The difference between printers. Which is better: a laser MFP or an inkjet for home? The difference between a laser printer and an inkjet printer: which one is better

Modern printers are very affordable - quite economical model you can choose for 4000-5000 rubles. But this is not so easy, especially if you are going to buy a color printer: which is better laser or inkjet?

The difference between a laser printer and an inkjet printer: which one is better?

Inkjet printers use liquid ink sprayed through microscopic holes (nozzles) onto paper, while laser printers use a toner cartridge (fine powder) that is heated by a fuser. The difference in approach to printing also leads to a different set of tasks that these two types of printers can perform. How do you know whether an inkjet or laser printer is best for you? You need to dive a little into the design features.

Inkjet printers

Inkjet printers come in three types: document printers, photo printers, and MFPs. They all print using the same technology: liquid ink from a cartridge is applied to paper in the form of tiny dots, from which an image is formed.

The inkjet MFP prints color images perfectly.

  • Printers for documents are the cheapest, their cost rarely exceeds 6 thousand rubles. They are best at printing text documents. It can be either black and white or color.
  • Photo printers are slightly more expensive, and are focused on high quality color printing of small photos (up to 8x10). This is usually sufficient for home print or a small photo business.
  • Multifunctional devices (MFPs) at a relatively low price combine the functionality of a printer, scanner and copier, and sometimes a fax.

The advantages of inkjet printers include the following:

  • Small size... Most inkjet printers are relatively small and can fit in tight spaces. MFPs are slightly larger, but generally smaller than a laser printer and much smaller than a standard office copier.
  • Low cost... Inkjet printers are generally much cheaper than laser printers. If an inkjet printer breaks down, it is much easier to replace it with a new one.
  • Inexpensive consumables... Inkjet cartridges have dropped in price in recent years. An ink cartridge costs about half the price of a laser toner cartridge. In addition, it is easier to replace.
  • Excellent photo quality... Photo inkjet printers can produce stunning results, producing images with vibrant colors and high contrast with almost no pixelation.

Inkjet printer: inside view.

Among the cons inkjet the following is noted:

  • Waste ink... In order to print one page, an inkjet printer requires much more consumables than a laser.
  • Slow printing... An inkjet printer copes with printing multi-page documents much slower than a laser one.
  • Ink cartridge problems... At times, ink cartridges can leak and dirty the printer, hands and paper. In addition, ink cartridges tend to dry out if used occasionally.

Generally, jet printer Is a popular consumer choice for home use... Buy an inkjet printer if you:

  • choosing a printer for your home;
  • want to print photos;
  • are going to print small documents often;
  • are limited in funds.
CHIP recommends: inkjet MFPs

Laser printer

Laser printers are classified into document printers and MFPs. For printing, they use a dye powder (toner), which is heated by a laser and adheres to the paper to form an image.

The laser document printer allows you to print quickly and very clearly text documents.

Laser MFPs, just like inkjet printers, combine the functions of printing, scanning and copying.

Among the advantages of a laser printer are:

  • Economical use of toner... Consumables for a laser printer are more expensive, but they last longer than an inkjet printer. In general, it is cheaper to print one page with toner than with ink.
  • High print speed... A laser printer is much faster at printing multi-page documents.
  • Cleanliness and neatness of printing... Toner is a dry powder and will not smudge or smudge if, for example, a newly printed document is placed in a folder.
  • Clearer printing of documents... The laser printer prints fine print and detail more accurately, making toner-printed documents look much more legible.

Inside laser printer.

Disadvantages, however, are also enough.

  • Expensive consumables... Toner cartridges are very expensive, at least double the price of ink cartridges. But, as already mentioned, they last much longer.
  • Big size... A laser printer, and even more so an MFP, is rather bulky. It's not easy to squeeze it into a tight corner.
  • Noise... Laser printers make a noise during operation that cannot be drowned out (inkjet printers have a silent mode of operation).
  • Very expensive color printing... Laser printer - not the best choice for photo printing, color toner is very expensive. Many inexpensive laser models do not support color printing at all.

We can say that laser printers are the best choice for printing large amounts of text. Therefore, they can often be found in offices, libraries, educational institutions. A laser printer is worth buying if:

  • you need an office device;
  • you want to print large documents;
  • you want a printer for your home, but you will rarely use it;
  • you don't really need color printing capabilities;
  • you are ready to spend more money.

