How to download from Google Play APK file. How to download with Play Market.apk - games and applications. What to download free playing market on a computer

Traditional way of download software Android platform consists of downloading and simultaneous installation from the online store Play Market. . However, this method is not suitable for everyone. Sometimes you need to download to a computer - for example, for use in BlueStacks type emulators and even in order to write on a USB flash drive and install on the supporting system Android device (TV or television console). Solve the issue, download the installation file without obstacles from google service and get one of his previous versions Allow special services.

APK-DL service

The easiest and easily memorable way to download APK to a computer or laptop - replace part of the file address on the online store page. To do this, the user will have to perform such actions:

Receive software with playing market and not going to the online store. You can find the game or the application directly on the site using the search by category or template. True, it will only download free files - Attempt to save on a computer paid APK will be unsuccessful.


Similar functionality have two more resources - and, allowing you to upload almost everything free Apps For android. Resources differ from each other:

Services also do not allow downloading paid applications. And the outdated software will be used only if we are not talking about online games. Most developers disable the support of old versions of gaming applications.

Apk downloader

In order to download APK C Google Play.You can use the services of the Evozi online service. To do this, just go to the Google online store, find the necessary program and copy its address in the string.

The next step is to transition to main page resource ( and insert data copied from the address bar in Play Market, in the appropriate form. Now you can click on the following inscription on a blue background, starting the process of generating a download link. It remains only to download the application on a PC or laptop.

Plugins for browsers

You can use for the preparation of the APC and the extension for the Direct APK Downloader web browsers. To start working with the plugin, it is installed and started by entering the login and password of your Google account, as well as the smartphone ID.

The functionality and principle of expansion operation are the same as the service Evozi. For getting installation File Requires a link copied from the online store. It is undesirable to use such a plugin due to the risk of information about the account and the phone in other people's hands.


Knowing the software download features in APK format on computers and laptops, you can use those versions of applications that cannot be downloaded from Play Market from Android OS. If desired, the same ways of downloading can be used directly from the telephone browser, avoiding unnecessary actions to move data from a PC to a smartphone.

For setup Google Play on Windows, read.

In this not a big article, I will tell you about how easy it is and just download aPK file Games, applications or live wallpapers on your computer literally in a few clicks.

For those who ask now: "Why is it necessary? After all, you can directly download with Google Play! ", I will answer the following. Not everyone can afford to download games and applications through mobile trafficAnd WiFi has a certain part of the population and is not at all. Well this method It can easily come in handy in solving such a task when the Internet is on the computer. There are still cases when you want to start an application or game on a computer on the emulator under Windows. So we immediately postpone this question and then the article can read those who really need to be able to download the APK files.

Let's first decide on the game or the application you want to download from the Googleplay, for this we will go to the page with the application in the browser (I suppose I want to download the game "Blocky Highway: Traffic Racing"). Next, you need to copy the address of the page with the application (game), which is in the address bar. (See the picture below).

Next, we turn to one of the working services, in my case I recommend using that today's number (03/14/2019) works perfectly for all 100%. Opening the above service, you need to insert a copied address in search string on the service. I designated it with a red arrow with a number 1.

It is worth noting that in this line You can also enter the name of the game itself, it is also as an option, but in some cases it may not work, since the service may not correctly find the game file in the Russian name (for example), so it will significantly correctly copy the address of the game links with Google Misa . Next, press the search button marked with digit 2 in the figure, then you can get either the game download page, or a list of options for download. In our case, this is the download page, see the drawing below.

Now click on the green button " Download APK"And transfer to the page automatic download, there we can see the file name and its size. If the download does not start automatically after a couple of seconds after opening this page, you can click on the name of the game with the mouse, as an option or restart the page.

Here in essence and everything, but it is worth saying that if the game is coming With Cashem, as a result, we will get the downloaded file in Xapk format. To disassemble it into parts (get a separate cache and the game file) you will need any archiver through which you can remove files from this archive. If you really need to download some kind of game and you can't do it, write her name and link to Google Play in the comments to this article, we will download it and post it on the site, after which you can just download it and all .

If you have questions about the instructions or some problems - write in the comments about them, we will understand.

To install the application from Google Play on your Android device, you can download the APK file to the computer directly from the Application Store. Then, downloaded file, you need to download with any file Manager On your device and install the application.

You may ask: "Why is it necessary? Is it easy to go through the device directly to Google Play and install need app or game? ".

Yes, indeed, in most cases there is no need to use this method Application settings, but there are several reasons due to which there is no way to use Google Play directly:

  1. When you try to install an application or game a message appears that they are not compatible with your android device. In turn, you are exactly sure that this application or game should work on your mobile device.
  2. The application or game in Google Play is not available for installation in your country or region.
  3. You want to install the application on the device in which there is no possibility of connecting to the Internet or which does not support the setting from Google Play at all.

How to download APK file from Google Play to computer

Now let's figure out how to do it:

2. Find the application you need or game.

3. Go to the Main Application Page and copy it in the browser.

4. Open the file loader page in the browser and insert in the field Package Name OR Google Play URL Copied earlier address.

5. Click the button Generate Download Link

6. After processing the link, the information is downloaded to the APK file and the button to download it to your computer. Click it.

That's all. After the download process is completed, you will have a full-fledged APK file to install an application or game on your android device.

As you can see, Download APK file from Google Play on a computer is very simple, but there is one limit - you can download only free apps and games. This is done in order to prevent application this service With the aim of illegal (pirate) use of paid applications.

Loading applications and games on the phone from Play Market is very convenient and safe, especially after the series of removal of malicious software from the store. Soft swings and set at a huge speed. But people still have a need to download the game from the playmark to the smartphone or PC in format.apk. Today we will tell, what ways it is better to use for this.

