Frequently asked questions on the configuration "1C: Document Driver". The form is set to setting the scan. The form appears from the form of personal settings. Checking a scan of a copy of the document 1C Document Drive

"1C: Document Drive 8 Corp" provides the management of the hierarchy of business processes and tasks.

The hierarchy is carried out automatically when creating business processes based on the tasks of other business processes and can be taken into account by manually filling in the "main task" props in the card of any business process.

The level of the hierarchy of business processes and tasks is not limited.

You can see the hierarchy either from the business process card, or from the business process object card - document or file.

2. Is there a mechanism of deputies?

In "1C: Document Droduct 8" versions of prof and a corp supported role-playing tasks. This means that the task can be directed not a specific employee, for example, Ivanov I. S., and a special role, for example, "clerk". With this option to address the task, the task will be available for processing to all executors of the role of the "CLEAN PRODUCER". Role performants are indicated in the Special Role Performers list, which is responsible for regulatory and reference information.

3. Is there support for the versions of documents? What level of versions is supported?

"1C: Document Driving 8" supports work with files and documents:

  • When placing a changed file in "1C: Document Drive 8" automatically creates it a new version. At the same time, the program is recorded by the author of the version, date and time of its creation, short description Changes made. It is possible to work with any of the versions of the file. For files of popular office formats, version comparison is supported. The number of stored versions is unlimited. If necessary, for some files, you can prohibit storage of versions.
  • When you change the details of the document, information about this event is recorded in a special magazine that allows you to compare several versions.

4. Is it possible to bind to the document and its versions of discussion, chats, comments and voting?

In the standard configuration "Document Management" such an opportunity is not provided. However, these functions are easy to add when implementing. Thanks to the possibilities of "1C: enterprises 8", this can be done even without removing the configuration with support.

5. Is it possible to create a business process with the choice of performers using the hierarchical organizational and staff structure of the organization?

To select business processes can be used:

  • organizational structure of the organization;
  • the roles of performers.

When creating templates of business processes, in addition to the above options, it is possible to use autoforms.

6. Where can I see examples of introducing "1C: Document Roll 8", including with a large number of users and a large amount of documents?

This information can be obtained in the Implemented Decision Guide. The directory provides for the search for implementations on various conditions, one of which is the minimum number of users. The number of active users and the total number of users working with "1C: Document 8" should be distinguished. Sometimes these numbers may differ at times. For example, 500 people can be connected to the document management system, but with normal operation, the number of active users of the system may not exceed 200 people.

It is important to note that the performance of the program depends not only on the number of active users, but also on the volume and intensity of the data being processed. In this regard, the Supplies "1C: Document Roll 8" version 1.1.3 includes processing that allow you to carry out load testing and get an accurate performance assessment for a specific customer, taking into account its tasks and equipment.

7. How to correctly calculate the amount of hardware / software for the operation of the required user number?

For equipment selection, you can focus on system requirements "1C: Enterprises 8.2".

The package "1C: Document Runt 8" version 1.1.3 includes processing for configuring and conducting load testing of the program on the customer's equipment using the "Test Center" component from the program "1C: Kip". With the help of the proposed method, you can configure various test characteristics (for example, the number of users, the frequency of execution of type operations, the volume of files) and tested. The test result is a high-precision rating of the speed of execution of model operations "1C: Document Roll 8" for specified characteristics.

8. How fully implemented archival office work?

In "1C: Document Droduct 8" is also operative, and archived storage of documents and files. This allows you to search and analyze documents that are not only in operational work, but also written off to the archive. It is possible to restrict access to archive documents and files. For official documents, accounting on the nomenclature of cases, making the transfer of cases to the archive and destruction of cases.

9. Where are the files: in DBMS or in the file system?

In "1C: Document Driving 8" there are both file storage options:

  • Directly in the information database (in DBMS).
  • In disk volumes (in folders file System).

10. What means are the reliability and integrity of the documents and files and files?

The integrity of the information base is provided by the platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2" used by the DBMS and its means reserve copy.

Storage of files in disk volumes is carried out in such a way as to simplify the creation of accumulative as possible. backups volumes. For this in volumes are created separate folders Files for every day of work.

11. How is the constant availability and high failover of document repository achieved?

Failure tolerance of the file storage is achieved through the use of funds operating system, for example, by combining disks in the RAID array.

12. What are the mechanisms and means to provide backup and restore the document repository?

Backup is made by means of the DBMS used. When organizing file storage in Volumes, it is additionally to this should be provided with backups of all volumes.