A printer is one of the most needed devices for a modern user. These devices are produced in a wide range of technological types. What is the difference between a laser and an inkjet printer? In what cases might it be preferable to buy a dot matrix device? What are the main criteria for comparing the efficiency of printers?

Differences - in technology

A key aspect of how a laser printer differs from an inkjet printer - The first type of device involves two main elements of influence on the paper. This is a laser - a light beam of high temperature, as well as a toner - a powdery dye consisting of very small solid particles. In turn, other basic elements are involved in inkjet printers: this is a dispensing type of a print head, as well as ink, which, unlike powdered toner, is usually liquid. Note - most IT-specialists consider it not entirely correct to ask the question of whether a laser or inkjet color printer is better. Both have advantages and disadvantages. They are just different.

And therefore, one of the key criteria that determines how a laser printer differs from an inkjet printer is adaptability to the tasks performed by the user. And therefore, in our article we will try not so much to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each type of device, but to find out how much one or another is optimal in terms of the intended purpose.

Technology features

Let's take a closer look at how the printing process on devices different types carried out in a technological aspect. This will allow us to more clearly compare the inkjet and laser printers, as well as understand for which tasks the first or the second is optimal. So technology first laser printing.

As we noted above, it uses laser and toner. This powdery substance is applied to paper, then immediately heated by a light flux, as a result of which it changes color or shade.

The peculiarity of laser printing technology (if we talk about its domestic implementation, not industrial) is that the range of dispersion of toner particles is quite high. As a result, when reproducing digital images on paper, their quality is not the most ideal. This is why laser printers are not very well suited for printing pictures and photographs. But they are ideal for printing texts, tables, graphs.

An inkjet printer, as we said, uses ink. The principle of their application on paper is generally similar to the process of painting a canvas with a brush. The image on an inkjet printer is lined up line by line.

There is no chemical effect on the ink - getting on the paper, like paint, they simply have to dry out. In many printers, this process is accelerated by heating mechanisms.

This technological aspect makes it possible to effectively use inkjet devices just for printing pictures and photographs. and the overall quality of the images obtained on paper is, as a rule, noticeably higher than when using laser technology.

Ink color factor

Consider an aspect that may affect the finding of an answer to the question of which is better - a laser or inkjet printer in relation to the user's tasks. The fact is that the ink and toner used in devices can be color or black and white. But the printer itself can only support some of them. This can be a significant factor in what to buy - for example, a black and white laser or inkjet color printer. And that's why.

Many IT professionals believe that the classification of printers into "laser" and "inkjet" is not detailed enough. The fact is that it is legitimate to subdivide both printers into a large number of subtypes. The basis for the corresponding additional classification will be Above, we have determined how a laser differs from an inkjet printer in key points. Now let's try to study what a more detailed classification of devices within one technological type can be.

Printer and cartridges

Let us first of all decide what the main printing element of a printer is. It is with the help of the cartridge that the toner is sprayed or ink is applied to the paper. This item almost always removable and replaceable.

In many cases, it is the cartridges that determine the color of the print, not the printers themselves. But this is not always the case - we will see why later.

Black and white and color laser printers

There are black and white laser printers. They, as a rule, can be fitted with a single type of cartridge. It is capable of and imaging using black and white toner particles. Which, lining up in a certain sequence, can also form one of the shades of gray - with the help of this feature, in particular, printers print photographs and pictures.

Note: most models of laser devices for home use - in particular those that are in the budget price segment - are precisely those that support only black and white cartridges. They can print anything and pictures, but on paper they will appear in matching colors or grayscale.

There are laser printers that can work with color toner cartridges. But they are significantly more expensive than black and white. Technologically, printing in them is carried out in the same way - using a luminous flux and toner. But in this case, the color of photographs and pictures on paper will correspond to the original tones that are present in the digital image format. In some cases, printers capable of working with color cartridges may be compatible with the corresponding black and white type printing elements. But such compatibility is rare.

Note also that color cartridges are technologically designed so that they can also print in black and white. Therefore, if the printer supports them, then pictures on it can be printed in virtually any color. The only question is whether the user wants to overpay for a more versatile type of device. And here everything again rests on the specifics of the tasks being solved. If you are going to print mostly text, it is not at all necessary to overpay for a color laser printer.

