Flash drive flash drive in DVD drive with an ISO-mounted. How to record a file on a flash drive how to throw off on the USB flash drive using the keyboard

This article will discover how, by reprogramming ("flashing") of the controller of the flash memory module ("flash drives"), make any computer to which such a flash drive will be connected, to perceive it as a standard USB disk, and As an external CD / DVD drive with "inserted" into it, the desired CD user.

Copyright Previation

Honestly, at first I did not want to include this section in my article. However, after a short reflection, she decided to do it. Why? Well, firstly, the fashion now went this ;-) Secondly, I thought that it would really be well to acquaint readers in advance with the principles that I adhered to when writing this article, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings.

So, the first principle is the author's refusal of responsibility. This does not mean that the information set out in the article is taken from the ceiling and have never been tested by anyone. Just on the contrary, I personally, according to me here, the methodology "reflash" at least two dozen flash drives, and all operations, except for the only time, ended successfully. Speaking about the refusal of responsibility, I only draw your attention to the fact that due to such objective and in no way controlled factors as: a huge variety of models and modifications of flash drives, possible errors in the software used, various hardware and software configurations of computers and no less different level of user preparation everything that works fine on my computer may well do not work on your. Additionally, I want to note that the method described by me is not standard and predetermined For its products from manufacturers of flash memory modules, therefore all operations set out in this article, you fulfill on your own risk. Remember this! If, as a result of the execution of the manipulations described below, you incur any material and / or moral damage, pay all claims only to yourself. ABOUT possible Risk of further action I warned you. If you do not find yourself ready for action on such conditions, simply do not attempt to reproduce them.

The second principle is the principle of independence. In my article, I give links to the Internet page on which you can download this or that software required to work for us. So, I warn in advance that I have nothing to do with the owners of these pages, neither more so to the developers of the software placed on them. Using the programs specified in the article, I myself am in exactly the same position as you, dear readers. Thus, if, by the time of my article, the specified links will not be specified software, or it will be involved, or in any way hurts your computer - all claims, again, add either to resource authors, or to program developers (If, of course, you will be able to find them) or to yourself.

And last. Since I strongly doubt that the topic of my article will be interested in novice users of the computer, I initially count on the prepared reader. Therefore, those aspects that are directly related to the topic of the article, I will try to set out the most understandable and detailed language, but I will not pay attention (unless there are special occasions) the actions that are included in the usual work at the computer. That is, for example, how to run "Task Manager" (and what it is generally), where the "Address line" is located in the browser (and why it is needed at all), you, dear readers, should already know. If you (suddenly!) Do not know this, then read my article is clearly premature to you - except as information for " common development"To know that" this also happens. "

Why do you need, or why are we not looking for light paths?

To answer this question, you will have to start from afar.

As is known, in the period ongoing from about the mid-90s before the mid-2000s, the main carriers of more or less significant information volumes were optical CDs - first appeared CDs with a capacity of up to several hundred megabytes, then they were slowly disappeared Various modifications of more "advanced" DVDs with a volume of up to several gigabytes. Currently, despite the strongly stunned position, the CDs have not yet lost their entirety (at least in such areas as, for example, the sale of "boxes" software).

Approximately by the mid-2000s, seriously dominant in the field of CD data transfer, there were serious competitors - media based on Flash memory (in the surprise, referred to as "flash drives"). By the way, the first models of flash drives for the "general public" were released in 2000, and a long-term delay before their wide distribution is explained only to a small amount and high cost Production of the first serial samples. However, from the very beginning, the technology of Flash-memory work has so obvious advantages over the traditional ways to store information, which bringing "to mind" of those or other specific parameters was only a matter of time.

Although modern modules Flash memory exceeds the usual CDs for almost all comparable parameters (volume, high-speed characteristics, compactness), the overwhelming majority of flash drives have one, but very serious disadvantage - secureness. And, more precisely, the lack of such. Interesting, but quite explained, is the fact that viral "livestock" transmitted through carriers of information that existed on a small but stable level until the mid-90s (in the disk era) and practically disappeared by the mid-2000s, from Wide dissemination of flash drives is developing unprecedented with a pace. The impact lies in the fact that optical discs, by virtue of the special technology recording technology, require special software. We should not forget that 100% of the "branded" discs generally refers to the category "...- Rom", that is, are "read-only" devices, an entry for which is impossible in principle. While the CDs did not have a decent alternative, both users and manufacturers were forced to put up with the difficulties of recording inherent optical disks. But at the same time, it was these difficulties that were almost an insurmountable obstacle for viruses! Would have to embed to make a full-fledged program to record optical disks in each "creation", which will immediately be reduced to "no" such characteristics important for viruses as secrecy, speed and small volume. It can be seen, remembering the problems that are so characteristic of optical disks, the developers of flash memory modules decided to ease the life to end users. And viruses. Since a flash drive, along with a floppy disk and hard disk, does not require any third-party software and any operations can be performed through the standard Windows "Watch Explorer", all obstacles that interfere with their penetration on the USB flash drive disappeared before viruses. And considering How popular is this type of media now, you can imagine the level of interest in them from the authors of viruses and the exemplary scale of the epidemic. Sometimes quite simple to plug flash drive to the infected computer so that it immediately settled someone (I had to deal with viruses that automatically scanned USB ports on the availability of storage devices and, in case of detection, they immediately recorded their copy or made any destructive actions). A few years ago, you could still find models of flash drives with a special switch on the housing blocking the ability to record on a flash drive (although such models were extremely small), however, unfortunately, there are almost no such flash drives. The reason for the failure of manufacturers from such an inexpensive, but extremely useful improvement, I am not known. Judging by some reviews placed on the Internet, such microswitches have a small mechanical resource and quickly fail, leaving a flash drive in read-only mode, which causes a storm of indignation from users who are forced to buy a new flash drive ahead of schedule.

Eastern users have such a microswitch on a flash drive, maybe indeed without need - it is enough to have a more or less adequate antivirus on a computer ... and how to be unusual Users - admins, repair engineers, information recovery experts? After all, they often have to work with an absolutely unfamiliar computer, in conditions when it is launched on it and it works do not understand what! No self-respecting surgeon will make an operation with a dirty non-sterile tool. In this sense, the work of a doctor and a professional computer has a lot of common - and there, and there is extremely important sterility. You can, of course, make a "step back" and record the entire necessary set of programs on the old good optical discs modification "...- R", but ...

Firstly, full set Professional programs to restore computer performance, as a rule, has a volume significantly exceeding the volume of one disc, so you have to carry with you not alone, but a whole set of disks, which, you agree, is no longer good ...

Secondly, optical discs serving "work horses", constantly transferred when, where and in what accommodation are rather quickly spoil, breathing and covering scratches.

Thirdly, even the most "advanced" modifications of DVDs provide a very mediocre, according to modern standards, read speed. It happens that loading the system from such a resuscitation disk takes up to 10-15 minutes. I do not argue that some people will agree to wait 10, and 15 minutes, and even a whole hour, it would just have to wait, but agree, if there is a possibility to increase the productivity of your work, the sin of this opportunity cannot be used.

