How to disable Windows Updates 10 on your computer. Deactivation of auto update system. Using Group Policy Editing

If you are a user of Windows 10, then surely know that Microsoft will definitely update some components operating system. They will download every time after the release new version. In Windows 10 professional exists the ability to postpone update. Users of the home version are not so many options. Your device will automatically start upgrading after connecting to the network.

As a rule, the device is set to the latest improvements and correcting security errors. They provide proper protection against serious threats, such as Wannacry and others. Function automatic update Supports computer in topical working condition. However, some it is very annoying. This applies primarily to users with limited Internet traffic. Let's find out how to stop constant downloading updates.

There are several options for stopping the system from constant loading of new components. They are available to understand even a newcomer.

This is the easiest way. After connecting to the Internet, the system will independently download updates to the computer. You can change the process for a specific network, noting it as a limit. As a result, upon subsequent connecting Windows will not be updated. The system will also save the settings and will continue to use the Internet dosed. In this case, important updates are still loaded, even with a limit connection. Below are given step by step guide By setting up network restrictions:

Disable the automatic update of Windows 10 using the Hide / Show tool

A strange way, but very effective. In fact, the system does not have the "Hide / show" function. You need to download the driver of the drivers.

The "Hide / Show" option differs from the above-mentioned three. It does not disable updates, and hides in Windows 10, so after deleting the system will not reinstall them automatically.

Disabling automatic reboot of a computer with Windows 10

Most users have no problems with automatic Windows updating. But there may be a situation where the device will suddenly restart in the middle of some important work. However, you can cope with this, configuring active hours. Windows will not automatically restart the computer in the time set. Just do the following:

You can also specify when Windows should be rebooted. However, the settings will be saved once. This means you have to configure the restart time daily. It can also be done in the "Update and Security" section.

Attention! Microsoft believes that automatic updates are needed to ensure efficient and safe use Computer. They bring a novelty and make the operating system better. In addition, corrections are also important to ensure the protection of the device from malicious threats along with improving characteristics. Therefore, we do not recommend stopping automatic windows updates without any reason. After all the proceeds done only you are responsible for any safety problems.

These were the very simple ways Stop automatic Windows updates. They are easy to repeat. We hope you will not have problems or any difficulties when using one of these options.

Video - How to Disable Updates on Windows 10

Maintaining the operating system up to date - the main task of the Windows update center. This feature allows wINDOVS system constantly being in the maximum upgrade, regularly downloading required files from the official site. And if users have the ability to adjust manually download time and the number of updates, then starting with Windows 7, in particular, on the home version, this function is almost completely absent. And if you consider that automatic updates, such as new versions of individual drivers, can slow down the computer or laptop, the question of their disconnection is very relevant. In addition to reducing OS performance, unplanned updates may cause a speed drop or an increase in Internet traffic, which is especially unpleasant in terms of using a limited connection. Thus, an understanding of where and how to disable Windows 10 updates fully and forever becomes key to many users of this version. From this article, you will learn how to adjust manually distributing windows updates with an update assistant, as well as in the registry editor.

How to disable Windows 10 update (home) fully and forever - step by step instructions with photos

Note that disable updates on the home windows version 10 completely and forever without use additional program It is impossible. But the developers of the OS provided the need for some users in manual regulation of unwanted updates and before the appearance of Windows 10 released special utility - A tool that allows you to disable updates if necessary. Download current Package You can free from the web resource the Microsoft Download Center. After installing on the PC, the program scans the OS and shows options for possible updates. The user remains to select the Hide Updates and Windows 10 feature will stop automatically uploading these new updates.

Step-by-step instructions, how to disable updates on the home version of Windows 10, photo

Another option to disable updates on the home version of Windows 10 is to install limit Internet traffic. This is a kind of bypass system, since in conditions of limited traffic of Windows 10 cannot download and install updates in automatic mode. This method Suitable for those who use Wi-Fi Connection to the network. To take advantage of this option, you must open the "Parameters" menu and select the "Network and Internet" section. Then you need to go to the Wi-Fi section and click on the "Management of Well-known Networks". From the displayed list, select the name of your Wi-Fi network and go to its properties. After "Advanced Parameters", you should enable the "Set Limited Connection" option. Ready!