We noted above that in some cases it is the cartridge that determines the color of the print. Therefore, it is not always correct to call the printer itself "color" or "black and white". It is better to attribute only the cartridge to the corresponding type. However, as we defined above, laser printers that only support black and white print elements are generally incompatible with color ones. And therefore it is quite acceptable to call them black and white. The same is true for color printers.

Black and white and color inkjet cartridges

Immediately, we note the peculiarity - there are very few inkjet printers that are compatible only with black and white or exclusively with color cartridges. As a rule, these devices support both types of printing elements. Moreover, as with laser printers, the color inkjet cartridge can render black and white text and images on paper. What is the feasibility of using separate color or black and white cartridges in inkjet printers? Once again, we fix the fact that reflects the dependence of the expediency of using a specific type of device on the tasks performed by the user. If among those - printing mainly black and white text and pictures, it is worth buying the appropriate type of cartridge. The same pattern holds true for a colored financial item.

Note, since we touched on the relevant aspect above in relation to laser devices, it is not entirely correct to use the phrase "black and white inkjet printer" or "color". Since almost all modern devices of this type are compatible with both types of printing elements. "Color" or "black and white" in inkjet printers is correct to call only the cartridge. But this rule is not always observed in informal conversations, even with the participation of IT specialists. It is a fact that an inkjet printer is versatile and it is incorrect to call it "color" or "black and white".

Studying the properties of inkjet and laser printers in relation to the types of cartridges used, we somehow touched on the economic criterion. We have determined that the correct cartridge type should be used when printing primarily colored text and pictures. And in the case of laser printers - buy a compatible device and not overpay for the fact that it supports color printing. However, we studied only one side of the economic criterion. It will be helpful to compare inkjet and laser printers in more detail.

Economic criterion

Above, we noted that laser printers are especially good for printing texts, graph tables. How well do inkjet printers cope with the same tasks? In principle, not bad. And in nothing in this component they are not inferior to laser samples. However, why is it highly discouraged by experts to use inkjet devices if the main task of the user is to print texts? The answer is simple - it is not profitable. If we consider the key advantages of a laser printer over an inkjet printer, then the very first in their ranking is likely to be economy. Toner, regardless of the purpose of its use - printing texts, pictures, or anything else - carries a much greater resource than ink.

Another advantage of the laser device - and it is also economic in nature - is the better compatibility of the cartridges installed in them with refilling procedures. It is about the main printing element of the printer. It is the cartridge, as we said above, that sprays the same toner; it is the most technologically complex and expensive component of the device. Many printer manufacturers try to design these hardware components so that after they run out of toner, the owner of the device has to buy a new sample. Although, from a technological point of view, the cartridges are designed in such a way that it is quite possible to add new printing substances to them instead of those that are running out.

There is a fairly stable trend: printer manufacturers really do not like to make cartridges refillable. This is understandable - this approach is unprofitable for them. But there is another trend: even more manufacturers do not like to make refillable cartridges specifically for inkjet printers. If you try to pour new ink into the corresponding printing element, it will simply refuse to work. Manufacturers are much more loyal to laser devices in this regard. You can refill cartridges for most printers of the corresponding type.

The nuances of calculating the benefits

Let's consider a simple example that will clearly show how a laser printer differs from an inkjet printer from an economic point of view.

The cost of a low-cost custom, but good-quality model of an inkjet printer is now 5-6 thousand rubles (after the rise in price, due to the dollar exchange rate, it used to be 1.5-2 times cheaper).

Laser, as we have determined, there are two types - those that support only black and white cartridges, and those that are compatible with color. The first ones cost 7-8 thousand. The second ones are much more expensive, about 15-20 thousand.

Yes, of course, at the "initial investment" stage, the inkjet option looks preferable. But a lot depends on the pricing policy of a particular dealer, which is again tied to the ruble exchange rate. It may well be that at certain points in time, a dealer and a representative of an inkjet and laser printer under some brand will find it expedient to dramatically increase or decrease the price of devices in catalogs.

The resource of the "factory" inkjet printer cartridge is approximately 25-30 standard-size photos, or 300-400 pages of text in small print. What are the indicators for laser cartridge? Many times higher. This is about 100-150 images and 1000-1200 pages of text. To this we add the fact that after the inkjet printer runs out of ink, you will most likely have to change the cartridge. It costs about 400-500 rubles. Thus, the cost of maintaining an inkjet printer may soon outstrip the difference in "initial investment". At least in terms of the cost relationship between an inkjet device and a black and white laser.

