable visualization, they can be sorted as you like and adjust reminders. Such electronic calendars and business planners greatly simplify everyday life and will not allow you to skip the event you need. It is worth just once to try to live a day with such assistants, and you yourself will be wondering how soon you could do without them.

So, let's try to present you the best program schedule-planners for a personal computer that enjoy the popular popularity of business people and have a lot positive feedback from users

PC Specific PC

Utilities of this plan for personal computer are not so much. A good half of such applications is either in a mobile version for smartphones and tablets, or as web services.

Such a state of affairs is explained very simply: modern and active users want to manage their time, as well as tasks anywhere, and not only sitting at a computer or taucked with a weighty laptop.

That is, it is quite logical as a student, and the owner of a large company want to see not only a stationary business scheduler for a computer, but also his "pocket" version. The latter allows you to test your plans while in traffic, lecture or any other place. Therefore, a large half of the developers of such products necessarily makes a special emphasis on the synergy of PC versions with mobile devices so that the user fully controls its current tasks and time.

So, we turn directly to the list of best business schedules for a personal computer that can be found networks.


The "Business Organizer" (LEADERTASK) is extremely popular not only in the business sphere, but also among other categories of users. He received his enviable reputation of one of the most popular business planners at the expense of multiplatform and a competent approach to usability. Users can establish a "business organizer" both on the usual OS "Windows" and on "apple" solutions to the "Android" -Es.

The version of the business scheduler for Windows 7, 8 and 10 distinguished itself with its ergonomic and intuitive functionality. The client of the "business organizer" is loaded into autorun (you can configure) and is in the system tray, providing fast access To all major program capabilities.

This computer business scheduler is convenient because all major events, such as tasks and notes, are presented on the calendar grid. Such visualization is very convenient and allows you to quickly navigate in the state of affairs.

Distinctive features of the application

Management of the primary interface is also featured convenience and understandable gestures. The purpose of cases and projects, as well as the assignment of specific dates and time, takes place on Drag & Drop technique, that is, it is enough to drag the desired task to the calendar grid or timer, and it will start "work".

Every individual task can be customized, as you are convenient: set the color, add a comment or photo, attach the file, etc. For some great projects, you can branch the subtasks and arrange priorities with reminders.

Competently customized regular filters in the work scheduler make it convenient to sort tasks and search for the desired notes. You can adjust the filters for yourself: to set priorities and some additional criteria, as well as impose them to the calendar, by writing things at a certain time interval.

During the work, the user calmly switches from one mode to another: calendar, categories, projects, notes and contacts. The latter, by the way, contain an extremely interesting feature for the electronic planner of cases. The application allows any contacts to secure a specific list of tasks. That is, here we can see what cases are related to one or another person from your phone book.

In general, it can be said that this scheduler is a universal and convenient program for analyzing and optimizing your tasks, and any complexity. The product applies to a paid license, but with a trial 45-day period.

Advantages of a "business organizer":

  • competent and high quality location of the product;
  • multiplatform (iOS, "Android", "Windows");
  • many sensible and really useful filters;
  • project support.


  • the price is high for an ordinary consumer.

The license cost is about 2000 rubles.

If "Google Chrome" is installed on your computer, then it is necessary to try this scheduler. is loaded as a supplement to this browser and works with it in tandem, and without prejudice to the performance for the latter. In addition, "Google Pleu" has a version of the scheduler for Android and similar to iOS, so this product can also be called multiplatform.

The application has a simlly simple and uncomplicated interface with which anyone, even a novice PC user. Mobile versions The product and is easier where everything happens using the usual drag and drop elements.

One of the most interesting advantages of this business scheduler is the ability to communicate with the speech menu. That is, the tasks can be pronounced in verbal form, and the attentive organizer will record them in notes. About such an approach, the owners of smartphones are especially illustrated, where the text set is clearly inferior to the possibilities of a personal computer and eliminates the set of problems. The Windows Planner version for Windows has gained excellent localization into Russian, and the "Android" and IOS-Briat sometimes come across unless menu items or text sites. But to name this moment is a critical language not turning due to the simplicity of the interface and intuitive icons.


The application distinguished itself very good functionality, despite the fact that it is an addition to the browser. The utility easily moves notes in the folder, marks their importance and adjusts the repetition. If the task is large, it opens access to advanced descriptions and comments. In addition, you can save all the work scheduler activities in an Excel format for editing or for someone more familiar visual vision.

For each individual task, any (or all together) is assigned items to choose from: list of contacts, notifications, repetition, notes, projects and other plans. There are no such chic capabilities as the previous respondent, the application does not have, but it will be quite good as an assistant to employees of a small company.

Also, the application can work with geolocation labels. That is, remind the user about some tasks depending on the location. For example, the utility will give to know the owner so that he will not forget to buy bread, if the grocery store turned out to be near or buy a movie tickets if the user passes by the Cass. Natural that this kind of alert must be configured in advance, taking into account the features of your position and the usual routes.

Pros app:

  • comfortable ;
  • clean sync with other devices;
  • the presence of geolocation labels;
  • free product.


This service can be called a universal solution for planning your tasks for various operating systems. The application works great in both the familiar medium "Windows" and on the IOS and Android platforms.

The free version of the program is presented in the form of a supplement to "Chrome" from Google, Firefox and Safari. That is, here we have regular access to the web service through the browser as in the previous case. The purchased Pro copy is implemented by a separate client application for Windows or MAC.

