Make restoration by xp. How to restore Windows XP by means of a boot disk. Last successful configuration

Description How to restore normal download Windows XP.. In the manual, it is shown in detail what to do if during download operating system Gives errors like "", "", "" and many others.

Windows XP download problems and their causes

Many users Windows XP. faced problems with download Windows XP.. Typical situation: Includes a computer computer or laptop, and there on the black screen it seems like, Unable to run Windows due to hardware disk setup errors Or some other. Error Cannot run Windows due to a spoiled or missing file: hal.dll often appears when installing Windows XP. From a flash drive after rebooting. Errors can be a great set. They look like this:

The reason for these all errors are problems in the workloader Windows XP.which directly and launches the system. In essence, these are several executive files: File boot.ini. With download configuration, files ntldr., and the initial bootloader in MBR.

It is quite logical that for recovery normal work Windows XP. You need to restore this very loader. This will be discussed in this manual.

Running Windows XP Recovery Console

To restore the bootloader, we need to first run the so-called. To do this, we need to boot with installation disk or flash drive S. Windows XP. And launch the installation. How to do it well well described in the manuals:, and.

Load, run the installation. When this screen appears:

need to click on the button R.. We wait a little, the system scans hDD For presence installed systems. As a result, this window should appear:

Enter the copy number in the list (usually 1 ), enter the administrator password (if you were not specified, then just click ENTER). That's it:

Now you can go directly to restoration.

Windows XP boot recovery

To restore the MBR and the bootloader in the recovery console there are commands and. We first enter the first:

Confirm the recovery key Y.:

We enter the command:

Confirm the changes:

Now you can reboot. To do this we enter the command eXIT

If these operations have not solved the situation, it is worth checking if the bootloader files are. This is first C: \\ NTLDR and C: \\, as well as boot.ini.. This can be done quite simple. Enter the command . It will give the content of files and folders on the disk C: \\. If such files have not been on the hard drive, then they should be copied from the disk. To do this, it is necessary to determine its letter by the method of extinguishing and team dir.. In my case, the disk with Windows - d: \\. Here is its content:

Now copy the files you need from it. To do this, enter the command copy D: \\ i386 \\ NTLDR C: \\ and copy D: \\ i386 \\ C: \\:

You can also check the hard disk with the team. cHKDSK / R.:

Exactly will definitely not be.

Solving problems with Hal.dll

We now turn to the error with:

On Russian versions Windows The text of the error looks like this: Cannot run Windows due to a spoiled or missing file: hal.dll

This problem occurs often due to incorrect settings in file boot.ini.. To somehow fix the situation, run and enter the command bootCFG / Rebuild.:

Must start scanning available systems. Then you choose the available and add to the download list:

Now you need to enter as the system will be displayed in the download list:

Then you should specify the parameter / FastDetect.:

That's all:

If it does not help, then log in to the recovery console and enter the command. expand D: \\ i386 \\ Hal.dl_ C: \\ Windows \\ System32 (d: \\ In this case, this is a CD / DVD drive or flash drive).

In the future, the download list can be corrected already in Windows:

Also available Start -> Perform -> msconfig -> boot.ini..

That's all.

All questions about Windows Recovery Please ask the forum in this topic.

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Older Windows XP is so popular among many users because of their reliability, but even it sometimes gives failures. Most often, of course, this is due to the crystalities of users, but there are other reasons. Howbeit, best way Return the computer's performance is to restore Windows XP, that is, the rollback of the recent changes.

Often the Windows XP system restore can solve the problem (if it is not physical). And in this article I will tell you what needs to be done for this.

How to restore Windows XP system

Before restoring windows system XP, you most likely discovered that it does not boot at all, and fell into a hysterical panic. Instead of panic you need to make a load in.

When the system turns on in safe modeYou must click "Start", then select "All Programs" item, in it "Standard", then "service" and finally click on "Restoring System".

In the program that opens, it is necessary to note the first item "Restoring the earlier state of the computer" and click "Next".

After you see a calendar where dates will be marked, to which you can roll back. Selecting the desired, click the Next button and then again "Next". Will begin windows rollback XP, the computer will restart, recover and boot in normal mode, and you will receive a message about a successful operation.

The Windows XP system recovery takes some time, and the more time between the date of rollback and today, the longer it will be necessary. During the recovery, it may seem that nothing happens. In fact, it is not. It is just necessary to gain patience and wait for the end of the operation.

Since you need to restore the Windows XP system from the control point, it is necessary that they are created automatically. To do this, include this feature. Is it included can be checked in the following way: to "My Computer" to click on the right click of the mouse and click "Properties", and go to the "Restore System" tab. Ticks opposite "Disable the system recovery on all discs" should not be. You also need to look carefully on the table below with the list. hard disks. In the column "Status" on all discs should be written "Observation".

Recovery control points on Window XP are automatically created when installing some programs, drivers or the system itself without reasons. And can be manually. Before making something on a computer, something is not clear, it is recommended to create a recovery point so that in case of which, roll back the changes.

If you are faced with the fact that the operating system on your computer began to issue errors, as a rule, it becomes necessary to reinstall it. However, few people remember that may be available windows restoration XP without reinstalling. This procedure will replace damaged system files Data from the boot CD, while leaving your settings and applications without changes.