Thus, if the question is which is better - an inkjet or laser printer to buy in the economic aspect, most likely, the second option will be preferable. However, do not forget that the quality of pictures and photos printed using devices of this type, much lower. And therefore, when comparing an inkjet and laser printer by price parameter, you need to know what kind of tasks will be performed on the device. If you intend to print mainly texts, you can safely buy a laser device. If photographs are most likely, the inkjet option is more suitable. It is quite possible that it will turn out to be somewhat more profitable than a laser printer that supports color printing due to the high price of the latter.

Of course, there are samples of laser printers that, due to technological features, are capable of printing excellent image quality. However, they do not belong to the custom class. The technological properties of an inkjet and laser printer used at home, as well as the principles of their operation, are extremely simple in comparison with those that are characteristic of the devices in question - focused on professional digital studios, printing houses. They cost several times more than the devices of the category we are considering. It is advisable to purchase them if subsequent commercial payback is expected. Which can only be achieved by turning photo printing into a separate business. The profitability of which, by the way, has not been the highest in recent years.

Dot Matrix Printers

Above, we tried to give an answer to the question of which - inkjet or laser - printer is better suited for solving certain problems. However, it will be useful to supplement our little research with information about another notable type of device. Once very popular, but now considered obsolete. We are talking about dot matrix printers. What are they?

If you study the technological side, then dot matrix printers are closer to inkjet than laser. They also print by applying ink to paper. They do not use laser and toner. But the structure of the print head is completely different from that of inkjet printers: it arranges a picture or text on paper in the form of a matrix. While in inkjet devices, as we have already noted above - line by line.

Despite the fact that technologically matrix printers are closer to inkjet printers, their field of application is more compatible with the tasks typical for the use of laser devices. That is, they are better suited for printing texts, tables, graphs, for pictures and photographs - not very well. If we compare printers - laser, matrix, inkjet - in the economic aspect, then the second type of device will be less preferable in relation to modern market conditions.

The fact is that it is much more difficult to refill the matrix cartridge - not all technical centers have the equipment necessary for this. But, I must say, the corresponding type of printing element has a significantly greater resource than its technological competitors - about 2 thousand pages of text. True, matrix devices are usually more expensive than laser devices used for similar tasks - a budget model will cost 15-20 thousand rubles.

Therefore, the economic feasibility of buying a dot matrix device will be most obvious if almost all user tasks are reduced to printing large amounts of text. This kind of purpose of printers is typical to a greater extent for office needs.


So, we have determined how a laser printer differs from an inkjet printer. It's time to draw some key findings from our little research. Let's try to summarize the aspects in which this or that specific difference between a laser printer and an inkjet printer will become an obvious factor influencing the user's choice. We will also correlate the available information with the features of the matrix devices.

The main criterion for choosing a particular device will be the difference between a laser printer and an inkjet printer, as well as a matrix printer in terms of its intended purpose.

If we print mainly texts, tables and graphics, then the ideal option for us is a laser printer that supports black and white cartridges. If you intend to print a significant percentage of color documents or pictures, then it is advisable to purchase a device that is compatible with the corresponding type of printing element.

If we print mainly photographs or pictures, then the best option for us is an inkjet printer. Depending on which color of the image predominates, we will buy the most suitable cartridges for the device - black and white or color.

If we mainly print only texts, then you can try to purchase a dot matrix printer. Perhaps, in the economic aspect, this will be more profitable due to the lower ink consumption. When compared with this indicator, an inkjet and a laser printer, the difference can reach multiples. At the same time, dot matrix devices give a very mediocre result when printing pictures.

Thus, the main difference between a laser printer and an inkjet printer in terms of better compatibility with the tasks being performed is efficiency when printing pictures. Matrix makes sense to compare in terms of capabilities only with the first. But he may well be competitive with him. When comparing in pure form the initial investment in dot matrix, inkjet and laser printers, the difference can be noticeable. But subsequent costs can make the more cost-effective device that cost more. It is also influenced by the pricing policy chosen by the store-representative of the inkjet and laser printer in relation to the exchange rate. The approaches of Russian retailers may differ in this regard.

