How to work with the HDD Regenerator program. Restoring a hard disk with HDD Regenerator. HDD recovery through bootable flash drive

Today, among many users, the issue of storing data on the hard disk is relevant. They are very often stored important information, contacts the necessary people, personal data and much more. If the hard disk is loss of the necessary data, it has the opportunity and restore.

What represents HDD Regenerator.? This is a program that is intended to regenerate a damaged hard disk. The application does not hide the failed sector, and it completely restores it.

Password for all archives: 1Progs.

With this program, you can solve the difficulties that may occur during system operation. Thanks to the HDD Regenerator No need to buy a new hDD And spend money.

Program capabilities:

  • Scanning System.
  • Detection of hidden and defective sectors.
  • Hard disk statistics.
  • Creating boot disks.
  • Work with any operating system.

The program can be downloaded in conventional mode. To use all the functions of the application you need to activate the HDD REGENERATOR.

After the user downloads license key HDD REGENERATOR can be used by all functionality. Activation allows you to use the program in an unlimited period.

Advantages of the program:

  1. Fast definition of the damaged sector.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. Understandable interface.
  4. Support for Russian language.
  5. Restoration of bad sectors.
  6. Works with any file system.
  7. Fast scan mode.
  8. Saving the volume of railway

The program has a fairly simple interface. Each version of the utility supports Russian. This will make work in the program even more understandable.

The HDD Regenerator program is needed if:

  • some files do not open;
  • some applications do not work;
  • PC itself turns off;
  • the system is not loaded.

If there are the above features, it is necessary to download the HDD Regenerator program. After activation, the utility will detect spoiled sectors and can restore them. File system Not affected, because recovery is carried out on the physical level.


Information storage devices are the most important components of modern computer Systems. To date, the biggest distribution among various devicesintended for storage of data, received HDD - storage drives magnetic disks. These devices are quite reliable, but, like any other component of the PC, are not insured against the sudden appearance of failures and breakdowns. For service and restoring the performance of NGMD, as well as preventing the loss of information, a variety of software has been developed. Among them, the HDD Regenerator is a worthy place - an efficient and popular solution to many problems with hard disk.

Application HDD Regenerator

HDD Regenerator is a very simple in mastering and using an application designed to restore failed sectors. hard disks and surface regeneration. A special pride of the developers enjoys a special algorithm for the surveillance of the surface, on the basis of which the program works.
The application is noteworthy in your own simple interface And the control method - there are no complex settings, multi-level menus and switches, the commands for launch are simple and understood even the novice user.

In fact, the list of functions and advantages of HDD Regenerator is quite wide. We will not delve into the transfer of all the advantages of the application, and we turn to the basic methods of use that are used by a wide range of users.

So, in most cases, the program applies:

  • For the implementation of fast rigid diagnosis disk and identify errors, as well as damaged sectors (Bad-block);
  • For deep scan and detect all possible problems with the surface of the NGMD, as well as their elimination in automatic mode;
  • For complete regeneration of the surface using a special adjustment algorithm.

In addition to the diversity of functions, the developers laid several ways to launch in the program - HDD Regenerator works on physical level, Therefore, not dependent on the type and version of the operating system. Running and work is possible in the Windows environment (XP, Vista, 7.8.10 are supported), and when booting from a USB Flash or CD - in DOS mode. Let's focus on this.

Run options

Method 1: Windows

Method 2: boot flash drive

Running from a USB drive is justified if the recovery disk is the only one in the system is either damaged very much. In addition, the recovery flash drive can be useful for those who often conduct NCMD fault diagnostics on different computers. To create a bootable USB Flash with HDD REGENERATOR 2011, we carry out the following:

To use USB-Flash as a tool for restoring a disk performance, it is necessary that the PC is configured to boot from the USB drive. About how to do it, described in detail in the article by link .

Method 3: boot CD / DVD disk

In the event that a PC is missing for diagnostic and restore the PC disk, it is advisable to use the boot CD / DVD disk with the program. Create it by analogy with a flash drive.

