Zyxel Keenetic Giga II Connect to the Internet. Zyxel Keenetic Giga II - Setup and modem firmware. Rear, side panel, and bottom of the router

If you have just entered into an agreement with one of the Internet providers and have acquired everything you need (router, cable), you may have a desire to install and configure access to the network yourself, without additional spending on technical specialists. So you got on this page And so you will succeed.

This article will consider the process in detail. independent connection Internet via Ethernet cable to Zyxel Keenetic II router for various data providers and data transfer protocols (PPPOE, L2TP, PPTP).

How to run a router?

Gently get all the components from the package and follow the following algorithm when connected:

  • Unpack and plug the power supply to the device;
  • In the selected among all WAN-port insert the cable from the provider (the one by which Ethernet data is transmitted);
  • Remove from the package and connect to the router, as well as to the main PC network board connecting the cable: it is short enough, the same at both ends is inserted into any of the five-free router connections and the only computer / laptop available to the computer / laptop;
  • Turn into the network power supply, then press the power key on the back panel;
  • Wait for full start Devices, as a result of which 3 diodes will burn on the indicators panel: nutrition, network, connection to PC.

Now in the lower right corner of your PC screen, a new connection should be displayed. Let's draw some preparatory work:

  • Right-click on this icon, open the control center;
  • On the right side of the window that opened the window will be located on your connection highlighted in blue. Click on it;
  • Another window has opened. Open the properties by clicking on the corresponding button;
  • Scroll down the list of parameters current connection And find the Internet protocol version 4: Highlight it and open properties (under the back button);
  • Make sure that in both cases for the IP and for DNS, automatic receiving parameters are selected. If this is not the case - set the selectors to the appropriate value;
  • Apply Changes.

This preparatory work completed. Go to the basic settings.

Connection setup

During configuration router zyxel Keenetic II We will use a common kinetics family a web configurator. Therefore, learning to configure this modelYou can cope with the connection of the third and third generation devices and other types like Lite, 4G, etc.

And so, first, we need to open this very web configurator:

And so you hit the main menu of the device. In it, you can find data about the current firmware (upper list on the right), about connected connections (top left), as well as two types of menu: Text top and bottom, consisting mainly from graphic icons. We are interested in the second - "Internet".

But before proceeding to enter the parameters, find the following data at the Support Tool or get the following data from the Support Service:

  • What an access protocol is used: we have already been listed above the most popular (PPPOE, L2TP);
  • Authorization data (Personal login and password are contained in the contract);
  • It is necessary to specify the IP address, as well as the name of the selected server (VPN). These values, if they need;
  • Whether a static address is assigned to you, or in each new session, it is updated (dynamic);
  • Whether the MAC address provider registers (this makes, for example, Dom.ru) and, if so, which belongs to you;

All this will take us to connect the Zyxel Keenetic II router to the network.

After switching to the Internet tab, you will see the updated list of tabs at the top of the page. Go to the PPPOE / VPN section and press the Add Connection key. In the window that opens, we carry out the following settings:

Example Configuring the router to PPPoE mode

  • Exhibit ticks in two first selectors that will turn on the connection and assign it to the main network to enter the external network;
  • In the protocol field, specify the one that the provider told you. For example, PPPoE;
  • If the supplier reported that this is necessary, specify the address of the server;
  • Immediately followed by our personal data as a user;
  • The protection method (i.e. authentication) exhibit only at the request of the Internet Supplier;
  • Below, if dynamic IP is supplied, we do not change anything. And if static, choose the manual setting of the parameters and prescribe the corresponding values \u200b\u200bof the address, the subnet mask and the gateway used (some providers do not supply the IP address by the client WAN port. In this case, you must select the option "without an IP address");
  • All other parameters are optional for the owners of the ZyXEL KEENETIC II router and are assigned only at the request of Rostelecom, Biline or any other company with which you have entered into an agreement;
  • Click on the use of parameters and wait for changes to the router configuration;

Example Configuring a router to PPTP mode

In the event that the supply contract provides static IP, and you could not configure the connection according to the algorithm above, try the following:

  • Being in the same section of the "Internet" router Zyxel Keenetic II, open the IPOE tab of the top menu;
  • Click on the only name of the interface specified in the table;
  • In the pop-up window, also put the checkbox in the two upper selectors;
  • We find the string of the parameters of the IP and choose manual way settings;
  • In the emerging fields we prescribe data from the provider;
  • In the event that the address servers addresses were provided, indicate them below;
  • Here you can specify the static MAC address that the provider assigned to you. To do this, remove the "Default" setting in the corresponding field;
  • We apply changes and check the availability of the Internet again.