Fourth, such a non-standard and mandatory device, as a DVD drive, in a modern computer becomes more and more like a person "non-Grata", it was not "from birth" in portable computers, and I will keep silent about Blu-Ray drives .. . At the same time, USB ports are not only equipped with almost all types of computers, but the number of these useful ports is growing steadily. So you can easily face such a situation when you have only a set of CDs in your hands, and a reanimated computer, instead of the expected drive, there is only a free USB port.

In general, to give up the already familiar flash drives in favor of optical disks do not want so! "But not necessary! - Speaking an experienced user. - Isn't the Internet programs that allow you to write "image" to the flash drive necessary disc? " And will be right ... partly. Most of these programs - DirectGrub, WinsetupFromusb, WinToFlash, UnetBootin, RosaimageWriter - and dozens of similar to them really do well with their task, but, firstly, they do not give the user "Freedom of Maureament", clearly "tied" him to the "image" or Other type; and secondly, despite the appearing opportunity to boot with the flash drives processed by them, your information remains absolutely not protected. That is, the USB flash drive can still be easily formatted, delete some files from it or, on the contrary, add certain information.

However, there is a way that allows you to write the contents of absolutely on the USB flash drive. anyone the disk you need with the possibility of downloading from this flash drive, and its contents will be reliably protected from "invasion" - creating a CD-ROM (DVD-ISO) partition on a flash drive and writing to it "image" of the desired disk.

Why is it possible to "flashing"?

This becomes possible because the manufacturers of the controllers for flash drives initially laid the ability to operate in various modes, including, in the emulation mode (imitation) of the external CD / DVD. Thus, manufacturers leave themselves "loophole" to create various cunning "branded" flash drives. After some time, the information about this one way or another becomes an accessible to the general public, and after another period of time, the versions of the "branded" utilities appear on the Internet, allowing in practice to switch the controller mode.

What is needed for "flashing"?

For the successful implementation of this employment procedure, we will need:

  • computer running Windows XP or later and Internet access;
  • a flash drive equipped with a controller having a CD-ROM emulation function;
  • the program "flashing";
  • actually, the "firmware" itself (in 99% of cases comes with the program);
  • ISO image of the desired disk;
  • any instruction (for example, this article);
  • about one hour of free time;
  • straight hands and curves brains (but in no case vice versa! ;-))

As I said, you need to know what iso-image is and have it in stock (download from the Internet, "Remove" from the existing optical disk, "Collect" yourself). If you do not know what it is and cannot download / remove / collect ISO-image, then, sorry, I will not describe this procedure here. I will not personally for you, since the topic is so extensive and multifaceted, which deserves writing a separate article. In extreme cases, you can find all the necessary information on the Internet. In the future, I will no longer return to this issue, and I will assume that you have the necessary "image".

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the most difficult stage is, oddly enough, preparatory. The most difficult to choose a mutually suitable pair of "flash drive - program". If you managed to pick up such a couple, then with a probability of 99%, everything will be further completed safely.

Why is it so hard to do? Yes, simply, because no means get information. Since the "flashing" of the controller is not included in the concept of "ordinary work" with a flash drive, then manufacturers do not consider it necessary to indicate such little interesting details (why do you, miserable?!? ;-)). Moreover, quite mentally put yourself in place of a large manufacturer of flash drives, to understand that this is not even hopeful, "the internal constancy" of products does not even hope - he (producer) produces them with millions of pieces, while he must care about Continuous delivery to the market. It follows from this that he has been concluded dozens of contracts with various firms producing controllers, memory chips and other electronic "stuffing". Today, one specific model of the flash drive is released on the controller A-001, in a month the same model (!), In exactly the same case (!) It will be issued with the B-002 controller, and even six months later, when the previous supplier controllers will have problems on Production, the relay will capture another firm, offering its new controller E-030. Of course, sooner or later, service utilities appear even for the newest types of controllers, but how much time will pass between the beginning of the sales of flash drives on this controller and the appearance on the Internet suitable for it, only the Lord God know the Chinese computer pirates ;-)

From here there are three possible strategies for our searches:

  • obtained every one bought by another, colleague, or issued to the supply department of the USB flash drive to an hour, and check it with a special program (which one - I will tell below). The flash drive from this will not suffer and all the information on it will remain safe and preservation. If we see that the controller is exactly the one we need, we immediately find out from a friend / colleague / supplier where the flash drive was purchased and go there to buy myself the same.
  • to search for us information on the Internet (for example, on the phrase "controller +" model of the flash drive "). Sometimes people are in specialized forums, describing this or that flash drive, indicate the model of the controller. Here, however, you should be attentive and look at the date of publication - if the description of the flash drive is found by the flash drive older than half a year, then the likelihood that even having bought such a flash drive, you will greatly be upset, for it will be already on a completely different controller.
  • from time to time to buy one by one liked flash drive, checking it on the existence of a desired controller and, further, to act according to paragraph 1. Explicit disabilities of this method are high time and money.

Most preferred for beginner swaries ... oh, no - programmers are flash drives on "SMI" controllers. Controllers "Phison" are flashing a little more complicated, but, in general, it is also not bad, but with Alcor and SSS controllers, it is better not to get involved. In relation to the brands of flash drives, the "A-Data" and "Apacer" products (most), Kingston and Transcend (smaller part) are the greatest interest.

If you are in principle, you do not want to spend time and money in search of the desired model of the flash drive, and you want to "reflash" by anything, try to search for an appropriate program "Firmware" here: and here :. The site specified first is USBDEV.ru - contains a more complete and detailed file archive, and the likelihood of finding the latest version of the desired program here is much higher. At the same time, its "fullness" and the saturation of information have the opposite direction - a newcomer, as a rule, it happens very hard to decide which software from the available on the site he really needs. The site specified by the second is FlashBoot.ru - has a simpler structure and a pretty pretty look, however, it is not a fact that you are here, firstly, you can find the program you need, and secondly, this program will be the freshest. Also, when selecting the desired software, we should not forget that both specified sites are devoted to USB media. at all, Therefore, programs that give the opportunity to "turn" flash drives in CD / DVD-ROM, no way is not specifically separated and are not sorted by anyone, lost in the total mass of their colleagues, designed to restore flash drives, monitoring, diagnosing media, low-level formatting, Downloads from flash drives and other things.

Demonstration equipment

As a "experimental rabbit", I chose an eight-babybital flash drive "Transcend Jetflash 520s". Why did I make a choice in favor of this particular flash drive? Everything is simple:

  • since I decided to combine useful with ... useful - write this article and create for your needs a new repair flash drive-DVD-ROM, first of all drew attention to the type of hull. This model of the flash drive, the entire electronic filling is placed in a sealed all-metal case, the connector is made at the same time with the case, which, you see, it is important for the "workhorse", which is constantly carrying with you. There are no static discharges, lost or forgotten caps, bent connector - even from the penetration of moisture and is protected (although I personally did not check ;-)).
  • i have an ISO image that I was going to "fill" on the USB flash drive, occupies a volume of about 3.3 gigabytes, so, of course, it would be possible to do with a four-year-bibyte, but the flash drives are less than 8 gigabytes in such a performance. .
  • and finally, the most important thing - I managed to find information that this model of the flash drive is currently produced on the basis of one of the modifications of the "SMI" controller - just what you need!

