Ufanet does not work the Internet. How to set up digital television Ufanet. Application for connecting through the Cabinet

UFanet - Popular Provider in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the company specializes in providing access to TV and the World Wide Network. Digital television from Ufanet is best combination high-quality sound And the video, thanks to which you can experience genuine emotions when viewing actions on the screen. When connecting digital TV, users are completely immersed in favorite programs and films.

Interactive TV Available in every home

In order to set up channels for Ufanet correctly, it is important to know the procedure. The instructions described below will help you configure digital TV Ufanet for Samsung devices.

detailed instructions

Of course, it all depends on specific model, After all, the menu structure and the interface may differ, but the procedure and essence do not change. Tune television samsung. You can:

  • click menu key On the control panel, it will help you go to the Main Menu TV;
  • select "Country" in the "Channel" section;
  • enter the standard PIN code (1234, 1111, 0000) or the figures that you installed yourself;
  • in the "Digital Channel" parameter, you must select "Other". This will allow you to configure television correctly;
  • click on "Cable Search Parameters" in the "Channel" section. Interestingly, in devices that are manufactured after 2010, this item may appear in the auto-tuning process.

Cable search parameters

In this paragraph, we have to do the most important settings, on which television's performance on Samsung technique depends. To tune in right frequencyOne should enter the end frequency of 770000 and the frequency of early 274,000 Ufa city. Set the modulation parameter to 256 QAM, and the symbol speed is 6750.

After that, you can return to the "Channel" point, and go to the Auto-tunge menu. There is a channel type (digital), as well as a signal source (cable).

If you did everything correctly, then when searching, Samsung TV will find about 10 radio and about two hundred television programs.


Digital television Ufanet is configured for per few minutes on any TV. The procedure for different equipment is very similar, and consists of several elementary steps. Finally, add that after finding all TV channels, you can configure the internal clock (GMT belt and "Auto" hours of the clock, this is done in the menu system - time).

Good day. Recently switched to the tariff 500 Mbps. 1 day: I appeal to TP, the speed does not correspond to the stated. An engineer comes, calls the problem of oxide on ports and connector. I cleaned and passed, connected and started checking the speed. Doubts arose when he began to knock on the Ufanet server to measure speed. At the exit received 300-320 Mbps. On other Ufa servers 100-130. Well, engineer let go.

Day 2: Watch blocking. We go to the rutor, looking forward to the distribution (for the sample, we take another counterpart on different resources and put in turn) and put on the download. 10 MB / s. Take the following - 10 MB / s. With the third similarly. 10 MB / s is a maximum.

We start looking deeper into the process. On the distribution of each at least 100 pills.

AM_CHOKED and PEER_CHOKED parameters without prohibitions. The analysis carried out in blocks, after the start of downloading, to exclude the first blocks with am_choked \u003d 0.

Equipment: Xiaomi Mirouter Pro R3P.

Everything is exhibited in gigabit. Cable connection. VPN is missing.

The essence of the question: Is it declining artificially the speed of downloading torrents by means of deep traffic analysis? :)

If not, then try not to say that the speed of downloading torrent is not an indicator. It will not be an indicator for people who can not at least analyze.

Z. s. Please do not send me a line, they can only send an engineer. Just answer, please here.

What is Ufanet? This is a major Internet provider, telephone communication and digital TV. Works with individuals and with organizations. Provides a huge number of diverse services. The company's center is located in Ufa. Online Ufanet combined another 9 cities of the Volga Federal District. Ufanet is a portal of informational, entertainment services. Each client can access it with a personal Cabinet Ufanet.

To find out what he offers Ufanet to its users, you need to do a few simple steps:

  1. Select the desired city from available.
  2. Select services format:
  • for home;
  • for office.
  1. Choose which service is needed:
  • internet connection;
  • connecting TV channels;
  • telephony (if possible);
  • installing video surveillance;
  • comprehensive connection package.

Ufanet takes care of its customers and the quality of the services provided. The subscriber has the ability to promptly indicate companies for disadvantages, including using the portal.

Entrance to the personal account Ufanet

Ufanet does everything so that its portal is interesting and informative, and not the place for exclusively business communication. Here you can find out the local news, see the entertaining videos, reflecting the life of the region and just have fun. The style of communication with customers is light and friendly, and at the same time respectful. For example, if you have questions and complaints, you can express them personally to the company's director. Or if you want your home to connect to Ufanet, you can write a letter to a commercial director. After all, he asks himself.

The interface of sites in different cities is slightly different, but in general it has all the main blocks. To connect to the network Ufanet, you just need to write and send a message in the Connect Block. The employee of the company will call back and clarify all the subtleties of the issue. If the connection is possible, a specialist goes to the house for registration of the contract and connecting to shared network. After registration of documents, the client becomes available in the entrance to personal Area Ufanet. There is an opportunity to see data on connections, service packages, means and expenses for a certain period. You can quickly change the tariff plan or make another payment.