How to Disable Windows Update 10 Drivers in the Registry on a Laptop or Computer - Instructions from Video

The following way to disable Windows 10 updates and drivers in the laptop register or computer will suit For advanced users using Pro version. Unlike home, in a professional version, Windows 10 developers have left the ability to disconnect the updates through the registry editor. To use this feature, you must enter the REGEDIT in the search bar and open the registry editor. Then you need to go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft \\ Windows.In this section you need to create new folder Windows Update.s and subsection AU. After in the lastsectioncreate « Parameter DWord."And call him Noautoupdate open andspecify The value "1". Ready!

Step-by-step instructions, how to disable drivers updates on Windows 10 in the registry on a laptop and computer, video

Another detailed step-by-step instructionHow to disable updates on Windows 10 in the registry on a computer or laptop is shown in the following video.

How to completely disable the automatic update Windows 7, the maximum version is a step-by-step instruction, video

Fully disable automatic update Windows can also be on the maximum version of Windows 7, which today remains fairly relevant operating system. It is with her appearance that the developers thought about the restriction of the user functionality to turn off updates in manual mode. However, disable automatic update on your own 7 completely simple enough. To do this, you need to select the Control Panel - Administration - Services. The mouse wheel scroll through the entire list of services and click Choose "Windows Update". In the window that appears, select the start type "disabled". After that, click the "Stop" button, and then "apply". Ready - Automatic updates will no longer disturb you!

Video with step-by-step instructions, how to disable automatic update on Windows 7 in the maximum version

The following video shows step-by-step instructions for disconnecting automatic Windows Update 7, the maximum version.

We hope we were able to answer your question about how to disable Windows 10 update (home and Pro) and Windows 7 (maximum version) completely and forever. Now that you know where you can disable the driver's update function in the registry and how to use the assistant from the Microsoft update center, you can easily adjust the automatic distribution of updates on your computer or laptop.

How to disconnect the forced update of Windows 10 forever and completely - this question was puzzled almost every early 2018.
Windows users 10 after recent updates Noticed that they do not have the ability to disable updates now at all. Windows Update Blocker, no matter how currently copes with the task - how to disable Windows 10 Pro update center completely and forever. Just download the program and run, it will immediately offer in two clicks to decide how to disable Windows 10 home update service. Although the problem is relevant for Windows10, this program will cope with updates in any version of Windows, to version XP inclusive.

The name of the program: Windows Update Blocker V1.0
Official page:
Interface language: English.
File size: In the archive (386Kb)
System requirement: (32-bit \\ 64-bit) Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windos Vista, Windows XP.
Check sums: MD5:

Currently, the beginning of 2018, the latest versions of assemblies and original versions of Windows 10 are not possible to disable from updates. If earlier in windows10 it was possible through the start - parameters in the update service, disable automatic or manual update Window 10 in general, now there is no such possibility. According to Microsoft, it is done in good useful purposes for users, but as life shows, ordinary users more suffer from such new rules. Russian user in 99% of cases enjoys a pirated activation of the product, since it does not have the opportunity to buy license key Product. Therefore, it most often disables Windows 10 updates so that the activation of the tenth windows is not tolerated.

Screenshots - Disconnect Windows 10 updates forced forever and completely

On the Internet there are many programs that solve the problem of how to disable Windows 10 update forever. But from all tested, it coped with absolutely and completely alone is Windows Update Blocker V1.0. This program works without installation, with a clear and simple interface.

For a clearer understanding, how to disable Windows 10 automatic update on a laptop or computer, watch this video clip.

To reduce Internet traffic consumption and speed up the system, it is necessary to own information on how to disable the automatic update of Windows 10.

For all types of updates in the Windows operating system, the Special Update Center is responsible - the utility that regularly scans Microsoft online services for available updates Programs and libraries.

The official packages of updates from the developer make it possible to improve the safety of the OS, prevent previously emerging problems and increase the overall level of computer performance.

At the same time, users may encounter the following negative parties of automatic OS updates:

  • Increased Internet traffic consumption. As a rule, the update center is able to occupy from 15 to 30 percent of the total volume of traffic that the user spends;
  • Installation of unnecessary packages that practically do not affect performance improvement;
  • The presence of flawed packages with updates that provoke new errors in the system. As a rule, packages that are designed for the first time carry a lot of untreated functions.

