What to watch TIFF multiple. How to open a TIF file. TIFF format - what files and for what you need

Hello, friends! In this article, we will get acquainted with TIFF format. Briefly tell you what it is for the format than to open TIFF files and how to work with them. TIFF format (Tagged Image File Format) - format for raster images. A feature (at least for me) is that several images can be stored in one TIFF file. When viewing, you open one file and inside it leafing the page (images / pictures). I personally did not use this yet, but at work once it collided with this format. Sent 3 images in one TIFF file. It turned out very convenient. Nothing will not lose and you need to send not 3 A 1 file. It is like files in the archive, but unpacking does not need to view them.

The simplest solution is

At the bottom, just above the control buttons are located for changing pages (images). You can easily open and view the TIFF file.

The TIFF format rights belong to Adobe, so most likely most of the products of this giant open TIFF format.

You can still open TIF files using freely distributed programs:

  1. Faststone Image Viewer.
  2. IrfanView.
  3. XnView.

On the latter, we will stop in more detail as we will use it in your work.

You can download and need from the official site http://www.xnview.com/en/xnview/#downloads

Go to the unpacked folder and run Xnview.exe.

In the window with the warning of the security system, click "Run"

Close the "Council of the Day"

We go to the "File\u003e Open ..." menu and select the TIFF file.

If the file is multiple, then the information window will appear with the prompt, how to flip these very pages

Open Tiff File in XnView looks in the following way. You can browse the page with the keyboard or buttons in the toolbar shown in the figure below. Page UP and PAGE DOWN

In the window that opens, select the location of the file and set the name. Select in the "File Type" field - TIF and click "Save"

If you press the "Options" button, various compression parameters will be available. As I understand LZW - compression without loss of information. I do not know who it may be needed during the high-speed Internet and 64 GB of flash drives.

When saving a JPG file in TIFF format, the size increased from 80 kb to 1 MB. More than an order of magnitude. When compressing a multi-page TIFF file with a size of 10 MB, the size decreased by approximately 10%.

Creating a multi-page TIFF file?

Run XnView. Go to "Tools\u003e Create a multi-page file ..."

In the window that opens, select the format: "Tiff Revision 6". We specify the file name and the location folder. Click at the top "Add ..."

Clicking the Ctrl key, select the files and click "OK"

Files are added. You can change the arrow to change their location in the TIFF file. The option "Options" opens a familiar window where you can choose compression if necessary. Click "Create"

The file is created instantly.

In the XNView program you can change TIFF file. Select the appropriate option in the Tools\u003e Multiplay File menu.

In the window that opens, immediately put a tick "High-quality sketch" for a more damned display of these sketches

Click "Add Figure" and insert the desired image to the desired TIFF file page

Images can be changed in places and delete. When the changes are made by click "Apply" and save the updated multiple file to the desired location.

Development of multi-page TIFF?

You have a multiplocked TIFF file and you need to divide it on separate files With images. Open it in xnView and go on the way

"Tools\u003e Multiplay File\u003e Extract All in Folder ..."

Select the folder and file format that will be removed. Click "OK"

After a couple of seconds, the files will be retrieved to the specified folder.

If you do not need to save all files separately on the disk you can choose "Extract all"

TIFF format (from English. Tagged Image File Format) is a format containing raster graphic images. This format is used in the scanning process, as well as text recognition. Often, these format files are used when transmitting faxes. The TIFF file supports a variety of applications aimed at work with graphics.

Developers from Aldus Corporation, together with manufacturers from Microsofot, founded such a format of storage in order to apply in PostScript. On the this moment, Tagged Image officially belongs to Adobe Systems. It is worth noting that TIFF files are applied when stored graphic formats Images that have great depths of color depth.

The TIFF file is the main format of the operating system called NextStep, it is from her raster imageshaving a TIFF file extension have been transferred to Mac OS. When creating TIFF, one of the explicit advantages was its compression without loss, however, in our time, the extension. NTIFF has completed compression capabilities with loss in JPEG format. TIFF Tagged Image File Format involves the use of sufficiently common compression algorithms, such as JPEG, ZIP, JBIG, LZ77, PackBits, and so on. Usually TIFF format files, have extension .Tiff (.tif).

File extension.tiff Created to store images with graphics high QualityWhat is his explicit advantage. To open the TIFF file, no specialized software is required, it is sufficient to use a variety of graphic applications, such as Adobe Photoshop. or Microsoft Windows. Photos, as well as CorelDraw Graphics.

