No wifi icon on laptop. The laptop does not connect to Wi-Fi (does not find wireless networks, there are no available connections). Driver Update for Wi-Fi

Each year, Apple pleases its fans and presents new iPhone. The brand fans are chasing the goal immediately to take possession of the novelty, in principle, over time and the owners of old iPhone are increasingly and more often refresh the smartphone. At the same time, many fear that they lose the data from old iphone.there will be a problem to transfer phonebook, SMS, photo, etc. on new. Apple has taken care of his buyers and offers, in my opinion, the most simple ways Move information to a new iPhone. This will be discussed in this article - how to transfer data (contacts, photos, sms, etc.) to a new iPhone (please note it does not matter from what, at least with iPhone 4 on the iPhone 6 Plus, at least with the iPhone 5 on iPhone 5S).

Apple has provided two ways to transfer information to a new smartphone:

  1. - via cloud storage icloud;
  2. - using the iTunes program;

I propose to disassemble each of these ways in detail.

Video transfer data and settings to a new iPhone.

Transfer data to a new iPhone using icloud.

In my opinion, the easiest way of two. General principle It looks like this, you copy all your data and settings to the APLLE server (ICloud) then turn your new iPhone and transfer all settings and data to a new device.

How can you notice for this method of a fairly old and new smartphone connected to Wi-Fi network With Internet access, well, of course, remember the Apple ID and password that was used on the previous iPhone.

First of all, you must transfer all the data to the ICLOUD cloud, for this, on the old iPhone, go to "Settings".

Select the "icloud" menu.

Click "Storage and Copies".

At the bottom of the window, the last copy time will be indicated (if you enabled the backup function) if you want to create a fresh version, click the Create Copy button.

A few minutes later you will see the last copy time.

After that you can postpone, turn off old iphone Or reset settings to factory.

We will proceed to transfer information to the new iPhone. It should be noted that before setting you need to reset the settings to the factory, and all information will be deleted. If the phone is new, then this procedure You can not do.

When you first turn on, you must perform the basic settings:
- choose language and country;
- to specify whether to enable geolocation services;
- Connect to Wi-Fi network.
Next, select "Restore from the copy of ICloud".

After that, enter the Apple ID and password that was used on the old iPhone.

Take the terms of the agreement.

Select the Fresh Version backup.

After that, the process of copying data and settings from the old iPhone to the new one will begin.

After transferring data, the smartphone will restart and a window for a successful backup recovery window will appear.

The confirmatory recovery window will appear.

Someone else iPhone time Will restore applications, you will see it on the icons varying with blackout.

A few minutes later (depends on the number installed applications) All settings and data will be transferred. Congratulations:)

Copy information and settings from an old iPhone to a new one using iTunes.

To do this, you will need a new and old iPhone, computer / laptop with installed iTunes (desirable latest version) And the connector connection cable. General scheme on the image.

Connect the old iPhone to the computer / laptop using the cable and run program iTunes.. Wait until the program defines your device. Select it in the top menu, then in the Backup field, select "This computer" and click the "Create Copy Now" button.

During execution reserve copy A program synchronization window will appear, select "with copies of programs."

At the end of the copy you will see the time of the last backup in iTunes.

After that, reset the settings to the factory on the new iPhone, if you turn it on for the first time, you do not need to reset. Disconnect the old iPhone from the computer / laptop and connect the new one.

Turn on the smartphone and specify the settings:
- language and country;
- whether to enable geolocation services;
- Wi-Fi network.
Then the window will appear in which you want to select "Restore from the copy of iTunes".

In iTunes, the offering window will appear to restore from the backup, select "Restore from a backup" and click "Continue".

The recovery indicator on the computer / laptop appears.

After completing the recovery, wait for the program synchronization.

That's all. Your new iPhone 5, 5s, 6 or 6 Plus will with all your contacts, photos, SMS, applications that were on the previous iPhone.

