What is the maximum amount of flash drive. Tips for the correct selection of flash drives. Use with TVs, projectors, media players

Sometimes a flash drive after formatting or incorrect retrieving begins to incorrectly display the memory size - for example, only 8 GB is available instead of 16 GB or even less. There is another situation at which the stated size is initially much more than the real volume. Consider both cases to figure out how to restore the correct screenshot.

Step-by-step instruction for recovery

To restore the real size of the flash drive, you need to perform low-level formatting. As a result, all data will be deleted from the flash drive, so pre-transfer information to another media.

You got a completely clean media, now you need to stop it. This procedure is performed through the task manager:

After the format is completed, the drive will become as it was before. If you have a flash drive from Transcend, then you can recover its real size with free utility Transcend AutoFormat. This program independently determines the volume of the flash drive and returns its correct display.

The TRANSCEND utility will hold low-level formatting, after which the actual memory will be displayed in the flash drive properties.

Work with chinese flash drives

Chinese flash drives purchased on Aliexpress and other similar online playgrounds for little money often have one hidden drawback - their real capacity is significantly lower than the stated volume. On the flash drive, 16 GB is written, but you can read no more than 8 GB with it - the rest of the information is actually not written anywhere.

This effect is achieved by flashing the controller. If recorded files do not exceed the actually affordable flash drive volume, then you will not understand that you are deceived until you come across that part of the information disappeared. But it is possible to determine the size of the drive in advance, without bringing the case to an unpleasant situation:

If the actual size of the drive complies with the declared parameter, the test will end with the Test Finished Witherout Errors phrase. If the flash drive memory is not really so voluminous, then you will see a report in which there will be two lines - "OK" and "LOST".

"OK" is the real memory of the flash drive, the amount you can fill in the data. "LOST" - fake value, empty space known only to the reflamp controller. To not be confused, you need to restore the current scope. You can do it through free chinese program MyDiskFix. The utility does not have a Russian-speaking interface, so you have to navigate the screenshot.

In the modern computer world it is hard to find people who would not hear about flash drives. However, many still do not have a complete picture of these devices. In this material, we will replenish this gap and tell about the basic parameters and characteristics of USB drives.


At this time, it is hard to find people who would not hear about such electronic deviceslike flash drives or simply "flash drives". Technical characteristics and optimality of the form allowed them to take the leading places among portable information carriers, and practically replace themselves optical disks and floppy disks.

However, despite the popularity of flash drives, not all users have a complete picture of these devices. In this material we will try to fill these gaps so that you can independently choose a suitable flash drive in any computer store.

As in the case of other media, the flash drives have a number of basic technical characteristics for which their choice occurs. Let's consider the main ones and will figure it out, on which first of all it is worth paying attention to when buying a flash drive.

What is a flash drive

Flash drive call a memory with an interface uSB connectionsIn which non-volatile flash memory is used for storing information. The main advantages of flash memory can be attributed to its low cost, compactness, silent, mechanical strength, speed and low power consumption. Thanks to all these advantages and ease of operation, Flash discs managed to gain popularity among users in a fairly short time and outpace other competing solutions from the market.

The main purpose of compact USB drives is storage, exchange and transfer of data is not too large. In addition to this flash drive, you can use for storage. backups and download operating systems. In this case, flash drives can be connected not only to a computer, but also to various appliances, such as televisions, players, players and other, which have USB connectors.

Despite all its advantages, the flash memory still has a number of certain flaws. First of all, this is a limited number of records of recording / overwriting information (up to 10 thousand times for MLC memory, which is installed in most devices and up to 100 thousand for SLC type memory). Also flash drives have a limited storage period of information. And although most manufacturers declares that their products can store data for 10-20 years, in fact, the proprietary guarantee on this kind of carriers is no more than 5 years.

Like any low-voltage electronics, flash memory is very sensitive to electrostatic discharges, which are quite common in everyday life. Another reason for the briefness of the flash drive can be a USB connector, which, due to the frequent connection / disconnection of the medium, may simply break.

True, all these disadvantages do not interfere with flash drives to stay for many years among the most common media of information and favorite data transfer tools among ordinary users.

Flash drives

The volume is one of the key characteristics of any data storage, since it depends directly from it, how much information can fit on the carrier. That is why most ordinary users when buying a medium of information primarily focus on this parameter.