The accumulative and full backup scheme is selected by customer specialists independently depending on the task and the existing equipment.

13. What means is the scalability of the volume of stored data and the number of users?

Scalability is ensured by the following mechanisms:

  • Server cluster.
  • Distributed information base.
  • Storage of files in disk volumes.

14. Is full-text search implemented in the system?

Yes, the program has implemented full-text search with wide functionality. The search is performed on all details of all program data and on the contents of the Popular Formats files (RTF, TXT, HTML, Doc, XLS, PPT, ODT, etc.). The program can automatically recognize the images, and therefore the search is carried out in the texts of the scanned documents, too.

Full-text search for documents and files is performed by the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform. Full-text index is used to accelerate the search. Building and updating this index is performed by the server "1C: Enterprises" automatically.

15. Is it possible to save search queries?

In "1C: Document Drodule 8" Edition 1.1.3 provides for the possibility of saving configured document search conditions and details. Saved search terms Users can assign clear names.

16. Does the streaming entry of documents with automatic information retrieving and filling out the document attributes in the system?

In "1C: Document Drodule 8" there is a streaming load of images from a scanner or from a catalog on hard or network disk. Attaching images to documents cards is performed on the basis of barcode recognition, previously applied to scanned documents. Scanned images are automatically recognized and indexed for full-text search.

Automatic filling of attributes of cards based on scanned images is not provided in a typical configuration, but can be implemented when the system is introduced by the Customer's specialists or partners of the company "1C".

17. How is the control of document execution and instructions organized?

Control of the execution of documents and decisions made two types:

  • monitoring of performance essentially;
  • execution control by term.

Execution control is essentially an assessment as well as correctly completed the task. Such control is usually implemented by an employee, competent enough to assess the compliance of the result achieved by the task assigned on behalf.

Execution control by term consists in tracking the timing of active orders. It is usually carried out in a large organization of the DOU division, in a small organization - the secretariat or secretary.

System "1C: Document Contract 8" allows you to perform both types of control.

To monitor the execution of the essentially in the business processes, the "Order" and "execution", in addition to the fields for instructions, the Field "Checking" is provided.

If it is filled, then after completing its task, the performers automatically formed the "Check Execution" task. Within the framework of this task, the verifier assesses the completeness and correctness of the execution of the commission. In case the result of the execution does not match the task, checking has the ability to return the instructions back to the Contractor to refine.

By default, the "Checking" field is filled with the business process by the author.

To monitor the execution for a term in business processes, the "order" and "execution", in addition to the fields for instructions, the Controller field is provided.

If it is filled, then simultaneously with the tasks to the controller, the task of "controlling execution" is formed.

Thus, the controller sees the controller among its tasks, the execution of what orders it needs to be controlled.

Upon expiration of the performance of the controller, the task of the controller also becomes overdue, which signals controls about the violation of the performance of the execution and the need for appropriate actions.

As soon as the performers hinder their tasks, the task of the controller is also automatically completed.

The program "1C: Document Contract 8" also provides consolidated control of instructions using reports. For example, the report "Help on the Performing Discipline" allows for each employee to obtain the number of not performed on time performed on time not completed and overdue tasks.

18. How is information protection in "1C: Enterprise 8.2", with a remote connection to the database via the Internet or using Web services? What technologies are used?

When connecting via the Internet to the "1C: Enterprise" database through a web server (web client or thin client), a secure HTTPS protocol is supported. Working with Web services can also be organized through a secure connection.

19. There are inexpensive programs for working with EDS, which can be used within the enterprise, and not to organize legally significant document management?

Inside the company, you can use any cryptoproderder, for example, Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider V1.0 - it is part of Windows, and it is not necessary to purchase it separately. Certificates can be obtained using the controller domain Windows Server 2003 or 2008 (using the CERTMGR.MSC utility by running the All Tasks command - Request New Certificate).

For the use of EDS with other organizations, a cryptoprovider is needed, which supports GOST R 34.10-2001, for example, crypto pro. In addition, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with the certificate center - to obtain certificates.

When using Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0, a certificate that does not require a password at the time of signing is displayed by default. You can configure (upon receipt of a certificate via a domain controller) so that when signing the password required. Below are the pictures of the settings screens.