Data transfer without the use of cables literally not yet so long ago, it seemed something from the fiction area, and today the WiFi WiFi WiFi network is not surprising at work or in the near cafe. But with such a connection, some problems may be observed. Connection error - a phenomenon that occurs quite often. Consider the most characteristic problems and the simplest methods of their elimination.

Wireless Network Connection: No Connection. What is the reason?

As for the most common causes, they can be divided into two main types: problems at the hardware level (non-working equipment) and software errors.

In the first case, as it is already clear, you need to carry out complete diagnostics of the equipment, after which it is necessary to make a decision on its repair or replacement (this also applies to network cards, and routers, mobile devices, and external or internal Wi-Fi modules). In the second case, you can call several situations where there is no wireless network connection (no connection). Among the mains are the following:

  • disabled module or;
  • incorrectly entered password;
  • router problems;
  • incorrect connection settings;
  • missing, incorrectly installed or outdated drivers network devices;
  • lack of installed network;
  • impact of viruses.

Problems with viruses will not be considered for obvious reasons, since any user must take care of the protection of its system on their own. Partially affect the absence of the network, if for some reason it was installed in the system, but then it disappeared (this, unfortunately, is also there). Finally, we will not dwell on the fact that the user could forget or mis password WiFi.-Seti, and problems from providers. These situations in our case are not so significant.

Wireless Network Connection: No Connection. What to do in the most simple case?

To begin with, consider the simplest situation. Suppose, a wireless network connection is lost at a certain point. Perhaps the reason is a short-term programmatic program. What is usually in such cases makes most users? They just reboot the system (after all, before that everything worked).

If it does not help, and the time to lose the signal is known at least approximately one of the solutions to the problem of the fact that when trying to connect to existing network pops up a connection error, can be the usual system rollback to previous state Through the appropriate section "Control Panel". But, as practice shows, the problem is usually much deeper.

Diagnostics Connection by means of the system

If for some reason the Wi-Fi wireless network connection disappears, it is possible to find out the cause with windows. If you call the menu through the right click on the network icon in the system tray, you can use the troubleshooting tool.

The system will independently analyze, after which it will give the relevant result. Please note: this tool does not fix anything, but only helps to determine the essence of the problem.

Wi-Fi Module Activity Check

One of the most common causes of the lack of communication, many experts call inattention or negligence of users.

For the most part, this refers to the owners of laptops, on which there is no special switch to activate the built-in Wi-Fi module, and its inclusion or shutdown is made by using a combination of some key with a special FN button. It is clear that even when the text set using the so-called hot keys, it was possible to easily turn off the adapter. Therefore, first you need to make sure that it is in active mode.

Reset router settings

Sometimes the reason that there is no wireless network connection (no connection), it may become a short-term failure of the router. Most often, this situation is observed with low-cost routers of the TP-LINK series.

And in the case it is recommended to use the simplest reset technique, you can do a two way: either completely disconnect the power to about 10 seconds, or press a special reset button on the back of the device and hold it for 30 seconds.

Network settings identification

Now, if not determined, look at the main network settings. To view them, you should log in to the network management and common access From the "Control Panel" or from the Click menu on the network connection icon and use the parameter change section

Here you need to find TCP / IPv4 protocol (if IPv6 is not used) and press the properties button. As a rule, most providers represent services automatic definition parameters, which must be fixed in the settings. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the use of a proxy server for local addresses should be deactivated (if otherwise provided). Otherwise, you just need to enter all the parameter values \u200b\u200baccording to the settings provided by the provider when connected.

Correction of connection parameters on the router

If, after that, the connection problem remains, perhaps it consists in the settings of the router itself.

Just in case, you should enter the router parameters menu through any web browser by entering the corresponding address ( or 1.1), after which in the Wireless Connection section (usually Wireless) make sure that it is active (enabled).

Troubleshooting Drivers

Another network problem may be that there are no drivers in the system, drivers are incorrectly installed. network card. Make sure that the device does not work, you can in the Device Manager, which is called at least from the "Control Panel", at least from the Computer Administration section, at least from the "Run" menu by the devmgmt.msc command.

