Timer program to run programs. How to automatically turn on the computer on the schedule. PowerOff - the most powerful timer to turn off Windows

The idea to set up the computer so that it automatically turn on in set time, It comes to many people. Some thus want to use their PCs as an alarm clock, others need to start the injection of torrents in the most profitable according to tariff plan Time, others want to schedule installing updates, check for viruses or other similar tasks. What ways can these desires, will be considered further.

Methods with which you can configure the computer for automatic inclusionThere are several. This can be done using the tools available in the computer hardware, methods provided in the operating system, or special programs From third-party manufacturers. We will analyze these methods in more detail.

Method 1: BIOS and UEFI

The existence of the BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) was heard, probably all who at least a little familiar with the principles of the computer. It is responsible for testing and regular inclusion of all components. hardware PC, and then transmits the management of the operating system. Bios contains many different settings, among which there is and the ability to enable the computer in automatic mode. Let's notify immediately that this function is far from all BIOS, but only in more or less modern versions.

To schedule the launch of your PC on the machine through the BIOS, you must do the following:

Currently, the BIOS interface is considered to be outdated. In modern computers, the UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) came to change. Its main purpose is the same as BIOS, but the possibility is much wider. It is much easier for the user with UEFI due to the support of the mouse and Russian language in the interface.

Configure automatic computer power on with uEFI help It is as follows:

Configure automatic inclusion with using bios. or UEFI is the only way that allows you to implement this operation on a fully turned off computer. In all other cases we are talking Not about the inclusion, but about the withdrawal of a PC from the state of hibernation or sleep mode.

It goes without saying that in order for automatic inclusion to work, the computer power cable must remain included in the outlet or UPS.

Method 2: Task Scheduler

You can configure the automatic switching on the computer and using system windows. This uses the task scheduler. Consider how it is done on the example of Windows 7.

At the beginning you need to resolve the system automatic on / off. To do this, you need to open section in the control panel "System and safety" and in the section "Power supply" Contact link "Setting the transition to sleep mode".

Then in the window that opens, follow the link "Change additional power parameters".

After that, find in the list of additional parameters "Sleep" and there to establish permission for the awakening timers "Enable".

Now you can configure the schedule for automatic power on. To do this, do the following:

  1. Open the scheduler. The easiest way to do it through the menu "Start"Where the special field for searching for programs and files is located.

    Start entering the word "scheduler" in this field to in top string A link appeared to open the utility.

    To open the planner, it is enough to click on it with the left mouse button. It can also be launched through the menu "Start" - "Standard" - "Service", or through the window "Run" (Win + R)By entering the taskschd.msc command there.
  2. In the Planner window, go to the section "Job Planner Library".

  3. On the right side of the window, select "Create a task".

  4. Come up with the name and description for a new task, for example, "Automatic Enable Computer". In the same window, you can configure the parameters with which the computer awakening will occur: the user under which the login will be implemented and the level of its rights.

  5. Go to the tab "Triggers" and click on the button "Create".

  6. Configure the frequency and time to automatically turn on the computer, for example, daily at 7.30 in the morning.

  7. Go to the tab "Actions" And create a new action by analogy with the previous paragraph. Here you can configure what should happen when performing the task. We do so that some message is displayed on the screen.

    If you wish, you can configure another action, for example, playing an audio file, launch torrent or other program.
  8. Go to the tab "Conditions" And check Chekbox "Wake up a computer to fulfill the task". If necessary, put the remaining marks.

    This item is key when creating our task.
  9. Complete the process by pressing the key Ok. If the general parameter contains login under a specific user, the planner will ask you to specify its name and password.

This is configured to automatically turn on the computer using the scheduler completed. Evidence of the correctness of the accomplished actions will be the emergence of a new task in the list of tasks of the planner.

The result of its execution will be the daily wake of the computer at 7.30 am and the display of the message "with a good morning!".