Example manual setting IP addresses

To accurately, you can restart the ZyXEL KEENETIC II and disable, then (after 15 seconds) turn on the network adapter of the PC used.

If the router is not new, and the setting was previously conducted for other providers, it is necessary to reset the parameters to the factory. To do this, on the rear panel of the device, you must find the RESET button and hold it for 10-15 seconds, after which the router will restart. In this case, the entry password (1234) and other parameters will be initially. You can now configure again and continue to use high-quality Internet connection using the Zyxel Keenetic II router.

Found a typo? Highlight the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Internet Center Zyxel Keenetic Models Giga II - Product More high level Compared to predecessors.

Router is designed to organize local cable and wireless Wi-Fi Networks, receiving Internet information provider both by cable and mobile operators. IP television support is provided. The Keenetic Giga 2 model is characterized by high performance, as well as the speed of receiving and transmitting information.

The hardware part of the model is designed to download information from file sharing networks at speeds up to 1 Gb / s along the Gigabit Ethernet lines. Speed \u200b\u200bup to 300 Mbps per second, according to the manual, is provided to Wi-Fi users.

The Zyxel Keenetic Giga 2 router has a high load capacity, is used as the main wireless network router, and also performs the functions of the amplifier, adapter, repeater (repeater) to expand the W-IFI zone when working together by routers.

The presence of two USB ports allows you to connect various peripherals and external drives. As well as 3G / Internet operators of any types of compounds.

Internet center allows you to set individual settings For some built-in features, such as torrent client or media server.

Unfortunately, the model does not support the ability to change the purpose of the function buttons.


The front panel indicators of the Keenetic "Giga" 2, corresponding to the description, with the conditional symbols caused by them help the user to control the status of the router, the modes turned on, the function of communication lines with the local network devices. These include the following:

  • "Status": Permanent glow Signals about the power supply of the product and its normal functioning. Rare flashing indicates either starting load or on an inner malfunction.
  • "0-4": Connecting to network connectors on the back panel Keenetic Giga. Glow corresponds established compoundFlashing informs about the transfer of information.
  • Symbol wireless WiFi. - Permanent glow - informs about the normal operation of the network. When transmitting data, the indicator flashes often. Slow blinking corresponds to a session fast settings using WPS technology.
  • "Internet globe": Permanent glow reports to establish a connection and receipt of Keenetic Giga II IP addresses in the provider's network.
  • Connection symbol to USB connectors: "Spark" conforms to a connected and ready-to-work device, a frequent flashing signals the preparation for safe removal from the USB drive connector. On the right side panel Keenetic Giga II, there are two USB-connector multifunctional purposes. These are connected to the device compatible with the Internet center of the device: 3G / 4G-modem mobile Internet operators, external flash drives, HDD or SSD, printers. When the Keenetic Giga II panel is designed to be placed on its surface various connectors and control buttons on its surface:
  • "Home Network 1-4": RJ-45 Network LANs for wired LAN subscribers, one of which is loaded by the Switch.
  • "Internet 0": WAN-type Connector RJ-45 Internet Provider Cable.
  • Two high-frequency RP-SMA connector, where removable antennas are screwed wireless Wi-Fi-Seti.
  • "Power": a plug-type connector for connecting the power alternating voltage adapter with the offline / disconnection button.
  • Fn is a multifunction button, the properties of which are assigned in the Keenetic Giga II web interface. By default, performs the preparation feature safe extraction uSB devices From the connector.
  • Reset: The current user settings button to factory values.
    On the top cover of the "Zixel" housing Giga II, a wireless network control button is located. It is used in two modes depending on the time of its holding down. Short pressure and release creates a quick adjustment of the router using WPS. Pressing with the subsequent retention of more than three seconds makes it on or disable Wi-Fi.

Connecting Giga and preparation for work

If the provider in the database has a MAC address used before installing the Keenetic Giga computer, you need to communicate technical support New physical address. Information about it is on the product label in the form of a 12-bit set of letters and numbers. The address is assigned to the manufacturer and is a unique identifier.