Personal Cabinet Ufanet Statistics

In order to deal with the personal account functionality, it will take some time and possibly help the support service specialist. To view in the Personal Office, Ufanet Statistics, you need to go to the "Personal Account" block on the site's main page. Ufanet provides two ways to connect to a personal account: To view statistics and access via VPN.

Input to the personal page is carried out by entering the number of the contract and password from the registration card issued at the time of registration of this contract. You can also enter the contract number, but in this case the Cabinet functionality will be limited. You can log in using the address and subscriber name data.

Although this menu is called viewing statistics, but it is intended not only for receiving reporting information. Here you can produce the following operations:

  • replace the tariff plan for more cute;
  • pay services using banking;
  • connect SMS notifications about operations, changes and promotions of the company;
  • emboss the service "Autoplating" in order not to take care of the need for timely payment;
  • recognize information about the work of the company Ufanet and the shares held;
  • take advantage of technical support.

Personal Cabinet Ufanet Payment

After registration of the contract, Ufanet provides absolutely free help For many issues, for which others take a rather big money. For example:

  • training work on a computer (1 academic hour);
  • training Internet Surfing (1 academic hour);
  • basic settings for Internet connection and error deletion;
  • registration in social networks;
  • setting up a Wi-Fi Router from Ufanet;
  • configuring programs and messengers to communicate on the Internet;
  • removal of viral I. spywareas well as banner advertising;
  • installation of drivers;
  • auto-tuning TV;
  • setting the channels "Open digit";
  • registration of access to cameras and working with video archive.

Those services are provided for a fee are paid from the Subscriber's account. To ensure uninterrupted access to the Internet and other services of the company, you must constantly follow the state of your account. If necessary, it can be replenished with several convenient ways. In the personal account Ufanet payment on the card is made during a couple of minutes. No need to look for a terminal or stand in a queue in the post office.

The banking, which makes the payment must be valid, it should be the necessary amount of funds.

Personal Cabinet Ufanet Phone Number

In the personal office of Ufanet, the phone number can be used to manage the service. The "Service Management Telephone" option is connected if available technical opportunity. For it, the fee may be charged in accordance with the tariffs of the company Ufanet. In order to this service Worked, the subscriber must necessarily specify the number cell phonewith which the system will work. The phone is reported to the subscriber when it is connected to the service.

By phone you can get the following services:

  • restore the lost password to access your personal account. Is it possible in the menu "Forgot your password?" When entering the contract number, the subscriber number, the characters specified in the picture. You must click on the item "Remind". On the phone, the contract number and password for the entry will come to the phone;
  • restore credentials (username and password) to access the Internet. This can be done in the "Service Management" tab by selecting the Account Recovery item;
  • find out the balance sheet account, sending SMS to number 2420 (when providing a subscriber, the "short number" service);
  • find out the username and password under the contract for the provision of Internet access services.

Personal Cabinet Ufanet Trust Credit

Ufanet has the ability to identify according to the code phrase. If such an option is provided in currently. It can be logged in to your personal account or contact the support service. In the latter case, additional questions may be set for more accurate identification. According to the code phrase, you can only get reference information under the contract, the volume and types of services rendered.

If the subscriber at the moment there is no funds for payment of the account, it can take funds in. To do this, select the item in your account Ufanet "Credit Credit". After authorization, you need to go to the "Account Management" item. This option does not work on unlimited Tariffs "Freedom", only on the tariff plans "Rainbow" and "Cities". The "Credit Credit" option can be activated twice. Provided that at least one fully paid account period passed between them. That is, you can not pay on credit two accounts in a row.

"Credit Credit" is connected for 3 days. Service cost - 10% of the cost subscription fee For 1 calendar month.

In order not to be overwhelded in the payment of services Ufanet, you can connect a free service "Autoplating" directly with bank card Subscriber.

Personal Cabinet Ufanet School Journal

What other services other than the Internet, television and telephony suggests Ufanet?

For Bashkortostan and the Orenburg region, Ufanet provides the "School Journal" service. It allows in an automated mode to lead all school statements on student performance. For this, an educational institution must register in the system by sending an application for registration. The entrance is made on a separate site in the Personal Cabinet Ufanet "School Journal".

For apartments, houses, organizations and public places, the company can offer:

  • equipment for broadcasting wireless Internet Wi-Fi;
  • video surveillance cameras and security systems;
  • internal digital communications IP telephone networks;
  • installation, configuration and complete support of all IT systems for organizations;
  • creation and equipment of jobs;
  • hosting and registration of domains;
  • sale, installation and repair of telecommunications, computer, mobile and software;
  • consultation and departure to the house of specialists;
  • electronic services of the certifying center;
  • service center services;
  • installation and placement of customer equipment on the technical site Ufanet.