In independence from the selected method of starting the program, further work with the HDD Regenerator 2011 and the execution of most operations, from the user's point of view, do not differ. The only difference between the methods is that when starting from under Windows work happens in the window:

And when loading from a flash drive or disk - via DOS interface:

At this stage, preparatory procedures can be considered ended, go to direct work with the program.

Use options

Method 1: Diagnostics and Fast Detection of Bad-Blocks

Method 2: Full scanning and removing identified problems with hard disk

Method 3: Regeneration of the surface of the disc, including "Healthy" sectors using a magnetization algorithm

Finally, it is worth noting that the restoration of hard drives with the use of funds such as HDD Regenerator 2011 is available to a wide range of users and does not require a deep study of the principles of the complex electronics. It should not be forgotten that conducting procedures related to the maintenance and software repair of the NGMD requires care and accuracy.

Hi, today we will talk about how to use the HDD Regenerotor program, how it works and what it is at all. So, we turn to the instructions ...

The software product is intended for testing and repairing hard drives, restore their work, if this happens not entirely correctly. It can cope even in the hardest cases. The probability of this is more than fifty percent.

Work program with data recovery on hard disk

Pulses in the form of signals with high and low level Generated and methodically sent to the damaged surface of the hard drive. As a result of these effects, the process of moving the disk occurs. Such a process carries out assistance in restoring sectors, which are inoperable due to the processes of incorrect disk magnetization.

Correction system errors On the hard drive occurs without affecting the user information. As a consequence, the data available on the disk will not be exposed and will not be damaged.

Download program HDD Regenerator. quite real in free version - Spread software Product completely free (it can be easily found on the official website or on).

The most popular versions:

  • 2011;
  • 2015;
  • 2016.

After we downloaded the software to your computer, in the archive, run the file named " Read Me." It should be read and take as an instruction for use in which the process of installing software is described. In the same archive, you can find a patch C serial number (key) and Russifier (RUS).

Instructions for working with the program HDD REGENERATOR

After the program installation process is completed, an icon with a logo will appear on the desktop. HDD Regenerator.. By clicking on the icon, the program will start.

A window appears on the computer monitor where the proposal will appear Scan Winchester, as well as create blood flash drivedisk.

We turn to the restoration work: you need to click on the image with the " Regeneration" The button is on the top of the tab panel, then in the list that fell, click - "Running the process for".

The next window offers to choose to start its recovery. It can be visualized by such quantitative parameters as the container and the number of clusters.

Button press " Start"(" Start Process ") leads to the appearance of a window, which has an informational message about the involvement of disk space by software tools already running on electronic device. To continue the recovery process, you need to complete all open software and processes.

When the window appears, shown below, click on the "button" RETRYยป.

This will lead to the appearance on the monitor screen of the window characteristic of DOS.

  1. To diagnose the hard drive and continue the restoration work;
  2. Make diagnostic operations and display data on completion;
  3. Recover certain hardware sectors;
  4. Display statistics.

After normal scanning, the program will propose to fix the errors found, select the item "1".

In the following window, specify the sector to start scanning the disk, we recommend starting with "0".

HDD Regenerator program - how to use
it special utilityallowing with a high probability (up to 50-60%) to restore information from damaged hard drive vectors (HDD). This is quite well known in the narrow circles, specializing in the restoration of the performance of damaged sectors (by enchanting them). According to his developers, she is able to help even in very difficult cases, with which many experts agree.

Many users (experts agree with them) strongly do not recommend trying to "reanimate" a hard disk. Even a minor error can lead to fatal consequences (including the inability to restore the data). Special services that are engaged in restoring information from damaged carriers today quite a lot, and there is a similar procedure inexpensive.

How it works

The principle of operation of the utility is based on the fact that it
Alternately generates and sends to inaccessible (damaged) disk sectors of different lengths and power. This impact leads to the magnetization of individual sectors HDD., or the entire disk is entirely. As a rule, the sectors become non-working precisely because of the wrong magnetization or demagnetization.

The main advantage of the program is that such interference in the operation of the disk (its magnetization) does not affect custom or system files. Thus, as a result of the program, it is guaranteed that the information on the disk will not be affected, respectively, they will not suffer.