The provider cable over a dedicated Ethernet line is connected to the RJ-45-pin connector with the designation "0" on its back panel. When connecting to the Internet mobile operator Used USB modem 3G / 4G and one of universal connectors. It is possible to connect a modem through an additional transition cable and place it in the zone of confident reception of the radio signal.

To configure the Keenetic Giga, we use the computer (PC), the connector of the network card of which is docked by the "patch cord" (from the butt to the router) with any of the RJ-45 with the designation "1-4". The manufacturer recommends "1". Network adapter Nutrition must be connected by a plug into the nutrition jack, and its plug is inserted into the outlet home network alternating current. The "Power" button is pressed last. Do not forget to screw the removable antennas in the Keenetic Giga RF connectors. To improve radio wave propagation conditions wi-Fi band Preferably their vertical position.


After turning on the power supply, we wait for the constant luminescence of the "Status" and "1" indicators. Then check the setting of the PC network card to receive IP addresses in automatic mode (TCP / IPv4 Protocol Properties).
For the ZyXEL Keenetic Giga II router, we make a setup via the Web interface. To access it, you need to use the information on the Keenetic Giga-2 product label. We are interested in the IP address in the Internet. The value found - - enter the address in the row of any browser open to the PC, press the Enter key.

If the actions are executed correctly, the authorization page opens. After entering standard default values: Name and password - Admin / 1234 (Admin), the execution of the login command comes to shift standard Password. The decision is made by the user.

Automatic setting

On the main page of the Keenetic Giga interface, options for setting up the Internet center. When you connect to the Internet, you can use the services of the "Wizards" on the dedicated line and work in the dialogue mode. To do this, press the Quick Setup key.
In the window that opens, make a decision on the need to bind to the MAC address of the device. For Keenetic Giga II, it will depend on the selected Internet provider.

After continuing the following page opens where the mode of receiving the IP address is configured. Leave the "automatic" default value or select the static IP mode, if so is used.
After executing the "Next" command, we get to the page keenetic connections Giga to the Internet. Here you need to enter the corresponding fields of login and password from the prisoner with the service provider or note the absence of the latter.
After executing the "Next" command, a window will open with the final summary information and the result of connecting to the Internet.
"Master" completed automatic configuration.

Connecting to the Internet manually on the example of some providers

Manual connection is provided from the start page when you click on the stencil "Web Configurator". First, an authorization offer will be received with standard values \u200b\u200bor indicating a new and confirmed user password. Click "Apply" and get to the start page of the Keenetic configurator with a horizontal number of tabs. For all providers, the user first sets the connection to " global Network" To do this, in the "Internet" section, go to the "List" tab.

"Home ru"

Select the Broadband Connection item, click on it with the cursor.
Next, select the port for connecting to the provider, noting it with a check mark. Keenetic Giga II is allowed to choose any of the five possible. Then we assign a name to a new connection, mark the "Enable interface" item, I leave the IP setup mode "without an IP address". The MAC address is written "By default", press the "Apply" key.

In the next step, click on the Authorization tab, select the Add Connection item.
This provider uses the PPPoE type. We indicate it in the appropriate field, we put the checkboxes in the cells "Enter", "CHAP authentication". We write the name and password issued by the provider, execute the "Apply" command.
Going to a page with a list of created connections and YES marks in the last cage. On the front panel Keenetic Giga II, there is a constant lighting of the indicator with the "Internet globe" symbol.


In addition to connecting a PPPOE format, the operator provides subscribers paid on the basis of the contract allocated static IP and the connection of the "dynamic IP" type. PPPoe was considered above. Static IP address stands out mainly to corporative clients Companies at the request of organizations. In this case, the settings add information about the designated address, the provider's subnet mask and the default gateway.
In addition, a tick is filmed in the "Getting Address in DHCP" item.

The "dynamic IP" does not require when configuring the connection of information provided by the provider in the contract, but the ZyXEL Keenetic rule should be followed to binding the router MAC address or cloning the address used by the PC on this dedicated line. In the last step, the "Apply" command is performed, controlled in the interface created connection and the lighting of the indicator on the front panel Keenetic Giga is checked.