The first flash drives had rather modest volumes that were calculated with dozens or hundreds of megabytes. The modern flash drives in this regard walked far ahead of their predecessors and today the minimum amount of a cheap USB drive can be considered a value of 4 GB or even 8 GB, since there is practically no difference in price between them. The most popular volumes on this moment 16 and 32 GB are considered, since the cost of such flashresses remains not yet high and is less than 1000 rubles.

As you probably noticed, the volume of flash memory, like random access memoryis the number obtained from the two erected degree (2 N). That is, each of its subsequent value is obtained by doubling the previous one. Therefore, after 32 GB, the volume of flash drives begin to grow rapidly, and enclosed with them, the cost of their cost is beginning to grow very significantly. So if USB drives of 64 GB and worth about 1,500 rubles are still active in demand, then there are already a price of 128 GB, there are more than 3000 rubles, which dramatically reduces consumer interest to them.

But on this, manufacturers did not stop. To date, there are flash drives on the market with a volume of 256 GB, and even 512 GB, which, in fact, are solid-state drives (SSD) enclosed in a compact case. Their cost is already so great that they call them ordinary flash drives simply incorrectly.

Data exchange rate

Despite the fact that the volume really matters, one of the most important parameters of any drive is the speed of its data exchange with the device to which it is connected. In the case of flash drives, this characteristic is formed from the three components: read speeds, recording speed and connection interface.

All flash drive speed is always higher than the recording speed. At the same time, in some cases, the difference can be very large. Therefore, before choosing a USB drive, it is better to determine how it will be used. If the information on it is rarely updated, then the entry speed can certainly close the eyes. In the most budget models, the maximum read speed usually ranges from 10 to 15 MB / s, and the recording speed is from 3 to 8 MB / s. This option is better to choose if the flash drive is intended to exchange or transfer small files, such as documents.

But a flash drive having read speeds above 20-25 MB / s and records of more than 10-15 MB / C can be called not very expensive, but at the same time a universal solution that is suitable for any tasks. There are flash drives and with more attractive high-speed characteristics, transforming work with them to real pleasure. True, the price of such products is set appropriate.

As a rule, the maximum speed indicators affect the flash drive connectivity interface, which can be two types - USB 2.0 and USB 3.0. In the first case (2.0) we are dealing with the maximum bandwidth of 480 Mbps. Thus, the maximum reading speed or write flash drive with the USB2.0 interface cannot exceed 60 MB / c. In practice, manufacturers do not seek to achieve this ceiling and give their products at speeds, barely exceeding the value of 30 MB / c.

As for the USB 3.0 interface, then here bandwidth Reaches up to 5 Gbps, which makes it possible to transmit data at a speed of 640 MB / s. Of course, for flash drives, this is the translated figure. However, even if you do not take into account the device with a volume of 256 and 512 GB, already now some solutions offer reading speed users over 220 MB / s, and the speed of reserving over 130 MB / c.

At the same time, the presence of USB 3.0 interface flash drive is not a pledge that it will have high speed characteristics. Purchase flash drive with USB 3.0 is the most appropriate if the drive has read / write speeds above 60 MB / c. If this is not the case, the USB 2.0 flash drive may turn out to be more profitable purchase, both in terms of price and its characteristics. So in some situations to overpay for the new-fashioned interface there is no point.

And the last nuance. It is important to understand that Flashca with uSB connector 3.0 To implement the entire high-speed potential, it should be inserted into the device as well as the USB 3.0 connector. If there are no such technique, it is worthwhile to think about the feasibility of buying a drive with such an interface.

Designer decoration

In the classic version, the flash drive has the appearance of an elongated rectangle or a flat cylinder long from 5 to 8 cm with a removable cap that covers the USB connector. However, modern flash drives can have a wide variety of forms and sizes, as well as ways to protect the connector.

In general, flash drives from the side of the connectors can be divided into four groups:

Classic . The connector is closed with a cap. Good and reliable option. The only inconvenience is the possibility of the loss of the cap.

With a sliding connector . Have one common disease. Over time, the mechanism that locks the connector is breaking down, which greatly makes it difficult to install the flash drive to the final device.

With a swivel mechanism . A sufficiently reliable option, in addition to the flash, the original appearance.

