SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 The battery explodes. Smartphones - Grenades: Why gadgets explode and how to avoid it. What you need to do so that the smartphone does not explode

The problem was corrected in new parties, but many had a breath.

While the world discusses the exploded iPhone 7 Plus, we decided to remember the cases of fire in real dangerous device - Samsung Galaxy Note.7.

The South Korean company missed the model Note 6 in its ruler, considering that the amount and scale of change in the new smartphone allows you to "jump over" one step. May be, it was not worth angry the gods of arithmetic and logic?

Samsung sold about 2.5 million Galaxy Note7, but after a couple of weeks launched a campaign by their review. Naturally, it was not possible to quickly do it, and we have almost every day hearing news about the affected owners of Note7.

It all started almost immediately after the official start of sales.

1. After the fire, the house almost burned down

School teacher Park Su-Jung (Park Soo-Jung) was forced to hastily leave his own bed when unexpectedly her new Galaxy Note7 flashed and filled the bedroom smoke. The teacher was separated by fright and light bruises after falling out of bed.

2. Blogger demonstrates burnt Galaxy Note7

On the your YouTube Channel User Ariel Gonzales laid out the video on which burnted right on charging Samsung Galaxy Note7. IN this moment Gonzales is negotiating with Samsung about damage compensation.

3. Together with Note7, the garage completely burned

Wesley Harzog (Wesley Hartzog) left to charge his smartphone in the garage, which eventually burned out. According to Wesley, he missed the news that Samsung recalls his novelty due to the problem of battery fire.

4. Note7 caused the ignition of the jeep

Nathan Dornacher Nathan Dornacher (Nathan Dornacher) left to charge his Galaxy Note7 in Jeep Grand Cherokee. After some time, he heard a disturbing dog, looked out on the street and discovered his jeep with an embraced flame.

5. A man remained without pants. Could be even worse

A resident of Florida Jonathan Strobel (Jonathan Strobel) received a second degree burns when Samsung Galaxy Note7 exploded his trousers in the front pocket. Jonathan plans to sue 15 thousand dollars from the South Korean company.

6. The child suffered from the ignition Note7

A six-year-old boy from Brooklyn got light hands burns after Samsung Galaxy Note7 caught fire right in his hands. According to the child's grandmother, the incident occurred, at the moment when the grandson watched the video on the smartphone standing at charging.

7. SAMSUNG smartphone damaged MacBook Pro

Chinese Hui Renjie (Hui Renjie) received minor burns of two fingers and damage to his MacBook from which the ill-fated Galaxy Note7 was charged. It is curious that according to the Chinese user, the device was from a new "secure" party.

7. Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE may also be unsafe

The other day there was another event of fire sAMSUNG smartphone. This time the cause of the fire became Galaxy S7 EDGE. Smartphone caught fire, being in charge. Daniel Boutilier household house (Danielle Boutilier) was forced to call firefighters. According to her, until the outfit, the smartphone was constantly overheated. Random coincidence or all Galaxy S7 are unsafe unknown.

Of course, the cases of explosions and fire fiery flagship Samsung Galaxy Note7 is calculated with tens. We gathered those that were widely covered in the press.

The biggest failure in the mobile industry

On September 2, Samsung Mobile President Koh Dong Jin (Koh Dong Jin) was forced to publicly bring her apologies for self-igniting Galaxy Note7.

To date, many airlines called on aircraft passengers to limit the use of Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphone. Capitalization of samsung fell by $ 22 billionAt the same time, analysts note that the company's loss will be even more. We are talking Not only about expenses in connection with the review, but also about the missed opportunities and prestige of the company.

Now the network and television flooded reviews about Samsung Galaxy Note 7 - why the smartphone explodes from this famous company and in general, is it true?

Indeed, the long rivalry of the Korean Samsung and the American iPhone this time ended with the practical defeat of the Koreans. New flagship Galaxy laptop 7 turned out to be a bomb in the literal sense of the word. And many fans of the famous brand now wish to know: why Samsung explodes and what to do?

What is the problem of Samsung Galaxy Nout 7?