The flash drive comes in a small cardboard box, inside which are located: a brief instruction, insert with promotional information and a transparent blister, in which, in turn, the actual flash drive and the branded TRANSCEND strap (cute, but extremely short, clearly intended to increase the convenience Manipulations with a flash drive, but not for wearing):

The flash drive itself is not to say that it is full-size, but not miniature - overall dimensions (length * width * thickness in millimeters): 37 * 12 * 4.5. In general, "Slim" ;-)

Definition of the controller model

First, let's create any of the local discs of your computer. working folderIn which we will place all the programs you need for "flashing". You can rename a freshly created folder to your taste, but keep in mind that the name of this folder should not contain gaps and Russian letters. As an example, I will use the "USBREFLASH" folder on the local disk "C" of my computer. It will not hurt to immediately make this folder to exclude your anti-virus, since, for example, my watching "Watchman" "Dr.Web" EP ". At the first appeal to this folder, it moved about a third part of the program modules in Quarantine, calculating them" Potentially dangerous "and" possibly infected ".

After we have decided on a working folder, run the browser existing in the system (in my case - " Mozilla Firefox.") And in the address bar, do the following :. On the opening page, click on the below link "Download program" (2). The archive suggested for downloading occupies the amount of approximately 3 megabytes, after unpacking the folder with the program will take a little more space - about 4.5 megabytes.

After that, go to the download folder (its location depends on the settings of your browser), we find the USBFLASHINFO archive and using any archiver available in the system to unpack it in a previously created "USBREFLASH" folder. As a result of this, the "USBFLASHINFO" folder appears in our working folder and text file "File_id.diz" containing a brief description of the version of the program. Since this file is not needed for the program to work and only the "Caraite of Eyes", with a calm conscience we remove it.

Next, go to the "USBFLASHINFO" subdirectory and run from there the only exe-sink file "getflashinfo.exe". A program window opens with the text of the warning and one-only button "Get a flash drive information" (see Figure):

We connect the flash drive available at our disposal to the free USB port.

Before taking next steps, carefully read the warning! The program shows you on each launch, and I will additionally remind you here. The main condition for the successful and secure completion of the diagnostic procedure is lack of access to flash driveThat is, before starting and during the diagnostic process itself, you should not read anything or record from the flash drive or flash drive. Nasty (very nasty! :-)) When you click on the "Get Floshke Information" button, the program is rudely "cut off" to all the rest of those who want access to the flash drive, and that after that it will happen with the data available on the flash drive (if they are, of course, there There are), no one knows. As you understand, this is especially important if the test flash drive is not yours, and, in addition, the information is important for its present owner, which you do not have the right to risk the safety. Please note that some antiviruses ("Kaspersky" and others), acting "by default", have been rushed from all legs to check the only flash drive, so it is better to either wait for the completion of this process, or if the information on the flash drive is very Many and check is delayed, interrupt it through the antivirus menu.

So, we make sure that no one works with the flash drive at the moment, and click the "Get Flashkeeper Information" button. If everything is in order with the flash drive and nothing prevented the diagnostic program to finish your work to the end, the main window of the program will be filled with a data flash drive resulting. In the second line from above, the model of the controller will be indicated on which the experimental flash drive is collected (in this case, "Silicon Motion SM3257 ENBA"):

For the future, you should keep in mind that the developers of the USBFLASHINFO program are trying to "keep up" over time, so you can easily encounter a situation where the program downloaded several months ago, upon subsequent launch refuses to work and ask you to download the updated version. - It is not necessary to worry or scared it, the money developers do not require money (in any case, while ;-)), so neglected the update is not aboutiT.

Search service utility

So, we managed to determine specific model The controller on which our flash drive is collected. Now it's time to make a search for a suitable program "Firmware". I hope you have not forgotten the address of the wonderful site -? As I said, when visiting this site, you can easily get lost among the software presented on it, so I give a hint - the main service utility for working with flash drives on the "SMI" controllers is called "SMI MPTOOL". Despite the same name, this program exists in a variety of versions and modifications that are characterized by the support of certain models of controllers and memory microcircuits. Therefore, it is necessary not just to download the latest version, and make sure that it supports your controller model.

To search for the need for us, we again run the browser existing in the system and type in the address bar ::

Slowly "scrolling" the page that opened the page, pay attention to the ongoing and number of the production utility of the model of supported controllers specified in square brackets. I remind you that in this case we are interested in a string containing. After the desired string is found, download this version of the utility, clicking on the word "download" in the found line:

We find among downloads a freshly surrounded archive with the service utility and using any archiver available in the system unpack it in the previously created "USBReflash" folder. After unpacking, the "SMI_MPTOOL_V.2.5.27_V8_M1004_3257ENBA" subdirectory appears in our working folder with the program files and the text file "README.TXT" with reference to the source site. Since no practical value file "readme.txt" does not represent, simply delete it so as not to climb the working folder.

In principle, at this stage you can stay, but, despite the fact that the name of the folder with the program and is "correct" from the point of view of the program itself (that is, it does not contain gaps and symbols of Cyrillic), I would advise to convenience a few shorten the name of the folder , Before, for example, this: "SMI_MPTOOL_3257ENBA". I repeat - the program "Firmweller" will greatly start and will work even without renaming the folder in which it is stored, so the purpose of renaming is only a desire to slightly facilitate the user orientation in the working folder.

Edit configuration file

At first I wanted to call this section " Creature The configuration file, "however, he remembered that the configuration file itself, although being unsuitable for our purpose, is still present in the folder with the service program, so called the section" Edit configuration file. "

So what is this file, why is it necessary and, most importantly, how to edit it?

The configuration file is a simple text file called "Default.ini" and containing instructions for the "Firmware" program that what kind of method You need to "flash" the flash drive controller. Since the configuration file, despite the unusual (in the view of a non-specialist), the extension ".ini", as already mentioned, is an ordinary text file, it can be edited even with the help of standard Windows "Ovsky text editor "Notebook". True, the occupation is ungrateful and complicated for beginners, so we will make changes to the configuration file directly through the program of the program "Firmware" in which, exclusively for this purpose, a special button is provided (Well done, Chinese!). In general, the need for its editing is explained by the fact that the configuration file coming in a set with the service utility is intended primarily to restore the working capacity of ordinary flash drives, so no possibility for the "transformation" of the standard flash drive in the CD / DVD disk drive "by default "Does not provide.