HDD REGENERATOR program (version 1.71) - how to use

How to use the HDD Regenerator program will be described further, it is distributed free of charge (and the use of it is already conditionally "free"). To install it, it must be downloaded to your computer, and in the archive with the utility there is a crack and detailed instructions Installation (file "readme.txt").

As soon as it is installed on the desktop, the HDD Regenerator icon will appear. We click on it and run the program. After running it, a window will appear where the user will be prompted to make a choice (run scanning with subsequent recovery of the disc or create a new bootable flash drive).
In order to start the procedure for restoring information from non-working media (disks), press the "Regeneration" button, which is located on the top panel. From the proposed (fallen) list, select "Run the process under Windows".
Next (in the next window that appears) you need to select a disk that will be restored. By the way, all discs connected to the system will be reflected here with their numeric Harm MI: the number of sectors and their volume. By choosing the desired disk, click "Start", which is in the middle horizontally, and on the right vertically.

After clicking on the "Start" button, a warning window will appear, which reflects all programs that this moment Used by the system (and they are located on this disk). To continue the procedure, all these programs will need to close (or stop processes).

At the next stage (if everything was done in the previous one), a black and white program window should appear (as in Windows DOS).

In the User window, you will need to choose from 4 options:
1) perform diagnostics and subsequent recovery of the disc;
2) only diagnostics, without subsequent data recovery, with an end of the report on completion;
3) Perform only recovery (without prior diagnostics);
4) form and output statistics.

In brackets at the bottom it is necessary to register the number (process number). For beginners, it is recommended to choose item 2, i.e. Diagnosis.

If you have selected the number 2 operation (recommended), the following window will appear where you need to select the scan range where you can select from which sector to start.
The program will start scanning the entire HDD disk from the selected sector. Upon completion, a window will appear with scan results. They will be shown: the number of damaged HDD sectors of the disk, which can be restored, the number of already corrected and inappropriate recovery.

During the scanning process, you can click on the "ESC" key. In this case, an additional menu will appear. In the window that appears, the user will be offered 5 options:
1) continue the data recovery process;
2) to form and output statistics at the time of the stop;
3) change / edit scan borders;
4) change / edit scan mode;
5) Go to the main menu of the program.

Using the HDD Regenerator utility, the process of recovering data from non-working hard drives can be performed by any person, even without special training (or deep knowledge). And most importantly it does not take much time. Many reviews on the Internet confirm that it is capable of successfully restoring information from damaged disc sectors, with its sufficiently small amount, only 8.8 megabytes.


Immediately should warn that this product is "relatively" free. Those. You can download it and use for the first time free of charge, so to speak with its capabilities. In case of subsequent use, the utility appears window.

If you say short, then it says that the disk contains damaged sectors (will be listed) that can be restored using this program. However, it is already necessary to pay (buy) for full versionWhatever it can be used.

The main difference between this program from its analogues, it is its main advantage - a low-level work algorithm. This allows for large-scale integration on the DOS environment to access the information contained on the HDD disk, access to which was previously closed, as well as to effectively restore the data (+ control this process).

Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter. The inscription from which the march of goose legions begins on the back, each sizes with a hard disk. According to the law of meanness, this happens when nothing foreshadows trouble. But do not rush to convulsely restart the system - this is a game of Russian roulette. It is better to boot from another media and take up a thorough check. Test tool will help in this - MHDD.


If Smart displays problems, most often it means one thing: the disk is about to start pouring, and even the excess loading of the OS can affect. The next thing to understand is the software on it "Bada" or Hardvari. If hardware is not so much, then the disc can still be tried to return to life.

I think you heard about such products as MHDD and Victoria. They are indispensable for low-level work with a hard disk and will help you make great exploits in recovery and diagnosis. O Victoria, now it's time to figure out the second - archaic, but still the megalized utility.

MHDD is a small but powerful free programwhich is designed to work with drives at the lowest level (as far as possible). The first version was released by Dmitry Taking over in 2000. It could scan the surface of the IDE interface in the CHS mode. Now MHDD is significantly more than diagnosis. With MHDD, you can do anything: diagnose drives, read and write arbitrary sectors, manage the SMART system, password system, noise control system, as well as change the size of the drive.