How to download games from Play Market to Computer / Laptop?

For a start, consider the nuances of downloading games on the Windows devices.

Apk downloader

The APK Downloader service makes it possible to download almost any application from Google Play literally in two minutes. The work procedure is extremely simple, follow the steps below, and you will succeed.

That's all, the task was completed, it was not even necessary to install extraneous programs on the PC.

Attention! So you will not be able to roll out a paid application.

How to run games for Android on Windows?

We bring to your attention two options, both of them work fine, how to use - you decide.

Naturally, the program will not be launched, since such permission is not supported. operating system from Microsoft. However, there are several well-known android emulatorsSuppose to play games designed for a green robot on Windows. We recommend using the software called BlueStacks 2. It is hardly the best emulator who improves developers and provide free by upgrading it and making the product better. By the way, downloading it, you can use not only games, but also by any applications.

Consider installing BlueStacks 2.

The program shortcut will appear on the desktop, from there and run.

Now spend initial settingwhich comes down to connecting google account and activation of synchronization. With this, you will not have difficulties. You can enter your real mail, you can create a new one - this is your discretion.

Go to Play Market via Bluestacks 2, look for the desired program and install. After that, it can be used in the same way as on the smartphone.

This emulator is distinguished by the interface and advanced settings. It should be said that appearance Windows and menu of the program here are more similar to the stock green robot. The controls are at the bottom, there are buttons to call multitasking, "back", "home".

Here you also need to tie an account to manage programs. All installed.apk will be displayed in the list of programs.

How to download games from playmark to phone?

Similarly, you can download games on the SD card from the market with the help of Android gadget. Come on the APK Downloader resource, then go to Play Market, select the application, copy it to the link in the download service field and save on a tablet or phone. You will find it by using any file manager, for example, ES conductor or Total Commander.. It makes no sense to offer other download options, since this functions are correct.

As a result, there are two ways to download games from the playground to the laptop and computer. They are both free. In the first case, you need to use the service, and in the second it is meant to install an emulator that also makes it possible to play games for Android through PC.

Download Android application from Google Play to your laptop or PC is very simple. It is as easy as pressed on the application icon on the phone or tablet, or as a search for the application and pressing the installation button.

How with google play download on computer

Play on computer

Today, Android is the most common mobile OS. At the same time, the default and safest source for Android add-ons, packed as APK files, is a Google Play shop. However, it happens that Google Play works very slowly, or, as in the case of a multitude of devices (the same PC), it is simply not for them. Thus, there are very few other options that allow you to download safe and non-aligned with third-party applications. Using other options, we can still upload applications from Google Play. If you use secure sites, you can protect yourself from malicious / modified additions.

There are two ways to install the game or addition from Google Play to your computer:

  • downloading applications from Google Play in Android emulator;
  • download APK game file or add-ons, after which it is installed in the emulator .

In any case, we need an Android emulator.

Note! You can download from Google Play immediately in the Android emulator. However, it happens that the application you need is not in the search list. In this case, you can download the APK file of the game or add-on.

Install and download the app / game with Google Play without special Programwhich mimics the Android system is impossible, which is why you first need to download the emulator. To date, there are a lot of such programs and therefore the question may arise about what emulator is better.

List 7. best emulators android systems Include:

  • BlueStacks. - the most popular Android emulator;
  • NOX App Player. (it is considered one of the best emulators);
  • Memu. (good performance and compatibility);
  • Andy. - also applies to one of the most popular emulators;
  • Remix Os Player. (only for Intel processors);
  • Droid4x.- Selection of gamers;
  • Genymotion.- The best for developers.

Bluestacks is one of the most popular Android emulators, therefore, as an example, we will use it. The interface in all emulators are simple, similar and intuitive. One only drawback of BlueStacks is that for him normal work A fairly powerful computer or a laptop is needed, otherwise it can hang. The same Memu or Nox App Player will work faster, as they are not so heavy.

How to install bluestacks

Install BlueStacks easier simple. Just follow the icon below:

Installing a supplement in BlueStacks emulator

Installing Supplement B. bluestacks emulator Comes in two ways:

  • download from Google Play right in the emulator;
  • downloading APK file, after which it can be installed in the emulator.

Download and install from Google Play right in the emulator.

The first way:

The second way:

How to install the application using it apk file

Important! If you want to install the game or addition to the APK file, first download this file.

Preliminary requirements:

Websites for download APK files

To download APK you need :

Evozi apk downloader

In order to download the APK file: works just like Evozi, you need to either enter the package name, Google Play URL, or the name of the application you want to download. You are also like on Evozi, you must click the blue button to create a link for download.

After the application is processed on the "server", you will see a link to download the file requested APK, as shown in the picture (the green arrow indicates the link to download the APK file). After you click on this link, you need to wait 5-10 seconds to start loading APK. is another site that allows you to download APK from the Google Play store. Also as in the 3 previous sites you need to enter the application package name, its Google Play URL, or the name of the application you want to download.

Online apk downloader

This is a website that will download the application in a few seconds. The boot process of APK files is no different from all of the above sites.

On a note! Thus, this is a list of 5 best and secure sites to download APK format files.

1mobile downloader extension for download APK files

To download the APK file, you can also use the 1Mobile Downloader extension for Google Chrome.

On a note! You can install 1mobile downloader in Opera browser. To do this, install Install Chrome Extensions extension. After installing it, all extensions for chrome will be available in Opera.

Use the extension is very simple.

Installing APK

When you have a downloaded APK format file, you can start it. This is what needs to be done for this:

Video - How to download Applications from Play Market to Computer