To make changes to the configuration file, we go to the folder with the service utility - "SMI_MPTOOL_3257ENBA" - and run from there a single executable file - "SM32XTEST_V27-8.EXE":

Before us opens the main window of the service utility, in which we need consistently:

  • press the "SETTING" button at the right edge of the program window (1);
  • in the password input window that opens, dial: "320" ( without quotes!) (2);
  • confirm entry by clicking on the "OK" button (3):

If you leave the password box empty or enter any combination of letters and numbers, the program will still give you the opportunity to view the current settings, but it will not be allowed to edit them - have it in mind. After we entered the correct password to change the settings, a window will open in which we will be offered to select a configuration file (2) from the program already available in the folder (1) or specify the path to the configuration file (in the event that you saved it Somewhere "Night"), confirming the choice by pressing the "OK" button (3):

Nothing prevents you from creating several different configuration files with time so that you select the most suitable for your specific task before starting work. The program, immediately after starting, "default" works with the "Default.ini" file, located in the program folder, so it should not be renamed nor delete this file. Here it should be noted that the mechanism for changing configuration files in the "SMI MPTOOL" program is not implemented too successfully. If necessary, change the configuration file to some other used "by default", you will need to open this "other" file to edit exactly the same way, as described above, but not to make any changes and simply click on the "OK" button . After that, the program "thinks" for a few seconds, and when "comes to itself", the file you selected will be installed as a worker. Determine which configuration file is used in currentlyYou can, while looking at the header of the working program window, in the center of which, limited from both sides, the symbols of the insecurity, the name of the currently active configuration file will be indicated, for example: "___ default.ini ___". It should be remembered that when saving either creating configuration files, they are distributed exactly the same requirements as those that are presented to the program itself - the file name ( and all the way to him!) It must be as short as possible, should not contain spaces and symbols of the Russian alphabet.

Since the topic of creating several configuration files, as well as finding out the differences between them, go beyond the scope of this article, I will not dwell on it in detail on this, but I will simply describe what changes should be made to the available configuration file "Default.ini" in order to After the "flashing" of the controller, the USB flash drive began to be defined as a CD / DVD drive. After you by performing all the previous steps, open the file "default.ini" for editing, a window with a multitude of settings will appear before your view (see Figure):

All settings contained on the first tab of the window called "Main Flow Setting" ("My Basic Settings") - and we are still interested in only one of this tab - it can be divided into five groups:

  • extended USB device identifiers (1);
  • abbreviated USB device identifiers (2);
  • uSB device type (3);
  • uSB device indication (4);
  • actually setting "flashing" (5).

From the first group of settings, we will need only two lines - "Vendor Str" ("Manufacturer Name") and "Product Str" ("Product Name"). In principle, the information contained in them only affects what "name" your flash drive after the "flashing" will appear in the Windows Explorer window and in the boot menu Bios.. Full "name" flash drive will be displayed as: "Manufacturer's name" Space "Product Name" . When filling out these fields, Latin letters, numbers and even a space character are allowed. Since I create blood flash drive In the form of a CD / DVD drive to repair broken computers, the ISO image, which I plan to "fill" on the flash drive, is called "Repair" ("Restore"). Accordingly, it will be more convenient for me if my repair flash drive be marked as "Repair USB Disk". So, in the "Vendor Str" field, I need to enter the word "Repair" (without quotes), and leave the "Product Str" field as it is. Of course, you can change the contents of these fields to your taste, for example, perpetuating your name in the name of the flash drive: "ETO SDELAL VOVA" ;-)

In the second group of settings, we only need to duplicate the manufacturer's name and the name of the product exactly in the same form as you entered it earlier. In the same group there is a "switch" of the USB Power flash drive consumed, but I would not advise you to use it, and that's why. A real, "physical" current consumed by flash drive depends directly from the design features of the flash drive itself and cannot be changed in any way. The value defined by this "as if the switch" only reports the system how powerful equipment is connected and can I find the ability to "save" on its nutrition. It follows that this situation is quite possible when the flash drive physically consumes, let's say, 300 mA, and you manually set the value of 200 mA, with the result that the system when connecting the flash drive considers that "has the right to lower the current strength to the current 200 mA, and The flash drive, of course, will stop working. Therefore, it is better not to guess some crumbs, but to leave here a standard value of 500 mA, which is more than enough for the absolute majority of flash drive models.

In the third group, we are interested in the Disk Type fields ("Disc Type") and "Disk Label" ("Disk Tag"). For our purpose in the "Disk Type" field ("Disk Type" field) should be the value of "USB-ZIP"; And in the Disk Label field ("Disk Tag") you must repeat (yes, for the third time!) What you specified in the "Product Str" fields (from the first group) and "Product" (from the second group ).

The fourth group of settings is responsible for changing the light indication of the flash drive, and it is not necessary to change anything.

Finally, the fifth group of settings presents the greatest interest for us. Here are collected parameters directly related to the "flashing" process:

  • "BOOT BLK" - the boot sector. By default, the "Galka" stands, but the file is not selected. The role does not play for us.
  • "Erase Info" - erase all the information. By default, "Galka" is not. The role does not play for us, because when "flashing" all information on the flash drive will be lost in any case.
  • "PRETEST" - " perdvuritian test" This refers to the test of the flash drive cells. By default, the "Galka" stands, the option "Erase Good Block Only" is selected ("Pull only good blocks"). Flashki, like hard disks, in the manufacture of full memory testing pass, as a result of which unstable memory blocks are detected and marked in a special way in order to eliminate their further use. If the "Erase Good Block Only" method is selected, the flash drive controller does not overwrite the table "bad" blocks created at the factory and tests only those blocks that have been labeled as "good." Some old types of controllers are "not cleaned" to implement such a method in practice, therefore, when there are problems with "flashing", you can change the value of this parameter to the "Erase All Block" ("Sat all blocks"). This will slow down the "flashing" process, but maybe can help if problems occur.
  • "Write CID" - "Method of recording information." By default, "Tsop Standard Type" is selected as a method, which is standard for all modern flash drives and does not require replacement for any other way.
  • "Download ISP" - "Download a specific type of" firmware ". By default, the "Galka" stands, but the file is not selected. The item does not make much sense - if the program "identifies" the connected USB flash drive, then it will select the appropriate type of "firmware" itself; If not - then you can choose something manually in our particular case, since you can't really "cock the flash drive."
  • "Copy Test" - make a preliminary test of copying information on the USB flash drive. By default, the "dank" stands, the amount of information to be copied is selected in the amount of 2% of the bar. For us, this item does not play a special role - in order to once again ensure the flash drive, it can be left included; To speed up the "flashing" process, it can be turned off.
  • "Make Auto Run" - "Create Startup". Not quite accurate name, since it is the inclusion of this item (a "dank") gives us the opportunity to download the ISO image of the desired disk to the flash drive during the "flashing". After the item becomes active, the field is relevant to enter the path to the ISO image. In my case, this path looks like this: "D: \\ ISO \\ REPAIR.ISO". Please note that the path to the image, as well as the name of the image itself, should differ with the maximum brevity, the absence of Cyrillic characters and spaces! The activation of the "CDROM only" subparagraph includes such a mode in which the free space left on the flash drive is blocked (up to subsequent "flashing") and becomes inaccessible to use. Deactivation of this subparagraph, respectively, allows you to use the remaining free space as an ordinary removable disk, that is, one physical flash drive will be determined by the system as a composite device from an external CD / DVD drive and a conventional flash drive. I want to add from myself that, despite the seeming temptation similar methodconcluding that you are allowed to use the whole volume of honestly paid flash drive, this method It is fraught with problems in the future, since not all computers can be loaded through the BIOS with such a "composite" flash drive. Personally, I am ready to sacrifice the remaining half of the flash drive for the sake of maximum compatibility, so I activate this item. If you still chose an option with a "composite" device, you can immediately install the formatting mode of the remaining flash drive mode and select the file system type.
  • "Preload" - "Preload". By default, the "dank" is missing and this item is inactive. It is not required to change its state. Activation of this item involves a simple recording of some of your data on the flash drive during the "flashing" process - about the same way as you do with the help of the usual Windows "Explorer". Of course, such a data load is possible only if you not Create a CD-ROM or, at least, leave a free space on the flash drive (see the previous item). It is asked, why add this option to the settings? What, after the "flashing" of the flash drives to write data "ordinary" method will not be? Of course it is possible. But only they will not be protected from change. That is why the program developers have added this item in the settings and the following, which is called ...
  • "Disk Read ONLY" - "Disc only for reading." By default, "Galka" is not worth it. With regard to our task, the special role does not play, since the CD / DVD, which turned out after the "flashing" of the flash drive, even with the inactive "Disk Read Only" parameter, will still be "read only." But in the event that you do not create a CD-ROM on the flash drive section or plan to record some arbitrary information on the remaining place, the activation of this item will help you protect it from unauthorized change.
  • "Test Result Led Flash" - "Check results". By default, the "Galka" stands. It is advisable to leave this item active to once again make sure that the process of "flashing" ended properly.