Paid version allows you to synchronize all the scheduler events on all your devices where installed this software. The application is built on the popular and well-proven principle of GTD (Get Things Done). Here you will find contexts familiar to this system, goals, tasks and many other elements for this system.

Features of the service

The utility allows you to conveniently sort all tasks on the selected user criteria: according to priorities, by the end time of some action, at the place, project, etc. There is also a competent selection by tags. After setting the dates and time, the tasks will be placed on the relevant sections in automatic order. In addition, the application works well with geometrs, which significantly expands the scope of application of software.

If you need to perform a specific type of task with any conditions, then the "Waitual Layout" section is provided in the functionality, where the user can configure things depending on the events that have come or future events.

Advantages of the application:

  • work on different platforms (Windows, IOS, android;
  • competent task synchronization on all devices (for the PRO version);
  • availability of a free version;
  • binding to geometrs.


  • a slightly confusing interface, where newcomers will be difficult to figure out the numerous branches of the menu;
  • some are not satisfied appearance Applications, and options for fine adjustment of the interface, alas, no.

The cost of the PRO version is about 1,500 rubles per year.


In the version for a personal computer (Windows and MA), the application is implemented as a web service. For the "Android" and iOS platforms, the utility goes as a separate client.

All user tasks are saved in a single tool of the organization - a list that can be edited as you like. Some categories or tags in the web version, alas are not supported. But in the quality of compensation, it is extremely convenient addition and work with planned tasks.

It should also be noted a large number of filters and competent sorting of cases. The application allows you to install all kinds of repetition intervals, reminders, branch the basic tasks into smaller, add comments, pictures and text notes to it. Each item can be highlighted with a color marker, with the desired priorities. Tasks are dragged with the mouse and are touched as you please.

Distinctive features of the service

On the left side of the interface, the user is available as regular lists by default and created by them. The first are signed and have a great set of filters: "Actual", "Plans for today", "Marked", "especially important" and "plans for the week."

If you need a simple and understandable task scheduler without unnecessary superstructures and categories, then Wunderlist will become an excellent daily assistant. Well, those who can not do without tags, numerous sections and other affairs of a business person better to take another service.

Pros app:

  • extremely simple interface;
  • excellent usability;
  • support for popular platforms;
  • free Distribution License without any restrictions.


  • there are no categories and tags familiar to such programs.


This is conditional and free online service for personal computers and mobile devices. In the first case, the most convenient to use software as an addition to the "chromium" browsers and Firefox, and in the second - as a separate app for a gadget on the "Android" platform ("Google Plati" to help).

The service has a minimum set of tools, but everything that is implemented as it is necessary and works flawlessly. Supplement will not load you a browser, because it takes very little memory, which means there will be no performance problems.

The application can be recommended to individualists, that is, those who are looking for a powerful and effective tool for increasing personal productivity. For some organizational issues, even in a small company service, alas, it will not suit, is too modest functionality.

Features of the service

Some users take a specific control in an application where practically all requests pass through the labels with the @ symbol. But after a couple of days of use, you get used to such a feature and no longer pay attention to it. It should also be noted that the service supports a large number of "hotkeys", which will noticeably simplifies the usability of the software.

Numerous filters will allow to sort the priority tasks, and the standard settings distinguished the sensible component: to redo and add something, as a rule, there is no need, because everything works fine.

The developer also offers an extended paid version - less than 200 rubles per month, where users can add their comments to each task, to receive on mobile phone Notifications in the form of SMS and synchronize with the "clouds" of the Google calendar or with Outlook.

Advantages of service:

  • simple and understandable interface;
  • competent lining in browsers;
  • the presence of a free version without any aggressive advertising.


  • it is difficult to navigate the beginners in the system syntax and get used to the hot-keys.

The cost of the extended version is about 200 rubles per month.

Program to create a list of files

The program is designed to compile and view file lists. Works under operating systems windows family. Exports to text, HTML, CSV are supported.

For use in the data recovery process, the following additional features are provided:

  • Marking damaged files. Manual or by importing a text list. After prepressing Perhaps the use of logs
  • Installing the "Need" labels "is not needed" to determine the customer priorities when recovering information.
  • When exporting a list in HTML there is an opportunity automatic installation Links to restored files lying on Web or FTP servers.

There are versions:

Interface full version

From our point of view, the interface is intuitively understood, so we do not see the point in detailed description. In case of issues, set them on

Explanations on the use:

  • To create a file list, click the "New" button and select the folder or disk, the files from which will be included in the list.
  • To open the list saved earlier in format, click the Open button.
  • To export to other formats, use subparagraphs "File" menu.
  • Marking files, as necessary or not necessary, is required to use the program in the process of recovering files. For this purpose, use the menu dropping when clicking right-click Mice on the file, or "Editing" menu.
  • The imported list of damaged files should consist exclusively from the rows representing the relative or absolute path to the file and its name. For example, for a list created based on the folder D: \\ photo, it may be ways of the form D: \\ photo \\ 04_reka \\ p1010136.jpg or 04_reka \\ p1010136.jpg. If the file mentioned in this list is missing in the main list, it will appear with the reference name.

Simplified version interface

The simplified version does not have the ability to create new lists. Its main purpose - view lists created in full version, as well as the mark of the necessary and not the necessary files. This is done by pressing the corresponding buttons on Tulbar.