The non-working device will be marked with a yellow marker. This is a direct indication that something is wrong with the driver. But it happens that among problematic devices is not displayed. This is only due to the fact that the system establishes the most appropriate driver, considering it optimal.

In any case, it will have to reinstall or update. Make it can be directly from several menus. It is recommended to completely remove completely old driver, but only then install the new, but do not choose from what will offer the system, and in advance to find the most fresher software for this device in the Internet.

So as not to engage in such things, it is better to establish a program like a Driver Booster, which will find and install the newest drivers absolutely for all devices. It is clear that for this, with a laptop you have to go to the same cafe, where there is a connection, and there is no WiFi password for entering the network (there is no connection at home). The update process will take a maximum of 10-15 minutes, followed by a reboot.

Reset the settings from the command line

If the network is still determined, you can try to still make the following actions. Call command line With admin rights (CMD in the Console "Run"), after which we prescribe the proxyCFG -D command, and after pressing the input key, two more - Net Stop Wuauserv and Net Start Wuauserv (after each - also "input"). Such simple actions can also help.

If the network is not determined at all ...

Finally, the last problem when it is absent is quite possible that due to some reasons, among which the influence of viruses is not excluded, the previously created network was simply removed.

In this case, you need to go to the network management network and make sure that the wireless network is displayed in the list. available connections. If there is no one, it will have to be reinstalled by selecting the appropriate item. Time will be required at least.

If the network is, but all of the above solutions of the problem do not help, you can try to simply delete it entirely and completely, after which it is to create a new and make the appropriate TCP / IP protocol settings.


Finally, it remains to add that these are only the main, most common problems and methods for solving them that any user can use to eliminate failures. Here, there were no different kind of teams specially considered, allowing you to fully test IP connections or assigned MAC addresses, pinging, etc., since they may seem sufficiently difficult for understanding by ordinary users. In other cases, even the simplest means will help. However, this in no way concerns the cases when the equipment fails. No software Methods Do not help, no matter how try.

This article will go about what to do if Window 7 does not connect to wiFi networks and. The fact is that at least this operating system And more stable than its predecessors, there can still be different errors that need to be corrected manually.

Before switching to the problems of connecting and solving them, you need to disassemble what WiFi is and how the technology works. This will allow you to quickly eliminate some problems.

The fact is that the access point is required to connect to such a network. Its functions, as a rule, performs wireless router. And therefore, first of all, if there are no available connections to the WiFi network in Windows 7, you should pay attention to the router.

As a rule, the reason is in it. But of course there are other problems. So, let's in order.

Check router

Everything is very simple here. If the laptop does not see available connections, then go to the menu wiFi settings Router and check whether the wireless network is enabled. To do this, you need to connect to the router using a regular Internet cable. After that, open the browser (any) and in the address bar we are prescribed Press "ENTER". Next will appear in which the password and login will be prompted. As a rule, by default, the key and login is admin, admin, respectively.

How easy to find out the IP address WiFi router: video

If you changed this data, you enter your meanings. Next, we get into the settings menu. We are interested in settings NetworkWorkWireless. In the settings of the wireless network you need to check the box in front of the Enable Wireless Router Radio. All, on this setting the router is completed. And if in a laptop from Windows 7 problems with WiFi still remains, then you should proceed to setting up the operating system.

Why does not sees the computer available wireless networks

There may be many reasons for this, as well as solutions. Fortunately, Windows 7 is convenience and has many diagnostic capabilities and elimination of certain problems. But we will consider only the most common.

First of all, check the WiFi wireless connection status. To do this, open the Network Management Center. To do this, click on the network icon in the tray and the Select "Center for Network Management and Common Access" appears.

The menu will start, in which all settings are made regarding the network. Here we are interested in "Change Adapter Settings". In the window that opens, you need to find a shortcut that is called "Wireless Network Connection". If this connection is gray, it says that it is turned off. For switching on it is necessary to click on it right-click Mouse and select "Enable".

Windows 7 does not connect to Wi-Fi: video

The wireless network icon is not displayed in the tray.