As a result of all solarms with the settings, you should have about the following (here the items that I considered to change are highlighted in red; Of course, in your particular case, the settings may differ from mine):

After all the necessary changes are made, we must save the configuration file. To do this, click on the "Save As" button located at the right edge of the lower edge of the settings window (1), after which in the standard window that opens, select the already existing file "Default.ini" (2) and click on the "OK" button (3) :

I remind you that if you do not want to "spoil" the original file "Default.ini" for any reason, then you can save it under a different name, for example "forcdrom.ini". If you decide to overwrite an existing configuration file, then after clicking on the OK button, you will open another window in which you will be asked to confirm the replacement of the file. In any of these cases, after executing the described actions, the settings selection window closes, and the program will automatically switch to work with the updated configuration file (If you create a new configuration file - before restarting).

After the configuration file is edited properly, you can proceed directly to the "flashing" process.

"Flashing" flash drive controller

Before the start of "flashing" (and even better, at all, before connecting the flash drive), it is extremely desirable to suspend the operation of the antivirus. Yes, yes, I, of course, remember that you have already added our working folder to exclude an antivirus, however, and you do not forget that in the process of "flashing" the service utility will have to contact "to the side" - where the specified in the settings is stored File-image, and braking by anti-virus monitor of the data stream, "pouring" from one disk to another, is fraught with the emergence of the most unforeseen errors. The work of everyone else applied softwarenot related to the process of "flashing" should also be completed. Additionally, I will note that it is very rare and not on all computers, but, nevertheless, it happens that the user's forgotten and not in time activated during the process of "flashing" the function of energy saving monitor, hard drives, motherboard, as well as the inclusion of the screensaver, lead To the impossibility of its correct completion. Therefore, instead of risking and check in practice with an unpredictable flash drive, "that" you have a computer, I would advise you to temporarily disable all the functions of energy saving for the above devices, and the screensaver or also turn off, or put a larger interval The triggering is at least one hour. During this time, firstly, you will be accomplished any actions in any case; Secondly, it becomes clear how great the chances of the success of our event are.

After work antivirus program Suspended, the energy-saving functions of the "iron" are disabled, and the time before responding to the screensaver, we insert the appropriate flash drive to the free USB port:

Run the program "Firmware". If the Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 operating system is installed on your computer, then use the "Run from the administrator" function. Since I have an old good Windows XP, then I won't care without such problems and simply launch the program file to execute. Before us opens the main window of the service utility:

First of all, click using the "Mouse" button "Scan USB" ("Scan USB Ports") located at the right edge of the program window, in the middle (1). The same effect can be achieved by simply pressing the "F5" key on the keyboard. If at the time of pressing the button - on-screen or keyboard - without difference, a suitable flash drive is connected to a computer and nothing interferes with the operation of the program, the following changes will occur in the program window:

  • first, in one of the lines of the list of 16 possible USB ports (this is a scope! :-)), the status of "Ready" will appear ("Ready"), available Flash memory, controller and unique model serial number flash drives (2);
  • secondly, in one of the squares corresponding to the same 16 USB ports, the value will appear general volume flash drives, the low-end index "2" (the second version of the presentation?), and the right and below the main square will appear a small additional, flooded with a blue, corresponding to the same status of the READY controller (3);
  • thirdly, in the lowest information window, the name of the flash drive controller model will appear and the binary firmware corresponding to it is automatically selected by the service utility (4).

If, after clicking the "Scan USB" button, the listed changes have not happened, then this indicates either any physical problems with a flash drive / USB port, or that the program does not know anything "about the connected flash drive at all. Sometimes it also happens that, according to the scanning results, the information fields are filled, but the status of the controller is indicated as "No Ready" or "ISP CAN" T BE Found! " And it is displayed in the font not blue, but a red color (the same color becomes the small additional square in the field of graphical representation (3)). Unlike the previous situation, when the program does not know anything at all about the connected flash drive, it means that the program indicates that the program The flash drive "found out", but in its (program) disposal there is no suitable for this type of binary firmware controller. In this case, it remains only to look for a newer and (or) the appropriate version of the "Firmware" program.

Let's hope that you correctly defined the model of the flash drive controller, with all seriousness reacted to the choice of the service utility and that with USB ports on your computer everything is in order, therefore in the program window in blue, symbolizing inspiration (and what did you know?: -)) Displays the promising status "Ready". This is the last step when you can "painlessly" abandon the "flashing" of the flash drive if you suddenly changed my mind. And if not, you only need to click using the "Mouse" to the "Start" button (the topmost edge of the program window), or that the same thing, press the "Space" key (1) on the keyboard:

After that, in the very first line, in which the "Ready" inscription was concerned before, in the Progress column, the running stroke indicator is like that is standard for Windows (2). Please note that filling and reset it will be again some Once, since the process of "flashing" consists of several consecutive steps (I have not yet forgotten many settings in the configuration file? ;-)), and the indicator shows the current progress eVERY Process in turn. To find out what kind of stage it is currently the "flashing" process, while looking at the second version of the presentation of USB ports in the form of squares. In that square that matches your USB port to which the "flashing" flash drive is connected, a description of the current stage of the "flashing" process (3) will be displayed as a text lettering. In this case, it can be seen that the screen shot was made at the moment when preliminary testing was performed, the "test" inscription on the background of the first square was expressed. In the lower right corner of the program, the meter has been displayed since the start of the "flashing" of time in seconds (4).