So, August 2016 was marked by an explosion of thirty-five Korean Galaxy Note 7 from Samsung right in the hands of users. And by the end of the month, the main part of the preliminary orders, in particular, from Russia was suspended. And even during the day later information about the complete stop of the production of defective models. This is such a difficult situation formed by Korean friends. What is the next…

And then - more. The first numbers of September were marked by the cessation of sales samsung Galaxy Note 7 in ten major consumer countries and the beginning of a large-scale campaign in response to prepaid orders and replace the devices sold. Only in Russia almost a thousand people managed to order a new explosive flagship laptop 7.

Why do samsung smartphones explode? Maybe this is the action of terrorists or competitions of competitors? By all - everything is much trivial. The problem is enclosed in too cream batteries With a defect.

The company, of course, having suspended sales, immediately began to carefully investigate cases of self-burning and even battery explosions at Galaxy Nout 7. Security primarily! Yes, ... I wonder whether the Korean who died in 2007 would believe in this, from the explosion of the LG phone. He was broken by the lungs and broke the spine. Of course, Samsung does not have a relation to this, but trust falls at all to any smartphone.

Okay, if such an incident occurred somewhere in the country of the third world, from the "left" manufacturer. But the Samsung company is the leader in the smartphone market. According to statistics, almost every fourth person in the world enjoys a smartphone of this brand. O and even less - and security at the proper level. For now…

So, without leaving the topic - why do Samsung Galaxy exploded? At first, the company tried to impose all the blame for non-original charging device. Rave! Always people charged phones than they have. And manufacturers know perfectly about it. And what kind of original can we talk about if Samsung does not release charging blocks Alone, ordering them from other manufacturers. Moreover, many companies even have an agreement on the production of smartphones with the same connector for charging.

Yes, and all chargers in principle do not have such serious differences - this is standard 5V and 2A. Yes, undoubtedly, there are devices for accelerated battery filling. But even only tension increases in them, but not power.

And all modern smartphones are equipped with a special controller. If the model does not support quick charging - it will not happen. Additionally, they do not allow recharge - which is extremely critical in this case.

From here it follows that a serviceable device will not allow harm when charging, to whatever the device it is connected. And here they opened the first defects - the same controller could fail. And in the models Samsung note from the first party they were not at all!

Due to recharging the electrolyte in the battery boiled, and a large amount of gas was distinguished. Naturally, the pressure in the smartphone housing instantly took off to a critical mark - and here it is a real microdist, with the body fragments flying out in different directions. The real "bomb" of slow motion. Put for charging, sit down and wait until "arrive." This is some kind of sabotage! You can imagine - this is how the smartphone bought a 12-year-old daughter, and he exploded, eliminating her hail of fragments ...

At the iPhone, for example, often another problem is them.

And if he exploded only when charging. So, no - sometimes scattered right in your hands. How to explain it? Why do Samsung phones explode after recharging? There is a full truthful version. The fact is that the battery in the seventh samsung absolutely does not withstand overheating and when the temperature of the processor is raised in the smartphone - explodes! Probably, therefore, a series of explosions came exactly for a summer month. It is quite believed in it.

Or maybe here is simply injected at the situation and it is not worth perceiving this seriously? Each will decide how to react. But let him know that the lithium from the battery of the smartphone during the fire is gaining a temperature of 1339 ° C, and the split splashes fly in all directions capable of burning even solid surfaces, not to mention human skin. In addition, the likelihood of fires has now increased significantly. And the fragments of the housing can damage the eardrum or even a carotid artery. The consequences of such damage is easy to submit.

How not to explode with samsung galaxy laptop 7?

Why the samsung laptop explodes, and what to do now? The most faithful tool is not to use smartphones and do not go out at all. So safer. And those who do not want to resort to such radical methods worth getting a wireless headset and to output messages. But in general, to live in constant fear that your electronic favorite can explode at any time, somehow not reasonable.

Those who often flies, it is worth thinking about a special thermal container, which will hide a potential "diversant" for the flight. Also russian companies It is not recommended to include it for the time of flight and the more not to try to charge. And in general, now, probably, in the head bodyrooms will have to walk ...