With an open connector . Practical and reliable option. The main disadvantage here you can call the possibility of pollution of the connector and getting moisture on it.

Another invaluable external quality of the flash drive is the material from which it is made. It is necessary to select it with the frequency of use and the degree of careful attitude towards it. The housings of these devices are plastic, metallic and rubberized type. Plastic cases can be called the most unreliable. This is especially true of flash drives with a sliding connector. Flash drives with metal enclosures are reliable, and often look solid. Although someone their weight may seem excessive. What swinging rubberized buildingsThen, they are designed to create optimal conditions that oppose impacts, concussions and prevent moisture inwards inside this technical device.

Now it has become fashionable to make souvenir flash drives, whose corps have a non-standard appearance, for example, in the form of some figures or various items. But all this "beauty" can result in sideways, since there is an option that you will not be able to use such a USB drive in most cases due to the size of its enclosure. Note that when you buy a flash drive of the wrong shape or a large thickness, it can simply do not fit next to other devices installed in the adjacent USB connectors.

Secondary functionsUSB-cakers

We reviewed the basic parameters of the choice of drives, we now proceed to the consideration of the auxiliary functions of these devices. In order to expand the market for sales and increase the popularity of their products, some manufacturers are trying to endow flash drives additional features. So in modern USB drives, the device activity indicator can be integrated, which will give the opportunity to show the period safe extraction Drive from USB port, electronic clock and even flashlight. There may be a function that provides protection against overwriting data and the possibility of hardware encryption information. You can also find a drive with a built-in fingerprint scanner or a cartrider.

By the way, immediately after buying a new drive, do not hurry to format it, as it may contain useful auxiliary software. It can be like formatting utilities, such applications for organization reserve copy data.


So, now you know the main parameters, according to which you can now choose a USB drive for certain purposes. The only thing we did not mention in this material is about the manufacturers of data producing devices. In fact, there are many of them, and even a lot, especially if you take into account the many small unknown Chinese manufacturers united under the general name Noname.

Nevertheless, in conclusion we will call several leading players of this market in order to you easier to navigate among numerous foreign names. The most widely represented and promoted on the Russian market are Transcend, Kingston, SanDisk and Silicon Power. A-Data, Corsair, Kingmax, Verbatim, Emtec, Smart BUY and some others are not less popular. But in any case, when buying, first of all, follow the technical characteristics and external flash drive parameters, if you do not want to spoil yourself, and under the loud name to get a product that will not satisfy your expectation.

What do many buyers pay attention to when they want to buy a flash drive? Some take into account the modern and at the same time unusual design Media information. Others, wanting to save money, try to find a large amount of memory for a lower price, losing speed characteristics. And only units understand that the most important thing is not the size of the flash drive or its design, but the specifications that are necessary for quick data transmission.

Thanks to this article, you can learn more about flash drives: what is a file system which cluster size when formatting a flash drive to choose how to determine its high-speed capabilities and the present volume. Also thanks to the knowledge gained, you will learn how to choose the flash drive correctly, drawing attention to the fact that some are overlooked.

In addition to the foregoing, you will learn from this how to independently check the speed capabilities of your flash drive. Unfortunately, such data manufacturers are not displayed on the housing of the flash drive or on the box, so sometimes you have to recognize it yourself.

A few words about flash drives

One of the first flash drives was created in 2000 by the Israeli company M-Systems. A year earlier, in April, a patent for a flash drive was signed, and a year later its first instance is presented. Flashke was given the name Diskonkey, and she was sold under the logo of the American company IBM.

In the same year, Trek Technology provided a copy of the first flash drive, only under a different name - thumbdrive, which had its own size of 8 MB. Trek Technology was able to take an honorable place in the global market, but lost many lawsuits that were filed by companies in other countries.


On the Internet, you can find many different manufacturers Media information, and each of them has their own fans. More sought-after brands are ADATA and Kingston. They deserved their confidence due to high-quality and high-speed products. In addition, ADATA and Kingston take care of their fans. How?

For example, ADATA constantly updates information regarding technical capabilities Due to this, every day can be observed for modern new products that appear on the Internet.

Concerning kingston companies, then she also cares about every wishes to check the speed of copying and reading any flash card that he acquired. At the moment, this information is in PDF format in open access, so you can use it any user.

