How to fully restore the flash drive. Flat resuscitation. What is the best utility to resuscitate flash drive? Restoration of the flash drive with the help of branded utilities

Today, flash drives and removable memory cards have a rather large capacity and are used almost everywhere. Unfortunately, they are more susceptible to physical damage compared to internal drives and hard drives, but equally they can manifest themselves and software failures. So it turns out that when you try to connect the device to a computer, the system displays a message that the volume system of the volume is damaged or not recognized. How to fix these failures, now will be described.

Why is a USB flash drive not recognized? Possible reasons

The most likely reasons for which the operating system cannot recognize the drive or its file SystemIt can be conditionally divided into two large categories: physical damage and software failures.

The physical reasons associated with violations in the operation of microcontrollers, external and internal damage, overheating or supercooling, still many negatively affecting factors will not be considered. In this case, the USB flash drive will have to be simply discarded. Even the replacement of the microcontroller will cost much more expensive than a new flash drive or memory card. Sometimes there may be failed in the USB ports, but here the output is obvious: the flash drive you just need to connect to another port.

Therefore, we will focus on software failures. Among the most likely the reasons for the fact that the volume file system is not recognized when connected, and if it is visible, it is not possible to work with it), they allocate the following:

  • impact of viruses;
  • software malfunctions in the microcontroller;
  • incorrect or unfinished formatting;
  • incorrect extracting device from the port;
  • voltage jumps;
  • unsupported file system;
  • outdated drivers for the device;
  • non-compliance with USB flash drive and port standards.

As for the last item, the problems are that USB 3.0 flash drive connects to port 2.0. This problem is solved by simply reconnecting in the right port.

Signs of damage to the removable device

Determine what removable device Located in non-working condition, just enough. In the case of connecting the system begins to issue alert that the location is not available, the volume system is not recognized, the device formatting is received, etc.

It is worth noting that the drive itself can be visible or not. In the first case, correct the problem is somewhat simpler. In the second - you have to use additional utilities.

When issuing a warning of an inaccessible location, the reason may also be that the flash or the removable map is assigned an incorrect volume label (letter of disk), for example, x instead of F. In this situation, it is necessary to simply change it, after using the disk management section, where the right You should select the appropriate command on the device.

RAW format: What is it?

In the usual understanding, such a structure is a modified format, which is simply incompatible with most well-known operating systems. Therefore, a notification appears on the screen that the volume system system is not recognized (the RAW format flash drive is although it is visible, but it is not visible on it, even if you turn on the display of hidden objects).

The change in the format is most often associated with software failures due to incorrect formatting, improper disabling device and the effects of viruses. However, to convert the format to the readable can simply simply, what will be said a little later.

The main directions in solving problems

If it fails to recognize the file system, solutions for correcting the situation may be several, depending on the cause of the failure:

  • format conversion to any other system compatible;
  • removal of viruses and threats;
  • fast or full formatting;
  • if you want to restore the data, you need to use special utilities.

Just in case, you can make sure that the device is installed appropriate driver. You can do this in the standard "Device Manager", access to which you can get either from the "Control Panel", or call the DevmGMT.msc command from the "Run" console.

As a rule, if the device does not work or works incorrectly, it will be marked with yellow. In this case, you should either update the driver (command from context menu) From the system's own database, or to set it manually from removable media, or apply an automatic update using programs like Driver Booster (Naturally, when the flash drive is turned on). Sometimes it may be necessary to update the driver directly the usb controller.

Simplest testing and recovery

Now consider the situation when the volume file system is not recognized (the memory card in the system is visible) from the point of view of a regular disk. For removable drives, it is possible to apply standard commands for checking their states that are initially intended for hard drives. We are talking about

To execute this operation, you need to call command Console (CMD) from the "Run" menu (Win + R), after which the CHKDSK X / F string is prescribed in it, where the X is a letter assigned to the flash drive (most often it f). Even if the drive has rAW formatThis procedure works in terms of restoring the file system or convert it to NTFS.

Check for viruses

Some viruses can change the structure of the file system of removable drives (and not only) purposefully. In this case, the message will also be issued with the notification that the volume file system is not recognized. The SD flash drive, however, will be visible in the system. This simplifies the task.

Most. simple way Solving the emerging situation is its complete check. You can use regular or portable utilities. But here, unfortunately, the complete guarantee of the "treatment" of the device is not. This is due to the presence on the carrier like standard File Autorun.inf autorun, which in some cases can be hidden (to see it, you need to display the display of hidden objects in the menu of the type of standard "conductor").

