What is the modem of the AKORP. ROUTER ACORP WR300N: Connection and configuration. Setting the wireless network settings

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Setting up acorp W422G.

ADSL router with access point and 4-port Ethernet 10/100 Base-T switch

Instructions for setting megaline for the ACORP W422G router. This statement provides an example of configuring the device via the Web interface, installing drivers and other software to the computer will not be required. You will need only the Internet Observer. Will suit any - Google Chrome., Opera or Mozilla Firefox
Before configuring the connection, reset the device settings to factory settings. On the rear panel there is the "Reset" button Press and hold it within 5-7 seconds until the indicators on the front panel are blinking at the same time.

Connect the device to a computer using a power cable. In the browser's address bar, enter the address Specify the username - UserName. and password - Password. To access the device settings. Factory Login and Password Admin. - With a capital letter! If you cannot enter the web interface, check the network connection settings, in the network connection properties for the TCP / IP IP address protocol and the DNS server addresses must be exhibited - to receive automatically.

To configure the connection settings, go to the tab Setup\u003e New Connection Set the following parameters as shown in the screenshot:
Name. - the name of the new connection; This is a mandatory parameter, but its value may be arbitrary and does not affect the connection.
Type - Connection type: PPPoE;
PVC settings - the parameters of the virtual channel;
For users Megaline: VPI - 0; VCI - 40;
UserName. and Password. - username and password issued by the provider.
Then you need to apply the settings. Apply And after a few seconds the device will connect to the Internet. For users Megaline:
If you do not remember your password, or you cannot connect with your password you have, use the guest account. Drink in the username field the word "megaline", in the Password field also "Megaline" (all letters Latin in the lower case, and the VPI / VCI values \u200b\u200bcan be any). So, you will not be able to enter the Internet, but you can get into personal Area And ask new password On the Internet.

By default, access to the device settings is possible only from the local network, so you can leave the factory login and password Admin..
If you consider it necessary to change the factory login and password it can be done in the tab Tools\u003e User Management.
At the end apply the settings Apply.

The device is equipped with a wireless access point, IEEE 802.11 G standard
To configure the main wireless network settings, go to the tab. Wireless\u003e setup..
Pay attention to the following parameters:
Enable AP. - enable wireless network support; The default is on.
Primary ssid. - the name of the wireless network; Name you will see in the list network available When connected. You can leave the factory value.
Hidden Ssid. - hide the name of the wireless network; Additional measure Precautions - is not a serious wireless network protection tool. The default is turned off.
User Isolation - Limit access to the resources of the local network is allowed only to access the Internet.
Apply Settings Apply.

Setting the wireless network settings

To configure the security settings of the wireless network, go to the tab. Wireless\u003e Security.
Select Encryption Method WPA2. If you want to ensure the maximum level of protection;
As a login mode, select Pre-Shared Key - security key;
Specify the key combination - Psk String, not less than 8 and no more than 63 characters;
Apply settings upon completion Apply.

Saving configuration settings

In the first part of our review, we introduced readers with two internal ACORP modems designed to operate on the PCI bus. In addition, issues of related software and support of these modems were affected, but they were not disclosed to the end. Now it's time to consider external models. In addition to technical specifications and constructive features Modems will discuss alternative software and firmware update capabilities, as well as search for additional information.


The appearance of this modem caused sincere bewilderment, primarily with its overall dimensions and form of the hull. From afar it may seem that this is an ordinary mouse - such a bit of the size and "streaming". This is his main dignity. Now the external modem can easily put in a pocket or lady's handbag, transfer to any computer and connect, using just one cord for communication with the USB controller. Agree - it is convenient. And if you consider that earlier the external modem required for carrying other than the power supply itself, then it is convenient doubly. It remains true, another item required for carrying is a disk with modem drivers. By the way, they occupy a little space, and therefore the usual floppy disk is quite enough. As a result, the user received a mobile external modem.

First meeting

Retail RETAIL set - modem itself, drivers with drivers and related software, cord for connecting to a USB, telephone cord, and brief instructions for connecting to computers equipped with an operating system windows family. All components of the kit comply with the current standards of growth and certified.

External management bodies are missing. The power switch is not required because the USB connection is safe and when the computer is turned on. Indication LEDs do not indulge with redundancy. There are only two of them. One is lit in the case when the modem is defined by the system and is ready for work, the second - when installed bond. By the way, on the modem board there is a possibility of connecting two more LEDs, but the manufacturers apparently counted their installation by excess, or violation general design. For experienced users, it is possible to change the assignment of each diode and program it on any event ("line", "data transmission", etc.).

The ACORP56K EUS modems differ in large intelligibility to choose from mating iron and operating system. Currently, there are drivers for any Windows Support Systems with USB Support, the truths of the developers have dropped drivers for quite ancient versions - NT4 and Windows 95. Using a modem together with other operating systems, such as Linux, is problematic, since the drivers for them are still What are not created, although the development in this direction is conducted.


The technical characteristics of the modem are not very different from other similar HCF class, however, innovation in the form of using USB brought an individual imprint. The modem is capable of working on all modern communication protocols, including newcomers V.92 and V.44. Application of compression via V.44 requires a change in the COM port speed, which, in turn, is implemented as virtual. This means that there are no special restrictions characteristic of hardware modems. It is important that your operating system can interact with this port. However, if we started the restrictions, you should immediately designate them. The main thing is the type of processor used by the computer. At a minimum, it should be no worse than the Pentium II 300 MHz, but in practice it is desirable to have a faster. Any HCF modems using USB are really critical to the CPU boot and the operating system. Therefore, CONEXANT entered these limits to use, otherwise, the reliable operation of the modem cannot be guaranteed.

Compression protocols:

V.44, V.42BIS, MNP5

Error correction protocols:

Schemery modem

The modem uses the main RHP56D chip and auxiliary 11247-11.

Installation Compact, double-sided and neat, which is an indispensable condition for devices of this type. The board provides for the possibility of installing either the optoelectronic dialing relay or the generic. The desired option is determined by the manufacturer itself, and it may depend on the construction of technological processes of manufacturing, the presence of certain elements in the warehouse, internal policies I.T.P. The circuit diagram of the input chains is shown below.

In it, as in previously transmitted schemes, there are no special excesses, but there are protection against overloads to the highest possible current and voltage. Despite the fact that there are seating places on the board to install a paired RJ-11 type connector, a single connector is installed in the modem. It can create initial difficulties for those who want to connect a parallel phone directly to the modem. An exit from the position can be available in a wide sale splitter of the RJ-11 socket. It should be borne in mind that the phone will not be disconnected during the communication session. Input chains are made according to a scheme with a classic transformer junction. The transformer is composed by a compound, and therefore you can only make assumptions about its true overall sizes. However, tests using the measuring equipment complexes from the "analyst TC" showed that it was on these modems that the input circuits are designed optimally, and do not create additional loads on the telephone line.