To work with the operator in the "List" tab, followed by the transition to the creation of the Broadband Connection connection control the installation of markers in points:

After clicking on the "Authorization" tab, we put the mark in the "Enter" paragraph. The connected connection will be L2TP. In the server address line we are prescribed tp.internet.beeline.ru. The following fields are fill in the data (login / password) from the contract with the provider, execute the "Apply" command.
The connection is monitored by receiving an IP address from the DHCP server. On the front panel Keenetic Giga "Globus" will light up.


PPPoE is the type of connection used by this operator. After concluding a contract with him, choosing tariff plan The setting should not cause difficulties in the ordinary user of Keenetic Giga II devices. Previously, you must inform the provider used by the physical MAC address.

Backup connection through 3G, 4G

Pre-use a USB port to connect a modem directly or via a transient extension. The Internet connection is created using mobile operators. For this, on start page Interface Select a tab with a USB designation, when disclosed which is provided with the ability to familiarize yourself with the information about the connected modemia, its specifications and software version.

On the page in the upper right corner there is an additional "Fast Setup NetFriend" tab, when you click on the Keenetic Giga program, the program will install the necessary connection settings of the selected model, taking into account the mobile operator's SIM card inserted. The procedure ends with the "Go online" key.

Wireless network

The setting begins with a selection in the Keenetic Giga Router interface with Wi-Fi designation. In it, click on the "Operating Mode" tab, check the "Access point" item to the organization on the basis of the router used.
We execute the "Apply" command. After that, go to the "Access Point" tab.

On the new page We assign the name networks for which it can be determined among the others. The 802.11n format is set by default, the radio channel number is left in the "Auto" position, mark the "Protecting" item and use its maximum level (WPA2). We write to the appropriate security key field (password), to create 12-15 characters. For reliability it must be recorded and saved. Finish the procedure for executing the "Apply" command.

No need to forget about the support of the Keenetic Giga Quick Setup Mode using the WPS button. Its quickly pressing without retention allows you to connect to any Wi-Fi network when using the router as a client, an amplifier or repeater (repeater). A luminous indicator on the front panel with the Wi-Fi symbol reports trouble-free operation.

Setup in repeater mode (repeater), amplifier, adapter or access point

Support for these Keenetic Giga II modes allows the router to expand the access area to an existing wireless network. The new "grid" will have the same name as the existing one. Subscribers within its limits can move, automatically choosing a source, the power of the radio signal is greater. In this case, the condition of reliable operation is the coincidence of the working channels of the main router devices and Keenetic Giga operating as a repeater. The name and channel number on both routers are set in their settings based on the results of the analysis of the smallest number of operating networks.

Switch the Keenetic Giga II to the Wi-Fi zone extension mode from its interface by selecting the System section, and in it, the "Mode" tab. In the drop-down list, mark the "Star" point "Amplifier". Click on the stencil "Apply."
After that, a window appears with the Keenetic Giga router reboot. Click on the "Now" button and get an extended wireless Wi-Fi zone. To install the ZyXEL router, the location is selected by the experimental way.


Main providers supply television traffic in "non-refined" form. This makes it easier to configure the connection. It comes down to highlight the LAN port (1-4), to which the TV prefix will be connected to the RJ-45 cable using the cable with the RJ-45 connector. At the same time, the program in the Keenetic Giga will translate it into the direct mode of receiving IPTV traffic from the WAN port of the provider used (transparent "bridge").

The main interface menu selects the Internet icon (Globe). In the menu that opens, click on the Connection tab, where we find the Broadband Connection item and click on it.
On the new page, activate the cell "Use the connector ..." by installing the checkbox and running the "Enable" command. After saving the settings made by the "Apply" button, the port is used only for broadcast. television signaltransferred to the user from the Internet provider to work the television console.

Keenetic Giga supports DYDNS feature. It is created for Internet users leading to the search for the resource you need through the search string, entering it into it domain name. When using a dynamic IP connection provider, a new assigned address will no longer comply with the previous "memorized" name, and this will cause difficulties from permanent users of the site. Dynamic DNS saves the domain name permanent if you change the IP address.

The input to the settings is carried out when the "Internet" partition is disclosed and the subsequent click on the DYDNS tab. After concluding a contract on the server's website, the user fills the corresponding fields of the page that opens.

IPv6 protocol

The Internet Center supports IP version 6 protocol only on NDMS V2 firmware and higher. It is recommended to go to the Official Wendor website and check the availability of current versions of the router OS. How to update will be described below in a separate section of the article.