The main purpose of files with TIFF format. Programs for opening and converting images. Main differences from JPG and RAW formats.


  • The choice of optimal format for graphic images Directly associated with the designation of photos. If a we are talking About amateur shooting and not foreseen serious processing, you can confine ourselves to standard JPG. However, the situation is completely different if the images are subjected to professional processing - in this case, raw material is needed without any loss in quality. In this situation it is worth making a choice in favor of more reliable formats: TIFF and RAW.
    In this article, we will examine the TIFF format in detail, its properties, as well as which programs for viewing and conversion can be used. The format allows you to save images in different color spaces, does not lose quality after all treatments. With this linked the biggest minus - TIFF format files are somewhat more files JPEG and even Raw.

    TIFF format - what files and for what you need

    So what is this - the TIFF format and what is its main features?
    TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) - Graphic Image format belonging to the raster group. This format is widely used in printing, is the most common print format. TIFF is the development of Aldus and Microsoft corporations for integration with the POSTScript publishing system programming language. Today the owner of the license to the standard is Adobe Systems.
    The main feature of TIFF format is to store images with great color depth. In essence, TIFF is JPEG without compression and its main advantages can evaluate only experienced graphic designers and photographers.

    TIFF format software programs

    On the Internet you can find a huge variety of TIFF programs - these are various programs for viewing, editing, as well as conversion to other storage formats.
    Conditionally, the list of programs can be divided by operating systemOn the basis of which the program works:

    Microsoft Windows.

    • Microsoft Windows Photos - program for viewing, editing and taking digital images and video
    • Microsoft Windows PHOTO VIEWER - windows component, image viewer
    • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite - Graphic Editor
    • ACD Systems Acdsee - a commercial program for viewing and managing a collection of images
    • Nuance Omnipage Ultimate - Instant Conversion of Documents in Editable Files


    • Apple Preview - program to view files in MacOS medium
    • Roxio Toast is a set of tools to work with multimedia on Mac devices


    • Adobe Photoshop - Multifunction Graphic Editor
    • Adobe Photoshop Elements is a photo editing software
    • XnView - cross-platform program for viewing graphic files
    Important. After purchasing TIFF format specification Adobe Systems Corporation, predictions about the gradual displacement of the PSD format, which is used in adobe program Photoshop and is also multi-layered.

    Conversion TIFF files

    Conversion of TIFF files may be needed in various situations - for convenient storage, sending and other tasks. It is possible to convert TIFF to other formats, as well as inverse conversion - depending on the initial purpose. The most convenient form is online conversion for various files. Explanation of this simple - this simplifies the process itself. No need to download special software. However, this does not apply to cases when permanent conversion is necessary due to professional activities - Then it is better to install the necessary software.
    Consider the most popular online converters:
    Converter programs:
    • Photo converter
    • Free Image Converter.
    • Universal document converter

    How to translate TIFF in jpg

    The most common conversion request is to translate TIFF to JPG. It is worth noting that there is almost no difference between the TIFF and JPG file without compression, however, the sizes of TIFF files significantly exceed the dimensions of the corresponding jPG images. The question arises: is it not more convenient to avoid TIFF format in principle? Lack of visible difference in quality - only one moment. TIFF - material that is convenient for processing from which you can squeeze the maximum editing features
    Consider the transformation option using the Convertio online converter (link). For this operation, you must follow the link, select the source of the file (computer, cloud storage Or the URL link to the site or file on hosting), after downloading the file, select the JPG format, click the "Convert" button. Convertio allows you to convert several files at once.

    How to convert TIFF to pdf

    Most often convert TIFF to PDF is necessary when it comes to different text documentswhich were scanned in the TIFF file. Therefore, users do not always trust online converters. This is due to the fact that online format Provides processing the file on the side of the web server. Consider a desktop converter TIFF to PDF Converter, which is very easy to install and use. You can download the program by reference. The main disadvantage of this program is not provided for the interface in Russian.

    How to combine multiple TIFF files in one

    The advantage of TIFF format is the ability to combine multiple images into one file. It is very convenient when sending and storing files.
    How to combine TIFF files in one for a couple of clicks?
    A convenient TiffCombine utility will quickly cope with the merging of multiple pages into one TIFF file. The program is very simple to use, has an intuitive interface. All you need is to download and install the program. Work in this program does not cause any difficulty.

    How to create a TIFF multiplocked file: video

    In addition to the description of the TIFF format and its capabilities, I attach a link to the video where the subtleties of working with TIFF files are shown. Also in this video there are detailed instructions By creating a multi-page Tiff file.