Keep in mind that the process of "flashing" and, moreover, writing a file image requires a considerable time - sometimes up to several tens of minutes. Despite the fact that the data transfer rate over the USB bus is toughly regulated by the relevant standards, during the execution of the "flashing process" process, there is an influence of many factors as explicit (the number of steps with "flashing", the USB port standard, the ISO image), so and hidden (configuration and characteristics of the computer's disk subsystem, parallel execution system processes, Modification of the controller). In any case, you should be patient and in no way interpret the "flashing" process if the counter continues to count the seconds, the indicator scale let it slowly, but moves, and on the square, symbolizing the USB port, the inscriptions are replaced. Of course, if, for example, for an entire hour, "TEST" is not replaced by the inscription "Load" ("Download"), and the indicator either stands on the spot, or cyclically filled / reset, and it will have to make a sad conclusion about That "flashing" at the moment failed and emergency to complete the work of the program. But, I repeat, it is - extreme The case to resort to which without the extreme need and explicit evidence of the "hanging" of the "flashing" process should not be.

Evidence of the successful completion of the "flashing" process is the "reset" progress indicator, the stopped time counter and, most importantly, the emergence of two green squares with the inscription "OK" in the graphical representation field and in the upper right corner of the program:

As you can see, on mine. Computer "Rebuild" 8 gigabyte flash drives with preliminary testing and an ISO image record with a volume of 3.3 gigabytes occupied a little more than 13 minutes and completed quite successfully.

After the "OK" long-awaited inscriptions "OK" are "OK" in the window of the service utility safe In the way you remove our flash drive.

Remember - at the first moment after the "flashing" requires only safe extraction Flash drives with a mandatory pretresting device!

Check the results

Suppose you did everything right and the process of "flashing" successfully completed, after which you turned off safe way USB flash drive and removed it from the USB connector socket. What's next? And then we have to check the result of "flashing", having experienced our flash drive in action. Therefore, without postponing the case in a long box (as a rule, the human nature is arranged in such a way that you want to quickly see the result of your work), we will proceed to trials. To do this, we reiterate our test flash drive to the computer:

But what do we see? A computer that has long been "familiar" with our flash drive (he determined it even with the first connection itself and installed the appropriate driver), just worked with her and in which we, after just a few seconds, re-inserted it, tells us about The fact that "new equipment found" is not a flash drive at all, but at first it's about a certain "REPAIR USB DISK USB Device", and then it is specified that this device refers to the CD / DVD-DVD Class!

Now let's see how this device is displayed in the standard Windows "Ovsky" My Computer "window:

Obviously, it is assigned to the class of "devices with removable carriers", And is displayed as a CD / DVD drive (in my case, it is assigned the letter" G: ") with a" REPAIR "disk inserted into it.

Do you still have doubts that the drive is "not real"? Then let's look at its properties:

From what is demonstrated by the operating system in the properties window this device, you can make an unambiguous conclusion that the drive is the most "real", with file system CDFS, which is a "calling card" of real CDs, and the complete lack of free space for recording.

And how is his work with security? Maybe a flash drive only "pretending" a CD / DVD drive, but actually remains accessible to everyone and every standard carrier with arbitrary access? For an answer to this question, let's write a certain arbitrary file on it (I will try to copy the file "readme.txt" from the archive with the program- "Firmware"):

Does not work! We are politely, but firmly make it clear that this one, with the permission to say, "disk" - "read-only" and copy or move files to it. Well, I really, I repeat the standard windows message? Has themselves, have never seen? ;-)

Thus, it turns out that we really have "turned" a flash drive in a CD / DVD drive, on the way once again realizing that it is now really recognized by the system as a real CD / DVD drive and record or change stored on it (or all So "on it"?) There are no opportunities for files, but - I hope you have not yet forgotten? - We are also interested in another important feature of our "reflashing" flash drive, namely - the ability to upload a computer from it through the BIOS. Therefore, ahead of us is waiting for the last and most important stage of verification.

We leave the USB flash drive connected to the computer and reboot it. At the time of the BIOS firmware, "and call the boot menu (as a rule, by pressing one of the" f + digit "type keys - which particularly depends on the developer of your computer's motherboard) and we are convinced that our flash drive is present in the list of devices from which You can boot:

After confirming our choice by pressing the "ENTER" key, we make sure that the computer really booted from our flash drive (of course, the resulting as a result of this "picture" monitor will depend on what ISO image you have chosen to write to Process "flashing"):

Congratulations - you not only became the best owner of a unique flash drive, but also mastered the method of making such flash drives!

Possible problems and ways to solve them

Despite the fact that SMI controllers are one of the most reliable and thoughtful, during such a delicate and non-standard process, as "flashing", it is possible to occur a wide variety of errors and problems. I sincerely wish you a successful completion of each "flashing", but if it still happens that the process will end with an error either will not be completed at all ("hangs"), I hope you can help this section in which I tried to collect descriptions and Possible ways to solve the most common problems. At the same time, I ask not to consider the material set out here, as a "truth in the last instance." One Man who owns one (Well, let's say, even two and three) computers, and "re-overwhelmed" only two dozen flash drives from thousands available, it is simply physically impossible to "catch" all possible "glitches" and "bugs", arising because of the greatest variety of combinations of hardware -Program configurations of computers, models of flash drives and controllers, as well as differences in the experience of their owners. Therefore, this situation is quite possible when you, in the process of implementing the actions described in this article, will face a certain problem, and I, in turn, can not help you. In this case, I can advise the search for information about the problem on the Internet, set the appropriate issue on specialized forums (at least on the two sites mentioned at the beginning - i), consult with more experienced comrades, or try to implement these actions on another computer (on work, familiar ...).

So now directly description possible problems And ways to solve them:

Description of the problem Clarification Possible reason Method of solution
Service utility not "sees" USB flash driveThe operating system also does not "see" the USB flash drivePhysical fault flash driveReplace flash drive
USB physical malfunctionConnect a flash drive to another USB port
Failure of the "Southern Bridge" of the motherboardRepair or replace the motherboard
Support for USB devices is disabled at the BIOS level "AEnable in BIOS "E Support for USB devices
The corresponding USB controller is disabled at the operating system levelEnable a USB controller (for example, via "Device Manager")
Not installed at all installed inappropriate drivers for motherboardCheck and, if necessary, update the drivers for the motherboard
Flashke lacks food:
  1. in the next USB socket connected an energy-intensive device (for example, USB speakers);
  2. the USB flash drive is connected to the USB socket on the front panel system Block;
  3. the flash drive is connected through the extension
  1. temporarily disable an additional device;
  2. connect a USB flash drive to the USB socket on the back of the system unit (directly to the motherboard);
  3. replace the extension to a shorter or connect a flash drive to a computer "directly"
The operating system "sees" a flash driveTemporarily disable antivirus defense, as well as the unnecessary current software, working in the "background" mode (for example, using "msconfig")
The connected flash drive is incompatible with the service utility usedReplace a flash drive to compatible or update software
The service utility "recognizes" the USB flash drive, but can not work with itOne of the following messages is issued:
"No Ready"
The service utility cannot choose a file with firmware suitable for this model.Choose support this type Controller Software
The service utility is "reset" or "freezes" during the workThe problem occurs at the same stage of the "flashing" processThe configuration file is set features that are not supported by this model of the controller.
  1. check and if necessary, make changes to the configuration file by selecting more appropriate parameters;
  2. cancel execution of this step during the "flashing" process by making an appropriate item in the configuration file inactive (if possible!)
The integrity of the ISO image recorded on the flash drive is impaired in the process of "flashing"Check the integrity of the ISO image used, if necessary, update or replace it
The problem arises at different stages of the "flashing" process.The operation of the service utility is hampered by the activated power saving functions of the computer components.Disable or suspend the operation of all the functions of energy saving (both software and hardware)
The work of the service utility is hampered by activity antivirus Tools or other third-partyTemporarily disable antivirus protection, as well as unnecessary at the moment software, operating in the "background" mode
The service utility has insufficiently system rights to perform actionTo start the program "on the administrator" and (or) "in Windows XP compatibility mode"
The "flashing" process is completed with an errorA message is issued: "Bad Block Over Setting"The revealed number of unstable blocks of flash memory exceeds the maximum allowable set value.
  1. open a configuration file for editing and on the "Capaciti Setting" tab to set the value of the "Bad Block" parameter of 100;
  2. in the configuration file, set the value of the parameter "Pretest" equal to "Erase All Block";
  3. at the same time, take advantage of the recommendations from paragraph 1 and paragraph 2
A message is issued: "Bad Block Over Setting (User ...\u003e FW ...)» An incorrigible error associated with flash memory
  1. use specialized software (for example, the Utility "DYNA");
  2. replace flash drive to better (recommended!)

In the courtyard - the twenty-first century, information carriers so much that you can easily get confused. Sometimes there are situations when you need to rewrite from one carrier necessary information another. Then the question arises in our heads: how to rewrite from the disk to the disk or from the disk on the flash drive and so on? It was for this reason that we decided to write a small manual for census from one carrier to another.

Of course, we will not consider the simplest options for the "computer - flash drive" or vice versa. We are more interested in the question: how to rewrite from the disk to the disk or from the cassette to the disk? The second option is the most in demand, since there are many records on video tags that I would like to save.


Many wonder: how to rewrite the necessary information from the disk to disk? We offer this question to consider right now.

To rewrite from disk to disk, a special program is needed. Now there are quite a lot of them: both paid, and free. What even a novice user PC will cope with? The most common among them are Nero, which are quite a lot now, different versions, paid and free, Ashampoo Burning Studio and Imgburn. As for Nero, Versions 6 and 8 are most suitable for beginners. They are very easy to use and fully Russified.

What should be done? First, install the program to your computer, following the installer prompts. We offer to get acquainted with the program Ashampoo Burning Studio. First insert the disk that you need to copy, select "Copy" in the main program window. When reading is completed, you need to insert a clean drive, click the "Write" button. The recording process will take place for a short time. Next will pop up the window that everything went successfully, you need to click "OK". All, you coped with your work. Agree that everything is extremely simple. This program has a clear interface, a large stock of the tools, believe it is still useful for you. In addition, this software product is absolutely free.

Flash drive

With the help of all the same program we will analyze the question of how to rewrite from the flash drive to the disk. There is nothing easier, follow the instructions - and everything will turn out:

  1. Create on your computer new folder.
  2. Insert the USB flash drive and copy what you need, in this folder.
  3. If you want to record music, then you need to insert a clean drive, open the program and select the "Record or Convert Music" item, then "Create a CD".
  4. You have opened a window where you need to insert the files that need to be recorded on the disk. When the list is formed, click "Next" - "write down".

As you can see, everything is quite simple, use this tip-instruction - and you will never have difficulty.


How much is the digitization of video tapes in the salons? 200-300 rubles per hour. Now look at how much you would like to keep video records. True, go for these services is unprofitable? That is why we will now teach how to rewrite from the cassette to the disk all that you want, spending no more than 1.5 thousand rubles for it.

What will we spend this money? For special equipment called TV tuner. It is both an external (for a laptop) and internal (for a stationary computer). We will also need a tape recorder, a set of wires (usually come complete with a TV tuner). For external we need yusb and bells, for internal - only the second.

We connect a TV tuner, install software and drivers (drives always come in the kit). We run the program and insert the cassette, press the "Start". Now it is worth adjusting the clarity of the image. A picture appeared on the monitor, very fuzzy, blurry, click on it right-click Mice and select the Channel Settings item. After we got the quality you need, we wind the cassette at the beginning and start recording, click on the button with a circle. Now video is written to your computer. After the recording is over, click "Stop".

All, the video is in the memory of your computer. Now you can rewrite it to the disk, how to do it, we have already spoken and look at some programs later. Note that sometimes empties are formed in the received record, that is, there are no places where there are no entries. How to get rid of it? Using installation programs and trimming a video, but this is a slightly different topic, we will not deviate from our deviation.


This topic is very brief, because everything is extremely clear here. Did you write an interesting video on the phone and want to save these points on the disk? To do this, we need a computer, Yusb-cord from your phone and disk. Sequence of your actions:

  • Connect the phone to the computer.
  • Find you files you need.
  • Save them in the memory of the computer.
  • Insert disk.
  • Use one of the CD or DVD records.


Now we will look at one of the most sought-after programs. How to rewrite the DVD disk on the disk? Very simple, use the multi-function multimedia center Nero. It is capable not only to record disks, but also to edit, read, play, create, copy. This product is often used to protect multimedia libraries, as it has a backup function.

This software product is in itself simply a lot of opportunities, and an extremely understandable interface allows you to perform even very complex beginners tasks.


We have already reviewed two software productshelping us in question record. We suggest reading you a few words about the possibilities of another utility - Imgburn. How to rewrite a CD? In this issue, our product can help. This program has a big advantage - it is free, that is, more sought-after. Capabilities:

  • Recording CD and DVD with images.
  • Creating an ISO from folders on hard drives.
  • Supports work with two-layer DVD.
  • Many types of images are supported.

Diagnostics floppy disk is free. Enter, let's see.

Good day Tell me please if I can restore contacts in the telegram deleted by chance

Hello, Inga, geographical position does not matter, we can recover floppy disks, even if you are in another country. To do this, we can organize you courier from the transport company. If you are in Berlin, we will give you an address in Europe where you can send a floppy disk to us come to us for diagnostics.

Data diskettes will send you by email. We are waiting for your application, and then we will write to you instructions, how to be.

Restore data from diskettes 5.25. Delivery is not needed. I am in Moscow and I can bring it myself.