Modem features

  • The ACORP 56K EUS modems are built using HCF typebecontroller modems. This means that the modem depending on the driver used in the operating system. The DSP signal processor is installed in the modem itself, but the controller or supervisor features the appropriate driver.
  • Number of adjustments To configure a specific line, very large, but they are hidden from the eye of the user in windows registry. The proposed registers and teams may not be enough, so those who want to achieve the most effective results, sooner or later will have to take care of the study of the REGEDIT.EXE program.
  • On modeme there are no sockets for connecting an external headset In order to use speakerphon (phone). This is the only restriction on the implementation of the work options in voice mode. You can implement an answering machine or software alone. You only need to pay attention to whether the driver must support the voice command mode.
  • The modem has the opportunity display statistical data After the communication session. AT # UG and AT # UD teams of tank statistics, and allow you to analyze the modem and the status of the communication line to analyze. And on very high levelcharacterized by a higher class modem. However, this is the standard feature laid by the chip manufacturer in any modems, regardless of their price category.
  • In the modem is not provided additional USB controller To communicate with other clients of this tire. But such an operation would inevitably lead to an increase overall dimensions. Therefore, in the line of successively connected USB devices, the modem must be connected last.
  • Modem can be localized for use in Russian conditions But for this you need to choose the appropriate drivers. There are no supplies in the delivery, but at the end of the article we will tell you where they can be found.
  • The questions of the stability of the modem on the specific lines are individual and we will not consider them. It is recommended to operate the modem on good lines. Application on lines low quality It will require additional settings, and should not be hoped in this case to some supernatural results.
  • Like all software modems, ACORP 56K EUS can "peer" the system at the moments of initialization And besides, in Windows XP, when using drivers, the modem running the modem downloads the CPU by 40-60%. CONEXANT is continuous to eliminate these unpleasant moments. The first to completely eliminate is impossible due to the organization of any virtual driver. The second is reduced to an acceptable level: 5-15% in recent versions.
  • IN early versions Drivers have observed incompatibility facts with USB 2.0, in the latest versions of the drivers this flaw is fixed.


  • The modem refers to the class of uncontrollable, despite his external execution. Accordingly, this leads to the appearance of the entire set of shortcomings, characteristic of software modems;
  • Itself uSB busThe imperfection of its controllers, as well as the updated specification, makes some features that can affect the development of the USB modems line as a whole. Therefore, it is difficult to say how this direction will develop in the future;
  • Not enough informative indication does not allow fully monitoring the work process;
  • One socket for connecting to the telephone line creates problems in the presence of parallel phones.


This modem is capable of performing mobile functions, since its mass-darkened indicators can be called minimal in the line of external modems. When working in fixed mode, the modem performs the main functions, but due to software implementation basic functions Given the hardware modems in technical characteristics.


External ACORP modem in classic hardware version - the most long-standing "residents" in Russian conditions, and in the entire history of development, they changed their model range several times. In this case, the technical characteristics were maintained at the proper level. At the same time, everything is done to stabilize the cost in a certain range, affordable and attractive to the consumer. And here it should be noted that it succeeds, because within 8 years the demand for these modems does not fall, and the price is practically not changed. Success in our opinion is that the modem is convenient, has the main set of service capabilities, sustainable in the conditions of Russian telephone channels, and in the absence of special "bells, which entail an indispensable increase in cost is attractive to the consumer. New model Made according to the already running principle of "rational sufficiency", but has a number characteristic features, about which and talk.

Requirements for OS and Hardware Computer

Like any full modem, the ACORP 56K EMSF-2 is completely undemanded to the applicable operating systems. Any OS can be freely used, if only she allowed to connect modems to sequential COM Porto.. With respect to the computer's hardware, only the availability of this port is necessary, the CPU performance does not at all affect the operation of the modem, and the modem in turn does not affect the operation of the computer.

First meeting

The appearance of the ACORP modems did not undergo any changes over the years, which, on the one hand, allows the user to immediately allocate it on the store's counter, but on the other introduces a certain proportion of confusion. The fact is that in the same building are issued completely different on the technical characteristics and the modem chipset used. You can figure out this only looking at the "belly" modem, and then by connecting it to a computer, to analyze the answers to the ATI group commands.

ACORP modem 56K EMSF-2, like other modem of this company, comes in Retail execution. The kit includes a modem itself, a power supply, a cord for connecting to the COM port of the computer, a telephone cord, a disk with related software and a brief installation instructions for the most common Windows group. The entire kit complies with the current standards of growth and certified.


The modem has a complex of technical characteristics peculiar to any modem built on Conexant chips, and in this sense there are no deviations from the reference design recommended by the manufacturer. But here it should be done immediately that this is true only in the case of the application of pre-installed factory firmware. If you use new firmware, passing a special run-in in the framework of the All-Russian Betatting, functionality The modem is expanding. True, everything is our time, and this time we are going to devote separate lines of review.

The modem supports the following data transfer protocols:

V.92, V.90, V.34, V.32BIS, V.32, V.22BIS, V.22, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A and Bell 103

Compression protocols:

V.44, V.42BIS, MNP5

Error correction protocols:

In terms of service capabilities, the modem has an additional transmission protocol of Class 2 and voice mode with the ITU-T command format v.253

As can be seen, the ACORP 56K EMSF-2 modem can work on all modern data / data transmission protocols (including the latest V.92) with a maximum bit rate for receiving 56,000 bps, and 48,000 bits per transmission. The latter is executed in the case of support by the remote server modem PCM Upstream function. To implement the possibility of working on this protocol, the manufacturer had to abandon the two-time version previously used in the EMSF on RP56D / SP and L2800-38 and go to a new chip from CONEXANT - CX06827-11.

The issues of the feasibility of such a transition were not discussed more than once, since on the one hand, it seems like nothing and prevented to implement this protocol in the old version, but on the other hand, the manufacturer of chips has stopped its firmware support. Therefore, the fact remains a fact - it turned out another modem with new features and technical characteristics.

Consider the circuitry of constructing analogue part of the modem. In general, it differs little from the previously described PIM2 and IRW2 modems. The nodes are the same, the principles of work and their appointment we lit earlier. Therefore, we will dwell only on characteristic features.