Despite the fact that work with MHDD is possible installed WindowsI extremely recommend to write an image on a USB flash drive or an external (or second bootable) disk and upload from there naked DOS. Believe me, in a hardware issue it is better to exclude all the links of the chain, which can lead to glitches or enlighten the computer during operation.

Oh, these interfaces

Not each interface can be correctly recognized by the program.

SATA interface. There is a chance that the disc will not be determined in MHDD. The reason may be in the SATA controller mode (IDE and AHCI) in the BIOS. MHDD, alas, does not support aHCI mode. Need to change bIOS settings. The worst thing is that now not all the neplates support this mode. Output can be only the use of a machine with a suitable motherboard or a refusal of MHDD.

IDE interface. This interface is characterized by the distribution of devices on the plume - Master / Slave. By default, MHDD hides all devices in Slave mode. Fix it in two ways. The first is to change the location of the hard disk (switch the jumper on the master) and check the conformity of the configuration in the BIOS. The second way is to try in MHDD to change the disk number to 2 or 4. Well, do not forget about the configuration file MHDD.CFG, which lies in the CFG folder. In this case, the primary_enabled \u003d true parameter is important.

SCSI interface. It may not determine the SCSI controller driver.

USB interface. Connect the disk via USB is theoretically possible using an additional driver and program settings. The driver emulates the mode of operation through SCSI. You also need to disable all unnecessary USB drives. The target disk must be connected before MHDD boot. In config.sys, you will need to prescribe: device \u003d x: \\ usbaspi.sys / w / v, where X: \\ - the path to the disk.

So, I take one of the broken disks from the shelf (I usually glue on them Broken label) and now I will try to resurrect him to show you how it works in practice. I had a WDC WD7500BPVX-60JC3T0 screw in my arms with a vinaigrette instead of a system and all files on it.

Since the situation is so sad, I can format the disk along and across a clear conscience, which will noticeably simplifies my task. But first let's figure out with a small theory and recovery plan.


Initially, the disk must be initialized by the program, which is quite logical. After that, the surface scan is made, which gives an understanding of the current state of affairs: MHDD will show the condition of the sideline. Then you will need to format the disk and check again. Usually at this stage, Soft Bada disappear, and only Hardvarians remain. Next, you can perform the Remap procedure so that the BED blocks are reassigned to the service area.

The main problem is that the service area is not rubber, and even after all the disk operations you need to watch. If the Bad blocks continue to appear, the disk, no matter, no longer a tenant. But in more successful cases, this method should help. As practice shows, after the remap, the disc can be developed for a very long time and even survive the neighbors on the basket. In other times, he dies immediately after the reboot - it's almost impossible to predict the effect here.

Not kill

Take the disk is much easier than to restore it. For example, each is known (or it should be known) that the stileug is disconnected during work during operation. Also, we extremely do not recommend thoughtlessly switch flags and execute commands in MHDD. Carefully read the documentation and do not start doing something if you do not understand the end, which it can lead to.

Well, you can proceed to the point! To begin with, create a bootable flash drive. For this I recommend - full instruction And DOS itself is. When the carrier is ready, it remains only to throw the MHDD in its root to once again not climb directories from the command line.

To make the disk connected to the first channel, it is necessary to apply the MHDD.CFG config that lies in the CFG folder.

Primary_Enabled \u003d True.

As I said, scanning any device is possible only if it is determined by the ID or EID commands (or by pressing F2).


To scan, type Scan and press ENTER or use F4. A menu appears from which you can change part of the settings. By default, the initial sector is zero (starting sector). The final sector is equal to the maximum possible (end of the disk). All destructive to user data features (Remap, Erase Delays) is turned off by default.

Let's go through the scan parameters.