The danger came from there, from where they did not wait. And Alkaid or Egil will blow you up, but your own smartphone! But pleases that the warning applies only to the Samsung Note 7 models purchased to the second day of September and that outside of Russia. After all, there was no official sales of this party in the Russian Federation. That's great!

And so, Rosaviatsiya Fear simply does not catch up - it takes into account the experience of American colleagues. There, one frivolous Yankee Samsung has grown himself right on board the liner at Louisvil Airport. Why frivolous - yes because this citizen was aware of marriage and simply exchanged the former model to a new one. What did not protect him from landing from the aircraft along with the rest of the passengers right before departure. And what did he not please? Wanted Korean exotic?

P.S. Samsung surprised not only note Smartphones 7. And the question is why washing sAMSUNG cars, also became relevant. True, the reports of the explosions of Asian styrall comes mainly from the states - now, probably, the Korean "Bomberov" shoals will be visible everywhere. So this year the company's products have become the "explosive". Although, for example, has established itself as a great apparatus!

Although, hunting believing that the brand will restore the reputation. After all, its products have always differed in quality and reliability.

Video from YouTube - "Note 7 on fire: Samsung calls the flagship Galaxy":

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Perhaps you will be interested else to know:

SAMSUNG Korean company is epic disgraced with the new flagship smartphone Galaxy Note 7: All the forces of developers seem to be thrown to abandon the name Note 6 (this is the sixth generation), but to draw a seven that the figure is no less than that of the expected 7 september iPhone. 7. But to construct a smartphone so that it does not explode during charging, it did not work.

History of the problem

History developed rapidly. For August in those countries where Note 7 went on sale earlier than others, 35 smartphones exploded.

On August 30, the company suspended the reception of preliminary orders on Note 7, explaining this in great demand, but accidentally punctured on the numbers. The fact is that at first Samsung cheerfully reported about 7,500 Russian pre-orders for the first week, and after three weeks - about 9,000, that is, in two weeks it was ordered five times less. In other countries, pre-orders were also suspended.

On September 1, it became known about the cessation of sales No. 7 in 10 countries and rumors about a large-scale review campaign appeared: not all sold devices will be replaced.

On September 2, Samsung officially announced the revocation of all sold smartphones. Everyone who ordered the device with prepayment (in Russia it is about 900 people), can return funds in full.

Why batteries explode

All this time, through a number of media, information was launched that smartphones explode only when using a non-original charger or non-original cable - this is, however, conversations in favor of the poor, because the native device with a cable usually lies at home, and in the car, at work And friends have been used. And then, what does "non-original" mean? Samsung itself does not charge and cables, but orders them on the side. If the cable or charging released on the same factory is written, say, not samsung, and Sony, then this is immediately counterfeit? Actually, for the manufacturers in their time and agreed to use the standard USB connector so that charging was universal.

At the same time, all of them are standard: normal charging Gives a voltage of 5V and current to 2a. The current strength at a specific point in time is determined by the charge controller included in the smartphone chipset. Moreover, in a lithium-ion type battery, it is also usually its own controller, which protects the "bank" itself, firstly, from reloading, secondly, from a deep discharge - both are deepening for a lithium-ion battery. Fast charging uses increased voltage (9 V, 2 A or 9 V, 1.67 A or in some cases 12 V). The voltage increases, and not the strength of the current (otherwise it will take a much thicker wire). At the same time, not to burn a quick charge of a regular phone, the data exchange between the charging itself and the phone is used: it, roughly speaking, sends a request: "Do you support fast charging?", - And if you get the answer "Yes", then includes increased voltage And the controller already charges the battery with a big current.

In the case of Note 7 for some reason, the charge controller in the smartphone first faced, after which the battery received too large charged. In this case, in the exploding batteries (all cases of explosions are associated with devices from the early parties) of the built-in controller, as they say, there was no. Charging is too long leads to the overheating of the battery, which includes a chain reaction: the electrolyte will boil with the release of a large amount of gas, the pressure inside the sealed body of the battery for the fraction of a second increases several times, after which the body explodes and the fascinated gases under pressure are broken out, and part parts The batteries or the phone are turning into the afflicting elements - it turns out such a kind of fragantive-fuzak bomb.