  • The diagram of analog circuits is built on a classic transformer junction that in modern modem rules is an indisputable advantage. The end user will not need to think about the compulsory grounding of the computer and carry a modem in warranty repairs after the first voltage overload in the telephone line.
  • As can be seen on the shown input, the input areas have the same protection against current and potential overloads, and the protection for the voltage is strengthened due to the introduction of three-ways on the varistors of the RV1-RV3, but the protection filter telephone network From high-frequency module filing is simplified by refusal to use chokes. Probably, the developers considered that this function will fully ensure the inductance of the communication line itself. We are not entitled to assess the feasibility of such a decision. The fact remains a fact - on the old EMSF modem and new EMSF-2 instead of chokes are collapsed ordinary jumpers.
  • Despite the fact that the modem board provides for the connection of the optoelectronic dial-up relay as in Pim2, in EMSF-2, now supplied to Russia, use a gear relay (K3) of the SUN HOLD MD5 type. The logic of such a decision can only be found in the fact that the company is forced to fight for keeping the price niche, and this direction is fraught with the search for savings on each element. However, there are all known examples and more radical measures, for example, the input of a bipstrange-informator junction, or a conscious refusal to use additional circuitry solutions that increase the cost of the product simultaneously with the extension of functionality.
  • It is the above reason that the two-striped scheme for the construction of an electronic choke can be explained.
  • For a long time it was believed that the unconnected Phone nest at the modem is an unambiguous minus. Indeed, when someone from the relatives wants to call and grabs the phone while the modem is running - this can lead to a break of communication, or at best - to overravel in the form of Retray. Connected old telephones can also degrade communication. However, not everything is so bad. First, such devices or no longer left, or their number decreased to a minimum. And secondly, with the introduction of new PBX, another problem appeared - "good audibility". Of course, because the remote modem is heard well - the connection should be better, but everything has reasonable limits and sometimes the input signal is higher than the norm (-16 ...- 25 dB). From this, your modem "stalls", which may adversely affect the quality of communication. This is where the device can help, which on old PBXs only interfered. Very often, devices that feed on the telephone network help reduce the input level. And sometimes there are situations when the speed of the modem fell as a result of any temporary interference on the line, and in this case you can not wait when the modem itself starts raising the speed to the desired value, but quickly remove and put the tube on the parallel phone, which will cause Retray And most likely return the quality of communication to the initial level. So sometimes the combined nests are even useful.
  • On the following concept, this is not shown, but we will note that the connection of the headset will not cause automatic shutdown Built-in speaker - Now it is done only by commands when switching to voice mode.
  • The layout of the analog and digital land, compared to previously discussed concept schemes It also has the difference, since a galvanic connection between them was introduced using C113 capacitor. The feasibility of such an introduction we are not entitled to discuss, it is likely that the developers wanted to thus strengthen the protection against various kinds of syphase interference, other reasons are possible, such as providing a modem operation with a lack of a computer to ground, or something else.
  • If you carefully examine the modem fee, then it can be noted that in addition to the possibility of technological replacements (for example, a two-strip-stroke diagram of an electronic throttle on a three-strangistory, or a germ-dialing relay on optoeletron), there are generally absent blocks. Thus, in the input circuits of the analog part there are seats under the elements of the hardware control sensor of the line status. The lack of such explain simply - there is no phone disabling relay, then the sensor becomes excesses. But on the other hand, this is a margin of durability, i.e., if the company decides the question of the need for such implementations in the future, the technological process of the production of boards does not have to be rebuilt.

Summarizing the circuitry, we note that we specifically emphasized some flaws, but they do not speak at all that such fatal in their essence. Operating experience shows that it is quite possible to put up with them.

We will not now consider the design features of the modem. Its case without changes is produced for many years, and, apparently, in general, it is satisfied with the end users. The modem is quite resistant due to two rubberized legs, providing friction between the housing and the surface of the table both in the longitudinal and transverse direction. All communication connections are displayed on the rear panel.

The modem is equipped with a convenient panel consisting of nine LEDs of the status indication that reflect all changes occurring during operation and "rest."

The use of such a panel allows even without a sound to evaluate the modem status, which is undoubtedly convenient.

Modem features

In this section, we will try not only to list the characteristics of the modem, but also give a small analysis.

  • Modem compression protocol V.44 . On one hand, the introduction of this protocol does not affect the data transfer rate in archived form, since modern archivers have a compression ratio much higher than 1: 6 (for v.44) or 1: 4 (for old v.42bis) *. On the other hand, the Internet users during the surfing on the pages take nothing compressed files formats.htm, html, php i.t. And here an increase in the degree of compression by the modem itself significantly increases the page loading speed. In addition, a flexible opportunity appeared to influence the compression mode, managing them with the help of special commands.
  • In order for the modem compression to operate efficiently, and ports i / O. Did not overloaded to increase their own throughput input. In Modems, ACORP 56 K EMSF-2 is achieved increasing the port speed to 230400 bits / s . In fact, this question is not so trivial, since in addition to the port of the port, it is required to provide it on the reverse area connecting the DCE with DTE. IN windows system This will require the installation of specialized drivers, as well as making changes in modem and registry drivers. This is a step towards improving performance, but its implementation is currently in a state of study.
  • ACORP 56K EMSF-2 Modems have a rich selection of adjustments for a specific line . Alas, not all users can use them in full, and only basic, such as adjusting the output level, the ability to change the sensitivity of the receptionist, adjust the aggressiveness of the connection. From the above adjustments, when using the ACF3_V1.088-V90_P21_FSH firmware loaded in the modem at the factory, the S91 and S92 registers are available to change the output level in the data and fax transmission modes. There are other adjustments, and they will be told in a special section of the article, but for this, the user will have to establish one of the firmware, which is currently undergoing full-scale bobatting and have already gained popularity among users.
  • Acquaintance with the documentation on the ACORP 56K EMSF-2 modem shows that in addition to standard Hayes-compatible commands inherent in any modems, there are additional set of commands that fully meets the requirements of ITU-T standards V.250 and V.253. Extended capabilities of these sets allow without special work to change the country code, compression and correction parameters, flexibly select the receiving / data transmission protocols and produce their additional adjustment.
  • In addition to the main functional duties on receiving / data transfer, the ACORP 56K EMSF-2 modem allows you to use the service functions such as reception / transfer of facsimile messages, the organization of the answering machine, the use of the modem as a speakerphone. The built-in hardware Aon is missing, but the use of software AON-OS is possible, and the likelihood of their normal operation increased compared to earlier two-dimensional ACORP 56K EMSF models. The appearance of AON-Caller ID gateways allows you to organize and like a hardware AON-A. The only thing that will be needed is to search for a suitable country code for normal indication of the received CID signal signals. Considering the fact that the list of supported countries consists of three dozens, and work to ensure such coordination is conducted, it can be assumed that in the near future, the introduction of a hardware Aon directly into the firmware will become unacceptable excess.
  • Modems are supplied with built-in flash memory. What allows you to change the built-in Firmware with time, i.e. to produce it update. The presence of this function is very important because it makes it possible to improve the properties of the modem by selecting the most appropriate firmware (firmware). It should be noted that the use of this function is suitable and convenient in cases where there is a necessary and sufficient stock of such firmware. Otherwise, this feature is simply useless, and after all, for examples, when the flash memory is possessed, and there are no firmware, or they appear once in 3-5 years it is not necessary to go far. The update process itself (update) of modems is sufficiently reliably organized, and we can only give a modem in a non-working condition, and not observing the elementary security measures, which will be talked to just lower.
  • As already mentioned in the introduction, we will not carry out any tests and give the desired for valid. The quality of the modem work can be checked only on your own telephone line, then try to adjust the parameters of this line and only after that talk about the quality of work, the stability of the connection, record and outsider bite speeds and CPS. The only thing that can be noted is that, compared to the "old" models, new ones work at all, but under certain conditions and overtake them. In addition, a number of additional settings appeared laid by the manufacturer, but it is not all. There is very important advantage that allocates this modem among similar on the same chipset, namely the possibility of introducing additional qualities and localization for Russian conditions .
* - The coefficients are taken from the press release of CONEXANT. In fact, this is averaged value, and relationships may vary from 1: 2 to 1:10.