In addition to ADATA and Kingston, there are other manufacturers who also deserve confidence. These include Power, Transcend, SanDisk, Apacer and others. Undoubtedly, each of them has its advantages, but do not choose a device, based exclusively on the brand. Each company, which produces USB flash drives, is also poor products or, to put it mildly, less than high quality. Therefore, always initially pay attention to the technical characteristics and only then on a beautiful design.

Flashki size

Often, information about the volume of the flash drive can be found either on the case itself or on the package. But what size flash drive to choose? Now many have the opinion that the more, the better. However, this information is erroneous. Why? The first reason is an excessive waste of money. You buy a flash drive, for example, by 64 GB (gigabyte), and you will use less than half. Therefore, decide what you need in advance.

The second reason is the loss of power. If you chase for a large volume and at the same time low cost, then note that the speed of copying information can be very low. Even if you use the entire volume of the flash drive, then in order to download large files, you will spend a lot of time. Better then buy external hDDwhich will delight you with a large volume (1 terabyte) and a relatively low price.

But if you need a flash drive, please note that they are following categories:

  • 4-16 GB - low-pass, cheap.
  • 16-64 GB - high-quality and at an optimal price.
  • from 128 GB - for acute necessity at a high price.

As already mentioned, the size of the flash drive must match the specifically set task. Do not chase for large volumes, as you lose a lot of money and acquire a low-quality product.

Speed \u200b\u200bfeatures

As a rule, on the housing or on the package, manufacturers indicate only the amount of built-in memory. Additional information must be checked independently. But, fortunately, there are several conscientious manufacturers who still indicate the technical parameters.

If you have already purchased a USB flash drive and it does not specify the speed of reading and copying information, you can check it yourself using Software Special Software, which stores test results last models Different brands.

Useful little things

In order to promote its products and go to the next level on the world market, many manufacturers of flash drives are installed on their devices additional functions. Thanks to this marketing go, many little-known brands were able not only to successfully promote their inventions, but also acquire many fans. What are these additional functions?

One of the most popular new products is biometrics, in other words, equipping the fingerprint scanner. This feature is necessary only if you are working with very important documents that require additional protection. The flash drive with such a scanner will cost much more than compared to conventional drives.

Another no less useful option is to compress data. This feature increases the data storage density so as not to occupy free space. But do not think that all these additional software does not affect the performance of the flash drive.

Flashki housing

Another factor for which you want to pay attention to when choosing a flash drive is a housing. What is it for? As a rule, many flash drives come into disrepair due to external damage. Why is this happening? To better understand this, let's understand in detail what kind of cases are:

  • Open connector. This type of body is more vulnerable to physical damage, as the contact plates are not protected. Usually such flash drives are very cheap and can quickly fail.
  • Removable caps. Perhaps this is one of the popular connector types. Caps can be both plastic and rubber. The use of rubber will provide higher protection against moisture and dust, and the plastic can cope with physical damage.
  • Bracket. This design is attached on the case itself and can be rotated in different directions, thereby closing the contact plates. It has a rather weak level of protection against external factors and is often broken due to poor fixation.

As you probably noticed, the type of housing is a removable cap. This design can be made of plastic, rubber or metal. Which one of them to give preference, each decides itself.

Variety of clusters

Probably, each at least once faced with the process of formatting flash drives. And this process does not cause difficulties, because it is fully automated. But before starting it, the system allows the user to make a choice in the size of the cluster.

Clusters are a kind of boxes in which the necessary information is consistent. When formatting flash drives, the size of the cluster is envy of the selected file System. Each system has its own maximum and minimum size. For example, the cluster size when formatting a flash drive in FAT32 can be from 1024 to 32 KB.

What you need to consider when choosing a cluster

First of all, the cluster size depends on the size of the files that you will copy to the USB flash drive. If they are insignificant by volume ( text documents, pictures, etc.), then you can distribute the cells of 16 kb and less. Accordingly, if you need to transfer large files to the flash drive (movies, games, music, etc.), it is better to choose the maximum cluster size.

Why do you need to constantly choose a cluster? From the correct size will depend on the speed of copying information. When you choose the cluster size, the file that will be placed in it will take the remaining place.

For example, you have chosen clusters of 16 kb, and the size of the file is 6 kb. Each cluster can contain only one file, and therefore, when copying information, the free space (in this case is 10 KB) is not filled with another file, but remains empty. For this reason, the copy speed will be much slower than if you chose the appropriate clusters.