20. How "1C: Document Contract 8" meets the requirements of the Law "On Personal Data" (No. 152-ФЗ dated 27.07.2006)?

In accordance with the requirements Federal Law Russian Federation No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data" in "1C: Document Driver 8" implemented a mechanism for auditing access to data containing personal information, for which the appropriate program setting should be included.

Also, we also note that the company "1C" produces the program complex "1C: Enterprise, 8.2Z", containing a special edition of the technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2".

This software package received a certificate of conformity of FSTEC No. 2137 (valid until 07/20/2013), which confirms that the program complex "1C: Enterprise 8.2Z" is recognized software general purpose With integrated information protection tools from unauthorized access to information that does not contain information that make up the state secret. According to the results of certification, compliance with the requirements of the Guidelines are confirmed:

  • to protect against NSD - in grade 5;
  • in terms of control of the absence of the NDV - 4 levels of control;
  • confirmed the possibility of using AC to create 1G inclusive, as well as to protect information in information systems Personal data to class K1 inclusive.

21. Our organization is already a user of solutions on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, and we have licenses for "1C: Enterprise 8". Can we use them for users with "1C: Document Drive 8"?

Yes, if your organization already has the required number client licenses, To work users with the program "1C: Document proof 8", you should only purchase the main supply "1C: Document Roll 8".

If you use the client-server version of the information base and you already have a license to the application server "1C: Enterprise 8", then by purchasing only the main supply "1C: Document Roll 8", you can deploy information base "1C: Document Roll 8" on this application server.

The need for acquisition additional licenses The DBMS is determined by the licensing conditions of the DBMS you use.

22. Is the text recognizes when entering a new document or file to a scanning document scan?

Yes, when entering the system of new documents from the scanner, it is possible to recognize the contents of these documents.

Read more about the recognition setting is written in the built-in Help "1C: Document Roll 8" and in the documentation.

23. Are the scanned documents in full-text search participate?

Yes, if the scanned document is recognized, it will participate in full-text search. If the document is not recognized and loaded into "1C: Document Drive 8" as an image, then the full-text search will be carried out only on the contents of the metadata of the document (according to its details).

24. Is there a demo version "1C: Document Roll 8" for independent familiarization?

Yes, there is an opportunity to independently get acquainted with the program "1C: Document Drive 8" using a full-featured demo information base available online.

In addition, in the section of the official website "1C", dedicated to "1C: document flow 8" you can find additional materials on the product.

25. Is it possible to combine business processes in the chain? For example, to implement such a process: the provider sent us an email project of the contract (incoming document). According to the results of the coordination, it was decided to form a disagreement protocol and send it to the customer (outgoing document).

Yes, for this you can use the input mechanism based on.

26. What documentation is "1C: Document Driving 8"?

Traditionally, all solutions, and "1C: Document Proof 8" no exception is provided with a configuration description containing instructions for installing and starting work in the system, as well as a description of the configuration mechanisms.

Built-in help will help users to navigate in the assignment of certain objects directly at the place of use. Some auxiliary materials Can be found on the site.

Additional configuration articles "Document Drive" Along with the documentation for the Technological Platform "1C: Enterprise 8" in in electronic format and articles on other solutions of the company "1C" are published monthly and updated on information and technological support disks and on the ITS-online website (, access to which any ITS subscriber can get access.

27. How to properly configure image format when scanning?

To select the optimal ratio of size and quality of scanned images, it is recommended to be guided by the following settings:

  • Install the 200 DPI resolution.
  • To scan monochrome images, select TIF format, monochrome image, LZW or RLE compression.
  • To scan images in color, select JPG format and establish a compression ratio of 75 (this is the optimal compression ratio that combines enough good quality Images and high degree of compression). The compression ratio affects the quality of recognition, so after setting up the compression, it is recommended to scan multiple trial documents and make sure that recognition works with a proper quality level.

28. Where can I find out the name and type of cryptoproder (to indicate the cryptography settings dialog)?

Below are some of the most common cryptoproprodes (name, name and type of cryptoproder to indicate in the Cryptographics Settings dialog):

  • CSP cryptopro: "Crypto-Pro Gost R 34.10-2001 Cryptographic Service Provider" (type 75), Signal-Com CSP: "Signal-Com CPGOST Cryptographic Provider" (type 75),
  • VIPNET CSP: "Infotecs Cryptographic Service Provider" (type 2),
  • Microsoft CSP: "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider V1.0" (type 1).

If your cryptoproder is not on this list, you need to contact the manufacturer of the cryptoprovider and get the necessary information.