In this article, we will compare inkjet and laser printers, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both printing technologies. If you still have not decided which type of printer will be the preferred option in your case, then our article will certainly help you make the right choice and choose the model that best suits your requirements.

Nowadays, the printer is an important and necessary device required by almost any PC user and organization. The tasks of the printer include printing documents, printing color photographs, etc. Laser and inkjet printers use different printing technologies and have different functionality... It is also worth noting that one or another type of printer is purchased depending on the tasks for which it is intended. When buying any printer model, it will be reasonable to build on your needs and financial capabilities.

Laser vs Inkjet Printer Comparisons

In this comparison, we present some weak and strengths as well as the differences between the two types of printers. Let's start the comparison with a little story.


Remington Rand was the first company which developed a modern printer for computers Univac in 1953 year... Contrary to popular belief, laser printer, preceded by inkjet technology... Laser printers were developed at Xerox by a scientist named Gary Starkweather. It was thanks to his labors that a breakthrough was made in printing using a laser beam and dry powder - ink (toner).

Inkjet technology printers owes its development to the efforts of many companies such as Canon, HP and Epson. They were first presented on the market in 1979 and soon became a real workhorse, widely used all over the world. After this little historical background, let's get down to business and start by defining basic technology terms to get a feel for the difference between laser and inkjet printers.

Difference in technology

Laser printer technology is ingenious and here's a quick introduction to how it works. A built-in laser beam projects the image onto a digital copy of the printed page onto a selenium coating on a rotating drum. A laser beam projects a "negative" image of a document to be printed onto a charged drum using the principle of photoconductivity. The selenium coating becomes photoconductive, that is, it loses its charge in the areas that are intended for printing. The drum roll then attracts dry paint particles to areas where there is no charge. The drum rolls the image onto the paper.

Another technology used in recent times and works as fast as a laser printer, it is led printer... The difference in technology lies in the fact that a laser printer uses one beam source, and an LED printer uses a whole line of sources located along the entire length of the printable area.

Now, let's see how does the printer work using technology inkjet... Most inkjet printers use a piezoelectric material that has an ink cartridge responsible for atomizing the nozzles. When electrical voltage is fed onto a piezoelectric material, it vibrates, changes shape and size. This creates a pulse pressure in the ink tank, which literally shoots ink droplets out of the nozzle. This is why this technology is called "inkjet", as it prints in jets of ink thanks to voltage pulses.

Comparison of print speed and print quality

Laser printers print much faster than inkjet printers. The reason lies in the use different technologies... For laser printers, it doesn't matter if it prints text or an image, its print speed remains the same in both cases. Jet printer applies ink to each pixel in the image. Thus, its speed slows down depending on how complex the image he prints.

When it comes to printing black and white pages with complex structures text information and using a variety of fonts, then laser printers do it much better and faster... While a laser printer is the preferred choice for text and black-and-white printing, an inkjet printer allows better printing of color images and photos. Although it should be admitted that speed is not his forte.


The laser printer uses one big toner cartridge with powder paint, while jet printer usually equipped with multiple cartridges with black and color ink. Inkjet cartridges develop a resource faster than toner cartridges and therefore need to be replaced more frequently. With an inkjet printer, you will spend on the purchase of cartridges several times more than the printer itself. Unsurprisingly, inkjet printer manufacturers make much more money from cartridges for their lineup than from the printers themselves.

If you have to print a lot of documents and they are in black and white, then laser printer will become the most smart choice in your case. Each page printed in a laser printer costs several times less than a page printed in an inkjet printer.

To reduce the cost of cartridges for inkjet printers, if the device is used regularly and for large volumes of printing, it will it is advisable to use CISS(continuous ink supply system). For example, by purchasing an HP A3 inkjet printer with CISS, you can significantly save on the subsequent purchase of cartridges.

The size

Laser printers and especially colored ones are large in size compared to inkjet printers.

Laser printers can weigh up to 20 kg, while inkjet printer weight rarely exceeds 5 Kg... Inkjet printers are usually more compact and are better suited for small spaces. If you have very low print volumes and do not want to purchase bulky equipment, then inkjet printers are the ideal choice for you.


If we compare the cost of laser and inkjet printers, then jet printer when buying it will cost you cheaper... However, given the cost of ownership, which includes the cost of ink and the cost of cartridges that need to be replaced periodically, a laser printer will pay for itself very quickly.