Remember that you need to create a backup copy for important data, because they cannot be obtained from other sources. This backup copy It must be located on a separate hard disk, CD, DVD, in data storage networks, etc. In short, in those places that will not be affected restoring the system. Talking about how to restore windows xp Without reinstalling, it should be noted that everything is quite simple. Such a selective installation will replace files damaged by viruses and other malicious software, but the viruses themselves will not delete and do not save you from the source of the problem.

Possible difficulties

There may be such a problem at which it will be impossible to continue the replacement installation due to the fact that the Windows version is installed newer than the available on the CD. If you decide to restore Windows XP without reinstalling, but when you try to do this, you receive a message that the installation cannot be continued due to different versions of Windows On a computer and a CD, you should still continue the download, and after it is completed to use updates.

Beginning of the process

Upload a computer by starting from a CD following instructions on how to restore Windows XP without reinstalling. You may have to change in the BIOS download order by setting the CD load priority before hard disk. When you see an inscription "Installation program" will be welcomed, several download options will appear, one of which offers installing Windows XP, Other - Recovery with console. You must select OS download, but not recovery. Then, when OS installation options are displayed, select the restoring selective installation. When executing the recovery process, you will be copied to the hard disk. required files, after which the computer will restart. When you see a message with a proposal to press any key to continue the installation, do not do this, as you need to implement the option of recovering Windows XP without reinstalling. Thanks to this, all your settings will be saved unchanged.

Protection against viruses

In addition, after the completion of such a process, you should take immediately appropriate measures to protect your computer from a viral threat. If you connect to the Internet directly without a router or hardware firewall, turn off the network, physically disconnecting cable connections, removing a wireless card or any other way avoiding connections. When you fully follow the instructions on how to restore Windows XP without reinstalling, turn on the XP firewall or install third-party antivirus software Before connecting to the Internet. Only then proceed to download updates. If you can not download automatic update After the restoring installation, you will have to perform this process manually.

Most of those who start the way computer user, Loves to experiment with various types of programs or optimization of the system. All this happens by samples and errors. But due to excessive curiosity and lack of experience, such actions most often lead just to errors. And not only curiosity can cause the system improper work as a whole. Driver for equipment can be established crooked and it will lead to its incorrect operation.

Of course, if some time is tinked, then everything can be returned to the initial working condition, and even then in the case of the presence of a large fraction of luck. It is much easier, more reliable and faster to roll back the system to the operating system if you have created a system recovery point. How to do it right, now we will look at. No need to scare and worry that this function will be a burden for a computer. If necessary, all previously created points can be removed without problems, and the system recovery is disabled to save disk space slightly. But about this later.

So, before the procedure for creating a control point, you must first make sure that in the process of your manipulations with the system, the recovery function was not disabled. For which in Windows XP, right-click on the "My Computer" label. Opens context menuwhere you need to choose "Properties". In the window that opens, click the Repair System tab.

Here, opposite the disk "C" should be the designation "Observation". On all other "disabled". If you want to monitor and include on other disks, but consider only the files that are important system (which in most cases are on disk C), and your personal data will not be saved. To enable or disconnect the observation, select the desired volume by the mouse and remove or check or check the parameters.

Next, set the desired size that the system reserves to create control points. Standard size Windows XP is 12% of the volume of the disk. Using the slider in the settings, you can specify your size for the place where the system recovery will later be created. And the more the place will be, the more there may be such points.

Now, suppose we are going to establish an unknown software, and in order not to risk once again, you need to create a point to which we roll out the system in case of unsuccessful installation. In windows xp path to the desired settings It will be like this: to open "all programs" through "Start" and enter the "Standard". Next, choose "service", where and is "restoring the system". A dialog box will open where you will be asked to choose from to restore previous state, just create a recovery point or cancel the latest system restoration.

In the window describing the control point and write. Now it remains only to click "Create". After some time, a confirmation window will appear. All, the recovery point of the system is created.

Now it is logical to consider the situation when everything went not quite smoothly and the system began working with interruptions, which you did not want. Since you are now all prepared, then without consequences, you can return the system to that condition when its performance fully satisfy you. You will need to return to dialog box With three sentences to choose actions. Only now mark the item to restore the early state of your computer and click Next.

The next step will be required to choose a checkpoint to restore. At this stage, the description is just useful to you if there were several previously created several. On the calendar you can also view all the available points and choose the desired date. As soon as you click "Next," the system recovery will start. When it is over, the computer will be rebooted and you will no longer find a program that led to an undesirable result, and the system itself will work as an incorrect installation of software.

Of course, it is not necessary to keep a large number of recovery points, because this is a hard disk space. It is enough to leave one when the system's work was stable and you can constantly update it, and previously removed. In this case, you need to log in through the "Start" in the "Programs" and choose the "service" item there.

Find the "Disk Cleaning" icon and click on it.

In the window that appears, select the disk on which the created recovery points are stored, most likely it will be the "C" disc, and click OK. Now a menu appears with system cleaning settings. Here we will first be interested in the "Advanced" tab.

Click it and you will be available for the cleaning function of all the recovery points of the system, except for the last one.

By clicking on the "Clear" button in the "System Restore" section, you can free up the hard disk space, deleting the old saving system files. Only a system recovery point will remain, which was created by you the latter.