Security Settings

Any router that has an IP address on the Internet performs the function of protecting the local network subscribers from various kinds of Internet attacks, being a kind of network screen. Keenetic Giga II is no exception. When it is configured, the user defines the access rules for Internet users and their priority. This list includes both key clients Keenetic Giga and mobile network members.

Certain hosts are assigned unhindered access, the ban is prescribed for others. The rules creation page opens after selecting the Security section on the main page of the interface, and in it - tabs " Firewall" A list of interfaces with IP addresses and an indication of actions when they are detected. The list can be expanded or shortened. And also change the actions applied to each participant. In conclusion, execute the "Save" command.

Parental control

This feature is mostly controlled by the head for its employees in local networks led by the departments to create the schedule of its participants. In addition, there is a filter for enabled devices. Setting this parameter in Keenetic Giga is performed in the System section main page Interface and transition to the "Schedule" tab.

The new interface is presented in the form of a visual graphic image With the days of the week and the allowed schedule of work with an indication of time (hours, minutes). As well as devices operating according to the specified schedule. After executing the "Apply" command on the Keenetic Giga schedule page, you will display a list of devices made to the network in a certain time.

Setting up printer

The Giga 2 model has two USB connector, the printer is connected to them. It is also possible to configure network printerUsing the internal DHCP server. We go into its configuration, select the section responsible for reserving IP addresses, introduce the address of the printer.

Setting up DLNA on the router

The Internet center supports the media server. To do this, you must connect via USB connector external carrier - Flashka or outdoor hard disk, for example. Go to the "Control Panel" network device. Go to "Applications" section, item " DLNA server" Turn the box next to "Enable". The "TCP port number" field is left without value. Select a media file directory: specify the path to the USB media.

Media server support is carried out only if there is an appropriate installed component. Its availability is checked in the "System" section, "Components" section.

Torrent customer setting on router

Router supports torrent client function built into Keenetic Giga. The user does not need to wait for the end of the "injection". He needs an external storage with a USB interface to which received information will be downloaded.

Before you configure the VPN server, you must make sure that the component is set. To do this, go to the "System" tab, the "Components" item. Check the availability of the appropriate option. If it is present, on the opposite there is a "bird", which speaks of its activation.

Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

Usually, the Giga router malfunctions are divided according to items:

  • operator errors in the process of setting parameters;
  • malfunctions in hardware device;
  • failures in the work of either when setting up, or as a result of external influences.

Most of the faulty cases are solved by rebooting the network device or reset the settings to the factory. At the first situation, it is enough just to turn off the power, wait 2-3 minutes, and then turn on again. The second option is described in more detail below.

Sometimes the "culprit" is provided by the service provider and the incorrect work of its equipment. The analysis of each of the reasons is the topic of a separate article. If a malfunction occurs during the term warranty service Touch with the technical support of the Internet provider to explain all the actions performed.

Update firmware

Every user routers know about this operation. The firmware not only eliminates the emerging failures, but also adds new features to the device embedded by the manufacturer as a result of analyzing the expiration statistics. When you go to the "System" section, select the Firmware item. For the need to update, we look at the current version of Keenetic Giga II and process it with last version on the current date On the site zyxel.ru.

Via web interface

To update, if required, download from the Firmware.bin file from the Firmware section while maintaining it on the PC.
On the "Firmware" page, press the "Overview" key, find the path to the downloaded file.
We execute the update command. After the process is completed, the system will reboot with the new software.
The entire procedure should be carried out with the power supply system from the UPS, or uninterrupted source Nutrition. Check version new firmware Keenetic Giga may be returned to the "Firmware" point. After the procedure performed, the current Keenetic Giga settings have to be reinstated.

Through a mobile application

Vuddor has released an application for mobile platforms With android and iOS support called My Keenetic. Install the program on mobile device, Run it. After connecting to the router, the update message will appear. Click on it, waiting for the end of the process.

Via USB device

Download the current version of the firmware from the official site, copy it to the flash carrier. Next, connect it to the network device.

We go to the "Routher Management Panel", go to the "Updates" section. Indicate the way installed flash drive, Run the update process. After his end, the Internet Center will automatically reboot.