  • All raster graphics editors, even the simplest, are able to save images in different formats. Classic Paint offers to choose from six formats, Adobe Photoshop and other professional tools - dozens. But what is such a huge number of formats, if you can do only a few, and why still not developed a single format that removes all the limitations and difficulties arising when working with images different types?

    The answer sounds quite simple - each of the formats has its own unique, and sometimes and mutually exclusive set of features, allowing to use the image in a certain sphere with maximum efficiency. Such, for example, the TIFF or TIF format, about which we will talk about today. With this very remarkable in many ways the format, you probably have to face more than once, but, most likely, you did not think about his features and benefits, as not as wondered than to open TIFF.

    TIFF - what is this format

    And yet, why do you need TIFF, and what is it so good? Let's start with the fact that TIFF and TIF is the same format. TIF and TIFF files have an identical structure, the difference is only in expansion. The format was born in 1986, thanks to the joint efforts of Microsoft and Aldus Corporation and was initially used in the POSTSRIPT page description language. For some time, he wore the status of the main graphic format in the NEXTSTEP OS, and due to its ability to store these images with great color depths was taken by the manufacturers of cameras and printing equipment.

    Features, Advantages and Disadvantages

    Currently, TIFF is actively used in printing, when sending faxes, digitizing printed documents, as well as an intermediate format for projects to save in graphic editors. An example of this can serve as a multi-page TIFF, which, after final editing, is often saved in document PDF.. Tiff and in the photo, being positioned as an alternative to the "raw" format as an alternative to "raw".

    In TIFF, as in JPEG, compression is used (it is optional), but in contrast to the popular format compression in TIFF practically does not lead to loss of quality, however, much here it depends on the algorithm. So, if the TIFF file is assumed to print, it is necessary to give preference to images without compression or compressed using LZW or ZIP algorithms. Another important advantage of the format is to support a wide range of color spaces, including binary, halftone, with indexed palette, RGB, CMYK, YCBCR and CIE Lab. It should also be noted the ability of TIFF to store both raster and vector data, which makes it a universal format like PDF.

    But the versatility has to pay. The format is not deprived of its drawbacks, among which the most important is the large size of the TIF files, by weight at least 10 times superior JPEG files. Big size Restricts the use of files of this type in the web, moreover, their viewing is not supported by even the most popular browsers. TIFF image display problems may also occur on phones, DVD players and other mobile gadgets. Among other minuses of format it is worth mentioning low speed Serial shooting in photography, higher computer resource consumption in processing and irrationality of use in everyday needs.

    TIFF files reading programs

    What is TIFF format and where it is applied, we hope, it is clear, now let's move on to the question than to open it. By and large, no third-party programs for this will not be needed. To view TIFF images, you can use both the built-in photo display tool for Windows 7 and 8.1 and the universal application "Photos" of Windows 10. But with the same success you can resort to the help of aerial view from third-party developers.


    One of the most popular and best viewers of images supporting more than 400 graphic formats. If you are looking for than to open TIFF format, place XnView and forget about all problems. The application will allow not only to view, but also convert the files of different formats among themselves. In stock Set additional features, including editing, working with metadata, creating HTML pages, changing the size of images, counting used in the picture colors, the use of various filters and effects and much more.

    How to make multiple TIFF? You can make it easily in XnView. Select in the program menu Tools - Multiplay File - Create, Add files to the program "glued", specify the folder to save and click "Create". The source code can serve not only separate TIFF files, but also images of other formats. Additionally supports configuration of the multi-page file creation settings by pressing the "Options" button, you can choose the compression algorithm and output quality of the picture.

    Faststone Image Viewer.

    Another popular tool that combines the views of the viewer, graphic browser, converter and image editor. The program supports work with metadata and sketches, levels and curves, changing the size of images using eleven algorithms, creating screenshots, color correction, adding watermarks, eliminating the effect of red eyes, visual effects and batch processing.

    Faststone Image Viewer features also include the creation of multi-page pDF files and TIFF. The option is available from the "Create" menu. The sequence of actions is approximately the same as in the XNView - the user is invited to select an array of bonded files, specify the format and compression, and the program allows you to set the size of the output picture and apply the shadow effect to it. You can use Faststone Image Viewer to create index sheets, slideshows and image tapes.