Method 3: third-party programs

Create a computer work schedule can also be using programs created by third-party developers. To some extent, they all duplicate the functions of the system scheduler of tasks. Some have a significantly trimmed functionality compared to it, but compensate for it ease in the setting and more convenient interface. but software productscapable of displaying a computer from sleep mode, there is not so much. Consider some of them more.

A small free program in which there is nothing superfluous. After installation, folded in the tray. Calling it from there, you can configure the computer on / off schedule.

Thus, the enable / off of the computer will be scheduled regardless of the date.


Another program with which you can turn on the computer on the machine. The Russian-speaking interface is missing in the program in the program, but the network can be found for it a crack. The program is paid, a trial 30-day version is proposed.


The interface of this program has a functionality typical of all alarm clocks and reminders. The program is paid, trial version Guests are available for 15 days. Its shortcomings should include a long lack of updates. In Windows 7, it was managed only in Windows 2000 compatibility mode with administrative rights.

This can be completed consideration of how to automatically enable a computer on a schedule. The information provided is enough to orient the reader in the possibilities of solving this problem. And which methods to choose - to solve himself.

Compact utility that automates slightly on the computer, namely turns it off to the time you specify or after a period of time, performs a reboot and blocking the computer.

It is not at all a secret that automation in our time is gaining increasing and more popularity. Causes of such mass distribution can be described in two words - it is convenient. Imagine the situation: you put a download file and sit waiting for it to turn off the computer. Uncomfortable. And imagine: put a download file, launched the PC shutdown timer and went through your business, the computer will turn off on your own in the time you specify.

In addition, the program has many other similar features. This is a reboot, termination of the session, disable the Internet and go to standby mode. We have already mentioned above that these actions will be completed in the time you specified, but still in the program there is the possibility of installing a timer, which can be paused by pressing the pause, or completely stop if necessary.

And if you do not want someone else to stop him without your knowledge, you can use the Password Setup function to access the program.

Opportunities Timer shutdown:

  • installation of the desired action and time to start;
  • the program in the program can be protected by password;
  • computer shutdown timer;
  • computer lock;
  • disable access to the Internet;
  • the timer has three states: Start, Pause, Stop.

Advantages Timer shutdown:

  • ability to change appearance interface;
  • simple, simple interface;
  • russian language menu;
  • minimal consumption of system resources;
  • Computer shutdown timer can be downloaded for free;
  • ability to check availability.

What is worth working on:

  • in some analogs there is a function of starting the selected application. There is no such function.

Based on the foregoing, the computer shutdown timer will be useful to people who perform prolonged tasks that do not require constant user participation on the computer.

Teach your computer is disconnected independently useful for many users. If you leave the last season of the series at night, you want to limit time computer games For a child or simply maximize the electricity - you need a computer shutdown timer for Windows 7, 8 and 10. Consider the funds built into Windows and third-party programs.

Automatic shutdown of the computer in Windows 7 or 10 can be configured by the tools itself, without installing other applications. But the beautiful shell for this action is not provided, you will have to register a number of parameters on the command line or scheduler.

Command line

To start it command lineIn the Start menu, find the "Service" section and click on the item item. A window with a black background and a flashing cursor appear. You can also open "execute" or clamp Win + R, you will see a small string. In it enter the shutdown / s / t command n. Here "shutdown" is the name of the function, "/ s" - the parameter of the full completion of the PC, "/ T N" - indicates that the shutdown will take place through N seconds.

If you need to turn off the computer via the command line after 1 hour, enter Shutdown / S / T 3600 and click on "OK". A system message appears that the PC will be turned off at a specified period of time. Before shutting down, you will be offered to manually close the running applications.

To close all programs forcibly, without your participation, add the parameter / f parameter in the formula. If you decide to remove the timer, enter the ShutDown / A command, then the auto power connection will be canceled. To complete the session instead of / s, use the / L parameter to send PC to sleep - parameter / h.