20 Sep 2017, 17:40

Hello, I live in Berlin, I need to postpone information with a zip-floppy disk, will you help me help?

Thanks for the restoration of my old articles, thanks to you, I got valuable information from my archives, thanks to the big novel and your agency - did everything quickly !!!

01 Sep 2015, 11:31

Good day!
I saw information on your site that you transfer information from old diskettes to other media. There is a need to read two..5 ", 720kb 2DD format from old equipment and transfer information from them to an SD card.
Is it possible to implement this?

Transferring files from floppy floppy disks 5.25 "to any media, only 4 floppy disks.
Address Moscow. Tel 89035795294.

Webstar Studio.
09 Sep 2014, 13:57

Konstantin, fill in the application where you specify your email address.

09 Sep 2014, 13:43

Digitization of text with floppy disk

Yes, floppy disks and floppy disks that are poorly read are subject to recovery. You need to bring them to the diagnosis.

I have viruses on diskettes, and some are poorly read if you can transfer files to a normal flash drive?


Call tel. + 7-916-177-60-96 and bring floppy disks to diagnose, you can bring a flash drive or we simply send you a detection diskette. mail.

Hello, I have 2HD floppy disk -20 pcs. I want to postpone the information on the modern carrier. Is it possible? I am in Moscow. Thank you

Yes, send floppy disks to the Russian Post, and if you are in Moscow, bring to M. Strachnaya Station, we will take for free for diagnostics.

I have 2 floppy disks and hDD. I need to transfer the desktop from the old hard disk On the flash drive (dissertation folder), as well as transfer files from a floppy disk. One of the diskettes opens empty, what to do?

Yes, if files are subject to recovery, they can be restored using specialized programs, while the part of the text may be damaged. In any case, send us files to check the ability to restore if you yourself managed to transfer them to disks.

I have damaged Vordic files in the numbers in the amount of 3 pcs. Do you provide services for restoring texts from a floppy disk, I pumped them, but they do not open with me, because Apparently something on the disket is modified or spoiled ...

Sergey, hello

Send a floppy disk by Russian or any other delivery mail. Application fill in the form above. And all that will be copied, we will send you by email.

Hello, I live in Irkutsk, can I take advantage of your diskette recovery services? I have about 30 of them. If so, tell me where to start?

Go to the folder with the files you want to copy. Open the conductor window; To do this click ⊞ Win + E. Scroll to the left panel with a list of disks and folders to find the folder with the necessary files.

  • Custom files are usually stored in the "Documents" folder or "My Documents".
  • If you are looking for photos or music, go to the "Images" or "Music" folder.

Insert the flash drive into the computer's USB port. The desktop USB ports are on the front and / or back panels Cases, and sometimes on the rear panel of the monitor. The USB ports of the laptop are located on the side panels.

Find the folder on the flash drive to which you copy files. They can be copied to any folder on the flash drive.

  • When you connect the drive to the computer, most likely, the pop-up window opens. In it, locate the Open Folder option (or similar) option. Click on this option to go to the root (basic) folder of the flash drive. Files can be copied directly into the root folder or in any subfolder.
  • If the window has not opened, click ⊞ Win + ETo open a new conductor window, and then double-click the name of your USB drive on the left pane. The name will be like this: "USB drive", " Removable drive"Or similar. Also as a name can be the name of the storage manufacturer (for example, SanDisk).
  • Create a new folder and assign a name to it that will correspond to its content. To create a new folder on a flash drive, press Ctrl + ⇧ SHIFT + NAnd then enter a name (for example, "personal", "photos" and the like). Now click ↵ Enter.. Double-click on the new folder to open it.
  • Drag the file (s) from the computer to the USB drive. Open the two windows of the conductor (one with the contents of the computer, and more with the contents of the flash drive), and then drag the file (s) from the computer to the drive; In this case, the source files (on the computer) will not be removed.

    • To highlight several files at once, hold down the CTRL key and click each right file. Now drag selected files to a USB drive.
    • To copy an entire folder to the flash drive, simply drag it into the drive window (as when copying the file).
  • Save the open file directly on the USB drive. If a file is open on a computer, for example, in Word or Photoshop, save it directly on the USB drive (without dragging). To do this, click "File"\u003e Save As »and select the folder to save on the flash drive.

  • Safely remove the drive. Make it to avoid damage to the data on the USB drive.

    • In the lower right corner of the screen near the clock, locate the USB drive icon (perhaps on this icon there will be a green tick). Right-click on the icon and select "Remove" in the menu.
    • When the message "Equipment can be extracted" appears on the screen, disconnect the USB drive from the computer.
  • Unreliable roots 3.5 inches Already practically went to the story. To replace them, they came CD and DVD discs, as well as flash drives, the container of which is many times higher than that of a floppy disk. Almost all stationary modern computers are available without floppy drives. However, sometimes there is a need. extract information from flexible disks.

    Often old floppy disks are simply dusting somewhere in the desktop box, forgotten and unnecessary. But sometimes the moment comes when it turns out that they are important data that needs to be removed. There are often cases when dissertations were recorded on flexible floppy disks, research results, translations and other equally important documents. To continue a few years work on research or book, translation, you need to extract this data from an outdated carrier. Quite often, important information before selling the old computer was recorded on a floppy disk. And in the new computer simply did not have a floppy drive. How to transfer data? Specialists are quite often with such a question, employees of the company are addressed, in which modernization is slow pace. It often turns out that the equipment has already been completely replaced in one department, and the other computers are installed in the other. Also used boot diskettes. But currently it is easier to create a bootable flash card - it is more reliable and durable.

    Removing information from a floppy disk on the old PC

    If Nudo. extract important information from a floppy disk, you can search old computerequipped with a floppy disk. Finding such equipment is quite difficult. But even if the computer is found, some difficulties with copying information may occur: old equipment often does not have USB outputs. Therefore, the information can be rewritten only on the CD. However, with such a carrier, it is still much easier to work than with a floppy disk. Or you can use the PCI-USB adapter.

    2 way - put FDD

    Often the above 1st way is only a temporary solution to the problem, especially in cases where you need to extract information constantly. You can also try install in the system block floppy disk drive. The device is inserted into the system unit and connects to the power supply, as well as to the motherboard. This is possible only in stationary computers, since in laptops there is no place for such equipment. It is worth considering that since 2010 most motherboards no longer have a connector for connecting the drive.

    Connecting a USB drive

    If you failed to find the old working computer with a floppy drive, and constructive features The system unit does not allow you to install an additional device for reading a floppy disk, should not be desirable. In this case, it is worth thinking about the acquisition external FDD drive. When purchasing it is important to clarify that an external FDD drive with a USB interface is needed. Such equipment can not always be found in the stores of computer equipment, but on the Internet at auctions and so-called "flea markets" are fully. There are such devices inexpensive, so it is recommended to purchase not one thing for reliability, and two. The fact is that often an external FDD drive can "capricious": work with interruptions or break after a week of use, so it is better to progress in this case.