If it turns out, it needs to be removed manually, but most often it is protected from such procedures. Here it should be applied again command line.

Deleting components from the command line

So, the system reports that the file system of the volume is not recognized (the flash drive in the system is determined). For example, suppose that the timing label of the flash drive has a liter of Z. To delete the search file, we sequentially prescribe the following commands, after each of them press the input key (ENTER):

  • cD F: /;
  • aTTRIB -A -S -H -R autorun.inf;
  • del autorun.inf.

Only in this case is guaranteed full removal this objectbecause even actions in the "Explorer" due to its close integration with Windows Viruses There may be some limitations, and the command line works using the DOS-systems principles.

Fixing the file system by formatting

Now another example is when the SD card is inserted into the card reader (the volume file system is not recognized, but the device is "sees" the system, even if it does not displays formatting messages).

In principle, you can look at its format in the section But why do it, if the problem consists only that it is impossible to record information on it? The easiest way to make formatting.

Many users mistakenly believe that the most simple option It is a quick cleaning of the table of contents. Absolutely wrong! Even if for the preferred system, set something from the drop-down list (FAT32 NTFS, etc.), the guarantee that it will be possible to work with it, no. Therefore, it is better to complete full formatting. It takes more time, but then the user will receive a clean drive, which is called from scratch. And there will be no problems with him. But this method is applicable only if there is no important informationwhich is impossible to destroy.

Is it possible to restore information on a damaged device?

The issue of recovery of information for many is a definite criterion in favor of selecting special utilities that are capable of not only to restore the boot sectors and records on devices of any type, but also to extract information that has previously been present on them, which for some reason has become inaccessible.

You can restore data. But such advertised programs like Recuva, when the same removable carrier in the system is not visible, useless. There are professional utilities for the rescue. Next, two of them will be considered: the TestDisk application and the unique program R.Saver (both utilities are portable).

Recovery with the TestDisk utility

Now let's look at the situation when the volume file system is not recognized (the flash drive is not even visible in the "Explorer", although you can immediately say that the solution below can also be used for removable memory cards of any standard.

The program is free and does not require installation. True, many can face the absence of a Russian-speaking interface and work in DOS mode. But the utility is very powerful, because it is capable of rebuilding the file system first, and then - and the necessary information.

Run the utility, in the window that appears, select Create ("Create"). Next will appear a list of all available disks, including an invisible flash drive system. As a rule, in the list it is denoted as Disk / Dev / SDC with a container (additionally, a description of the Generic- Multi-Card may be present. If there are no descriptions, it is easy to determine that this is the desired flash drive, you can simply in size or a literator of the disk.

Next, activate the analysis process (Proceed), after which in the partition table, select Intel Partition. Next, go to the extended file system (ADVANCED item), click the input key, and then at the bottom of the window using the Recovery command (Undelete). We are waiting for the end of the scanning process, and then the red strings correspond to all remote files appear in the window. Do not be surprised that even those files that you do not remember are found here here (the program is easy to easily).

Now the arrows move along the list, select the desired object and click the C key for recovery. Next, select a directory in which the files will be saved, click "Enter". After selecting the folder, press C. When the recovery is completed, it will be reported that copying is ready.

Universal program R.Saver

Finally, another utility that can be applied if the file system is not recognized (the flash drive is visible or not visible in the system - no matter). It is best suited for restoring sectors and data on SD cards.

After the application starts, select a flash drive and launch the scanning process (we agree with the sectoral scanning). The following starts the procedure for restoring sectors (reconstruction of the file system) and information, contained in them (this may take enough long time).

In the list of detected objects, select the desired, specify the destination folder on the hard drive and confirm the choice of the corresponding button. Upon completion with the flash drive, you can work without problems.

Instead of pre-school

As we see, in some cases, troubleshooting processes can be quite laborious (this concerns simultaneously restoring the file system of the drive and data on it). However, if such procedures are not required, flash drives or a removable memory card can be quite simple. What is the way to prefer? This is already each decides itself, based on the current situation.

USB flash drives are now practically each. This is a simple and reliable way to transfer and storing information. But the failure of these devices has become a common problem for many users. Below are all possible reasons troubleshooting and elimination options.

First will be described simpler and effective methods Problem solutions, therefore, recommend recommendations in order. But do not forget that some problems, such as strong physical damage, eliminate will not work.