How do you now think that it is extremely important to pay attention to when buying flash drives? On cost or design? Or maybe the speed of reading information, volume and type of housing? Of course, the design of the flash drive and its cost is also important, but first it is better to look at technical characteristics, but only then choose good design and the appropriate value.

Also, if finance allows you, you can look closely to useful softwarewhich can enhance the actual size of the flash drive or provide more reliable protection. But do not forget that such functions can greatly affect the speed of its action.


Thanks to this article, you got acquainted with various species Flash drives, learned to correctly determine the appropriate cluster, based on the size of the unit distribution unit, learned that such modern devices help us easily transfer the large amount of information in a small device.

Also, perhaps you understood what size flash drive you need what clusters are and how the case is (open connector, removable cap and bracket). Now you can safely go to the store and acquire a useful device.

Today, each of us knows what a flash drive is. Most users have been used to flash drives for a long time. Many begin to forget about the wheels, some of the users do not know that there were predecessor disks, floppy disks. With flash drive much more convenient than with these devices. USB drives are not so simple as many think.

So what flash drive to choose

First. Let's start with the volume. It is one of the most important factors when buying a flash drive. At the moment, sales are located a flash card with a capacity of 1-32 GB. There are 64GB, but it is not yet rare. Flash drives with 1GB gradually disappear from shops. A couple of years ago, 512 MB drives were commercially on sale, now they disappeared. Time is constantly moving forward. After a couple of years, the 64GB flash drives will be commonplace. But back to the topic. What amount is better?

Most users believe that it is better that volume that is more! That's right, but there is a nuance, why do you need a USB drive? If only for texts you want to transfer from a computer to a computer, then 1 gigabyte is quite suitable. If you are Meloman and love to listen to good songs, the current of 1GB is suitable for you. It accommodates 150-300 medium-sized music records.

If you like to watch the artistic films, rewrite them from buddies and friends, in this case, take a flash drive not less than 4gbaby. It will work well 8 GB. For kinomans the best way 16, or even 32GB. Because it can be downloaded on average about 30 films. (Depending on the volume of the film). Moreover, you can download such flash drives not only video, but many other files. You cannot solve which flash drive to choose, take 16GB., Do not lose.

Second. Data transfer rate. It is too important factor. The speed should be indicated on the package, but often does not indicate it. Then check with the seller. It is better to take a drive, the transmission rate of which is 10 megabits per second. I will add that flash drive speeds and downloads may differ. See what it would be within these limits. You can more.

I want to add that relative to speeds, there are interesting moments. Speed \u200b\u200bdata can be decently varied, but the price will be similar, literally dozens of rubles differ. For example, you purchased a flash drive for a certain price, your friend is taken for the tight price. You have ten minutes of recording, five more.

Or you bought a flash card by 10 percent more expensive, the speed of recording has three minutes. Then they took another, rubles are 50 cheaper. The record of the film is already twenty. If you copy to it a dozen movies, it takes a decent time. It is better to spend this time to more important things.

Conclusion: It is better to take USB drives somewhat more expensive than an average of the price, but a well-known firm. If the speed of the drive is known, take no less than 10MB / C, and better more. Do not take flash drives whose speed is 3-5mb / s, spend money and wasted time. If there is an inscription, replacing the numbers, look for the words "Hi-Speed" or "Ultra Fast". This means that the USB flash drive works at MIN 25MB / s.

Important: Do not take a flash drive, the volume of which is 1gibabyte, or less. They may have a speed so low that the transfer of even a small file will take you a lot of time.

Third. Lid.Part of USB drives it is, part hide the connector inside yourself. It all depends on your taste. But there is a nuance. A traveling connection can break, the cover may be lost. Decide yourself.

Fourth. Dimensions of the flash drive itself. Now produce flash drives mostly small sizes. There are generally small. But remember, very small flash drives are easily lost. When the flash drive big size, If you have several such flash drives, they can not literally fit together into USB connectors if such connectors are near. Therefore, answering the question, what flash drive to choose? Take medium size.