What is dangerous battery explosion

The lithium battery explosion is extremely dangerous. First, lithium is burning with a temperature of 1339 degrees - this is enough, even to burn concrete, while during the explosion fiery drops can sprinkle in different directions, which leads to serious fires and burns.

Secondly, the explosion can occur during a conversation by phone: in this case, heavy injuries and death are possible. For example, in 2007, the Chinese have a broken fragment phone Motorola. The heart pierced, and at the same year, the exploded phone LG broke the light and broke the spine, which also led to the death of the victim. Cases of death are also known from the cervical artery break, irrepustible limbs, etc.

How to protect yourself from the phone explosion

Bombings of lithium batteries - back side technical progress; Refuse them is how to give up airplanes, because they sometimes fall, and ride in Vladivostok from Moscow by train.

Nevertheless, the risk of suffering from the explosion will be much lower if we have a smartphone in the bag, talking over it through a wireless headset, and important messages to output on smart clock. In headsets and clock, however, there are also lithium battery, but 10-20 times less container than in smartphones. Therefore, even if something happens to them, the consequences will not be fatal.

Moscow, 2 Sep - RIA Novosti. Last Wednesday, Samsung announced the suspension of sales of its newest Furniture of Galaxy Note 7, which from August 19 appeared on the shelves in 10 countries. The main reason for which the president was already brought for mobile division Dong Jin Koh (Dong Jin Koh), - Battery Explosions during Charging.

Samsung can withdraw all of his Galaxy Note 7 due to battery problemsSAMSUNG is expected to announce the results of its investigation of the causes of batteries, and will also announce a number of comprehensive measures to solve this problem or within this weekend, or at the beginning of the next week.

Whatever it was, this attack pursues lithium-ion batteries for the third decade. And from April this year, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) even introduced a temporary ban on the provision Li-Ion batteries On passenger flights, if they are not installed in any device.

The essence of the problem

Lithium-ion battery, despite all its advantages, is a very capricious element. His charging passes through a complex algorithm and is always controlled by a special microcontroller, which constantly monitors the temperature and other battery parameters. The mass of restrictions also impose on its operation and storage. Such batteries do not tolerate deep discharge, work at negative temperatures and heating. Therefore, almost all devices with them have special controllers, tracking their operation and turn off the battery in case of exceeding its critical values.

However, make a lithium-ion battery safe is not so difficult. However, current trends towards reducing the size of the batteries and their forms, as well as experiments with the chemical composition, each time returns developers to starting positions. The main problem is overheating of individual battery cells due to increasing temperature or short circuit inside the cell. The overheating cell can run a chain reaction. And given the fact that lithium alkaline metal incoming accumulators is flammable, the consequences can be sad: a sharp bloating, fire, or even a thump.

Media: more than half a million gyroscurists respond to the USA due to the risk of fireUS State Commission for Consumer Goods (CPSC) decided to withdraw 501 thousand gyroscuters (self-balancing scooters) due to the high risk of fire.

But if at every step the battery work controllers tracks, why do they explode? There may be several reasons.

Among the mains there is a production marriage, in which the layer of the insulator between the cells turns out to be insufficient thickness.

Also dangerous blows or physical damage Battery, and banal overheating. For example, if the battery received minor damage from falling from a small height, the user may not pay attention to it, but the battery condition may worse. It can fail, without even reaching its temperature limit.

Solve the problem can be more stringent. But this will lead to the appreciation of all products and slowing the introduction of new technologies. What, in conditions of constant competition, the company simply will not go. Because consumers will have to come to terms with the fact that individual cases of fires can continue to occur with the products of the most famous brands, such as Apple, Samsung and any other.

Scientists have created batteries that do not explode when overheatedPhysics from Stanford created a new type of lithium-ion batteries, which are automatically disconnected when hazardous temperatures reach, thereby avoiding the explosion when overheating, and instantly turned on back after cooling.

However, at the beginning of this year, American physicists from Stanford announced the development of a special fuse for batteries. It consists of nickel nanoparticles inserted into a thin sheet of plastic and graphene and automatically turns off the battery without waiting for the reaction of the controller. Despite the seeming simplicity, the introduction of this development remains in question, because the batteries will not save the batteries in a hundred percent of cases, but will lead to its rise.