Management of tariffs and services in the personal office Ufanet

The provider is worried about the convenience of its customers and provides him with ample opportunities in the personal account. In his account, it can easily manage services and tariffs.

Click on the section "Service Management" and choose the subsection of interest to us. All of them 4:

    "Service Information";

    "Telephone management telephone";

    "Commercial services";

    "Additional services".

We will analyze each separately.

"Information on the service"

In the subsection, the subscriber can check the tariff plan or change it, track the Internet speed in different time Days, activate one or another tariff option, check the total cost of services currently operating at this time to receive a report on the development.

The tariff plan begins to operate when the network is first input if the balance is positive. It operates from the date of activation for 30 days. But changing the tariff to another at higher speed is also possible. The main thing is that money on the account was.

One of the important and pleasant features tariff plans From "Ufanet" - activation on the fact of obtaining a subscription fee. For example, if a person went on vacation for a month or two, then nothing to pay for the connection. And the contract is not suspended, and the money will save.

In addition, it can create a code phrase in this subsection. So called personal password Subscriber, with which it can receive complete reference information on the volume of services provided, about the balance sheet account, as well as the details of traffic and other data.

The option is actually very convenient. Enough to dial S. mobile number 09388 (free call), name the code phrase and get all the necessary information. Either tell the code phrase in the operator's office employee.

It must be careful and not to transmit the code phrase to other people, because it is easy to get personal information of the subscriber, including the numbers of its contact phones.

Also in this subsection, you can change passwords and use the new video information service. It allows you to view either archives of records, or video online from cameras installed in the courtyard if the force majeure has happened.

"Service Management Telephone"

By connecting this useful service in the Personal Account, the subscriber will never forget the balance on time. On the phone per day or for two, reports will come about the need to replenish the account.

Connection is simple - just enter the phone number and the number of days for which messages must come to special windows on the site. Disable the service too simple - you need to remove the previously entered telephone number And messages will no longer disturb.

In addition, through this service, the company will inform the Subscriber about transmitting promotions, new services, special offers.

The service also allows you to restore the lost password, credentials for logging in the Internet, track the auto plane.

"Commercial Services"

The subsection provides information on the software subscription service.

"Additional services"

As such offered Dyndns. The service allows you to find out the server's IP address if it changes every time the server is connected to the Internet.

"Service Club" in the Personal Account

The service club is a number of services that will be "Ufanet" with their subscribers. In particular, it is protection against viruses, connecting a computer and other devices to the Internet, installing programs on them, connecting media player and game consoles, as well as learning the basics of using the Internet. All these and other services can be obtained for free if the subscriber is mapping "Service Club Ufanet."

Get it easy - you need to submit to the provider's office any certifying identity of the subscriber document and sign an appropriate statement. The owner of the card can call on the phones defined for each city and call the service support officer. At the first leaving, he will bring such a useful map to the subscriber. Employees are traveled on any day of the week from 10 to 20 pm.

However, you can enjoy free services, provided that the balance is positive.

The personal account will receive information about the "Service Club Ufanet", about processing requests and appeals.

Technical Support through Personal Cabinet Ufanet

To obtain advice on payment, personal data, connections, and others, you need to go to the "Help" section in the Personal Account and select one of the existing topics, or offer a new one.

When choosing already existing topics, information about how to solve the problem appears on the page. In addition, at the end of the text, two buttons become active: green- "Yes - SM (LA)" and red - "No, a specialist help is required." Technical support can be obtained by What "S App, Viber or Telegram.

In addition, the chat will appear soon technical supportWhere in real time the subscriber will be able to discuss his problem with a specialist.

Application for connecting through the Cabinet

During the week after the conclusion of the contract, the operator submits to the Subscriber with a data accounting card, which allows him to access the personal account and services. Thus, it is impossible to leave an application for connecting through the personal account, as it appears from the client after the contract is concluded. The application can be left on the official website of the provider.

Application Blanks and Documents in the Personal Cabinet Ufanet

In the Personal Office, the section of the forms and statements is not presented, but they are easy to download on the official website. At the bottom main page There is a section "Blanks of statements". By opening it, you can choose and download the desired document.

How to remove your personal account?

Remove your personal account is impossible, it is deactivated after termination of the contract.

Some statistics:

"Ufanet" delivered the Internet for 1 million homes of Russia.

The provider provided the work of more than 2 thousand people.

They work in the company mainly young people - the average age of employees does not exceed 30 years.