If you turn off the computer via the command line you need to regularly prepare the label for the operation. To do this, click on the desktop right-click, In the "Create" menu, go to the "Label". In the window, enter the path to the program "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Shutdown.exe" with the desired parameters. Avtovascular in 1 hour with the closure of all applications will correspond to the "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Shutdown.exe / S / F / T 3600" command.

Next, specify the name for the icon and click Finish. To change the picture, in the label properties, select "Change icon". You will then need to activate the timer, you will only need to double-click the shortcut, and the computer will turn off after the specified number of seconds.

To disable the computer in Windows 10 or another version, you can use the Task Scheduler tool. It is hidden in the "Administration Tools" section of the Start menu, also can be called a Taskschd.msc string by pressing Win + R.

How to put the shutdown timer windows Computer 7 or 10: In the "Action" submenu, click on "Create a simple task." Enter an arbitrary name, select the regularity of execution - daily or once. In the next step, set the computer shutdown timer: here you do not have to calculate seconds, set the date and exact time. As an action, set the "Start of the program", in the settings, suck shutdown with the argument / s.

The task will be created and starts in set time. If you have changed plans, you can always edit the task parameters moved to another hour.

Third-party programs

Unlike Windows system tools, other programs for automatically disconnecting the computer are characterized by wider settings. You do not have to count the time in seconds and manually prescribe parameters to start the timer.

Laconic utility Smart Turn Off Purpose for computer autotrunction under windows control 10, 8, XP or Vista. Only basic settings are available: Complete session or full shutdown PC, through the specified gap or at a certain time.

The SWITCH OFF program knows how to turn off the computer through a certain time. The utility has flexible settings: Schedule by days of the week and the specified time, the choice of action - shutdown, reboot, sleep, gap VPN connections. Switch OFF can close the applications and show a warning before starting the function. Also, the auto sound can be launched not by hours, but in the absence of processor or user actions for a certain period.

You can download the utility in full option or portable - does not require installation, starts from any media. The application adds your icon to the area windows notifications, to start the task, it is enough to click on it and choose the desired function. There is a Switch OFF and a web interface for - with it you can disable the computer online in the browser from any device.

How to put the Windows 10 computer shutdown timer, knows the program. The utility provides a choice of several variants of action, time is exhibited - accurate, through the gap, daily or simple.

The reminder will be shown before auto power off, from which you can postpone the specified action.

The Multifunctional PowerOff application for Windows 7 or 10 has a huge number of timer settings for turning off the computer. Choose an action and set the trigger time to start standard mode. The function can be associated with the processor boot level or playing music player Winamp. The utility can manage the Internet connection by counting traffic volumes.

Note that when closing PowerOff, the timers will be reset. Therefore, put in the settings so that the utility so that the utility is turned off instead of the full exit, then the PC will turn off at a specified time.


Tune automatic shutdown Computer on timer is not difficult. Use Windows commands are faster than any other applications if you need more flexible installations.

Program for automatic shutdown and power on the computer

There are situations when you need to turn off the computer at a specific time, and you do not do it because of your absence. Or when you fell asleep looking late in the evening of the movie lying on the sofa. To all, I want a computer to turn on on a certain day at the appointed time and launched the application you need to fulfill an important task - for example, an audio player with speaker music from the morning early :) - Free program turns off and includes a computer At a given day and a specific time.

Save time at work. After all, every time coming to the office you turn on the computer, run the editor and check email. Let them come to your arrival everything will be ready, suddenly you stay! Yes, and leaving your work home let the computer itself turns off - cope. Time and so little on life.

Program installation

Install the TimePC program and the computer will no longer turn off the fans at night at the appointed time. Set the date and time of the automatic power on the computer, add to the list of applications to run when you turn on the computer program that you run every morning - get rid of yourself from unnecessary movements. The TimePC utility will turn on and turn off the computer for you, it will prepare working environment On the desktop when the PC is started.