29. How to organize the download to the paper documents program, for example, the archive of contracts last year?

  • Manually create cards of internal documents by filling out fields in them: correspondent, amount, validity period, etc.
  • Then, for each card, print the barcode on the sticker (the barcode is automatically assigned to the system by each card) and stick it to the first page of each contract (consisting of one or more paper sheets). Or print a barcode on an empty sheet, and put such a sheet at the top of the pack of sheets of each contract.
  • After that, perform streaming scanning, in which the scans of paper documents are automatically attached to predetermined cards.

Below is an approximate evaluation of the winning from using streaming scanning:

Initial data:

  • 30 seconds - page scanning on tablet scanner (including the time to put a sheet into the scanner and pick it up from there).
  • 5 seconds - Streaming page Scanning (medium stream scanner).
  • 120 seconds - register an incoming or internal document and print a barcode, then leaf with a barcode add to sheets of an incoming or internal document.
  • 8 hours a day working time (without lunches, interruptions, etc.) 8 * 60 * 60 \u003d 28800 sec.
  • For the working day, one clerk will have time to register 240 card documents.
  • Let each document on average consists of 2 pages (i.e., only 480 sheets of paper).
  • If you scan them manually, then it will leave for another 4 hours.
  • With streaming scanning it will take 40 minutes of the scanner operation, i.e. Winning per day will be 3 hours 20 minutes.

30. Is there an EDS use version on the enterprise server without installing cryptographic software for all client computers?

You can install cryptographic only on computers of those users who sign documents or files. In order for the rest of the users to perform an EDS check, you need to configure the EDS scan on the server. To do this, check the "Make an EDS On Server" checkbox in the program settings, as shown in the figure.

Use script:

  • Part of the staff has the ability to impose EDS to documents and files. These employees issued certificates of EDS, and they have established the corresponding cryptographic software.
  • The rest of the staff cannot impose EDS, but can check the established signatures. These employees do not need to establish cryptographic software, but you need to install it for each computer cluster "1C: Enterprises". The procedure for licensing cryptographic software when installing it on the server should be clarified by the manufacturer's firm of the corresponding software.

31. The client does not open files on viewing or editing. What could be the problem?

Check if you should not block pop-up windows in the browser. If blocking is installed - disconnect it for the desired site.

32. Is it possible to transfer files from the base in the volume and how to specify the path in UNC format?

To transfer files from the information base in Tom, follow these steps:

  • Enable storage in volumes (setting up the program "Files"),
  • Create one or more volumes:
    • The path to wait in the UNC format, for example, "\\\\ Server \\ Folder",
    • If the volume is located on the same computer on which the 1C server works: enterprises, then you need to configure sharing to the appropriate directory of the file system. For example, to use the C: \\ VOLUME1 directory as Tom:
      • Configure Sharing Catalog Sharing (Sharing Bookmark in Catalog Properties),
      • Specify on the way to the path to this catalog "\\\\ Server \\ Volume1" (you can get it opening this computer through the network environment).
  • Run "Transfer to Tom" processing from the Administration Setup section.

33. Is the EDS used when sharing documents through MADO?

When exchanged documents through MADO, electron-digital signatures are not used. This is due to several reasons:

  • GOST R 53898-2010, on the basis of which functionality was developed, does not imply the use of EDS. Instead, it is assumed to use protected transmission transports.
  • The use of the EDC with several parties to exchange leads to the need to deploy a general certifying center or the use of existing commercial certifying centers. This is difficult, it is difficult to configure and maintain, and when using commercial certifying centers, it also leads to additional financial costs.
  • According to the Law on Electronic digital signatureIf the participants in the exchange of documents conclude an agreement that they are recognized as sufficient to identify the sender and recipient the fact of logging into the system, then such an exchange of documents will be identical to the paper.

34. When the files are opening, the file appears are issued ... not found on the server. Delete it from the working directory? " How to get rid of these errors?

This message is issued if the file has been removed in the information base, but it is still stored in the working directory on personal Computer User.

When cleaning a working directory (for example, when opening a new file), the program checks all files stored in it and offers to remove those from them that are not found in the information base to free up on a personal computer.

35. Is there 1C: Document Droduct Display Tools When signing a document, for example, when an employee claims that he has signed a completely different document card or did not sign this document at all.