  • Repeating from year to year, the main drawback is an unconnected additional socket. Plus it or minus - decides the end user, however, it should not be regulated to make it possible for the manufacturer.
  • Connecting a headset to modem jacks does not turn off the built-in speaker. It is difficult to assume that a decision was made to develop such a scheme, but this is not a very successful option, because The speaker is quite loud. In the first official release of the firmware for this modem, it is possible to turn off the speaker with the M0 command, and turn on the audio display of events in the line. This partially corrects the situation.
  • The software for working with V.92 is in the betting stage. At the time of this writing, all the functions of the protocol work, with the exception of Modem-On-Hold, because Customize filters for most PBXs.


In this part of the article, the authors usually share the impressions of the tested product, or build predictions regarding the future product. It so happened that the authors of this article had to not only test, but also work for more than 1.5 years on this product using it for various purposes. We will simply say - from the entire line of ACORP modems, the EMSF2 model can be safely put on the first place, because In the development of this product, not only the work of developers was embedded, but also the work of dozens of users participating in bobatting, which means that the firmware developers are familiar with Russian lines and their problems are not obsessed.

Alternative software

In the article on Modems PIM2 and IRW2, we reviewed the software that comes with modems. It cannot be called basic, since many tasks that take up the user during the operation of the modems it does not perform. So here we decided to make a review alternative programswhich can be successfully applied.

Acorp Modem Booster (EX. HSFBOOOSTER)

This direction of programs intended to configure software modems began to develop relatively recently - approximately 3 years ago. The emergence of such programs is due to the fact that the overall technical training of modern modem users falls annually. And if several years ago, no one needed to explain what an AT team is and for what they need, now this banal question for many users causes serious difficulties. There is another aspect that contributed to the emergence of this program. The fact is that software HCF / HSF modems have flexible adjustment capabilities, but they are hidden from the eye of a non-earnest user in the Windows registry, and if the above-mentioned low qualifying level of the average user has already taken into account, then direct operations with the registry may be destructive.

The AMB program allows you to:

  • Change the default protocols on which the modem is connected;
  • Change and limit bit speeds by entering the data obtained in an additional Windows initialization line;
  • Adjust the mode of the output signal of the modem;
  • Take off and analyze statistics after the communication sessions;
  • Change country code;
  • Regulate time se settings for identifying BUSY signals;
  • Adjust the aggressiveness of the compound;
  • Change initial settings Protocol V.92;
  • Change compression parameters.

This is a list of basic possibilities. In more detail, the program can be found from the built-in help file. Working with the program will not cause difficulties even from an inexperienced user.

Acorp External Modem Tuner

Literally during the preparation of this review, a very long-awaited program appeared to configure hardware modems - ACORP EXTERNAL MODEM TUNER. Modems can be configured to operate through S-registers and specialized teams, however, in the eyelid Windows, a simple user is experiencing some difficulties. In the forums and conferences, you can often hear a request: "Tell me the universal initialization string!". And how can it be prompted if it is not like that and can not be? You have to send a user to the accomplishment of a feat, which consists in reading the documentation. Alas, but such work is not able to many. In this regard, it was decided to develop a program that facilitates interaction with the modem.

The program allows you to:

  • Adjust the output level;
  • Change bit speed;
  • Read the existing modem settings and change them;
  • Form an additional initialization string;
  • Adaptively spend the settings depending on the model of the modem operating;
  • Determine the modem for amendment.

For modem owners with the latest firmware versions, the following settings are available:

  • Additional "Russian registers";
  • "Aggressiveness" modem;
  • DualPCM detector mode;
  • Setting the "Line busy" signal.

For the first time, the setting is carried out not only in the introduction of values, but also graphically: The user selects the intervals and listens to the resulting signal, comparing it with the one that can be heard in the phone tube.

Given the fact that the program appeared recently and is just beginning to develop, you can hope that in the future it will allow working with much large number Customizable modem parameters.


For a long time known interesting feature individual users, like reluctance to read the documentation. If this feature was not, it would not be on the light and this program, although its more accurate definition is a utility. What is the essence here? If you competently configure the modem for a specific line, then it is necessary to spend a sufficient amount of time and have a margin of knowledge. All received settings need to be recorded in the modem profile, using any terminal program, and in the future call these recorded settings for such an initialization command as ATZ. Unfortunately, this path for most users was unacceptable, and therefore many initialize the modem by factory settings (for example, AT & F), and then adjustments to adjust the modem in the same Windows, to configure the modem in the same Windows. We will not judge it well or badly, but the statement of this fact made it in the modem documentation to make special label settings in the form of bit speed limit via AT + MS commands. And in order to facilitate the life of the user, who persistently not want to understand the documentation and this utility was created.