In more early versions OS WINTOVS Users could independently regulate the operation of the update center.

It was possible to install them manually, choose only individual packages or to completely prohibit the work of the center.

In the tenth version of the OS, the functionality of controlling the center was trimmed.

Users cannot manage them with the help of familiar ways. Consider several options as you can independently disable the installation of package of updates.

Regulation of the center with the help of additional parameters

This update setting option works on all versions of Windows 10, except HOME version. This method allows you to postpone the installation of packages at a certain time.

Thus, you can save traffic consumption for this period.

You can also disable the automatic restart function after installing the packages.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Find the search icon on the Windows toolbar and click on it;
  • In the window that opens, enter the word "parameters" and in the search results list, find and run the "System Parameters" utility;
  • Next, click on the "Update and Security" tile;

  • Go to the Advanced Settings tab;

  • In the window that opens, enable a reboot notification. This parameter will allow your computer to do not turn off automatically after installing packages with updates;
  • Now remove the checkbox from the field that allows other updates software products from Microsoft;
  • Put a check mark against the field "Postpone the Installation". This will turn off automatic updates for several months or until the developer releases critical updates.

Note! The "Delay Installation" function cannot prevent the installation of packets that are responsible for security, so the center will still regularly perform their search and installation.

  • Now click on the selection link how to get packets (Figure 5);

In a new window, put the parameter to the "Disabled" value, as shown in the figure below. Disabling this option will help significantly reduce Internet traffic consumption.

Disabling automatic installation of drive

In the updated version of Windows 10 (assembly from April 2016), users can independently adjust the operation of the driver bootloader and their installation, respectively.

Follow the instructions below to disable this feature:

  • Call the task execution window using the Win and R buttons;
  • Now enter the specified command in the text box below the command;

  • After executing the command, a window will open in which it is necessary to rearrange the slider to the value "No, enable the choice of choice."
    If the list below appears (it may not be, it all depends on the OS configuration), then in it to mark the value "not to install never";

  • Now keep saving the set parameters using the appropriate key. To do this, the system will ask for administrator rights. After saving, close the window.

After setting and saving this configuration, the OS will no longer constantly look for topical versions of the driver software.

However, it should be noted that if one of the similar drivers will be removed from the system, it will be automatically found on the developer's website and installed.

Using the SHOW OR HIDE UPDATES utility

Despite the fact that the update center configuration feature was not provided in the updated version of Windows, the developers still created specialized utilities for working with the center.

It is called "Show or Hide Updates" and allows you to hide the updates completely or hide only certain packages.

Follow the instructions to download the utility to your computer and start working with it:

  • Download Utility Users can free. It is posted on the official website of Microsoft by reference

  • Now run the bootloader and install the program to your computer;

  • Press the Next key to automatically start scanning accessible to install updates;
  • After this process, you can choose what to do with the packages found: hide (the system will not install any updates) or show hidden objects (selection of this function will allow you to choose to install only individual packages);

Setting the limit connection

This method also allows the user to configure the ban on the forced installation of updates.

The prohibition occurs due to the inclusion of the limit connection to the Internet.

You can only execute this method if you use the WiFi router to connect to the network.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Open the system parameters window;
  • Select the tile that is responsible for the Internet settings;
  • Go to the section that is responsible for wireless connection with the network;
  • In the window that opens, click on the appropriate link to open additional parameters;
  • Now in a new window, turn on the limit connection by putting the slider to the corresponding value, as shown in the figure below;

Now your operating system will restrict the search and download function of updates.

To resume this feature, you must simply turn off the limit connection.

It should be noted that at least once a month this connection must be deactivated, because you can miss the installation of important system refinements and security settings that Microsoft provides.

Work with group politicians

This option settings will suit For more advanced users who are familiar with the concept of group politics and once worked with him.

To date, the developers have banned from using a previously available feature. standard setup group Policy (With it, it was possible to customize updates).

At the same time, users remained an accessible group policy editing function locally.

Not all versions of Windows 10 support this feature. For example, the HOME assembly owners do not have access to work with group policies.

In all other versions of the OS using local editor Politician, you can independently include installation alerts, upload only selected packages or install updates strictly by specified schedule.

After setting up group policies, the new configuration will not act immediately. To do this, you may need from a few hours to two days.