  • If an employee claims that he did not sign this documentYou use user work protocols and check the following:
    • Open the document card.
    • On the EDS tab, find the certificate of the employee (whether there is a certificate of this user among them).
    • Follow the reference protocols link (in the navigation pane) and find the EDS Signing event for this employee.
  • If an employee claims that the document card was changed after he signed it:
    • Open the document card.
    • On the EDS tab, find the employee's signature and check the EDS. If the signatures are correct - then the document-protected field of the document card ("name" and "summary") are those that the EDS were signed, and were not changed after signing.
    • The EDS check can also be performed for files applied to the document and for visa approval.

36. What formats of scanned files supports 1C: Document Drive?

For single-page images:

For multi-page images:

  • pDF (with ImageMagick + Ghostscript installed).

Installing ImageMagick and Ghostscript is given in the book "Configuration Description".

Scanning parameters affect image size and on the quality of barcode recognition and texts.

Optimal scanning parameters (as ratio recognition quality / file size):

  • DPI: from 150 to 300.
  • Color: Color (i.e. not monochrome, and not a grayscale image).
  • Format: TIF or PNG.

Quick transition to the section:

Is there an opportunity to optical text recognition when entering a new document or file to the system as a result of scanning a paper original?

This feature is present when loading scanned documents into the system. To do this, you need to enable the appropriate program settings. The mechanism of optical recognition of text information is based on free software solution Cuneiform. To familiarize yourself with its functions, we advise you to visit the following resource Also, more information about text recognition settings can be easily found in the integrated Help "1C: D8" and the corresponding documentation for it.

Is there an opportunity to fully search for the contents of scanned documents?

If the introduction of such documents was recognized by their contents, then text information will be available when searching. It is important to note that if you download only images, without subsequent recognition, you can identify only the contents of the metadata of the document or file.

Is it possible to get acquainted with the demo "1C: D8" at a certain time without making any payment?

Such an opportunity is implemented using a full-featured demo version of the infa base "1C: D8". It is always available for independent familiarization on the Internet at the following address Also useful additional information is contained in the special section of the site of the company "1C", which is dedicated to 1C: D8 and is available around the clock by reference

Is there a function of combining individual business processes in logical chains?

For example, to perform the following procedure: the counterparty sent in an email

the project of the future contract, which becomes an incoming document; After a series of meetings, it was decided to create a list of problematic issues (outgoing document) that need to be sent to the counterparty.

Such an opportunity exists for its use it is necessary only to use the document entry mechanism based on.

What documentation exists in relation to 1C: D8?

In full compliance with the Methodology of the company "1C", each configuration "1C: D8" has a description of this modification, mechanisms of internal processes and detailed instructions Installation and start of interaction with the system.

With the help of the help available in 1C: D8, the system users are easily focused when appointing certain objects at the place of use. Various additional information You can find at

Lot useful information With respect to the configuration "1C: D8", on an ongoing basis, it is published and relevant updated on the CDs of information and technological support and on the ITS-online web resource at Access to this site can quickly and just get every ITS-online user. Also similar sources applies new information Regarding other developments of the firm "1C".

How to correctly configure the format of the final drawings when scanning paper originals?

  • To achieve a rational ratio of the volume and quality of scanned documents, it is recommended to use the following parameters:
  • scan resolution in 200 dpi;
  • choose a color image, JPG file format and apply 75 compression levels - such installations will allow you to achieve excellent drawing quality and the acceptable size of the final file. Since the compression level directly affects the quality of the optical recognition of the text, then after entering the above parameters, you must scan several documents for sample. After their trial recognition, make sure that there are no significant errors. If such are found, it is worth using compression levels of more than 75 points;
  • if there is no possibility of color digitization of documents with the available scanner, use the monochrome scanning mode and select PNG format for storing the final documents.

How can I find out the name and type of cryptoproder to correctly indicate when regulating cryptography settings?

The required information about some of the most popular cryptoprovideers is listed below. This data must be specified in the dialog of cryptography parameters.

  • CSP cryptopro: "Crypto-Pro Gost R 34.10-2001 Cryptographic Service Provider" (type 75);
  • Signal-Com CSP: Signal-Com CPGOST Cryptographic Provider (Type 75);
  • VIPNET CSP: "Infotecs Cryptographic Service Provider" (type 2);
  • Microsoft CSP: "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider V1.0" (type 1).

If you use another, less common cryptoproider, then you need to contact its developer and request the necessary data.

How best to organize the process of administration in "1C: D8" of documents on paper?

For example, the archive of contracts over the past year.