In all devices to factory values. They apply in cases of errors when settings, incorrect work The device or loss of a pre-changed login password to the product interface. For the first method (hardware), the "Reset" / RESET button is recessed on the housing on the back panel. Her pressing and hold for 10-15 seconds. Runs the update process. At the end of the flashing indicators, the interrupted setting is revised.

Software reset is carried out with the "control panel". It needs to go to the "System" section, click the "Parameters" tab.
At the bottom of the page, press the stencil "Return to the factory settings". With a subsequent warning of the reset settings, press the stencil "Yes", agreeing with this. After rebooting the router, you can continue to work with Keenetic Giga.


Taiwanese manufacturer ZyXEL when released a new model tried not to just assign a new name to the product, expanding the lineup, and make significant changes to the hardware and software stuffing. Applying the latest components, Zyxel has achieved a significant increase in the speed of Keenetic Giga II, which was particularly pleased with the downloading lovers of information from file-sharing sites.

External antennas in combination with a powerful strengthening module provided high-quality wireless communication Any point of the residential space of the consumer. Adding in the name Giga (gigabit per second) justifies itself.


For positive qualities, users include the increased performance of Keenetic Giga II by increasing the speed of recording and reading through the channel of external drives connected to any USB connector. If the predecessors have accounted for 4-5 MB / s, this model has a speed limited to 15 MB / s. This allows you to "download" the films of the HD format, spending no more than half an hour using the built-in BitTorrent client. Implemented intelliqos consumer traffic distribution function.

The ability to use a mobile 3G / 4G modem of any operator allows you to apply Keenetic Giga II not only in urban conditions, but also in country houses, where the cable network is not developed. DLNA support gives a chance to view and listen to video and audio content, as well as information connected external USB drive.


Negative estimates Keenetic Giga-2 has few. We have access to the Internet only on the telephone line do not have to take advantage of the speed due to the limited speed of the provider. It can be noted for the presence of only one Wi-Fi range (2.4 GHz), which in urban conditions requires the search for the optimal channel and its bandwidth to ensure a minimum of interference. The rest of the "minuses" are associated with personal preferences and user habits (color, shape of the case, and so on).

1. Experienced users can update the firmware version (firmware) of the router to more relevant.

2. If the router is loss (the web configurator page is not available ( will help you restore operating system Router.

Let us turn to the setting.
The router is configured using a browser via the Web interface. Physically, to configure a router, you can connect both using an Ethernet cable and Wi-Fi.

1. If not via Wi-Fi, connect the Ethernet cable, which is included in your apartment in the port WAN. Your router.

2. Relieve network card settings or wi-Fi adapter On a computer, if other devices connected to it earlier. For this B. Windows XP. Start, Control Panel, Network connections. IN Windows 7. Left-click on the button. Start, Select Control Panel, Further Network and Internet, then Network Management Center and common access, Change adapter settings. In the window that opens right-click Mice Click on the icon Local network connections or wireless connection And in the context menu, select item Properties.

Left mouse button once click Internet TCP / IP Protocol (for Windows 7 - Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)) and click on the button Properties.

Give the settings in accordance with the following:

3. If not Wi-Fi, connect the Ethernet cable of the computer's network card and one of the router ports, for example port number 1, as shown in the picture.

4. Run the browser and enter in the address bar and press ENTER. In the authorization window that appears in the field User Name. Enter admin., Field Password. Enter 1234 and click OK..

5. Setting network connection.


the Internet.
Broadband Connection (ISP).

3) in the field Setting the IP parameters Choose Automatically.
4) in the field MAC address Choose Default
5) in the field MTU size Enter 1400 .

Note. When setting the IP parameters "Automatically", all IP addresses and routing will be sent to the router automatically.
After filling out all the fields, click Apply.

6. Configuring an Internet connection.

At the top of the page, select the tab PPPOE / VPN.. 1) in the field Type (used protocol) Choose L2TP..
2) in the field Connect through Choose Broadband Connection (ISP).
3) in the field Server Address Enter l2tp.freedom.
4) in the field Username
5) in the field Password
6) in the field Algorithm of authentication Choose Chap. After filling out all the fields, click Apply.

7. Setting up Wi-Fi.

Features Wi-Fi settings in the updated Keenetic II series.