Reasons why the system does not recognize the device

For the USB device, the built-in special controller is in it. With a certain failure, it can be blocked that it will not give the computer to recognize the USB flash drive.

The reason for the failure can be a jump of the power, a sharp extraction of the flash drive, its incorrect formatting, etc. You can still correct violations, but it is impossible to restore the flash drive to the work of the Flash-drive.

It is possible to understand that the flash drive is not determined by the computer, by fact that

  • The USB device is connected, but the computer writes "Insert the disk";
  • the message "The device is connected is not determined";
  • issues a request for formatting a flash drive;
  • a data read error message appears;
  • the indicator on the drive is lit, and it is not displayed in the computer, etc.

Also the cause of the failure can be:

  • non-working USB ports of the computer;
  • outdated drivers;
  • viruses on the device;
  • failure settings in BIOS;
  • different file system of USB devices and a computer;
  • assigning a flash drive the letters connected hard disk etc.

Check Driver

First you need to check if the driver is installed on the computer.

To do this, go to "Disk Management":

Now try tightening and paste a USB device, and see if it will appear in this window. If the flash drive is displayed, and in the state indicated "FIX", click on it right-click Mouse and select "Make the section Active".

If the status fails, the label is not distributed, "not initialized" or "unknown", this means that the device is damaged.

The system can assign a flash drive that the letter, which will also not allow it to recognize. Right-click on the device and select "Change the Disk Letter" and assign another value:

The flash drive driver itself needs to be checked in the Device Manager:

  • start;
  • control Panel;
  • device Manager.

If the driver for the Flash drive is not installed, then yellow question marks will be lit near one or more USB devices.

Computer hardware errors

When a new flash drive is not defined in the PC, insert it into different USB ports. With normal operation in all connectors, except one, the cause of the problem is a problem in this port.

The same problem may occur when the flash drive is connected directly, but via a USB hub or extension. Try to connect the device immediately to the USB port. If everything has earned, the reason is the adapter.

It happens that a lot of devices are connected to a computer to a computer, then in the ports may not be enough power for the Flash drive. In turn, disconnect other devices from the ports, leaving only the mouse and keyboard. If now the USB drive earned, then the cause of the malfunction in the disadvantage of the power.

Photo: usb-hub transformer apacer p150

In this case, it is better to put more than powerful block Power supply or USB hub with a separate power source. But if the size of the Flash device is very large, old laptop models simply do not stretch its food. With this variant, it is almost impossible to solve the problem.

One of the problems is heating connected USB - Devices. A malfunction can be in the installation on the device board.

You can check it on another computer - if continues to heat up, then the USB drive is faulty. And if in other places everything is fine, the port of the computer can be sinking.

If the Flash drive and USB port are working, the indicator will light on the device. Then the cause of the problem is systemic, not a hardware.

Video: We restore the flash drive that is not recognized by the computer

Check for viruses

Then why the flash card seems to be a computer, but not read? One of the reasons may be a virus that infects the USB storage boot file. Because of this, the device is or not loaded at all, or is immediately blocked by antivirus. And if it is displayed, it issues a warning "refused" in access when trying to open.

First of all, you should destroy the infected file download "autorun.inf". To do this, enter the address of the Flash drive (for example, G: /) in the Explorer.

  • "Service";
  • "Folder properties";
  • "View";
  • "Hidden files and folders";
  • "Show hidden files and folders. "

Now the download file will be displayed. It must be removed and scanned by antivirus data from all over the device.

If it did not open through the Flash drive, use the command line:

Configuring USB in BIOS

The flash drive may not be recognized due to shutdown in USB ports. It happens very rarely, but it is better to check the settings just in case. Note that in the disabled USB port no device will not be recognized, so if others work normally, then skip this item.

To go to the BIOS, restart the computer, and during switching on the DEL or F2 button. On different PCs there may be different keys, therefore see what will be written on the screen (approximately "Press F2 to Enter Setup"). If a blue table with settings opened, then everything is correct - you went to the BIOS.

Now you should find the menu item in which the USB is regulated. Its name may differ, but most often this Advanced tab (Peripherals, Integrated Peripherals):

In it, look for USB Configuration / Controller item, etc. BIOS menu options are very much, therefore, specify the exact paragraph is quite difficult. But the USB word must be present. Now make sure that the USB support is "enabled", if not, then switch them:

Some bIOS version Not only regulate the inclusion of the controller, as well as indicate the mode of its operation - V1.1 or V1.1 + V2.0 (already 3.0). Choose an option that supports all directions (v1.1 + v2.0). Save the settings and exit the bios (most often the F10 key).