Fifth. Drive drives like boot discs.These flash drives are more suitable for professional computer operators. Professionals buy such drives to download PCs, settings, treating a computer from viruses, reinstall. Some of these flash drives have U3 technology. That is, they consist of two places to record. One is intended for special programs, the other for simple files, like movies.
Sixth. Flash drives protecting information.Similar USB drives are decent. Protection of such flash drives may look different. The flash drive can read the prints of your fingers and only after that open. Or is built into it special program cryptograph. I think it is clear to you that these models for especially valuable information.

Seventh. Flash drive shell.When you decide what flash drive to choose? Pay attention to the housing. I do not mean design. I'm talking about strength. Moving users leading an active lifestyle can inadvertently break the USB flash drive. Therefore, it is better for them to take a flash drive in a rubberized shell, or even in a metal, shockproof and moisture resistant. A flash drive with a plastic case is suitable for homework.

Eighth. Light indicator.This indicator is present in most flash drives. It flashes during information transfer. When transferring to a PC is convenient. You immediately see, goes copying or not. You get clear when you can pull out the drive. But there is a nuance here. If you apply a flash drive to play songs or feature films, take a flash drive without a light indicator. He will distract you from his beloved music or film. Sometimes even annoying.

Ninth. Excess on the flash drive.It happens that, for example, a clock mounted in the drive, a compass and so on. This is all unnecessary. Maybe only for a gift, and that is not a fact. The flash drive is needed in order to transmit and save data. Make it convenient to transfer them. All other things on it, empty unnecessaries. All this can be purchased separately, and let the flash drive be engaged in its direct work. What to choose a flash drive, with strict corpsPerforming your work.

Tenth. Present.For a gift it is worth choosing a flash drive also a decent volume. But the flash drive as a gift more suits the child. If you decide to make a gift to a friend or relative, the flash card must be selected by another. For gifts exist special gift options. The flash drive can have a gilt, a very beautiful design. Framed by jewels. The housing can be made of gold or silver. Or even have a personal inscription. A matter of taste. The brand in such a flash drive should be known.

Eleventh. We mention brands. TRANSCEND and Kingston brands are most appreciated. And such flash drives are not so expensive. Just have a good reputation. Excellent parameters: speed, volumes, wear resistance. Flash drives of these firms can be purchased for ten dollars, it is possible for a hundred. It also matters design and other factors. The main thing, such flash drives are quite accessible.

Today everything. I hope you have now appeared, which flash drive to choose? The main thing, do not forget about the volume and speed mode, make a choice for yourself and you will not be mistaken.

Andrey Zimin 15.04.2014g.

Anecdote in each article.

How to find good model And do not regret buying.

Why now take USB flash drives

We were almost convinced that external carriers Data remained in the past. The Internet changes everything, right? However, the speed and stability of the network connection is not allowed to completely abandon physical drives. Laptops still use their own memory, and do not store everything in the clouds, as predicted several years ago. Accordingly, the demand for portable carriers is still good.
When it is logical to use USB flash drives:

1. Transferring data between computers

Internet and wireless technology are not yet available everywhere. Employees of a small company with an office on the outskirts, computer users in the provincial depth, employees of state structures. All of them are potential USB flash drive owners.

2. Installation / Reinstall OS

More advanced users use drives to reinstall operating systems on computers. It is now difficult to find those who set the system from the disk, as well as difficult to find computers with the presence of an appropriate drive. Have you met without JSB USB flash drives?

3. Data Backup

Do not everyone wants or can use for convenient backup. It is much cheaper to buy a flash drive of the appropriate volume and save backup on it.

4. Expanding the memory of devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets)

Opportunities for now, no one disputes, but the expansion of memory on the iPhone and iPad caused a lot of disputes and discussions. The fact remains a fact using a removable drive can be saved on the amount of memory of the device.

5. Use with TVs, projectors, media players

Market household appliances Loading from computer. Using wireless technology In televisions and media players, it has not yet been massive, and it is almost impossible to find such equipment without a USB connector. Do not forget about the price of the issue. The difference in the cost of the TV with Wi-Fi and without it can be purchased a couple of good flash drives.

6. External information storage (paired with a compatible router)

Many routers are equipped with USB ports and have the ability to turn the connected drive in network Disk. So you can create a general data warehouse for all family members or staff in the office.

7. Safe data storage

Not all users can risk their data and store them on the network or leave on the work computer. Flash drive in this case is the only convenient solution for the transfer of all necessary. For those who are experiencing about theft or loss, manufacturers have released a number of models with protective mechanisms.