Often users ask a question to do if the WiFi icon in Windows 7 is not displayed in the tray? It can only speak about one - module wireless communication Disabled or not working. Wi-Fi activation occurs, as a rule, using the FN + key combination, the enable adapter button. On the different laptops This button can be located in various places.

For example, on laptops asus - This is a combination of Fn + F2, on Lenovo - Fn + F5. Key itself inclusion WIFI indicated by the corresponding image. In addition, on some models to activate the wireless connection module, a separate key is provided. In this case, just click it.

So, after switching on Windows 7 wireless communication adapter, you must start searching network available. If this does not happen, and the icon did not appear in the tray, then you should check the correct operation of the drivers.

What to do if the laptop with Windows 7 does not see Wi-Fi: video

Check drivers

You can check the software in Windows 7 in the Task Manager.

You can run it by clicking on the "My Computer" label, which can be found on the desktop, in the Start menu or in windows Explorer, right-click. In the window that appears, click "Properties". Next, the menu opens in which you want to open the Device Manager.

In the window that appears, we are interested in network adapters. If this you have not found, then the driver is missing and you must install the driver for this module. If you still have such an item, you open it. As a rule, the wireless adapter has the name Wireless Network Adapter. Also, the device may be denoted by an exclamation mark. This suggests that the driver works incorrectly and it must be updated or reinstalled.

Make it very simple. As a rule, complete with a laptop special diskon which there are all required programs and drivers. If there is no such disk, do not hurry to get upset. You can always download you can download from the Internet, as the manufacturers take care of supporting their customers.

To do this, find the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop and write the exact name of the laptop (accurate model) in the search. Next, you can download drivers for Wi-Fi and install them. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to install software downloaded from third-party sourcesSince such drivers can be unstable to work, and sometimes, even carry a threat to the integrity of the system.

How to reinstall the WiFi driver: video

It is also important to know that sometimes, even when installed driver, enable adapter fails, as it is used for this additional functions Keyboard. This means that together with software For a network adapter, you should download both the keyboard driver, as well as the recommended utility to control the wireless module.

What could be easier than connecting to WiFi wireless network? Just enter the password and wait for the connection to the connection. Usually it happens, but what should I do if the connection is limited (without internet access) or the connection is not set at all? Let's talk about the reasons, because of which there are similar failures, and how to deal with them.

Why Windows 8 does not see WiFi network or does not connect to them

Computer or laptop under windows control 8 does not see the Wi Fi network for the following reasons:

  • wiFi adapter not installed, disabled or faulty;
  • the system does not have a wireless drive driver;
  • the computer includes the "aircraft" mode;
  • in the zone of your placement there is not a single access point of wireless networks;
  • access point (wireless router), which is near, disabled, is incorrectly configured or faulty;
  • computer communication standards and access points are not mutually supported;
  • nearby is a device that creates interference with radio signal;
  • wiFi adapter works in monitoring mode.

If the network is visible, but the connection is not created or limited:

  • internet access for this network is not configured or prohibited;
  • connection to the network is limited by the administrator;
  • access point cannot process a request due to overload;
  • incorrect access point settings are used.

We restore the connection to the wireless network

Checking the network adapter

Stationary PCs go on sale without WiFi network adapters, so to connect to wireless networks will have to buy and install the adapter separately. For example, such as in the picture.

For a laptop, the adapter Wi Fi does not need to buy - it is already inside.

To the laptop can see wireless networks And connect to them, WiFi must be turned on. On one models, a switch or button on the housing is provided for this.

On others, the combination of the Fn + F1 ... F12 keys is used. For turning on the wireless adapter, the antenna image is answered.

After enabled, the WIFI adapter should appear in the dispatcher windows devices 8. To check this, run the dispatcher from the context menu windows buttons (Start)

and expand the list "Network Adapters". If your adapter is in this list, it means that the system recognized and installed it. If it is displayed as an unknown device - go to the site of its manufacturer and install the driver.

If the adapter is connected, but the system does not see it, make sure it is activated in the BIOS.