USB drive is not determined by the system due to errors

After formatting, which could not be completely successful, the operating system may not see the flash drive due to errors. This can be checked in the "Disk Management" item, the entrance to which was described above. If there is a "FIRM" flash drive near the Flash carrier, but it is still not visible in the conductor, the reason for the formatting error may be.

Eliminate this can be new formatting. Press the right mouse button on the device and choose "format". Now the Flash drive must be displayed and operating without errors.

Different File Systems Flash Card and Computer

To restore work uSB Flash.which is not defined in the PC you need to change the file system, due to which there may be a conflict in the computer. The file system has the last most often NTFS, and the flash device is FAT32. In the "Disk Management" window, you can see the types of file systems of different PC media.

The problem solves correctly formatting. For this:

In the window that opens, take the compliance of the specified container and parameters of the flash drive. File System Specify NTFS and check the box near "Fast (Cleaning Table of Contents)". Now click "Start":

Confirm your actions:

After the process is completed, the system will notify this:

Photo: Formatting Completion Message

Necessary OS updates for work

With installed windows system XP may not be recognized by the Flash drive due to outdated updates needed to operate it. At the same time, some flash drives can work in USB ports of PCs, and others are not.

The main updates required for normal work USB devices:

  • KB925196 - incorrect recognition;
  • KB817900 - Stop the port of the port after the device is removed and reloaded;
  • KB968132 - Errors during connecting several flash drives;
  • KB88740 - Error Rundll32.exe;
  • KB895962 - Stop the operation of the USB device after turning off the printer;
  • KB871233 - Flash card does not work after the PC output from sleep or hibernation;
  • KB314634 - Support only old USB devices;
  • KB312370 (2007) - Support USB 2.0.

Methods of recovery

When the problem is not detected, you can use special recovery programs:

  • Chipgenius - determines the manufacturer and other information about the device;
  • Alcormp - refrestees USB Flash controllers most manufacturers;
  • Jetflash Recovery Tool - Refereels Flash drives from Transcend.

If the computer writes "Insert the disk" when loading, the problem may be in outdated driversTo remove.

For this:

        • when the computer is turned off, turn off all USB devices (except mouse and keyboard);
        • turn on the PC;
        • download the program "DriveCleanUp";
        • depending on the version of the OS, copy a 32-bit or 64-bit "DriveCleunup.exe" to the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 folder;
        • go to the command line and register "drivecleunup.exe";
        • drivers will start removing:

After that restart the computer. Insert the USB flash drive, and the system will find new drivers for it.

Flash drive may not be determined for many reasons, the main ones are the malfunction of the device or USB port, as well as system errorsMost of which are eliminated using proper formatting and installation of drivers. Some programs are also able to help restore USB Flash, therefore, in order to execute instructions.

Hello everyone ... Today we will talk about how you can restore the damaged flash drive. Thanks to its versatility, ease of treatment and compact size, removable Flash drives or otherwise flash drives were widespread.

Unlike morally obsolete optical disks, Flash drives allow you to store a greater amount of information. They have a higher potential for overwriting data and their storage. As well as best protection From external damage.

Alas, although flash drives are considered quite reliable devices, they are not perfect. There are plenty of reasons for which the flash drive can fail. Physical breakage of components. Failure of the controller. Damage to the file system due to the extraction of the device at the time of recording. Developing the potential of memory cells - all this can lead to the fact that the flash drive becomes unreadable or simply will cease to be recognized by the operating system.

When connecting such a flash drive, the user can receive various errors. For example, " USB device Not identified "," no access to the disk ", etc. ... However, this does not mean that the drive itself and the data recorded on it is irretrievably damaged.

If the flash drive does not have gross physical damage, in most cases it can be restored. Below will be described the most common problems of flash drives. And I will try to restore the damaged flash drive different waysif one does not help, will help another. So, let's begin...

The USB flash drive is recognized, but its file system is indicated as RAW

The forecast in such cases is usually the most favorable. The cause of the file system transformation of the flash drive system in RAW is most often logical errors. In this case, the carrier is recognized. However, its contents is not available, and when trying to open it, the system proposes to formatting.

Indeed, formatting can restore a damaged USB flash drive, but this method is unacceptable if it has important files. Here you can go in two ways: restore the damaged file system or the data itself by using the recovery programs remote files Type Transcend Recoverx. or .