What are USB flash drives

With the need to purchase the device, we decided. There are hardly many readers who do not suit at least one of the listed scripts of the removable drive. Let's figure out what kinds of flash drives there are and what they differ. The USB standard has existed for more than 20 years, during which time he passed several stages of evolution, the last of them takes place these days. Along with the standard, connected devices and flash drives changed.

  • USB 1.0. - Data transfer rate from 1.5 Mbps. up to 12 Mbps;
  • USB 1.1. - has minor improvements compared with the previous standard and similar high-speed indicators;
  • USB 2.0 - data transmission at speeds from 25 to 480 Mbps.;
  • USB 3.0. - information transfer rate up to 5 Gb / s.;
  • USB 3.1 / - The transfer rate can reach 10 Gbps.

Visually distinguish the first three types of connectors will not work. They have the same shape and device. This still enjoys cheap peripheral manufacturers from China and sellers of technology in the subway. Buy a flash drive with a port of 20 years old is very simple. USB 3.0 has one significant difference from its predecessors. The inner part of the port has a blue color (a number of manufacturers uses a red color, but such devices are extremely rare). Five additional contacts on the inner row provide a greater data transfer rate. The rest of the new connector is similar to the previous one.
To achieve the stated data transfer rate, a flash drive and a port on a computer / tablet must have one standard. When connecting the drive version 3.0 to port 2.0, it will be possible to obtain a maximum speed of up to 480 Mbps (standard limit 2.0). All listed standards from 1.0 to 3.0 are compatible with each other.. However, when connected, limitations of the younger of them will be connected. This concerns both the data transfer rate and energy consumption. The new large volume flash drive with standard 3.0 may not work with the old TV, the port of which has USB 1.1. But it happens very rarely. A mansion in a row of USB is the version of USB 3.1 or Type-C. As you remember, this port has a 12-inch, represented in 2015. It is strange that the standard has not received a new leading digit in the title, because it is not compatible with all the previous ones. More precisely, it is possible only if there is a special.
Half a year ago all analysts said that Apple was hurried with the release of equipment equipped with USB Type-C. However, at the last exhibition CES 2016. We saw a large number of new and with such a connector. That is, the port does not just have a future - he is the inevitable future. There are other types of drives that are not equipped with a USB connector. We will be interested in those that. Most manufacturers equip such flash drives at once with two connectivity capabilities, but are also narrow decisions.

How to choose a USB flash drive

# Connection Standard. What is your USB?

Before choosing, you should define all scenarios of use. Will not be addressed whether you are ready to post more money For a promising solution or want to save, and later replace the drive. Naturally, taking a storage drive 1.x. There is no point. USB 2.0 Also lost the relevance, and the ability to get 1.x instead of 2.0 makes all devices unattractive for purchase. Today it is worth choosing only between USB 3.0 and USB TYPE-C. Even if there is not a single port with blue label on your computer (USB 3.0), it is still worth paying attention to more promising drives.
Choice between 3.0 and Type-C Make just. If at your disposal there is at least one device with a new connector, or it is planned to purchase, boldly choose the standard USB 3.1 (Type-C). With a lot of probability, you update the arsenal of your gadgets in the near future and will pay attention to the presence of a new connector, and the speed of work, at least on the same device, will delight every day. If compatibility with other gadgets is important, you can consider such options:

It is still complicated to find such, but by mid-2016 they will be sold in all electronics stores. For those who do not yet plan to update the device park, stop usual flash drive 3.0. The difference in price will be in your favor, you can use the media without adapters and the difference in the data rate is not as big. For those several years, while you decide on the purchase of devices with USB Type-C, the flash drive will serve a good service.

# Appearance. Large, small, fashionable

Immediately it is necessary to abandon flash drives in the form of minions, heroes from Star Wars Universe, food and other original products. Most often in such drives used outdated modules with a low data rate. Appearance The devices will delight the first week, and the copy speed is to upset a few years of use.

Of course, there are original USB flash drives with an interesting design and good "filling", but they are extremely rare and cost more than analogues with simple design. If the flash drive is purchased to the girl, sister or mom, you can not dissuade them from ridiculous and fun drives. These are their nervouss will be spent on a long wait when copying, which will pay off the original design of the device.