To make such a manipulation, one should adhere to the most rational algorithm for action:

  • independently form the cards of the internal documents by filling out the fields: "Correspondent", "amount", "validity" and other similar, if necessary;
  • print the barcode for each individual card - it is automatically assigned to the system when creating each card. Stick it on title page Each contract or initially print a bar code on an empty sheet and place it at the beginning of a package of a separate contract;
  • then make a batch scan of contracts, while scans of paper originals System in automatic mode Connect to previously created cards.
  • Below is an approximate calculation of the benefit from the use of batch scanning.

Primary data:

  • half a minute - scanning one paper page of the contract on a standard tablet scanner, taking into account the time spent on the action "Plan a piece of scanner and pick it back";
  • 5 seconds - the scan time of one page on the average productivity scanner;
  • 2 minutes - registration of the incoming or internal document, the printout of the barcode and the subsequent addition of a sheet with a barcode to the registered documents;
  • standard 8-hour working day without lunches or interruptions - 8 * 60 * 60 \u003d 28,800 seconds.


  • within one working day, the recorder will be able to register 240 cards of the required documents;
  • on average, each document consists of two pages, respectively, we have 480 paper sheets;
  • in the case of manual scanning of such a volume of paper originals, 4 hours will be required;
  • with a batch scanning of the same volume, only 40 minutes and the daily win will be 3 hours 20 minutes.

Is there an opportunity to use the EDS on the institution server without installing cryptographic software on computers of all users?

Yes, for this you need to install the appropriate software on computers exclusively those users who are responsible for signing documents or files. To other users have the ability to check an electronic signature, you need to configure such control on the server. To do this, you must put a mark in the "Perform EP on the server" field in the "1C: D8" parameters, as is done on the screen image below.

This will use the following script of use:

  • authorized employees will be able to impose an electronic signature on required documents and files. They will have a corresponding digital signature certificate, and the necessary cryptographic program will be installed on their computers;

other workers will be able to check the electronic signatures, but they will not be able to impose them. Accordingly, there is no need for a special cryptographic program on their computers. However, such a program must be installed on each computer cluster computers "1C: Enterprise". The procedure for licensing a specific cryptographic program when installing it, it is necessary to specify the developer of such a software product.

Why do not open documents for viewing and editing in web client mode?

Please check that pop-up blocking blocks are not enabled in your browser. If it is activated, then disconnect it for the resource you use as a web client.

Is there an opportunity to transfer files from the infobase in the computer disk and how correctly specify the path in UNC format?

To move any files from the inforobase in Tom, follow such an action algorithm:

  • activate the storage option in volumes: menu item "Program Setup" \u003d\u003e "Files" tab;
  • create one or more volumes;
  • specify the path to that using UNC format, for example, "\\ Server \\ Folder";
  • in the event that the volume is located on the same computer that functions the server "1C: Enterprise", then you must enable sharing the desired folder file system.

For example, to use the folder "C: \\ VOLUME1" as Tom:

  • activation general access To the folder "C: \\ Volume1" in the Sharing tab in the folder parameters;
  • the correct indication of the path to this folder "\\ Server \\ Volume1". The required path can be obtained by opening this computer through the network environment.

Start the "Transfer to Tom" processing from the Administration Setup section.

Does the electronic signature apply when exchanging documents using MADO?

With this exchange, an electronic signature is not applied due to the following factors:

  • Mado meets the GOST R 53898-2010 and it does not imply the use of digital signature, instead of it applies protected document exchange protocols;
  • using electronic signature Multiple data transmission parties need to deploy a common certifying center or resort to the services of existing centers that offer their services for the fee. In addition to unnecessary expenses, this leads to increased labor intensiveness, the complexity of setting up and supporting such a mechanism for sharing documents;
  • in accordance with the Digital Signature Law, if the parties to the exchange of documents conclude a transaction in which they recognize the fact of entering the sender to the system as its sufficient identification, then after making such entry, the subsequent transfer of the document will be identical to the exchange of paper origin.

When opening files, such a notification appears: "File ... not found on the server. Delete it from the working directory? "

Is there a way to get rid of such messages?

Such a notification appears if the required file has been removed in the inforage, but at the same time it is in working folder On a user's computer.

It should be borne in mind that when scanning such a folder, for example, when opening a new document, "1C: D8" always carries out the check of all available files and offers the user to remove those documents that are not in the infobase.

Is there a "1C: D8" the parsing function of controversial situations when signing the document?