After recovery, the USB flash drive can be formatted by any way convenient to you. To reconstruct the file system, use the CKDSK regular utility. Run the command line on behalf of the administrator and perform the command of this type: CHKDSK T: / F

Letter T B. this example It has a flash drive, you will have your own. In most cases, this simple trick allows you to restore access to the carrier. But it can happen that when executing the command you will receive a message "Chkdsk is not allowed for RAW disks." In this case, we make data recovery in the first way, and then format the USB flash drive.

The USB flash drive is recognized, but there is no access to data

If the media is recognized, but it shows an incorrect container, when you try to view the contents, errors "no access to the disk", "Insert the disk" and so on, most likely damage to the firmware (firmware).

A power supply failures are most often conducted to such damage, unsafe extraction of a USB port device. Also, the cause of the errors described above can be failed and damage to the Flash memory itself. In such cases, when trying to format the drive, the message "Disk is protected from recording" is issued.

The case is more complicated than with the RAW file system. However, with the proper approach, the non-working drive can be restored. For these purposes, special programs of the MPTOOL class are used, allowing you to perform the so-called low-level formatting.

Since all these tools are strictly specialized, for each model of the flash drive and the type of controller, you need to use your own, "native" utility. And for this, at least you need to know the device identifier (PID) and the manufacturer identifier (VID).

Connect the flash drive to the computer, open the device manager, find the category of storage or portable devices in the category " USB controllers»Connected drive and open its properties.

In the list of properties you need to find the parameter: device ID or device instance code. In the "Details" field, you will see a string in which Vid_xxx elements will be; PID_XXX, where XXX is the manufacturer ID and device ID, respectively.

If a specified parameters You do not have, use utilities for full information about removable media: Flash Drive Information Extractor.

Or Checkudisk.

Having received information, go to a specialized site FlashBoot., Enter the obtained VID and PID into the appropriate fields and search. You will receive a list of utilities to restore the drive.

If the utilities exactly corresponding to the VID and PID of your flash drive fails, focus on the manufacturer of the removable device. To give consistent instructions for using each utility is not possible. Since they all differ from each other. The main thing when using them is clearly follow the instructions of the wizard.

However, you can use universal software To restore flash drives, for example, D-Soft Flash Doctor. This free program It does not have binding to a specific manufacturer and the type of controller. And therefore, it can be used to treat Flash drives of various types.

Additionally D-Soft Flash Doctor Supported disk image creation, scanning for logical errors. You just need to use the utility, you just need to select a non-working flash drive in the window and click the "Restore Media" button.

Flash drive is not recognized by the system

In the cases considered above, a flash drive, although inaccessible to read, still recognized by the system. But what if Windows cannot identify the connected drive? In the conductor, it is not displayed, in the disk manager - too. And the only indication of the connection is the window with the notification "USB device is not recognized."

And also marked with a yellow warning icon in the device manager.

The cause of the error in this example may be both software malfunctions and physical damage to the components of the flash drive. It is important to exclude hardware breakdowns. Since it almost always means that the flash drive will have to be either donated, or simply replace.

First of all, try to connect a problem drive to another USB port, and even better to another computer. If errors do not occur, the reasons need to be signed on your computer. Most often, there are damaged or incorrectly operating external drive drivers.

Go to the Device Manager and find your USB flash drive among devices. Since it will be marked with a yellow exclamation mark, it will be easy to do it. If the flash drive is in the "Unknown Devices" category (which is most likely), try refreshing its driver. Taking advantage of the context menu.

In case of failure of the driver unknown device We will have to use one of the programs to search for drivers on the Internet, for example DriverPack Solution . If the non-working flash drive detects itself in the "USB controllers" category, open its properties and, switching to the "Driver" tab, click the button "Run".

Update / Reinstall drivers did not give results? Try another option - clean the registry keys in which devices are stored.

Using the way described above, find out the VID and PID of your flash drive, then open and expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEMCURRENTCONTROLSET / ENUM / USB branch. In the last directory, find invested folders. In the names of which there will be specific VID and PID and delete all their contents.

Also, do the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONLSET / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / ENUM / USBSTOR, and then restart the computer. What if none of the above methods helped? The most reasonable in this case will attribute a flash drive to the service service. Where experienced professionals will help you establish the causes of the gadget malfunction ...

To begin with, do the elementary actions to exclude typical problems On the computer side. Connect the device through another USB port. It will not help - restart the computer.

If the system does not respond at all to the connection of the flash drive, first read ,.

Check the drive for programs that can interfere with its correct operation using.