The first stories that the Note 7 battery may explode during charging, confirmed, Samsung officially announced 35 known cases (17 in South Korea, 17 in the United States and one in Taiwan). As a result, the company immediately suspended the supply of Note 7 to all markets, asked partners in ten countries to also terminate sales before finding out the causes and verification of each situation. For less week, the company has left for flight analysis, it turned out that from 2.5 million devices shipped by operators and retail concerns 0.1% Note 7, that is, about 2500 phones. The company considered that the possibility of an explosion of the phone is too serious, and adopted an unprecedented decision to stop sales in ten countries, where this device has already been on the shelves, as well as replace all phones in the countries of the second wave, including in Russia.

How the problem is manifested and what it is connected with

The problem is related to the overheating of the battery during charging and subsequent ignition, and it manifests itself regardless of the phone version. So, burned devices and on Qualcomm in the USA and on the EXYNOS chipset in South Korea. The provider of problem batteries is not named, but it is indicated that this is not a Samsung SDI, that is, the supplier of third parties.

Technically, the problem is manifested in the following way: People use a non-original charger or cable, for example, at work or in the car, while original charging stays at home. When determined by the circumstances and poor-quality third-party cable, it is possible to burn the charge controller, as a result, in this or subsequent charging battery can ignore. What leads to any consequences may cause a fire.

When using the original charger, such a problem as far as I know, no. But, nevertheless, Samsung decided to reinforce and replace all the phones that is in the market. The replacement procedure looks like this: Partners give the received devices back, other models arrive instead. In Russia, this means that the start of sales will not take place on September 16, sales will begin in late October-early November, when new parties come. Those who prepared an order can return the money in full or leave the order and get additional gifts for waiting. About what kind of gifts it will be to what have already been declared earlier, the company will report later. Those who got the devices from the first parties, as the mailing on a number of addresses in the Far East was proposed to replace them with new, procedure and the procedure for free replacement will be known for hot line Samsung, when replacing additional accessories will also be offered as a kind of apology. Moreover, as far as I understand, this replacement is not needed to spend directly tomorrow, you can use the device, especially if you are not afraid to get into the remaining two and a half thousand pieces that can potentially explode.

For those who bought their phones in other countries and used the services of intermediaries for their delivery or acquired from resellers, no replacement programs in Russia act for quite understandable reasons. It is necessary to replace the phone to the country where it was purchased. Purchases from the USA and South Korea in the risk group, so you should remember about it. In Russian Samsung, work out how to replace such devices, the solution will be available later.

IN different countries Mira, all sorts of apology buns differ, somewhere staming pre-orders give vouchers, for example, in Carphone Warehouse in the UK, a loan of 25 pounds for any purchases, in other countries it can be a memory card for 128 GB or something else. Since this is a voluntary review, then Note 7 users may not return sAMSUNG apparatus, no one forces them to do it.

Financial implications for samsung, stock exchange and cost of gifts

The demand for Note 7 was higher than someone could imagine, the fact that the company has already shipped 2.5 million devices in two weeks, says for himself. And the fact that the company actually strikes the whole month of future sales plus begin to replace this million phones, says both direct and indirect expenses. Let's try to calculate them and appreciate how it will affect the company.

So, if you submit that the company needs to replace 2.5 million apparatuses in ten countries (there is no replacement in China, since there is another battery), it will turn out that they need not only to collect them and deliver to the plant, but in the final consumers already sold devices replace not only the battery, but also the case, as well as motherboard. In fact, the old apparatus turns into a restored. It is curious that this problem coincided with the start of sales in the United States recovered phones, apparently, Note 7 may appear in this market in this form and with a lower cost.

The cost of logistics on one apparatus is about $ 25, the replacement of the battery and all operations at the factory - about $ 15, and a total of $ 40 is the minimum rating of one apparatus. To this it is necessary to add gifts in the form of accessories and various buns that the company gives those users that they have already received the device or paid their orders. On average, such a gift will leave about one hundred dollars. Even if you repel from the fact that 60% were sold out of 2.5 million, it turns out that 150 million dollars will go to the same compliments. Logistics and replacement of batteries - another 100 million dollars. That is, according to the most modest estimates, 250 million dollars are direct losses from the recall of those devices that have already been sold to partners. But there are still devices at the factories, in the company's warehouses, on the road. In total, you can safely talk about the total amount of costs of 350-400 million dollars. From a financial point of view and reporting, this money will be divided into time, however, they will affect the company's financial results in the coming year.