For example, if the employee claims that he put a signature on another document card or did not sign this document at all.

To analyze such situations, it is worth applying the following features of the program:

  • in the event that the employee says he did not put any signatures on a disputed document, then check the following nuances in the user's work protocols according to the algorithm:
  • open the document card;
  • on the EP tab, find the certificate of this employee;
  • in the "Navigation Panel", go to the "Protocol of Work" link and find the Signing Operation Operation in relation to this employee;

if the employee claims that the controversial document card was fixed after he put his signature, then follow these steps:

  • open the document card;
  • find the employee's signature on the EP tab and check EP. If the verification shows that the signatures are correct - then the "Name" and "Summary" fields that are protected in the document's card signature are correct and were signed with EP, and recreated after that did not have been committed;
  • similar control of EP can be performed for files attached to the document, as well as for agreed visas.

Support for what formats of scanned files has "1C: D8"?

For single-page documents, the following formats are supported:

  • tIFF;
  • For images with multiple pages, such formats are supported:
  • tIFF;
  • pDF - in case of installation of images imagemagick and ghostscript.

The installation algorithm ImageMagick and Ghostscript is contained in the configuration description book.

What scan settings should be applied with streaming scanning?

The optimal scan parameters are the following:

  • dPI: from 150 to 300;
  • chromaticity: monochrome, color and grasycale;
  • file format: TIFF, PNG or JPG.

How to compare the versions of documents when using MS Word 2013?

Now, when performing this operation, the following message appears:

"(ORGANMODUL. WORKS FILLIMICLENT. Module (6256)): Error when calling the context method (Merge) document.merge (Palefyle2, 0, 0, 0); // mergetarget: \u003d wdmergetargetselected, detectformatcheshanges: \u003d false, useformattingfrom: \u003d WDFormattingFromCurrent

due to: An exception occurred ( Microsoft Word.): The MERGE method or property is not available, because this command cannot be used in reading mode. " To solve such a problem, it is necessary in word Parameters ("File" \u003d\u003e "Parameters") on the "General" tab, uncheck the checkbox from the "Open Investments" item email In read mode, "as indicated in the screenshot below.

What to do if after updating the platform disappeared access to files that are stored in volumes?

With a greater probability, the user has changed as a result of the update, in the account of which the Module "Server 1C: Enterprise 8.3" module is running. For example, by default, User UserR1CV82 is used, while to work with documents in volumes it is necessary to apply a domain user like Domain1 \\ user1.

If you did not succeed, our specialist can come and.

Configure. Connect. Correct. We find the error 1c.

The system of document management "Corporate Document Management" includes a text recognition mechanism from graphic files. The text recognition mechanism can be used to solve the following tasks:

  • Removing text for the organization of full-text search on document management system files
  • Creating new text (as well as HTML) files based on graphic files

To enable the ability to recognize the text in the images, you must enable the "Use Recognition" function in the settings of the system parameters on the "Working with Files" tab (System Administration subsystem). After enabling this option, the following items will be available:

  • Setting image recognition system
  • Install the Cuneiform component
  • Shape a queue for image recognition

The type of system setup form is shown in the figure below:

click to enlarge the image

In the form of configuration of the image recognition system, you can specify which language is used in most files, and whether to change the author of the file after it is recognized.

The recognition language in the future can be installed for each specific user user, as well as for each system file. Recognition of the following languages \u200b\u200bis supported:

English, German, French, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Italian, Russian-English, Ukrainian, Serbian, Croatian, Polish, Danish, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech, Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Turkish.

After setting up the recognition system, you can click on the "Set Cuneiform component" button to install the CUNEIFORM COM component version 12 ("Cuneiform.puma"). In addition to setting the recognition component, you must install the Cuneiform application itself. This application is free and distributed and can be downloaded from the official website Direct links to download can be obtained by clicking on the reference link. After downloading the OCR CUNEIFORM V.12 distribution, run the setup.exe file and click the Next button.

After installing the application and the COM components, the recognition system is ready for operation. If, by the inclusion of the recognition system in the Corporate Document Document Sed, there are already graphic files that need to be recognized, you can put them in a queue for recognition by clicking on the link "To create a queue ...". In the future, all graphic files moved to the SED will have a sign of the need to recognize. You can change this feature on the "Extracted text" tab of the file form. The user can set the value "you need to recognize" or "no need to recognize" for the selected file.