The option that is responsible for the operation of the built-in WiFi is called Onboard Wireless Lan. or Wireless Lan Support . Its value must be "enabled" (enabled).

Among other things, make sure that the wireless adapter is not in traffic monitoring mode (Monitor Mode). Although those who use this mode always know about it (it requires installing a special driver).

Checking the access point

If a PC or laptop does not see a home access point, try to connect to another. For verification, you can use public networks, for example, in a cafe or in parks, or private - your friends. To check stationary computer Without making out of the house, you can temporarily create a virtual access point on another device.

If wireless networks are not defined anywhere - the problems should be signed in the adapter or WiFi tinctures on your computer, and if there is no connection only to one access point - the problem is likely to be in it.

Diagnostic steps (if the previous step did not lead to solving the problem, go to the next):

  • Make sure the access point is turned on and emits the signal (determined by the luminescence of the wireless network indicator).

  • Make sure that there are no devices that create electromagnetic interferences next to the router and computer - radiotelephones, microwave ovens, powerful power cables. Try transfer access point closer to the PC to increase the level of the signal.
  • Turn off the router power and turn on again. If the problems are saved - reset the settings: sharp object - toothpick or paper closure, press the reset button, which is located on the back or underside of the instrument. After this manipulation, all settings will be restored to the status, as after purchase.

  • Change the frequency channel broadcasting. Connect the computer to the access point by cable, enter the wireless network settings menu, find the option " Channel "And switch to another channel. Perhaps on some of them the connection will be restored.

  • In the same menu, check the "Hide SSID" setting and, if active, notes "no". Hiding the SSID disables the broadcast of the network name - in the lists of available connections, this network is not displayed. Also enable B / G wireless standards support if the Wi Fi adapter on your computer works on one of them, and the access point is different, for example "A", which "B" and "G" does not support.

  • If many devices are connected to the access point at the same time, it can stop responding due to overload. At home such situations are unlikely, but often happen in organizations. Try to connect to another, less loaded network, or try again after a while.

Checking the Windows 8 settings

Mode "On the plane"

WiFi may abdain due to the fact that the user has activated in Windows 8 in the aircraft mode - in this mode, the network adapter turns off and the computer does not see any wireless network. Determine that the problems really arose because of this, the network icon in the system tray will help - it takes the type of airplane.

To exit the flight mode in Windows 8, open the Charms pop-up panel and click the Miracle Parameters button.

You click "Changing Computer Settings".

Make sure WIFI sees WiFi again, and the network icon in the tray took the old appearance.

Network diagnostics

Windows 8 has a tool that automatically diagnoses problems with connecting to networks. It is called "Diagnosis windows networks" This tool sees and eliminates many obstacles to WiFi, for example, when there is a connection, but the computer does not enter the Internet (the connection is limited) or the Internet is there, but is limited access to sites.

When the connection is limited, the network icon in the tray is marked with an exclamation mark.

To run Windows 8 network diagnostics tool, right-click the network icon and select "Diagnostics".

The utility will check all network connections on the computer and will determine what is limited to Internet access. Local problems that can be corrected will be eliminated automatically. And if the connection cannot be restored, for example, due to the problem of access point or problems on the side of the provider, the information will be displayed in the "Not Fixed" window.

If there are several connections on a PC, of \u200b\u200bwhich only one thing is limited, or the diagnostic tool does not see the problem, you can only digit about the selected network. To do this, log in to the "Network and Shared Access Center" and go to the "Network Connections" folder (click in the "Changing Adapter Settings" transition panel).

Open context menu Connections, which is limited, and click "Diagnostics".

WLAN auto-tuning service

Connection problems arise and after stopping the network services that occurred randomly or by ignorance. Per wiFi work Windows 8 meets the WLAN auto-tuning service. If a wired connection Ethernet is not limited, and the wireless network does not see the system, start checking from this service.

  • Run the service application: Open the Windows button (Start) context menu and click Run.

  • Next type in the "Open" command Services.msc. and click OK.

  • Find in the list windows services 8 WLAN auto-tuning, open its menu and select "Properties".