Initially, Samsung Electronics shares on the background of Reuters messages about the possible revocation of devices fell by 2%, which is measured as $ 7 billion in market capitalization. But on September 2, after the official statement, they began to play back.

It can be argued that the launch of Note 7 will be unsuccessful from a financial point of view due to replacement of phones, which costs so much. In similar situations, other electronics manufacturers have never been to such large-scale programs for replacing devices to new ones. As a rule, charging devices were replaced, and only they. For example, in Apple in 2013 after the death of the Chinese woman during a conversation on the iPhone connected to charging, launched the program when it was possible to change non-original charging to branded, but with a surcharge of $ 10:

"Recent reports suggest that some non-original adapters bear danger to the life and health of their owner. Therefore, we launch uSB program Power Adapter Takeback Program, according to which anyone can acquire an official power adapter. Starting on August 16, you can visit the Apple Store retail store or Apple's official reseller and for a limited time to buy branded charging at a special price of 10 dollars. With you, you must bring at least one non-original adapter, as well as your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.. The action will be valid until October 18, 2013. "

In fact, this is the story of exactly the same level, which is happening with Note 7, when the phone can explode or hit the current, but the difference in the company's approach. Samsung decided to avoid even a limited number of accidents and spend hundreds of millions to correct the situation. IN Apple situation Fixed quietly and without replacing devices, actually leaving the problem on the side of those who use non-original devices for charging phones. Theoretically, it is correct, since the manufacturer cannot be responsible for using some left charging. If you pay attention to what the iPhone writes today when connecting most non-original cables, you will find out that the problem is quiet and secretive solid, these accessories are usually not supported.

In the dry residue about Note 7

The first replacements in key markets, in South Korea and the United States, will begin only in two weeks, Samsung faced the inability to dramatically increase the production of this device, since it was a rabid demand that only increased, and now the need to replace the devices was added. It can be expected that this device will be in the USA from the end of September, the same applies to South Korea and all the countries of the first wave. But this automatically means the transfer of sales in other countries, which can be seen by the example of Russia. Our device will appear only at the end of October, not earlier. Long? Not that word. On the other hand, New Year's sales in Samsung do not miss, so the blow will not be very painful.

From the PR point of view and network discussions, of course, this is a strong blow to the company's reputation and product quality. SAMSUNG actions and efforts to correct a shortage in a small number of phones are unprecedented and show attitude to the market and consumers, for the company it is important. Others would suggest to buy original chargers with a 50% discount, there is also a complete replacement of all phones without exception so that there are no thoughts that such problems are possible. Very expensive solution plus compliments to those who have already bought the devices or paid for pre-orders.

For those who do not like the Samsung brand, this is a reason to brand and prove to the world that they produce bad devices. That, of course, well characterizes these people, but not sAMSUNG phones. For those who choose the devices consciously and rationally, it is proof that the company is able to solve problems, however, as before, today they simply affected the key product that is in focus of attention.

Given that the deficit that was and is on Note 7, expect that the company can cope with it, it is impossible. Even if we assume that half of all those who wish to buy this device simply fall off and decide not to do this never remaining people anyway more than the company can produce phones. Here is a paradox. But financial indicators will go down, we will learn about this in the results of the third and fourth quarters. Note 7 sales by the end of the year is unlikely to exceed 18 million pieces, taking into account the replacement of 2.5 million. Although if Samsung is able to enter new lineThe result may be higher.

Despite all sorts of discussion, this product will sell yourself and will do it well. The fact that the company did not close their eyes to the problem and carried out a total replacement, only demand will spur, as it will add confidence as a product.

And traditionally, I suggest you express your thoughts and emotions about it, but try to be within the limits. In Samsung, these comments will definitely read. Do you like the company's approach with a total replacement, or do you think that this is not enough?