  • Start LBA. - the initial sector for scanning, by default 0, that is, the beginning of the disk.
  • End LBA. - Sector of scanning, by default, end of the disk. Sometimes it is more convenient to scan not the entire surface (especially when the volume of the disk rolls over several terabytes), but only the workspace where the OS is. For example, the C disk is 50 GB, then the final area will be 2 * 50 * 1024 * 1024 \u003d 104 857 600th sector. It is possible to calculate it easier: (volume * 2) * 1 000 000, Total 100 000 000.
  • Remap Letters the sector as failed in a special service area, after which the disk does not appear.
  • Timeout. - Delay time for reading the sector, after which the check goes to the next sector.
  • Spindown After Scan. - Stop hard disk after scanning.
  • LOOP TEST / REPAIR - Cut the scan or check cyclical.
  • Erase DeLays. - Email sectors in which read delays are detected.

Press F4 again to start scanning. MHDD scans drives blocks. For IDE / SATA drives, one block is 255 sectors (130,560 bytes).

This is how scanning works:

  1. MHDD sends the Verify Sectors command with the LBA number (sector number) and sectors number as parameters.
  2. The drive raises the BUSY flag.
  3. MHDD launches timer.
  4. After the drive executed the command, it lowers the BUSY flag.
  5. MHDD calculates the time spent time and displays the corresponding block to the screen. If an error met (Bad Block), the program displays the letter that describes the error.

MHDD repeats steps 1-5 to the final sector. If you need a scanning protocol, it can always be found in the log / mhdd.log file. During scanning, you can see a lot of rectangles of different colors. So that you are not very scared, I bring an excerpt from the reference:

The presence of red (\u003e 500 MS) blocks on a completely healthy drive is unacceptable. If they are, it is necessary to erase (erase) of the entire surface of the disk and, if it does not help, get rid of delays, you can draw conclusions that this drive has ceased to be quite reliable. Alphanumeric blocks, such as X, S, etc., are unacceptable: they talk about the presence of BAD blocks on the surface.

The first thing that should be done is complete surface cleaning by the Erase team. If this does not help, then SCAN with the EraseWaits option included. If the BAD blocks did not disappear, the SCAN should be launched with the Remap option.


If the scan revealed errors, the first thing to do is to copy all the data from the drive (if they are, of course, you need). In my case it was irrelevant. Then you need to completely clean the surface using the Erase command, which erases each sector on the drive.

The drive recalculate ECC fields for each sector. It helps to get rid of the so-called Soft-Bad blocks. If the erasure does not help, run scanning with the Remap option turned on.

If you see that each block contains an error, do not try to erase the drive or scan with the Remap option turned on. Most likely, the drive is damaged by the service area, and it cannot be corrected by standard MHDD commands.

Attentive reader, looking at the disk scanning pictures, probably sustained and shook his head crushed. Yes, my disc, while I wrote an article, died finally. The number of hardware blades exceeded all the permissible limits, and it was already crunchy to sting the last lines of the article, as the Belarus tractor. This is the word that if the disk begins to paint, it is impossible to trust him, especially if Hardvari Bad appears. Remap will be able to help when the disk has not yet started actively damaged, but there were defects on the surface. In any case, even if it was possible to fix it, use such a disc only for non-critical data and in no case as the main one.

What indicates indicators

  • Busy. - The drive is busy and does not respond to the team;
  • WRFT. - Error recording;
  • Dreq. - The drive is eager to exchange data with the outside world;
  • Err. - An error occurred as a result of any operation.

When ERR lights up, look at the right top Screen: Last error type will be displayed there:

  • Amnf. - ADDRESS MARK. NOT FOUND. - Appeal to some particular sector failed. Most likely, means that the sector is damaged. However, immediately after turning on the drive, just the opposite - indicates the absence of problems and reports on the successful implementation of internal diagnostics;
  • T0NF. - Track 0 NOT FOUND - not found zero track;
  • Abrt - ABORT, the team is rejected;
  • Uncr - Uncorrectable Error, an error that is not adjusted by the ECC code. Most likely, in this place a logical Bad unit.

At the top there are two more indicators: PWD signals about the installed hardware password, the HPA appears if the drive size has been changed using the HPA command (usually used to hide the BAD blocks at the end of the disk).