Laser printers are more expensive initially, but they do not require changing the cartridge after a long time. The toner cartridges in these printers can print from 2,500 to 10,000 pages before needing to be replaced. The cost of both printers varies depending on the quality of the cartridge, brands and functionality.

Inkjet Printer Price Range varies on average from 2000 to 6000 rubles, while cost of laser printers may vary from 4500 to 12000 rubles... Laser printers have an average life expectancy of five years. Inkjet printers have an average life expectancy of 3 years.


As stated earlier, laser print quality is the best than what inkjet printers showcase, especially when it comes to printing text, but even when it comes to printing images, they have higher resolution and detail. Inkjet printers are better at printing images and photos when it comes to brightness and color saturation of images.


If you have a need to print a large number of documents and you do not need a lot of color printing, then buying a laser printer is the most appropriate and reasonable choice... If you don't need to type a lot, an inkjet printer is a good choice.

You need a new printer, but you do not know which one to choose, inkjet or laser, because you do not know the differences. Every user or organization faces a dilemma when buying a new printer. Most organizations operate under strict budgetary constraints, and therefore the start-up costs of purchasing equipment need to be considered. However, it is worth considering the long term running costs associated with using the printer.

The choice of printer will largely depend on your requirements for it. Inkjet printers are usually ideal for home users who are limited to printing text and photographs. Laser printers are better suited for office work with high volume and demanding printing requirements.

Laser and inkjet printers differ in different categories, namely:
- cost (initial and maintenance);
- speed;
- quality;
- the size;
- network facilities. It is also essential to understand the printing technology of laser and inkjet printers, since this is the main factor affecting their cost.

The difference in technology and network facilities for inkjet and laser printers.

The technology used to operate an inkjet printer is quite simple. The black and white cartridge contains only black ink. The color cartridge contains two ink cartridges, one for black ink and one for other primary colors. Primary colors are divided into three:
- cyan;
- magenta;
- yellow. Primary colors are mixed to reproduce all other colors. The cartridge contains a container with metal plates and many tiny nozzles on the print head of the cartridge. The number of holes or nozzles depends on the printer resolution. Usually this number reaches 21 - 128 nozzles per color. As soon as the command to print is given, a hot stream of air is supplied through the metal plates and the ink heats up. The high temperature causes vapor bubbles to form in the cartridge, which in turn causes the ink to swell. The ink begins to flow as droplets through the spouts onto the paper. An empty space appears (as soon as a drop of ink flows out), immediately the next drop of ink enters the spout, thus creating an uninterrupted ink flow. This technique is called thermographic jet.

Laser printers use more sophisticated and complex technology. Laser printers, as well as faxes and photocopiers, use a special powder called toner to print images and text on paper. Initially, carbon powder was used, but now manufacturers have come up with cartridges that can be refilled if necessary. In this case, the individual carbonaceous particles of the powder are mixed with a polymer that melts at a high temperature. This polymer binds the powder to the paper fibers. Laser printers consist of toner and drum. The positively charged toner is attracted to the negatively charged drum. And then it is transferred by the drum to the paper. The toner contains a special wax that melts and dries in a split second. When toner is fed to the drum, the fuser applies heat and pressure to make the image last. The fuser system consists of a hot roller and a compensating roller.

Laser printers have maintenance tools that allow them to connect not only to a computer, but also directly to local network... Inkjet printers do not have this capability.

Laser printers are larger than inkjet printers. Therefore, the latter are suitable for small spaces such as home or small offices.

Difference in quality and colors of laser and inkjet printers.

Since inkjet printers use tiny droplets of ink to print, their resolution is lower than that of laser printers. The quality of the printout depends on the resolution. The high resolution also allows laser printers to print text with sharp edges. However, more economical inkjet printers are generally recommended to reduce your color printing costs.

They can print:
- high quality text;
- large printed photographs;
- graphic images;
- banners;
- greeting cards, and the cost of this will be half that of a color laser printer.

However, it is worth paying attention to the cost of ink and paper for printers. Laser printers are capable of printing texts and images good quality on all types of printing paper, while for inkjet printers it is necessary to purchase special inkjet paper that is perfectly flat and of high quality.

The difference in speed between inkjet and laser printers.