Follow the instructions to configure and enable group policies:

  • Navigate to the OS update center;
  • Run the check of new updates using the appropriate button;

  • Now you need to start working with politicians themselves. Open the Run window and enter the command in it, which is indicated in the figure below;

  • Open the Windows components folder as indicated in Figure 15 and select the Windows Update Center;

  • Now select Automatic Appendix Settings;

  • In the window that opens, specify the configuration, as in Figure 17;

  • In field automatic setting Updates You can choose any of the suggested five options.

Work with registry

Operating users windows systems 10 A registry editing feature is available.

With it, you can also manage the configuration of update packages or completely prohibit their installation.

Operation with the registry allows you to turn off updates to the fullest. The method is available for execution at all assemblies of the tenth version of the OS.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open the Run and enter the "Regedit" command in it to open the registry editor;
  • Go to the section specified in Figure;

  • Now find the POLICIES directory in the Software folder and open the Microsoft component, and then Windows;
  • Alone create a new directory. Her name must be "WindowsUpdate" (without quotes);
  • In the newly created WindowsUpdate, create a "AU" folder;
  • Select AU and create a DWORD type parameter in this directory, whose name will be noautoupdate. Value this parameter Must be 1.

How to disable Windows 10 automatic update | COMPLANDIA

How to disable automatic update Windows 10 to free the Internet channel?

After moving to the most last version Microsoft operating system, many users faced a problem associated with constant download system files. This process greatly loads weak laptops and computers, preventing normal work. For this reason, the Internet has increasingly started to ask questions: "How to disable Windows 10 automatic update?".
The fact is that the Windows Update Center is always enabled by default, and its deactivation will put in an inexperienced user stand. The article presents detailed instructions Getting rid of annoying updates.

How to completely disable updates in Windows 10

Despite the efforts of OS developers who seek to automate all processes, make a system safe and easy to learn, arbitrary downloading new drivers or improvement installed programscauses dissatisfaction with most users. For this reason, it was possible to find "loopholes", allowing you to disable Windows 10 updates forever.
There are several working ways to eliminate this problem. Consider them in more detail.

Deactivation of standard Windows UPDATE service

The use of such a method makes it possible to disable the download and install new software forever. To take advantage of this method, you need to go through the following procedure:

  • Open the window of all OS services. To do this, the "Run" window is called a combination of the Win + R keys. In the field that appears, the Services.msc command is prescribed and the "Enter / Enter" key rises.
  • In the large list that appears, you need to find the only service that is responsible for the update. It is recommended to sort the Alphabet Column. The desired command is at the very bottom - "Windows Update Center".

  • By clicking on the left mouse button twice, "properties" will open. The "General" tab changes the startup type. To completely disable Windows 10 update, the string is "disabled".
  • To save the changes, you must press the "Apply" buttons, after which "OK".

Now the system will not be able to check updates, constantly issuing an error.

Using Group Policy Editing

This method is not suitable for all versions of windows 10, namely HOME. With another version of the operating system (Enterprise, Pro) on the computer / laptop, it is recommended to use this particular disconnection method, since it is the most advanced.
To understand how to disable Windows 10 update by using group policy editor, you need to go through a certain sequence of actions:

  • Open the "Run" window by pressing the Win + R keys.
  • In the input field, burn the gpedit.msc string. Press "OK" or "ENTER".
  • A window appears, in the left side of which there is a tree. From the list presented, the "Computer Configuration" is selected.

  • In the central part, the "Administrative Templates" subsection opens.

  • Next, you need to find the folder "WINDOVS components".

  • The desired directory is located at the bottom of the opening list. To disable Windows Updates 10 forever go to the Windows Update Center.

  • From the big list, the "Automatic Update Setup" row is selected. On her click right-click Mice and choose the option "Change".

  • The next window pops up. Now it is necessary to put the radio button in the "Disabled" position.

  • Conservation of changes is carried out by pressing "apply" and further "OK".

After completing custom settings in the operating system register, all open windows Close. Now you can manually check for new system files. If they are detected - nothing terrible. New settings can apply with a delay of 10-20 minutes. In spite of this, automatic search Updates turned off immediately, after clicking "Apply".
Now each user has the ability to independently configure Windows 10 update mode for itself.

Cancel automatic update Windows 10: video