To install the TimePC program, download the utility distribution, start it and follow the installer's instructions. The installation process is very simple, you will need only a few times with the mouse and the TimePC will start working on your computer.


If you decide to update the program, first close the TIMEPC, delete and then install the new version.

The TimePC program interface is very simple, all settings and functions fit in one small window. The utility occupies quite a bit of the hard disk space, does not interfere with the work operating system and other programs. TimePC quietly sits in the system tray and is always ready to complete your task to turn off and turn on the computer at a specified date and the required time. TimePC supports Russian and englishWorks running Windows XP / Vista / 7.

Principle of operation

TimePC uses such a feature. ACPI (Improved configuration and power management interface) as hibernation - Simply put the translation of the computer to the energy-saving mode of operation. If the "computer" language is expressed, TimePC is not turns off, and translates the computer to hibernation and not includes, and displays it from this regime. Most modern computers are competently able to translate PCs into such a mode. If the PC does not support the transition to the hibernation mode, the program will not display a computer from "deep sleep". If in bIOS settings motherboard ACPI settings are present, but when the computer is completed, the TimePC program (more correctly say - go to hibernation) The fan continues to be noise, then you need to select the S3 / STR value in the ACPI Sleep Time option (there is still S1 / POS).


In order to turn off and include a computer on a schedule, a scheduler is implemented in the program. For every day of the week, you can set the time to automatically switch the computer to the hibernation and exit mode. TimePC will automatically launch the PC provided that the program itself turns off.

If you have any questions about the work of the TimePC program, write to the author.

If, when you exit the hibernation mode, the computer displays a password selection window with a password, and you want to disable this request, you must perform the following: Press Start \u003d\u003e Control Panel \u003d\u003e Power Supply. In the window that opens, click "Password Request when Awakening" and select "Change inaccessible to this moment Parameters. "After that, the option" Do not request a password "option will be available.

If the program "does not turn on the computer in time" Try the following: Control Panel \u003d\u003e Power Supply \u003d\u003e Setting the Power Plan \u003d\u003e Change Additional Power Parameters \u003d\u003e Sleep \u003d\u003e Allow Awakening Timers \u003d\u003e On.

TIMEPC 1.7 dated 09.02.2015

The program has added the computer to restart the computer after exiting hibernation. With the included PC option, it will be rebooted after 1 minute after awakening.

TIMEPC 1.6 of 10/18/2014

Now, in 30 seconds, before turning off the computer, the time drop window pops up. Fixed a Windows startup error with an English-speaking interface. TimePC version 1.6 works on the 64-bit version of Windows.

TIMEPC 1.5 dated 19.02.2012

  • The program is translated into German.

TIMEPC 1.4 of 01/13/2012

  • A planner has been added to TimePC, you can now turn on and off the computer on the schedule.

TIMEPC 1.3 of 24.08.2011

  • Added a function of selecting a computer shutdown mode for a given time and the date is to switch to hibernation or the full turning off PC.

TIMEPC 1.2 dated 07.07.2011

  • Changed the program interface, the program is optimized.
  • Fixed a bug that occurs during the transition from 31 to 1 number of the next month - the program did not activate the enable computer.

TIMEPC 1.1 dated 04.07.2011

  • Added function automatic update, Fixed bug incorrect display The program interface when the screen scaling is enabled.
  • Fixed a bug that occurs on Windows XP when the computer is turned off. If the user turned off the PC via the Start menu, the program did not allow to complete the session.

TIMEPC 1.0 dated 06/28/2011

  • First version of the program

Official site:
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Need: ACPI
Supported languages: Russian English German
Version: 1.7
License:freeware. (is free)

File size 1.9 MB

More interesting programs:

  • Smartlubard is the first Russian program that allows you to optimize the management processes of the Lombard Business

And the second way is to use special software. There are a lot of similar utilities, but this article discusses only the 5 most popular and free programs for turning off the computer (them, by the way, are also called timers). Each of them has different functionality, but almost all of them work on Windows 7, 8 and 10. In this regard, these utilities are universal.