If laser printers are in the red when compared to their inkjet counterparts in terms of price, they are far ahead of them in terms of print speed. For users who need to print large volumes of text or images, laser printers are ideal. Because of this quality, they are also ideal in conditions office work... The average laser printer can print approximately 10 to 15 pages per minute. Inkjet printer speed varies with print mode and resolution. The HP Deskjet 5650, considered one of the fastest color inkjet printers, prints at 21 sheets per minute in black and white, 15 sheets in color. However, the speed drops significantly when printing high quality text file or a high quality standard size photo.

Difference in price of inkjet and laser printers.

Most important factor when buying a printer - its cost. Cost has two subcategories:
- initial cost;
- operating costs.

Inkjet printers have a low initial cost but higher maintenance cost compared to the high initial cost and low operating cost of a laser printer. Monochrome laser printers start at around $ 130 (e.g. Brother HL2040) and go up to $ 3,000 (e.g. HP Q3721A Laserjet 9050), while color laser printers start at $ 350 (e.g. Samsung CLP 510) and goes up to $ 6,000 (for example, HP Q3717A Laserjet 5550hdn). Color inkjet printers range from about $ 35 (for example, the HP 9067A Deskjet 3930) to $ 2,000 (for example, the HP C7791D Designjet 130NR). Regardless, laser printers are the best choice for long term office use. They are designed to handle high volumes and have a higher ink capacity. This lowers the average cost per page. Laser printers can even print on cheap paper, whereas inkjet printers require special inkjet paper, and the print quality depends on the type and type of paper used.

On the market in this moment There are a huge number of used cartridges available, which can also greatly reduce maintenance costs. However, you should be careful when purchasing them, as print quality is not guaranteed in this case. Be sure to also check to see if using a used cartridge will void your printer's warranty. Since some newer inkjet printer cartridges contain computer chips, you will not be able to use used ink cartridges.

Now that you are aware of the above factors, it is advisable to calculate the total cost of the printer before purchasing it directly. The initial cost of an inkjet printer can be low, but the cost of further things needed to keep it running, such as paper and ink, can be quite high. The slow speed and variable print quality of inkjet printers are some of its drawbacks. Laser printers are definitely the best in this regard. They are perfect if you need high quality printing, speed. They can print large amounts of information and have lower operating costs over a long period of use than inkjet printers.

  • 1. Printer: functional features
  • 2. Varieties of devices for printing
  • 3. Laser printer
  • 4. Inkjet printer
  • 5. Which color printer is better: laser or inkjet
  • 6. Laser or inkjet printer: main findings

Today, a printing device is far from a luxury, but an essential necessity. The lineup of such devices on the modern market pleases with its assortment. But, on the other hand, such a huge variety increases the complexity of the choice. Among the most frequently asked questions- the following: inkjet or laser printer which is better? How to understand the functionality and technical characteristics device? What are the disadvantages and advantages of certain models? All this in detail - in our publication.

Printer: functional features

A color printer is a technical device, the main purpose of which is concentrated in transferring information from electronic to solid media, that is, to paper. Print with this device you can not only text documents, but also photographs. Among the most popular printers are MFPs, such multifunctional devices can combine several functions at once: scanning, printing, copier. A separate category is made up of telefax devices.

Varieties of devices for printing

There are several criteria based on which one can distinguish different types printing technique:

  • The nature of the work;
  • The specifics of the color layout;
  • The type of ink and material to be printed.

Depending on what is in the base of the ink used, printers can be:

  • Oil-based (in industry for labeling);
  • Water-based (in domestic and office environments);
  • Pigmented (used in photo printing, as they provide high quality images that are created);
  • Solvent (for outdoor advertising);
  • Thermal transfer (in order to apply an image to the fabric).

Laser printer

For the first time, laser printing technology was developed at the beginning of the last century. At that time it was called electrography, a little later another name appeared - xerography. An important feature of such printing is the high quality of the source material, good speed, low cost per unit of printout.

The central link in the principle of operation of this device is the photodrum, the main property of which is to preserve the electric charge corresponding to each point on its surface. A beam from a special scanner hits the mirror. As a result, the surface of the drum becomes positive charge... These charged areas create an image. Dye powder (toner) spills onto the drum and then creates a pattern, concentrating in the charged points. After that, under the influence of pressure and high temperatures, the image is fixed on the paper.