The program prescribes the initialization lines depending on the quality of the selected line:

MS \u003d V22B; + A8E \u003d, 0 - Communication is practically not possible

Ms \u003d v32; + a8e \u003d, 0 - very poor quality

MS \u003d V32B; + A8E \u003d, 0 - Poor quality

MS \u003d v.34,1,300,21600,300,21600 - below average

MS \u003d v.34,1,300,24000,300,24000 - average

Ms \u003d v.34,1,300,28800,300,28800 - just above the average

MS \u003d V90,1,300,31200,300,38667 - Unstable line

MS \u003d V90,1,300,31200,300,44000 - good line

MS \u003d V.92.1 - Excellent Line

As can be seen, gradation for the quality of lines is very conditional, but at the first stage it can help to help. You just need to move the "engine".

The necessary team will be spelled out in additional string Modem initialization in Windows. You can use this utility during the operation of any ACORP modem from the new line.

Fresh versions of the M_TWEAK and AMB program can always be found on the site.

Statistics Analysis Programs

The exact adjustment of the modem under the parameters of the specific line requires a detailed analysis and analysis of statistical data after the connections conducted. All modem considered by us have such an opportunity. Statistics can be obtained by AT & V1 commands for EMSF-2, and AT # Ug for PIM-2 IRW-2 EUS in unencrypted form, and on AT & V2 command for EMSF-2 and AT # UD for PIM-2 IRW-2 EUS - in encrypted form. The latter in the format fully complies with the Unimodem Diagnostic Specification from Microsoft. Disassembling and reading statistics in unencrypted form does not cause difficulties, but in an encrypted puts before the user sometimes intractable tasks. Well, if the modem drivers provide statistics output to the log file. And if not? Then the Rockwell Diagnostic Stanislav and Unimodem Diagnostic program can come to the rescue. Especially easy to use. You need to either get a file with statistics, or copy it to the clipboard. Programs themselves will bring it on the screen, and next steps Lying on the user. It can either save the decrypted data to the file, or copy them to the clipboard for further insertion into your documents. The programs are so easy to use that the further description of their description should not be continued, it is better to immediately take and try. Before use, we strongly recommend familiarizing with the description files where you can find detailed information on all opportunities. You can take these programs on.


Analysis and analysis of statistics after the connection the thing is vital, but what should I do if you want, or need to analyze work in the on-line mode? You can of course in the terminal using the ESC sequence "+++" to translate the modem into the command mode, give commands to remove statistics, and then on the ATO command again to translate the modem to the receiving / data transfer mode. Unfortunately, this method is now suitable for the first and test experiences due to remote modem. In addition, taking into account the fact that at the heart of its modem, they are currently used for the Internet, then the connection in the terminal without authorization and will not even be brought to it and break the timeout in PPP. Accurate tuning and analysis require longer communication sessions. Here and will come to the aid the program of a wonderful Russian programmer known in the network under the Nick Temperton. This program is multifunctional, and except for analyzing statistics allows much.

We quote the main items directly from Readme:

  • Constructing a speed graph of an active Ras connection through the specified modem;
  • The ability to output a digital window that displays the current data reception speed through the RAS interface (CPS);
  • Has a manager of an initiate. It is possible to memorize several lines and a quick choice of one of them;

Note: Under Windows 2000 / XP, the manager only works if the user has the rights to write to the key modem settings.

  • Ability to use with Tclockex program. The% ModeMSPD% element contains the value of the current data reception speed via the RAS interface (CPS) or an empty string if the connection is not installed;
  • Collecting the statistics of the modem connection manually or automatically after the connection is broken (via TAPI). Statistics collection string is set by the user. There is the ability to connect Rockwell Diagnostics Statistics and Unimode Diagnostics Statistics Statistics and Unimodem Diagnostics. maybe automatic definition Rows of collection and need to connect decoders. View the initial Rockwell-Modems Connection Statistics (& v2) in Windows XP;
  • Maintain a report of the compounds. The report on your desire is stats remote access and communication parameters, statistics and user line initialization modem, speed schedule. The program can output a brief summary information on compounds;
  • The modem session analyzer allows you to calculate the maximum possible data reception and data rate (CPS) based on the collected modem statistics. The calculation is possible on a specific session or by a series of sessions;
  • Manual Speed \u200b\u200bCalculator allows you to calculate the maximum possible data transfer rate (CPS) based on data entered manually;
  • RESCAN HARDWARE function for Windows 2000 / XP. If your modem is disabled during OS boot, then after switching it on. Click right-click On the ModeMSPD icon in the notification area and select the Rescan Hardware - the modem will be detected.

We hope that you make no sense to comment on all these items, since it is seen that this program can greatly relieve the life of the user. Look for her on

Modem Xpert.

This program is originally designed specifically for modem on Conexant chips. Alas, she did not enter installation diskAlthough we hope this is a temporary phenomenon. In essence, it performs almost the same functions that the ModeMSPD and in real time it allows you to monitor the work of the modem assessing it, and making conclusions about the need for its further adjustment.

The English-speaking program is recommended for use directly by the company-developer of chips. On the website www.conexant.com you can find its description in PDF format. It should be noted that few producers received the right to disseminate it. We recommend visiting the official support site where you can download it. For the normal functioning of the program, additional installation efforts are most likely required, and even additional libraries. Search for them on the site

Net Waiting

Modern V.92 protocol allows you to implement one of its convenient features, such as the Modem ON HOLD function. Its essence is that during work on the Internet you will not feel completely cut off from the world by phone, since it is busy. The call of your friend or relative will not remain unrequited because they will hear the signals are busy. Before the advent of V.92, it was possible thanks to such a function as Call Wating. In order for it to work, it is necessary that such a service is connected to you by the telecom operator. Immediately note - as a rule, it is not free, but in some cases it is impossible at all. Consult about this can be directly from the telecom operator. If Call Wating is connected, then incoming call At the time when the phone is busy, will not remain unnoticed, and if the line occupies a modem, he will break the connection. If the V.92 protocol is used to all permissions, then negotiating with the subscriber, the modem will restore its interrupted connection without your intervention, which is really convenient.

Net Waiting provides a user with a friendly interface. It is also recommended for the Conexant-Ohm for use, and as well as Modem Xpert requires when installing additional settings, with which you can get acquainted with the site in the article "Customize Callwaiting". You can also download the latest version of the program.

Support from the manufacturer

Until now we talked about specifications And the ACORP line modem software software, which the buyer will encounter when choosing a particular model. It's time to consider the issues of technical support for the user. On the Russian market and not only, there have been a long-time principle of its minimal sufficiency. It is as follows:

  1. A complete absence of any support - the company sells equipment, but not at all concerned about his fate.
  2. Support with placement on the news site and once with firmware, drivers, documentation and other attributes.