Following further instructions, you can restore only the workability of the flash drive itself, but not information on it. If the USB device does not store important data, then continue.

Otherwise, first try to restore information with. And only then follow the steps listed below to repair the drive itself.

Take advantage of the flash drive program from the manufacturer. Such utilities have TRANSCEND, PQI, ADATA and other USB drive developers. You only need to go to the official website of the manufacturer, find the desired software there, download it to the computer and use it by the attached instructions.

If the developer of your drive does not provide an auxiliary software or it does not help, use third-party program To repair flash drives. You can hardly find such a utility for MacOS, this option is designed for Windows users.

This method can both help and harm the drive. If not sure, do not risk.

The essence of the method is as follows: You need to learn the parameters of the VID and PID of your drive, find the program compatible with the flash drive and use it to restore.

To find out the VID and PID, connect the drive to the computer, install the program and run it. In the program window, click on the name of the drive - you will see the values \u200b\u200bof the desired parameters below.

To find the appropriate VID and PID utility, copy their values \u200b\u200bto the appropriate fields on the site and click on the SEARCH button. If the data on the model of your flash drive is in the directory, then among the search results, along with your drive, you will see a link to download the program for repair.

If nothing of the above does not help and the drive refuses to work on other computers, then try to return it under warranty or contact your service center.

As known, external storage - Portable and easy to use device. With it, you can transfer files anywhere, and also do not need to worry about the workload of the computer. However, each coin has two sides, which means that in some cases the loss of data is inevitable.

The damaged flash drive is one of the most common problems faced by windows users. In this situation, you need to format it for normal operation. If there are important files, other methods have to use. Fortunately, we can offer you several ways to solve the problem.

There is quite a lot of reasons due to which damage to the storage device occurs.

Below is a list of basic:

  1. Viral contamination (contributes to hiding files and folders, transform them into shortcuts or loss of access to the external drive).
  2. Turning off the device from a computer without pushing or seizure in safe mode.
  3. Reset the external drive.
  4. Random deletion of some system files (leads to the fact that the flash drive becomes unreadable).
  5. The device is not recognized by the computer for an unknown reason.

One of the reasons for a flash drive problem - infection with a virus

However, if the error has already happened, we will show how to fix the damaged drive without formatting.

How to fix a flash drive without loss of data using the command line

The command line is the easiest and affordable option Repair without compulsory formatting. This embedded in Windows tool also allows you to correct the damaged SD card. Let's see how it works.

This operation will force Windows to check and correct the file system on the flash drive. If the recovery process goes well, then in the program window you will see "Windows made corrections to the file system." This suggests that a damaged USB drive has been successfully corrected and access is open to it.

How to fix the flash drive using the recovery tool

If the above method does not work, then follow these steps:

Video - How to restore a USB flash drive using standard Windows

How to fix a damaged USB drive using Easeus USB Repair Tool

If all of the above solutions did not help, then try using special program To restore Easeus files. However, with its help you can access the files, but do not fix the flash drive itself. To reuse you will have to format it. The program restores USB data in almost all cases of access loss.

Important! Unfortunately, it is paid because trial version Allows you to scan and identify files available for recovery.

If you are not ready to pay, then in any case the check does not prevent:

Restoring flash drives before formatting using iboySoft Data Recovery

iboysoft Data Recovery is a secure and easy-to-use data return program. It helps to bring them back with both a faulty USB drive and SD card, hard disk, memory card, etc.

Important! In addition, Iboysoft Data Recovery can reanimate files recorded on a defective RAW disk, as well as saved on a remote or lost section.

To restore important data, follow three simple steps:

After copying files from a damaged flash drive, you can format it and use it again.

If nothing helped, then try these simple tricks:

  • to find and destroy all possible viroes on the flash drive, run antivirus scanning;
  • restart the computer and see if it can read the device;
  • connect it to another operating system or USB port.

The following useful tricks will help you avoid the aforementioned problems:

  • pass the password. Despite all the advantages of the USB drive in terms of storage and data transfer between computers, unauthorized access to other users can receive it. Therefore, that personal or business files are safe all the time, encrypt the USB flash drive. At least, no one can view and edit your data;
  • keep portable OS. If the computer crashed and not loaded in conventional method, then the flash drive from the installed portable OS will help temporarily download it and find a solution to the problem;
  • save required programs. Not all computers you use have required programs. Therefore, save them on the flash drive and freely install at any time and anywhere.

Video - How to restore a flash drive without formatting using the program