As a result, speed and quality are significantly increased. In addition, the printed material is highly resistant to external influences... This pattern will not deteriorate due to moisture, and the color will not fade.

The important advantages of a laser printer are as follows:

  • Low cost per printed page;
  • High speed of work;
  • Can be used for work that involves printing voluminous text material;
  • Can be used for increased loads;
  • Doesn't need frequent refueling;
  • Provides a moisture resistant print;
  • You can print on virtually any type of paper without degradation.

The disadvantages of a laser printer are:

  • High price:
  • High energy consumption;
  • Inability to use for photo printing;
  • The possibility of refueling at home is excluded;
  • Designed for printing black and white images and texts;
  • Toner is harmful to health, therefore it is recommended to always ventilate the room after finishing work.

Jet printer

The technology for applying an image to a sheet is very similar to a matrix one, but there is an important difference - instead of needles, a print head with a special liquid ink is used here. The image itself is created using dots. In this case, the print head can be located in the device itself or be attached directly to the cartridge.

The advantages of an inkjet printer are as follows:

  • Lower cost of the device;
  • More low level power consumption (if a laser device requires 300-500 W, then, on average, for an inkjet device - 20-30 W);
  • Even inexpensive models are equipped with wide functionality - a card reader, printing photos directly from the camera without using personal computer... Some devices are available for printing via WIFI.
  • Good color rendering;
  • Support for various digital media;
  • The ink used for refueling is environmentally friendly and does not harm health;
  • Large lineup;
  • Compact dimensions.

The disadvantages of an inkjet printer are:

  • Relatively high price printed material;
  • Such a device needs frequent ink replacement under conditions of intensive use.
  • This device must be used systematically, otherwise the ink becomes unusable;
  • Increased sensitivity to paper quality and highlighted print settings;
  • The speed of the device is quite slow;
  • Moisture resistance of printed material.

Which color printer is better: laser or inkjet

It is important for you to purchase a high-quality device for printing, but have not yet decided on the choice of which printer is better: laser or inkjet? In this case, carefully study the characteristics of both devices:

  1. Price. It is not difficult to buy a cheaper printing device. But it is more difficult to calculate what the cost of one page will be. In this respect, there is only one leader - electrographic technology. In fact, it is not more economical in terms of ink consumption and not overly sensitive to paper quality.
  2. Speed. If we compare inkjet and electrographic printing, then the latter is the undoubted leader. Nevertheless, if you plan to use such a device periodically, for example, once a week, then this difference will not in any way become any fundamental point for you.
  3. The level of permissible loads. The volume of inkjet technology loading for printing is limited by the amount of ink that remains, this problem partly solved by the continuous ink supply system. For laser printers, this issue is not too acute.
  4. The nature of the refueling. Regardless of which device you choose, sooner or later you will face the problem of refilling ink. Refueling an inkjet printer is easy, the main thing is to learn not to spill ink on yourself. Over time, you will be able to learn this. Toner is much more complicated. After all, it is toxic, so refueling can be carried out exclusively in specially equipped rooms.

Laser or inkjet printer: main findings

When thinking about what is best for the home, be sure to consider for what purpose you are planning to buy this device... Regardless of which type of device (laser or inkjet) you like best, the selection factors will be the same:

  1. Manufacturing company. It is better, of course, to opt for time-tested brands that have proven themselves well in the market.
  2. Warranty obligations. When buying, check whether the manufacturing company is ready to fulfill warranty obligations, what is the warranty period and whether there is an appropriate service center in your city.
  3. Availability Supplies and spare parts. Consider whether the high cost of spare parts and consumables will become a real burden for you.
  4. The nature of the performance. As a rule, the packaging for printing equipment states maximum amount impressions per month. If you plan to use your printer very often, then roughly calculate how many pages per month you will print. For example, if you need about 5000 pages, then it is better to opt for the printer where it is indicated more- 6000, no less.
  5. Functional. Do not buy a printer on the “fit for” principle, that is, if you don’t need some functionality, it’s better not to buy this type of device, you don’t need to overpay.
  6. Service features. It is important that you can refuel the device yourself and not spend money every time buying new cartridges.

There is no definite answer to the question of which printer is better, laser or inkjet. After all, it all depends on individual characteristics. Therefore, as always, the choice is yours.