Not every firm boasts frequent content updates, and a dialogue with the user and is suppressed. As a result, such support is a protracted static. Or, in other words, about the user remembered at the stage of the formation of the modem supply, and then forgotten. If you take a look at the recent past, you can easily note that the ACORP modems were sold with minimal technical support. But quite recently, in this direction there were striking changes. For a reasonable permission of this issue, ACORP proposed a new solution containing the "highlight" and bribing his obvious simplicity and foresight.

The main premise is that there are no perfect computer equipment, including modems. Since such equipment does not happen, it should be improved, and this process is unthinkable without dialogue with the user. Things seem to be obvious and manufacturers try to resolve them different ways, moreover, the more close contact, the higher the probability of fruitful work. It was for such contact that two independent directions were created - one decides the issues of further development of modems, the other is official support.

By participating in the first direction, the user can appreciate the update process, take part in the betting, and solve its private problems associated with the operation and identified errors of the modem. Such a decision is revolutionary in essence, because not everyone will decide to make public the well-known errors, not everyone decides to attract to their side in generally inexperienced users, not everyone will decide to give in their hands "Damaged" products. But the benefits of such actions are undoubted because it is hardly possible to find a more acceptable way to collect statistics and organization feedback. For this purpose, the Betatester service is formed. With the Declaration of Service, you can get acquainted on the site.

The second direction is the distribution of tested solutions. For these purposes, the ACORP is created by the Russian representative office.

It publishes materials that have passed preliminary testing and therefore they should not cause user complaints. The site contains a certain proportion of advertising, but the creators are not hidden behind its screen, but provide the end user with the possibility of organizing dialogue. Supporting through e-mail and daily solves dozens of both the simplest and enough non-standard problems, helping their customers to find the right decision. This site publishes the latest news, interesting articles, FAQ, the list of official dealers is complemented, and the current problems are indicated in order to further resolve them.

What does attention drawn in both selected support directions? Let's look at items.


As noted at the beginning of the review, none of the supplied modems today has full Russian-language documentation. Yes, and the English-language contains only the main points on the installation of the modem. What to do if the modem is installed, but even the simplest line of initialization does not compile, and even more so do not adjust the modem for a specific line? A complete list of registers and teams found on the Internet is extremely difficult. In order to eliminate this gap on the beta testers website, manuals from direct manufacturers of Conexant chips are laid out. Those who do not own English made another unprecedented gift - the book on the ACORP modem - "User Guide". We were not mistaken in the title, this document really can be called a book, because In addition to the Scriptures of the modem and commands, readers will be able to find both basic information about modem and facsimile communications, configuring software AOH, initial settings for communication line and much more.

This is only the first step. As can be seen from the title pages - this document will be improved and completed. There is another moment - software modems are also not covered by the side. For each of them, a similar book was also released, and the programmatic modem on the modern Russian market is almost impossible today with detailed Russian-language documentation.

E-mail systems / Forum / FAQ

No matter how good and complete documents were, the end user will still have any questions - or because of the inattention reading, or because of the complexity of the material perception. Therefore, there are several ways to resolve this situation. This is an individual support through e-mail, live communication in forums, organization and development of the FAQ system. Each of these issues the support service seeks to pay out its own specific attention.

Firmware and drivers

Overlooking the current line of the ACORP modems starting with hardware and ending with the software, we have repeatedly noted one or another lack and promised to acquaint him with the progress. This is the main task assigned to the service and each of them is consistently solved. What has already been done in this direction?

For modems ACORP 56K EMSF-2 released whole line firmware, each of which is the continuation of the achievements admitted to previous version And solves certain problems. The main thing is that for all modems in full swing, the process of adaptation under Russian conditions with the provision of flexible mechanisms for this adaptation is. Now for any user updating the firmware, the country code "Russia" will be exposed by default, with the corresponding settings to match the ATC signals. Features such as aggressive adjustment, resolution and prohibition of transmitter power changes over the remote modem query (POWER DROP), turn on / off the indication of retrain and speeding speeds. The list of measures is not limited to this, but it is difficult to cover them in one overview. If you have a desire to see full list Changes - they can be found in Russian documentation for the firmware. In addition, minor errors made by the manufacturer are constantly corrected, measures to improve the quality of communication and adjustment under a specific line are introduced.

The Modems of the ACORP 56K EUS series on the betalester website, the most modern drivers, which have already fully solved the problem of high loading central processor Under Windows XP, as well as stability of modem operation. On the official support site, in addition to the factory (supplied with the modem), the reliable and past betting drivers are also published. ACORP EUS has become one of the first HCF-USB modem in Russia, which works on most motherboards in OS Windows XP. True, for this you need to put last version Drivers from the site.

For modems of the ACORP 56K PIM2 series, several versions of the drivers are provided at once, in which the tasks of changing the algorithm are solved when the bit speed is selected. As we have already noted, the most unpleasant today is a gradual reset of bit speeds during the modem operation. In the new versions of the drivers, this bug was corrected and the modem now simply makes additional relegation, but the speed remains the same.

For the modems of the ACORP 56K IRW2 series, among other things, due to the work of the support service, the question of the possibility of operating a modem in voice mode was resolved. Even without the presence of special nests to connect speakerphon, its implementation was performed by means sound card. Such attempts were made on the modems of other manufacturers, but there either refused to further study the idea, or the regime was injected forced, i.e. The user could not choose between the inner speaker and the sound card.

Related Software

We have already described all kinds of related software, but is it worth stopping on it? Of course not, since the software changes in modems, then the programs working with it should be updated. Will the development of acorp modem booster and M_TWEAK limit? No, of course, everything is in the hands of the end user, and it is he who puts his tasks to develop a concomitant software.

World beta testing

At the end of the conversation on technical support, I would like to note one point that passed almost unnoticed for our compatriots. Since the fall of 2003, a new section of beta testing for foreign citizens has opened -. And it does not matter what kind of person has a modem, drivers are supplied according to the series of chips. The main goal of the opening of this section is access to a new level of development. Of course, there are no guarantees of work and technical support for this section. As it seems to us, the user himself must decide what is better for him: buy "nonam", redo the drivers "manually" and look for answers to your questions, or choose a proven brand for which everything is debugged and works, and most problems can be solved by handling in technical support.


In the process of creating this large review, the abbreviation in the name of modems changed - now the letter "M" appeared there. For example, M-PIM2 or M-EMSF2. However, therefore no differences in the hardware of modems, as those considered in the review and in the official site announced on the pages.