In the updated Keenetic II series, a convenient button appeared Wi-Fi On the top cover of the case, combining features WPS. (WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is a standard designed to simplify the process of configuring a wireless network.) And that is shutdown and turn on the Wi-Fi device module long (3 sec.) By pressing. Also in the router settings, it is possible to change the actions of the buttons Wi-Fi and FN..

1) in the window that appears in the field Network Name (SSID) Enter your login to access the subscriber's registration card.
2) in the field Use the protection of connections Choose WPA-PSK + WPA2-PSK.
3) in the field WPA key Enter your password to access the network from the subscriber's registration card.
4) in the field Radio channel number: Choose 11 or 12 (If the network is not loaded, you can also auto).
5) After filling out all the fields, click Apply.
Note 1.If there are Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, MacBook), the channel is selected up to 10.
Note 2.If the router setting is made via Wi-Fi, for further configuration you will have to re-connect to the router by following paragraph 12 of this instruction.

8. Setting up IGMP for view IPTV.

At the bottom of the page, select the section home network. At the top of the page, select the tab IgMP Proxy.. Check the correctness of the settings in accordance with the screenshot below:

9. Port allocation for the STB console.

If you need to highlight the port for connecting the STB console to view IPTV (in this case, the port of the router to which the prefix is \u200b\u200bconnected will be displayed from the VLAN-A control and the prefix will be connected in analogously to the connection via a separate switch / switch) Perform the following steps:
1) At the bottom of the page, select the section the Internet.

2) in the window that appears, click on Broadband Connection (ISP).
3) In a new window, check the line in the string Use connector Under the one port to which the STB prefix is \u200b\u200bconnected. In our example, this is 4 port.
4) Press the button Apply.

10. Adjust your Wi-Fi Map On a computer to access the network.

To do this, click the left mouse button once on the network card icon in the lower right corner of the screen (next to the clock).

In the window that appears, click To plug and enter Access key B. wireless network which you asked earlier.

In Windows 7/8.

Select our connection, click on it. We put the tick "Connect automatically" and click "Connect".

If our connection with the exclamation mark, it's without a password, anyone can connect to your network.

Enter the security key. Click "OK".

If everything is in order, we will observe such a picture.

Setting up Internet access in Windows 7

Before setting up zyxel Keenetic Turn on the power adapter of the Internet center into the outlet, connect the provider cable to the router WAN interface, and one of the LAN ports connect the patch cord with network card Your computer.

Setting the Internet access in the Zyxel Keenetic Internet Center

Setting Wi-Fi connections In the Zyxel Keenetic router

Setting up port forwarding for DC ++ in Zyxel Keenetic

Setting up port forwarding (port or port forwarding) in Zyxel Keenetic is required if you plan to use the program and devices in your home network that require unsubstituted access to the provider or external Internet network. For example, porter ports in the router are needed if IP access to IP cameras from an external Internet network or when working with Torrent or DC ++ file locomotive services. The principle of forwarding ports is as follows: You independently inform your Zyxel Keeentic, what type of abstract traffic on the router from the outside should be sent to certain IP Address home network. Consider configuring port forwarding in the Zyxel Keeentic router on the DC ++ example.

    To configure, click the "Home Network" button, as shown in the figure.

  1. The following dialog box contains a permanent IP address for a computer on which DC ++ will be used in your home network. Select your device that is displayed in the Table "List of home network devices" as shown in the figure.

  2. Install the box opposite the permanent IP address and click the Register button.

  3. Write down or remember the registered IP address. Click the Security button, then "Add Rule".

  4. In the new dialog box, fill out the following items exactly as shown in the figure. A redirect to the address, specify the address you recorded or remembered earlier.

  5. In this example, you indicated a rule to redirect port 4000 by TCP protocol. DC ++ uses TCP and UDP protocols. For the UDP protocol, swipe the same actions, but in the "Protocol" field, specify "UDP", as shown in Figure. / Div\u003e

  6. As a result, a window should appear with the rules of forwarding for TCP / 4000 and UDP / 4000, as shown in the figure. Adjusting port redirection for DC ++ completed.

  7. Configure IP-TV and Multicast in Zyxel Keenetic Routler

    IP-TV is a service digital televisionprovided directly to the Internet provider. Two options for using IP-TV via keenetic are possible: With the help of a TV console and directly on the computer with special Program - VLC, IPTV Player, PC Player, etc. We will look at the IP-TV setting for both cases.