    Little, but a fairly functional program for viewing graphic files. IrfanView installed functions such as color correction, reading metadata, including when working in a full-screen and slideshow mode, creating screenshots, obtaining images from scanners, extract icons from executable eXE files, DLL and ICL, creation based on web pages.

    In addition to opening TIFF files, the IRFANVIEW application supports their association into multi-page images. To create such a file in the application menu, you need to select Options - Multipage Images - Create Multipage TIF, form a list of objects, specify if required, the compression method and other parameters, after which run the creation procedure by clicking the "Create Tif Image" button. There is a lot of other and other useful features, for example, playback of video and audio.


    This program is an image manager endowed with basic editing tools. Picasa allows you to view and organize images, apply simple effects to them, share them with other users through social networks, mail and special web service. The program is a good help in creating collages, slideshows, presentations and video. Also with its help you can create backups images on CD or DVD, add to the tags and geo coordinates to metadata. In terms of the Picasa functionality, it is inferior to three previous programs, but with TIFF viewing copes no worse.


    How to open TIF yet? If you have any set of editing functions, use ACDSEE FREE - free version Popular image organizer. The program has a high speed of work and large set Print output settings. Of additional features The tool is worth noting the advanced scaling options, as well as the use of gamma correction.

    How to open TIFF file online

    If for some reason the viewing TIFF is impossible (association fails occurred, used mobile device etc.) will not be difficult to open TIFF online by using one of the web tools.

    TIFF Viewer Online

    A simple resource for viewing files of different types, among which is also TIFF. Used extremely simple. The file is loaded from the computer or on the URL to the server, where it is converted to the format available to view in the browser. The "View" link opens the file for viewing in a separate tab, the link "Doney" deletes it from the server. You can also choose the quality of the picture being viewed. Service is available at www.ofoct.com/viewer/tiff-viewer-online.html.


    Via this service You can combine TIFF files to one online. The principle of operation is simple. The user one after another loads the files to the server, hides the "Combine My Files" button and immediately receives the collected file. Unfortunately, the number of files added is limited to five, there is also the ability to set the parameters. You can merge using the service only TIFF files. A web tool is located at www.coolutils.com/ru/online/tiff-combine.


    Low more opportunities to create multi-page TIFF online provides web converter Jinaconvert.com (jinaconvert.com/ru/convert-to-tiff.php). Unlike Coolutils.com, at a time you can download much more files, besides, they do not necessarily have to be TIFF format. In this case, TIFF is an output format, JPEG or PNG images can be used as sources. Configure Conversion Settings Web tool does not allow.

    What is better to use

    TIFF format does not apply to the number of "exotic", so with its discovery perfectly cope with regular windows. As for such mobile platforms like android, then here for viewing TIFF images will be needed special programswhich, however, can easily be found in the play mark. If we are talking about creating multi-page TIFF, one should prefer third-party programs, Since online services offer a very meager functionality in this regard, not so much by creating PDF type pages, how much simply glueing individual files into one long fabric fabric, not convenient for viewing.

    TIFF is a format in which images with tags are saved. And they can be like vector, so raster. The most widely used for packaging scanned images in relevant applications and in printing. Currently, the rights for this format has adobe. Systems.

    Consider programs that support this format.

    Method 1: Adobe Photoshop

    Method 2: GIMP

    Method 3: ACDSEE

    To select a file there is a built-in browser. Open by clicking the mouse button on the image.

    The use of key combination is supported. "Ctrl + O" For opening. And you can just click "Open" on the menu "File" .

    The program window in which the image of the TIFF format is represented.

    Method 4: Faststone Image Viewer

    Select the original format and click on it twice.

    You can also open photos using the command "Open" in the main menu or apply a combination "Ctrl + O".

    The Faststone Image Viewer interface with an open file.

    Method 5: XnView

    Select the source file in the built-in library and click on it twice.

    You can also use the command "Ctrl + O" Or choose "Open" on the drop-down menu "File".

    An image is displayed in a separate tab.

    Method 6: Paint

    Paint is a standard editor windows images. It has a minimum of features and also allows you to open TIFF format.

    You can simply drag the file from the Explorer window to the program.

    Paint window with open file.

    Method 7: Windows Viewer Viewer

    Most. simple way discoveries this format Is the use of a built-in photo viewer.

    IN Windows Explorer Click on the desired image, after which context menu need to click on "View".

    After that, the object is displayed in the window.

    Standard windows Apps, such as photos and paint viewer, cope with the task of opening TIFF format for viewing. In turn, Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, ACDSee, Faststone Image Viewer, XnView also contains more editing tools.