Airytec Switch OFF is an excellent free program that allows you to turn off the PC in automatic mode. It has a simple and understandable interface in Russian.

Its main advantages:

  • full or portable version (to choose);
  • automatic shutdown of the computer in time or inactivity;
  • selecting an action (Turning off PC, reboot, sleep mode, hibernation, internet disconnection);
  • ability to set up alert (beep) before shutting down.

Also this program To turn off the PC, has a number of distinctive features:

  • energy saving calculator;
  • the ability to control via the command line;
  • remote setting through a web browser.

This utility has of. Site, so if necessary, you can download the program for the computer's autotrunction. You choose which version you are more suitable (full or portable) and install.

One more excellent program For the PC autotrusion - the shutdown timer. Yes, the name is quite banal, but still with the main task it copes well.

Main advantages:

  • a simple and intuitive interface in Russian;
  • the ability to autorun together with Windows;
  • setting the countdown time;
  • selecting an action (shutdown, reboot, sleep mode, disable Internet connection or monitor).

By the way, this utility Supports the ability to install the password - so that other users cannot change the specified settings. And this is a certain plus.

The timer has one feature: it forcibly closes any open applications, in connection with which there is always a risk of losing the unsaved data. Consider this and look at the countdown to have time to save the desired files.

The third list of the program to turn off the laptop and computer is PowerOff. In fact, it is a rather powerful software in which in addition to the timer has many additional features. An indisputable plus - the utility comes in the usual archive and does not require installation.

Main functions:

  • automatic shutdown of the computer or the translation into sleep mode at the specified time;
  • pC lock (instead of shutdown);
  • integration with Winamp player (a great option for those who like to fall asleep to the music, because in this case the computer turns off after playing a previously specified track);
  • disable Internet connection.

Also, this utility has a simple interface in Russian, so install the timer on turning off the PC will not be difficult. By the way, users have the ability to set up "hot" keys - and this is another plus.

Goway utility

GoWay is a program for turning on and off on a schedule with minimalist design. Let all lovers of simplicity, as well as beginners. After all, this utility has only 2 tabs.

In the first you need to put a timer at the right time and select an action (turn off the laptop, reboot or output from the system). And the second tab is used to configure the alerts to the mail.

Sending email notifications at the appointed time is a distinctive feature of this program.

Other advantages:

  • the simplest interface in Russian;
  • the ability to activate hidden mode (The utility will not be visible on the slave. Table, nor in the tray);
  • works on Windows XP, 7 and 8.

And the last program for this list for automatic shutdown Computer at a specified time - Time PC. Its main feature is that it does not stop the work of the company, but only translates it into hibernation mode. All applications will be closed, the monitor and the Internet will turn off, but the laptop or computer will not turn off completely.

Main functions:

  • setting off time;
  • turning on the PC on the schedule;
  • launch selected applications when you turn on a PC or laptop;
  • auto start with Windows;
  • check for updates.

It has a clear interface completely in Russian. Therefore, if you need a simple utility to transfer the computer to the hibernation mode, the Time PC will be an excellent choice.

A few words in conclusion

So, above were considered free programs To automatically turn off the computer over time. Since each of them has its own characteristics, it is presented below for visibility. comparative characteristics. The table shows the basic functions of all utilities - it should help you quickly decide on the choice of a suitable option.

And another small nuance. If the PC auto power off is planned infrequently, then there is no need to download any software. You can use standard means In Windows 7, 8 or 10 (read more about this by reference, which is given at the very beginning of the article).

If you want to limit the time of using a computer or a laptop (for example, your child), then in this case, the timers for shutdown are not very suitable. After all, you can simply close the utility, thereby canceling all the previously set settings. In this case, it is better to use parental control.