  • If the service is stopped, click "Run", and select "Automatically" from the drop-down list.

So that the WLAN auto-tuning service can start, you need to work another service - dispatcher windows connections. Find it in the same list and install similar settings.

The remaining parameters wiFi connections PC does not require manual setting. All data for Internet access - IP, gateway address, DNS, etc., the network receives automatically from the DHCP server of the access point.

I do not rarely ask questions about the problem when Wi-Fi disappears on the laptop, or the computer. Not just turns off from the network, but completely disappears Wi-Fi adapter and connect itself. In Windows disappears all that is associated with Wi-Fi. No wireless adapter in network connections. No button "Wi-Fi", icon on the notifications panel and partition in parameters (if we talk about windows 10). The device manager also does not have a WLAN (Wireless) of the adapter, which is responsible for connecting to wireless networks. Well, accordingly, the computer does not see the Wi-Fi network, and there is no possibility to connect to them.

In most cases, the problem appears suddenly. Everything worked, turned off the laptop, turned on and Wi-Fi on a laptop is not at all. In some cases, such a nuisance may appear after windows updatesor drivers. Or maybe after installing some program, or changing settings. From my own experience I can say that not rare Wi-Fi disappears after cleaning the laptop from dust, or repair.

Two important points:

  • It happens that the laptop simply does not see some particular network, or all networks. In this case, the adapter is in the device manager, there are settings associated with the wireless network, etc. This is a slightly different problem that I wrote in the article and.
  • It may also be that himself. In this case, the network is not available on all devices.

To find a solution, you must first figure out for the reason. Why happened so that the laptop suddenly stopped seeing the Wi-Fi network and there are no settings at all.

  • You need to think and remember what they did before the appearance of the problem. Perhaps the decision will come by itself.
  • Restart the laptop. If you have Windows 10, then you need to reboot. And not off / incl.
  • If you have a PC with an external Wi-Fi adapter, then check if it is connected. Try connecting to another USB port. Please note whether the indicator flashes on the adapter.
  • If Wi-Fi disappeared after cleaning, or repairing a laptop, then most likely just did not connect (poorly connected, damaged) Wi-Fi itself module in a laptop. If you did it yourself, you disassemble the laptop and check connect Wi-Fi Module and antennas.

Disappeared Wi-Fi Adapter from Device Manager

If the network cable is not connected, then the icon on the notification panel will be like this:

If you go to the control of adapters, then there will most likely be only Ethernet (or "Connection by local network"in windows 7). Well, there may be more bluetooth. And we need a "Wireless Network" adapter, or "Wireless Network Connection".

In the Device Manager, open the "Network Adapters" tab. Most likely, you will not find the adapter in the title of which there are "Wireless", "WLAN", "Wi-Fi". And we need it.

Look, if there is no unknown device device in the device manager. Or a device with a yellow exclamation mark. If there is, it is quite possible that this is our wireless adapter, which is just problems with the drivers.

Especially pay attention to the "Other Devices" section. Is there something like a "network controller".

If it is, you just need to install the driver.

How to solve the problem and return the Wi-Fi adapter?

Unfortunately, as I have already written above in the article, in most cases it is a hardware problem. That is, the breakdown of the module itself. And software (by some settings) It is not solved. You need to change the module itself, or connect an external USB adapter. If it is a laptop.

All solutions reduce the driver on Wi-Fi. Perhaps if the adapter itself is working, it will help. Well, you can reinstall Windows yet. Maybe in the system something, but it is very unlikely.

And so, back to the driver. You just go to the site of the laptop manufacturer, through the search to find your model and download the driver for WLAN (Wi-Fi). Then run it installed. If an error appears at the start of the driver installation that the device in the system is not detected, or something like that, then I am practically sure that this is a hardware breakdown.

Detailed instructions for installing drivers:

  • And separate installation instructions and.

If you are all tried, and in the device manager there are no no adapters associated with wireless networks, including unknown devices, you will have to carry a laptop to repair, or connect a USB Wi-Fi adapter. There are small, which are great for laptops.