In Ufa, there is a provider providing communication under the PPPoE protocol. In other cities, the same provider is provided through another protocol - PPTP. We are talking About the company Ufanet.

Connect to Cable Ufanet Router will be easy, and even easier to configure the connection. You just need to do everything in order, and the connection will work the first time.

Classic Network Combine DIR-300, His Hardware Ports

So, before adjusting the connection with the "Ufanet" provider, you need to find out, under which of the two protocols you will configure the router, under PPTP or PPPoE. In both cases, the login and password are used to install the connection. We here consider only the option to configure the "PPTP" connection. As for the "Ufaneta", to create a connection with this provider, consider two nuances. Namely, it is necessary to disable IGMP in the connection setup interface, and it is better to specify "PPTP + dynamic IP" as the protocol.

WAN Parameters D-Link Router

We will show in the example what you need to do to get into the router web interface. The experimental device was the DIR-300 router with a "black" interface, but by analogy, you can configure another model. And common for all devices in which the PPTP connection method is implemented is the following. You can create a pair of connections (one under the "dynamic IP", the second under "PPTP"), or one single one, whose type is "PPTP + Dynamic IP".

It is important to know that the devices that use the PPTP C protocol will work in the network "Ufanet" dynamic IP address" Customize a separate ipoe communication channel (dynamic IP) and the connection of the PPTP type is useless.

Go to the setup interface

By connecting the computer to any LAN port through patch cord, do not apply power to the router immediately. Check out what lAN card Configured to "Auto" IP and DNS. You must open the TCP / IP V4 protocol parameters:

Set up wired connection in PC

But even if all selectors were set correctly, click right-click On the connection icon, and select the "Fix" string. Last but, turn on the network combine itself.

For about a minute, the device will be loaded. Then you open the browser and proceed to this address: For devices other than D-Link, the address ends on "1.1". In the browser window, a form with an authorization request will appear. For the model under consideration, the model is a login and password of the administrator - the word "admin" without quotes. After a successful login in the interface, we advise switching the language into Russian.

What is displayed at the entrance

It is important to know that if you go to the interface standard methods It does not work, follow the following. After loading the router, the RESET button is pressed on it while holding it 10-12 seconds. As a result, all settings will be reset (each of them will take the default value). Then, you can repeat the actions discussed in this chapter - everything should work as it should.

Configure PPTP connection

We hope the cord of the provider is already connected to the WAN port of your router. If this is not the case, then you can know that you can perform the connection when the device is completely de-energized. On the leaf, you must write down the following information:

  • Login of the subscriber of the network Ufanet;
  • The value of his password;
  • The domain name of the VPN server (it is always like this: pptp.ufanet.ru).

The digital address of the VPN server, which is used at the time of writing the review - This value can be substituted instead of a domain name, but this is exactly the provider does not recommend anyone, know about it.

Actually, the interface of most home routers allows you to set the HTTP address, and not a set of digits of the IP address. And you need to use it. By specifying IP VPN explicitly, we do not take into account the fact that the provider itself has the right to change the value of this IP at any time. And the network combine that we set up allows you to in the string " vPN server»Install the name (sequence of http addresses).

Go to the WAN port parameters tab

Open graphic interfaceAs discussed above. Switch it to "Advanced Settings" mode, click on the "WAN" link.

Basic Web Interface Page

A tab will appear on which you want to click the Add button. A page with connection parameters should be opened.

Now we will configure the connection with "Ufanet". Need to perform the following steps.

Own channel settings tab (start)

  1. In the top list, select the value "PPTP + Dynamic IP";
  2. Be sure to remove the "Enable IGMP" checkbox, you can act likewise with the option "Ping";
  3. The engine on the right side of the tab is scrolling down;
  4. Fill out the fields with an asterisk: login, password, its confirmation, VPN server address;
  5. Select the CHAP authentication algorithm (but you can leave "auto");
  6. Take a tick "Ping", press the "Save" button.

Tab Settings Channel Internet (continued)

Finally, you need to remember the changes made. To do this, in the top menu select "Save. And restart, "and after rebooting the combine, it will connect to the provider automatically.

Some important setup comments

The device that we set up, the "correct" parameter values \u200b\u200bcontains by default. So it will not always be, and it is important to know the following. Tick \u200b\u200b"Keep Alive", which is contained on the settings tab, should be exhibited in any case. And for d-Link routers This applies to two more options - "NAT" and "Network Screen". Without them, the connection does not work at all, even regardless of the type of protocol.

But what will happen, if you use the "Ping" option (in other models, it is called "Wan Ping Respond"). Just like a computer connected directly to the provider, the router gets certain IP Address. From the external network, Ping queries can be sent to this address. We did not use this option so that our router does not respond to these requests.