The recognition process in the Corporate Document Document EDF runs through a special regulatory task "Files: Image Recognition". The regulatory task is available in the "Automatic Processing" subsystem as shown in Figure below.

In the case of the Database of the Corporate Document Document Database in the client-server "1C" mode, this regulatory task will be launched automatically (by the configured schedule). In the case of a database of document management in the usual, file mode, "1C", you will need to launch a separate processing session of regulatory tasks. You can open this session by clicking on the "Open Processing Session" button as shown in the figure above. You can also execute a single start of the regulations for image recognition by clicking on the "Run Now" button.

There are several options (strategies) performed after recognition of a graphic file action system of the SED "Corporate Document Driver" system:

  • Place only in the "extracted text". After recognition, the text will be placed in a special file text storage. This storage is used to complete the text search files of the system, the extracted text can be viewed (and if necessary) on the "Extracted text" tab.
  • Create a new HTML file version. After extracting the text, a new version of the HTML file will be created from the graphic file. This version will be the current version, and the source graphic file will be saved in previous version This file.
  • Create a new TXT version of the file. In this embodiment, after extracting text, a new version of the file in the TXT format will be created from the graphics file. This version will be the current version, and the source graphic file will be saved in the previous version of this file.
  • Create a new HTML file. When choosing this option A new file in HTML format will be created, while the owner of the file will be the same owner as the source file (for example, a certain corporate document).
  • Create a new TXT file. When this option is selected, a new file will be created in TXT format, while the owner of the file will be the same owner as the source file. An example of this option for the system document is shown in the figure below.

In the event that for any reason, the document could not be recognized, the file will be assigned the status "Failed to recognize". Users can eliminate the cause (for example, to set the Cuneiform distribution) and re-deliver this file in the queue to recognition, changing the status on "to recognize".

Note: To solve the task of organizing full-text search files office applications Designed a mechanism for extracting texts from office files (MS Word, MS Excel, as well as OpenOffice files). In contrast to image recognition, this mechanism retrieves texts not from graphic files, but from office application files. The mechanism is started by the Regulations "Files: Extracting text (from office files)".

Set the scan component - sets the scan component. If there is no scanner on your computer, you do not specify the component. If the component is already defined, then the version of the specified component is displayed instead of such a button.

Scanner name - allows you to specify the scanner used from the list of available devices connected to the computer.

Apply ImageMagick to convert to PDF - if defined, it converts scanned images to PDF using the ImageMagick program (on client computerwhere the scanner is located, must be exhibited free programs ImageMagick (Use the case: Win32 Dynamic AT 8 BITS-PER-PIXEL) and Ghostscript).

The path to the transformation program to PDF is the path to the ImagingMagick executable file (default "convert.exe"). If this name conflict with other programs is required to determine the full path, the species C: \\ Program Files \\ Imagemagick-6.6.3-Q8 \\ convert.exe.

Single-page image format - Allows you to specify one of the supported formats (BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, PDF) for the room in the information base.

The format of the multi-page image - allows you to specify one of the supported formats (TIF, PDF) for the room in the information base. Used when the "Accept everything as one file" command is specified.

The type of scanned image - allows you to specify one of the supported formats (BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF) for images that will be accepted from the scanner. The option is available if the format of a single-page image is PDF.

Quality - If the JPG format is specified, then it is permissible to adjust its quality (100 - the maximum quality and maximum size, 1 is the smallest quality and minimum size.). Default - 100.

Compression - if the TIF format is specified, it is permissible to adjust compression. Permissible cases: LZW, RLE, CCITT3, CCITT4, without compression. Default: without compression.

Resolution - allows you to specify scan resolution (DPI). The list of available permissions depends on the specified scanner.

Color - selection of chromaticity of images that will be accepted from the scanner (monochrome, grayscale,

Rotate the image - allows you to specify one of the ways of rotation of images after scanning. For some models of scanners, this property is not available.

Paper size - Allows you to specify the size of the paper that is placed in the scanner. For some models of scanners, this property is not available.

Bilateral scanning - if you specify, both sides of the paper will be scanned. For some models of scanners, this property is not available.

Show the scanner dialog - if truth, the dialog will be shown before scanning for a wider scan setting (for example, selecting the scan area on the paper sheet).

Call the scanned file numbers - opens the list of recently used numbers, from which the scanned files are made automatically for each owner (file folder or input,
Outgoing, internal document)

Note: When running Windows Server 2008, to use the scanner, you need to set the desktop feature component (Desktop Experience).