Finishing this review, I would like to note that despite the decent material volume, one way or another some questions fell out of sight. We did not set themselves the tasks of writing an article in advertising presentation, so do not hesitate to designate the shortcomings of each of the modems under consideration. Not forgetting that any technical device has both positive and negative qualities. The final conclusion should be done by the reader itself, selecting the modem under its individual requests. We sincerely hope that the information provided will help make this choice meaningful.

The authors are expressing sincere thanks to everyone who helped and helps in the development of the entire line of ACORP modems, and this is the preparation of articles, site development, participation in the batteration of programs, firmware and drivers, answers to specialized forums and conferences, constructive comments and additions regarding all parties to activities . It is thanks to this disinterested support from the advanced and beginner users of the ACORP line agem, have the full right to wear the title of "folk".

ACORP 56EMSF Modem Review

Six months ago, the neighbor brought a box shown in the photo, with such devices I did not have any affairs. I had to contact the Internet. And so it turned out:

"This modem can be briefly described as a modem for a simple Russian user. First of all, it is important that it is a full-fledged hardware modem. This means that when it is work, the power of the processor and the RAM is absolutely not involved. The modem is completely relied on its own strength. Of course, if you have Pentium 4 and 512 MB of RAM, it's not so important. But for the owners of the old "four", such unpretentiousness can play a decisive role when choosing a device. "
During the search process, it was possible to find out the following, see the screenshot from the Yandex search engine.

In general, the thing is obsolete morally, but as it turned out, inside this box there are valuable parts for radio amateurs. Appearance pCB Showing photo 1.

On the board, except for SMD resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes, there are also elements of particular interest.
Figure 1: Controller DC-DC converter - AIC1563. Judging by the documentation, it is one of the universal controllers capable of working in the schemes of increasing, downgrading, converting converters and converters implemented by SEPIC technology. Without an additional transistor, it is capable of loading current up to 1a. Nearby, under the number 3 - a working throttle for this controller and a diode.

Figure 2: Two diode bridges - AM154, too, the thing is necessary. Operating voltage 400V, current - 1,5A. Working temperature - 55 ... + 125С.

Figure 4: Voltage Stabilizer 1117, working current 1A, voltage drop Input - 1B.

Figure 5: Sound emitter - KPM1201A8. Maximum current - 30ma, resonant frequency - 2800Hz.

Figure 6: ChipHrocham LF - LM386NC in SMD case. When the nutrition of the chip is six volts, the load resistance is 8Ω, the output power of 125 MW at the frequency of the input signal of 1000 Hz, has a harmonic coefficient of 0.2%.

Figure 7: Two-position switch, also needed thing.
Figure 8: Sharp Transistor Optron - LTV817. Very often occurs in pulsed power blocks in the output voltage stabilization chains and in many other modern


Figure 9: Electromagnetic relay.

Figure 10: Varistors - TVR 07 271. I do not bring the documentation for them, it hurts big size file. If you need, you will find in the network yourself.
In general, it is not so useless, it turned out to be a morally outdated box.
A little lyrics. As they say, a good owner and dog X ... in the farm will come in handy. As my favorite grandfather told: "I am once on the way, I look - the dog X ... lying around. I picked up, brought home, threw on Zawalinka, and when he was trying, I went to him in the walls in the wall and now I hang the clamps on him. "

Successes. K.V.Yu.

Download Article:

Setting up ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem in router mode

Turn on the modem into the 220V socket, connect the phone cord from the DSL connector on the Acorp Sprinter W422G to the ADSL connector on the splitter.

After some time, it should freeze and then light up the ADSL indicator to the smooth light. If the ADSL indicator on the ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem does not light up, which can be done in this case.

Press (for example, with a rod from the handle) and hold the resetting "reset" button on the rear wall of the ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem. Wait until the display changes on the modem, then release the button. This will reset the ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem to the default factory settings.

Turn the network card to mode.

Note for lovers to search for drivers to all new devices: Driver for ADSL modem ACORP SPRINTER W422G is not required, because This is a completely independent device connected to the network card. Drivers may be needed for modems connected to uSB portAnd the ACORP SPRINTER W422G does not have USB support.

To start configuring the ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem, type in the address bar of your Internet browser and press the Enter key

A window appears with a password request. Dial Admin Username and Admin Password

Click the "Log In" button.

If all right, then after entering the password, you will see the following window:

The easiest way is to configure ADSL ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem via Wizard. Click the Wizard button in the top menu and this window appears on the screen:

1. Select the connection type in the Protocol field. Usually users prefer to configure ADSL modems in router mode. In this mode, the ACORP SPRINTER W422G ADSL modem will automatically serve computers connected to it, and to access the Internet with new computers, it will not be necessary to change anything in the ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem settings. Select PPPoE to configure in router mode.
2. Enter the VPI and VCI parameters to be provided by your provider.
3. Enter the username and password. They must also be provided by the provider.
4. Click the "Next" button.

On the page that opens, click the "Save / Restart" button. After clicking on this button, in no case, do not turn off the ADSL of the ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem, because It will save the entered parameters and reboot. After rebooting an ADSL modem, you must have the Internet;)

For amateurs, to focus with more advanced ADSL modem settings, such as package filters, portsing ports, dynamic DNS, WiFi and QoS encryption There is an ACORP user manual. User Guide For ADSL modem ACORP SPRINTER W422G can be downloaded.

ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem firmware

ACORP is constantly working on improving the ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem firmware. In each new version, minor errors are removed in the modem, and the most important thing is to optimize and accelerate the operation of the ADSL modem. Therefore, the ACORP SPRINTER W422G modem firmware is recommended to all advanced Internet users.

Download file S. new version ACORP SPRINTER W422G firmware is best on the manufacturer's website. Choose a version for Annex A / B, because Apparently, the ACORP programmers are actively working on this version.

After you downloaded a file with the firmware ADSL modem Akorp Sprinter W422G and unpacked it from the archive, in the ADSL modem settings, go to the Tools item -\u003e Update Gateway.

To update the router software, select the update file (kernel / file system) or configuration file (SELECT A File), and then click the "Update Gateway" button.

If you wish, here you can unload the existing ADMS modem configuration of the SPRINTER W422G modem, by clicking the "Get Configuration" button.

The Russian market of Internet providers is experiencing today not only an active transition to new Wi-Fi-based wireless access technologies, but also replacing conventional analog modems on DSL equipment.

In the domestic market, most of the Internet access companies offer the end user connection service via ADSL modem (ASYMMETRIC DIGITAL Subscriber Line). This technology allows you to simultaneously use both ADSL modem, and a regular phone that is connected to one telephone line. In this case, the transmission of digital data and voices occurs in parallel, but in different frequency ranges, and therefore independently. In the asymmetric DSL (ADSL) technology, a different rate of ascending and downward traffic is provided, that is, the data transfer rate to the user an order of magnitude higher than the transfer rate from the user. High-speed indicators can theoretically reach 8 Mbps to the client and 1 Mbps from the client - it all depends on the equipment on the side of the provider, the quality of copper wiring, the user's remoteness from the telephone station. Among the advantages should be mentioned ease and ease of installation, since the ADSL modem connects to the usual telephone wire. Without deepening in technical details, it can be said that the basic principle of the ADSL modem is the separation of the frequency range from 24 kHz to 1 Hz to 4000-henter bands, for each of which is assigned a virtual modem. Thus, each of these virtual modems works with its frequency range.

ADSL modem is connected to the frequency separator, and not directly to the telephone line. It is a filter that shares the low-frequency signal of the usual telephone communication and high-frequency ADSL signal. The frequency separator in its image resembles an adapter-splitter having three sockets. One socket for logging in the telephone line and two output jacks for the phone and ADSL modem. Thus, digital and analog signals can be transmitted over one telephone line. Frequency separators are installed not only in the subscriber's apartment, but also directly at the telephone station, where the analog telephone signal is sent to the telephone network, and the digital signal is to the DSLAM access multiplexer (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), from where it comes from the provider network. DSLAM multiplexer is an equipment installed in the telephone company's office that connects all subscribers to one high-speed line. ADSL is one of the economical technologies that successfully carries out in Russia. It costs the end user cheaper than a dedicated channel with a similar bandwidth.

ACORP, well-known to the Russian buyers market, also produces modems working on ADSL technology. This article discusses two of them: ACORP [Email Protected] USB and ACORP. [Email Protected] LAN420.

ACORP model [Email Protected] USB, as you can see from the name, connects to the computer via the USB interface. Externally, the device resembles an ordinary analog modem with dimensions of 115x142x28.5 mm. The ADSL modem case is made in black. The front panel is made of transparent plastic. It is located green light indicators that show the state of the modem on this moment. Indicators are only three: USB, RX and ADSL. The first and the latter are shown accordingly: the connection is connected and the cable is set to the same-name / interface. The indicator with an uncomplicated RX title (Receive Data) flashes when transmitting data from the provider to the user. On the back of this small device there are two connectors for connecting a USB cable and telephone network, and both cables are included with the modem. It is also worth noting that [Email Protected] USB does not require an external power source, as it has enough USB power. Included with the modem, a CD disk with software, user manual, RJ-11 cable for connecting to a telephone line outlet, a USB cable to connect to a PC, an ADSL modem and a splitter for a telephone line (frequency separator).

According to the specification on the manufacturer's website, [Email Protected] USB complies with ADSL Full-Rate T1.413 Issue 2, ITU G.DMT (G992.1) and G.Lite (G992.2) and supports PPP OVER ATM (PPPOA) data transmission protocols, PPP Over Ethernet (PPPOE), Bridged / Routed Ethernet Over ATM and IP Over ATM.

Installing the modem is simple and convenient: After connecting to a PC and install the necessary software, the modem itself will determine the line settings (Fig. 1) and connects to it (the ready-made settings for the leading providers are included). If you successfully connect to the ADSL line, the program icon in the program will notify about this color shift.

Fig. 1. Connection program to the ADSL line

In conclusion, we can say that this modem will definitely find its buyer. Simple installation that does not require special knowledge, high speed connection and affordable price - Here is its main advantages. Approximate price Acorp [Email Protected] USB - 25 dollars.

Since users often have at home not one computer, there is a need for ADSL modems with multiple network outputs and high connection speed. ACORP modem [Email Protected] LAN420 is equipped with four LAN-outputs for connecting computers.

By appearance The device is practically no different from the previous one, the dimensions are also practically coincide. On the front of the modem, the status indicators are located both for the ADSL channel and for each connected LAN connection are four of them. On the back, four RJ-45 connectors and one RJ-11 are installed to connect to the telephone line. The maximum data transfer rate for Ethernet is 100 Mbps, Internet access via ADSL connection can be carried out at a speed of up to 24 Mbps. Also there is a connector for connecting an external power source. Combined the device is supplied by one UTP5 cable and telephone cable. In addition, the supply includes a power supply, description and splitter. It is worth noting that the description of this modem is very scarce, although there are many additional settings. Acorp [Email Protected] LAN420 complies with G.DMT, G.Lite, ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2 + standards and supports PPPOA, PPPOE, IP and bridge routing protocols (IEEE 802.1D).

Installing the modem is made through the built-in Web server. When the modem is first connected to the computer, you must install special network settings to connect to it. After standard authentication on the modeem side, the router settings appear (Fig. 2) and ADSL connections (Fig. 3-5). The built-in router allows you to fully configure each of the LAN ports (Fig. 6). It is possible to configure SNTP, IP QoS (Quality of Service), Port Forwarding, IP Filters, etc. [Email Protected] LAN420 can work as a DHCP server, which eliminates the configuration of each computer separately. Each of the LAN-sweat can be configured individually depending on the requirements. The DMZ feature is implemented to access the router from the outside. [Email Protected] LAN420 supports broadcast nat. addresses And NAPT, as well as the Masquerade header substitution.

Fig. 2. Internal Web server [Email Protected] LAN420.

Fig. 3. AdSL connection settings

Fig. 4. Special AdSL Channel Settings

Fig. five. Detailed settings ADSL connections on the PPPoE protocol

Fig. 6. Router settings

The marchutizer collects statistics both by the LAN port and the ADSL channel (Fig. 7). All events are recorded in the system log. There is statistics on DHCP clients in the form of a very simplified billing system. Like most similar devices, it is based on the UNIX system and has the ability to update Firmware via an Ethernet connection. To reset the factory settings on the bottom [Email Protected] LAN420 is the RESET button.

Fig. 7. Collection of statistics

Wide capabilities for setting up and support most ADSL protocols will have a positive effect on choosing when buying similar device. Easy installation I. fast access To the most important settings through a web-interface, high speed of compound and compactness - all these are indisputable advantages [Email Protected] LAN420. The approximate price of the modem is $ 40.

Edition expresses Merlion's appreciation for the provision of ACORP ADSL modems [Email Protected] USB and ACORP. [Email Protected] LAN420.